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Part Two Essential Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Outline the steps of policy formation.

. Describe in detail the restraints on growth for our government. How have these restraints lessened in recent years? What did Johnsons Great Society accomplish? The great society introduced many new welfare programs including Social Security. It was started by LBJ who declared a War on Poverty. Should the Presidents authority increase? Why or why not? No, because that would cause imbalance with checks and balances. Though he is the leader of the nation, giving one person too much power is potentially dangerous. Do you feel the separation of powers works? Why or why not? It works well enough. Obviously sometimes powers or branches need to collaborate to make something happen, but regardless, the branches are well balanced, and there is no anarchy = no reason to be unhappy.



7. Should there be an amendment that would reduce how much the government can collect in taxes and spend? Why or why not? No, because it is never known what circumstances our country will be under in the future and what steps the government will have to take to maintain the countrys goodstanding and welfare. Taxes should be left up to the government - they will tax reasonably and in good intentions. 8. Do you think the line-item veto should pass? Why or why not? I think it should - it would be easier for bills to get passed in congress, and this would make Americans happier with congress, since they would be doing more. Also, bills wont need to be completely thrown away if only one part is disagreed upon. 9. Should term limits be imposed on all members of Congress? Why or why not?
Yes. The government needs a change in leadership from time to time to keep up with the evolving times. If term limits werent imposed, Congressmen wouldnt understand the newest important changes our country is facing and how they affect policy.

10. What is the purpose of anti-trust policy? To prevent monopoly in the market. The American market economy will only survive with competiton. It will die if inhibited by monopolies. 11. How does the US government attempt to overcome inflation? 12. Why do labor unions usually oppose free trade policies? Labor unions are afraid of competition from non-union businesses that benefit from free trade the most. Despite the economic boom that has coincided with greater international trade, labor unions will continue its fight to "protect" jobs and frustrate free trade initiatives. 13. Which group of people has typically had the highest rates of poverty? African Americans, Hispanic Americans, people living in inner cities, and unmarried women . 14. Why has the Social Security program become endangered in recent years? It is endangered because the rate of recipient of SS is growing rapidly and the rate of the working class who pays for the SS is growing slowly. The kids of the baby boomer generation are growing old and there are not enough people to take care of them. 15. What is the most expensive social welfare program in the US? Social Security 16. Which federal program was designed to provide health care for poor Americans? Medicaid

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