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Confucius Analects - Ch 1 ()

Verse 1 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1

English: Confucius said: "To learn and then practise it time and again is a pleasure, is it not? To have friends come from afar to share each other learning is a
pleasure, is it not? To be unperturbed when not appreciated by others is gentlemanly, is it not?"

Modern: Kngz yu:Xu guo de zhshi nng |ngchng wnxi, bshi hen kuulle mu? Yu gongtng yn|l xuwen de rn cng yunf ng ll, bshi hen kuulle mu? N de
xushi b bel rnzh, b wl trn su l|le, r xnzhng mlyu Bundln yuunhen h qlnn, bshi hen yu xlyng de |nz mu?
2rlglnul: Z yu:Xu r shi xi zh, b yi shu hu? Yupng zi yunfng ll, b yi le h? Rn bzh, r b yn, b yi |nz hu?

Verse 2 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: You Zi said "It is seldom seen that a man of filial piety and brotherly love would be inclined to offend those above. There has never been anyone who does
not have the inclination to offend those above, inclined to create disorder. The gentleman should focus on its basics, once the basicsare strong, the Way will take
shape by itself. Thus, filial piety and brother love forms the roots of benevolence."

Modern: Yu zl shu:Wlrn xluoshn ti ul r xhuo muofun zul shung de, hen sho|lun; b xhuo muofun zul shung zhe r xhuozuoluun de rn, hl cngll mlyu guo.
Jnz zhili yu gnben, gnben queli le, shiw de |ben Duol |l xingchng le. Xluoshn ti ul dugul shi shixing rn de gnben yuodln bu!

2rlglnul: Yu z yu:Oi wlrn ye xluodi, r ho funshung zhe, xln y; b ho funshung, r ho zuoluun zhe, wel zh yu ye. Jnz wu ben, benli r duoshng. Xluodi ye zhe,
qi wel rnzh ben Y!

Verse 3 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Confucius said "A person who sweet-talk and pretentious does not have much benevolence."
Modern: .
Modern: Kngz yu:Mnku shu zhe to rn xhuun dehuu, mn lln zhungzhe to rn xhuun de mlunse, zheyung de rn rn xn|l hen sho.
2rlglnul: Z yu:Oloynlingse, xln y rn!

Verse 4 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Zeng Zi said "Everyday I examine myself on three counts. In what I have undertaken on other's behalf, did I not I not do my best? In my dealings with friends,
have I failed to be trustworthy in what I say? Have I failed to practise repeatedly what I have learned?

Modern: Cng z yu:W mel tln chng snci fnxng w zi|. W ti rn mushi, mlyu |in w de xn mu? W h pngyu xlung|lo, you bxin shi de mu? W su
chunshou yu rn de, yu bshi w zi| su Richng |lngxi de mu?
2rlglnul: Cng z yu:Wu ri sn xngwu shn wlrn mu r b zhng hu? Y pngyu |lo r bxin hu? Chun b xi hu?

Verse 5 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Confucius said "In leading a state of that is capable of sending a thousand chariots, approach your duty with reverrence and be trustworthy, keep
expenditure under proper regulation and love your fellow men, consider the seasons before employing labor.

Modern: Kngz yu:Lngdo yge nng ch qln chng bngch de dugu, lin shi gl |nshen zhun y, you yuo nng shuxin. Gl |lsheng cl yong, y ulrn wl nlun.
Shyong minli, yuo g|i tmen de shngchn shi|ln.
2rlglnul: Z yu:Duo qln chng zh gu, |ing shi r xin, |l yong r ulrn, sh min y shi.

Verse 6 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Confucius said "At home, a young man should be a good son, when outside he should treat others like his brothers, his behavior should be one of
trustworthy and proper, and should love the multitude at large and keep himself close to people of benevolence and morality. If after all these activities, he has any
energy to spare, he should read widely to stay cultivated.

Modern: Kngz yu:Diz zul|l z |lng xluoduo, chmn z |n di zhi, yn hng dung |nshen xinshi, dui rn dng fun ul, r qn qi yu rn d zhe. Ruc xlxing yu yuli, zul
xlung shben wnzi shung yongxn.
2rlglnul: Z yu:Diz r z xluo, ch z ti, |n r xin, fun ul zhong, r qn rn. Xing yu yuli, z y xu wn.

Verse 7 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Zi Xia said " I would grant that a man is indeed schooled if he revered virtues instead of beauty, devoted in serving his parents, exert himself to the utmost in
serving his lord, and behave with trustworthiness with his friends, even though he is said to be not schooled.
Modern: .

Modern: Zl xlu yu:Yge rn nng horn zh xlnd sheng guo qi huose zh xn, feng shi fm nng |inli, shi |n nng feng shn |inzhi, |loyu nng yu xin, zheyung de
rn, zongsh t zi qln shu wel |ng xuwen , W bi shu t y yu xuwen le.
Original: .

2rlglnul: Zl xlu yu:Xln xln yi se; shi fm, nng |l qi li, shi |n, nng zhi qi shn; y pngyu |lo, yn r yu xin. Su yu wel xu, wu bi wel zh xu y.

Verse 8 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Confucius said "A gentleman not being steadfast is not able to command respect and his learning would not be sound. One shoul d advocate loyalty and
trustworthiness. Do not be friends with people who are not as good as you. When one makes a mistake, do not be afraid to correct it.

Modern: Kngz yu:Yge |nz, b houzhong, blun b wlyn. Nng xlung xu, keb glou. Xingshi dng y zhngxin wl zh. Mo h bru | de rn |loyu. Yu le guosh,
byuo pu gnggl.
2rlglnul: Z yu:Jnz b chng, z b wl. Xu z b g. Zh zhngxin. Wu you b zh| zhe. Guo z w dun gl.

Verse 9 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Zeng Zi said "To be prudent in mourning, to remember those that has passed away, in this way the virtue of the people will be enhanced"

Modern: Cng z yu:Dui swng zhe de songzhng zh l nng |nshen, dui swng y |l zhe nng bduun zhus, zheyung nng sh shehui fngsu duod riq yu d hou.
2rlglnul: Cng z yu:Shenzhngzhuyun, min d gu hou y.

Verse 10 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Zi Qin asked Zi Gong "When the Master arrives in a state, he invariably gets to know its politics. Did he seek this information or was it give to him?"
Zi Gong replied "The Master get it through being cordial, kind, courteous, modest, differential. The Master's way of enquiry should be different from others."


Modern: Zl qin wen zl gong yu:Losh ll duo yge gu|l, bi ywn qi guzh zhengshi, zhe shi yuxn qlu duo de ne? Hlshi rn|l ziyuun gel t de ne?
Zl gong yu: Losh kuo wnh, llng shun, gng|ing, |lzhi, qlnrung de fngshi fngf d zh de. Jish losh zh qlu yu rn|l, zng gl h qit rn de qluf b yyung.
2rlglnul: Zl qin wen yu zl gong yu:Fz zhiyu shi bng ye, bi wn qi zheng. Olu zh y? Yi y zh y?
Zl gong yu:Fz wn, llng, gng, |ln, rung y d zh. Fz zh qlu zh ye, qi zh yih rn zh qlu zh ye!

Verse 11 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Confucius said "Note the aspirations of the man during his father's lifetime, and the conduct of the man after his father's lifetime. If after three years, he still
conduct in his father's way, he is said to be filial."

Modern: Kngz yu:Fqn zul, zuo rzl de zh kun t zhixlung. F s le, gl kun t xingwl. Zul sn nln nen nng b gl t fqn shng shi su wl, zhe ye suunshi xluo le.
2rlglnul: Z yu:F zul gun qi zhi, f ml gun qi xing; sn nln wu gl yu f zh duo, kewel xluo y.

Verse 12 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: You Zi said "Of the things brought about by the rites, harmony is the most valuable. Previous Kings try to bring harmony in matters big and small. But there
are some matters that we know can bring about harmony but was not done. This is because they are not regulated by rites.

Modern: Yu zl shu:L de zuoyong, hxl zuiwl guizhong. Xlnqln yu duod de diwng de chshi zhnz |l y c wl mel, duxlo shiqing dhui znxun t. Yu de
shiqing surn zhduo t ye hen hxl, dun mlyu zheme zuo, Shi ynwel zhexl shiqing rugu mlyu l ll yush dehuu, yeshi bke xing de.

2rlglnul: Yu z yu:L zh yong, h wl gui. Xlnwng zh duo s wel mel, xlo du yu zh. Yu su bxing, zh h r h, b y l|l zh, yi bke xing ye."

Verse 13 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: You Zi said "To be Trustworthiness is close to being moral and it enables one's words to be trusted. To be respectful is close to being observant of rites and
it enables one to be far away from disgrace and insult. Thereby those that are trustworthy and consistently observe rites, will be respected by others.

Modern: Yu z yu:Shuxin |l|in yi, shuhuu |l |ng de q |lnyun. Gng|ing |l|in l, |l nng yun li chr. Rugu nng b shq duiyu `xin, gng'de qn|in, yeshi key bel
2rlglnul: Yu z yu:Xin |in yu yi, yn ke f ye. Gng |in yu l, yun chr ye. Yn b sh qi qn, yi ke zng ye.
Verse 14 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Confucius said "The gentleman does not seek to satiate himself in eating, does not seek ease in living, quick in action, caut ious in his speech and always
use others who has achieved the high morality to put himself right. He can be seen as conscientious in his learning"

Modern: Kngz yu:Jnz, ynshi b qlu bo, | ch b qlu n, mn |i de zuoshi, |nshen de shuhuu, you nng chng xlung yu duo zh rn ll blunzheng zi| de shifl, zhe
ke suunshi huoxu le
2rlglnul: Z yu:Jnz shi wu qlu bo, | wu qlu n, mn yu shi r shen yu yn, |l yu duo r zheng yn, kewel huoxu ye y.

Verse 15 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Zi Gong ask Confucius:"Poor without obsequious, wealthy without being arrogant, what is your thoughts on this?"
Confucius replied:"This is good but being poor but happy, being wealthy but devoted to following rites is better."
Zi Gong argued:"The Odes says, 'like bones cut, like horn polished, like jades cut, like stone ground.' Is this what it means"
Confucius said:"Zi Gong, now I can begin to discuss The Odes with you because you are able to understand, deduce and imply what is being taught."

Modern: Zl gong yu:Pin rn nng b chn, f rn nng b |lo, ruh yu?
Kngz yu:Zhe ye suun ho le, dun bru pin nng le duo, f r zh ho l, nu |l geng ho le.
Zl gong yu:Sh |ng shung cng shu guo: Xlung qle yu, cu yu, zu yu, m yu, b |lshi zhe yisl mu?
Kngz yu:Ci yu! Xlung zheyung, cl ke h n tn sh le. Guosu n zhel, n nng zhduo duo nul.

2rlglnul: Zl gong yu:Pin r wu chn, f r wu |lo, hru?
Z yu:Ke ye. Wel ruo pin r le, f r ho l zhe ye.
Zl gong yu:Sh yun:'Ru qle ru cu, ru zu ru m', qi s zh wel y?
Z yu:Ci ye, sh ke y yn sh y y. Guo zh wng r zh ll zhe.

Verse 16 of Analects of Confucius Chapter 1
English: Confucius said:"Do not be concerned about others not appreciating you. Be concerned about you not appreciating others."
Modern: Kngz yu:Byuo chu blrn bzh w, gl chu w bzh rn.
2rlglnul: Z yu:B huun rn zh b | zh, huun bzh rn ye.

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