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Prova Escrita de Avaliação

Inglês, 5º Ano
Inglês, 6.º Ano
Duração da Prova: 15 minutos
Março de 2022

Nome: N.º Turma:

I – Listening Test

1. Listen to the dialogue and number the pictures (1–4) in the right order.

a) b) c) d)

2. Listen again and complete the sentences with one or two words.

a) Alice has got a brother, a sister and ____________________________ .

b) Alice’s brother is ____________________________ .

c) Jane is her ____________________________ .

d) Jane is wearing ____________________________.

e) _________________________ Susan is wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

f) Susan has got ____________________________ hair.

g) Mike is wearing a black cap and a _________________________.

h) Mike is Alice’s ____________________________ cousin.

IMP.DP.008-00 1/1

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