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wikileaks digital sweatshop 23-7-2011 office@britstudios.com rmcgovern@slschool.org, vips@counterpunch.org, rick.falkvinge@piratpartiet.se, g.robertson@doughtystreet.co.uk, pilgereditor@gmail.com, ellsbergpress@gmail.com, dersh@law.harvard.edu, go@timwu.org, epic1934@aol.com, andrew.wilkie.mp@aph.gov.

au, mike@michaelmoore.com, "Jessica Lee (Democracy Now!)" <jessica@democracynow.org>, gavin@tcij.org, abrick@aclunc.org, scriptingnews1mail@gmail.com, jturner@julieturnerlaw.com, info@article19.org, mmati@marsgroupkenya.org greetings all! mr pilger we met day two of the trial. its mary eng of braingarbage here legal researcher with swedish research i need to share youtube maryeng1 and blog at braingarbage always concerned with the mistakes as well as the coups i came to london to cover the trial and indeed have minutes here as well as footage http://www.scribd.com/doc/59953597/Assange-Court-Day-2-minutes-12-july-2-5pm-julian-paulassange-v-swedish-judicial-authority http://www.scribd.com/doc/59937477/Assange-Court-minutes-11-12-july-julian-paul-assange-vswedish-prosecution-authority

a scan of a doc i received at court from assange http://www.scribd.com/doc/60051689/Julian-Paul-Assange-v-Swedish-Prosecution-Authority-13-july2011 footage of the troxy and court exit on youtube in addition to digital videoblog of cables at wikileaksaudiovisual on bambuser.com

if any of you can imagine how scary it is to be in london with no money as a woman in the middle of the night at st. pancras blogging for wikileaks with no money for a hotel a day after the trial coverage, imagine my life what i am curious about is how my research could be used as a consultant or for a film or new media or such. i met with david house the day he was meeting with the video team that did the jemima wikileaks press. i also would be apt for interviewing anyone interested for creation of media. as i have invested all of my savings into chasing this human rights wl interest, it is low-budget. but perhaps more powerful than can be ascertained. ia m not sure. many of my friends are LA film-makers who know i am destitute in london chasing the gitmo files.

wikileaks twittered my article wikileaks heart japan. i wrote mr dershowitz to get his current views on torture and will write geoffrey about his feelings on hiroshima. bc i dont like my blog covering up for incomprehensible political opinions promoting torture and hiroshima. hopefully they have changed their minds. as for my immanent distress, i am staying with some uk friendsof bradley manning but am destitute and feel quite sad no one is rewarding me for all my hard work i can tell you work in the unpaid digital sweatshops aint easy i am trained in law in the USA and spent five months in sweden and have sent numerous letters to FSI to help them hone their defense. busting the corporatized detention of assange. at which point legal team uses the document i send, with no thanks and no reward it is really beyond me why i should sleep on the street with a document i received fm assange the scanned legal skeleton you may have the copy if you like it

also i have a large collection of art from my sci-intel grandfather you all may have to auction. i have written FSI and sweden versus assange about it. it will be quite a funny publicity stunt, to sell art from a CIA founder to finance wikileaks but i am really destitute with less than 200 dollars in my acct

my work also includes bradleymanningmusic blues session in hollywood numerous short films operation want coverage with disbartorturelawyer lawyer kevin zeese for who i moved docs re human rights onto scribd.com/disbartorturelawyers i would love to have work in england sweden or the USA and am absolutely generous of my time energy and art and writing the critique i have leveled at wikileaks is in accord with my conscience that they might see an even greater need for respect of person and human rights also if anyone can help me with residence, food subsistence, repatriation, or job, or free internship, or any thing at all that might contribute to my health i have beyond sacrificed myself for this and feel it a pity my skills and knowledge and passion go to waste XXXX is responsible for me having a spot in temp digs with uk friends of bradley manning i have tried all known channels for support and received condolences from sweden versus assange yesterday lots of love eng maryeng1 skype

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