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List the Beta 5 specific sympathomimetic bronchodilators Albuterol levabuterol metaproterenol Isoetharine Terbutaline Classification of Albuterol MOA of Albuterol

Indications of albuterol Examples of bronchospasms List the non specific Sympathomimetic Bronchodilators Racemic Epinephrine (2) Classification of Racemic Epi MOA of Racemic Epi Indications of R.Epi Contraindications of R. Epi Epinephrine Classification of Epi MOA of Epi Indications of Epi Isoproterenol Classification of Isoproterenol MOA of Isoproterenol

Albuterol, levabuterol, metaproterenol, Isoetharine, Terbutaline Proventil, Ventolin Xopenex Alupent, Metaprel Bronkosol Brethine Beta 2 speciifc sympathomimetic bronchodilator Relaxes broncial smooth muscle causing bronchodilation Bronchospasms COPD, bronchitis, toxic gas inhalation, near drowning, drug OD, Pulmonary edema Racemic epinephrine, Epi, Isproterenol Vaponefrin, Micronefrin Sympathomimetic bronchodilator (non-specifc) Stimulates bronchial smooth muscle relaxation; affects both Alpha and Beta adrenergic receptors Laryngotracheobronchitis (Croup), bronchospasms Epiglottitis Adrenalin Sypathomimetic Bronchodilator (non-specific) Acts directly on Alpha and Beta receptors; increases bronchial smooth muscle dilation Severe reactive airway disease; Anaphylaxis or severe allergic reaction Isuprel Sympathomimetic Bronchodilator Acts on both Beta 1 and 2; Causing Brochodilation

Indications of Isoproterenol List the non specific Sympathomimetic Bronchodilators List the anti-cholinergic bronchodilators Classification of Atropine MOA of Atropine Indications of Atropine Ipratropium Classification of ipratropium MOA of ipratropium indications of ipratropium Theophylline Class of Theophylline MOA of Theophylline Indications of Theophylline Aminophylline Classification of Aminophylline MOA of Aminophylline Indications of Aminophyline Methylprednisolone Classification of Methylprednisolone

Bronchoconstriction Isoproterenol, Epi, Racemic Epi Atropine; Ipratropium Parasympatholytic/anti-cholinergic bronchodilator Decreases action of the Parasympathetic NS by blockine the cholinergic fibers, therefore causing bronchodilation and reducing respiratory secretions Bronchospasms assocaited with Asthma or COPD Atrovent Parasympatholytic/anticholinergic bronchodilator Inhibits acetylcholine at receptor sites of broncial smooth muscle, causing bronchodilation; decreasing respiratory secretions Bronchospams associated with asthma and COPD Theo-Dur, Aerodyn methyl-xanthine bronchodilator Relaxes and Dilates bronchial smooth muscle, also is a mile diuretic; stimulates the respiratory center in the CNS Bronchial Spasms Somophylline Methyl-Xanthine Bronchodilator Relaxes and dilates bronchial smooth muscle, also is a mild diuretic; stimulates the repiratory center in the CNS Bronchial Spasms Solu-Medrol Corticosteroid, antiinflammatory

Name the two Methyl-Xanthine Bronchodilators Aminophylline and Theophylline

MOA of Methylprednisolone Indications of Methylprednisolone Indications of Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone Classification of Hydrocortisone MOA of Hydrocortisone Dexamethasone Classification of Dexamethasone MOA of Dexamethasone Indications of Dexamethasone Which drugs are for Anaphylaxis or STATUS? Which of the steroids is also used for exacerbated COPD? Name the major antihistamine Diphenhydramine Classification of Diphenhydramine MOA of Diphenhydramine Indication of Diphenhydramine Name the mucolytics Acetylcysteine MOA of Acetylcysteine Indications of Acetylcysteine Name the 4 paralytics Classification of Succinycholine MOA of Succinycholine

Decreases inflammation Anaphylaxis, status asthmaticus, exacerbated COPD Anaphylaxis, Status Asthmaticus Solu-Cortef, Cortisol Corticosteroid, Anti-inflamamtory Decreases inflammation Decadron Corticosteroid, antiinflammatory Decreases Inflammation Anaphylaxis, Status Asthmaticus Dexamethosone, Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone Methylprenisolne Diphenhydramine Benadryl Antihistamine Competes with histamines at H1 receptor sites Anaphylaxis secondary to Epi; mild to moderate allergic reactions Acetylcysteine Mucomyst Breaks up and decreases viscosity of respiratory secretions so that you can expectorate them Acute and chronic bronchitis, emphysma, pneumonia, TB, atelectasis, cystic fibrosis Succinycholine, Pancuronium Bromide, Rocuronium, Vecuronium Depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent; paralytic Binds with cholinergic receptor sites at neuromuscular endplate and cause depolarization of skeletal muscle cells followed by paralysis due to the continued binding of the receptor site and blockage of

Acetylcholine Indications of Succinycholine Vecuronium Classification of Vecuronium MOI of Vecuronium Pancuronium Bromide Classification of Pancuronium Bromide Indications of Pancuronium Bromide Indications of Vecuronium Rocuronium Classification of Rocuronium MOI of Pancuronium Bromide MOI of Rocuronium Indications of Rocuronium Which drug is indicated in Croup Which drug has the ability to not only dilate the broncioles, but also dry the patient's secretions RSI Norcuron Non depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, paralytic inhibits neuromuscular transmission, competing for and binding with cholinergic receptor sites, which cause paralysis Pavulon Non depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, paralytic RSI RSI Zemuron Non depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, paralytic inhibits neuromuscular transmission, competing for and binding with cholinergic receptor sites, which cause paralysis inhibits neuromuscular transmission, competing for and binding with cholinergic receptor sites, which cause paralysis RSI Racemic Epinephrine Atrovent

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