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Pagan Students Community FULL MOON RITE

Updated : 09/14/08

Cleanse the space The HP will present the bell and lit candle to the two participants standing in the east and south corners respectively. The HPS will present the bowl of water and the bowl of salt to the two participants standing in the west and north. Once everyone has taken their tools the four participants will walk deosil around the circle until they reach their original spot. They will chant; Bell - "I call upon the elemental power of air to purify this space." Candle - "I call upon the elemental power of fire to purify this space." Water - "I call upon the elemental power of water to purify this space." Salt - "I call upon the elemental power of earth to purify this space." Casting of Circle The person who begins turns to the person on their left, makes eye contact, takes their right hand, and says, "Hand to hand I cast this circle." Continue everyone holds hands. The last two people to take hands give each other a small kiss. The person who began the casting says, "Hand to hand and heart to heart, we cast our sacred circle. Let us remember where we are, and why we are here." Calling the Quarters The four participants standing in the east, south, west, and north corners will recite the following in sequence: Guardians of the East, Gusts of all Winds I call on you now, these rights to mend We bid you welcome, and invite you in Lend your powers as this ritual begins. Bell 3X Guardians of the South, sparks of the flames I call on you now, in all your names We bid you welcome, and invite you in Lend your powers as this ritual begins. Bell 3X Guardians of the West, Waters of the tides I call on you now, as these energies stride We bid you welcome, and invite you in Lend us your powers as this ritual begins. Bell 3X Guardians of the North, Mountains of the Earth I call on you now, for all our worth We bid you welcome and invite you in Lend us powers as this ritual begins. Bell 3X

Pagan Students Community FULL MOON RITE

Updated : 09/14/08

Invoking the God and Goddess The HP and HPS will kneel before the altar in front of the respective God and Goddess candles. HP - "All kneel with us as we ask the God and Goddess to be with us as we perform this sacred rite." The HPS will take the chalice filled with water and present it before the HP. The HP will then sprinkle three pinches of sea salt into the water. The HPS will then place the chalice on top of the wooden pentacle. The HP will take the athame and together with the HPS stir the water deosil three times. The HP and HPS will then recite the following, lighting the god and goddess candles using the altar candle after their respective incantations. HP - "As these components of life mix together, I hereby request that the God, lord of the sun, stand present to witness our rite, protect us, and guide our workings!" HPS - "As these components of life mix together, I hereby request that the Goddess, mistress of the moon, stand present to witness our rite, protect us, and guide our workings!" Esbat Rite HP - "Once more we meet together, one with another, to share our joy of life and to reaffirm our feelings for the gods." HPS - "The Lord and Lady have been good to us. It is meet that we thank them for all that we have." HP - "They also know that we have needs and they listen to us when we call upon them." HPS - "Then let us join together to thank the God and Goddess for those favors they have bestowed upon us. And let us also ask of them that which we feel we need; remembering always that the gods help only those who help themselves." Here everyone thanks the gods. Ring Bell three times. HP/S - "And it harm none, do what thou wilt." All - "And it harm none, do what thou wilt." The HP will then take a moment to talk about why everyone has gathered under the full moon and the significance of the goddess in her mother state. Once the HP

Pagan Students Community FULL MOON RITE

Updated : 09/14/08

has finished, he and the HPS will recite the following incantation, alternating lines starting with the HPS; "Wondrous Lady of the Moon You who greets the dark with silvered kisses Mistress of the night and all magicks, who rides the clouds in blackened skies and spills light upon cold Earth. Oh Lunar Goddess, Crescent one, Shadow maker and shadow breaker, Revealer of mysteries past and present, All-wise Lunar Mother Puller of seas and ruler of women I greet your celestial jewel at the waxing of its powers with a rite in Your honor I pray by the moon I pray by the moon I pray by the moon." Drawing Down the Moon At this point the HP will explain that the HPS is going to become a physical conduit for the energy of the goddess, and perhaps even a physical manifestation of the goddess herself. The HPS will stand with her back facing the altar and assume the Isis. The HP then kneels before her. Stands while drawing the invoking pentagram (forehead, right foot, left shoulder, right shoulder, left foot, forehead): "By seed and by root I invoke thee. By stem and by leaf I invoke thee. By bud and by flower I invoke thee. By fruit and by seed I invoke thee. Great Mother Goddess, descend into this body of thy priestess. See with her eyes. Speak with her voice. Kiss with her lips, that your children may know your blessings We honor you, Great Goddess!" Everyone - "We honor you!" HP then raises his arms and says; HP - "Proud and beautiful as the moon on high that races across the midnight sky, the goddess blesses our joyful rite. Her glory fills our inner sight. She shows her signs in fire and smoke, in chalice wine. Her we invoke into this woman at the altar, a transformed being, Goddess-daughter. We kneel in awe and chant the rune."

Pagan Students Community FULL MOON RITE

Updated : 09/14/08

Entire group kneels and says - "All honor to the Lady of the Moon!" Everyone stands again. HP stands facing the HPS. HPS draws an invoking pentagram in the air with the wand and says; HPS - "The five-point star of love and power I bless you with this holy hour. (Pray to me when the moon is round, and good things I promise abound.) I charge you follow my ancient ways with joy and bliss through all your days." The HPS will then act on whatever impulses the Goddess may have set within her. When she is finished she will touch her hands and knees to the ground to ground herself. Once she is finished with everything she will announce the Goddess and/or her energies have departed her body and she is ready to continue the ritual. Healing Circle After the Drawing, the HP and HPS will join the circle of people and request that everyone hold hands. The HP will then guide everyone in a brief meditation and visualization exercise. After the final energy is gathered, the HP will cut a hole in the top of the circle and allow the healing energies to be dispersed. Cakes and Ale The HP now explains that everyone will be giving thanks to the God and Goddess as well as grounding themselves because of all the energy that has been passing through them. The HP calls by name the two participants, one male and one female, that were assigned to bless and distribute the Cakes and Ale. They both come and stand before the altar, and the HP hands the athame to the male and the HPS hands the chalice of juice/wine to the female. The female participant will hold the chalice in front of her heart and the male participant will hold the athame between his palms. The male participant will then stir the juice/wine deosil three times and recite; Male - "Let the union of masculine and feminine bless this juice so that it may empower and purify all those who drink it." The female will then hold the chalice for the male to drink. Once he has taken a sip, he will take the chalice and hold it for the female to drink. The chalice is then passed around the circle, HP and HPS drinking last. After the last person has taken their drink, the male participant will hand the athame to the female and be handed the plate of bread by the HPS. He will hold it while the female touches each piece with the tip of the athame and says;

Pagan Students Community FULL MOON RITE

Updated : 09/14/08

Female - "I consecrate this food so that we may understand and appreciate the Earth's bounty. God and Goddess bless those who eat this bread so that we may always be aware of our own good fortunes and share it with others." The female takes a piece of bread and then offers the plate to the male. The plate is then passed around the circle with the HP and HPS eating last. The two participants then return to their places in the circle. HP - "May you never hunger, and may you never thirst. Eat, Drink, and give thanks to the Goddess and God for their blessings." Everyone - "So mote it be!" Farewell to God/dess Once everyone has finished eating and drinking, and all tools have been returned to the altar, the circle will be closed. The HP will take the chalice filled with s altar water and say; HP - "God and Goddess, we thank you for being present and guiding us as we walk the ancient path you have revealed to us. We will now return this sacred water to the Earth as a symbol of you departing from this circle." The HP will then pour the salted water into the ground (or libation dish) in the center of the circle. HP - "So mote it be!" Everyone - "So mote it be!" Dismissing Quarters The four people that called the corners will now dismiss them, in the opposite order from which they called them. North - "Hail, guardians of the north, elementals of earth. We give our thanks for your protection and guidance during this rite. Hail and Farewell, leave if you must stay if you wish." West - "Hail, guardians of the west, elementals of water. We give our thanks for your protection and guidance during this rite. Hail and Farewell, leave if you must stay if you wish." South - "Hail, guardians of the south, elementals of fire. We give our thanks for your protection and guidance during this rite. Hail and Farewell, leave if you must stay if you wish." East - "Hail, guardians of the east, elementals of air. We give our thanks for your protection and guidance during this rite. Hail and Farewell, leave if you must stay if you wish." Realising of Circle -

Pagan Students Community FULL MOON RITE

Updated : 09/14/08

Everyone holds hands. The person who begins turns to the person on their right, makes eye contact, releases their left hand, and says, "Hand to hand I release this circle." Continue everyone releasing hands. The last two people to take release give each other a small kiss. The person who ends the casting says, "Hand to hand and heart to heart, we release our sacred circle. Let us remember where we are, and why we were here." BELL 3x Farewell HP - Merry Meet HPS - Merry Part All - Until we merry meet again! Everyone turns to the person on their left, and right. They say, "Blessed be."

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