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Bonsoir Jean Pierre je m'excuse de ne pas avoir repondu pedant la journe, j'etait en route vers la Kolwezie.

j'ai besoin des extracteurs suivants Extracteur de pignon menant de la pompe haute pression.......JDG1560 Extraction du pignon d'entranement de l'arbre RG15110A-UN: Extracteur de pignon d'entranement de pompe carburant conique de la pompe d'alimentation haute pression Denso HP4. Extracteur d'injecteur.......JDG1652A Sert faire sortir l'injecteur lectronique de la culasse. les references d'outilages specifique se trouvent dans le service advisor Tracteur 6130 CTM 504 section 05 outils N170 outils remise en etat de reglage Slts merci
Comment chappe-t-on la pauvret? Rares sont les questions qui revtent plus dimportance notre poque. L'examen de ce qui a t fait travers le monde ces cinquante dernires annes impose une certitude. La croissance conomique long terme est un pralable indispensable la rduction de la pauvret (voir encadr 1.1). Lexprience des pays aussi diffrents que le Brsil, la Chine et Singapour confirme ce constat. L'entreprise prive remplit une fonction unique et irremplaable dans ce processus de croissance. Les entreprises prives sont de loin les plus cratrices d'emplois et investissement et elles constituent une source importante des rentres fiscales. L'entreprise prive contribue pour beaucoup crer un climat d'ouverture aux ides, dinnovation, d'opportunits et d'insertion, autant d'lments qui pour tre moins tangibles n'en sont pas moins d une importance vitale.

dans ce cadre que le concept de triple rsultat final1 , cest--dire la valeur ajoute conomique, sociale et environnementale des activits de lentreprise, revt son importance. De ce point de vue,

concept de responsabilit sociale des entreprises gagne de plus en plus de terrain dans de nombreux PMR, mme si certains gouvernements africains sont encore rticents. Au nombre des avantages figurent la possibilit

Dveloppement du secteur priv

Problmatique Nous pensons que le secteur priv est le moteur essentiel du dveloppement industriel pratiquement dans tous les pays. Il joue un rle crucial dans la dveloppement conomique et industrielle et particulirement dans la ralisation des Objectifs du Millnaire pour le Dveloppement. Nous needs of agricultural development, agricultural mechanization in China continue to grow, mainly has the following characteristics: 1. the steady increase in the level of agricultural mechanization equipment. In 1949, only 80,100 kW total power of agricultural machinery and

equipment, agricultural tractors only 117, some large agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters. Meet the needs of agricultural development, agricultural mechanization in China continue to grow, mainly has the following characteristics: 1. The steady increase in the level of agricultural mechanization equipment. In 1949, only 80,100 kW total power of agricultural machinery and equipment, agricultural tractors only 117, some large agricultural machinery such as combine harvesters, farm trucks are basically blank. After more than half a century of development, thousands on the ownership of agricultural machinery grew, some varieties increase tens of thousands of times. By the end of 2003, elevator bucket,total power of agricultural machinery in the country of more than 600 million-kilowatt, original value amounted to $ 336.2 billion of agricultural machinery, agricultural tractor stock of 14.94 million, tractor and implements 22.92 million, combined Harvester 360,000 units. 2. The significant increase in agricultural mechanization level. Early years, largely due to human and animal labor for agricultural production mechanization level less than 1. In 2003, the complete machinery 60.943 million hectares of cultivated land area, 40.714 million hectares of sown areas of mechanical, mechanical harvesting area of 27.36 million hectares. Mechanized ploughing, sowing, harvesting levels reached 46.8, and 19, respectively. 3. Agricultural machinery services continue to expand in the area. Services of agricultural machinery from farmland work, extending gradually to antenatal and postnatal, expanding into other areas. A large number of agricultural equipment, agricultural products processing machinery, animal husbandry,elevator bucket, forestry machinery, plant protection machinery, transport machinery, capital construction on farmland machinery rapid growth. Reached 6.9 billion square meters of greenhouses, pastoral management machine reaches 40,000 units. 4. Agricultural machines to the market and social service development. Chinese farmers planting a small scale, every household purchasing agricultural machinery is not economic, there is no need, development of agricultural machinery socialized service and Wang lie as important. National cross-region beginning with the 1996 collection of wheat, and social service development. 1996 yilai, China about sector vigorously tie, using from South to North wheat harvest of time difference, organization carried out has combine across area machine received wheat job, makes combine using time from average annual 7-10 days increased to for over months, improve has combine of utilization, both meet has farmers of mechanized harvest requirements, also improve has purchased machine who benefit,flour milling, promote has wheat mechanized level of improve and combine maintains volume of increased. In 1994, only more than 60,000 national combine more than one, and in 2003 reached 360,000 units. Yield of wheat in 1995 to 47 per cent in 2004 to 82. Spanned machine collection brought wheat seeding of wheat and other crops mechanization of production to the market and social development. Machinery working around company associations, cooperatives and jobs are emerging. 5. International agricultural machinery and technological exchanges and cooperation is strengthened. Near view, many large agricultural machinery enterprises in the world see Chinas huge agricultural machinery market, cooperation with relevant departments and enterprises in China, in China to develop business, achieve a win-win results. Some large

enterprises, learn foreign advanced experience and technology, flour milling,increase the intensity of technological transformation and upgrading, promote domestic products to improve the quality of agricultural machinery. As an incentive for large agricultural machinery imports, the State also established preferential import tax policies. Annual national exhibition and heavy form of the agricultural machinery sector strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, we actively support the activities carried out in China.

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