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What Is Get Real 2011?

kea| peop|e com|ng together

kea| |nformanon
kea| va|ues
kea| |deas
kea| cho|ces and dec|s|ons
The Get Real Ask
Ask #1
Crgan|ze and nost A 5ma|| Group!
Ask #2
keg|ster at
Ck 704-973-4577!
Our Situation
8udget gaps are dr|v|ng tough cho|ces.
No shared commun|ty pr|nc|p|es or va|ues to gu|de
dec|s|ons |e., "What's Most Important to Us?"
Gap of trust |n the commun|ty.
Dec|s|ons made |n s||os.
know|edge gap: "who does what and when" |n |oca|
8U1 we a|so have peop|e who care, want to be
|nvo|ved and want to have a say |n crah|ng the
future.where do they go?
Times Are ToughWhat Do We
Need to Make the Best Choices?
5hared va|ues that can be used by the Commun|ty, C|ty
Counc||, County Comm|ss|on, 5choo| 8oard and 5ta as
gu|dance |n mak|ng tough cho|ces.
Cpnons and |deas that can be d|mcu|t to br|ng up or d|scuss.
Informed, engaged, organ|zed res|dents.
A change |n "how we do th|ngs" that can be used |n the
commun|ty |n future years to tack|e other cha||enges.
Part 1
People in small groups of 5-40
host 2-hour workshops
February 21 March7
Part 2
Hundreds of people in gather in
larger public sessions
March 7 March 11
The Get Real Ask
You Bring A Place & People,
We Bring the Program!
Part 1 February 21 March 7
nundreds of sma|| groups
take 2 hours to Get kea|
"ou 8r|ng eop|e and a |ace, We
8r|ng the rogram"
1. Crgan|ze and reg|ster your sma||
group at www.getrea|2011.org Ck
ca|| 704-973-4577.
2. Get mater|a|s and get matched w|th a
fac|||tator (for groups of 15 or more.)
3. Get kea| for 2 hours
4. 5end |n your resu|ts!
Part 1 February 21 March 7
1he Get kea| 2011
2-nour workshop
1ake a Look Into the Iuture
Informanon on Cur Current 5|tuanon
Who Does What and When |n |oca|
Create Gu|d|ng r|nc|p|es and Va|ues
5hare Cpnons and Ideas
What Kinds of Small Groups?
5oc|a| c|ubs
8ook c|ubs
Moms, Dads, 1A's
Work co||eagues
Vo|unteer groups
8ooster c|ubs
Ne|ghborhood assoc|anons
nobby |nterest groups
Advocacy/acnv|st groups
C|v|c organ|zanons
5erv|ce c|ubs and |odges
A|umn| c|ubs
8oards and |eadersh|p teams
Part 2 March 7 11
Crossroads Char|oue and
artners host open workshops.
D|verse groups of peop|e rev|ew
resu|ts from art 1 and add
I|na| resu|ts pu||ed together and
taken to e|ected omc|a|s |n
te|ev|sed event.
The Get Real Ask
Ask #1
Crgan|ze and nost A 5ma|| Group!
Ask #2
keg|ster at
Ck 704-973-4577!
Where Does This Go?
= +
eop|e Who Care
taken to
Leaders dur|ng a
nme to he|p
make dec|s|ons.
arL 1 arL 2
So What? What Will Happen?
= +
1he |ntent |s to he|p
|eaders make
cho|ces and
dec|s|ons that are
based on what's
|mportant to the
ennre commun|ty.
kea||ty check: there
are no guarantees
about what w|||
happen next - the
|mpact w||| be
dr|ven by how many
of us parnc|pate.
arL 1 arL 2
But Wait! Theres More!
Informed, engaged, organ|zed res|dents.
A structure and process that can be used
|n the commun|ty |n future years to
tack|e other cha||enges.
Getting Real About the Bottom Line
We expect our e|ected omc|a|s to |ead, but they need our he|p to gu|de
|mportant dec|s|ons.
Get kea| 2011 |s about the commun|ty us|ng |ts vo|ce because
|t's our respons|b|||ty.
If you've never gouen |nvo|ved, now's the nme. If you've been
|nvo|ved and don't fee| ||stened to, now's not the nme to g|ve up.
We don't know what w||| happen tomorrow, but we have to try and do
the best we can to make that tomorrow the best |t can be
.starnng today.
The Ask
Ask #1
Crgan|ze and nost A 5ma|| Group!
Ask #2
keg|ster at
Ck 704-973-4577!
Community Partners (so far)
Arts & 5c|ence Counc||
Caro||nas nea|th Care 5ystem
Centra| |edmont Commun|ty Co||ege
Char|oue Chamber
Char|oue Center C|ty artners
Char|oue-Meck|enburg L|brary
Char|oue-Meck|enburg 5choo|s (CM5)
1he Char|oue ost
C|ty of Char|oue
Common Market
Commun|ty 8u||d|ng In|nanve
Commun|ty ke|anons Comm|uee
Counc|| for Ch||dren's k|ghts
Crossroads Char|oue
Ioundanon Ior 1he Caro||nas
n|stor|c West 5|de Grassroots Coa||non
Iohnson C. 5m|th Un|vers|ty
Iohn 5. and Iames L. kn|ght Ioundanon
k|ds Vonng
Lann Amer|can Coa||non
Leadersh|p Char|oue
1he Lee Insntute
Lev|ne Museum of the New 5outh
McCo|| Center for V|sua| Arts
Meck|enburg C|nzens for ub||c Lducanon
Meck|enburg County
Meck|enburg M|n|str|es
Myers ark Un|ted Method|st Church
resbyter|an nea|thcare
Cueens Un|vers|ty
5LLN magaz|ne
1emp|e 8eth L|
UNC Char|oue
Urban League Centra| Caro||nas
WIAL 90.7 IM
Yes, We Have An Agenda
Cur agenda |s to br|ng as many peop|e as we can
together for respecuu| and authennc parnc|panon.
Get kea| 2011 |s a non-parnsan, non-proht c|v|c
engagement eort |ed by Crossroads Char|oue and
supported by commun|ty partners.
Get kea| 2011 |s non-parnsan, non-proht and does
not advocate for spec|hc p|auorms, perspecnves,
po|nts of v|ew or so|unons.
The Ask
Ask #1
Crgan|ze and nost A 5ma|| Group!
Ask #2
keg|ster at
Ck 704-973-4577!
keg|ster NCW at
by ca|||ng 704-973-4577.
rellmlnarv 8esulLs
Get Real 2011 Goals
ne|p gu|de tough cho|ces |n these tough
nmes w|th shared r|or|nes and Va|ues
G|ve gu|dance across pub||c sector s||os
ne|p c|ose trust gaps between pub||c and
|nsntunons, e|ected bod|es
Lducate pub||c around "who does what
and when" |n |oca| government and bu||d
capac|ty for peop|e to get |nvo|ved
Part 1
Small groups of 5-75
hosted 2-hour workshops
February 21 March 8
Part 2
Small public sessions
March 7 March 11
One Effort Two Parts
You Bring A Place & People, We Bring the Program!
So What?
What Will Happen?
= +
1he |ntent |s to he|p
|eaders make
cho|ces and
dec|s|ons that are
based on what's
|mportant to the
ennre commun|ty.
kea||ty check: there
are no guarantees
about what w|||
happen next - the
|mpact w||| be
dr|ven by how many
arL 1 arL 2
2-Hour Workshop Agenda
1. Cur Iuture (Crossroads 5tor|es)
2. Where We Are 1oday
3. know the 5ystem, Work the 5ystem
4. Cur r|or|nes
5. Cur Va|ues
6. My 5acr|hce
7. What I'd 5ay, What I Want to near
8. What I Can Do
Three Books for the Workshops
Workshop Leader's acket
Pow Lo conducL a workshop
arnc|pant kesources 8ook
Who does whaL and when ln
local aovernmenL, budaeL
umellnes and mllesLones.
arnc|pants take th|s home.
arnc|pant Workbook
WorksheeLs for rlorlues,
values, WhaL l WanL Lo Sav and
Pear, uemoaraphlcs and
What Kinds of Small Groups?
5oc|a| c|ubs
8ook c|ubs
Moms, Dads, 1A's
Work co||eagues
Vo|unteer groups
8ooster c|ubs
Ne|ghborhood assoc|anons
nobby |nterest groups
Advocacy/acnv|st groups
C|v|c organ|zanons
5erv|ce c|ubs and |odges
A|umn| c|ubs
8oards and |eadersh|p teams
Spanish-language Groups
(all materials available in Spanish)
So What Happened?
What Are the Results?
I|na| resu|ts are sn|| be|ng
tabu|ated, but here are some
pre||m|nary hnd|ngs.
Initial Findings On Priorities
1. Lducanon (k-12)
2. Cr|me & ub||c 5afety
3. Lconom|c Deve|opment/Iobs
4. Aordab|e nous|ng
5. Lducanon (re-k)
6. Ch||dren's We||-8e|ng
7. hys|ca| & Menta| nea|th
8. overty keducnon
9. L|brar|es
10. ub||c transportanon
11. koads and 5treets
12. Lducanon (Commun|ty
13. Lnv|ronmenta| rotecnon
14. Ne|ghborhood |mprovement
15. Growth management
16. 1he Arts
17. arks & recreanon
18. rofess|ona| 5ports &
#1 - We know |t's tough
to make cho|ces, but our
top |ssues are:
a) Lducanon (k-12)
b) Cr|me & ub||c
c) Lconom|c
If these are
addressed, many
other |ssues w||| be
#2 - We want to protect the most vu|nerab|e peop|e |n our
commun|ty hrst (ch||dren, the e|der|y, d|sab|ed, those |n
poverty) and we want tough |mpacts d|str|buted fa|r|y.
#3 - We want
dec|s|ons made aher
you've cons|dered
the tota| |mpact of
ALL dec|s|ons
together on peop|e
and ne|ghborhoods.
#4 - We want you to get past argu|ng and
pos|non|ng - we want you to get th|ngs done!
#5 - We don't m|nd g|v|ng more or mak|ng sacr|hces,
but we want more transparency and accountab|||ty
|n return.
#6 - We want the s||os
between the C|ty,
County and CM5 to be
broken down, and more
|nformanon, d|a|ogue
and pub||c |nput on
ma[or |ssues before
dec|s|ons are made.
Get Real About Our
Top 6 Findings
#1 - We know |t's tough to make cho|ces, but a) Lducanon
(k-12): b) Cr|me & ub||c 5afety: c) Lconom|c Deve|opment
are our top three |ssues - |f you hx these, many other
|ssues w||| be addressed.
#2 - We want to protect the most vu|nerab|e peop|e |n our
commun|ty hrst (ch||dren, the e|der|y, d|sab|ed, those |n
poverty) and we a|so want to make sure that the |mpact of
tough cho|ces |s d|str|buted fa|r|y.
#3 - Make dec|s|ons aher you've cons|dered the tota| |mpact of
ALL dec|s|ons together on peop|e and ne|ghborhoods.
Get Real About Our
Top 6 Findings
#4 - We want you to get past argu|ng and pos|non|ng - we
want you to get th|ngs done!
#5 - We don't m|nd g|v|ng more or mak|ng sacr|hces, but
we want more transparency and accountab|||ty |n
#6 - We th|nk structures and processes for mak|ng budget
dec|s|ons need to be overhau|ed and more cons|stent
across the C|ty, County and CM5 to break down s||os
and a||ow the pub||c to be more |nvo|ved.
Get Real 2012?
Cur commun|ty now has a structure and
process that can be used to
tack|e other cha||enges.
now can a process ||ke th|s become a part
of the way we do bus|ness
|n Char|oue-Meck|enburg?

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