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doc 1

Recourses in C++ <string>

string s;
This declaration invokes the default constructor to construct s as
an empty string

string s (charArray);
This declaration initializes s to contain a copy of charArray

string s (charArray, n);

This declaration initailizes s to contain a copy of the first n
characters in charArray

string s (str);
This declaration initializes s to contain a copy of string str

string s (str, pos, n);

This declaration initializes s to contain a copy of the n characters
in string str, starting at position pos; if n is too large, characters
are copied only to the end of str

string s (n, ch);

This declaration initializes s to contain n copies of the character ch

string s (inpIt1, inpIt2)

This declaration initializes s to contain the characters in the range
(inpIt1, inpIt2)

getline(istr, s, delim)
Extracts characters from istr and stores them in s until
s.max_size() characters have been extracted, the end of file
occurs, or delim is encountered, in which case delim is extracted
from istr but is not stored in s

getline(istr, s)

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Inputs a string value for s as in the preceding function with delim

= '\n'

cin >> s
Extracts characters from cin and stores them in s until
s.max_size() characters have been extracted, the end of file
occurs, or a white-space character is encountered, in which case
the white-space character is not removed from istr; returns istr

cout << s
Inserts characters of s into cout; returns cout

s = val
Assigns a copy of val to s; val may be a string, a character array,
or a character

s += val
Appends a copy of val to s:val may be a string, a character array,
or a character

Returns a reference to the character stored in s at position pos,
provided pos < s.length()

Returns the result of concatenating s and t; t may be a string, a
character array, or a character

Relational operators:

s<t s>t s == t
s <= t s >= t s != t

Returns true or false as determined by the relational operator; s

and t may be <string>

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append string str at the end of s; return s

s.append(str, pos, n)
Appends at the end of s a copy of the n characters in str, starting
at position pos; if n is too large, characters are copied only until
the end of str is reached; returns s

Appends charArray at the end of s; returns s

s.append(charArray, n)
Appends the first n characters in charArray at the end of s; returns

s.append(n, ch)
Appends n copies of ch at the end of s; returns s

s.append(inpIt1, inpIt2)
Appends copies of the characters in the range [inpIt1, inpIt2) to s;
returns s

Assigns a copy of str to s; returns s

s.assign(str, pos, n)
Assigns to s a copy of the n characters in str, starting at position
pos: if n is too large, characters are copied only until the end of
str is reached: returns s

Assigns to s a copy of charArray: returns s

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s.assign(charArray, n)
Assigns to s a string consisting of the first n characters in
charArray: returns s

s.assign(n, ch)
Assigns to s a string consisting of n copies of ch; returns s

s.assign(inpIt1, inpIt2)
Assigns to s a string consisting of the characters in the range
[InpIt1, inpIt2); returns s

Access the character in position index

Returns an iterator positioned at the first character in s

Returns (the base address of) a char array containing the
characters stored in s, terminated by a null character

Returns the size (of type size_type) of the storage allocated in s

Removes all the characters in s; return type is void

Returns a negative value, 0, or a positive value according as s is
less than, equal to, or greater than str


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Compares s and charArray as in the preceding function member

s.compare(pos, n, str)
Compares strings s and str as before, but starts at position pos in
s and compares only the next n characters

s.compare(pos, n, charArray)
Compares string s and charArray as in the preceding function

s.compare(pos1, n1, str, pos2, n2)

Compares s and str as before, but starts at position pos1 in s,
position pos2 in str, and compares only the next n1 characters in s
and the next n2 characters in str

s.compare(pos1, n1, charArray, n2)

Compares string s and charArray as before, but using only the first
n2 characters in charArray

s.copy (charArray, pos, n)

Replaces the string in s with n characters in charArray, starting at
position pos or at position 0, if pos is omitted; if n is too large,
characters are copied only until the end of charArray is reached;
returns the number (of type size_type) of characters copied

Returns a char array containing the characters stored in s,
terminated by a null character

Returns true if s contains no characters, false otherwise


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Returns an iterator porsitioned immediately after the last

character in s

s.erase(pos, n)
Removes n characters from s, beginning at position pos (default
value 0); if n is too large or is omitted, characters are erased only
to the end of s; returns s

s.find(str, pos)
Returns the first position >= pos such that the next str.size()
characters of s match those in str: returns npos if there is no such
position: 0 is the default value for pos

s.find(ch, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for ch

s.find(charArray, por)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for the
characters in charArray

s.find(charArray, pos, n)
Searches s as in the prceding function member, but for the first n
characters in charArray; the value pos must be given

s.find_first_not_of(str, pos)
Returns the first position >= pos of a character in s that does not
match any of the characters in str; returns npos if there is no such
position; 0 is the default value for pos

s.find_first_not_of(ch, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for ch

s.find_first_not_of(charArray, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for the
characters in charArray

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s.find_first_not_of(charArray, pos, n)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but using the
first n characters in charArray; the value pos must be given

s.find_first_of(str, pos)
Returns the first position >= pos of a character in s that matches
any character in str; returns npos if there is no such position; 0 is
the default value for pos

s.find_first_of(ch, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for ch

s.find_first_of(charArray, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for the
characters in charArray

s.find_first_of(charArray, pos, n)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but using the
first n characters in charArray; the value pos must be given

s.find_last_not_of(str, pos)
Returns the highest position <= pos of a character in s that does
not match any charcter in str; returns nopos if there is no such
position: npos is the default value for pos

s.find_last_not_of(ch, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for ch

s.find_last_not_of(charArray, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but using the
characters in charArray

s.find_last_not_of(charArray, pos, n)

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Searches s as in the preceding function member, but using the

first n characters in charArray; the value pos must be given

s.find_last_of(str, pos)
Returns the highest position <= pos of a character in s that match
any charcter in str; returns nopos if there is no such position:
npos is the default value for pos

s.find_last_of(ch, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for ch

s.find_last_of(charArray, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but using the
characters in charArray

s.find_last_of(charArray, pos, n)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but using the
first n characters in charArray; the value pos must be given

s.insert(pos, str)
Inserts a copy of str into s at position pos; returns s

s.insert(pos1, str, pos2, n)

Inserts a copy of n characters of str starting at position pos2 into s
at position pos; if n is too large, characters are copied only until
the end of str is reached; returns s

s.insert(pos, charArray, n)
Inserts a copy of the first n characters of charArray into s at
position pos; inserts all of its characters if n is omitted; returns s

s.insert(pos, n, ch)
Inserts n copies of the character ch into s at position pos, returns

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s.insert(it, ch)
Inserts a copy of the character ch into s at the position specified
by it; return an iterator positioned at this copy

s.insert(it, n, ch)
Inserts n copies of the character ch into s at the position specified
by it; return type is void

s.insert (it, inpIt1, inpIt2)

Inserts copies of the characters in the range [inpIt1, inpIt2} into s
at the position specified by It; return type is void

Returns the length (of type size_type) of s

Returns the maximum length (of type size_type) of s

Returns a reverse iterator positioned at the last character in s

Returns a reverse iterator positioned immediately before the first
character in s

s.replace(pos1, n1, str)

Replaces the substring of s of length n1 beginning at position pos1
with str, if n1 is too large, all characters to the end of s are
replaced; returns s

s.replace(it1, it2, str)

Same as the preceding but for the substring of s consisting of the
characters in the range [it1, it2); returns s

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s.replace(pos1, n1, str, pos2, n2)

Replaces a substring of s as in the prceding reference but using n2
characters in str, beginning at position pos 2; if n2 is too large,
characters to the end of str are used; returns s

s.replace(pos1, n1, charArray, n2)

Replaces a substring of s as before but with the first n2 characters
in charArray; if n2 is too large, characters to the end of charArray
are used; if n2 is omitted, all of charArray is used; returns s

s.replace(it1, it2, charArray, n2)

Same as the preceding but for the substring of s consisting of the
characters in the range [it1, it2); returns s

s.replace(pos1, n1, n2, ch)

Replaces a substring of s as before but with n2 copies of ch

s.replace(it1, it2, n2, ch)

Same as the preceding but for the substring of s consisting of the
characters in the range [it1, it2); returns s

s.replace(it1, it2, inpIt1, inpIt2)

Same as the preceding, but replaces with copies of the characters
in the range [inpIt1, inpIt2); returns s

Changes the storage allocation for s so that s.capacity() >= n, 0 if
n is omitted; return type is void

s.resize(n, ch)
If n<=s.size(), truncates rightmost character in s to make it of
size n; otherwise, adds copies of character ch to end of s to
increase it size to n, or adds a default character value (usually a
blank) if ch is omitted; return type is void

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s.rfind(str, pos)
Returns the highest position <= pos such that the next str.size()
characters of s match those in str; returns npos if there no such
position; npos is the default value for pos

s.rfind(ch, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for ch

s.rfind(charArray, pos)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for the
characters in charArray

s.rfind(charArray, pos, n)
Searches s as in the preceding function member, but for the first n
characters in charArray; the value pos must be given

Returns the length (of type size_type) of s

s.substr(pos, n)
Returns a copy of the substring consisting of n characters from s,
beginning at position pos (default value 0); if n is too large or is
omitted, characters are copied only until the end of s is reached

Swaps the contents of s and str; return type is void

swap(str1, str2)
Swaps the contents of str1 and str2; return type is void


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