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1ransact|on Code Ck40N

roduct Cost|ng Cockp|t Mater|a| Cost|ng kun

Vers|on 1601 (Updated 10/01/2010)

1) LnLer CosLlna 8un ld (ea AlC_00x)

2) LnLer CosLlna 8un uaLe (Lodavs daLe)
3) Cllck on (CreaLe) buLLon
1) LnLer descrlpLlon
2) LnLer CosLlna varlanL (?C1)
3) LnLer CosLlna verslon (01)
4) LnLer ConLrolllna Area (ea 801)
3) LnLer Companv Code (ea 801)
6) Cllck (Save)
1) Cllck on (uaLes) Lab
2) Chanae (CosLlna uaLe lrom) (CLv
SLrucLure uaLe) and (valuaLlon uaLe) Lo
(Lodavs daLe)
3) Cllck on (LnLer)
4) Cllck on (Save)
1) Cllck (Chanae arameLer) on (SelecLlon)
1) Lxc|ude MaLerlal 1vpe (8Cu)
2) Note Cnlv selecL (SelecL Conflaured MaLls
Cnlv) when vou are aolna Lo cosL vC
maLerlal varlanLs for sLep 8703
3) Cllck (Save)
4) Cllck (8ack)
1) Cllck (LxecuLe) on (SelecLlon) sLep
1) SelecL (SLarL lmmedlaLelv)
2) Cllck (Check)
3) Cllck (Conflrm)
1) Cllck (LnLer)
1) Cllck (8efresh)
unLll (SLlll Cpen) ls 0 or blank
2) Anallze Lhe resulLs onlv proceed Lo Lhe
nexL sLeps lf Lhere ls no errors
(warnlna ls ok)
1) Cllck (Chanae arameLer) on (SLrucL
Lxploslon) sLep
1) Cllck (Save)
2) Cllck (8ack)
1) Cllck (LxecuLe)
on (SLrucL Lxploslon) sLep
1) SelecL (SLarL lmmedlaLelv)
2) Cllck (Check)
3) Cllck (Conflrm)
1) Cllck (LnLer)
1) Cllck (8efresh)
unLll (SLlll Cpen) ls 0 or blank
2) Anallze Lhe resulLs onlv proceed Lo Lhe
nexL sLeps lf Lhere ls no errors
(warnlna ls ok)
1) Cllck (Chanae arameLer)
on (CosLlna) sLep
1) Cllck (Save)
2) Cllck (8ack)
1) Cllck (LxecuLe)
on (CosLlna) sLep
1) SelecL (SLarL lmmedlaLelv)
2) Cllck (Check)
3) Cllck (Conflrm)
1) Cllck (LnLer)
1) Cllck (8efresh)
unLll (SLlll Cpen) ls 0 or blank
2) Anallze Lhe resulLs onlv proceed Lo Lhe
nexL sLeps lf Lhere ls no errors
(warnlna ls ok)
1) Cllck (Chanae arameLer)
on (Analvsls) sLep
1) Choose (SA12)
2) Cllck (LnLer)
1) Cllck (Save)
2) Cllck (8ack)
1) Cllck (LxecuLe) on (Analvsls) sLep
1) Analvze Lhe cosL esLlmaLe resulLs
2) Cllck (8ack)
1) Cllck on (noL veL allowed)
on (Marklna) sLep
1) Cllck on companv code Lo allow marklna
(ea 801)
1) Cllck (Save)
2) Cllck (8ack)
1) Cllck (Save)
1) Cllck (Chanae arameLer)
on (Marklna) sLep
2) Cllck (Save)
3) Cllck (8ack)
1) unLlck (1esL 8un)
1) Cllck (LxecuLe)
on (Marklna) sLep
1) SelecL (SLarL lmmedlaLelv)
3) Cllck (Check)
4) Cllck (Conflrm)
2) unLlck (Chanae prlnL param)
4) Cllck (Conflrm)
1) Cllck (LnLer)
1) Cllck (8efresh)
unLll (SLlll Cpen) ls 0 or blank
2) Anallze Lhe resulLs onlv proceed Lo Lhe
nexL sLeps lf Lhere ls no errors
(warnlna ls ok)
1) Cllck (Chanae arameLer)
on (8elease) sLep
2) Cllck (Save)
3) Cllck (8ack)
1) unLlck (1esL 8un)
1) Cllck (LxecuLe)
on (8elease) sLep
1) SelecL (SLarL lmmedlaLelv)
3) Cllck (Check)
4) Cllck (Conflrm)
1) Cllck (LnLer)
2) unLlck (Chanae prlnL param)
8ack to c||ent create
1) Cllck (8efresh)
unLll (SLlll Cpen) ls 0 or blank
2) Anallze Lhe resulLs onlv proceed Lo Lhe
nexL sLeps lf Lhere ls no errors
(warnlna ls ok)

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