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Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton

Skull - Vert Column - Hyoid - Sternum - Ribs Upper limbs - Lower limbs - Clavicle - Scapula - Pelvis Lightens the skull (bone is hollowed out and filled with air sacks) - resonance chamber Softens Role of Sinus blow/hit to the skull Frontalis Raise the eyebrows Occipitals Wrinkling of forehead - draw scalp back (apeneurotica) Temporalis Chewing Zygomaticus Major Smiling Platysma Lowers the jaw Masseter Chewing SCM Draws the head forward - Lateral tilt and rotates to opposite side Longus Colli & Capitus Draws chin in & Deep cervical neck flexor (chin tucks) Scalene Neck flexor & Lateral flexor Splenus Capitus Neck Extensor & Lateral flexor Sub Clavius Depresses clavicle onto 1st rib (breathing) Biceps Long/Short head: Elbow flexion & Supination Short head: Anterior tilt Scapula Long head: Flexion of shoulder & stabilises Brachialis Elbow flexor Coraco Brachialis Weak adductor & weak flexor of shoulder Triceps Elbow extensor Long head: Shoulder extensor Anconeus Elbow extensor Buccinator Sucks Location of Iliocostalis ribs, superficial, widest. Causes movement, mobiliser of erector spinae Location of Longissimus Middle layer, close to spine. Creates movement and stabilises Location of Spinalis Deep next to spine. Stabilises Relation to above - CAPITUS Going to the head Relation to above - CERVICUS Cervical Vertebrae

Relation to above - THORACIC Thoracic region Relation to above - LUMBORUM Crosses the lumbar region Origin and Insertion of following: Attaches Transverse processes of vertebrae & on the Spinous processes 2,3 or 4 vertebrae above Multifidus STABILISERS Rotatores Transverse process directly to spinous process above - STABILISERS Pronator Teres Flexor of elbow & pronates Flexor Carpi radialis Flexor of elbow & wrist Flexor Carpi ulnaris Flexor of elbow & wrist Flexor Digitorum Flexor of digits & elbow Flexor pollicus longus flexor of thumb Extensor carpi radialis Extensor of wrist & elbow Extensor digiti minimi Extensor of elbow & little finger Extensor pollicus longus Exensor of thumb Sub Occipitals Extension of atlanto occipital joint (whiplash muscle) Pronator Quadratus Pronates Palmaris longus Flexor of palm/elbow Supinator Supinates Extensor Digitorum Extensor of elbow/digits Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor elbow/wrist Abductor pollicus longus abducts thumb Brachioradialis flexor of elbow & returns supinated hand and pronated hand to netural Cranial Nerves 12 - facial movements and senses - sight smell sound C1-C5 Most of the movements of the neck an Cervical Plexus shoulders (breathing, diaphram) C5-T1 (including C8 - 24 vertebrae and 25 nerves) Brachial Plexus (auxillary nerve) shoulders, arms, chest, wrist and fingers Thoracic region T1-T12 Muscles in abdominal region and organs

Lumbar plexus

Sacral Plexus

T12-L4 (femoral and inguinal nerve) acivates quads, adductors and small amount glutes L4-S4 Activates muscles down the back of the leg (siatic nerve - tibial flexors bottom of foot and perioneal extensors on top of foot)

Scalenes (anterior and middle) & sub clavius (Thoracic outlet syndrome) - Stretch scalenes get scapula to elevate and upwardly rotate (magic Brachial plexus enrapmentwand) Carpel tunnel Median nerve trapped under flexor retinaculum - Rest - no gripping piriformis syndrome or in sacral plexus where nerve root some through intervertebral foramen for piriformis stretch and strengthen glute max and core activation (piriformis becomes internal rotator at 70 degrees) Postural cervical dysfunction - SCM draws head forward (ad possibly scalene) - Stretch extensors of the neck and chin tucks Head tilted laterally - could be scalenes, SCM rest stretch and strengthen - look at scapula movement

Siatic nerve

Forward Head

Acute Wry Neck

Sub occipitals - rapid extension cand affect deep neck flexors, after collar comes off strengthen and increase rom (neck extension/flexion/lateral neck Whiplash flexion, eventually rotation) Thoracic region - facet joints stiff - Stretching and Intervertebral Hypomobility increase ROM - sitting with stick on shoulder

Scheuermanns Disc pain

Bulging disc posteriorly - thinner at the back AVOID flexion (crunches) and strengthen core - 4 point kneeling Lateral epicondylitis - radial nerve going through extensor carpi radialis - caused through repeated hyperextension of the elbow - stay away from extension until no pain and then strengthen Medial epicondylitis - ulna nerve mainly through flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris - stay away from flexion until no pain and then strengthen Osteitus Pubis - running, kicking, change of direction (particularly adductor longus and SIJ dysfunction. Rest increase ROM stretch massage and strengthen Lateral lip - heals itself. Deep won't repair strengthen VMO and quads L3, L4, L5 vertebrae and disc slide forward AVOID extension, strengthen core stretch psoas Fracture in Pars (spinous process) - explosive roatation under load (cricket) rest until fracture is healed - strengthen core, analyse movement ensure rotation is happening correctly Emerges out of intervertebral foramen splits into 2 which becomes Dorsal Rami which sends and receive messages from back of the body and Ventral Rami which sends and receives messages from the front of the body to the muscle - effernet messages - motor From the skin - afferent messages - sensory

Tennis elbow

Golfers Elbow

Adductor Groin Strain Menisci Minor Tear Spondylolisthesis


Nerve Root gangleon Myotones Dermatones

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