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+attack -attack +attack2 -attack2 +back -back bind

cl_allowdownload cl_cmdrate cl_detaildist cl_detailfade

cl_ejectbrass cl_forcepreload

cl_interp cl_maxrenderable_dist cl_predict cl_show_bloodspray cl_showfps

cl_showpos cl_smooth

Launches the selected weapons primary attack. Stop the selected weapons primary attack. Launches the selected weapons secondary attack. Stops the selected weapons secondary attack. Start moving player backward (button down) Stop moving player backward (button up) Bind a key. E.g Bind "y" "noclip" Will bind the key 'y' when pressed to turn on 'noclip'. When typing into the console include the "" before and after the key and the console command. Client downloads customization files (default: 1) Max number of command packets sent to server per second (default: 30) Distance from player at which detail props (e.g. grass) are shown. (default: 1200) Distance it takes for detail props to go from transparent to opaque. If this value is >= cl_detaildist, it is treated as if it were 0. (default: 400) Determines whether spent shells are shown ejecting from a gun. (default: 1) Whether we should force preloading model and texture information to video memory at the beginning of a level. Makes level loads longer, but can reduce stuttering caused by loading information on the fly. (Default: 0, but recommended to set at 1) Interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past (see this post) Max distance from the camera at which things will be rendered (default: 3000) Perform client side prediction. (Default: 0) Shows blood/gore when enemy is damaged. Displays your fps at the top of the screen (1 is the real-time fps, 2 is for average fps over the past second) Draw current position at top of screen Smooth view/eye origin after prediction

cl_smoothtime cl_updaterate connect crosshair demoui disconnect +duck -duck exec exit +forward -forward fov fps_max

hud_saytext_time hurtme

impulse 101 jpeg +jump -jump key_findbinding key_listboundkeys kill +left -left m_customaccel

errors Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server (default: 20) Connect to specified server. Must use server IP or web address. Show/hide the crosshair (default: 1) Show/hide the demo player UI. Disconnect game from server. Start player ducking (button down) Stop player ducking (button up) Executes a config, // exec config_default.cfg Exit the engine. Start moving player forward (button down) Stop moving player forward (button up) Change players FOV Frame rate limiter (set at 0 for uncapped fps. Setting higher than your monitors refresh rate may cause graphical errors) How long text chat is displayed onscreen Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose> E.g hurtme 100 does 100 damage to player. Note: hurtme -100 would give 100 health to player. Cheat command! Gives full health and ammo to player. Cheat command. Take a jpeg screenshot: jpeg <filename> <quality 1-100>. Start player jump upward (button down) Stop player jump upward (button up) Find key bound to specified command string. List bound keys with bindings. kills the player Start moving player left (button down) Stop moving player left (button up) Custom mouse acceleration (0 disable, 1 to enable, 2 enable with separate yaw/pitch rescale).

Formula: mousesensitivity = ( rawmousedelta^m_customaccel_exponent ) * m_customaccel_scale + sensitivity. If mode is 2, then x and y sensitivity are scaled by m_pitch and m_yaw respectively. m_customaccel_expone Mouse move is raised to this power before nt being scaled by scale factor. m_customaccel_max Max mouse move scale factor, 0 for no limit m_customaccel_scale Custom mouse acceleration value. m_filter Mouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames). m_forward Mouse forward factor. m_mouseaccel1 Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement). m_mouseaccel2 Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement). m_mousespeed Windows mouse speed factor (range 1 to 20). m_pitch Mouse pitch factor. m_side Mouse side factor. m_yaw Mouse yaw factor. map Start playing on specified map. mat_antialias Level of antialiasing to be applied to the game. (Default: 0) mat_bloom Amount of bloom to be applied to the game (Default: 1) mat_bumpmap Toggles bumpmap rendering on/off. Default: 1 mat_compressedtextures When set to 0 the engine will use uncompressed textures for the current map. (Default: 1) mat_forceaniso Sets Anistropic Filtering Level (Default: 1) mat_forcedynamic Forces the use of dynamic lighting where applicable. mat_monitorgamma Controls brightness, try 1.8 to make it brighter or 2.2 to get it darker. Only works in fullscreen. mat_parallaxmap mat_picmip Enables the use of parallax maps (default: 0) Sets texture quality. Is the same as the "Texture Detail" menu. Values are -1-Very High (Orange Box only), 0-High, 1-Medium,

2-Low (default: 0) mat_specular Enable/Disable specularity for performance testing. Will cause a material reload upon change. (default: 1) mat_vsync Force sync to vertical retrace (default: 0) net_graph Draw the network usage graph. (Default: 0, values from 0 to 6) noclip Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Useful for developers and players that have gotten physically stuck. Cheat command! pause Toggle the server pause state. ping Display ping to server. play Play a sound. playdemo Play a recorded demo file (.dem ). quit Exit the engine. r_3dsky Enable the rendering of 3d sky boxes (default: 1) r_ambientlightingonly Set this to 1 to light models with only ambient lighting (and no static lighting). (default: 0) r_decals Determines how many decals are displayed. r_drawparticles Enable/disable particle rendering r_DrawRain Enable/disable rain rendering. r_fastzreject Activate/deactivates a fast z-setting algorithm to take advantage of hardware with fast z reject. Use -1 to default to hardware settings r_propsmaxdist Maximum visible distance r_radiosity 0 No radiosity 1 Radiosity with ambient cube (6 samples) 2 Radiosity with 162 samples 3 162 samples for static props, 6 samples for everything else r_RainSimulate Enable/disable rain simulation. r_screenfademaxsize Maximum prop visible distance r_screenfademinsize Minimum prop visible distance r_shadowrendertotextur Determines shadow quality - is the same as e the "Shadow Detail" option in the menu r_shadows Determines whether shadows are drawn r_skybox Enable the rendering of sky boxes r_teeth Draws teeth (default: 1)

r_WaterDrawReflection r_WaterDrawRefraction rate rcon


rcon_password record retry +right -right say say_team screenshot sensitivity slot0 slot1 slot2 slot3 slot4 slot5 slot6 slot7 slot8 slot9 status stop stopdemo unbind unbindall unpause use

Enable water reflection Enable water refraction Max bytes/sec the host can receive data Issue an rcon command. User must have rcon password, and have inputted rcon_password <password> in the console. Syntax is rcon <command> E.g. rcon sv_alltalk 1 Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p) remote console password. Record a demo. Syntax is record <demoname> E.g. record badlands_push_3 Retry connection to last server. Start moving player right (button down) Stop moving player right (button up) Display player message. Display player message to team Take a screenshot. Mouse sensitivity. Switches to the weapon in the 0 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 1 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 2 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 3 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 4 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 5 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 6 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 7 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 8 slot position. Switches to the weapon in the 9 slot position. Display map and connection status. Finish recording demo. Stop playing back a demo. Unbind a key. Unbind all keys. Unpause the game. Use a particular weapon. Arguments: <weapon_name>

user users viewmodel_fov

Show user data. Show user info for players on server. Scales the size of the weapon as displayed on your screen. (default: 54) violence_hblood Draw human blood violence_hgibs Show human gib entities voice_inputfromfile Get voice input from "voice_input.wav" rather than from the microphone. voice_recordtofile Record mic data and decompressed voice data into "voice_micdata.wav" and "voice_decompressed.wav". volume Sound volume. zoom_sensitivity_ratio Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in. (default: 1)

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