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Instructions for upgrading P543 Relay Software to version 52H Notes : 1) When new P543 software is installed it causes

the relay to revert to the factory defaults for the protection settings, PSL, dnp3 (if appropriate) & language. So, if you haven't already, please extract the application settings (.set file, the configuration settings (.psl files) & dnp3 configuration setting (.dnp) from the relay using MiCOM S1. 2) 52 software runs in hardware K Instructions : 1. Copy file P543_52H.exe to a temporary directory on your PC. Execute file P543_52H.exe which will extract the following files into the directory c:\P543. The files are as follows: Boot Loader (P54352H.ldr) COURIER Application (P543_1__520_H) CS103 Application (P543_3__520_H) DNP3 Application (P543_4__520_H) IEC61850 Application (P543_6__520_H) IEC61850 Ethernet card Application (P543_6__520_H_ethernet) IEC61850_CS103 Application (P543_7__520_H) IEC61850_CS103 Ethernet card Application (P543_7__520_H_ethernet) UK Language Text (P543UK52H.lan) FR Language Text (P543FR52H.lan) DE Language Text (P543DE52H.lan) ES Language Text (P543ES52H.lan) RU Language Text (P543RU52H.lan) C1 Language Text (P543C152H.lan) C2 Language Text (P543C252H.lan) COURIER Download and Calibration File (P543COURIER_52H.dcf) CS103 Download and Calibration File (P543CS103_52H.dcf) DNP3 Download and Calibration File (P543DNP3_52H.dcf) IEC61850 Download and Calibration File (P543IEC61850_52H.dcf) IEC61850_CS103 Download and Calibration File (P543IEC61850_CS103_52H.dcf) COURIER Download and Calibration File - Russian (P543COURIER_52H_RU.dcf) CS103 Download and Calibration File - Russian (P543CS103_52H_RU.dcf) DNP3 Download and Calibration File - Russian (P543DNP3_52H_RU.dcf) IEC61850 Download and Calibration File - Russian (P543IEC61850_52H_RU.dcf) IEC61850_CS103 Download and Calibration File - Russian (P543IEC61850_CS103_52H_RU.dcf) COURIER Download and Calibration File - Chinese (P543COURIER_52H_C1.dcf) CS103 Download and Calibration File - Chinese (P543CS103_52H_C1.dcf) DNP3 Download and Calibration File - Chinese (P543DNP3_52H_C1.dcf) IEC61850 Download and Calibration File - Chinese (P543IEC61850_52H_C1.dcf)

IEC61850_CS103 Download and Calibration File - Chinese


2. Power up the relay and connect a 25 way lead between the parallel port on the PC and the relay front 25 way port. The lead must be point to point i.e. pin 1 - pin 1, etc. 3. Start the Px40 Platform Download and Calibration application. 4. In the dialogue box select the appropriate box for software download e.g. Relay 1 (LPT1, COM1) and select the Software button. 5. If the model number/serial number is not changing select skip otherwise type the correct Model Number including the communications option and the software version information. e.g. P543320AwAl520K. Where w = 1 for courier, 3 for CS103, 4 for DNP3 , 6 for IEC61850, 7 for IEC61850 + CS103, 8 for Courier + DNP3 over Ethernet Where l = 0 for English/French/German/Spanish, 5 for English/French/German/Russian, C for English/French/Chinese 6. If a model number has been entered type the correct Serial Number e.g. 12345A and select Download. 7. In the dialogue box for "Open a Download Configuration File" use the browse facility to take you into the directory C:\P543 and open the appropriate dcf file e.g. P543dnp3_52H.dcf for dnp3. 8. The relay software will take about 2 minutes to download. 9. When the relay reboots check the following items in the SYSTEM DATA Column of the menu: + Model Number (e.g. P543320A3Al520K) + Serial Number (e.g. 343647L) + Software Reference (e.g. P543____3_0520_H) 10. Update rating label information accordingly and inform our After Sales department of the upgrade.

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