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Putnam City High School

August 19, 2011 Dear Parent or Guardian: Welcome to an exciting year of senior English at Putnam City High School! I am Carita Combs, your childs English IV teacher, and I am writing so that I can introduce myself, in the hope that we will remain in close contact. I believe there is nothing more motivating to most students than their parents, and there is no one who cares more about your childs success than you. Since we all want your child to do well, I figure we should join forces. I recognize that you may have a difficult time prying information about school, homework, and friends out of your high school senior. Well, perhaps I will be able to enlighten you. Here is my contact information: Putnam City High School Main Office: 789-4350 Room Phone Number: 789-4350 ext 2149 Email: ccombs@putnamcityschools.org I check my email every school day, so if your question does not require immediate attention, email is the most convenient way to contact me. If you decide to call, I will probably be teaching. I may still answer the phone and take a quick message. Otherwise, you can leave a message on my voicemail. My planning period is 7th hour. If you would like to check on your childs progress in class, student grades and attendance will be posted online and can be accessed on Powerschool. This is an excellent way for you to check on your students progress in relation to grades and attendance. I have also created a Facebook page as tool to be used by you and the

students (page name: Mrs. Combs Senior English. On this page, you and your student can check for daily assignments, print out handouts from class, etc. Students will also take part in online discussions. The classroom procedures you should be familiar with are these: 1. Students who are absent are responsible for finding out what was missed by looking on the Facebook page or asking upon return to class. 2. Essays will be weighed heavily. Students must complete a research paper in order to graduate. 3. Plagiarism and cheating is unacceptable and a strict policy is in place to cobat this problem. 4. An atmosphere of respect must exist in the class in order for learning to occur. Any behavior that is disrespectful to others or myself will result in disciplinary action. 5. Cell phones and MP3 players have become a consistent disruption in class. Students who are talking on cell phones, text messaging or listening to MP3 players without permission will have their device taken and sent to the office until the end of the school day. Thank you for taking time to read over this information. I want you to know that I will do my best this year to help your child be successful and prepare for the future. I will treat your child with the same respect and love I have for my own daughter. If there is anything you think I should know about your childs needs in the classroom, please send an email or write a note . Sincerely,

Carita Combs English IV Teacher, Putnam City High School

Please sign the attached paper to indicate that you have read this letter. Then, please send the paper back with the student by Tuesday, August 23rd.

Student Name (print)

Parent/Guardian Name (print)

Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Email Address


Student Name (print)

Parent/Guardian Name (print)

Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent/Guardian Email Address

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