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Dear Diary

I write with words of sorrow, as I lie restlessly awake thinking of all that has been done. Today is the day I wake up with solemn regret of my actions, for my sanity has been taken away. Who I was, is no longer who Ive become. Please, help me forgive myself for my mistakes. Help me move on from this guilty tragedy that slowly takes away my life. My heart yearns for a smile to paint across my face. These thoughts I have in my head no longer express happiness. What have I done?
I have become nothing but a cold-hearted woman, provoking death upon others for my own benet. Why? For what? For my love to become King of Scotland, and I, Queen? We are no one but murderers, stealing the throne, replacing true noble people of Scotland. I have not murdered with my own hands, but my mind instilled evil and death upon others, like I have done it myself.
I wished to be unsexed, to become man and fulll the duties of murder to make my dearest love King. I truly regret these wishes for I became evil and overpowering. I have turned my love from a noble kinsmen to a tyrant. Is this all my fault? Am I to blame for all these deaths, as well as my loves downfall? My hunger for power suppressed my knowledge of right from wrong. My words, actions and pride have affected Macbeth and the people of Scotland. I am to blame for what has happened; I am to blame for who my dearest Macbeth has become. I am angry at myself for only realizing this now, at this moment, when my sanity has already been taken away; when nothing can be undone.
The hands which I write this diary with can no longer be cleansed of the deeds I have done, for water cannot wash away the guilt upon me. Blood still sheds on my hands, though it may not be truly there, I see it all the time. Im haunted by all those whove killed, and this pain is too much to bear. I cannot believe that I was a part of this, I am so sickened. My ambition towards my loves success has taken over my life, and now I am ready to give my life away. I have no reason to live now; my death will bring nothing but better days and safety for the people of Scotland. I have caused enough emotional distress upon others, and now these feelings take over me.
I apologize for all that has happened; for helping Macbeth become King of Scotland not by true nobility, but with murder, and for the death of Duncan, Banquo, and Macduffs family. They did not deserve to be killed. I have decided that today will be my last lived day. I hope that my death will release me from my guilt, fear, and regret. Today, I will die as a woman.

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