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Instalar CLAMAV desde el TARBALL Actualizado agosto 2011 Descargar el Clamav desde:

#wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/clamav/clamav/0.95.3/clamav-0.95.3.tar.gz

Check that MILTER support is enable at Sendmail. To check it, run the following command: #sendmail -d0 < /dev/null | grep MILTER

If MILTER support is already enable, this will show the following like message MATCHGECOS MILTER MIME7TO8 MIME8TO7 NAMED_BIND NETINET NETINET6

Check that MILTER library "libmilter*" is installed. # whereis libmilter libmilter: /usr/lib/libmilter.a /usr/include/libmilter para 32 bits libmilter: /usr/lib64/libmilter.so /usr/include/libmilter para 64 bits

En caso de no tener instalada la librera, se tiene que instalar el paquete sendmail-devel Make a group and user for Clamav using: # groupadd clamav # useradd -g clamav -s /bin/false -c "Clam AntiVirus" clamav

After that, you can start compiling the Clamav source code by doing: #gzip -dc clamav-0.95.3.tar.gz| tar -xof #cd clamav-0.95.3 #./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --enable-milter #make #make install

La opcin --enable-milter es para activar el antivirus clamav con soporte milter

# mkdir /var/log/clamav #chown -R clamav:clamav /var/log/clamav

This point, you will have Clamav installed, but you will not be able to use for now, since you will have to edit the

configuration files first.

Edit los archivos : # vi /etc/clamd.conf # vi /etc/freshclam.conf # vi /etc/clamav-milter.conf

En cada uno de los archivos de configuracin se deben de poner los directorios en donde se crearan los archivos con extension .sock, sino marcara error de acceso denegado.

And remove the Example line (or add a comment sign ("#") in front of the line so it will be ignored. Ok, start the Clamav daemon by using: #/usr/local/sbin/clamd -c /etc/clamd.conf #/usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter

Good, you can start testing it now by using: clamscan <options> <filesToScan> If you want to update the database, just run freshclam as root user and it will update the database by getting the diff between the version you have and the latest database on the Clamav's server. It will be faster and more efficient. If you have always-on Internet connection, you can start the freshclam as daemon mode by using: freshclam -d Other solution is to use Cron to periodically check for updates. Please note that this application does not provide real time protection like in most anti virus in Windows, but if you want to have capabilities like that, you can try to install Dazuko and compile it as kernel module and configure the Clamav and you will have on-access scanning. Error:

freshclam: error while loading shared libraries: libclamav.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Solucin: Se debe de ejecutar el comando siguiente para actualizar las libreras: #ldconfig Fuente: http://slackblogs.blogspot.com/2007/09/installing-clamav.html

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