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What were the arguments of the pro-annexation forces? o for security, commerce, markets, raw materials, and to keep out European powers.

What is the relationship of the Philippine Government Act and the Jones Act of 1916? o The Philippine Government Act set up the government in the Philippines to mirror that of the US. The Philippines would be able to elect their legislature, however the governor would be appointed by the US congress. The Jones act of 1916 extended the Philippine Government Act by allowing the people of the Philippines the right to vote for all bodies of government. y Did the United States abide by the Teller Amendment? Explain your answer. o No, after the Spanish-American War McKinley set up a military government in Cuba that oversaw the drafting of a new constitution that limited Cuba s freedom to make treaties with other countries and required Cuba to provide land for U.S. naval and fueling stations y The Spanish-American War liberated Cuba and the United States also took control of all of the following EXCEPT: a. The Philippines c. Puerto Rico b. The Virgin Islands d. Guam o B. he Virgin Islands y What was Spain's response to the 1895 Cuban revolt? a. Spain sent 100,000 troops to c. Spain granted Cub its independence. fight the rebels. b. Spain ignored the revolt. d.Spain, Mexico and the United States sent troops to fight the rebels o Spain sent 100,000 troops to fight the rebels y The Anti-Imperialist League summed up their argument against annexation by saying, a. Commerce, not politics, is king. b. The Hawaiian pear is now fully ripe and this is the golden hour for the United States to pluck it. c. Let us rise up at once with a final burst of heartfelt energy . . . for the true republic. d. The subjugation of any people is criminal aggression and openly disloyal to the principles of our Government. o D. The subjugation of any people is criminal aggression and openly disloyal to the principles of our government. y What were the arguments for and against the annexation of the Philippines? o Many people argued that the United States needed an Asian outpost for trade and military purposes. Others argued that if the United States annexed the Philippines, it would be a betrayal of the principals of self-rule. y poet who fought for Cuban independence o Jos Mart y

y a. b. c. d. y a. b. y

What steps were taken to solve the outbreaks of yellow fever and malaria during the construction of the Panama Canal? o U.S. officials drained swamps and improved living conditions to end the outbreaks of yellow fever and malaria. Why did the United States become involved in the Panamanian Revolution? o The United States wanted Panama to be free so that they could begin construction on the Panama canal. By supporting the Panamanians in their Revolution, the United States made it possible to influence the Panamanian government and gain access to the canal How did the Latin American policies of Taft and Wilson differ? o Students should explain that Taft believed dollar diplomacy extending U.S. influence in the region through investments was the best way to protect the region from European intervention. Wilson believed that democratic governments, not dollars, would keep European powers out of Latin America Why did Roosevelt feel he needed to issue the Roosevelt Corollary? o Roosevelt did not want European nations seizing the Dominican territory to satisfy their demands for repayment of loans. Roosevelt did not want European nations seizing the Dominican territory to satisfy their demands for repayment of loans. o Taft had American banks lend $1.5 million to Nicaragua in 1911. By 1914 Americans had invested over $1.6 billion in Latin America The Roosevelt Corollary specifically states that the United States would play what role in Latin America? a. mediator c. police power b. watchdog d. buffer state o C. police power What difficulties did the workers face in the construction of the Panama Canal o Workers faced the likelihood of developing yellow fever and malaria for which there was no current cure, living conditions were harsh, and there were shortages of labor and materials. During the actual construction, workers faced heavy rains and frequent avalanches as they moved nearly 160 trainloads of earth each day All of the following were presidents during the Mexican Revolution except: Carranza Huerta Madero Zapata o D. Zapata In August of 1915, a commission representing eight Latin American countries and the United States recognized _______ as the lawful authority in Mexico. Carranza c. Huerta Zapata d. Madero o A. Carranza What reaction did the U.S. government have to Victoriano Huerta seizing power and imprisoning President Madero?

Wilson was outraged; he lifted the arms embargo to the revolutionary armies and sent marines into Veracruz to stop Huerta from receiving German arms y What reasons did Pancho Villa have for coming to the United States in March of 1916? o . Pancho Villa was upset by U.S. recognition of President Carranza in return for his promise to protect American lives and property y Who was the leader of the Mexican Revolution? a. Emilio Zapata c. Francisco Madero b. Porifiro Diaz d. None of the above o A. Emilio Zapata y Why did the United States support Mexican revolutionaries but oppose Filipino revolutionaries o Support from Mexican revolutionaries included the fact that President Wilson wanted Victoriano Huerta s government of butchers ousted from power because of the murder of newly elected president Francisco Madero. To help, he lifted the arms embargo to the revolutionary armies of Villa, Zapata, and Carranza. Opposition to Filipino revolutionaries included the fact that the United States wanted to annex the Philippines rather than let it become independent because of its military and commercial importance. y What was the trigger for the Mexican Revolution? o Porifiro Diaz disqualified his opponent in the election of 1910 and therefore was the only candidate in the election. For many people, this was the last straw in a series of problems in the Diaz government. y Did the increase in Mexican industry in 1910 improve the lives of the Mexican people? Explain. o The lives of average Mexican citizens did not improve greatly with the increased industry and foreign investment because President Daz and his friends kept the money for themselves. y When Roosevelt told the world that he would support the Monroe Doctrine, he meant a. he would not allow European trade with Latin America. b.he would substitute economic assistance for force in dealing with Latin America. c. he would use U.S. forces to protect American interests in the Western Hemisphere. d.he would allow all nations to use the Panama Canal. o C. he would use U.S. forces to protect American interests in the Western Hemisphere y How did the United States increase their power and control in China o The United States established spheres of influence , or areas of China that were controlled by the United States y How did Taft demonstrate dollar diplomacy o Taft had American banks lend $1.5 million to Nicaragua in 1911. By 1914 Americans had invested over $1.6 billion in Latin America y Did the United States abide by the Teller Amendment? Explain your answer. o

No, after the Spanish-American War McKinley set up a military government in Cuba that oversaw the drafting of a new constitution that limited Cuba s freedom to make treaties with other countries and required Cuba to provide land for U.S. naval and fueling stations What difficulties did the workers face in the construction of the Panama Canal? o Workers faced the likelihood of developing yellow fever and malaria for which there was no current cure, living conditions were harsh, and there were shortages of labor and materials. During the actual construction, workers faced heavy rains and frequent avalanches as they moved nearly 160 trainloads of earth each day. Did the increase in Mexican industry in 1910 improve the lives of the Mexican people? Explain. o The lives of average Mexican citizens did not improve greatly with the increased industry and foreign investment because President Daz and his friends kept the money for themselves Describe three reasons why the United States wanted to acquire Hawaii? o During the 19th century, many Americans began to look at the theories of Henry Cabot Lodge and Alfred Thayer Mahan. Lodge was a advocate of colonization and wanted to increase American influence overseas to become a world power. Mahan was an advocate for a strong US navy. These new ideas increased America's desire to add Hawaii to the United States. As Lodge's theories became more popular amongst Americans, so did their desire to obtain Hawaii. In addition to Hawaii being a perfect location for a naval base, Americans also believed that it would benefit them in regards to trade with Asia. The United States also saw value in Hawaii as a wonderful location to produce sugarcane and increase the wealth of the nation What happened to China as a result of the events of the Boxer Rebellion? o China was invaded by a force composed of several nations who rescued the foreigners and China was forced to pay $333 million for damages. o

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