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TITLE Leveraging communication through Technology enhance visual communication enabler: Talking graphics & Mind Reflection Keywords:

PECs, Makaton, Autism and ICT, Learning aids, Visual Communication, Reflective graphics, Assistive devices, Language boards, Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) 1. BACKGROUND TO THE PROBLEM Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood that is characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships, and in using language and abstract concepts (a;sa). According to Autism South Africa, Autism is a genetic condition which results in abnormal brain development and function. While a lot of research is being carried out in this area to ascertain the exact etiologies, there is no exactitude as to the cause of this condition as of the writing of this document. Autism spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a spectrum of psychological conditions characterized by widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, as well as restricted interests and repetitive behavior. A person with autism is said to be Autistic. About 75% of sufferers do not have the ability to communicate their needs verbally and this inability may vary from person to person. Sufferers with severe verbal communication deficit are unable to communicate their every day needs effectively at home, at care centers and generally in their communities. The inability to communicate needs frustrate them to the point of resorting to grabbing as stated by the authors of a pictures worth. Autism sufferers suffer a multitude of challenges, one of which is the stigmatization they face resulting in social rejection. The inability to express needs cause them to experience a high level of frustration, which is the root cause of many undesirable behaviors. They are known to grab, scream clamorously (Frost) and socially exhibit tendencies unthinkable to the non sufferer. To the non sufferer this is socially boorish and alienating, it stymies desire to communicate further. This is a problem because the autism sufferer ends up in a diminutive communication path without any expedient to overcome or ameliorate being heard. According to a;sa , Autism is on the rise and affects 4 times many boys than girls. Famous and Autistic I think in pictures and connect them --Dr Temple Grandon, Animals in Translation. "He told me that his teachers reported that . . . he was mentally slow, unsociable, and adrift forever in his foolish dreams." -- Hans Albert Einstein, on his father, Albert Einstein

"I was, on the whole, considerably discouraged by my school days. It was not pleasant to feel oneself so completely outclassed and left behind at the beginning of the race." -- Sir Winston Churchill

1.1 Common Characteristics of Autism (adapted from a;sa) 1.1.1. Due to structural and chemical changes within the brain, people with autism cannot fully comprehend how other people are thinking and therefore can find it difficult to join and often prefer seclusion. 1.1.2. The development of speech language may be delayed or absent. 40% of lower functioning autistic people (Kanner Autism) never speak. 1.1.3. The inability to fully understand communication and therefore see the reason for changes in routine or environment may cause extreme confusion and anxiety 1.1.4. Self injurious behavior, eg head banging, biting etc may be a way of creating a specific area of severe pain to block out all the noises, smells, lights etc that are around them every day. 1.1.5. People with autism often find it very difficult to look and listen at the same time, so exhibit little or no eye contact when trying to listen to what you are saying. 1.1.6. Due to greater sensitivity to sensory input, sufferers could show dislike for light, sounds, taste smell or touch. 1.1.7. People with autism may suddenly laugh or cry for no obvious reason 1.1.8. They may have abnormal sleep patterns. 1.1.9. Cognitive development may be severely hampered with in turn affects lifelong learning with poor understanding of abstract concepts and imaginative play, e.g. they may not be able to play with a wooden block as if it is a car. 1.1.10. The area of the brain responsible for understanding the spoken word can be affected, often resulting in minimal or no comprehension of what is being said to them. 1.1.11. To ensure feeling of safety and predictability, familiar activities are often performed again and again with resistance to suggestion of change. 1.1.12. Displays of aggressive behavior or tantrums are not generally bad behavior, but occur as a result of extreme anxiety, frustration or fear. All behaviors are forms of communication. 1.1.13. No real fear or danger is often present and sadly this can lead to accidents and/or even death. 14. Poor development of gross and fine motor skill development can result in delayed development of normal milestones, or could lead to a number of other disabilities. 1.1.15. Their sense of touch, taste, sight, hearing, and/or smell may be greater or lesser than normal.

1.1.16. Unusual habits as rocking, hand flapping or spinning of objects is common of people with autism. 1.1.17. They may prefer to play alone. 1.2. Types of Autism There are three main types of disorders within the Autism spectrum, 1.2.1 Asperger syndrome This category of sufferers do not always result in intellectual impairment. This group of sufferers can have close to normal speech developed with average or above average intellect. They form about 25% ASD sufferers. 1.2.2 Classic /Kanner Autism This group of sufferers form up to about 75% of sufferers and are characterized by the presence of intellectual impairment and/or learning disabilities. 1.2.3. Savant Autism These sufferers approximately form about 5% of autism sufferers, they are describe as individuals almost superhuman in one area also along with extreme impairments.

1.3 TRIAD OF IMPAIRMENTS The triad of impairment affects all people correctly diagnosed with Autism. This collectively causes delays in development and ongoing problems, this includes: 1.3.1. Language and communication 1.3.2. Social interaction 1.3.3. Behavior and imagination 2. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM Majority of autism sufferers do not develop enough natural speech to communicate their everyday communication needs. 2.1 RESEARCH QUESTION, SUB-QUESTION AND OBJECTIVES Research problem About 75% of autistic people do not develop enough natural speech to meet every day communication needs. a;sa How can ICT bridge the communication divide through enhanced technology driven visual communication aids in a language of easily decipherable graphics? Research method(s) Interview Objectives To ascertain what is most important to form

Research question

Research subquestions What form of interactions do autistic

people partake in that requires intervention to be understood by a non sufferer?

Literature analysis

a source of primary needs repository for communication

Relative to cognition How well can an autism sufferer be trained to use a digital communication enabler to communicate daily needs?

Interview with experts literature analysis

Due to sensory sensitivity their responds to environmental stimuli might vary, what is across the board and further can they cognitively be trained for special task require identification and judgement. If Yes then the concept of a reflective graphic can easily work and security wise parents can benefit knowing their children can communicate past events.

Simply can an autistic person be trained to communicate happenings in the past or in the future? Can a non-verbal sufferer differentiate morning from afternoon and evening? Comparatively what are the available communication enablers besides Makaton and PECs?

Interview with experts Literature review

Interview with experts literature review

Are there devices based on PECs and Makaton that are currently being used by some families already or individuals with autism This will help as understanding this will ease the creation of a digital system

How do autistic people differentiate patterns or designs and color?

Interview with experts

What special capabilities do autistic people poses that could be capitalized on as a basis to enhance communication?

Literature review Interview with experts Observation

There are Savants, to very low function nonverbal autistic people, knowledge of this will steer conceptualization of system to meet the needs of the domain.

3. CURRENT STATUS OF THE RESEARCH AREA Sufferers of autism think in pictures and connect them as said by Dr Temple Grandin a celebrated animal scientist. Dr. Grandin though stymied in many respects by autism came to overcome the preclusive effects of autism. Visual communication forms the primary means of communication by sufferers of autism. Makaton and PECs are the two primary means by which autistic people communicate their needs. These communication systems can be used singly or combined to heighten the efficacy of communication. Although these systems have been in use for decades, care givers and parents alike have identified some disadvantages or better stated short comings. Some of the short comings associated with these systems include: Makaton cannot be easily deciphered by people unfamiliar with this mode of communication Lack of innovation with PECs. It has loose parts that might get lost. It does not allow for reporting of part happenings /lack of time dimension. Initial cost of acquisition can be daunting for poor families. It is nonverbal. Not easily modifiable. It is limited in scope. Lacks the ability to initiate communication clearly much work remains to be done. Now with the myriad technological advancements in ICT, how can technology ameliorate communication deploying augmented communication aids suitable for simple communication of every day needs to the complex reporting of past occurrences. A fabricating of this nature

requires cost effectiveness, should be technologically driven and designed to promote communication efficiency. 4. Research Design What is research design? Chopra defines research design as a plan to proceed in determining the relationship between variables (2005). Maree further clarifies this by stating that it moves from the underlying philosophical assumptions to specifying the selection of respondents, the data gathering techniques to be used and the analysis to be done. This research design breaks away quiet distinctly from the usual research as it culminates the creation of an artifact spelling a demand for careful footfalls in design-science. According to Hevner Design-science research in IS can be defined as, a purposeful IT artifact created to address an important organizational problem. It must be described effectively, enabling its implementation and application in an appropriate domain (Hevner, 2004). Orlikowski and Iacono (2001) as cited by Hevner called the IT artifact the core subject matter of the IS field. 4.1 Approach of Research Hevner et al mention behavioral science and design science as the two paradigms within the information systems discipline(Hevner et al. 2004). Primarily behavioral science seeks to advance knowledge in human or organizational behavior whiles design science seeks to extend the boundaries of human and organizational capabilities by creating new and innovative artifacts. With an artifact as the final culmination of this research, Hevner et al. (2004) provide a set of seven guidelines which help information systems researchers conduct, evaluate and present designscience research. The seven guidelines address design as an artifact, problem relevance, research rigor, design as a search process, design evaluation, research contributions, and research communication (Hevner et al. 2004). Prior to advancing to fabrication, the socio technological nature of this fabrication requires an investigation of significant factors like stakeholder involvement, acceptance of technology within the domain, applicability, complexity of scenario and design, alongside others like cost and ease of use by defined subject. 5. Research Methods This research requires a combination of Research methodologies which include behavioral research and Design science research. Autism as a disorder characterized on a spectrum varies with respect to individuality they all are affect by the triad of Impairment, hence for an artifact to be applicable and accepted for use within this domain as a successful piece of equipment requires a careful analysis of the domain, and what this system is required to accomplish as an extension of the subjects capability. Hevner et al mention the different forms of IT artifacts by stating that IT artifacts are broadly defined as constructs (vocabulary and symbols) models (abstractions and representations) methods (algorithms and practices) and instantiations (implemented and prototype systems) (Hevner, 2004). In lieu of the above this Research Design will focus on instantiations or system creation to meet a particular demand. The analysis of involvement is further encapsulated within the diagram below.

Illustration adapted from Hevner et al (2004). To conclude this section Hevner et al. states that The behavioral-science paradigm seeks to find what is true. In contrast, the design-science paradigm seeks to create .what is effective. While it can be argued that utility relies on truth, the discovery of truth may lag the application of its utility. We argue that both design science and behavioral science paradigms are needed to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of IS research(Hevner 2004). 5.1 IDEATED SUPPORTING METHODS To establish relevance to fabrication the following qualitative gathering techniques will be deployed, these are literature analysis by consulting Scholarly journals, Commercial database, Bibliographies of theses and dissertations of South African universities, Dissertations Abstracts International, Conference proceedings, Librarys online catalogue and Experts in the field. Gleaning information from experts in the field will be done through questionnaires and interviews. Further subject observation within the defined domain to eclectically define the scope of application will be embarked on. 6. DELINEATION OF THE RESEARCH The units of analysis is the major entity that is being analyzed in the study, this includes the sufferers of autism. While this is prime it should be noted that care givers and parents form the immediate persons next to the apposite subjects hence understanding their needs and how they are affected or impacted within the scenario is of greater concern. This broadens the scope to include care givers and parents. 7. CONTRIBUTION OF THE RESEARCH This study will elucidate the communication needs of persons with autism by leveraging communication to be more effective and precise once education to use this system, pedagogically care givers and parents stand at the advantage of

getting a more refined and efficient to the point communication as this artifact can be used as a communication device and a learning tool. 8. Project Plan The project will proceed in two faces. The documentation and relevance phase which will be comprised of the following Ord er 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Research Activity Introduction Finalization Clarification of concepts Finalize research design method Data Collection Data Analysis and interpretation Finalize research findings Finalize Conclusion and recommendation Finalize references Finalize article for submission Start Date June 1, 2011 June 2, 2011 June 5, 2011 June 18, 2011 June 26, 2011 June 29, 2011 July 2, 2011 July 5, 2011 July 9, 2011 Completion Date June 4,2011 June 5, 2011 June 15, 2011 June 25, 2011 June 28, 2011 June 30, 2011 July 4, 2011 July 7, 2011 July 15, 2011

The second phase of the Research is comprised of the actual creation of the proposed artifact. Both phases will be worked on simultaneously due to time constraints. The artifact creation phase will include steps yet to be finalized.

LIST OF REFERENCES Bamford, A. 2001. The grammar of visual literature in the world of interactive media. Bondy, A., Frost, L. 2001. A Picture's Worth: PECS and Other Visual Communication Strategies in Autism English, J., Fielding, M., Howard, E., & van der Merwe, N. 2006. Professional Communication. 2nd ed. Lansdown: Juta. Hevner, A.R., March, S.T., Park, J. 2004. DESIGN SCIENCE IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS

RESEARCH. MIS Quarterly Vol. 28 No. 1, : 75-105/March 2004

Pat M. 2001. Autism, augmentative communication, and assistive technology: What

do we rea... Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities; Fall 2001; 16, 3; ProQuest Education Journals

CLARIFICATION OF TERMS Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC): is an umbrella term that encompasses methods of communication for those with impairments or restrictions on the production or comprehension of spoken or written language Autism: Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood that is characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships, and in using language and abstract concepts

Autism South Africa (a;sa) : An association that caters for the needs of persons with Autism Artifact: The artifacts are constructs, models, methods, and instantiations. Purposeful artifacts are built to address heretofore unsolved problems. They are evaluated with respect to the utility provided in solving those problems.

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