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ARCTIC Eskimo (Inuit) Related to people of Siberia, Inupiaq, language distinct from other languages spoken in North America

Tundra condition (Growing season 50-60 days, average winter temperature -34, average summer temperature +3,-12)

Climate: windy, summer only from June to September Flora: sedges, lichen, shrubs Fauna: sea mammals (seal, walrus, whales: narval, beluga) Terrestrial mammals (caribou, arctic hare, lemming) Terrestrial carnivores (wolf, arctic fox) tools: no suitable material to be chipped, emphasis on ground stone (slate - b idlice), extensive use of bone and ivory (ulu womens knife made of ivory) harpoon with a float attached to it Oil lamps: the only source of light and heat, with the use of blubber, not sufficient for cooking, mainly used for melting water Clothes: boots made of skin, women would chew it to make it soft, leader pants made of skin of rain deer, parkas (leader outside, fur inside) sewed with the use of an awl and ligunments), children carried on their mothers naked bodies Human mobility: limited by water (kayak, umiak), dog sledge on frozen land and water House types: summer dwelling made of whale bones covered with animal skin), 50-100 people Winter house: sub-terranean sod houses, entrance on the lowest point, bedroom on the highest floor Qargi: family gathering place (usually a building of some permanence, family social centre Diet: blubber/meat (eaten raw to preserve vitamins), cloud berry (in summer). Food obtained from hunting, fishing and gathering, it was turned to umiliak and his wife who kept track of what was available

Nerkraitorvik: hunting companions, each would get the part of the dead animal that he was named after Ataniq: , most knowledgeable individual as a leader Family life: Bilateral extended family, patrilocality, family consists of three or four generations + married siblings Umiliak: male head of the family, Nuliaqpak: primary wife Children no strong preference for one sex, when a baby was named with the name of an elderly living person, the person would give the baby gifts so that after his death his soul survives in the name Boys maturity: the boy was given a different style of trousers, minor operation at the Conner of his mouth Girls maturity: first menstruation, the girl was kept in isolation, then she was tattooed from her lip to her chin Spring beginning of the whaling season, hunting Summer caribou near the coast Winter tramping season, fish netted in river inlets, seals hunter at their breathing holes Autumn coal mining, stacking for winter, group of hunters travelled inland to stalk caribou

Messenger feast: umiliak sends a messenger to nearby villages to invite their residents to an economic exchange, elaborate system of exchange between residents (intercommunity solidarity) Nanukatat (spring whaling festival) at the end of the whaling season, given by succesful umialiks and their families, magical ceremony to ensure successful future hunting season, dancing on a temporary dancing board, obligatory for umiliak and his wife Nanukatar (blanket toss), game, its purpose was to toss the person on the blanket as high as possible Qatizut Antal gathering of the members of large villages, one week of casting and fun Religion and Health: Animistic nature (the story of a poor hunter who saved an injured bear and became a good hunter) Spirit sof animal represented controlling powers. Superanatural forces were hostile towards human beings. By means of ritual it was possible to influence the supernatural forces (charms) Angatqaq shaman, dominant personality and leader, qualified to cure the sick, control the forces of nature, and predict future events, power to bring illness (two reason of illness: the los soul ones soul: the soul could wander away during ones sleep, the work of hostile shaman) Tuunqaq (helping spirit) the concept of a guardian spirit, an animal spirit Law and Social Control (few institutions blond family, no external chief) Nonconforming individuals could be excluded from the community Conflict between members of different kin groups Nuviriik trading partners Nuliaqatigiit co-marriages (spouse exchange) expansion of cooperation, non-residental arrangement between two conjugal husband-wife couples united by sexual access

Fictive kinship serious expression of relations (adoption, god-mother) Parallel cousins mothers sisters children, fathers brothers children are considered siblings (cross cousins) Lineage groups of people who can trace their ancestry back to a known common ancestor Clan common totemic ancestor, divided into groups called moities Polyandy a woman with more than one husband at the same time Sororate polygyny man marries sister Exogamous marriage marrying outsider the group Endogamous marriage marrying inside the group

Egalitarian everyone has the same potential (achieved status) Non-egalitarian prescribed status

Situational leadership (Arctic) informal leaders, based on the situation Band (achieved, egalitarian) unofficial leader, consensual basis Chieftainship ascribed status, less egalitarian State large population, complex system of agriculture (early China, the Maya, the Inca)

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