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AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009.


Reducing the risk of pavement failure and utilisation of local materials in New Zealand through Repeated Load Triaxial and Beam Fatigue Tests
Dr Greg Arnold Pavespec Ltd
PO Box 570 Drury Auckland New Zealand 2247 Email: greg.arnold@pavespec.co.nz www.RepeatedLoadTriaxial.com

Performance testing of New Zealand road aggregates both modified and unmodified has given greater confidence for the designer and client on the chosen pavement design and materials. Given that most premature pavement failures can be traced to a material fault there has been an increasing emphasis in research and commercial testing on a materials performance found under repetitive loading in the laboratory aimed to simulate vehicle loadings. Research at the University of Nottingham (2004) and further research by the New Zealand Transport Agency led to the development of a Repeated Load Triaxial (RLT) test on unmodified and modified granular materials and associated modelling to predict the number of heavy axle passes to achieve a certain rut depth. In the last 3 years at least 150 RLT tests have been conducted on a range of compliant and non compliant aggregates both modified and unmodified. This paper reports trends in results and shows how this test can result in choosing the best material for a particular pavements loading and environment and thus reduce the risk of pavement failure. In addition to rutting another concern by pavement designers is cracking and as such the New Zealand Transport Agency is funding a research project to undertake beam fatigue tests on large 150 x 150 x 500mm beams with the aim of determining more appropriate tensile fatigue criterion for design. Some interesting results were found and will be reported in this paper showing the fatigue lives of over a million times higher than that predicted by the Austroads Pavement Design Guide were obtained.



Granular pavement layers play an important role in the pavement. They are required to provide a rut resistant base layers and reduce compressive stresses on the sub-grade. For thin-surfaced pavements the unbound granular material (UGM) contributes to the full structural strength of the pavement. It is therefore important that the granular materials have adequate stiffness and do not deform. Material specifications usually ensure this is the case. The repeated load triaxial (RLT) (Arnold 2004), hollow cylinder (Chan 1990) and k-mould (Semmelink et al, 1997) apparatuses can in various degrees simulate pavement loading on soils and granular materials. Permanent strain tests in the Repeated Load Triaxial (RLT) apparatus commonly show a wide range of performances for UGMs even though all comply

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

with the same specification (Thom and Brown, 1989). Accelerated pavement tests on thinly sealed pavements show the same results and also report that 30% to 70% of the surface rutting is attributed to the granular layers (Arnold et al., 2001; Little, 1993; Pidwerbesky, 1996; Korkiala-Tanttu et al, 2003). Furthermore, recycled aggregates and other materials considered suitable for use as unbound base or sub-base pavement layers can often fail the highway agency or project requirement material specifications and thus restrict their use. The New Zealand Transport Agency recognise the potential of the permanent strain test in the RLT (or similar) apparatus to assess the suitability of UGMs for high traffic roads and alternative materials for use at various depths within the pavement (e.g. base, sub-base and lower sub-base). Another use of the Repeated Load Triaxial test is assessing materials performance when saturated and undrained. Hence, research is underway to finalise the draft Transit New Zealand specification TNZ T/15 for Repeated Load Triaxial testing (Transit, 2007) and development of pass/fail criteria for high traffic state highways. Research has been conducted using RLT tests to assess the affect of material grading and various amounts of crushed glass on performance of granular materials. There has also been many RLT commercial tests on granular materials to enable appropriate pass/fail limits based on actual RLT results to be determined. Pavement design methods utilising the RLT test results are also being researched to develop design criterion for granular pavement layers and to determine a design chart based on rut depth modelling methods . Another use of the Repeated Load Triaxial test is assessing materials performance when saturated and undrained. Most unbound granular materials fail the saturated RLT test while most modified/stabilised aggregates pass the test with various degrees of performance. RLT test criteria at saturated/undrained conditions is currently being developed for modified/stabilised aggregates as alternatives to basecourse aggregates. In parallel to this work is flexural beam tests on modified aggregates to assess their tensile fatigue performance to develop criteria for material and pavement design to prevent cracking.



The RLT apparatus tests cylindrical samples of soils or granular materials. Figure 1 illustrates a typical Repeated Load Triaxial apparatus test set up. For RLT tests the axial load supply is cycled for as many cycles as programmed by the user. The axial load type is usually programmed as a sinusoidal vertical pulse. Two types of repeated load tests are usually conducted, being either a resilient or permanent deformation test. Triaxial testing is a research tool with the aim to simulate as closely as possible the range of conditions that will be experienced in a pavement. The RLT (Repeated Load Triaxial) apparatus applies repetitive loading on cylindrical materials for a range of specified stress conditions, the output is deformation (shortening of the cylindrical sample) versus number of load cycles (usually 50,000) for a particular set of stress conditions. Multi-stage RLT tests are used to obtain deformation curves for a range of stress conditions to develop models for predicting rutting. The method of interpreting the RLT results involves relating stress to permanent deformation found from the test. From stresses computed in a pavement model of a standard cross-section at Transits accelerated pavement testing facility CAPTIF the permanent deformation is calculated using the relationship found from RLT testing. This approach effectively predicts the amount of rutting that would have occurred in a test at CAPTIF if the aggregate tested in the RLT apparatus was used in the pavement. A range of deformation parameters are calculated from the simulated CAPTIF test as detailed in Table 1. One parameter, the number of heavy axle passes to achieve 10mm of Rutting within the aggregate

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

layer is calculated and is deemed the design traffic loading limit. This method of assessment was validated with accelerated pavement tests at CAPTIF (Arnold, 2004 and Arnold et al, 2008). Arnold et al, (2008) simplified the RLT test to a 6 stage test and the rut depth prediction method to enable an approximate prediction of the traffic loading limit (no. of passes to a 10mm rut) to be obtained from the average slope from the RLT test. Transit New Zealand has developed a draft specification (TNZ T/15 ) to incorporate the simplified RLT test and analysis which is currently being revised based on the results of commercial RLT tests on many different aggregates and to consider the use of a RLT test at saturated undrained conditions that have been conducted commercially with some interesting results.

Figure 1 Repeated Load Triaxial Apparatus. The saturated undrained test is a repeat of the RLT test detailed in TNZ T/15 (Transit, 2007) but the sample is soaked for at least two hours in a water bath (Figure 2) until all the voids are filled with water. After soaking and while still in the water bath the platens are placed top and bottom and sealed to keep the water in the sample. During the RLT test the sample is sealed with no drainage to ensure saturation throughout the test. It is considered that this test is severe and testing has shown that all unbound aggregates (i.e. TNZ M4 Basecourses) show varying degrees of poor performance (< traffic loading limit < 2 Million ESAs), while stabilised aggregates generally show good results but can on occasions show poor results. Thus the saturated test is recommended when considering aggregates for use on high traffic State Highways where a stabilised/modified aggregate is probably more appropriate.

CAPTIF Pavement 300mm Aggregate over 10CBR Subgrade Total Pavement


Aggregate only N, ESAs to get 10mm rut in aggregate. Million ESAs mm per 1 Million ESAs Long term rate of rutting within aggregate Resilient Modulus at Top of Pavement (MPa) Average Slope

Aggregate only

Slope %/1M from 25k to 50k same as TNZ T/15

Material Million ESAs

N, ESAs to get 25mm rut

Description of the aggregate and if applicaple stabilisation method The amount of heavy axle passes This the amount of heavy axle used. Further information than until 10mm of rutting occurs within reported here is required to describe passes until a rut depth of 25mm the aggregate layer and it is this occurs and includes rutting in both the aggregate and stabilisation value which is considered the traffic the aggregate and subgrade. It method. In particular density and loading limit to be used in Transit NZ represents the result as if the moisture content are important specifications. Values >15 M ESA aggregate tested was used at factors which will influence the result in no restrictions of aggregate CAPTIF (Transit NZ accelerated result. Hence the RLT results use provided the pavement does not pavement testing facility). reported are only valid for this become saturated. aggregate at one particular set of testing conditions.

This is the amount of rutting that will The RLT test gives a Resilient occur within the aggregate for every 1 Million heavy axle passes and it Modulus for all stress stages tested, This is a simplistic analysis of the RLT result by simply looking at the this modulus shown is for the top ignores the initial seating in and slope in the RLT raw results as layer of a thin surfaced pavement, if compaction that occurs at the shown in the Figure. Values < the aggregate is covered with beginning of the RLT test, hence a 0.5%/1M are excellent. Asphalt then a different value should more consistant measure when be used. comparing aggregates. Values <0.5 mm/1M ESA are excellent.

Transformation of M ulti-Stage RLT Data to Single Stage s









Perm anent strain [% ]





P150k P125k









Table 1 - Description of outputs from analysis of Repeated Load Triaxial Test Results.

0 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000 250,000 275,000 300,000




Table 5: Calculation of average permanent strain slope from 6 stage RLT test. RLT Test Stage 2Permanent Strain 1Permanent Strain Slope (%/1M) (Table 2) (%) (see Figure 1) (Slopes) Stage A P25k =(P50k-P25k)/0.025M P50k Stage B P75k =(P50k-P25k)/0.025M P100k Stage C P125k =(P50k-P25k)/0.025M P150k Stage D P175k =(P50k-P25k)/0.025M P200k Stage E P225k =(P50k-P25k)/0.025M P250k Stage F P275k =(P50k-P25k)/0.025M P300k Average = Pavg = (Slopes)/6

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Numbe r of load cycle s [-]

Stage B Stage C Stage D Stage E Stage F

Stage A

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Figure 2 Soaking sample for saturated undrained RLT test. 2.1 MODES OF PAVEMENT FAILURES NOT GUARDED AGAINST FROM RLT TESTING

Repeated Load Triaxial testing is an excellent tool to test whether or not an aggregate will have acceptable rutting within the pavement design life. This guards against pavement shear failures caused by weak pavement aggregates particularly if wet. To ensure pre-mature pavement failure does not occur the designer as well as undertaking Repeated Load Triaxial testing should also consider the following factors (Table 2):

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Table 2 : Other important factors to consider in Pavement Design to ensure adequate performance. Factor to Pavement Design Considerations Consider Surfacing Ensure the chosen surfacing adheres to the surface, binder Performance application rate is appropriate for the absorption of the aggregate (open graded porous type rocks may need more bitumen), fine graded stabilised surfaces need to be swept and perhaps less bitumen used. Time of year should be summer, otherwise risk of surfacing failure is high. Water pumping Porous basecourse aggregates will absorb a lot of water and through surface unless there is adequate sub-surface drainage this water will remain and will be pumped through the surface from the tyre impact forces. This will result in surface dislodgment causing surface potholes. Compaction The calculations of pavement life from Repeated Load Triaxial testing assumes the pavement has adequate compaction in accordance with TNZ B2 Specification (or another appropriate specification). Hence, if the required density is not achieved then additional compaction causing rutting will be expected. The dry density achieved in the Repeated Load Triaxial test should also be considered as the minimum density to achieve in pavement construction. Material The actual materials used in pavement construction, their Compliance, curing, mixing and stabiliser content may not be exactly the stabiliser content same as the materials tested in the Repeated Load Triaxial and curing regime apparatus. Designers and quarry owners are encouraged to conduct additional RLT tests at conditions of mixing and curing that represent the worst case and in particular early strength. Production tests are recommended. Cracking of The RLT test is a compression test that will predict the amount Stabilised of rutting and this does not guard against cracking. Pavespec Aggregates Ltd has recently developed a flexural beam test for strength and tensile fatigue to predict if cracking will occur within the design life. It has been found that even small quantities of cement can result in a bound material that has the potential to crack, a flexural beam test will result in information for design to ensure cracking will not occur.




In the past 3 years a significant amount of Repeated Load Triaxial testing on sub-base and base quality aggregates both unmodified and modified have been undertaken for commercial and research purposes. In all the tests the same test method and rut depth predictions were undertaken. This has resulted in a database

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

of test results where the performance can be compared to one another along with the ability to determine appropriate pass/fail limits for various levels of traffic that will not disallow materials already successfully used in pavement construction. A selection of these tests are reported below including: results of good and poor performing New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) basecourse aggregates; subbase aggregates and cement modified aggregates. Included for comparison are some Australian aggregates. 3.2 TYPICAL RLT TEST RESULTS

RLT tests were conducted at both saturated/undrained and dry/drained conditions on New Zealand and Australian aggregates. Typical results are listed in the Tables 2 to 4 and Figures 3 to 7 shown below.

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Table 2 - Typical results for Basecourse Aggregates.

N, ESAs to get 10mm rut in aggregate. Million ESAs Long term rate of rutting within aggregate mm per 1 Million ESAs Resilient Modulus Average RLT Slope %/1M 0.105 0.68 0.378 4.477 0.506 7.152 3.2 24.2

Material (unless otherwise stated sample was compacted at 95%MDD and 100%OMC)


RLT Test

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Very Good TNZ M4 Basecourse 101%MDD (over compacted) Very Good TNZ M4 Basecourse (same agg. as 1 & 2 above) Average TNZ M4 Basecourse Very Poor TNZ M4 Basecourse PS0020 Test # 21 (18/5/09) SteelServ TNZ M4 (Melter Slag Aggregate) PS0020 Test # 2 (10/12/07) SteelServ TNZ M4 (Melter Slag Aggregate) PS0027 Test # 31 (reanalysed PS0087 Test # 24) (14/7/09) Montrose, Victoria Class 1 20mm Road Base PS0027 Test # 10 (3/6/08) Montrose, Victoria Class 1 20mm Road Base

Dry/Drained Saturated Dry/Drained Saturated Dry/Drained Saturated Dry/Drained Saturated

84 1.5 21 0.01 9.4 0.71 0.28 0.04

0.1 4.7 0.4 94 0.95 7.5 19 29

594 496 488 451 497 413 217 183








Saturated /Undrained












Saturated /Undrained





AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Table 3 - Typical results for Basecourse Aggregates continued for Australian materials.
N, ESAs to get 10mm rut in aggregate. RLT Test Dry/Drained Million ESAs Long term rate of rutting within aggregate mm per 1 Million ESAs Resilient Modulus Average RLT Slope %/1M 0.52

Material (unless otherwise stated sample was compacted at 95%MDD and 100%OMC)


PS0087 Test # 1 (12/8/09) Multiserv 31 Victoria EAF 20mm Class 4 Aggregate PS0087 Test # 2A (25/8/09) Multiserv 32 Victoria EAF 20mm Class 4 Aggregate PS0087 Test # 3 (17/8/09) Multiserv 33 Victoria EAF 40mm Class 4 Aggregate PS0087 Test # 4 (18/8/09) Multiserv 34 Victoria EAF 40mm Class 4 Aggregate PS0087 Test # 5 (26/8/09) Multiserv Victoria EAF 20mm 35 Class 4 Aggregate Heavier Compaction




98%MDD-Modified (DD=2.62 t/m3) ; 90%OMC (MC=6.8% compacted at 100% optimum 7.5% but water drained out of specimen when tested). (Note: Easy to compact) Saturated 1.3 35 417 0.11 /Undrained 99%MDD-Modified (DD=2.641 t/m3) ; 137%OMC (MC=10.3%) Dry/Drained





98%MDD-Modified (DD=2.62 t/m3) ; 86%OMC (MC=6.5%compacted at 100% optimum moisture content of 7.5% but water drained out of specimen when tested) (Note: more compaction effort required than the 20mm above compaction effort felt about right) Saturated 0.8 12.8 433 0.45 /Undrained 98%MDD-Modified (DD=2.62 t/m3) ; 128%OMC (MC=9.6%) Dry/Drained





100%MDD-Modified (DD=2.678 t/m3); 90%OMC (MC=6.8% compacted at 100% optimum 7.5% but water drained out of specimen when tested).

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Typical Results for TNZ M4 Basecourse Aggregates - Dry/Drained Extra 7th stage - v. high loading 31 23 1.2


1 Permanent strain [%] 7 0.8 35 - EAF 20mm - 100%MDD - Modified



35 31 - EAF 20mm - 98%MDD - Modified 33 - EAF 40mm - 98%MDD - Modified 31 3 1

0.4 33 0.2 21

0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 Number of load cycles [-]

Figure 3 Typical RLT Results for TNZ M4 Basecourse in Dry/Drained conditions.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Typical Results for TNZ M4 Basecourse Aggregates Saturated/Undrained 8

4 6



1.4 Permanent strain [%]

1.2 32 - EAF 20mm 1 34 - EAF 40mm 0.8 34 0.6 2 32 22



0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 Number of load cycles [-]
Figure 4 Typical RLT Results for TNZ M4 Basecourse in Saturated/Undrained conditions.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Table 4 - Typical results for Stabilised Aggregates.

N, ESAs to get 10mm rut in aggregate. Million ESAs Long term rate of rutting within aggregate mm per 1 Million ESAs Resilient Modulus Average RLT Slope %/1M 0.1 0.06 0.2 1.07 0.160 0.353

Material (unless otherwise stated sample was compacted at 95%MDD and 100%OMC)


RLT Test

9 10 11 12 13 14

2% Cement + TNZ M4 Basecourse

(Fine side of grading envelope)

Dry/Drained Saturated Dry/Drained Saturated Dry/Drained Saturated

104 87 33 5.5 32 15

0.1 0.1 0.26 1.5 0.3 0.6

994 524 749 485 805 684

2% Cement + TNZ M4 Basecourse

(Course graded - lack of fines)

2% Cement + GAP40 sub-base

(same test and analysis if used as a basecourse)

Typical Results for 2% Cement Stabilised Aggregates - Dry/Drained 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 Permanent strain [%] 1.2 1 0.8 0.6
1 3

0.4 0.2 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000

1 1


Number of load cycles [-]

Figure 5 Typical RLT Results for 2% Cement Stabilised Aggregates Dry/Drained Test Conditions.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Typical Results for Cement Stabilised Aggregates - Saturated/Undrained 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 10 14 12

Permanent strain [%]

Number of load cycles [-]

Figure 6 Typical RLT Results for 2% Cement Stabilised Aggregates Saturated/Undrained Test Conditions. Table 5 - Typical result for a Sub-base aggregate GAP65 scalped to a GAP40 Analysed if used as a basecourse.

Analysed as a basecourse
N, ESAs to get 10mm rut in aggregate. Million ESAs Long term rate of rutting within aggregate mm per 1 Million ESAs Resilient Modulus Average RLT Slope %/1M 1.35 126

Material (unless otherwise stated sample was compacted at 95%MDD and 100%OMC)


RLT Test

15 16

GAP65 scalped to a GAP40 Sub-base aggregate (typical/good result for sub-base)

Dry/Drained Saturated

4.4 0.02

1.9 96

510 310


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Table 6 - Typical result for a Sub-base aggregate GAP65 scalped to a GAP40 Analysed if used as a Sub-Base (ie. depth of 150mm below surface).

Analysed as a sub-base
N, ESAs to get 10mm rut in aggregate. Million ESAs Long term rate of rutting within aggregate mm per 1 Million ESAs Resilient Modulus Average RLT Slope %/1M 1.35 126

Material (unless otherwise stated sample was compacted at 95%MDD and 100%OMC)


RLT Test

15 16

GAP65 scalped to a GAP40 Sub-base aggregate (typical/good result for sub-base)

Dry/Drained Saturated

17.9 0.04

0.53 71

285 195

2 1.8

Typical Results for a GAP65 Sub-base Aggregate - Dry/Drained and Saturated/Undrained 16

Saturated/undrained 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 Dry/drained 15

Permanent strain [%]

Number of load cycles [-]

Figure 7 Typical RLT Results for GAP65 Sub-base Aggregate Dry/Drained and Saturated/Undrained Test Conditions.


Traffic Loading Limit (ESAs) 10 15 20 25 30 0 5

1. V. Good - TNZ M4 - 101%MDD Dry

3. V. Good - TNZ M4 - 95%MDD - Dry

5. Avg. TNZ M4 - Dry

7. V. Poor TNZ M4 - Dry

21. SteelServ M4 (Melter Slag)

Traffic Loading Limit - RLT Test Dry/Drained


23. Montrose - Class 1 - 20mm Victoria

31. Multiserv Victoria EAF 20mm 98% MDD-Modified compaction

33. Multiserv Victoria EAF 40mm 98% MDD-Modified compaction

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Figure 8. Typical Traffic Loading Limits (ESAs) For Various Unbound Aggregates found from RLT Testing in Dry/Drained conditions.

35. Multiserv Victoria EAF 20mm 100% MDD-Modified compaction

15. GAP40 Subbase - Dry


Traffic Loading Limit (ESAs) 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 0 1 2 3 4 5

2. V. Good - TNZ M4 - 101%MDD Saturated

4. V. Good. TNZ M4 - 95%MDD Saturated

6. Avg. TNZ M4 - Saturated

8. V. Poor TNZ M4 - Saturated

Traffic Loading Limit - RLT Test Saturated/Undrained


22. SteelServ M4 (Melter Slag)

24. Montrose - Class 1 - 20mm Victoria

32. Multiserv Victoria EAF 20mm 99% MDD-Modified compaction

AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Figure 9. Typical Traffic Loading Limits (ESAs) For Various Unbound Aggregates found from RLT Testing in Saturated/Undrained conditions.

34. Multiserv Victoria EAF 40mm 98% MDD-Modified compaction

16. GAP40 Subbase - Dry


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Traffic Loading Limit - RLT Test for Stabilised Aggregates - Dry/Drained and Saturated/Undrained 50




Traffic Loading Limit (ESAs)






0 10. Fine TNZ M4 + 2% Cement Saturated 9. Fine TNZ M4 + 2% Cement - Dry 11. Coarse TNZ M4 + 2% Cement Dry 12. Coarse TNZ M4 + 2% Cement Saturated 14. GAP40 + 2% Cement - Saturated 13. GAP40 + 2% Cement - Dry Material

Figure 10. Typical Traffic Loading Limits (ESAs) For Various Stabilised Aggregates found from RLT Testing.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold


RLT Test Summary

The multi-stage permanent strain Repeated Load Triaxial test as detailed in Transit New Zealands specification TNZ T/15 with associated rut depth modelling enables comparisons in performance for a range of aggregate mixtures to be determined. Predicting the number of heavy axle passes until a 10mm rut is obtained within the aggregate when analysing the RLT results is considered a reasonable method to determine the traffic loading limit as it was validating at CAPTIF and appears to give reasonable/expected results for a range of aggregates. A summary of results is shown in the Table 5. Table 5 RLT Result Summary. Material TNZ M4 Basecourse Repeated Load Triaxial Test Result and Rut Depth Prediction Typically the Traffic Loading Limit is from 10 to 20 Million ESAs in the standard dry test and generally always < 1 Million ESAs when saturated, higher compaction does improve these results. There are a few TNZ M4 basecourses that show very poor performance in the RLT test (<1 Million ESA when dry) which generally are involved in a few early pavement failures. Montrose Class 1 20mm Aggregate from Victoria Australia Multiserv Melter Slag and EAF aggregate from New Zealand and Australia Cement Stabilised Aggregates The result from the RLT test was the same as a good New Zealand TNZ M4 Basecourse aggregate achieving a traffic loading limit of 24 Million ESAs. The performance found from the RLT test was slightly better than a good New Zealand TNZ M4 Basecourse aggregate in the dry test (achieving 20 to 30 Million ESAs) and substantially better in the saturated test (achieving 0.1 to 4 Million ESAs). Extra compaction to obtain a higher density does improve the results. Materials with a high fines content such as GAP40 or GAP65 with low plasticity and TNZ M4 on the fine side of the grading envelope react well with cement and result in Traffic Loading Limits both dry and saturated >30 Million ESAs. However, some coarse aggregates with lack of fines when saturated show result in a relatively poor performance in the RLT test with a Traffic Loading limit around 5 Million ESAs. Although, this is still significantly better than the result for a unmodified TNZ M4 basecourse. Sub-base Typically a sub-base performs well in the RLT test in dry conditions with a Traffic Loading Limit around 4 Million ESAs if used as a basecourse or around 17 Million ESA if used as a subbase. However, sub-base aggregates are very sensitive to moisture and do not get past the 5th stage of a 6 stage test which results in a Traffic Loading limit of around 10,000 ESA if used as a basecourse or 30,000 ESA when used as a sub-base.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

There are many factors that ensure good performance of a basecourse including: aggregate shape; grading; preventing saturation of the basecourse (eg. a permeable sub-base); preventing segregation during construction; sealing in prolonged good/dry weather; achieving as high a density as possible (ie. even higher than NZTA B2 or an appropriate specification); good shoulder support. If all these factors are achieved then it is likely that aggregate will perform better than predicted from the RLT test. The results of Repeated Load Triaxial tests should be viewed comparably along with its intended use (pavement drainage, traffic etc) and used to indicate the risk of early failure. Those aggregates with poor RLT performance are possibly less forgiving and if one of the factors above is not achieved during construction then there is a higher chance of early failure than an aggregate showing good performance in the RLT test. This higher risk of failure should not necessarily ban the aggregate but rather more care and awareness of this fact during construction and design. NZ Transport Agency (formerly Transit New Zealand) is wanting to minimise the risk of early pavement failure and is moving in the direction of structural asphalt for the very high trafficked urban state highways (approx. > 25 Million ESAs) and for other high trafficked state highways (>15 Million ESAs) a modified/cemented aggregate is recommended. Pavespec Ltd is currently working with the NZTA to develop specification criteria utilising the Repeated Load Triaxial test for a modified/cemented aggregate. The specification for a modified aggregate will include a requirement for the saturated RLT test and hence it is likely only a modified/cemented aggregate will pass this test.




The Austroads Pavement Design Guide (Austroads 2004) determines the life of Cemented layers using a tensile fatigue criterion that relates the number of allowable Equivalent Standard Axles (ESAs) to the tensile strain (t_ctb, Figure 11) at the base of the cemented layer. Austroads (2004) suggests a relationship between tensile strain and ESAs but this has never been tested or validated in New Zealand for New Zealand materials. Potential methods that can be used for determining the modulus of cemented materials include the flexural test, direct tension test, indirect tensile test, longitudinal vibration test and the direct compression test (Austroads 2004), however, the last two tests (longitudinal vibration test and the direct compression test) are not suitable for determining the fatigue properties of cemented materials (Austroads 2008). The indirect tensile test (IDT) and the flexural beam test (FBT) have been used in various past research studies (Otte, 1978; Litwinowicz and Brandon, 1994; Bullen, 1994; Andrews et al, 1998). From a review by Yeo et al (2002) of potential methods for routine testing of cemented materials for strength, modulus and fatigue, and the method recommended in Austroads (2004), it was noted that both the indirect tensile test and the flexural beam test were suitable for estimation of the strength, modulus and fatigue life of cemented materials (Austroads 2008).


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Because of the lack of established test protocols in Australia to determine the modulus and fatigue properties of cemented materials, Autroads commissioned a significant development project which is reported in Austroads Technical Report APT101/08 (Austroads 2008). While beam fatigue tests can be used but there is currently no test suitable for aggregates bound by stabilising agents that are typically used in New Zealand for measuring the tensile fatigue characteristics. This is because the current standard tensile fatigue test requires 25mm square long beams usually for asphalt materials as these very small beams can not be manufactured from stabilised aggregates as the small beam will not stay together because of the low cement (or stabilising agent) contents typically used in New Zealand. An alternative is indirect tensile testing with a circular cylinder tested on its side and repetitive loading to split the sample but the literature and Austroad researchers at Arrb TR Ltd report that this method is inaccurate (due to the very small lateral measurements) and does not reflect the beam bending behaviour that occurs in real pavements. This project will aim to use beams of compacted stabilised aggregates (100mm by 100mm by 450mm long) placed under 4 point loading (Figure 1.2). The test configuration is the same as is currently used by Arrb Tr Ltd for an Austroads project studying the fatigue characteristics of Australian cemented aggregates.

Asphalt tac EAC AC t_ac U/B Granular EGR GR Cemented





Figure 11 Inputs required for mechanistic pavement design.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Figure 12 - Four point beam testing apparatus A fatigue test is being developed for stabilised aggregates used in New Zealand to ensure that designers consider cracking as a mode of failure in their design approach, which is currently being ignored due to the conservative nature of the Austroads criteria. The test develop needs to allow for ease of manufacture such that it can be readily conducted as routine testing in design, as such a rectangular foot on a mounted vibrating hammer will be used to compact the beam samples in moulds to the required density.


NZ Beam Manufacture

The draft Austroads Test method for flexural beam testing reported in the Austroads Technical Report - AP-T101/08 (Austroads, 2008) allows for two different beam sizes. The larger beam size was chosen for testing New Zealand 40mm cemented aggregates. Austroads recommends saw cutting the beams to the required dimensions after slab compaction although compaction in a mould with a rectangular foot is mentioned as acceptable provided the edges remain intact. As there is not a slab compactor large enough in New Zealand to compact the 530mm long by 150mm square beam suitable for 40mm size aggregates it was decided to compact the beams in a mould. Pavespec Ltds compaction frame with a rectangular foot (Figure 13) was used to enable accurate control on finished compacted height and thus density (as the dry weight of material is controlled). Cemented aggregate was compacted into a 530mm long by 150mm square beam mould with removable sides and base-plates as detailed in Figure 14.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Figure 13 Compaction frame with vibrating hammer and foot for beam manufacture.

Figure 14 Beam mould.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

A 4% cement stabilised aggregate mixture as used at CAPTIF was used to trial the beam manufacturing process using a mould and vibrating hammer with a rectangular foot. The method of compaction was considered a success provided some care was taken on the compaction of the final surface layer and the mould was lined with plastic film. Figure 15 shows the final compacted beam after curing for 5 days kept in the mould and sealed in a plastic bag in the 21 degree concrete curing room.

Figure 15 Compacted and cured beam ready for testing.


Flexural Beam Test

Pavespec Ltd testing frame, measuring and recording equipment for Repeated Load Triaxial testing was modified and adapted for testing the flexural beam properties (flexural modulus, tensile strength, tensile fatigue) for this research. A support and loading frame of the correct dimensions was built by Stevensons Engineering. The LVDTs for measuring deflection were supported on the loading frame with the complete setup shown in Figures 16, 17 and 18. Software is used to run the test which is very versatile allowing the use to specify the type of type of loading (repetitive or continuously increasing), loading speed, load magnitude and number of load cycles. The breakage test requires the user to specify either stress or strain controlled and a loading rate (e.g. 3.3kN per minute or 1mm per minute). For the flexural modulus the loading speed, magnitude and number of load cycles of 100 is specified. Fatigue testing is the same as the modulus test but the number of load cycles is set to at least 1 million or until the sample breaks. The beam test procedure is detailed in Appendix A an Austroads Test Method reported in Austroads (2008). However, initial testing on the New Zealand materials has discovered some changes in the guidance notes being required.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Figure 16 Test setup for measuring flexural beam properties.

Figure 17 Result after breakage or fatigue test.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Figure 18 Measuring deflection during the flexural beam test using LVDTs (Linear Variable Displacement Transducers)


Initial Flexural Beam Test Results

The following Tables detail the initial results of an ongoing study on stabilised materials using flexural beam tests. The next stage of the research is to replicate testing using Pavespec compaction moulds on the same materials used in a similar Austroads/Arrb study where they used smaller beams cut from a slab. Results of the initial study do show higher tensile stresses and strains at break than would be expected, while the flexural modulus is lower than expected. However, the results are supported by flexural beam tests on beams cut from the CAPTIF test track (Table 8). Table 6 Flexural Beam Strength Test Results.
PS0839 Test # 2 4 5 6 8 15 16b All cured in oven at 40 degrees for 7 days CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement - Under compacted: CAPTIF ISAACS + 2% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 2% Cement Max. Vert. Tensile ***Flexural Load (kN) and Max. Tensile Strain at Modulus Defln at Stress (kPa) (MPa) break (m) *Break (mm) 14.5kN @ 1928 kPa 1450 1330 MPa 0.42 mm 13.1kN @ 1741 kPa 1447 1203 MPa 0.42mm 14.2kN @ 1892 kPa 1288 1468 MPa 0.37mm 11.7kN @ 1562 kPa 1145 1364 MPa 0.33mm Sample Failed with Seating Load of 0.1kN as compacted to only 1.93 t/m3 while target was 2.19 t/m3. Knew of poor compaction but tested anyway for interest. 4.75kN @ 633 kPa 680 885 MPa 0.19mm 4.19kN @ 558 kPa 443 1481 MPa 0.14mm


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Table 7 Flexural Beam Fatigue Test Results.

PS0839 Test # All cured in oven at 40 degrees for 7 days CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 4% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 2% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 2% Cement CAPTIF ISAACS + 2% Cement Applied Load Number of load cycles until failure 7491 600 >2 Million (did not fail) 110,000 330 44,000 490,000 Tensile Stress (kPa) 1391 1112 Tensile Strain (m) 668 - 726 678 715 Flexural Modulus (MPa) 2079 - 1916 1641 1556

3b 7b

10.44kN (75%) 8.34kN (60%) 5.57kN (40%) 8.34kN (60%) 9.75kN (70%) 6.10kN (44%) 8.48kN (61%) 2.86kN (60%) 3.82kN (80%) 3.82kN (80%)





10c 11c 13b 14j

1112 1299 813 1131

511 666 429 548

2176 1926 1897 2064

17c 18c 19b

21,180 2,801 1000

382 509 509

259 306 290

1474 1664 1700


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

Table 8 Flexural Beam Results from Beams Cut from CAPTIF Test Track in the 4% Cement Un-trafficked Section
*Tensile # Initial E5U Start End Initial E4U Start End Mod. E3U Start Stress Strain kPa 136 387 387 362 487 487 362 452 m/m 187 431 435 532 622 636 483 624 Modulus MPa 728 899 890 680 783 766 749 725 First 100 341k First 100 546 Cycles o failure First 100 **2Million

End 452 624 725 * haversine loading at 4Hz values are maximum. ** did not fail

Flexural beam fatigue tests results were plotted in Figure 19 to compare with the Austroads tensile fatigue criteria. As can be seen in the plot the Austroads criteria is more conservative compared to the lab test results. For a tensile microstrain of 300 Austroads predicts a life of 100 cycles while the lab tests predict a life of 5 Million load cycles. This promising result supports the apparent success of thin stabilised layers typically used in New Zealand pavements. Although, the New Zealand pavements with a stabilised basecourse of 150 to 200mm were designed as an unbound granular pavement, fatigue cracking is unlikely based on the fatigue criterion found from the lab tests. Although the Austroads fatigue criterion predicted fatigue cracking failure usually less than 1 load cycle.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold

700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Austroads (E=2000MPa)

CAPTIF Sawn Cut - 4%

Tensile Micro-Strain

CAPTIF Moulds - 4%


0 1.E+02







Load Cycles, N
Figure 19 Fatigue criteria for a 4% Cement Stabilised Aggregate Found from Flexural Beam Tests Compared with Austroads.


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009.




Issue Factors to consider
Subgrade Strength

Table 9 Reducing the risk of pavement failure for granular and modified granular pavements.
Discussion/ comment
The critical factor in getting the depth right to avoid shear failure in subgrade. The Austroads Guide gives the impression that the risk is reduced my multiplying the traffic up, but research on granular pavements found that increasing depth does not necessarily increase life. Specifications give requirements for source aggregate but from Repated Load Triaxial testing a range of performace/rut resisistance is obtained. Achieving adequate compaction is critical to the resulting performance. TNZ B2 specifies minimum compaction targets based on a NZ Vibratory Hammer Compaction Test which is considered error prone Research has shown that drying back the aggregate layers to 60% of saturation is necessary to prevent failure for high traffic roads.

Reducing the risk of failure

Soaked subgrade CBR tests to get worst case scenario and check pavement depth (including existing pavement if applicable) using Figure 8.4 of Austroads Design Guide. Concentrate more on site investigation to get the subgrade strength right or to get existing pavement strength. Consider other factors below. Ensure compliance with Specifications; And/or use aggregates that show are suitable from Repeated Load Triaxial Testing (RLTT); Use cement or lime modified aggregates found suitable from RLTT. Use heavy compaction equipment and compact beyond specification targets as determined by plateau density. Do not seal until dry back of 60% of saturation is achieved; If cannot achieve dry back then consider using a modified or non modified aggregate that is not sensitive to moisture as confirmed from RLTT. Do not seal in the water and dry back to at least 60% of saturation (or consider stabilisation) or undertake RLT test to test rutting resistance when wet; Apply second coat seal soon after first coat; Provide surface cross-fall to prevent ponding of water; Use a dense graded impermeable basecourse that will not allow water to enter, but its performance may need to be confirmed by RLTT; Do not seal in winter. Provide cross fall on subgrade formation; Provide surface and subsurface drainage at edge of shoulders; Ensure sub-base is 10 times more permeable than the basecourse layer that sits above the subbase; Use the same design assumptions as an unbound granular pavement (ie. do not assume improved properties to ensure pavement as adequate depth and support for stabilised layer); Undertake as a minimum flexural beam breakage tests and check that the tensile strain and stress in the pavement design is less than 40% of the tensile strain and stress at breakage (it was found at 40% of breakage the beams did not fatigue crack in the lab after 2 Million cycles); Develop and use in design material specific tensile fatigue criteria found from flexural beam tests.

Pavement Depth
Traffic Loading

Quality of Source Aggregate

Pavement Material Shear Strength

In Place Dry-Density

Prior to sealing moisture content

Water will weaken the granular pavement layers and thus the pavement should be designed and constructed to ensure the granular materials are kept as dry as possible and will only be saturated for short time periods.

Keep Water Out of Granular Pavement Layers

Prevent water from entering pavement

Allow water to escape from the granular layers quickly

No pavement is completely waterproof as research by Opus found multiple chipseal layers to leak, therefore it is important to design escape paths for the water once it has entered to quickly escape from the pavement.

Pavement Cracking

Lightly stabilised materials may behave more like bound materials that can crack if in thin layers over weak foundations

Designers often ignore the possibility of tensile fatigue cracking due to the conservatism of the Austroads criteria and consider the stabilised aggregate layer is the same as an unbound granular layer (although sometimes assuming a higher modulus).


AAPA Thirteenth International Flexible Pavements Conference. 11-13th October 2009. Arnold



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