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I read gods mind it just comes to me this way These lines if would have come from a seeker of spiritualism

then the subject sho uld not find any substantial reason to raise my eyebrows interestingly; as I have read it somewhere that these words were said by the greatest scientist of his t imes and even of this day Albert Einstein. When asked about the ability that rank ed him as genius for number of innovations Einstein merely remarked that I simply read Gods mind. The second part of the title ascribes its origin to another Grea t scientist Nicholas Tesla whose work saw its face in this world much before the Time not many people are aware of this great scientist who was the source to a num ber of innovation that have not come in application even on this day. Once when he was enquired about the extraordinary ability of innovation in the field of sc ience and technology he remarked that whatever you see as my innovation merely co mes to me in the hours of my deep sleep or contemplation. Nicholas Tesla mention ed that all machines that constitute as my innovation appear before me as it is during hours of my deep sleep or contemplation and afterwards I merely follow th e image and the details start pouring down( these are not his exact words but the exact essence behind his mention) These above mentioned words from these two great scientist should forcefully imp ress two; namely any ardent seeker of meditation and the one that deeply yearns to cherish ones most sought dreams so much so that they charter their self to thi nk and understand the secret behind. With slight attention to these facts of reading Gods mind or it just comes to me this way clearly indicates that the knowledge exists elsewhere and this mortal br ain is merely an instrument that projects the decoded information. And those who somehow know or learn the manner to connect with that reservoir of knowledge be come the epitome of innovation in their respective spheres. Knowingly or unknowi ngly Einstein and Nicholas Tesla both were experiencing the dimensions of meditat ion in their own respective manner. Meditation is a state that enables the infinite store of knowledge borne within the cosmic mind unleashes itself upon the seeker in absolute appropriation of hi s/her urge and intent. Considering the moments of meditation as stress release t herapy or for the sake of Joy is just like cutting the size of Himalayan range t o 50 sq meters. Meditation is silencing of all interfering components of our exi stence including mind, intellect, chitta & ego so that unhindered and chaste bro adband connectivity is established amidst this limited self and the limitless. Wh o am I , What am I here for, Where do I come from and Where do I go here from; al l these questions that a being must know start tracing their respective answer th e moment ones internal components seize to snowball the turbulence within our aw areness new light with all new knowledge start appearing upon the canvas of our insight. Those are the moments of wonder when a being finds all sensory organs h aving their subtlest origin within the centre of our brain. That clearly means t hat you can see, smell, hear, touch and move without all physical sensory and ac tivity related organs. All anomalies and dichotomies find their substantive reasonableness. One stops a gitating for any reason and count and one shall always agitate for rightful purp oses in a manner that harmony remains unscathed at all of its scale. As Lord Jes us Christ said Me & my father are one & Upanishad pronounces Aham Brahamasmi a being mmersed into the larger existence through the mode of meditation, devotion or se rvice shall find itself as one with supreme though initially the seeker shall trace the aforesaid observation as a forceful reality but with subsequent progress al l hypes settle to absolute peace and the oneness becomes just as ordinary as it i s to breathe unnoticeably. But this transformation primarily needs a desire tran sformed into a true will i.e. desire2will desire2will.com. Dinesh kumar (learning under discipline).

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