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BOOK LIST SETS Create your own Stage sets, by Terry Thomas PROPERTIES Stage Properties and How to Make Them, by Warren Kenton Create Your Own Stage Props, by Jacquie Govier COSTUME Historical Costumes of England 1066— 1968, by Nancy Bradfield Costumes for the Stage, by Sheila ‘Television by Lee Baygan Jackson. MAKE-UP Make-up for Theatre, Film and LIGHTING Stage Lighting Handbook by Francis Reid Black/Prentice- Hall Black Black/Prentice- Hall Harrap Herbert Press Black/Drama Books Black Design, construction and decoration, handling of scenery during performance Practical illustrated handbook on useful, and unusual props Describes techniques and specific projects for a wide range of stage props, using many different materials For those interested in the fundamentals of change, detail in close-up and precise silhouette of period A practical handbook covering all aspects of costume design and making. Covers many periods including Greek Drama, Victorian and Edwardian and Modern day costume. A step by step photographic guide Ideal for beginner as well as the more experienced technician INDEX acting area 3-26 adhesives 274 ageing (make-up) 253-4 angels 240 angle (metal) 4, 11-13 animal masks 267-8 apron stage 515,270 architectural details. 144 architectural friezes 147 arena setting 4, 6-7, 82 arms and armour 193-224 archer 204 armature 194, 196 armplate 207; 209 arquebusier 210 arrows 198, 215 axes. 198-9, 205, 215,217 bows 198, 215 breastplate 201-3, 208-11 cannon (hand) 222 cavalier 211 chainmail 204-6 crossbow 206, 215,217 dagger 218 dagger with bloody device 218 device for sticking spear into body 212 dummies 194-7 ‘gauntlets. 206, 209 gorget 211 ‘greaves 201, 203 ‘guns 222-4 halberd 219 hhelmet_196-200, 202-6, 208, 210-11 leather jerkin 199,207 mace 217,219 musket 224, Passion Play 242 pike 219,221 Pikeman 210 plate armour 202-3, 206-11 pole-arms 221 quiver 198, 215 rapier 220 seabbard: sword 216 dagger 213, scale armour 198, 200-2, 205 shield 212-14,217 spear 213,219 standard 213 standard bearer 202 swords and swordbelts 198, 212, 214, 216,218, 220-1 278 warhammer 219 auditorium 4-7, 9517, 82-3, 180 backeloth 18 rolling up 23 fying 270 quick assembly 22, 26 painting 116 backing 77 balustrade 149 barrels (bars) 180 battens lighting 176 scenic 23 beards and moustaches 258-9 belt sword) 213-14, 216 benches 152 bishop's mitre 229 bollards 154 ook flats $1 ‘boom 180 boots 229 borders 16-19,23, 59 boxes and chests 168-9 boxsets 88-91 braces 54-8 making of weights for ss extending 54 French 56 brail 270 brazier 137 ‘brooches 239 brushes, for painting 109 buttons 239 candelabrum 138 candlesticks 139 canvas. 523,276 pliers 52 stretching 53 capstan 155 castors 43 cave 148 ceilings (box set) 88-9 centre line 79 chalice 162 chandelier 139 chests 168-9 clasps 239 cleats 21, 54 clocks 159 ‘cloths 18 coffin 169 columns and pillars 102, 145 ‘compartment batten 175 composite setting 94-5 ‘concertina screen 66 ‘coronet 229 costume accessories 225-42 ‘crook 240 crowns 226-9 basic construction 226-8 Nativity Play 241 oriental 228 Passion Play 242 tiered 229 traditional 228 ‘crucifix 144, 242 curtains and cloths 18-23, 86 set 86-7 supports 19, 22 tracks 13, 19,21 traverse 18-20 cut-outs border 59 flats 59 ground-rows 58 eyclorama 270 fixing temporarily 26 sets 92-3 design 71-106 ‘model theatre 78 rough model 76-7 rough sketches 75 design terms 73 dimmer (cheostat) 178 doors 60-3 downstage 270 drums 167 dummies (armour) 194-7 dyes 111 elevation (drawing) 80 eyes and eyebrows (make-up) 248 fans (hand) 232 fences 149 fire fireplace 50,137 fire hydrant 154 precautions 173, 281 log fire 137 flats 47-70 backing 77, 79-80, 88, 90, 96 book sr canvas stretching 52-3 construction 48-53 doors 60-3 fireplaces 50 French 56 joints 49 profile st return $7 reveal 60-1 supports $4-7 tormentor 270,273 types of flat so-1 windows 62-5 Hoodlight 175 Aowers and leaves 156-7 fly floor and flying 270-1 foliage 156 food. 172 footwear 229 (ee also armour section) fountains 142-3 Fresnel lanterns 177 FOH (front of house) lights 180 gauntlets (see armour) gauze (make-up) 263 gauzes and cut-cloths 24-5 transformation scenes 25 gelatine filters (‘gels’) 186 Birdle 239 glossary 270-3 glues (see adhesives) goblets 160~2 reasepaint 244-5 rids scaling up drawings 114-15 suspension 270-1 ground plans 79, 81, 83, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 101, 103 ground rows lighting 181 scenery $8, 181 guns (see arms) hair (make-up) 258-9 handbags and purses 233 hhang-iron 56 hhelmets (see also armour section) fireman's 231 ppoliceman’s 231 house lights 192 house (mobile) 44 hydrant 154 inkwells 171 inset 85, 106 jewel boxes 168 jewellery 234-9 joints flats 49 rostea 29 jugs and pitchers 164-5 lamps 135-6 lanterns 135-6 legs 116 letters and documents 17 lighting 173-192 arena stage 183 back 188 battens 175-6 colour mixing 184-5 colour selection 186 olour theory 184 control systems 178-9 cyelorama 187-9 dimmers (theostas) 178-9, 192 dip 181 filters gels) 184-6 floods 175 FOH (front of house) 180~ footlights 176, 180 Fresnel spots 176-7 lamps 174 layouts 187 plots 192 positioning 180-3, 189-91 Profile (mirror) spots 177 rehearsals 191-2 switchboard 178 lines 271 lining (painting) 132 lute 166 lyre 166 mace 217 make-up and masks 243-68 make-up 244-63 ageing 253-4 basic requirements 244-5 blood 263 body 251 character 252 crepe hair 259 eyes and eyebrows 248 face: broadening 251 lengthening 251 fairies and sprites 260 foundation 245 ghosts 261 reasepaint 244-5 hair, beards, ete. 258-9 mouth 249 nose 250 perspiration 263 racial types 255-7 scars 263 straight 246-7 sub-human 261 witches and ancients 261 masks 264-8 ‘animal 267-8 basic construction 264-5 carnival 266, 268 clay models 264 decorative for wall 267 eye 266 half-face 266 setting 104-6 milestone 155 mirror 158 mirror frames 158 mobile scenery 42-6, 103 model settings 76-8 model theatre 78 ‘modelling materials 274 ‘money (stage) 170 ‘monumental sculpture 140-5 moulds stage weights 55 jewellery 234-6 musical instruments 166-7 Nativity Play 20-1 naturalistic setting 116-17 necklaces 238 ‘occupational costume accessories 230-1 opposite prompt (O.P.) 272 pail 230 painting and printing 107-32 Painting backcloths 116 blending in edges 132 chalking lines for 114 cloths 116 colour matching 113 colour mixing 112-13 cut-outs 117 gauze 127 lining 132 ‘materials 108-11 ‘metalliccolour 111 pigments 110-13, 184 priming 113 gor Bujsted-ousos 03 sed Burqu0m ‘op-6L sfunmesp Bupqiom ex sonsadosd Jo wopnnasuoo.axp 20) taue BUPOR ver quow su purse 1368 sos gor pu fut ele oc slum siotur 20s sum $5 sm pours £9 uses t-29 so} ues 9 qoung <€ saopa ror ssepuyn/ ou sez tn fr-enn‘orn sunt $5 (Go0eiq a0} 815 br sum Ele aBesdn 11 Sunvoorepun Er-or pos seinqna 691 Squnn tox sedumna o-tr fusjoass o-th (enson335) spn st sdumis oon Lost soon éie‘ole den seme 298 stay uonRaOssEN €Lz sormsu0 er soqpzor $442 yo x81 a2]809 57002 gh ges 218802 6g ade sap $Segh surnam ost s.usond mous ost ards ost 8.0 1St yeuou0 es1 3109, €S1 pardours Soft rowan Suns fer Suny, $-29 ‘1-9 punos-oyr-uronea or spneyun (sammno 298) 3981 S951 smauang vans ‘gh soins ge fends GFE sds S96 saver SPS saysrom €1-21¢h sumonnsisdns SS mau0s Lz augur a8e1s, ele aypyains, 28 uBisop 11-01 sipopp (punos8) Ez sajseisods 6-39. suonras poowyos SL spounau yoreys SL yBnos‘soqoioys 29 TIS Sx wodudis Lrgt sounayais 91 qnuays Gee s30ys 6L°LL sun Bums 4g gop pursuim 901-96 qoueuLiad €26 wures0[949 98 wn $46 aysodusoa 16-83 x09 sas 9S1'95 aoatd-ws thr somydon g-9Pr JoNar E-ehx urewunoy 1-oFt. spray Lob aamdynos Lt s1}0s08 39 Supa Sg Bum2s ger Sonmud Sutin éntores 8-96 stop 2}0>$ = wong qpyapues geeb span €€ aynduen 6-9€ sosvounnis pur sdaxs (6€ SEE sojnours-fus98 €€ zed 6 sprog eases 6-g€ poamno gh-g2 wonnzisuo> E-6z 2]QISdU}09 1-oF wiaisis 21869 gh-Lr warsos ght spor ogz 6€¢ (Saaqjomo) Burr zlz‘olz asjoast ‘09 eaKor iS umax ght (qeanadynos) jaja +161 (Suny8e) este=qor zé sdurex zLz‘olz (28ns Jo) 240 ‘6hr sures ah [ea xx squmnb Se (dn-ayeu) 2800 and fee sound $51 28m ‘dund 66-5865 S1-h1'S umurosoxd cL-€€r somsodosd eet [Pus gt uaaiss fer susiksssjod eer sooguns pawssned ‘oLt suo soded E21 spo Soper neq aunuud ze (SunyBy) Bums-oud €-o9r siod €€¢ sepurwiod Ger trea g51 ‘Lott ‘er 04s fen wd zLi€er 3p019 (popuedxa) suassasijod 1g sqoquiss ud zz (es) ued 19-66 (Suusesp) wed Spor ssoyoud fe zau-ooud Shu ‘zor “€€ (uumpoo) sey 51 xoqamid ‘0g Sutawsp aannadsiod (woo 398) youod Lee siuepud 901-96 sias woueursad z-tbe sniq uossseg Stoz gysqu sided ¥€z dindsaded 111 (josou3e) Bunseads 611. ysejds pue zaneds 6r1 ysnaqisp pur Suyquanos (s1uatutd 99s) ano[09 210398 Tet Jo[fod oz1 pjoxsex General information Fire precautions Always contact your local fire service for all information and for a licence 1 perform. To make a fireproofing solution: mix 300 g (12 0z) borax with 250 g (10 oz) boracic acid (from any chemist). Dissolve in 5 litres (1 gal) water. Recently manufactured plastics should have fireproofing qualities incor- porated. If in doubt, refer to supplier and/or manufacturer. To test for fireproofing: one quick method is to hold a flame against the object for 10 seconds. If the object fails to burn when the flame is removed it may be considered reasonably safe. But to be certain see British Safety Standards Fire Tests. Sound effects and music Many traditional methods of making sounds have been superseded by the LP sound recordings of recent years. The use of coconuts for hooves, Peas in a tray for rain, etc. are still useful but many typical sounds can now be obtained on a single record. Look up lists of EMI and BBC. publications. The thunder sheet (a large sheet of metal suspended in and above the wings) is still a useful sound effect. Music can be used for musicals, ete. only if copyright is available. Always write to the publisher concerned regarding copyright requirements, fees and number of per- formances. Licences and permissions Write to the publishers of acting editions of plays (Faber & Faber, French, etc.) for details of licence and fees. 281

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