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Portuguese IT and LibreOffice Open Manual

because our Schools need options

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. - Proverb

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

about LibreOffice

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

evolution //

? ? ? ?
Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

support //

Resourses http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/LibreOffice http://www.debian.org/News/2011/20110623.en.html http://www.novell.com/products/libreoffice/ http://www.fsf.org/news/openoffice-apache-libreoffice http://meiobit.com/82603/broffice-libreoffice-brasil/ http://blogs.computerworld.com/17197/oracle_kicks_libreoffice_supporters_out_of_openoffice

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

contributors //

Resourses http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/who-contributes-most-libreoffice

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

How many of you, or your children, at school, had the opportunity to learn to work with StarOffice or OpenOffice.org?

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

about the project

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

the needs //
Trainers need to build their own manuals/support Trainers/Teachers/Professors need reference materials for sessions/classes Existing (open) documentation in Portuguese is outdated Few, or none options available Lack of (open) manuals and (open) content for IT basic certifications Social projects cannot afford books

Resourses http://www.centroatl.pt/titulos/pesq_titulos.php3?pchave=openoffice http://istpress.ist.utl.pt/lopenoffice.htm

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

the search for options //

Some trainers build their own materials and share it under an open license Some materials are outdated, but useful Brazilians share a lot of open materials, but the language is a bit different Other trainers build their own materials but close them or don't share

Resourses http://pt.openoffice.org/help/manuals.htm http://linemas.dyndns.org/livre

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


don't have it? do it! //

None of the options meets your needs? Do you have know-how to build it? The software is free and open? Get your hands dirty...get involved.

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


the beginning //
1st edition
Just a gathering of open and Creative Commons materials Lots of errors Without revision

Resourses http://www.adrianoafonso.net/files/manuais/manual_tic_1ed.pdf

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


actual state //
2nd edition
Existing content was (greatly) expanded 3 trainers helped with content and revision 1 designer helped with an ergonomics chapter 1 psychologist and 1 writer helped with the grammar and text revision Won a ISBN The e-book gained recognition from trainers and teachers and the Open(Office.org) Community
Resourses http://www.adrianoafonso.net/files/manuais/manual_tic_2ed.pdf http://www.adrianoafonso.net/files/manuais/manual_tic_2ed.odt http://pt.scribd.com/doc/58593468/Manual-de-Tecnologias-da-Informacao-e-Comunicacao-e-OpenOffice-org-2%C2%AA-Edicao http://www.ensinolivre.pt/?q=node/235 http://pt.openoffice.org/help/manuals.htm

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


the 3rd edition

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


status quo //

Promote access to Information Society and promote e-inclusion through the provision of portable computers and broadband internet connections, at low prices for students and teachers

Resourses http://www.adrianoafonso.net/files/manuais/manual_tic_2ed.pdf http://www.adrianoafonso.net/files/manuais/manual_tic_2ed.odt http://pt.scribd.com/doc/58593468/Manual-de-Tecnologias-da-Informacao-e-Comunicacao-e-OpenOffice-org-2%C2%AA-Edicao http://www.ensinolivre.pt/?q=node/235 http://pt.openoffice.org/help/manuals.htm

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


status quo //

Magalhes Laptop made in Portugal with optional GNU/Linux Caixa Mgica made in Portugal
Resourses http://eescola.pt/e-escolinha/oquee.aspx http://www.eescolinha.net/ http://comunidade.magalhaes.caixamagica.pt/

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


status quo //
Still lacking support for IT basic certifications Teachers and Professors complain about the missing of support Trainers, Teachers and Professors from other areas complain that support is scarce Social projects don't have options and money Current crisis put enterprises searching for other options GNU/Linux is growing OpenOffice.org is decaying 20 years of (OSS/GNU/)Linux in Portugal

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


motivation //
The last government approved a law for open standards Portuguese government nevertheless spends too much of our money in Microsoft Licenses (do we really need them?) Trainers, Teachers and Professors need an option and a reference for open standards and open source Help the LibreOffice Portuguese community to grow Non existent book of LibreOffice in Portuguese Teamwork generates more revision and quality
Resourses http://tek.sapo.pt/noticias/computadores/lei_das_normas_abertas_aprovada_na_assembleia_1143110.html http://tek.sapo.pt/opiniao/lei_das_normas_abertas_este_foi_no_plano_legi_1143730.html http://erte.dgidc.min-edu.pt/index.php?action=view&id=773&date_id=849&module=calendarmodule&section=9 http://www.parlamento.pt/ActividadeParlamentar/Paginas/DetalheDiplomaAprovado.aspx?BID=16555 http://tek.sapo.pt/opiniao/opiniao_20_anos_de_linux_em_portugal_1189837.html

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


personal motivation //
Teamwork is always good and fun Teamwork gives you more time for yourself and family Build something good sharing experience and knowledge Teachers and Professors need publications for CV It's good to see your work recognized It's good to see your name in a (e-)book

Resourses http://www.catalogo.anq.gov.pt/Home/QNQ

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


objectives //
Increase the overall quality Build a reference manual for IT basic certifications
Proposal for school manual Be an excellent option for Trainers, Teachers and Professors Use the Quadro Nacional de Qualificaes (Reference Board Certifications) as a reference

Search for supporters Search for an editor

Printed version

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


the team //
Photo Name Adriano Afonso Antnio Jos Arajo Ins Plcido Joo Coelho Jos Andrade Magda Farinha Miguel Fernandes Rben Martins Vasco Marques Occupation IT Trainer/Professor IT Trainer/Teacher IT Trainer/Teacher IT Trainer/Professional IT Trainer/Advisor Psychologist/IT user IT Trainer/Teacher IT Trainer/Teacher IT Trainer/Teacher Calc

Contribution LibreOffice Software, Internet

Internet, Web programming Software, Hardware, Tools Revision Hardware and Periferals

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net

the team (new ones) //

Photo Name Ricardo Trindade Jorge Cabral Occupation Network Admin & Software Developer Math Teacher Contribution LibreOffice LibreOffice Math

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


supporters //

Resourses http://www.ensinolivre.pt/?q=node/240

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


what I had learned [ build your manual too, contribute ]

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


notes //
When you don't find what u need, u found an opportunity Grab a pencil and paper, deconstruct your problem Brainstorm with your network Raise awareness for the openness Find motivated people, with the same needs Build a task force Initiate your project This presentation is a proof of co-work

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


Thank you
Questions? Suggestions?

All text and image content in this document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License (unless otherwise specified). "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation" are registered trademarks. Their respective logos and icons are subject to international copyright laws. The use of these therefore is subject to the trademark policy.

Adriano Afonso | mail@adrianoafonso.net | http://www.adrianoafonso.net


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