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Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Filed of complex numbers

1 Faculty of Applied Mathematics Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics Hanoi University of Technologies namnc@mail.hut.edu.vn

HUT - 2010


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Complex numbers

The fundamental complex number is i, a number whose square is 1; that is, i is dened as a number satisfying i 2 = 1. Denition The set of complex numbers, denoted by C, is the set of all a + bi, where a, b are real. We call a + bi the canonical form or Cartersian form for a complex number. For complex number z = a + ib, a is called the real part, is denoted Re(z) or R(z), and b the imaginary part of z, is denoted Im(z) or I(z). For example, real and imaginary parts of 6 2i are 6 and -2.
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Complex numbers

The set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers obtained when b = 0. When a is 0, we call z purely imaginary. We shall write 0 + i0 as 0 and a + i0 as a. A complex number can be viewed as a point or position vector in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system called the complex plane or Argand diagram.


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers


Two complex numbers a + bi and c + di are said to be equal if their real and imaginary parts are identical, that is a + bi = c + di a = c and b = d Geometrically, two complex numbers are equal if they are correspond to the same point in the complex plane.


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Addition and subtraction

We add and subtract complex numbers z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di as follows: z1 + z2 = (a + c) + (b + d )i z1 z2 = (a c) + (b d )i In words, complex numbers are added and subtracted by adding and subtracting their real and imaginary parts. For example (3 2i) + (6 + i) = (3 + 6) + (2 + 1)i = 9 i

(3 2i) (6 + i) = (3 6) + (2 1)i = 3 3i
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Complex numbers are multiplied according to the following denition. If z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di, then z1 z2 = (a + bi)(c + di) = (ac bd) + (ad + bc)i For example, (3 2i)(6 + i) = [(3)(6) (2)(1)] + [(3)(1) + (2)(6)]i = 20 9i It is not necessary to memorize the multiplication when we note that this denition is precisely what we would expect if the usual laws for multiplying binomials were applied, together with the fact that i 2 = 1: (3 2i)(6 + i) = (3)(6) + (3)(i) + (2i)(6) + (2i)(i) = 18 9i 2(1) = 20 9i

= 18 + 3i 12i 2i 2

Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

When z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di, we calculate z1 a + bi = z2 c + di by multiplying numerator and denominator by c di. This results is a + bi (a + bi)(c di) z1 = = z2 c + di (c + di)(c di) (ac + bd) + (ad + bc)i = c2 + d 2 bc ad ac + bd + 2 i = 2 c + d2 c + d2

For example, (3 2i)(6 i) 16 15i 16 15 3 2i = = = i 6+i (6 + i)(6 i) 37 37 37

NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Lemma C behaves under its sum and product according to the following : If u, v , w C, then (a) u + v = v + u (b) (u + v ) + w = u + (v + w) (c) uv = vu (d) (uv )w = u(vw) (e) u = 0 implies that u 1 = 1/u exists in C such that uu 1 = 1. The properties of C make of C a eld. Proposition The set C with the above addition and multiplication operators is a eld called the eld of complex numbers.
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Example Write the following complex numbers in Cartesian form: (a) (3 + i)(2 i)2 i (b) i3 2+i (c) 4 3i 2 + 2i (2 2i 3 )2

(a) (3 + i)(2 i)2 i = (3 + i)(3 4i) i = (13 9i) i = 13 10i (b) (c) i(2 i) 1 2i 1 2 i3 = = = i 2+i (2 + i)(2 i) 5 5 5

4 3i 2 + 2i 4 + 3 + 2i 7 + 2i (7 + 2i)(i) 2 7i = = = = = 3 )2 2 (2 2i (2 + 2i) 8i (8i)(i) 8 1 7 i 4 8

NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Conjugate of a complex number

Denition Given z = x + yi, there is a complex number related to z, which we write as z, dened by z = x yi. This complex number, z, is called the complex conjugate of z. Geometrically, z is the reection of z in the real axis


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Lemma If z, w C, then (a) The relation z = z holds if and only if z IR (b) (z) = z (c) (z + w) = z + w (the conjugate of a sum is the sum of the conjugates) (d) (zw) = z w (the conjugate of a product is the product of the conjugates) (e) If z = 0 then z 1 = (z)1


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers


Lemma (continue...) (f) If w = 0 then z z = (the conjugate of a quotient is the w w quotient of the conjugates)

(g) zz is real and nonnegative and is, in fact, positive if z = 0 (h) z + z is twice the real part of z (i) z z is twice the imaginary part of z times i.


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Modulus of a complex number

Denition If z = a + bi C, then the modulus (or absolute value) of z, written as |z|, is dened by |z| = zz = a2 + b 2 For example, the complex numbers z1 = 4 + 3i, have the modulus |z1 | = 42 + 32 = 5, |z2 | = 02 + 32 = 3, |z3 | = 22 + 02 = 2 z2 = 3i, z3 = 2


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers


Lemma If z, w C, then

(a) |z| 0, and |z| = 0 iff z = 0, (b) |z.w | = |z|.|w | |z| z , (c) |1| = 1, | | = w |w | (d) |z| = |z|.


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers

Triangle Inequality
Theorem For z, w C,

|z + w | |z| + |w |

Why is the result called the triangle inequality? The reason will be clear when we view the complex numbers geometrically. Given z = a + bi, w = c + di, then their sum is z + w = (a + c) + (b + d )i. Geometrically, we have the picture


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Polar form
We already know that r = a2 + b2 is the modulus of a + bi and that the point p(a, b) in the Gauss-plane is a representation of a + bi.

The angle is called an argument of z. We call the set Arg z = { | + 2k , k Z the extended argument of the complex Z} number z. As we see, tan = b/a; also a = r cos , b = r sin ; therefore, z = a + bi = r (cos + i sin ). This representation of z is called its polar (or trigonometric) form and the pair (r , ) is called the polar coordinates of the point M(a, b).
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Polar form

Example Let us nd the polar representation of the numbers : a) z1 = 1 i b) z2 = 2 + 2i c) z3 = 1 + i 3 d) z4 = 1 i 3


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Polar form

Remark The following formulas should be memorized : 1 = cos 0 + i sin 0; 1 = cos + i sin ; i = cos i = cos + i sin 2 2 3 3 + i sin 2 2


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number


Let z and w be two complex numbers and z = w . So z and s have the same representation in the Gauss-plane.So they have the same modulus and the arguments difference is 2k. We have : r (cos + i sin ) = s(cos + i sin ) r = s and = + 2k


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Conjugate number

The image-points of conjugate complex numbers lie symmetric with regard to the real-axis. So conjugate complex numbers have the same modulus and opposite arguments. Hence the conjugate of r (cos + i sin ) is r (cos() + i sin()) = r (cos i sin )


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Lets recall two basic identities from trigonometry, cos( + ) = cos cos sin sin and sin( + ) = sin cos + cos sin .Therefore, if z = r (cos + i sin ) and w = s(cos + i sin ), then zw = r (cos + i sin )s(cos + i sin ) = rs(cos cos sin sin ) + i rs(sin cos + cos sin ) = rs[cos( + ) + i sin( + )] Thus, in multiplying two complex numbers, we nd again that the modulus of the product is the product of the modulus of the factors and argument of the product is the sum of the arguments of the factors.
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

The power of a complex number


Theorem (De Moivres Theorem) For any integer n 1, [r (cos + i)]n = r n [cos(n) + i sin(n)]. Example Let us compute (1 + i)1000 . . Applying de The polar form of 1 + i is 2 cos + i sin 4 4 Moivres formula we obtain 1000 (1 + i)1000 = 2 cos 1000 + i sin 1000 4 4 500 500 = 2 (cos 250 + i sin 250) = 2
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Denition Consider a positive integer n 2 and a complex number z = 0. As in the eld of real numbers, the equation wn z = 0 is used for dening the nth roots of number z. Hence we call any solution w of the above equation an nth root of the complex number z. Example a) The numbers 1, 1 are square roots of 1,

b) The numbers 1, 1, i, i are fouth roots of 1.

Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Given a complex number z = r (cos + i sin ). We are looking for all the complex numbers w = s(cos + i sin ) so that w n = z.This is equivalent to [s(cos + i sin )]n = r (cos + i sin ) sn [cos(n) + i sin(n)] = r (cos + i sin ) sn = r and n = + 2k s = positive nth-root-of r and = (/n) + k.(2/n)

If r and are known values, it is easy to calculate s and different values of . Plotting these results in the Gauss-plane, we see that there are just n different roots. The image-points of these numbers are the angular points of a regular polygon.
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number

Example We calculate the 6-th roots of 32 + 32 3i The modulus is r = 64. The argument is (2/3). s = 2 and = /9 + k(2/6). The roots are 2(cos(/9 + k(2/6)) + i sin(/9 + k(2/6))) for k = 0, 1, . . . , 5. In the Gauss-plane these are the angular points of a regular hexagon.


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients

Consider the quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, c are real. All knows that when the discriminant = b 2 4ac is positive, the equation has two real solutions. When the discriminant is zero, we regard the quadratic as having two real solutions which are identical. For quadratics with negative discriminant, we rst consider the equation x 2 + 1 = 0. The complex number i is a solution, but so is i since (i)2 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 0.
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients

The quadratic equation x 2 + 16 = 0 has two solutions, x = 4i. If we apply the quadratic formula to the equation x 2 + 2x + 5 = 0, 2 16 4 20 = 2 2 By 16 we would seem to mean the number that multiplied by itself is -16. But there are two such numbers, namely 4i. Let us make the agreement that 16 shall denote that complex number whose square is -16, and which has a positive imaginary part. By this agreement, 16 = 4i and 16 = 4i. x= 2 the result is

The quadratic formula applied to x 2 + 2x + 5 = 0 therefore gives two complex numbers, 2 4i x= = 1 2i. 2 Mathematics I Chapter 6 It is straightforward toNGUYEN that these two complex- conjugates actually verify CANH Nam

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients

The examples above lead us to state that every real quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c has two solutions x= b b 2 4ac . 2a

When b 2 4ac > 0, roots are real and distinct; when b 2 = 4ac, roots are real and equal; when b 2 4ac < 0, roots are complex conjugates.


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients


Concepts on complex numbers Canonical form of complex numbers Operations in canonical form Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Denitions and Examples Some operations of complex numbers in the polar form n-roots of a complex number Quadratic equations on C Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients Polynomial of complex variables
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients

Consider the general quadratic equation with complex coefcients az 2 + bz + c = 0, a=0

Using the same algebraic manipulations as in the case of real coefcients, we get two solutions of this equation as b + b 2 4ac z1,2 = 2a 2 4ac is in the sense of square roots of a complex number. So where b b 2 4ac contains two values. Observe that the relations between roots and coefcients b c z1 + z2 = , z1 z2 = a a as well as th factorization formula az 2 + bz + c = a(z z1 )(z z2 ) are also preserved in this case.
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Quadratic equations of real coefcients Quadratic equation of complex coefcients

Remark Suppose that = u + vi, then = r +u + (sgn v ) 2 r u i 2

where r = || and sgn v is the sign of the real number v Example. Solve the following equation z 2 8(1 i)z + 63 16i = 0 We have = (4 4i)2 (63 16i) = 63 16i so = (1 8i). It is follows that z1 = 5 12i, z2 = 3 + 4i
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Complex coefcients polynomials

Consider a polynomial of degree n on C p(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2 + . . . an x n , where a0 , a1 , . . . , an C, an = 0 and x is complex variable. Denition A complex number is said to be a root of the polynomial p(x) if p() = 0, i.e., a0 + a1 + a2 2 + . . . an n = 0


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables


Proposition Every polynomial of degree n on C has exactly n complex roots (counting multiple roots according to their multiplicity ). Proposition If x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are roots of the polynomial p(x) then p(x) can be represented in the form p(x) = (x x1 )(x x2 ) . . . (x xn )


Mathematics I - Chapter 6

Concepts on complex numbers Polar form of complex numbers Quadratic equations on C C Polynomial of complex variables

Real coefcients polynomials

Now we consider the polynomial of real coefcients p(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x 2 + . . . an x n , where a0 , a1 , . . . , an are real, an = 0. Proposition If is a complex root of p(x) then the conjugate complex number of is also a root of p(x). Proposition Let p(x) be a polynomial of real coefcients. Then p(x) can be expressed as a product of binomials and quadratic polynomials of negative discriminant.
NGUYEN CANH Nam Mathematics I - Chapter 6

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