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The Chief of Naual Personnel


The Assistant Chief of Naval Personnel

Table of Contents
Amphibians InvadeKey Enemy Islands on BothSides of World The Womens Reserve-One Year Old. The Current Tax Payment Act 1943 of Six Months Production the for Navy: 9,000 Planes, 6,000 Ships T h e Navys Recreation Program. 77,000 V-12 Students at 2 1 2 Schools How Plasma Works-and Why Portuguese: Short List of Words and Phrases New for Aids Shipwrecked Are Men Tested Secretary Knox Visits San Diego Naval Hospital Courage Plus Training Equals Victories The Months News The Invasion of Sicily (photographs) The Capture of Rendova (photographs) New Names in the Navy. DecorationsandCitations. BuPersBulletinBoard In Section, Bureau this the o f NavalPersonneldirectsattention to matterso particular interestand f importance to the service generally. A separate index to the contents o f the section may be found onpage 67.

......... 2 . 6 . . 10 . . . . . . 12 . . . . 14 . . 16 . . . . . 22

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . . 35 . 43 . . . . . . . . 49 . . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . . . . 65

This magazine is published monthlyWashington, in D. by C., the Bureau of NavalPersonnelfor the informationandinterest of theNavalService as a whole. Where reference is made to regulations, orders and directives,suchreferenceisintendedas for information does comprise and not authority action. The authorityforactionis the regulation, order or directive upon which the Bulletin article is based. Because the magazine cannot furnished be personnelindividually, it isrequested that readers pass along their copies to insure that. all hands will haveopportunity to readeachissue.Allactivities of should keepthe Bureau informed how many copies are required. Ship and station papers are authorized to reprintmaterial as desired. Articles general of interest may be forwarded via official channels.



"Press Association Photograph.

Close NEW GEORGIA. Rendova Taken, AlliesBattles in on Munda; U. S. Forces Win Big in Kula Gulf
Early in the morning of 30 June, combined United States forces landed on Rendova Island. Thesameday more than 110 enemy planes attempted toattack-landing parties. One hundred and one of these planes were shot down. Seventeen United States planeswere missing. The U. S. transport McCawley was attacked and disabled. In a attack later by an enemy sub she was sunk. There was little opposition to the occupation of the island, and 2 hours later United Statesshorebatteries opened fire on the enemy airfield at Munda, 5 miles distant. After occupying Rendova, United States forces landed on New Georgia Island on opposite sides of the Japanese airbase a t Munda, and began closing in. Landings accomwere plished a t RiceAnchorage,on the Kula gulf within 10 miles of Munda, and a t Zanana, 6 miles east of the main enemy base in the central Solomons. Allied tanks joined the assault. On 6 July the first great battle of 9 Kula Gulf was fought. A t least Japanese ships and possibly 11 were reported sunk, and 4 were damaged. The 9,700-ton U. S. Cruiser Helena went to the bottom of the narrow gulf during the action, but not before she had destroyed 4 Japanese vessels (2 cruisers and 2 destroyers). The secondbattle of Kula Gulf was fought 13 July and cost the Japanese, attempting to reinforce their Munda garrison, a cruiser and three de. stroyers. The U. s. s Gwin, a 1,630ton destroyer which was damaged and disabled in the fight, was later sunk by an enemy sub while being towed to a n Allied port. In the latest of the series of onesidedaerialengagements,fought 17 July, 200 United States planes sank 7 enemy ships, including a cruiser and 2 destroyers, and downed 49 Japanese planes in a 20-minute fight, which cost the United States 6 planes. The action took place in the Buin-Faisi harbor area,north Solomons terminal of the "Tokio Express," thosefast to naval ships which the Japanese try slip in at night to aidgarrisonsin danger of falling. The U. S. S. Strong, a destroyer. was torpedoed and sunk while bombarding Jap positions on New Georgia 6 5 July. Pounded incessantly from the sea and from We air, Japanese installations at Munda appeared doomed as the Allied campaign to drive the enemy out of the South and Southwest Pacific steadilyadvanced. Allied troops on 19 July were within 2 miles of the enemy airfield a t Munda. Slogging through mud and jungle growth, the Americans advanced under a cover of withering naval bombardment which hundreds sent of tons of explosives into an area about 2,000 yards by 3,000 yards, where the Japs had elected to make their final stand. I n addition to the action in the central Solomons, Mubo,big Japanese key point protecting Salamaua, 10 miles to the north of New Guinea, was taken 15 July. Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced 950 of the enemy were killed in the operation. Jap installations a t Tarawa, in the Gilbert Islands, were attacked.

Behind the.smokescreen o a destroyer (top Zeft), the amphibs approach Rendova. f

Photographs om pages 43 and 44

Page 2


SICILY. LastSteppingStone
A t 0300 Saturday 10 July, American, British, Canadian and forces invaded historic Sicily, largest island in the Mediterraneanandonly remainingstronghold betweenAlliedheld Africa and the Italianmainland. That it was the greatest combined military operation in all history was emphasized by President Roosevelt during a fireside radio broadcast on the night of 28 July. Said the Commander in Chief: The initial assault force on Sicily carried involved 3,000 ships which 160,000 m n-Americans, e British, Canadians a nFrench-together d with 14,UOO vehicles, 600 tanksand 1,800 guns. This initial force was followed everyday and every night by thousands of reinforcements. The Navy, a few hours before the President spoke, revealed had that 1,500 American naval vessels ranging from cruisers to small landing craft effected the landing of U. S. forces on the island. Theships were handled by a force totalling more than 40,000 officers and men. Under the immediate command of ViceAdm. H. K. Hewitt, USN, Commander of U. S. Naval Forces in North African Waters, this force consti-

to Italy Proper Attacked as Battle of Europe Opens

these 3,000 ships. I n i t was virtually every type of naval craft. In the center were small landing craft, boats, barges, lighters, and the like. Hoveringaroundthesewerelargercraft such as tank-carrying ships and the larger infantry-landing craft. Dispersed among these were the big transports,supply ships, cargo vessels.And guarding them all with a wall of steel were the big battleships, the smaller cruisers, and the speedy destroyers and escort vessels of a half dozen United Nationsnavies. Minesweepers preceded the invasion fleet itself. Threading their way through the treacherous waters surrounding Italys main outer bastion, these vessels swept clear a path through the enemys mine fields and thus facilitated carrying out the tremendous operation with virtually no naval losses. Behind them came the invasion fleets ontime-tableschedulesfrom almost every Port on the North African coast and from England. Behind the invasion craft and screening war.ships came auxiliaries-hospital ships for thefirst wounded, repair ships f o r speedy overhauls,tugs to pull the larger sea-going invasion ships the off

tuted by far the greatest number in the invasion fleet, a Navy Department statement declared. President Roosevelt said that the with which the opermeticulous care ation in Sicily was planned paiddividends. Our casualties in men, ships andmaterial,hesaid,have been low-in fact farbelow our estimate. All of us are proud of the superb skill and courage of the officers and men who have conducted andare conducting this operation. From official communiques, press reports, and eyewitness accounts, this is what happened; Firstactualcontact was made by British and American paratroops and glider-borne infantry, dropped on Sicily in advance of the sea-borne landings, but as in the cases of previous Allied invasions, the initial stages of the operation were a naval showthe Navies of Britain and the United States aided by navalunits of the Dutch, Polish, and Greek Governments-in-exile and ships of other United Nations. I t was a heterogeneous armada,

Photographs on pages 35 t o 42

Page 3

beaches, mine layers to bottle up the it was the beginning of the end. planes in aerialcombat and destroyed or captured even more on the ground. conspicuously-absent Italian fleet and The heavyfightingintheMediter5. Occupied seven airfields and a sub-chasers to deal with any U-boats ranean that PrimeMinister Churchill the Axis cared to risk in attempts to promisedbefore the leaves of Au- seaplane base, some of which were put into use by the Allies almost immeditumn fall had been opened on the thwart the operation. ately. Of inestimable value to amphib- soft underbelly of the Axis. the The Allied armies whichhad chased The invasionwas moving ahead ious operations werethe first landings of the paratroopers and glider-borne Hitlers and Mussolinis legions out of of schedule and Allied leaders said North Africawere on the march again, results were better than they had infantry. this time only 260 miles from Rome. dared hope for. blowing Because of a high wind The attack was aimed at the last of a inland from the Mediterranean, many The two veteran fighters who had series of stepping islands stone cleaned up Africa were leading their of the paratroops were carried past lying between Cap Bon, Africa, and armies toward new victories over the their objectives and a numberwere which was Axis-Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, USA, captured. The majority, however, Italy proper, already at- commander of a newly formed Ameriwere liberated within hours after the undergoing themightiestaerial can Seventh Army, and Gen. Sir main invasionforces landed and made tacks it has suffered since the start of the war. Bernard L. Montgomery, commanding contact the with enemy. Losses Allied forces advanced deeply and the famous British Eighth Army. among the paratroops were described swiftly into the island. Defenses that Directing theentireoperation was as negligible. 2 years in build- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, ComAs the fleets moved in thenight to- the Italians had spent mander in Chief of Allied Forces in ward the shores of Sicily, big guns of ing crumbled before the invaders. In 8 days the Allies had: the Mediterranean theater. thewarships opened up oncoastal 1 Captured . approximately 3,300 As the INFORMATION went BULLETIN defenses and planes by the hundreds loosed their bombs in a prelude of de- square miles of Sicily, about one-third to press, the American Army had cut the island in half and captured Palerstruction. Bouncing over a heavy, of the entire island. 2. Cleared more than 200 miles of mo,, Sicilys ancient capital. The wind-whipped swell, in rushed the Allies werein possession of some fourfirst invasion boats and American, coastline. 3. Captured 35,000 prisoners in adfifths of the land total area. The British, and Canadian troops poured dition toinflicting losses in killed and Americans were moving east along the ashore. toward the important The invasion was on-the Land wounded on both German and Italian north coast defenders. northeast tip where the hard-pressed Battle of Europe had been opened. 4. Shot down nearly 200 enemy Italian and Germanforces were makIn the words of President Roosevelt, ing a last-ditch stand. Battering at Catania, approximately 65 miles south of Messina, was the British Eighth Army. Catania, second in population to Palermo with a first-rate harbor, was being reduced to rubble by guns of Allied warships and planes of the RAF and USAAF. Its fall would release the British Eighth Army to push north and merge with the American and Canadian forces; virtually completing conquest of the island. Powerful fleets of Allied planes, including every type from Flying Fortresses to the new A-36 fighterbombers, were pounding Italian ports, and manufacturing centers, communication lines from the important industrial center of Turin in the north to Naples, the port of Rome, and the twin ferry terminals Reggio of CalabriaandSan Giovanni, across from Messina, Sicilys first city. Rome received its first bombing of the war. Allied aircraft first dropped pamphletson theancient city explaining why it was t o be bombed and then blasted war industries and rail centers through which many Axis supply and troop trains pass on their way to the new southern front. President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill in a joint message t o the Italian people 16 July demanded that they overthrow their leaders or suffer the consequences of total war and invasion a t home. -0fficinl V. S. d r m r A i r Forces Photograph. Die for Mussolini and Hitler-or MESSZNA BOMBED: Sicilys most importamt city, Messima, at the morth- live for Italy and civilization, said east tip of the island just across the marrow straits from the Italian the message. The sole hope for mairdand, felt the fury of American air raids lomg before the imvasion Italys survival, i t said, lies in honbegan.Here, B-24 Liberators blast lzaval barracks amd oiltanks ilz orable capitulationt o the overwhelming power of the military forces of the strategic port. Since Allied armies invaded Sicily, Messima has beem the. UnitedNations. bombed repeatedly and is mow regarded as of little value, so great has The appeal, beamed from all United Nations radio stations and dropped in beem the damage delivered by the RAF amd USAAF.

Page 4

B y 26 July only the northeast tip of Sicily (Catania and above) remained in Axis hands.
pamphlet form from Allied planes, as expected, rejected was by Fascist leaders, who attempted to spur the people to greater efforts and sacrifice while admitting that Italy as never is, before, in mortal danger. The invasion of Sicily, covering approximately 9,900 square miles, and separated from the mainland by the Messina Straits, which at their narrowestpoint are only 2 milesfrom Italy, was carried out a t three points. Landings were effected on the south coast and at the east and west sides of Cape Passero at the southeast tip of the island. Screening the small craft were battleships, cruisers, and destroyers which, as the first shock troops poured ashore, laid down a furious barrage on the coast. American forces landed along the southern coast in the area of Gela where the fiercest fighting of the initial campaign took place. Gela, inthehands of two Germantank regiments, was sharply defended and twice the Americans were driven back tothe beaches. But reinforcements arrivedandunderthe direction of Lieutenant General Fatton, who went ashore in a landing barge to personallydirectoperations,theGermans were forced back and the town and two airfields were captured. British and Canadian forces, meanwhile, merged across Cape Passero and within a few hours captured the town of Pachino at the tip of the cape andathird airfield. Turning north, they continued their advance, capturing the town of Noto, and drove ontoSyracuse, important porton the east coast south of Augusta. Allied air forces, operating at their maximum strength, stillwere providingground forces with an impregnable umbrella and continued to pound many of the islands principal defenses lying before the advancing troops. Enemy airfields and railroads were raided; ferry systems between the island and mainland were bombed and numerous supply and troopships were sunk. On the second day of the invasion while Allied warships were bombarding additional coastal towns, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower arrived aboard aBritish destroyer, landingon the Sicilian shore aboard an amphibious Jeep, to congratulate British and American armies and to confer with their leaders on succeeding phases of the campaign. Three days after the invasion, American forces inthe south had mopped up between 60 and 70 miles of the coast. They drove inland, turning northward in a line parallel with British forces moving along the coast toward Augusta, north of Syracuse. A dozen towns were taken in the first 3 days including Licata, Pachino, Avola, Noto, Pozzalo, Scoglitti, Ispica, and Rossolini and the Allies were in possession of airdromesandports with which to land additional troops. On 13 July, additional British troops were landed south of Catania, Sicilys second city, halfway up the coast t o Messina, across the straits from the Italian mainland. Augusta, important harbor,was captured with its air and seaplane bases. American forces, coming intocontactwith the crack HermannGoering division, smashed through the German units and joined forces with the British and Canadian forces at Ragusa, vital railcenter, captured by 17 United States soldiers and 2 jeeps. Thismergerformed a solid junction throughout the southeast. Some 8,000 prisoners had been taken in the first days. 4 The two armies- the British and pushing along the coast the Americans drivinginto the mountains inland toward Caltagirone, southwestern gateway to the Catania plainsseparatedtocontinuetheir parallel drive northward. Thirteen additional towns fell duringthe following 24 hoursandthe desperate defenses which the had Axis erectedbefore Catania were crumbling. Brucoli, 4 miles above Augusta, fell followed by Lentine, 13 miles below Catania. Catania, itself, was under heavy attack from the sea and air. Its capture would open much of the remainder of the island tothe invading armies. The Catania region, said the National GeographicSociety, is the largest level expanse in the mountainous island, covering an area roughly 165 square miles. Tothenorth isthe famous volcano, Mount Etna, highest point on the island, 10,741feet. It had been reported that the Sicilian garrison prior to the invasion totaled some 400,000 men with some of Mussolinis and Hitlers first-line divisions stationed there to stem the attack which the Axis had long expected. Allied leaders were surprised and elated at the comparatively light resistance and simpleconquestfirst encountered, but warned that stronger resistance and heavier fighting could be expected as the armies moved inland and northward toward Messina knd the northeast coast.

Page 5



men schools, onefor aerographers mates, one for aviation metalsmiths, two for aviationmachinistsmates, one for control tower operators, one for instructorsin blind flying, one forparachute riggers, and one for synthetic gunnery instructors (suspended forthepresent). Upon completion of indoctrination at Northampton, women officers may continue in there communications training or be sent on to the Navy Supply Corps School, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology or the University of California at Los Angeles for training inaerological engineering. An activity opened to the Navy women in July 1943 is Japanese School Language at Boulder, Colo. Graduates of all these schoolsexcept the last three are now on duty throughout the United States. Women are serving at naval air stations, operating bases, repair bases, shipyards,districtheadquarters,sea frontier headquarters, on aviation cadet selection boards, in the offices of inspectors of navalmaterial, in fact,at nearly every type of shore installation. Navy women work the same hours Women officers replace men in desk jobs. as Navy men, standing both day and night watches. Their liberty arrangements are the same, and they enjoy the privileges of the U. S. 0. and all other recreation facilities available to service men.They stay in uniform at all times except in the barracks or where engaged in active sports, and are called upon to meet the same standards of neatness and good behavior as are required of all men in uniform. How much thewomen have become a part of the Navy is clearly to be seen at the Nzval Air Station,Jacksonville, Fla. There, hundreds of women are on duty. They give plane pilots clearance for landings and take-offs. They prepare the all-important weather information and handle the radio communications in and out of the station. They work in the shops and on the field, repairing and tuning up motors. Theypack andrepairparachutes for the men going out on patrol duty. Aviators are taught instrument flying by trained Link Trainerinstructors and air gunners are taught to shoot more accurately by 3A-2 machine instructors. In the commissary department, Official U. S. Navy Photographs. they check incoming food supplies. Yeomen, storekeepers, and seamen Women are parachute riggers, too. Other jobs they have taken ozrer are are in all the administrative offices shown o n the .following pages. one is the admirals orderly (she replaced a Marine), others wear side- thenics every. morning anddrill a t Corpsmen are the Women Reservists arms, carry thepay rolls, and do spe- frequent intervals. fighting men will meet first, if they Women are just beginning to take are brought back to the United States cial guard duty. They run their own barracks with a few staff officers and over in still another field-as mem- as casualties. Groups of them are almasters a t arms.Theyhave calis- bers of the Hospital Corps. Women. ready in most of the big hospitals and

Page 7

Artist at Work With Air Brmh

many larger dispensaries, working in the wards, clinics, laborat,ories, and operating rooms. On general ward duty, they are administering bedside care to personnel wounded in action. As occupational therapists and physiotherapists,theyarehelping to restore both thementaland physical health of wounded Navy men; as technicians, they are working on plasmabanks,malaria control, and rpidemic diseases. Already there cre hundreds of women doctors, HosPharmacists pital Corps officers, Mates and Hospital Apprentices in shore billets or in training at naval hospitals-and the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery hopes the number of Hospital Corpsmen alone reach will 6,000 by the end of this year. By far the largest aggregation of Women Reservists. is in the Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Assigned at rate. the of nearly 1,000 a monthtodate, 6,000 Navy women (about 1,500 officers and 4,500 enlisted women) have reported aboardinthe Nations capital, releasing gratefulmenfromthe desk jobs and paper work that must be

Aerographers Take Sou.nding

done to keep the Navy functioning. Besides the strictly administrative and clerical work that one might expect women to be doing, there are engineering, linguistic, legal, chemiczl, cbmmunications and operational billets being Nled by women inevery Bureau of the Navy Department. a The Womens Reserve is not separate corps within the Navy. It is merely a system of training women and assigning them to duty as direct replacementsfor men. Thereis no over-all militaryset-up. Thenumber of officers is not dictated by the proportion to the number of enlisted women-it is dictated by the number of men officers who can be replaced. Only avery small proportionof women officers a r e performing Womens Rezerve staff duties. Miss McAfee herself, as director of the Womens Reserve, is a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Personnel, with a staff of five women officers working with her. Throughout other divisions. of the Bureau of Naval Personnel, there are certain women officers who handle matters such as

A Dental Hygielzist
Procurement, training, discipline, perof Navy formance, detailing and women, but they work within the divisions that are doingthese jobs for men as well. This scheme is followed throughout the naval service ashore. Where numbers of enlisted women are on duty there are a few officers assigned the job of handling the special problems that may arise for the women. There, in that very term special problems lies the key to the Womens Reserve administration. AsMissMcAfee has explained it, If women were exactly the same as men in their habits and needs, there would be nonecessityfor separate plans for the women. It is the differences between men who may be sent t o sea and women who will hold shore billets for the duration that we have to arrange for-different housing requirements, different uniforms, difdifferent discipinary problems, ferent training. These differences are kept to a. minimum. In training, for instance, women are through same put the

Signalling Incoming Page 8


Pharmacists Mate Assists

A Dispatch Rider

Operate Colztrol Tower

paces as men except for the sea-going aspects of any particular course. Standard barracks blueprints have beenmodified in recognition of the housingcomforts needed by women whowill live in them for some time. In fact, in Washington,government quarters are beingprovided forenlisted women where none existed for the menbecause it isfelt that the Navy should provide housing in this crowded city for these young women, many of whom are away from home for the first time, and maybe assigned here indefinitely. Aside from these few aspects, women have been fitted into the Navy asan integralpart of the service. They slip into the same spot, in the chain of command, as the men they replace, and perform the same duties. An example fromthe Naval Air Station, New Orleans, illustrateshow this replacementisaccomplished.For 6 months, a WR ensign worked with communication officer for the station. Recently, he left for duty a t sea and the woman ensign became the communication officer. As such, she has complete administrative authority over the 21 people assigned toher

Tune-up Airplane Motors

office, whether are theymen or women, andtheymust follow hm instructions as they did those of the officer who preceded her. Shecannot, however, under the restrictions set by Congress, exert military command over men, so should a disciplinary problem arise, she would refer it to the proper male authority. In such ways as this have the experience andtraining of thousands ofwomenbeen put to use.Andbecause this system gives women the same status, responsibilities and restrictions as fall upon men, most of the women in the service do not like to be called by the popular name for Navy women-WAVES. They want to be known as the Navy radiomen, storekeepers or ensigns thatthey really are. Use of the word WAVES began when the Reserve classification for women was officers selected as W-V(S), meaning Woman-Volunteer (Specialist). B u P e r s regulations said these were women accepted for volunteer emergency service; the initial letters of that phrase, capitalized, formed WAVES. But formal the

Storekeeper Checks Supplies

name is Womens Reserve, United States NavalReserve, and the commissions granted to officers read: . . . I do appoint him ensign in the Naval Reserve o f the United States Navy. The initials WR and term the Womens Reserve are official and the women themselvesprefer these terms to the equallyofficial but less formal term WAVES. The women of the Navy have come from the same homes as the service men who are firing the guns and dropping the bombs that will demolish the Axis. They are working hard to advance inrating-many have earned second class petty officer ratings and are striking for first class. already been seExactly 100 have lected for officer training after more than six months service inrating. Their hopes and ambitions forthe duration of the war lie with the Navy and the record their shipmates chalk up against the enemy. They came to the Navy to fight to the best of their abilities, that their brothers, husbands friends and might come home sooner.

Mech Takes aReading

In the Lab of a Naval Hospital

Totallilzg Pay Accoumt

Page 9

The Current Tax Pavment Act, of 1943


Summary of New Law as It Affects Members of Armed Forces P r e p a r e d by Busanda

no change in the tax rates imposed by the Revenue Act of 1942. Its application is limited to individuals and does not extend to estates, trusts, or corporations. This Act for the first time provides for the collection of taxes on income as it is earned. This change infundamental policy from has necessitated a departure the former methods of paying taxes. As a part of the change-over to a current basis of collecting income taxes, the law provides for the withholding of tax at the source on salaries, wages, and other compensation for personal services, but such withholding provisions do not apply to t h e servicepay of members of t h e armed forces on active duty. The Current Tax PaymentAct, insofar as it is of primary interest to members of the armed forces may be divided into four principal parts: 1. Additional allowance of $1,500.
2. Cancellation of 1942 tax. 3. Current payment of tax. 4. Abatement of tax in case of death. Additioml Allowawe of $1,500

1943, approved June 9, 1943, makes

The Current Tax Payment


This information for all members , o f the armed forces, pertaining to the Current Tax Payment Act of 1943 (Public Law 68, 78th Congress), was prepared by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts and is published with the approval of the Revenue. Bureau of Internal This infomation supplements the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts FederalIncome Tax Information Pamphlet dated December 18, 1942. Pamphlet printings of this material are being distributed by Busanda.

(without addition of the unforgiven balance of the 1942 tax), there will be forgiven the sum of:

(1) An amount equivalent t o his 1943 tax if such tax is $50 or less; or (2) A flat $50 if his 1943 tax i between s $50 and $66.67;or (3) A n amount equivalent t o 75% of his 1943 tax if such tax is more than

Plus A n amount equivalent to the difference between the tax as shown on his 1942 return and the tax on his 1943 income, to the extent that such difference is at; tributable to 1942 earned net income.

Underprior law in effect for the year 1942, a member of thearmed forces below thegrade of commissioned officer was entitled to exclude from gross income so much of his base pay and any additional compensationfor foreign orspecialservice as did not exceed $250 if single, or $300 if married. The new law allows all military personnel, irrespective of grade and regardless of whether single or married, to exclude from gross income, beginning with the year 1943, so much of base pay for activeservice and additional compensation for longevity and foreign or special service. as does not exceed $1,500. (Supersedes information contained i n paragraph 38 ( a ) of Federal Income Tax Information Pamphlet dated Decemprovision ber 18, 1942.) This relief is in addition to the following personal exemptions and credits for dependents which are the same as under prior law:
Personal exemption of married person or head of family $1,200 Personal exemption of single person-----__---__---_----_----500 Credit for each dependent: Form 1040_____------------- 350 Form 1040A 385

Part or all of the 1942 tax. The 1943 tax willbe increased by an amount equivalent to the uncancelled portion of the 1942 tax. Where the 1942 tax liability is greater than the 1943 tax liability, the difference is to be added to the 1943 tax liability, subject to a special rule in the case of a serviceman.Technically, the 1942 tax liability will be completelydischarged on September 1, 1943.Any payments made on account of the tax for 1942 are considered as paymentsonaccount of the tax for 1943. See paragraph 26 for guide to determinationof 1943 tax.
Rule where 1942 tax not greater than 1943 tax.-Where the servicemans 1942 tax liability as shown on his return is not greater than his 1943

Earned net income is that income consisting of wages, salaries, and other compensation for personal services which, after deducting expenses properly chargeable against such income, does not exceed $14,000. If the individuals net income is not more than $3,000, his entire net income is considered to be earnednet income. How to determine tax attributable to earned net income.-The following is an example of the method used in determining the extent to which the excess of the 1942 tax over the 1943 tax is attributable to earned net income:
Assume t h a t an individual, single, had net income of $20,000 in 1942, consisting of $15,000 salary and $5,000 of other income, such as dividends, interest, etc. His 1942 tax return showed a tax liability of $6,816. He entered the armed services during 1943, and his tax o n 1943 income is $1,000. Only $14,000of his 1942 salary falls within the definition of earned net income. Portion- of 1942 tax attributable to1942 earned net income: Tax for 1942__________--__--__-$6,816 Tax for 1942, after excluding earned net income: Net income ($1.000 .p:us

tax liability (without addition of the unforgiven balance of the 1942 tax), his 1942 tax will beforgiven in full or in part asfollows:

(1) If the tax for 1942 is $50 or less, all of the 1942 tax is forgiven. (2) If the tax for 1942 is between $50 and $66.67,a flat $50 is forgiven and the balance is added t o t h e 1943 tax. (3) If the tax for 1942 exceeds $66.67, 75% of the 1942 tax is forgiven, and the balance of 25% is added to the 1943 tax.

Less personal exemption-_


$6,000 500

Surtax net income-_No earned income credit allowable in this recomputation Balance subject normal tax


Examples where 1942 tax is not greater than 1943 tax:

_______________ 000

Normal 330 S u r t a r - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _880 _

(1) 1943 tax . . _ _ _ _$60 5100 _ _5 $160 _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ $150 $ _ _ 10 40 60 100 __ (2) 1942tax_ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _0 160 _ _ . _ _ (3) Portion of 1942 tax forattributable to 1942 tax glven__..___.._._ 0 120 ___.._75 40 50 net income (4) Balance of 1942 tax, (2) minus (3)....__._....... 25 0 40 0 10 Tax shown by 1942 return (5) Revised 1943 tax, (1) plus Less tax on 1943 income (4). . . . _ . . ~.. 110 . . _ . . . . . . .60 . 176 1 0 200 5

________ tax--6%_________


__-_-______________ 5,606




6,816 1,000 5,816


Cancellation of 1942 T x a General.-Provision is made in the new law for the cancellation of some

Rule where 1942 tax greater than 1943.Where the servicemans 1942 tax liability as shown on his return is greater than his 1943 tax liability

Excess attributable to earned net income____-_-_________--_ 5,606 Excess not attributable to earned net income




Page 10

Examales where 1942 tax is greater than 1943 tax:

___-__~ ~


(1) 1942 tax...__ . !I00 $ 1 0 $60 $ 0 $1,ooo 6400 .~. .. . 10 (2) 1943 tax .. . . .. .. 200 1 0 40 40 60 (3) Excess of 1942 tax over 1943 tax, (1) minus(2) -...... l o 60 20 40 800 300 o

40 40





(6) (7)

Extent to which excess, item (3) above, is attributable to 19+2 earned net income (see par. 8) . 100 60 Totalforgiveness, (4) plus ( 5 ) . -.. . 1 0 1 0 . 0 0 Revised 1943 tax,



100 300
250 375



(1) minus (6), plus (2) .........

40 40

950 125

Special rules where surtax net income is in excess of $20,000 for either 1942 or 1943.-There are two special rules affecting those individuals whose surtaxnet incomewasmore than $20,000 for either of the years 1942 or 1943. (A) Rule where 1942 tax is not greater than 1943 tax: If the surtax net income for the base year ,(see subparagraph (C) for definition of base year) plus $20,000 i s less than the surtax net income for 1942, the tax for 1943 shall be increased by (1) 25% of the 1942 tax and (2) the excess of 75% of the 1942 tax over a tentativetaxfor 1942 computed as if an amountequivalent to thesum of the surtax net income for the base year plus $20,000, constituted both thesurtaxandthenormal-taxnet income for 1942.
Example: Assume that an individuals tax for 1942 was $18,336 and that his tax on 1943 income is $20,000. Also assume that his surtax net income for 1942 was $40,000, and t h a t his surtax net income for his selected base year was $5,000 (1939 was selected because his surtax net income in 1939 was greater than his surtax net income in any of the years 1937, 1938, and 1940). He will add $20,000 tothe base year surtaxnet income of $5,000, compute a tentative tax on $25,000 of surtax n e t income andnormal-taxnetincome a t 1942 rates, anddeterminethe further amount not cancelled as follows: (1) 75% of taxon 1942 income (18,336)_____----------------$13,752 (2) Surtaxon $25,000 at 1942 rates_____________ $8,500 (3) Normal tax on $25,000 a t 1942 rates 1,500



Total tentative tax



(5) Excess of (1) over (4)

___________ 3,752

Revised 1943 tax: Original tax on 1943 income $20,000 Plus-25% of actual 1942 tax ($18,336) 4,584 Plus -Special adjustment ( 5 ) 3,152



R e v i s e d 1943 tax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28,336

(B) Rule where 1942 tax is greater than the 1943 tax: If the surtax net

1942 tax or from applying the special rules set forth in paragraph 10. Attention is directed to the comments in paragraph 18 pertaining to the amount of the specific exemption allowable on a joint victory tax return. Current Payment of Tax Active service pay notsubject to withholding.-As heretofore stated, the active service pay of a member of the armed forces is not subject to the withholding of tax at the source. Attention is directed to the fact, however, that any compensation from sources other than military or naval Example: Assume that an individuals may be subject to the withholding a t tax for 1942 was $30,000 and t h a t his tax on 1943 income is $15,000. Assume that source of a n amountequivalentto his 1942 tax recomputed without includ20% of t,he excess over the family ing the earned net income, amounts to status withholding exemption, or 3% $25,000. Also, assume a tentativetax of of the excess t.he over victory tax $10,000,computed a t 1943 tax rates,on withholding exemption, whichever is his base year surtax net income plus $20,000. Although his 1942 tax will be disgreater. Detailed information with charged, his 1943 tax will be increased as respect to withholding of tax has alfollows: ready been given wide distribution by (1) Originally computed 1943 the Bureau of Internal Revenue. tax__-------_---------------$15,000 Declaration of estimated tax.-Even (2) Plus-Excess of recomputed 1942 tax over original 1943 though tax is not withheld fromthe tax__--------_--------------10,000 active service pay of members of the of original 1943 (3) Plus-25% armed forces, they may be required to tax_-----_--------_---------_ 3,750 file declarations of estimated tax on income from all sources for t h e curTotal before special adjustment____-_____-------28,750 rent year and will start paying quarPlus-special adjustment: terly installments of tax based upon 75% of original such estimates. For the calendar year 1943 tax -. _ _ _~ ~ . . _ ~ _ _ $11.250 1943 the declaration will be filed on or Less tentative tax for base year- 10,000 . 15, 1943, and in before September 1,250 computing the installmentspayable September 15,1943,and December 15, Revised 1943 tax _--_--_30,000 1943, the individual will take credit ( C ) The base year referred to in against the estimated 1943 tax for any (A) and (B) this paragraph can be tax paymentsmadeduring of 1943 on cny one of the taxable years 1937,1938, his 1942 tax liability, and also for any 1939, or 1940, as selectedby the inincome or victory taxeswhichmay dividual. The yearwith the highest have been withheld by his employer surtax netincome should be selected. in respect to salary, wages, or other Payment of tax added under Special compensation received during 1943. Rules.-The increase in the 1943 tax For the calendar~year and subse1944 caused by application of either of the quent years,. the declaration willbe two special rules set out in paragraphfiled not later than March 15 of such 10 is payable on or before March 15, taxable year and the quarterly pay1944,or upon election of the individments will start at that time. ual, such increase may paid in four be Who must file declaration of estiequal annual installments beginning mated tax.-A declaration is required . with interest at the to be filed by any individual: March 15, 1945, rate of 4% a year from March 15,1944, ( a ) Single, or married but not livto the date payment of each install- ing with spouse at the date of prescribed ment. forthe making of the declaration, Joint Returns.-If a member of the whether or not head of a family, if he armed forces files a joint tax return had for the taxable year 1942, or can with husband or wife, for either the reasonably beexpected to have for the taxable year 1942 or 1943,the taxes Of taxable year 1943, the spouses for the taxable year in (1) gross income of more than which a joint tax return is not filed $2.700 from wages subject to withshall be combined in order to deterholding; or mine whether or not the 1942 tax is (2) gross income of more than $100 greater than the tax on 1943 income. from sources other thanwages subject Similarly, the taxes of the two spouses to withholding, and gross income of must be combined for the purpose of $500 or more from all sources. applying the special rules set forth in (21) Married and living with spouse 0 paragraph 1 . at the dateprescribed for the making If a joint tax ,return was filed for of the declaration, if he had for the the taxable year1942 and separate tax taxable year 1942 or can reasonably returns are filed for the taxable year . be expected to have for the taxable 1943, the liability of husband and year 1943, wife shall be joint and several with (1) grossincome from wages subrespect to any additions to the taxon jact to withholding which, when added 1943 incomes resulting from a carry(Continued on Page 62) over of the unforgiven portion of the

income for the base year plus $20,000 is less than the surtax net income for 1943, thetaxfor 1943 shall be increased by (1) 25% ol the 1943 tax, (2) the excess of the 1942 tax over the 1943 tax (less portion of such excess attributable to 1942 earned net income), and (3) the excess of 75% of the 1943 tax over a tentative tax at 1943 rates computed as if an amount equivalent to the sum of the surtax net income forthe baseyear plus $20,000, constitutedboth thesurtax net income and the normal-tax net . income for 1943.

Page 11


Seventy percent of t h e Navy planes pzoduced in June were combat types: fighters or bombers. T h e number of combat planes produced in June was two-and-a-half times the total f o r January 1943 and more than triple the total for June1942. Shown above are PBM's ulzder construction.
Substantially more than 9,000planes were produced for the Navy during the first ha!f of 1943. This is as many planes as were accepted by the Navy in all of 1942, and two-and-a-half times the 1941 Navy production. Each month this year,except January, Navy plane production moved up to a new higil record, showing especially sharp advances during the second quarter. But production has merely kept pace with the demands of the war. Navy ship construction this year, as Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox has said, will be distinguished by its emphasis on aircraft carriers, and airplane production must keep in step with the Navy's increasing need for carrier-based and land-based planes. thefirst 6 The more than 9,000 planesproducedin months of the year do not represent a net increase in the Navy's combat airstrength of that amount.The 9,000 includes trainersandutility planes. Moreover,some of the Navy's new combatplanes were transferred to the Army or lend-leased to foreign governments, and a part of the new productionwas offset by battle losses and obsolence. In spite of these offsets, for every dozen combat planesin the Navy's air arm on 31 December 1942 there now are more than a score.

"Official U. S. N : ~ v yPho~togrwplls.

Nearly four times as many torpedo bombers were produced in June 1943 as in June 1942. Diee bomber six and one-half times. production multiplied was Planes pictured Grumman Auenpers. are Page 12

HE NAVY: 9,000 PLANES, 6,000 SHIPS

Newly completed combatant ships accounted for t h e largest share of the total new towage in t h e first G months of 1943. Here the Izztrepid, one of t h e Nauy's n e w carriers, floats out of t h e grauing dock at Newport News, Va., where she was built. She was christened on 26 April 1.943.

"Official U. S. S ~ y o t o g ~ a p h . a - h P

Navy yardsandprivateshipbuilderscompletedconstruction of more than 6,000 navalcraft of all classes during the first half of 1943. This total is an increase 'of 250 percent over the number of vessels completed in the same period of 1942. The vessels had an aggregate cost of approximately $2,500,000,000. Their combined tonnage exceeded 1,000,000 standard displacement tons. Although the newly completed combatant ships-battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, destroyer escorts, and submarines-did not make up a large part of the 6 months' numerical total, they accounted for the largest share of the total new tonnage. The number of new combatant vessels completed in the first 6 months of 1943 was almost three and one-half times the total for the same period of 1942,setting a new all-time record for -Official U. S.Const Guard rhotograph. Navy construction. For every three warships in the fleet on 1 January 1943, the Navy completed one additional Largest group of vessels mumerically among the Janfighting ship during the first half of the year. uary-Jzcne completions were landing craft (exclusiveof The first half of 1943 saw the completion of the first rubber boats), which accounted for substantially more vessels of a new combatant type, the destroyer escort. tha%half of t h e total.

Page 13

Official U. S. N a r y Photograph.

Fleet Recreation Ceeter-oee spot in the war-boulzd South Pacific that is truly pacific.

The Navys Recreation Program

500 Officers With Forces Direct Far-Flung Activities
Recognizing that recreation and morale-building activities are necessary for the general well-being of its men, the Navy now has more than 500 recreation officeremen with not less than five full years experience in th? field of community recreation or allied fields-serving with its forces. Officers,known as DistrictRecreation Officers, are assigned to each navaldistrictfor the administration and conduct of the recreation program. Recreation officers are still needed. Many of those already in service have been and will continue to be ordered to overseas duty where the Navy feels the greatest need for recreation and morale-building activities exists. The recreation program calls for the provision o recreation structures, inf cluding auditoriums, gymnasiums, or Recreation in the Navy does play a vital part in maintaining and strengthening the character qualities that develop theindividual and yet encourages and stimulates him to take his assigned place on the team with pride and honor. The results of this policy are proving that the Bluejacket of todays Navy . . . is better able to meet his first obligation-to be ready to serve and defend his country.

Rear Admiral, USN, The Chief of Naval Personnel.

combination of both; game rooms, bowling alleys, library rooms, and other facilities. Provided too are outdoor recreation areas, with construction of a temporary type on bases outside the United States. The enthusiasm on the part of the men of the naval forces for the recreation program, the increasing demand for facilities and the increased calls for recreationequipmentspeakfor themselves. Facilities have been planned with expertness and programs have been built around recreation activitiesin which the men most care to participate. US0 Camp Shows, Inc., in cooperation with theNavy, is providing professional theatrical performances on all naval activities both in and out-

Page 14

side the continent. The largest theatrical troops visit the largeractivities while the smallertroops cover the many minor activities. Performances are given as often as practicable. Another activity which is traditional the with Navy is the Navy Smoker. A t these popular affairs amateur talent among the men is given

an opportunity. These affairs usually feature boxing and wrestling matches. For the most part, sports are conductedon an intramural basis. Occasionally, interstation schedules in baseball, basketball, boxing, wrestling, swimming, track, and the full calendar of traditional American competitive sports are conducted. The policy

of participation for alp is followed in the planning of the stations athletic events. The Navy Motion Picture Exchange contracts withthe motion picture industry the for best entertainment films it can produce. hrery ship and shorestation,whenoperationspermit, is provided with moving picture programs.

Volley b a l k sceme repeated mamy times aday aroumd the world. At the Fleet Recreation Center im the South Pacific, t h e mem furnishedthe brawlz t o b d d these courts.

A m overhanging tree allows swimmers o imdulge ilz t acrobatics alolzg with their aquatics at this swimmin n hole at the Fleet Recreatiom Center on am island i t h e South Pacific.

Afloat or ashore, men of the Navy have theirrecream aircraft carrier,blueatiom. Here, om the deck of jackets line up on t h e island catwalks as well as the flight deck, to watch 220-yard dash. the

Official U. S. Navy Photographs.

Matching their wits at chess are am Americam and a bearded Australiam i m a match aboard a United States warship i m the Pacific. Page 15

77,000 V-12 -Students at 212 Schools

Program, Off to Good Start, Will ProvideFuture Officers for Navy
Navy V-12 students reported for Massachusetts: College of the Holy Cross, N, P, B. active duty on 1 July a t 131 colleges Worcester, Mass. and universities and 81 medical and dental schools. The operation, which Harvard University, N, P, B. was the largest of its kind in the Cambridge, Mass. history of American education, proceeded according to plan. The numMassachusetts Institute of Techber of students actually reporting nolow. E. P. deviated by less than 2 percent from Cambridge, Mass. the number estimated, and the disTufts College, N, E, P, B. tribution among Units almost was Medford, Mass. precisely in accord with previously determined quotas. Approximately Williams College, P, B. 77,000 students in appropriate Naval Williamstown, Mass. or Marine Corps uniforms are now attendingregular classes under the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, E. program prescribed,by the Bureau of Worcester, Mass. Naval Personnel. Dispatch reports from Commanding New Hampshire: Dartmouth College, E, P+. B Officers of all Navy V-12 Units on 10 Hanover, N. H. July indicated no serious difficulties in arranging satisfactory academic programs for V-12 students. Co- Rhode Island: BrownUniversity, N, E, P, B. operation of college and university Providence, R I. faculties and administrative officers have been uniformly excellent and Vermont : enthusiastic; andbecause the Bureau Middlebury College, P, B. made a special effort to have tranMiddlebury, Vt. scripts of academic records transmitted well in advance of registration, THIRD NAVAL DISTRICT college directors of admissions, registrars, andfaculty committees werein Connecticut: general able to arrange satisfactory Trinity College, P, B. schedules for allstudents. Hartford, Conn. Since the possibility of a relatively small number of misfits had been Wesleyan University, P, B. foreseen, Commanding Officers of Middletown, Conn. Navy V-12 Units were given temporary authority to effect transfers of Yale University, N,E, P, B. studentswithoutreferringcases to New Haven. the Bureau.Reports totheBureau indicate that nearly all essential student transfers were completed before 15 July, so that the studentsinvolved lost no more time from their studies than is normally lostby many civilian students each year through late registration. of Successful inauguration the V-12 Program emphasizes again the cordial and effective relationships existing between the Navy and American educationalinstitutions. Only complete and intelligentcooperation canaccount for the smoothness with which the oDeration was completed on schedule. Institutions where V-12 units are now established are listed below. (N=NROTC, E=Engineering, P= Pre-Med, B=Basic. Name in italics indicates that Marine Corps Personnel also will assigned be there.)
1 1

New Jersey : Drew University, B. Madison, N. J. Princeton University, P, B. Princeton, N. J. Stevens Institute Hoboken, N. J. of Technology, E. New York: Colgate University, P. B. Hamilton, N.Y. Columbia University,E, P. New York, N.Y. Cornell University, E,P, B. Ithaca; N. Y. Hobart & Wm. Smith Colleges, P, B. Geneva, N Y. : Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, N, E. Troy, N. Y. St. Lawrence University, P, B. Canton, N. Y. Union College, E, P, B. Schenectady, N.Y. University of Rochester, E, P, B. Rochester, N. Y. Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, E. New York, N.Y.

FOURTH NAVAL DISTRICT Pennsylvania: Bloomsburg State Teachers College, B. Bloomsburg, Pa. Bucknell University,E,P, B. Lewisburg, Pa. Franklin & Marshall College, P, B. Lancaster, Pa. Muhlenberg College, P, B. Allentown, Pa. Pknnsylvania State College, B. State College, Pa. Swarthmore College, E, P, B. Swarthmore, Pa. University of Pennsylvania, N, B. Philadelphia, Pa. Ursinus College, P, B. Collegeville, Pa. Villanova College,E, P, B. Villanova, Pa.


. C L E E A N D LOCATIOrr OLG Maine: Bates College, P. B. Lewiston,Maine.

Quite a recoil, ai& it?

Maryland: Mount St. Marys College, B. Emmitsburg, Md. Virginia : Emory and Henry College, P, B. Emory, Va.

Page 16

Central Missouri State Teachers College, B. Warrensburg, Mo. Missouri Valley College, B. Marshall, Mo. Northwest Missouri State Teachers College,B. Marysville, Mo. Park College, B. Parksville, Mo. Southeast Missouri State Teachers College, P, B. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Westminister College, P, B. Fulton, Mo. Nebraska: Doane College, B. Crete, Nebr. Peru State Teachers College, B. Peru, Nebr. North Dakota: State Teachers College, B. Dickenson, N. Dak. State TeachersCollege,B. Minot, N. Dak. State TeachersCollege, B. Valley City, N. Dak. Ohio : Baldwin-Wallace College, P, B. Berea, Ohio.

Oberlin College, P, B. Oberlin. Ohio. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio.

P, B.

War on the SeasFilm Now Being Distributed

War on the Seas, produced at the request of the Bureau of Naval Personnel by theMarch of Time and dealink with actionat sea in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters since a graphic Pearl Harbor, including summary of basic Axis strategy, is now being distributed to naval activities. It can be requested from Training Aid, Libraries a t any Naval Districtheadquarters.

Wisconsin : LawrenceCollege,B. Appleton, Wis. Marquette, University, N, E, P. Milwaukee,Wis. University of Wisconsin, E; Madison, Wis. ELEVENTH NAVAL DISTRICT Arizona : Arizona State Teachers College, B. Flagstaff, Ariz. California: California Institute of Technology,

Pasadena, Calif.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Los Angeles, Calif.

Occidental College, P, B. University of California, N,P, B.

Medical Notes
A summary of work recently completed on the sterilization of drinking water by iodinecompounds inthe Naval Medical Research Institute, indicates that commonly available tincture of iodine is a safe and reliable method of sterilizing drinking water (BuMed News Letter, 23 July 1943). Water may be considered potable in 15 minutes following the introduction of two or three drops of full strength 7 percent tincture of iodine in a canteen of water.

Bowling Green University, State

P, B. Bowling Green, Ohio. Case School of Applied Science, E. Cleveland, Ohio.

Redlands, Calif. University of Southern California, N, E,P, B. Los Angeles, Calif. New Mexico: University of New Mexico, N, P, B. E, Albuquerque, N. Mex.

University of Redladds, B.



Granville, Ohio. John Carroll University, P, B. Cleveland,Ohio. Miami University, P, B. Oxford, Ohio.

Denison University, P, B.

Stockton, Calif. Berkeley, Calif. Colorado :

College of thePacific, P, B. University of California, N,E,P, B.

Colorado Springs, Colo. University of Colorado, N, E, P. Boulder, Colo. THIRTEENTH NAVAL DISTRICT Montana: Carroll College, P, B. Helena, Mont. Montana School of Mines, E, B. Butte, Mont. Oregon: Willamette University,P, B. Salem, Oreg. Washington: Gonzaga University, P, B, Spokane, Wash. University of Washington, N, E, P, B Seattle, Wash. Whitman College, P, B. Walla Walla, Wash.

Colorado College, P, B.

The Naval Medical Research Inst,itute is currentlyconducting a number of investigations of much which give promise practical value to naval the service. Among these is the development of ointments for protection flash against burns. Experiments have shown that a greater degree of protection than afforded by a regulation Navy undershirt can be obtained by certainpreparations suitable for skin application.

The Institute has also undertaken a studytoincrease the duration of effectiveness of insect repellents as an adjunct to the problem of malaria control. Several materials have been developed afford which protection in the laboratoryexperiments with caged feverbearing mosquitoes for 60 to 72 hours. Field trials willbe conducted in the near future.

Now, mow,dear-im just a few milzutes well see Daddy. Page 18

Idaho: University of Idaho, Southern Branch, P, B. Pocatello, Idaho.

In the Tropics: Marine Pilots Paint More Jap ,Flags

These marine fighter pilots, as their score board shows, shot down 12 Japanese planes in the 7 April air battle over Guadalcanal. Thirty-nine of 50 enemy bombers were destroyed during their attack on Allied shipping. Allied losses were 6 Wildcats, an Airacobra, a destroyer, a corvette, a tanker. Talking over the victory were Lt. Arthur T. Wood,USMC, Lt. Frank B. Baldwin, USMC, and Lt. W. J. Shocker, USMC. (The Japanese bombers came escorted by 48 Zero fighters to attack United States shipping in the Guadalcanal area, and successful in sinkwere ing a destroyer, a corvette and a tanker, and indamaging a small fuel boat. Referring to the same attack, Tokyo claimed that 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, and 10 transports were sunk and 37 planes downed a t a loss of 6 Jap aircraft.)

Page 21

How Plasma Works-And

pump, or heart, eventually fails due to loss of volume and pressure in that system. In shock, nature's perfections fail and the plasma in the body, which is This article was written by Lt. supposed to keep in balance the fluid Comdr. Charles M . Thompson, (MC) within the circulating system and that , out in the tissues; is not adequate to USNR. the job. Plasma itself is lost through Blood may be divided into the solid the damaged capillaries. Theresult portions which are the corpuscles, is a fall in the circulating volume of platelets, and otherelements, and into the blood and gradual loss of this holding against plasma. Plasma is the medium in sponge-like force which the solid particles circulate,and further loss. Therefore, in sliock we are intercontains in solution most of the maWe not terialsformaintaining body nutri- ested ingiting plasma. do tion. The most important of these in usually needred blood cells, unless plasma are the proteins, and of these there is anemia, caused by severe albumin and globulin are outstand- hemorrhage, for the body needs only ing. Themain purpose of red cor- to replace plasma. It is fortunate nature that has puscles is to carry oxygen to the tissues; of the white corpuscles, to mo- simplified our needs in treatingshock bilize in case of germ invasion. so that we can use only the plasma portion of the blood. Plasma can be Plasma, besidesbeing the stream in storedindefinitely in dry, powdered which theseelementstravel,carries form. There is no need for typing, as food and water to the living cell. in whole-blood transfusions. The bulk Plasma has another important quality which in our consideration of of plasmainfusion is muchsmaller than that of whole blood transfusion. shock is fundamental. Due to its are viscosity, or thickness, it has theabil- The bad reactions from plasma Finally, in giving ity to act like a sponge. The result is very infrequent. a force within the capillaries that plasma, we are fixing on our target tends to prevent leakage loss to the with a telescopic sight andanacor tissues outside. Shock causes damage curate rangefinder. We are scoring to capillaries which-dilate and become a perfect hit! Throughout the nation blood is bemore permeable, fluid is lost outside ing takenfrom donors.Before this of the circulating system, andthe


Its Processes Simple Reduce Bad Reactions

blood clots it is put in machines called centrifuges and spun around a t great speed. The heavy solid elements sink to the bottom of containers and the plasma is all at the top. This is drawn off and further treated by heat and cold until it is a dry,light-brown crystalline substance brown sugar. like This is measured and put into sterile bottles and sentall over the world. Just before using dry plasma, it is mixed with sterilewater. This mixis called one ture, when complete, plasma unit. It is given slowly through sterile and carefully packed tubing, through a medium sized, sterile needle into a vein in the arm. More than one unit, usually three or four, are given in severeshock. During the last war, lives were lost without this knowledge. Today, just as many lives willbe saved through its use.

This Extra Equipment Will Aid in Combat
Seldom thought of items of personal equipment may mean the difference between being a real help or another casualty during combat with the fleet, the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts points out. Three items particular value are : of 1. Short leather gloves. 2. A jackknife. 2. Felt-soled shoes, or slip-on felt soles. Bomb and shell hits invariably bring wreckage and fires. Theman who attempts to fight fires or clear wreckage with barehands exposes himself unnecessarily. It is desirable that short leather gloves such as are available in most ship's stores be rolled up lengthwiseand stowed under the flap of pistol holsters before battle stations are taken, that theywill be so readily accessible. It is recommended that every man carry a n ordinaryjackknife a t all times, preferably on a lanyard. A jackknife is indispensable in cases of emergency. Wet or oily decks furnish a n additional hazard in battle. Particularly is when the sNp listing, slipperydecks make it almost impossible to maintain footing in ordinary shoes. It is urgently advised that all men-and especially those in damage-control parties-be furnishedwithslip-onfelt f shoes. I suchshoes are not issued, each man should do the job. himself, getting a piece of thick felt from the supply department and having a cobbler do the rest.

"Official United States Navy Photograph.

1n sick' bay of a United States warship an Americad sailor i s given a blood transfusion with plasma. Page 22

Portuguese: Short List of Words and Phrases

Note on Pronunciation
The column indicating how to say the Portuguese expression is an approximation. Nevertheless, a person who pays close attention to the pronunciation here should have no troublein being understood. In someareas where Portuguese is spoken, the final vowel o is pronounced by giving it a quality approximating the sound of the English 00;and the final s !is pronounced sh, softer thaninthe English word ship.

The following list, fourth ina series setting forth phrases in languages common to areas in which the Navy is operating, is designed for Naval personnel interested in acquiring a limited knowledge of certain ,phrases. It was prepared by the Language Unit of the Educational Services Section BULLEof the Training Division. In May the INFORMATION TIN published a Japanese Phrase List; in June, Spanish; in July, French. After exhausting the possibilities of this phrase list, personnel interested in the NavyLanguage Program may familiarize themselves with the article, Language Program Expanded, in the 15 March issue of the TraDiv Letter, page 35. 1

Useful Words and Phrases

Thank you Dont mention it Mween-to o-breegah-do {N&o htrde que [Obrig%o 0-bree-gah-do Nown-ah-day-kay NEto seja por isso Muito obrigado
I am sick

N o m say-zhah por eel-so Understand me? Me compreende? May com pray-enday? Sim seeng Yes NBo nown No I want Eu quero Ay-00 kay-ro cigarettes cigarros see-gar-ros Shah-roo-tos cigars charutns accommodations pens60 pane-sown comer co-mare to eat dormir to sleep dor-meer banhar-me to bathe bahn-yar-may Que e? What is? Kay ,&Y? este this ay -stay isso ee-so that Fala o senhor? Do you speak? Fah-lah o sane-yor? Spanish espanhol ay-spahn-yol English ingles Een-glays Come out Sae Sah-ay How many men Quantos homens Kwahn-tos 0 - , com o senhor? with you? manes com o sanevor? I have Tenho Tanel-yo I have not N&otenho Nown tam-yo How do you say in Como diz-se em por- Cop-modees-sayeng Portuguese? tugues? por-too-gays I am hungry Tenho fome Tane-yo foh-may I am thirsty Tenho sede Tanel-yo seh-day I do understand Compreendo Com-pray-en-do I dont understand N%o compreendo Nown com-pray-endo Man (mister) Senhor Sane-yor Much Muito Mween-to Senhorita Miss Sane-yor-ee-tah I need Eu precis0 Ay-oo pray-see-zo a suit dum fato doong fahto a blanket dum cobertor doong co-bare-tor Please Faqa o favor Fah-sah o fah-voP Here Aqui Ah-kee Enough Bastante Bahs-tahn-tay HOW are you? Como vai? Co-mo vy? well Very Muito bem Mween-to beng thank you obrigado o-bree-gah-do and you? e o senhor? ee o sane-yor? Good evening (after- Boas tardes Bo-ahs tahr-days noon) Good night Boa noite noif-tay Bo-ah Hello (Good day) Bom Dia Bong dee-ah Hello (telephone) A16 Ah-lo My name is Chamo-me Shah-mo may What is your name? 0 senhor, c o m o se 0 sane-vm. co-mo chama? saychah-mah?Until later Ate logo Ah-tay 10-go Rain Chuva Shoo-~ah Stars Estrelas Ay-stray-lahs Sun Sol Sole It is hot Faz calor Faha cah-lor It is cold Faz frio Fahs freea Wind Vento Vane-to Who? Quem? Keng? What? Que? Kay? Where? Onde?Own-day? Why? Porque? Por-kay? How many? Quantos? Kwahn-tob Who, which, that? Que? Kay? Because Porque Por-Ray Help ! Socorro! So-co-ro

Ay-stoh do-&ne-tay Ay-stah do-anetay,? I have a pain here Tenho uma dor aqui Tane -yo 00-ma dor ah-kee Day-tay say Lie down! Deite-se! I need a Preciso dum Prav-see-zo doone purgante poor-gahn-tay purgative De-me alguma Give me some Day-me ahl-goo quinine quinina mah gee-nee-nah Arfepios Chills Ahr-rape-eeos Grippe Griue Gree-pay Resfriado Cold Race-free-ah-do Febre Fever Fay-bray Illness Doenga Doh-ain-sah IndigestSio Indigestion Eeen-dee-zhaystown Medicine Medicamento Mav-dee-kah-maneAre you sick?
~ ~~~

Estnu doente Est&doente?


Poison Surgeon Are you hurt? My arm is broken in the foot in the head here Can you dress a wound? Aspirin
Go straight ahead
I am wounded

Veneno CirurgiLo

Vay-nay-no See-oor-zhee-own


Accidents and

Est& magoado? Esta quebrado meu brago


Estou ferido no p.6 na cabega aqui Pode voc.5 pensar uma ferida Aspirina

Ay-stah mah-goah-do? Ay-stah kay-brahdoh may-oo brah-soh Ay-stoh fay-ree-do no Pay nah cah-bay-sah ah-kee Po-day vo-say pane-sar ooma fay-ree-dah Ah-spee-ree-nah

To the left To the right January February March April EZe July August September October November December Day Month Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Continde em frente Con-teen-00-ay eng frayn-tay Ah es-kare-dah esquerda A direita Ah dee-ray-tah


Janeiro Fevereiro Margo Abril Maio Junho Julho Agosto Setembro Outubro Novembro Dezembro


Zhah-nay-ro Fay-vay-ray-ro Mahr-so Ah-breel My-Oh Zhoonl-yo Zhoo1-yo Ah-gos,-to Say-tern-bro Oh-too-bro No-vem-bro Day-zem-bro Dee-ah Mehs Say-mah-nah Don-meen-go Say-goon-dah fayrah Tair-sah fay-rah Kwar-tah fay-rah Keen-tah fay-rah Sase-tah fay-rah Sah-bah-do

Days of the Week

Dia M&s Semana . Doming0 Segunda-feira

Terga-feira Quarta-feira . Quinta-feira Sexta-feira Sabado

Page 23

Sailor Ofacer Dock Ocean Chain Depart Port Nah-vee'-o Ship Uniform

Marujo or Mah-ru"zho Marinheiro Oficial Molhe Oceano Amarra Sair P6rto Navio Uniforme Braqo Costas Corpo Orelha Olho Dedo PB Cabelo

M.ah-reen-yare'-O 0-fee-see-ahl' Mole'-yay 0-say-ah'-no Ah-mah'-rah Sah-eer' Por'-toh Oo-nee-for'-may Brah"so Cot-stahs Dor'-po Oh-ra1e'-yah Ohl"y0 Day'-do %i-bay'-lo Mown (rhyme with town) Cah-bay'-Saa Pare'-nah Bo'-cah

Rmmunition Bomb 3annon Halt ! Who's there? Parachute

day de Moo-nee-sown' Borne'-bah Cahn-yown' AhY-toh! Keng vy ah-ee'? Pah'-rah-kay" dahs Ah-vee-yown' Foo-zeel' Gay'-rah From [n tnside
Of Dn

MunipBo Bomba CanhBo Alto! Quem vai ai? Para-quem Avilo Fuzil Guerra





em a g dentro dayn'-tro de day 66-bre so'-bray a ah com kohng sem seng



Human Body


Body Ear

Finger Foot Hair Hand

Cabepa Head Leg Perna Mouth Boca Pace-co'-so Pescopo Neck Nose Nariz Dentes Teeth Knife Fork Spoon A cup of coffee of tea A glass of beer Beans Bread Butter

One half Urn meio Um or Uma Oong 1 2 Dois or Duas TreS 3 2 Quatro 5 Cinco 6 Seis 7 Sete Oito 8 9 Nove
1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 30 32 40 50



Oong may'-o Od-mah Doo'-ahs Trays KWah'-trO Seenk'-o Says Say'-tay Nad-vay Des 0Wn"my Doh'-mY Trayl-my Kah-tor'-zay Keen'-my Dayz-ahs-says' Dayz-ahs-say'-tay Dayz-oy'-toh Dayz-ah-naw'-vay Veen'-tay Veen'-tay ee oong Treen'-tah Treen'-tah ee doys Kwah-rane'-tah Seen-kwane'-tah ' Says-sane'-tah Say-tam'-tah Oy-tane'-tah Naw-vane'-tah Seng (Sane'-toh) Sane'-toh ee sayssane'-tah ee seen'ko , Meel

As But



e como mas ou

ee co'-mo mahs


Red Longo Lohn'-go Curto Coor'-toh VermelhoVare-male'YOh



Nah-reez' Dayn'-tays

Food, drink, tobacco


2 : Meat
Potatoes Rice Drinking water Food Matches Tomatoes Oranges Pipe Tobacco

Faca Fah'-cah Garfo Gar'-foh [nah Colher Kohl-yare' UmadhLvenaOo-'mahehah'-vayde cafe day kah-fay' de chB day shah' Um cop0 Oom coh'-poh de cerveja day sare-vay'-zhah FeijBes Fay-zhoyns' PBO Pown pnteiga Mahn-tay'-gah ovos 0"VOS Peixe Pay' sheh Carne Kahr' neh Leite Lay' teh Bah-tah'-tahs Batatas Arroz Ah-rose'

80 90 100 165

Treze Catorze Quinze Demsseis Dezassete Dez6ito Dezanove Vinte Vinte e um Trinta Trinta e dois Quarenta Cinquenta Sessenta Setenta Oitenta Noventa Cem (orcento) Cento e sessent a e cinco

Blue Anrl Ah-zool' Green Verde Vare'-day Yellow Amarelo Ah-mah-ray'


Negro Nay'-gro or


White Branco Good Bom Bad Mau Small Sick Well High Low Cold Hot Wet


Pray'-tOh Brahn'co Bohn Mow (to rhvme with Pay-kay'-no Do-an&-tag Beng By'-sho Free'-oh Kane'-tay Mole-vah" do Say'-co

Pequeno Doente Bem Alto Baixo Frio Quente Molhado



ksforos Tomates Laranjas Cachimbo Tabaco Fohs'-fbr-ohs To-mah'-tays Lah-rahn'-zhahs Cah-sheem'-bo Tah-bah'-co



Ay-sko0"do {Escudo (Portugalj Cruzeiro (Brazil) Croo-zav'-ro cent 'centavo ' sane-ta2-vo 50 centsCinquenta centavos Seen-kwane'-tah Kwahn'-toh?

How much? Quanto?

He His. her, Seu hers She



Voh-say' Voc6


AY'-OO Ay'-lay Say'-oo


What time is it? Is there time? It is noon Midnight 1 :00A. M.

Aymay'-ohdee'-ah k meio dia May'-ah noy'-tay Meia noite Uma hora da manhl Oo'mah 0'-rah dah mahn-yahn' Oo'mah 0'-rah dah 1 :oo P.M. Uma hora da tarde tahr'day 00'-mah ee des Uma e des 1: 0 1 Ahs trays As Tr&s 3 :00 A h s seen'-koh [zay ' As cinco 5:OO Ahs oy'to ee keen'As oito e quinze 8:15 Ahs des As de& 1o:oo Ahs say'tay ee kwah7:40 As sete e quarenta ran&-tah naw'-vay Ahs ee 9 :25 As nove e vinte e veen-tay ee seen'cinco ko Ah6 ohn'-zay ee 11 :30 As onze e meia may'-ah Day after tomorrow Depois de amanhB Day-poys day ahmahn-yahn' Ahn'-tay ohn'-teng Day before yesterday Ante-ontem Evening (afternoon)Tarde Tahr'-day Night Noite Noy'tay Ah'-no Year An0 Ah-go'-rah Now Agora Minuto Mee-noo'to Minute Momento . Mo-men'-to Moment 0'-zhay Hoje Today Ah-mahn-yahn' AmanhL Tomorrow 0hn'-teng Gntem Yesterday Kwahn'-do pabr'-tay When does the ship Quando parte 0 o nah-vee'-o sail? navio?

H tempo? a

Que horas SLO?


Kay 0'-ras sown?
A h tame'-po?

Kilom- Quilbme- Kee-lo'-meteters tros ros Inch Polegada Po-lay-gab" dah Foot P5 C Pay Mile Milha Meel'-ya;

We Your Our Their These

Places to Go
Church City or town Market Post Oface Station Street Telephone Village Baker Barber Give me a haircut Dance hall Doctor Drug store Movie Garage Restaurant Shoe store Tailor Igreja Cidade Mercado EstapLo de mrreio EstapLo Rua Telefone PovoapLo Padeiro Barbeiro Corte-me o cabelo SalLo de baile Wdico FarmLcia Cinema Garagem Restaurante Sapateria Alfaiate Ee-gray'-zhah See-dah'-day Mare-cah'-do Ay-stah-sown' day co-ray'-o Ay-stah-sown' Roo'-ah Tay-lay-fohn' Po-vo-ah-sown' Pah-day'-ro Bar-taay'-ro Cor'-tay may o cah-bay'-lo Sah-lown' day by'-lay May'-dee-co Far-mah'-see-ah See-nay'-mah Gah-rah'-zheng Rays-tow-rahn'-tay Sah-pah-tay-ref?'-ah Ahl-fy-yah'-tay

Page 24

Secretary Knox Visits San Diego Naval Hospital

Get a laagh outof life, Mr. Knox told the patients.

A Silver Star Medal was presented t o H u g h Poole Sutherland, PhMlc, U S N R , of Hanford, Calif., at ceremonies during the Secretarys visit on 29 June. Sutherland was cited for heroism administering firstaid under in heavy fire at Guadalcanal. Naval officers, Left to right,are: Kear Admiral D. W. Bagley, V S N , commandant of the Eleventh Naval District; Cap. Lyman S. Perry, USN, aide t o t h e Secretary, and Capt. Morton D. Willcutts ( M C ) USN, hospital executive officer. Secretary K n o x inspected long rows of beds in t h e hospital, formerly San Diego exposition buildings in BalboaPark. H e praised Navalmedical officers for theirwork,and. chatted with patients and those assigned to duty there.

Official G. S. Kavy Photographs.

Some bed-ridden, someo n crMches, some in wheel chairs, Navy men and Mariwscrowded the open-air patio t o Listen. Page 26

Official U. 8. Sary Photoginph.

The j b g s and stripes to the left of the bottom row of flags imdicate. the lzumber of Japanese fighters alzd bombers Lt. Stamley W . Vejtasa, USN, hasaccoumted for ilz his Grummam Wildcat.

Courage + Training = Victories

Whats Back of Navys Recent Air Triumphs in Pacific
The Navys air commander in the South Pacific, inadispatchtothe Navy Department, gives basic credit to Naval Aviations systemof training carrier pilots and aircrewmen for the continuing series of Naval air victories which began withintwo months after Pearl Harbor and has been featured by triumphs won in the Coral Sea, a t Midway, Guadalcanal, and during the current offensive. The training program, grounded on a combination of years of scientific researchand of combat knowledge imparted by battle-wise flyers brought back instruct to Naval Aviation cadets, drew this cabled tribute from Vice Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch, USN, CommanderAircraft, South Pacific Force : Operational-trained Navy and Marine Corpspilots arriving this area aredemonstrating a highorder of ability as combat pilots. Admiral Fitch had been asked by Rear Admiral John S. McCain, USN, Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics, [now Vice Admiral McCain, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Air) 1, to report on the quality of pilots he is
I attribute much credit for this to receiving under the Navys system of combat pilot training. Under this our operational, or combat, training system thefirstgenerationfights, and theuse of training devices known returns and teaches the next genera- theNavy as synthetic. in tion,whichthen goes to the field, The operational training is highly returning to train the following gen- specialized and really trains the pilot eration, etc. The presentgenerafor actual combat. The extensive use tion in the field was trained by the of synthetic devices saves time, money, combataces of 1941 and 1942-men and lives, and adds tremendously t o like Lt. Comdr. John S. (Jimmy) the efficiency of the pilot. Thach, us&-and is now fighting from Naval aviators recently returned carrier. decks and land bases in the from theaters of operations, where present SouthPacific push. they have distinguished themselvesin Representative Melvin J. Maas, of combat, supply amplification of Vice Minnesota, ranking Republican mem- Admiral Fitchs dispatch and Repreber of the House Naval Affairs Comsentative Maas statement. mittee, and a colonel in the Marine Going intothe Pacific with VF42 Corps Reserve, recently completedan when war was declared,Lt.Comdr. inspection tour study and of all Charles R. Fenton, USN, of Williphases of Navy aviation training. I n mantic, Conn., commanded Fighting his statement first concerning his Squadron 42 through four big Pacific tour, RepresentativeMaas, a World battles. Fighting 42 had an outWar Flyer, reported to the Chief of standing record, shooting down 54 BuAer : enemy planes, and accounting for 23 After having made complete sur- probables. a vey of the entire Naval and .Marine This squadron was one of the finCorps aviation training program, I am est of its day, was well trained under convinced our Naval and Marinepilots Peacetime standards and the general now being turned out are the finesttrained in the world. (Comtimued om Page 64)

Page 27

o f

Biggest Invasion Hits Sicily; U.S.ForcesNearMundaPoint; Russians Counzer-Attack Near Orel

Rome receivedits first raid the war of on 19 July. Rail yards other and military targets were bombed. The British Ministry announced Air 15,000tons of bombs early in July that were dropped on Europe duringJune, 10,000tons of which found targets in Germanys Ruhr Valley. Thismade June the top month in the aerial war. A t sea, too, the Allies carried the war to the enemy.Americannaval forces in the South Paciiic sank 13 Japanese cruisers and destroyers and possibly anotherfourin twonaval engagements in the Kula Gulf. Another ten troop and supply shipswere reportedsunk by Americansubmarines operating Japanese against shipping lanes. On 6 July, an American navalforce bombarded Kiska,the first sea attack against the last Jap stronghold in the Aleutians since last August. Three other bombardsea ments followed within ten days. Attacks on enemy submarines continued favorable with results and German claims of Allied shipping losses during June were the lowest of the war. One of the most amazing records in the submarine warfarewas made recently by an escortcarrier which scored ten probable sinkings out of 11 attacks onenemyU-boats. Two subs were definitely sunk,saidthe Navy, four others very probably were

June 21 ThmfighJuly 20)

Nazi drive had petered out and Stalins armies organized a counterThe were pushed One of the most significant months attack. Germans back. By 20 July the Russians were of the war, July saw the United Nations open offensives on three fronts. 12 miles from Orel. Soviet communiques said 2 weeks in This was the w a r picture on 20 July: 1 Allied troops in thegreatest com- fighting the Germans had lost 2,005 . planes, 3,500 tanks and had suffered bined military operation of alltime more than 50,000casualties. had invaded and were pushing deep Still another victory was scored over into the strategicisland of Sicily (see the Axis-a bloodless onein theWestp. 3). 2. A Paciflc offensiveopened with ern Hemisphere. The islands of an invasion by American forces of the Martinique and near-by Guadeloupe, New Georgiagroup in the Solomon question marks in the Caribbean for the past 3 years, came over to the Islands. The Yanks tooknewbases for new attacks on the Japanese, in- Allies after their Vichy governor, Admiral Georges Robert, relinquished flicting crippling blows totheJap his authority t o HenriHoppenot of fleet and were drawing close to the important Nipponese base of Munda theFrench Committee of National Liberation. Interned at Martinique (see p. 2). were the aircraft carrier Bearn, two 3 Russia turned what appeared to . be a new Nazi summer offensive into cruisers and 140,000 tons of merchant a German defeat, driving from 26 to shipping. The shift followed conferbetween PTesident Roosevelt 50 miles deep into German lines and ences inflicting heavy casualties to the en- and Gen. Henri Giraud, co-leader of the French Committee. emy in men, tanks and planes. Allied air forces continued their On 5 July, the Germans launched crushing aerial offensive against the a series of powerful attacks against a the Russian line on front extending Axis, pulverizing vital war industries, other industrial areas 12 miles south of Orel and 37 miles ports, and throughout Germany and other parts north of Belgorod, hurling hundreds of the huge Tiger tanks and an esti- of northern Europe and opened what mated 450,000men at the Red Army, was believed to be a softening up procmaking several breaks and advances ess on Italy,possibly preceding an invasion of the mainland assoon as the into the Soviet main line. up. In less than a week, however, the Sicilian campaign is mopped

The War

Page 28

The Navy
A new Naval Air Transport Squadron (No.5) has been established to provide rapid shipment of additional personnel and war materials to the Alaskan area. Arrangements also have been made with two international airlines (Pan American, American Export) tosupplement the Naval Air Transport Service to supply other naval establishmentsand fleet units.

Official Red Cross Photograph

Arrangements have been made with the Postoffice Departmentfor handling Christmas mail for members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard which should be posted during the period 15 September through 31 October. Senders are requested to mark packages Christmas parcel. Underpostalregulations, Christmas parcels shall not exceed 5 pounds in weight, or 15 inches in length, or 36 inches in length and girth combined. Parcels should not include any weapons, perishables, intoxicants, poisons, or inflammable articles such as matches or lighter fluid. In general, the public is urged not tosend food or clothing. New-type wooden hangars, the largest clear span wooden buildingsin the world, are being constructed at several points along the east and west coasts to house Navy blimps engaged in antisubmarine patrol. The hangarsare 171 feet (17 stories) high, more than 1,000 feet long and almost 300 feet wide. President Roosevelt has commended civilian employes of the Ravy Department their for purchases of War Bonds. Since the advent of the pay-rollsavings plan, the personnel of the Navy has purchased a grand total of $196,761,621of War Bonds. The United States submarine R 1 2 (normal complement: 28), engaged in training exercises off the East Coast, was lost recently, apparently due to accident. A number of officers and men were unable to escape from the vessel. Salvage operationswere abandonedbecause of the depth of the water in which the R 1 2 sank.

This photograph shows the contents of the stadard 11-pound American Red Cross food package, sent t o prisoners of war. From 1 January 1941 to 30 April 1943, the value of all relief supplies for United Nations prisoners of war amounted t o $13,761,130. Supplies shipped a d distributed to 30 April included 2,303,290 food packages, 20,000 of which went to United States prisoners im the Far East and2,283,290 to European prison camps. Government policy, through the Red Cross, i s to furnish one food package weekly to every American prisoner of war in Europe. Shipmelzt of supplies to the Far East i s much more difficult. Other Allied prisoners also benefit under the program. Also provided are bulk foods, medicines,tobacco, cigarettes, clothing am? comfort a d toilet articles. The growing lzumber of United States civiliuns held by the Axis are likewise provided for.
Henry L Stimson, U. S. Secretary . of War, was in Great Britain for a series of conferences with the British High Command, R i m e Minister Churchill, and other British leaders. He declined to comment on a European invasion. others, including daughter. Sikorskis only

Army pilots during the 6 months ending 30 June, destroyed 3,515 enemy planes, probably destroyed 1,127 others and damaged an additional 1,280 with a loss of only 846 aircraft, a Gen. Henry H. Arnold,Chief of the General Henri-Honor6 G i r a u d, Army Air Forces announced. The picommander of French forcesin North lots participatedin 89,691 combat sorAfrica,speaking before West Point ties on all fronts, he said, sank 121 cadets on theeve of Bastille Day, de- enemy ships, probably sank 74 others clared the French army would fight End sccred hits on an additional 315. side by side with the Allies to final 2($ victory in the Pacific. In one year ending 4 July, the U. S. 53. Army Eighth Air Force destroyed or German authorities denied a report damaged 102 industrial targets, naval bases and war plants in Germany and that Field MarshalErwinRommel had been shot down by Allied fighter German-held territory with 11,423 pilots while en route to Siciliy in a tons of bombs, the War Department announced. U. S. Flying Fortresses transport plane. and Liberators in 68 daylightraids k shot down a total of 1,199 enemy destroyed another Gen. Wladyslaw Sikorski, premier planes, probably of the Polish Government-in-exile 525 and damaged 501. Enemy planes bombers. and commander of its armed forces, shot down 276 American died in a plane crash off Gibraltar. All operations were carried out from The crash also took the lives of 14 airfields in England.

m c e r s and enlisted men of the Marine Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet, are authorized to wear on their left sleeve near the shoulder a new amphibious insignia composed of three whit.e stars above a gold alligator head on a scarlet shield.

Prof. Albert Einstein, renowned scientist, hasbeen employed as a civilian by the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department, to conduct special research on explosives.

Page 30


big brother of the Quonset hut, has beendevised by the Navy and hundreds are being erected at numerous advance bases. They are being used for such purposes as recreation halls, storehouses, machine and repair shops. They can be set up in about 300 man hours, exclusive of laying a concrete floor.


of pretheological and theological students are to be included in the V-12 program to insure a sufficient number of chaplains for .the expanding Navy.Upon successful completion of allprescribed will be commistraining the students sioned for active duty in the Chaplain Corps.
"Official U. S. Xavy Photograph.

A limitednumber

"Official U. S. N a r y Photograph.

ASSUMES NEW POST: Vice Admiral John SidneyMcCain, USN, former chiefof theBureau of Aeronautics, bas been appointed to the post of Deputy Chief o f Naval Operatioms (Air), created when the Presidemt approved a change in the Ofice of the Chief Naval Operaof tions.
A Plastic shipbottom paint which materiallyreducesfouling of naval vessels resulting in largesavings of fuel oil has beendeveloped by the Navy after years of research. The new process also has resulted in decreases in the strain on machinery and hasreduced demandsfor docking facilities.

NEWBUAER CHIEF: Rear Admiral D. C. Ramsey, USN, former commading officer of the U . S. S. Saratoga a d now Task Force Comm a d e r in the South Pacific, soon will take over the duties of Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics, succeedimg Rear Admiral John S. McCain, USN.
Approximately 100,000 a v i a t i o n technicians necessary for the maintenance administration and of the expanding Naval air force will be trained-this year and even greater numbers in succeeding years.

A new training station the for Women's Reserve of the Coast Guard Reserve at Palm Beach, Pla., was formally commissioned 7 July. More than 1,000 women are quartered at the new station where classes started 14 June.



SpecialSalvage and Reclamation Units composed of highly trained men are being set upat advance bases to expedite theshipment of scrap materials from battle zones Amerito canindustryandtosalvageusable parts.




The 8,658-ton Navy cargo ship, Alchiba, struck twice by Japanese torpedoes in the Solomon Islandsarea and listed as lost, has been salvaged andhas reached an Americanport under her own power for repairs. She was torpedoed at Guadalcanal.

Work on the Navy's shore-based air facilities-a programamounting to more than $1,300,000,000-was 90 percent-completedon 1 July. More than 200 naval air stations, most of them the in continental United States, are included.

Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel who served aboard vessels operating in actual or potential belligerent contact with Axis forces in theAtlanticpriortoPearlHarbor were authorized to wear a bronze "A" in lieu of a bronze star upon the American Defense Medal.

War dogs guarding the shores of South Pacific bases have more than proven their efficiency, reportsMamine Corps Combat Correspondent Sgt. John F. Reilly, and cites as one example a German Shepherd which aroused Marine guards by his insistent barking at the sea. Hours later, a Japanese fish float, used by the Japs to support their nets,washed ashore. before it The dog spotted it long washed up on land.

The Arst group promotion of women officers in the Naval Reserve was made 1July. Thirty-two ensigns who had been on active dutysince 1 September 1942 were promoted to the rank of lieutenant, junior grade.

The Navy's program for the conservation of rubber and the conversionfromcrude to synthetic rubber willbe virtually completed this fall. Rubber Director, the In a report to the Navy said that many gas masks are nowbeing made of synthetic rubber and it also is being used extensively for rubber-jacketed cables, submarine storagebatteryjarsand other mechanical goods. Students in the V-12 Program attending medical colleges are authorized to wear the regularmidshipmen's uniform with a lapel device composed of the oak leaf and acorn insignia of the Medical Corpssuperimposedon a fouled anchor at a 45" angle. Similarly, dental students shall wear the Dental Corps insignia.

A new type utility building, 40 feet wide by 100 feet long, looking like a

Casualties amongnavalpersonnel since 7 December, 1941:


through 20 July totaled 27,203. The totals

U. S. Navy______________ U. S. Marine Corps U. S. Coast Guard

Dead Wounded 6,447 2,271 -_____ 1,769 9,337 19,961 2,447 1,906 _ - _ _ _ _ _182 . 22 728

1 -



158 -


8,39827,203 3,842 10,223 4,740 * A number of personnel now carried in missing status are prisoners of wax not-yet officially reported as such.




Page 31

priation bills totalling approximately $110,396,000,000, about 90 percent of it f o r prosecution of the war.

The first balloon barrage (30 balloons) in theNew York metropolitan area was raised late in June over an important objective nearthe big city. Headquarters of the barrage unit, operated by the Army, were established in a clubhouse nearby.

official U. S. Army Photograph.

000 crop acres for 1944 was demanded

An all-time record goal of 380,000,-

This i s the mew airplame imsignia adopted the by U. S. Navy and Army after much experimemtimg. The old imsignia, colzsisting of a white star i m a circular field of blue, and also the red dot of Japam and the black cross of Germany, were found to resolve into inuisibility at the same distamce from the eye. As they came closer, all appeared i m the form of a dot. The new marking comsists of the white star in the field of blue, with theadditiom of a white rectamgle attached horizomtally at the right am? left the cirof cle, plus a red border emclosimg the emtire device. A t a greater distamce the lzew markiltg will maimtain the shape of a lomg, marrow bar, makimg comfusion with the ememy less likely. Navy amd Army plames oyer the world will switch immediately.
United States destroyers, in a daring mission, risked attack by units of the Japanese fleet to ,rescue 161 survivors of the U.S. S. Helena (see picture on p. 29), sunk during a naval engagementintheKula Gulf. The men were picked up Higgins with boats put over by the destroyers.

of American farmers by the War Food Administration, an increase of 16,000,000 acres over 1943.

Quotes of the Month

Admiral Nimitz: Oursubmarines continue their destruction of enemy shipping-shipping Japan can ill afford to lose-much of it within gun range of important Japanese bases.
Official U. S. Navy Photograph.

Secretary Knox: We have now seized the initiative. Butthat does not mean that the war has been won or that victory is justaroundthe corner.

British Foreign Secretary Eden: There isin our heartsa fixed resolve to teach Japan that co-prosperity is not achieved by cruelty and oppression and that he who draws the sword shall perishby the sword.

Securely wrapped,properlyadf dressed Christmas packageso r men ouerseas shouldbeplaced in the mails between 15 September and 31 October. All letters and parcels dispatched during that period are expected to reach Nauy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard persommel om ouerseas duty before Christmas. The photograph vividly illustrates what happems t o poorlywrapped parcels.
President Roosevelt, in a mote t o Pope pius: There is no need for me to reafbm that respect for religious beliefs and for thefree exercise of religious worship is fundamental to our ideas. Churches and religious institutions will, to the extent that it is within our power, be spared the devastations of war during the struggle ahead. Throughout the period of operations the neutral status Vatican of City as well as of the papal domains throughout Italywill be respected.

WPB Chairman Nelson: In 1942 the United Nations outproduced the Axis almost two to one. I n 1944 it may well benearly four times great. as That is the trend; let the enemy take note of it.

Rear Admiral Howard L.Vickery, vice chairman of the Maritime Commission, revealed that fast, new-type Libertyships are beingconstructed which will carry theirown helicopters for antisubmarine work. Experiments were to be made last month (July) with 40 by 40 flight decks on several of the vessels.

Admiral Luetzow, German naval commentator:The battle the aerman U-boats have to wage has become, very, very hard.

Gen. H. Arnold, H. Chief of the United States Army Air Forces: Why is it (the Luftwaffe) notnearly so strong today? Well, take any number and divide it again and again, to care for all your increasing combat fronts, and you have decreasing air power on any one front. Its mathematics.

As of I July
Overta n d o

Dedue strayed

Home Front
Congress recessed 8 Julyuntil 14 September, its longest rest since 1938, 1 year prior to the opening of World War I. During its closing hours, the I the twohousespassed andsentto White House appropriation bills t h a t made the 1943 fiscal year the costliest year in all history. Treasury estimates showed that the first sesslon of the 78th Congress approved 18 appro-

pre- w e surne& v e n t ToSunk lostcapture t a l Battleships - 1 0 0 1 Aircraft C,arriers 4 0 0 4 Heavy Cruisers 6 1 0 6 Light

House Majority Leader John W. McCormack (D.-Mass.) : Whether Italy makes peace terms or not, every indication points tothefactthat Italys days of active participation in thiswar will over be inthenear Italy withdrawfuture. . . With ing . . i t will mean 20 to 25 divisions of Italian soldiers withdrawing from the conquered Balkan states . . .


Bstrovers-- 23 Submai-ines- 2 Miscellaneous 40


0 4 6

0 1

2 28

1 7

Total- 77




Page 32

Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, on the sixth anniversary of Chinas war with Japan: On land, the Japanese . . invaderhas been mired down with no hope of extricating himforce is self . . hisnavalandair weak and losses to his warcraft and transports are particularly heavy . Over his 8,000-mile front thereis no place which is not feeling the increased pressure of the Allied offensive. . . Henceforth the aggressor has no alternative but to await his doom . . . the time limit of his utter defeat cannot exceed 2 years . . .


Just plain inefficiency.-United Statesairmenexplaining why they shot down 15 only of 16 Japanese planes inanairbattlenear Hong Kong. Lt. Col. E. H. Burba, McAllister, Okla., just back from North Africa: We anticipated the probable route of every enemy counterattack and were ready to put down heavy artillery fire before we made an advance on any objective. We had to be ready. The Germans never allow you time to get set, and that is the secret of some of their successes in battle. They retreat, counterattack then immediately. Chaplain (Maj.) Alvie L. McKnight, Cleveland, Miss., back from 5 months duty on Guadalcanal: Oc,caaiona!!y, especially on moonlightnights, J a p bombers would come over the island. The men immediately jump to their posts and into their foxholes. When theanticraft firegets close tothe bombers, cheers rise from foxholes. the Voices urge the gunners on. When they score a hit, the noise is deafening.

LIKE ALL GOOD SAILORS, bes taking his medicine likeman. a scuttlebutt^ adopted by the crewof a minesweeper, had a good record umtil he took off after a cat. H s woeful expression i s explaimed by the i 15 days restriction he received f o r being AWOL. I t doesnt pay, he confided to members of the ships galley, his favorite hangout.
Premier Mussolini of Italy:This war was not to be avoided lest Italy be compelled to commit suicide and renounce its rank asa historically great power.
9 . 7

Official U. S. Savy Photogra~)h.

Birthday: Navy Research Labora- tory, responsible for the development of such inventions as smoke screens, poison gas and self-sealing gas tanks; 20 years old 2 July. Saved: The death sentence of Max Stephan, convicted of treason for aiding an escapedNazi flier, wascommuted to lifeimprisonment by the Presidcnt. Still Lucky: Because his plane developer?. enginetrouble, Lt. Col. Edward V. Rickenbacker was forced to return to Moscow on the first leg of his return flight to the United States. Adopted: Legislation making the Womens Army Auxiliary Corpsa part of the Army was signed by the President.

Two Short Letters

The following is reprinted from Iowings, station paper a t OtU. S. Naval Air Station, tumwa, Iowa, without comment : Somewhere in the South Pacific 9 May 1923 DEA~ FOLKS: Arrived 0. K. I dont like it here. No shows,,girls, no place to spend money. Butthey do have Japs. Love,

For a 12-day stretch, the infantry (American iiilantrymen in Tunisian campaign) was outon a rock, with no cover, and under fire all the time. They had little food, getting supplies only a t night. Within 3 days andafter a long march,theywent 14 days. into another for battle They were in foxholes, eating cold canned rations, if any. Often they had no food or water for 24 hours a t a time. There were no bands playing. Their fighting spirit and loyalty keptthem going.-Maj.Gen. Stafford LeRoy Irwin and Brig. Gen. Edwin H. Randleontheirreturn to Army Ground Forces headquarters after service with the Ninth Division.

He Forgot About Seasickness!

An incoming recruit walked into the Receiving Unit office a t the U. S. Naval Training Sta-. tion, San Diego and asked to go back home. Can I, maybe, get a few days cff? he asked. But, youve gotta have three reasons-andgoodones! said the office yeoman. Ive em. got After accommodating him with the necessary forms for recruit leave, the yeoman read the lads reasons: 1. My mothers sick. 2. My sisters sick. 3. Im homesick. -The Hoist, NTS, San Diego.

British Foreign Secretary Eden: It would be in theinterests of humanity if Signor Mussolini were to realize that the best thing he can do for his country is to accept the unconditional surrender offered to him.

President RoosevelCDrime Minister Churchill: Thesole hope of Italys survival lies in honorable capitulationto the overwhelming power of the military forces of the United Nations.

Still Somewhere in the South Parific, 9 July 1943 FOLKS : DEAR I like it better. We dont have Japs anymore,. . Love,

Prime Minister Churchill: mery man, every ship, and every airplane in the Kings service that can be moved to the Pacific will be sent there.

Page 33


I N AN AFRICAN PORT,assault troops march aboard

X I ' S that soon will head for Sicily. More than 3,000 ships carried the British and American troops across the Mediterranean to the island. Warships supported the transports. Swarms of Allied planesmeanwhilesoftened u p island.

"Official Signal Corps Radio-Telephotos.

LOADED troop-carrying ships prepare to sail for Sicily. New Amehcan 7th Army and famed British 8th spearheaded invasion.

Page 35

Paratrooger,s Go Ahead of Fleet

Your destination is the Italian island of Sicily and you will be the firstAmerican tr,oops to land, the lieutenant colonel tells United Statesparatroops.It is between 2230 and 2320, Friday, 9 July. Thetransportplane carryingthe troops is somewhere over the Mediterranean.

Thegreen light for Jumphas gone on. Led by the colonel, United States paratroops leave the plane over Sicily. They yell Geronimo! as they disappear into the darkness. Photographers, medical units, chaplains parachute down with the troops. Elsewhere, British glider troops land.

Next morning, after clearing up enemy defenses, paratroops seek to join the main invasion forces, which reached Sicily 3 to 4 hoursafterthe airborne soldiers. Paratroops suffered negligible losses; operations were called remarkably successful. Meanwhile-

Gela, Sicily, Hits Back at Invaders

Yanks Unroll Roads as They Land

PREPARING FOR MOBILE EQUIPMENT: American troops after effecting beach heads laid down mats to afford better traction for .mobile equipment . .

. . . and nailed down the beach highways

"Official Signal Corps Radio-Telephotos.

with heavy mallets.

Page 37

First Invaders Bring Equipment Ashore

THE LANDING: Allied forces soon got vehicles and artillery ashore. Men at work here are under fire.

BESIDES JEEPS (top photograph), mules went ashore for mountain supply trains.

official signal Corps Radio-Telephotos.

SOON members of antitank mine platoons

were clearing minefields for Allied advance to interior.

Page 38

Allies Advance

Fast, Take Many Prisoners

FIRST United States barragewas by 81-mm. mortar crews.

United States riflemen soon reached hills, hunted snipers.


S i m a l Corps R a d i o - T ~ ~ l ~ ~ j ~ l i o ~ o s .

NAZI prisoners turned from camera, Italians posed without persuasion.

Page 39

U. S. Bombers Softened SicilyLike This

WHAT HAPPENED TO A SICILIAN AIRFIELD: Located at Milo, Sicily, this airfield was bombed during a softening up mission prior to the invasion of Sicily.

Left: As the attack began, 122 Axis aircraft rested on the field. Right: After the attack, the field is useless. Many Axis planes have been destroyed.

O f f i c i a l Signar Corps Radio-Telephotos.


This enemy big tank was knocked out by advancing United States troops. Hundreds of tanks,trucks, planes, andother equipment

were destroyed by Allied. ground forces. Much more was blasted by the great waves of Allied planes that swept over the island (see photographs above).

Page 40

Gela After Battle Was

eap of Rubble

RUINS OF' THE TOWN OF GELA: In one of the most savage battles of the invasion, American forces drove theGermansfromtheimportant town of Gelaand captured two nearby airfields. T w o German tank regiI

mentsdefended the town and twice droveAmerican forces back to thebeaches only to be hurled back themselves by reinforced United States troops under Lt. Gen. George S. Patton.

BY 20 JULY THE AMERICAN F'LAG was flying in many a Sicilian port (it's here aboard an LST) . . . Page 42

. . . as Italian

prisoners left the island aboard many of the same vessels that brought their conquerors there.

"Otficial U. S. A r m y Signal Corps Radio-Telenl~otos.



Combined United States forces landed at dawn 30 June on Relzdoua Island in t h e Central Solomons, 135 miles northwest of Guadalcanal. T h i s was t h e scene: Filled with troops alzd bristling with machine guns,

the landing barges drawclose t o shore. T h e small Japanese garrison o n Rendoua that furnished the opposition was quickly wiped out. By 2 July IZO Japalzese were left upon island. the

Meanwhile Japs at Munda Poilzt-the Yanks immediate objective -on New U . S. planes, These Marilzes are off for Munda.



Page 43

A 10-wheeled army truck, loaded with equipment, is In battle dress, Yanks climb down the side of the lowered oyer the sideof a transportoff Rendova intoa Tralzsport McCawley olz cargo nets for their landing waiting lighter. Ilz background another lighterspeeds uponRendoua.AftertheMcCawley had unloaded toward the island. After United States landings were her men and equipment, the same day this photograph was taken, she was damaged by Japanese planes and completed, waves of Japanese planes attacked. At least against 17 Allied aircraft, &utthey sunk by a Japanesesubmarilze torpedo. The McCawley 101 were shot down was the former Grace liner Santa Barbara, 7,712 tons. got the McCawley.

Ulzited States soldiers hauledLight a field piece through the water and olzto the beach at Rendova as the American offensive against t h e Central Solomons got under way


shell Munda, fiue miles north of the northerm t i p of 15-mile-lolzg Rendova, the Americans brought up heavy guns like this.

. . .And to

"Press Association Photographs.

Page 44

North Pccific: (Grumman F4F) fighters strafeda 3. On 25 June,duringtheafterJapanese barge southeast Vangunu of noon, Army Mitchell(North AmeriIslamd, New Georgia Group. can -25) and Ventura (Vega B-34) 2. On 25 June,duringtheafternoon four Japanese twin-engine medium bombers escorted by Lightbombers unsuccessfully attacked a ning (Lockheed P-38) fightersmade six United States light surface unit in the attacks against Miska. Hits were scored inthemain camp areaand Solomon Islands. among the enemy antiaircraft posiNorth Pacific: tions. 3. On 24 June,. during the afterNo. 425:.28 June 1943 noon,Army Liberator(Consolidated l3-24) heavy bombers, Mitchell (North South Pacific (Dates East Longitude) : American -25) andVentura (Vega 1. On 27 June: B-34) medium bomberscarriedout (a) During the early morning threeattacksagainstJapaneseinArmy Liberator (Consolidated B-24) stallations at Kiska. Due to poor visheavy bombers bombed Kahili, Buin ibility results of the attack could not Area, and Munda, New Georgia, while be observed. Navy Liberator (Consolidated P B 4 Y ) 4. United States Army patrols have bombers carried out attacks against killed 15 moreJapanese soldiers on Ballale Island, Shortland Area. ReAttu Island. unobsults of these attacks were served. Memorandum appended to Communique: (b) Prior to dawn, NavyAvenger The following information been (Grumman TBF) torpedo has bombers released in the SouthPacific: bombed Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Island. On 25 June: (c) During the morning, Navy ( a ) During the early morning an unknown number of enemy bombers Dauntless (Douglas SBD)dive bomband Avenger torpedo bombers bombed our positions on the Russell ers Islands. A few of the United States attacked .Munda, New Georgia. Hits personnel suffered light wounds and were scored onthe runway and revetsome damage was caused t o United ment area. ( d ) A t about the same time Navy States supply installations. Dauntless dive bombers and Avenger ( b ) During early the morning a Vila, bombers formation of Army Liberators bombed torpedo attacked Island. were Kahili, Buin Area. A number of fires Kolombangara Hits camp were started. A t about the same time, scored on therunway and in the other Army Liberators attacked Buka area. Island and started fires. North Pacific: ( c ) Laterinthe morning, Navy 2. On 26 June Army Liberator Dauntless dive bombers andAvengers, heavy bombers, Mitchell (North escorted by Navy Wildcats, attacked American B-25) andVentura (Vega Labeti Plantation, Munda Area, New E-34) mediumbombersescorted by Georgia. No United States losses Lightning (Lockheed P-38) and Warwere sustained. hawk (Curtiss P-40) fighters bombed and strafed Kiska seven times. Hits were scored among antiaircraft emNo. 424: 27 June 1943 placements and on the runway and eight fires started in the camp area. SouthPacific(DatesEastLongitude):

Avenger (Grumman TBF) torpedo bombers, escorted by Wildcat (Grumman F4F) fighters, attacked Japanese positions a t Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Island. The bombing created SO much smoke and dust that observation Of the results of the attack was difficult. ( b ) During the evening, a formation of Dauntless dive bombers and Avenger torpedo bombers, escorted by Wildcat fighters, attacked Munda, New Georgia Island. A number of fires were startedinthe defensive position area, in ammunition dumps and in the camp section. ( c ) During the night,United States Japanese planes bombed a small naval disposition in the Central Solomons Area. Results were not observed. ( d ) All United States planes returned from these attacks.
North Pa&fic:

2 On 27 June, during the day, Navy . Ventura (Vega PV) medium bombers, Army Mitchell American (North E-25) medium bombers and Liberator (Consolidated B-24) heavybombers carried out six attacks against Japanese installations at Kiska. Hits were scored on the main camp and a t t h e NorthHeadarea. All United States planes returned. 3. On 28 June, Army Mitchell medium bombers and Navy Ventura medium bombers attackedJapanese positions at Kiska andLitteKiska. Because of weather conditions, complete observation of the results of the attacks was not possible, but hits were reported on houses at Little Kiska. All United States planesreturned. No. 428: 30 Juee 1943
South Pacific (Dates East Longitude) : 1. On 30 June, during the early

morning combined United States forces landed on Rendova Island, New Georgia Group. No details have been received.

early morning a formation of Army Liberator(Consolidated B-24) heavy bombers attacked Japanese positions on Ballale Island, Shortland area. Island A number of fires were started. ( b ) At about the same time another formation of Army Liberators attackedJapanese positions on Poporang(southShortlandIsland). Results of this attack were unobserved. morning, ( c ) Later o n the same Navy Dauntless (DouglasSBD) dive bombers and Avenger (Grumman TBF) torpedo bombers escorted by Wildcat (Grumman F4F) fighters attacked Munda,New Georgia Island in theCentral Solomons. At the same time another formation of Navy Dauntless dive bombers and Avenger torpedo bombers escorted by Wildcat fighters attacked Vila, Kolombangara Island. 2. In the above operations, no United States planes were lost.

1. On 26 June: ( a ) During the

N o . 426: 28 Juee 1943

Pacific and Far East:

No. 429: 1 July 1943

South Pacific (Dates East Longitude)

reported the following results of operations against the enemy in the waters of these areas: (a) 1 Minelayer sunk. ( b ) 1 Destroyersunk. ( c ) 1 Large transport sunk. (dl 3 Medium-sized cargo vessels sunk. (e) 1Small cargo vessel sunk. (f) 1 Small schooner sunk. ( g ) 1 Large transport damaged. .(h) 1 Medium-sized cargo vessels damaged. 2. These actions have not been announced inany previous NavyDepartment Communique.

1. United Statessubmarineshave

: 1. On the night of 29-30 June

NO. 427: 29 June 1943

South Pacific (Dates East Longttude) :

1. On 28 June: ( a ) Earlyinthe evening formation a of Dauntless (Douglas SBD) dive bombers and

Avenger (Grumman torpedo TBF) bombers and Dauntless (Douglas) dive bombers attackedthe airfield, the stores andcamparezs at Vila, Kolombangara Island. 2. On 30 June: tu) A formation of Mitchell (North American) medium bombers, Dauntless dive bombers and Avenger torpedo bombers attacked Japanese defensiveposition and camp area at Munda, New Georgia Island. A large fire was started. 0 ) Commencing in the early forenoon and continuing until late afternoon, an estimated total of110 Japanese planes comprising Zero fighters, Mitsubishi medium bombers, Aichi dive bombers and various other types attacked at intervalsUnitedStates Naval forces during the landing a t Rendova Island, New Georgia Group. United States surface units and air

Page 46

for?es destroyed 65 of the enemy planes according to anincomplete report. Seventeen United States planes are reported missing. ( c ) Thetransport McCawley was attackedand disabled by Japanese torpedo planesafter landing troops on Rendova. Subsequently the vessel was attacked and sunk by a Japanese submarine. Reports indicate that all personnel were removed before the vessel sank and that there no loss was of life. 3. On 1 July, Viru Harbor, on New GeorgiaIsland,was taken by joint United States forces. No. 430: 2 July 1943
South Pacific (Dates East Longituale) :

( a ) On 1 July, in an enemy air attack a t Rendova Island, New Georgia Group, 22 Japanese planes were shot down. Of the 8 United States planes lost in the engagement, 5 of the pilots have been rescued. No d a m e occurred on the island. ( b ) On-2 July: Army Mitchell (North American B-25) medium bomber escorted by Navy Corsair (Vought F4U) fighters bombed and strafed a Japanese vessel in Bairoko Anchorage, Kula Gulf, New Georgia Island. The vessel caught fire and sank.

Vila, Kolombangara Island, and BairokoinKula Gulf, New Georgia Island. A number of fires were started. 2. On 5 July, in the morning, a formation of Army Hudson (Lockheed A-29) light bombers attacked Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Island.
Memorandum appended

to Communique:


No. 432: 4 Jz~ly1943

South Pacific (Dates

1. On 1 July: ( a ) Early the in afternoon,Dauntless(Douglas) dive bombers attacked Japanese defensive Plantation, positions at Lambeti Munda, New Georgia Island. Fires were started. ( b ) During the same afternoon, a formation of Avenger (Grumman TBF)torpedobombers and Dauntless dive bombers attacked Japanese defensive positions, andcamp sections a t Vila, Kolombangara Island. 2. Seven pilots of the 17 United States planes previously reported as missing in Navy Department Communique No. 429 have been rescued.
Memorandum appended t o Communique:

(Consolidated) heavy bomber attacked Japanese installations at Nauru Island. Fourteen defending Zero fighters were in the air, but only four Zeros appeared willing to press home an attack. Two Zeros were damaged. Results of the attack were unobserved. All United States planes returned. 2. On 3 July: ( a ) Mitchell(North American) medium bombers, escorted by Lightning (Lockheed P-38) fighters, attacked Japanese antiaircraft positions a t Munda, New Georgia Island. (b) Later, the afternoon, in Avenger (Grumman TBF) torpedo bombers and Dauntless (Douglas) dive bombers attacked the Japanese camp sector a t Munda, New Georgia Island.
N o r t h Pacific:

East Longitude): 1. On 28 June at dawnLiberator

The following information has been announced in the South and Southwest Pacific: ( a ) On 3 July, it is reported that Vura Village onVangunu Island in the Wickham Anchorage area was captured by United States forces. (b) On 4 July, in the early afternoon, United States planes intercepted and attackedan enemy formation of 18 bombers and 20 Zero fighters over Rendova Island, New Georgia Group. Five enemy bombers and four Zeros were shot down. No United States losses were sustained.

N o . 434: 5 J d y 1943

1. Brief reports from the South Pacific indicate that a navalbattle is in Dromess in Kula Gulf, north of New Georgia Island. 2. No details of the action have been received. No. 435: G July 1943
South Pacific (Dates East Longitude) :

airattack. onUnited States forces during the landing Rendova Island, at New Georgia Group, on June 30th, indicate that the number o f Japanese planes was substantially larger than the total of 110 planesinitiallyreported in Navy Department Communique No. 429. It is also reported that United States surface and air forces destroyed 101 Japanese planes in the action. No. 431: 3 July 1943
South Pacific (DatesEastLongttude):

(a) Late reports on the Japanese

Mitchellmedium bombers and Liberator heavy bombers carried out eightattackson Japaneseinstallations at Kiska. Hits were observed on antiaircraft positions in Gertrude Cove, the camp area, and North Head sections. One direct hitwas made on a house. 4. On 3 July, Liberator heavy bombers attacked the central bivouac area a t Kiska. Weather conditions prevented observation of the results.
Memorandum appended t o Communique:

3. On 2 July, Ventura(Vega)and

1. On 2 July, in the afternoon, Japanese bombers, escorted byZero fighters, attacked United States positions on Rendova Island. Damage was negligible. 2. On 3 July,during the night,a Japanese surface force consisting of three light cruisers and four destroyers attempted to shell United States positions on Rendova Island. United Statessurfacecraft replied tothe bombardment andthe enemy ships retired short in order. No further details have been received. 3. I n Navy Department Communique No.429 it was reported that no loss of life was sustained in the sinking of thetransport McCawley. A later report now reveals that several of the crew were killed in the initial torpedo attack made by the Japanese planes. The next of kinhave been notified.
Memorandum appended t o COmmUniqUe: The following information has been announced in the South and Southwest Pacific :

1. On 4 July a formation of Army Flying Fortresses(Boeing B-17) heavy bombers bombed the Bairoko Harbor Area, west coast New of Georgia Island. No. 433: 5 July 1943 2. On the early afternoon of 5 July, South Pacific (Dates E a s t Longitude): P-40) 16 Army Warhawk (Curtiss 40 enemy 1. On 4-5 July, during the night, a fightersinterceptedabout Island. number of United States surface units Zero fighters over Rendova bombarded. Japanese installations at Two Zeros were destroyed. One War-

The following information hasbeen announced in the South and Southwest Pacific: ( a ) On 2 July, in the early evening, just east of Rendova Island, New Georgia Group, seven United States Corsair fighters intercepted and engaged one formation of thirty Zeros and immediately following attacked anotherformation of twenty Zeros. Six Zeros were destroyed. Three Corsairs were lost, but one pilot was rescued. (b) On 3 July, shortly before 3 P. M., Lightingfightersattacked a formation of about fifty Japanese Zeros over Rendova Island, New Georgia Group. FiveZeroswere destroyed. Three United States planes were lost.

1. On thenight of 6 5 Julythe United States destroyer Strong was torpedoed and sunk while engaged in the bombardment of Japanese positions on New Georgia Island. The next of kin of the casualties aboard the Strong will be notified as soon as possible. 2. On the evening of 5 July Army Liberator(Consolidated B-24) heavy bombers attacked Japanese installations on Ballale Island, Shortland Island area. Five fires were started. About 12 Zero fighters attempted to intercept but were driven off. No United States losses were sustained. 3. On 6 July, in the early morning, a United States surface task force engaged Japanese surface unitsin pula Gulf off New Georgia Island (previously reported in Navy Department Communiqu6 No.434). Sufficient details have not beenreceived to give the results of this engagement, but it is believed that, while some damage was suffered by the United States force,considerable damage was inflicted on the enemy.

N o . 436: 7 July 1943

South Pacific (Dates E a s t Longitude) :

-Page 47


The following information has been announced in the Southwest Pacific: On 15 July: (a) During the morning a formation of Army Mitchell medium bombers, escorted by Navy Corsair (Vought F4U) fighters, bombed andsank a small Japanese cargo vessel off the West tip of Gaga Island (West of Vella Lavella).Lateron the same morning another small enemy cargo vessel was attacked by the same planes and left burning on a reef at the north tip of Baga Island. On their return flight t h e Mitchell bombers strafed enemy positions on Vori Point (Northwest point of Ganongga Island). ( b ) During the afternoon, a strong formation of Navy Dauntless (Douglas SBD) bombers dive and Avenger Memorandam appended to Communique: planes (Grumman 1. On 12 The following information has been (ConsolidatedJuly, Army Liberator bombedVila, TBF) torpedo Island. B-24) heavy bombers Kolombangara announced in the Southwest Pacific: and Mitchell (North American B-25) Fires were still burning one and one( a ) On the morning of 6July, a medium bombers, escorted by Venhalf hours after the attack. Navy Liberator (Consolidated PB4Y) tura (VegaB-34) mediumbombers, ( c During the heavy bomber was attacked by five carried out three attacks on Japanese other)formation same afternoon anof Navy Dauntless Zero fighters northeast of Kolomban- installations at North Head and the dive bombers bombed and strafed gara Island,New Georgia Group. Two main camp areas %tKiska. Poor Bairoko, New Georgia Island. Zeros were shot down andanother weatherconditionsprecludedobser( d ) Later in the afternoonArmy was probably destroyed. vation of the results of the bombing. Mitchell medium bombers, escorted (b) On the afternoon of 6July, by Lightning and Warhawk (Curtiss Army Mitchell (North American B-25) N ~441: 15 July 1943 . P-40) fighters, strafed and probably medium bombers bombed a beached sank Japanese two barges on the North Pacific: Japanese destroyer in Bambari HarNortheast coast of Ganongga Island. 1 On 14 July, . during early the bor (Southeastcoast of KolombanNo. 444: 18 July 1943 gara Island). Three hits were scored morning, a United States light surand a number of fires accompanied by face unit bombarded Japanese posi- S o u t h Pacific (Dates East L o n g i t u d e ) : 1 During the night of 16 July, Navy . tions in Gertrude Cove on Kiska. Enviolent explosions were observed. Catalina (ConsolidatedPBY) patrol ( c ) During the evening of 6 July, emy guns did not reply. bombers bombed enemy positions on Army Flying Fortress heavy bombers No. 442: 16 July 1943 NauruIsland.Numerous fires were attacked Ballale Island, New Georgia started. All United States planes, r e North PaciN: Group, and started large fires. mission undamaged. 1. On 15 July, during the early turned from this No. 437: 8 JuZy 1943 2. During the nightof 16-17 July, a morning, a United States light surface Pacific and Far East: t . unit bombarded Japanese positions in number of enemybombersdropped 1. United Statessubmarineshave Gertrude Cove on Kiska. The enemy bombs on Guadalcanal Island, causing reported the following results of op- did not return thefire. some casualties to personnel and light erationsagainst the enemy inthe damage to installations, Bombs also Memorandum appended to Communique: were dropped on Savo waters of these areas: Island, with no ( a ) 1 Large transport sunk. The following information hasbeen damage. ( b ) 1Medium-sized transport sunk. announced in the Southwest Pacific: No. 445: 20 July 1943 (c) 2 Medium-sized cargo vessels ( a ) The uss GWIN, 1,630.-ton deNorth Pacific: sunk. stroyed, which was damaged in the 1. On 18 July, duringthe afternoon, (d) 1 Large tanker sunk. second battle of the Kula Gulf early a formation of Army Liberator (Con( e ) 1Medium-sized tanker sunk. in the morning of 13 July, sank later solidated B-24) heavy bombers, (f) 1 Large cargo vessel sunk. while being towed to an Allied base. Mitchell (North American E-25) and ( g ) 1 Medium-sized passenger(b) During the afternoon of 15 Ventura (Vega B-34) medium bombcargo vessel sunk. July, 27 Mitsubishi bombers, escorted ers attacked the Japanese main camp (h) 1 Small cargo vessel sunk. by about 40 or 50 Zeros andother areaandGertrude Cove onKiska. ( i ) 1 Small schooner sunk. fighters, were intercepted over Ren- Due to overcast, results were unobCj) 4 Medium-sized cargo vessels 44 United States fighter dova by served. damaged. planes. Fifteen Japanese bombers 2 On 19 July, during the morning, . 2. These actions. have not been an- and thirty Zeros were shot down. a formation of Army Liberator heavy nounced inany previousNavyDeThree United States pilots did not re- bombers attacked Paramushiru, Kuril partment Communiques. turn to theirbase. Islands. A number of fires wereobN o . 438: 10 July 1943 served. I n addition,Japaneseships No. 443: 17 JuZy 1943 in Paramushiru Straits were bombed, N&h Pacific: North Pacific: and a number of near hits observed. 1. On 9 July, during the early morn: ing, a United States light surface unit 1. On 15 July a force of Army Lib- South Pacific (Dates East Longitude) bombarded the Gertrude Cove Area erator (Consolidated B-24) heavy 3. On 18 July, several Japanese Mitchell (North American Planes harmlessly bombed Canton in Kiska for several hours. The Jap- bombers, anese shore batteries returned fire B-25) medium bombers and Light- Island. No personnel casualties or the ning (Lockheed P-38) fighters, car- material damage was sustained. but caused no damage.

hawk was lost but the pilot was$* No. 439: 12 July 1943 rescued. North Pacific: 3. During the early morningsurface 1. On 10 July, Army Liberator (Conengagement of 6 July, when six Japsolidated B-24) heavybombers and anese ships were probably sunk and Mitchell (North American -25) meseveral damaged, the light cruiser USS Helena wassunk. The next of dium bombers with Navy Catalina PBY) patrol bombers kin of the casualties aboard the Hel- (Consolidated four cargo vesena will benotified as soon as possible. attacked Japanese sels 280 miles southwestof Holtz Bay, 4. During the evening of 6July: Attu Island. One vessel was sunk, an( a ) A formation of Army Liberator other was left in a sinking condition (Consolidated B-24) heavybombers two attackedKahiliandstarted several and the remaining were damaged. 2. On 11 July, a United States light fires. (b) During same the evening, a surface unitbombarded Japanese PO-. formation of Army Liberators bombed 'sitions at Gertrude Cove, Kiska, and A number of fires as Little Kiska Island during the mornBukaIsland. a result of the bombing were ob- ing. The enemy did notreturnthe fire. served. 1 3. On 1 July, an additional f o u r NorthPacific: Japanese soldiers were capturedon 5 On the evening of 6 Julya United Attu Island. . States surface task force bombarded Kiska. Enemy shore batteries did not No. 440: 13 JuZy 1943 return the fie. North Pacific:

ried out attacks four against Japanese installations a t Kiska. Several fires were observed in the vicinity of the enemy antiaircraft batteries.
Memorandum appended to Communique:

Page 48

~~ ~~~

N E W NAMES in the


ceptionally meritorious s e r v i c e. During the winter of 1941-42 he directedNorthAtlanticescortoperations formore than 60 convoys, totaling more than 2,400 ships, with but eight of the vessels lost. WhitingField, Auxiliary Air Station, Milton, Fla., in honor of the late Capt. Kenneth Whiting, USN (R.), who qualified as naval aviator number 16 after being taught to pilot a plane by Orville Wright in 1914. Webster Field, a test field a t Priest Point, Md., in honor of the late Capt. Walter N. Webster, USN. Captain Websters naval career was closely associated with the technicalside of naval aviation He was killed in an a, airplane crash near Chester, P . 16 March 1943. Brown Field, a n Auxiliary Air Station at Otay Mesa, Calif., in honor of the late Commander Melville Stuart Brown, USN. He was aide and flag secretary onthe staff of Rear Admiral C. I. Plunkett, Commander Destroyer ? Squadron 3, Atlantic Fleet, on 7 February 1919, guarding the, first Navy trans-Atlantic flight of N-C flying boats. The U. S. S. Halsey Powell, in honor of the late Capt. Halsey Powell, USN. The U. S. S. Lovelace, in honor of the late Lt. Comdr. Donald A. Lovelace, USN, winner of the Distinguished Flying Cross, and commander of Fighting Squadron 2 aboard the U. S. S. Yorktown. He was killed 2 June 1942.

U.S. S. Foreman, in honor of Ens. Andrew Lee Foreman, USNR, of Berkeley, Calif., who received the Navy cross posthumously for remaining a t the central station aboard U. S. wara ship in action off Savo Islandta assist in the control of damageuntil he rushing Japanese torpedo plane until finally died of an asphyxiating gas the hostile craft plunged out of the which had been generated by an exsky in a flaming dive and crashed into plosion. their station., a U. S. S. Fowler, in honor of Lt. (jg) Robert Ludlow Fowler 111, usm, of Katonah, N. Y., awarded the Navy Cross posthumously for courageous action while torpedo officer aboard the U. S. S. Duncan during action against enemy forces, firing his first torpedo and scoring an initial hit on a hostile cruiser, before being fatally wounded by an enemy shell.
U.S. S. Harmon, in honor of Leonard Roy Harmon, StMlc, USN, of Cuero, Tex., who wasawarded the Navy Cross posthumously for giving invaluable assistancein caring for the wounded and evacuating them to a dressing station, and exposing himself to hostile gunfire in order to protect a shipmate during action against the Japanese in the Solomon Islands area.
Joel Maloy, CWT, USN, of Milwaukie, Oreg., whowasawarded the Navy Cross posthumously for ordering his crew to abandon a flooding fireroom when the U. S. S. Atlanta was struck by a torpedo during action against the Japanese in the Solomon Islands area, and remaining behind to investigate conditions in the fireroom, then proceeding to the forward engine room where he was killed.
U. S. S. Maloy, i n honor of Tho&

U. S. S. Spangenberg, in honor of Kenneth Jerome Spangenberg, GM3c, USN, of Allentown, Pa., who posthumounsly received the Navy Cross for remaining at his battle station until the battle ended, although mortally wounded and in intense pain, while serving as a gunner aboardthe U. S. S. Sun Francisco in the Solomon Islands area.

Official U. S. Savy Photograph.

U. S. S. Slater, in honor of Frank Olga Slater, S2c. USNR, of DeKalb County, Ala.: U. S. S. Cates, in honor of William Finne Cates, S ~ C , USNR, of Memphis, Tenn.; U. S. S. FuZgout, in honor of George Irvin Falgout, S2c. USNR, of Raceland, La.; U. S. S. Gandy, in honor of Andrew Jackson Gandy, Jr., S ~ C , USM,of Chattanooga, Tenn.; U. S. S. George, in honor of Eugene Frank George, S ~ CUSN, of Grand , Rapids, Mich.; U. S. S. Lowe, in honor of Harry James Lowe, Jr., GM3c, USN, of Paducah, Ky.; U. S. 8, LOY, honor in

Lt. Joy Bright Hancock, USNR, of Falls Church, Va., is the first rzaual officer t o be desigmated by the Secretary of the Navy as spomsor of combatamt-type a Umited States naual uessel. Lieutenant Hamcock, attached t o the Bureau of Aeromautics, will sponsor the destroyer U . S. S. Lewis Hamcock, named,in homor of her husband, the late Lt. Comdr. Lewis Hamcock, Jr., USN, who was killed in the crash of the airship Shemamdoahiml935. LieutemantHamcock wears the Victory ribbom of the f i r s t World War im which she sewed as Yeomamette, First Class, amd Chief Yeomam. She i s am author on maval aviation. Her husbamd, in the submarime service in World War I, once attempted divimg a submarime at a submerged ememy submarine to ram it.

U. S. S. McAnn, in honor of Donald Roy McAnn, GMlc, USNR, of Rochester, N. Y.,who posthumouslywas presented the Navy Cross for taking his statiosn in an exposed position in the gun mount .while a forward port member of a photographic detail aboard a, U. S.warship during action in the vicinity of Santa Cruz Islands, and obtainingvaluablephotographs and rendering valuable service in relieving members of the guns crew before he was fatally wounded by a bomb fragment.
U. S. S. Olsen, in honor of Lt. Comdr. Earl Kenneth Olsen, USN, of . received the Honolulu, T H., who. Navy Cross posthumously for efficiently directing the evacuation of surviving personnel and attempting to carry the body of another officer to a place of safety serving while as engineering officer aboard a U. S. warship during action against the enemy off Guadalcanal.

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Lt. Comdr. C. C. Kirkpatrick First Submarine Officer To Win 3 Navy Crosses
Lt. Comdr. Charles C. Kirkpatrick, Flag Lieutenant to Admiral Ernest J. King, USN, COMINCH, is the first submarine officer to be awarded three NavyCrosses.He also has received the Armys Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism in the Facific. Credited with sinking a total of eleven enemy warships and merchantmen, Lt. Comdr. Kirkpatrick formerly was in command of the u s. s. TRITON, . which hasjust been announced as overdue and presumed lost, the tenth U. S. submarine announced lost since the start of the war. Lt. Comdr. Kirkpatrickreceived his first Navy Cross for aggressivepatrol action nearenemy-controlled waters during April, May, andJune, 1942, a during which he sank total of 22,593 tons of enemy merchant shippingand an enemy submarine. He received a gold star inlieu o f a second Navy Cross after completing a second patrol, when his vessel sank Official U. S. K a v y Photograph. a destroyer leader and a destroyer. Lt. Comdr. C C. Kirkpatrick . After completing another patrol when he sank one medium freightertanker andtwo medium cargo vessels, medium cargo ship and damaged a damaged and probably sank another 10,200-ton tanker he received the secUSN,

P r e s s Association Photograph.

TAKE HER DOWN. Presidemt Roosevek awarded the fiedal of Homor posthumously to Lt. Comdr. Howard W , Gilmore, USN, who, mortally wounded, stood om the bridge of his submarime and ordered his mem t o take her down t o avoid destruction from am ememy gunboat. Here, his widow hamgs the decoration aroumd the meckof her som, Howard Skippyy as her daughter, Vermon Jeamme, and Rear Admiral Amdrew C . Bemmett, UN, Commandamt of the Eighth Naval District, look om. Lieutemamt Commander Gilmore is the omly Umited States submarine officer t o be givemthis award. Page 50

ond gold star in lieu of a third Navy Cross. A l l of the vessels publicly credited tothe TRITON weresunk while Lt. Comdr. Kirkpatrick was in command. During his fourwarpatrols,said citationsaccompanying theawards, he delivered deliberate anddecisively executed attacks and completed his missions without injury to his men o r damage to his ship. The superb seamanship and skill evidenced by Lt. Comdr. Kirkpatrick, said thecitation accompanying the second gold star, are a continuation o f his illustrious combat record, sustaining and enhancing thefinest traditions of the U. S. Naval Service. A native of San Angelo,Tex., he entered the Naval Academy in 1927 and upon graduation in the class of 1931 was assigned duty in the u s. s. . PENNSYLVANIA, then Flagship Of the Commander in Chief of the U. S. Fleet. Hissubmarinecareerbegantwo years later when he was ordered to the Submarine School at New London, Conn., for a seven-month course of instruction. completing After the course, Lt. Comdr.Kirkpatrick was ordered to theu s. s. CUTTLEFISH,then . being fitted out, remaining with her for three years. From the CUTTLEFISH he went t o the u s. s. S-42, based at . the Canal Zone, where hequalified for command of submarines. Returning to the United States, he served a tour of duty at the Naval Academy, transferringin December 1939, to thePacific Fleet as Flag Lieutenant to Commander Destroyers under Rear Admiral M. F Praemel, . USN. He was present at Pearl Harbor when Japan made her sneak attack 7 December 1941. A short time after the outbreak o f war he was placed in command of the TRITON and soon was operating off Japan, China, the Aleutians, and the Solomon Islands. His official score for four war patrols over a one-year period was one destroyer leader, one destroyer, one submarine, eight merchant ships, and several smaller craft. Upon being relieved of command of the TRITON, Lt. Comdr. Kirkpatrick paid high tribute to the men who had served with aboard him the submarine,describing themas a fine bunch of officers and men. They were perfect. Theirmain ideawas Let us at them. LastFebruary,whenstill in the Pacific he received the Armys Distinguished Service Cross at headquarters of the Southwest Pacific Command. The accompanying citation noted extraordinary heroism in the South Pacific area.

Commander Edward N. Parker, Pa., (a gold star in lieu of a third Navy Cross) : The force to which he was attached as commanding officer of the U. s. s. Cushing engaged a t close quarters and defeated a superior enemy force. Commander Parkers daring and determination contributed materially to the victorywhich prevented the enemy from accomplishing his ,purpose (night of 12-13 November 1942).
USN, Bellefonte,


Lt. Comdr. William H . Brockman, USN, Groton, Conn. (gold star in lieu of third Navy Cross) : As commanding officerof a United States submarine, he sank one destroyer, probably sank one transport and one cargo ship, and damaged a heavy cruiser and one 10,000-ton tanker.

Lt. Comdr. John Eldridge, Jr.,. USN, Buckingham, Va. (a gold star in of lieu a second Navy Cross, posthumously) : As commanding officerof a scouting squadron, Lieutenant Commander Eldridgeled an earlymorning fiight against a Japanese seaplane base a t Rekata Bay, Santa Isabel Island, and inflicted considerable damage. Returning t o Guadalcanalafter being rescued from a forced landing,he led several daring scout-bombing attacks against enemy ships, and in one known instance, sank a Japanese destroyer.

Acme Photograph.

For Service On Guadalcanal: Maj.Ode1 M . Conoley, USMC,of Amarillo, Tex., holder of the Navy Cross, studies the Congressional Medal of Honor awarded t o Second Lt. MitchelPaige,USMC,right,Dravosburg,Pa. Lieutenant Paige manned a series of machine guns after all his men were killed or wounded, and led a bayonet charge to smash a l a p break-through i m October 1942. Major Conoley also won his decoration for outstanding action on the Southwest Pacific island.
fully launched torpedoes which contributed to the destruction a Japaof nese cruiser. He maintained the guns of his vessel in effective fire throughout the battle and when his ship was finally put out of action employed all possible meanstoextinguish raging fires and control serious damage (11 October 1942, off Savo Island). fective use of his own batteries. His daring and courageous tactics inmoving to the assistance of a n accompanying vesselwere instrumental in saving that ship and contributed materially to the serious damage on the enemy by our forces. By his expert seamanship and loyal devotion to dutyhe was able to retirewithout damage orloss to his ship or her personnel (19-20 February, 1942; Strait of Lombok, Netherlands E8ast Indies).

Commander Hunter Wood, Jr., Hopkinsville, Ky.: When a flaming Japaneseplanecrashed on the forecastle of his ship, its torpedo exploding, Commander Wood, despite determined aerial attacks,raging fires and exploding ammunition,handled his ship, the U.S. S. Smith, with such skill that he was able to maintain his position in acarriersscreen.Gallantly fighting with what batteries were still effective, he minimized the damage to our own forces and dealt continued heavy blows to the enemy (26 October 1942,north of Santa Cruz Islands).


Lt. Comdr. Stephen N. Tackney, USN, Coronado, Calif.: While escorting ships supplying newly seized bases in the Solomon Islands Area, Lieutenant Commander Tackney, commanding officer of a United States warship, skillfully located a n enemy submarine 72 and for a period of 4 hours made persistent and determined attacks Commander Winfield S. Cunningagainst the Japanese craft until oil ham, USN, Annapolis, Md. (prisoner of $2 and wreckage on thesurface gave war) : Fordistinguished and heroic evidence of the submarines destrucconduct in the defense of Wake Island Lt. Comdr. Harold C. Pound, USN, tion. (7-22 December 1941). Alhambra, Calif. (missing) : During a a night engagementwith Japanese a naval forces with his ship illuminated Lt. Comdr. John C. Waldron, USN, CommanderEdmund B. Taylor, by an overwhelming force of enemy Fort Pierre, S. Dak.(missing in acUSN, Wardour, Md.: Although his ship destroyers and cruisers, Lieutenant tion) : Grimly aware of the hazardous had sustained serious damage, Com- Commander Pound, commanding offi- consequences of flying without fighter mander Taylor,commanding officer cer of the U.S. S. Pillsbury, skillfully protection and with insufficient fuel of the U. S. S. Duncan, skilfully ma- maneuvered his ship to counter the toreturnto his carrier,Lieutenant neuvered into position and success- enemys cross-fire with the most ef- Commander Waldron delivered a suc-

Lt. Comdr. Robert A. Theobald, Jr., New Castle, N. H.: When a flamingJapanese planecrashed onthe forecastle of his ship, its torpedo exploding, he gallantly led a fire party to the scene despite fierce aerial attacks, finally extinguishing the blaze, thereby enabling his ship,the U.S. S. Smith, to maintain her station in a carriers screen (26 October 1942, north of Santa Cruz Islands).

Page 51

Lt. Mark W. Starkweather, USNR, Cleveland, Ohio: Assigned to the extremely dangerous task of cutting an enemy obstruction in order that the U. S. S. Dallas could proceed up the Sebou River in FrenchMorocco, Lieutenant Starkweather, in charge of a demolition party, succeeded incutting cables at the mouth of the river as guns from the French fort opened fire. By hisoutstanding ability and devotion to duty he contributed materially to the successful landing of raiders near Port Lyautey.

Lt. (jg) John Julius Bell USNR, Houston, Tex.: As officer in charge of ascoutboatduring the assaulton Safi, French Morocco, Lieutenant Bell skillfully maneuvered his boat from the transport area in complete darkness to a position near the main jetty of the harbor. Despite enemy fire, he maintained his station and continued to signal directions to the U. S. S. Bernadou and theU. S. S. Cole, guiding them to the harbor entrance and nearby beaches.

" A c m e Photograph.

U. S. Nauy Captaim Receives the DSO: CaptaimOrem R . Benmehofl, USN,left, poses with Admiral Sir Andrew B. Cummimghamof the Royal
Nauy, admiral of the fleet am? commander i chief of the Mediterramean, n OS the deck of a U.S. warship. Captaim Benmehoff was decorated by the British Gouernment for brimgimg a disabled Naval uessel to its position 7 Nouember 1942, at the opelzilzg of the Africam inuasiom.
cessful torpedo attack against Japanese forces in the face of murderous assaults by enemy aircraftandan almost solid antiaircraftbarrage (4 June, 1942, during the Air Battle of Midway). Lt. George T. McDaniel, Jr., USN, Lynchburg, Va. : When a flaming Japthe anese plane crashed on forecastle of his ship, its torpedo exploding, Lieutenant McDaniel gallantly led a fire party to the scene, and despite fierce aerial attacks,finally succeeded in extinguishing it, thereby enabling his ship, the U.S. S. Smith, to maintain her position in a carrier's screen (26 October 1942,north of Santa Cruz Islands ) .

Lt. (jg) Jeff D Woodson, WN, Val. lejo, Calif. (missing in action) : Grimly aware of the hazardous consequences of flying without fighter protection and with insufficient fuel to return to his carrier, Lieutenant Woodson delivered an effective attack against Japanese aircraft and against an almost solid antiaircraft barrage. The fulfilment of his mission was a determining factor in the defeat of the enemyforces (4 June 1942, the Air B'attle of Midway).

Lt. Comdr. Arnold I.Schade, USN, ? San Diego, Calif. : On a morning after a surface engagement with a Japanese gunboat during which the commanding officer of his submarine was killed, he assumed commandof the damaged ship, directed emergency repairs, and finally broughtthe vessel and crew safely to port. He served as executive officer of the vessel during her first four war patrols andrendered skillful and able assistance to his captain during months of maneuvering in areas menaced by enemy'air and surface craft.

Lt. Comdr. Edward P. McLarney, Medical Corps, usN,washington, C.: D. When his aid station became untenable because of enemy attacks, Lieutenant CommanderMcLarney, battalion surgeon of theFirstMarine Raider Battalion on Guadalcanal,directed its transfer to the rear. Before it could be accomplished, however, he was forced torendertreatmentto some 200 Marine casualties, working from midnight until morning under continual fire and withonly a few hospital corpsmento assist him (13-14 September 1942).

Lt. (jg) Robert D. Gibson, USNR, Unionville, Mo.: Contactingalarge force of enemy cruisers and destroyers, he scored direct hits on a cruiser and transport, destroying the transLt. Edward H. Allen, USN, Massa- Port the followine; day. Although his pequa, Long Island, N. Y . (missing m Plane was badly damaged,he brought it through the engagement (1445 action) : As pilot of Scouting Squadron Two during an attack on his car- November 1942; Solomon Islands rier by Japanese aircraft, Lieutenant area). Allen, by his expert airmanship, en& abled his rear seat gunner to shoot Ensign Ralph M. Rich, USNR, Mindown aJapanese bomber with one burst from his machine gun (20 Feb- neapolis, Miss. (posthumously) : As leader of a section of fighters in an ruary 1942). escortgroupcovering the approach a of an attack group toward the main Lt. Phillip H. Teeter, USNR, Minne- Japanese invasion fleet duringthe apolis, Minn.: When a flaming Japa- Battle of Midway, he maintainedconnese plane crashed on the forecastle tinuous flight over enemy naval units of h i s ship,the U. S. S. Smith, its for 1 hour, assuring United States dive approach. torpedo exploding, Lieutenant Teeter bombers an unmolested led a lire party t o the scene. Despite Later the same day as amember of a combat patrol he shot down in flames determined aerial attacks, he SUCceeded in extinguishing the flames a Japanese torpedo plane approaching the U S. S. Yorktown ( Q - 6 June . (26 October 1942,north of Santa Cruz 1942). Idlands).

Page 52

Chief Boatswain Howard H. BranYon, USN, Spartanburg, s. C.: Under difficult and dangerous conditions, Chief BoatswainBranyon, in command of small auxiliary naval craft, transported troops and supplies between Tulagi and Guadalcanal, averaging at least one trip a day, defying a gantlet of Are from Japanese warships, shore batteries, aircraft and (1 September-2 November 1942).

James D. March, ACOM (AA), USN, Alexandria, La.: Whileserving aboard the U. S. S. Hornet when she was under aerial attack, March entered a blazing compartment to secure an unexploded 500-pound bomb and remained t o assist in extinguishing the fires that raged in the vicinity of the dormant explosive (26 October 1942, near the Santa Cruz Islands).

Official U. S. Coast Guard Photograph.

Official U. S. Navy Photograph.

.RECEIVES N A V Y CROSS: Rear Admiral Charles E. Rosendahl, USN, now Chief of Naval Airship Training, received a Navy Cross from Secretary Knox forextraordinary heroism while comwnding oficer of the U . S. S. Minneapolis. He contributed i n large measure to the destruction of all enemy surface .vessels withim gun range during an engagement in the Solomon Islands Area, said anaccompanyingcitation.The Rear Admiral is now Chief of Naval Airship Training.

Campbell Commander is W i n Her of Navy Cross: Hisship,the cutter Robert B. Miles, APlc, USN, Silver Coast Guard Campbell, Bow, Mont. (missing as of 4 June rammed and sank a German sub i a r 1942) :Grimly awareof the hazardous the Atlantic engaging after fiue consequences of flying without fighter protection and with insufficient fuel other U-boats during the preceding feat, to return to his carrier, Miles, a pilot 24 hours. For this Commander JamesA . Hirshfield, USCG, of TorpedoSquadronEightduring the Air Battle of Midway, delivered received the Navy Cross. Preuian effective torpedo attackdespite ously he h d been a awarded the violent assaults of Japanese aircraft Purple Heart for injuries suflered and an almost solid barrage of anti- in the same action. T h e rrCampaircraft fire. The fulfilment of his mission was a determining factor in bell, crippled and powerless, was safely towed to an eastern port for the defeat of the enemy forces. repairs.


Lyle M. Skinner, W T l c , Detroit, Ensign John A. OToole, USNR, Dor- Mich.: When the U S. S. Hornet was . Chester, Mass. (posthumously) : Dur- being shaken by bursting bombs, ing the assault on and occupation of Skinner, although ordered abandon to French Morocco, Ensign OToole skill- ship,gallantlyentered an oil-filled fully organized and led a boat wave elevator pit and rescued a trapped from the S. S. Joseph Hewes toward shipmate who mighthaveperished U. the beach in the face of devastating (26 October 1942, near Santa the artillery fire of hostile forces which Cruz Islands). threatened annihilation of troops before they could debark. With no a thought of his own danger, he then Walter E. Flebbe, RTlc, USNR, North stood a t t h ewheel of his boat calmly Platte, Nebr.: With forecastle the directing the unloading of both personnel and equipment and the saving ablaze and Japanese aircraft attackof as many Navy craft as possible. ing his damaged ship, Flebbe entered After directing a squad of machine a burningcompartmentandjettiwhich threatenedto gunners to safety through a barrage, soned powder explode (26 October 1942, north of Ensign OToole attemptedto withdraw from the beach but was killed the Santa Cruz Islands). by enemy fire.

William Pinckney,Ck3c, USN, Beaufort, s. C.:When a heavy bomb exploded near Pinckney, on duty in the ammunitionhandlingroom of the U S. S. Enterprise he wasknocked . unconscious and four of his five companions killed. Regaining consciousness, he groped his way through burning wreckage to a hangar hatch, butashe was aboutto escape he found a . shipmate struggling to get through. Unmindful of his own wounds or the smoke or fumes, Pinckney lifted the man through before he himself battledhis way out of the compartment.

Ensign Dale W. Peterson, USNR, Kansas City,.Mo. (missing in action) : As pilot of Fighting Squadron Three during an attack onhiscarrier by Japanese forces, Ensign Peterson intercepted a formation of nine enemy aircraftand succeeded in shooting down one bomber and aided in shooting down another (20 February

Russell J. Bradley, ARM~c, USN, Heavener, Okla.: As radioman and tunnel gunner in Torpedo Squadron Eight, Bradley crashed t sea withthe a pilot and crew of a plane, the pilot f and air bomber being injured. BradWilbur L. Marsh, PhMlc, USN, ley volunteered to swim ashore and Painsville, Ohio: While serving with for 8 hours battled strong currentsin theFirst MarineRaiderBattalion during an engagement with Japanese shark-infested waters before reaching destination (6 October 1942, in forces, Marsh, when his company was his virtuallysurrounded by the enemy the Solomon Islands area), and under attack from alldirections, constantly exposed himself to enemy fire care and to for evacuate the Lloyd E. Acree, AOM3c, USN, Beggs. wounded (13-14 September 1942; Okla. (posthumously) : During the Guadalcanal) height of a battle Japanese with

Page 53


by releasing the United States Pacific

Fleet for early aggressive action prepared against the . enemy. He troops with thoroughness for combat in the South Pacific and administered with wisdom, firmness, andtact B territory containing enemy, alien, and American peoples.

counter measures before a hostile attack could be launched and drove off and eluded an enemy concentration estimated to include a t leastthree submarines.

7 k
Rear Admiral Jesse B. Oldendorf, USN: As commander all forces, ArubaCuracao Area, 2 March-2 July 1942, and as commanderTrinidadsector, Caribbean frontier, Sea and commandant of the Naval Operating Base, Trinidad,from 2 July-19, April, he contributed materially to effective the operations of naval surface units and Army-Navy aircraft assigned to his command in antisubmarine warfare. Responsible for the protection of convoys and other vital war shipping, he contributednotablyto t h e development of tactics used to combat the menace to supply lines, and was largely responsible for the elimination of enemy submarines in this area.

Capt. Henry R. Oster, USN, Washington, D.C.:As material officer on the staff, successively, of Commander Aircraft Battle Force, Pacific Fleet; Cormmander Carriers, Pacific meet, and Commander Aircraft, Pacific Fleet, he achieved highly successful results in the overhaul,repair, and procurement of aircraft and aircraft material contributing essentially to the operations of aircraft units of the Pacific Flee&.


U. S. Coast Guard Pllotofraph.

Young Coast Guardsmam is Cited: Raymond J. Euans, CSM, USCG, Bryn Mawr, Wash., i s the wearer 22, of a Navy Cross. He was decorated for his heroism im the evacuation by Coast Guardsmen of a Marine Battalion trapped by the Japs at Guadalcanal. Rear Admiral Edward D. Jones, USCG, pilzmed the medal on him at ceremolzies at the Coast Guard's station, Alameda, Calif.
forces Acree was holding a shell for loading when he was struck by enemy shellfragmentsandthrowntothe deck. Although suffering acutely, he realized that releasing the shell might prove fatal to hiscomrades and hamper the effectiveness of the battery and clung to the shell, protecting the base andprimerwithhishand. He was given first aid during a lull, but died shortly thereafter (11-12 October 1942, in the South Paciflc)


Commander Don S. Knowlton, Medical Corps, DSNR, Washington, D. C.: As executive officer of the FirstMedical Battalion during the seizure and occupation of Guadalcanal, he developed a high state of efficiency in medical units,particularly the Division functioning as the meld Hospital, principal evacuationand medical supply center of the division. Under extremely difficult and dangerous conditions he contributedbrilliantly to the excellent training of subordinate personnel.

USN, Ret., St. Helena,

Rear AdmiralManley H. Simons, Calif.: As commander, Chesapeake Group, Task Eastern Sea Frontier, Rear Admiral Simons devised sound and comprehensive measures in combatting the enemy in that area, destroying three enemy submarines and destroying or damaging many others resulting in a marked reduction in attacks on our ships (7 December 1941, to 31May 1943).

Lt. Roy D. Gilbert (CEO, IR, W AIbuquerque, N. Mex. (prisoner of war) : Working tirelessly with the primitive

Vernard Eugene Bivin, Slc, USN, Greenville, Ky. (posthumously) : Although mortally wounded, Bivin continued a t hispost astraineron a broadside gunof a United States warship, performing his duties so well that other members of his gun crew did .not know he had been injured until he collapsed (11-12 October 1942, against Japanese forces in the South Pacific).

Capt.Ralph W. Hungerford, USN, Langhorne, Pa.: As commander of escort units with North Atlantic convoys, Captain Hungerford succeeded in out-manuevering and eluding enemy submarines which were in favorable position to concentrate and attack. Capt. Paul R. Heineman, usx, San Francisco, Calif.: By the skillful conduct of his convoys and escorts, Cap-0ITicial U. S. Coast Guard Photograph. tain Heineman, commander of escort units North with Atlantic convoys, His Bravery Wins Decoration, was able to detect the presence of submarines before they could concen- Promotiom: Daniel J. T a w , USCG, trateforattack.Hethwartedfurof Chincoteague Islam!, Va., is now ther attempts to launch an attack andchief boatswain's mate and wears a completed his mission without damthe Silver Star Medal, presemted to age to his convoy. him by Admiral Chester W .Nimitz, USN. Chief Tarr was coxswaim of a landing barge at Tulagi.After Capt. John B. Heffernan, USN, Washington, Ind.: Having detected ladimg a Marine contingent withthe pqesence of enemy submarines, out a loss in the face of hot enemy trips with Captain Heffernan, commander of a fire, he made several mpre task unit escorting a convoy, initiated ammzknitiom.

Lt. Gen. Delos c. hmmons, USA: AS commanding general of the Hawaiian Department from 17 December 1941, to June 1943, he erected strong defenses for the Hawaiian area, there-


Page 54

construction equipment available, Lieutenant Gilbertsucceeded in building up the section base a t Mariveles and keeping in operation installations in the rear areasdespite repeated destruction by the enemy ( 5 November 1941,to 11 March 1942,in the defense of Bataan) .

Lt. William T Cogley, Jr., USNR, . Brooklyn, N. Y.: Serving as a naval gunfire liaison officer during the assault on French Morocco, Lieutenant Cogley contributed largely to thesuccess of shore bombardment and landing operations.

Lt. Frederick P. Gehring (ChC), USNR, Philadelphia,Pa.:Voluntarily making three hazardousexpeditions through enemy-occupied territory, ChaplainGehring,aided by native Offiriai U. S. Coast Guard Photographs. scouts, e v a c u a t e d missionaries trapped on Guadalcanal.freHe Navy Father Receives Medal on Behalf of Son: Dallas R . McKinney, 45, quently visited the frontlines and was Y l c , USCG, receives the Purple Heart f r o m Rear Admiral Robert Donoa constant source of encouragement to Marine and Army units under con- hue, Coast Guard personnel chief. The medal was awarded posthumously , by the enemy (from to McKinneys son, John Edward, 19, extreme right, F ~ c who lost his life tinual attack when thecutter Alexander Hamilton went downoff the coast of Iceland 26 September 1942). in January 1942. Yeoman McKinney, who served in the U.S. Army in a Lt. (jg) Ann A. Bernatitus, Nurse World War I, joined the Coast Guard to carry on for his son. McKinney Corps, USN,Exeter, Pa.: As a member i s f r o m Riverdale, Md. of Surgical Unit No. 5 duringthe Japanese attack on the Philippines, anese craft, Commander Mullan, al- partmentsand worked tirelessly to Nurse Bernatitus maintained her though severely wounded, had him- save his ship (30 November 1942, in position inthefront lines of the self placed on deck inboard of a 5- the Solomon Islands area). Manila-Bataan area rendering effi- inch gun shield, and from this station cient and devoted service during the continued to direct fire-fighting operprolonged siege (December 1941 ations untilall hope of saving the vesLt. Comdr. Donald J. MacDonald, through April 1942). sel was abandoned (9 August 1942, off USN, New York, N. Y . : Although his ship was under tremendous aerial Bavo Island). bombardmentandengagedwith an .t i outnumbering force of Japanese warSILVER STAR Commander NormanW. Sears, USN, ships,LieutenantCommander MacBeverly, Mass.: After his ship, the Donald maintainedhis position in the U. S. S. Atlanta, was seriously dam- battle and, line despite imminent Lt. Comdr. Edward C. Stephan, USN, aged during the course of an engage- danger of collision with disabled Sears, when inWestgate, Md. (gold star in lieu of a ment, Commander ships, continued to lead our column second Silver Star) : Availing himself formed that theplotting room was into the face of superior enemy fire of every favorable attack opportunity flooding, rushed below to ascertain the at extremely close range. By skillful extent of danger. Although seriously maneuvering, he directed the fire of Lieutenant Commander Stephan, when emerging from the his warship into a Japanese battlecommanding officer of a UnitedStates wounded hatch, he neverthelessattempted to ship, inflicting considerabledamage submarine, sank medium two Japanese transports, probably sank one continue supervising repairs (13 No- with his guns and torpedoes (12-13 vember 1942, i the Solomon Islands November 1942, in the Guadalcanaln largesubmarine,onemediumcargo ship, and four troop-landing barges, area). Tulagi Area). and probablydamageda large, una z?;r identified enemy ship. Lt. Comdr. Thomas H Moorer, USN, . Lt. Comdr. Robert D McGinnis, . Eufaula, Ala.: Althoughhe and his USN, Tiffin,Ohio:During anattack $? copilot were wounded during an atagainst a Japanese submarine while James J. Brewer,CSF (PA), USN, States deMacon, Ga. (gold star in lieu of a sec- tack by Japanese aircraft, Lieutenant servingaboardaUnited in stroyer, he forced the enemy Commander Moorer succeeded vessel to ond Silver Star) : While his carrier, his blazing patrol plane. His the surface with depth charges the U.S. S. Enterprise, was still under landingandleadershiplateraided where shewas sunkby the destroyers heavy aerial bombardment, Brewer courage survivors of guns (August 1942). fought his way through smoke-filled materiallyinreturning an attacked rescue ship to the Auscompartments to isolate ruptured a mainland (19 damaged control and fire main risers tralianvicinity of CapeFebruary 1942, Lt. Charles F. Esmiol,USNR,Chicago, in the Memen). to provide pressure for gasoline pumps Ill.: When a torpedo from a Japanese being used to refuel aircraft (26 Oca submarine struckhis cargo ship,Lieutober 1942, near Santa the Cruz Lt. Comdr. James H. Howard, us^, tenant Esmiol, engineering officer, Islands). Charleston, S. C.: After his ship had despite the danger of a major exploa been damaged by an explosion, Lieu- sion, assisted in bringing fires under Howard, with control and maintainingthe engineerCommander W. E A. Mullan, urn, tenant Commander . temporary Baltimore, Md.: As executive officer utter disregardfor his own safety, ing plantand providing of a cruiser badly damaged by Jap- entered gas-filled and flooding com- power leads tomachineryrendered


Page 55

inoperative by the fire. After a second attack resulted in flooding the engine room, he worked incessantly for 3 days to prevent complete destruction of his ship. Lt. Herbert S. Damon, USNR, Tamworth, N. H : Whenmembers of a . gun crew were forced temporarily to abandon station, their Lieutenant Damon, in spite of smoke and flames from a crashed enemy plane, Personally manned the gunandkept his battery firing throughout the engagement (26 October 1942, north of Santa Cruz Islands, aboard U.S. S. the

Lt. Robert H McIlwaine, USNR, . New York, N. Y . : When h i s ship, a merchantman, was attacked without warning by a number of enemy torpedo planes, Lieutenant McIlwaine directedhis crew of Armed Guard gunners to open fire on hostile airthe craft swarmingover a convoy. He and his gunners sent t least two and posa sibly three enemy planes crashing into the sea. Withtheirthree-inch gun silenced and a gasoline-filled hold pierced by enemy bomb, Lieuan tenant McIlwaine andhis crew remained a t their stations until the last enemy planehadretreated(inthe Mediterranean).

Lt. Carl F. Pfeifer, USN,Springfield, Ohio: Although his warship was under tremendous aerial bombardment and engaged at close quarters with an outnumbering number of Japanese warships,LieutenantPfeifermaintained effective control of the vessels engineering plant under extremely adverse conditions. whet^ light and powerwere cut off by an underwater shock, he quickly regained control of his plant enabling the ship to continue her mission with undiminished fighting efficiency (1213 November 1942, Guadalcanal-Tulagi area).


Association PhotograpI1.

IdenticalCitations to Navy Twins: ChiefMachinists Mates Johlz R . Cordell, center, and-Rolla J. Cordell, right, Durham, Okla., receive commendations f r o m C a p . R .W . Wuest, USN (Ret.), commadingofficer of theReceiving Barracks, Navy Yard, New York. As machinists mates first class they performed heroic actiolz aboard the U.S. S. Lexington in the Coral Seabattle.
with the Second Marine Raider Battalion Guadalcanal, on Lieutenant Robinson repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire rendering first to the aid wounded. Duringthelatterpart of operations in one area he became ill from therigors of the jungle, but continuedto accompany the battalion (4November-4 December 1942).

Lt. Mlton A. Zimmerman, USNR, Lt. James C. Shaw, USN, Dawson, Brooklyn, N. Y.: When an enemy planecrashedon the forecastle of Minn.: Suffering from a broken hand, his ship, the U. S. S. Smith), its tor- he helped movewounded men from pedo exploding, Lieutenant Zimmer- the damaged U. S. S. Atlanta to rescue man, forcedto abandon his station on boats alongside (1 August 1942 off the a gundirector,hastened to the re- Solomons). mainidg active guns directed their and a fire for the remainder of the attack Lt. Jesse A. Davis, Jr., USNR,Balti(26 October 1942,north of Santa Cruz more,Md.: Whileservingaboard a Islands). United States submarine, Lieutenant Davis led a party ashore on enemya occupied territoryand succeeded in Lt. Herman Miller, USN, Tacoma, locating survivors six of a United Wash.: As officer of the watch aboard States Army bomber and bringing a United States warship damaged by them safely aboard his ship. Japanese surface forces, he aided in a . keeping damage control equipment functioning,permitting the ship to Lt. Charles G. Robinson, Jr.. Medreach a place of safety (30 November ical Corps, USNR, Memphis, Tenn.: 1942 off Guadalcanal) Whileserving asbattalion surgeon

Lt. Randall T. Boyd, USN, South Weymouth, Mass.: As gunnery officer aboard the U. S. S. Dallas during the assault on and occupation of French Morocco, hecontrolled and directed thefire of hisship while she proceeded up the treacherous Sebou River with such good effect that hostile shorebatterieswere silenced before they could inflict damage to the Dal-


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Ensign Kendall H.Cram, USNR, New Orleans, La. (missing) : As officer in charge of a Navy armed guard aboard a merchant vessel stricken by an enemy torpedo attack, Ensign Cram restation persistently mained at his 72 Lt. Douglas H Pugh, USN, Douglas, alert for sight of the enemy. Disre. Ariz.: As first lieutenant aboard a garding his own danger and theorder United States submarine he contrib- abandon ship, he remained aboard uted materially to the success of pa- until two of his injured Navy guntrolsinJapanese-controlled waters. ners were safely away on a life raft. On a morning after his submarine had rammed and probably sunk an enemy Chief Photographer Ronald J. Pengunboat, he fought fires and reduced leaks, thereby maintaining vital ma- nick, usm, Manhattan Beach, Calif.:. I n addition to rendering valuable chinery and enabling his ship to reservice by successful photographic turn safely to port. missions in North Africa, Chief Pho72 tographer Pennick risked life durhis Lt. Landon L. Davis, USN, Waynes- ing a severe enemy bombing and boro, Va.: While serving as diving strafing attack to aid Army machine officer aboardaUnitedStatessubgunners even taking charge, of reart o guard action during an evacuation of marine he contributed materially the success of patrols against enemy wounded. His courage and judgment shipping in Japanese-controlled wacontributed to the success of our operters. On a morning afterhis sub- ations. marine had rammed and probably sunk an enemy gunboatsustaining dangerous leaks and other damage he Joseph. J. Forrest, CSF (PA), USN, Camden, N. J.: While his carrier, the calmly maintained depth control enabling his ship subsequently to sur- U. S. S. Enterprise, was beingattacked face, effect emergency repairs, and by Japanese aircraft, Forrest fought his way through ruptured electrical return safely t o port. leads to extinguish fires and risked his 72 life to prevent an explosion around a , Lt. William W. Hargrave, USNR, to the gasoline pump, contributing Newburgh, Ind.: After landing his se- rescue of men trapped in a compartriously damaged plane withoutinjury ment (26October 1941,near the Santa to its occupants, he led survivors and Crus Islands). others picked up enroute through 600 miles of enemy-occupied territory, eventually reaching the Australian Herman C. Coon, CPhM (PA), USN, mainland, where his men returned to Brocton, Ill.: Painfully wounded by bheir stations for further duty (5 Feb- shell fire while at his battle station, ruary 1942,in vicinity of Netherlands Coon repeatedly exposedhimself to East Indies). additional dangers in rescuing injured personnel from signal bridge the 72 and other .parts of (13 NoLt. Aloysius J. Havlik, Medical vember 1942, in the his ship Islands, Solomon Corps, USNR, Tama,Iowa:Withthe aboard the U.S. S.Atlanta). forecastle ablaze and enemy aircraft attacking his crippled ship, U. S. S. the Smith, Lieutenant Havlik,with no reSamuel Lee Jones, CWT, USN, Fort gard for his own safety, sought out and cared for the wounded (26 Octo- White, Fla. : When enemy torpedo fire ber 1942, north of Santa Crus caused .flooding aboard his warship, Jones continued a t his post and kept Islands). the boilers in operation despite dan72 ger leaking from steam lines and Lt. James R. Grey, USN, Belleville, flooding (30November 1942, off GuadN. J: After his ship had been severely alcanal) . . damaged during an engagement with Japanese forces, Lieutenant Grey enJohn W. Fechter, CPhM (PA) USN, tered gas-filled and flooding compartmentsand worked tirelessly to Lima, Ohio: On duty with the First an save the vessel (30 November 1942,in MarineRaiderBattalionduring engagement with Japanese forces, Solomon Islands area). Fechter constantly exposed himself to 72 enemy fire in caring for and evacuatLt. ( j g ) Allen W. Bain, USN, Fisher, ing wounded (13-14 September 1942; Guadalcanal) Minn.: When enemy torpedo fire started a blaze in what remained in Bruner W. Flowers, CPhM (AA), the anchor windlass roomand flooded USN, Angier, N. C.: Having administhe forwardmagazines of aUnited tered first aid t o wounded personnel States warship, Lieutenant Bain imwith mediately proceeded to the ,area and both during and after a battle directed fighting and extinguishing the Japanese, Flowers spent 10 hours the flames (30 November 1942, off in the water after his damaged ship, the U. S.S. Duncan, was abandoned. Guadalcanal)

Zas. His performance of duty contributed tothe success of the Dallas mission in landingArmy raider troops who captured an airfield (8-11 November 1942,Lyautey airfield).

Picked up by a rescue ship, he unhesitatingly resumed his first-aid efforts, working for a period of 36 hours without rest (11 October 1942, off Savo Island).

James Mann, CBM, USN, Centerview, N. C.: Injured at his battle station shortly after thebeginning of an engagement with Japanese forces, Mann, in the face of acute pain and waning strength, continued t o direct fire-fighting parties and other damagecontrol activities (13 November 1942, in the Solomon Islands area).

Frederick 0. Ulrich, CMoMM (AA) , USNR, Michigan City, Ind.: When a torpedo from a Japanese submarine struck his cargo ship, Ulrich worked to bring fires under control. During a second attack, he went to the aid of a shipmate caught by a submerged obstruction and succeeded in extricating him, saving life. his

Daniel J. Godsoe, CQM, USN, Hono. lulu, T H.: Aftersecuringrecords and publications scattered by a Japanese torpedo attack on his warship, Godsoe voluntereed his services aside from his regular duties and throughout the engagement exerciseda calming effect on enlisted personnel on the bridge (30 November 1942, off Guadalcanal) .

Ernest William Johnson, EMlc, USN, Elizabeth, City County, Va.: When his ship, the U. S. S. Gushing, was badly damaged by enemy bombardment, Johnson, after abandoning ship, returned to the vessel aboard a life raft and assisted inevacuating other personnel. He boarded the burning vessel and rendered further aid to his shipmates until compelled to again abandon ship to save own his life (12-13 November 1942, off Savo Island).

f r
William Robert Anderson, MMlc, USN, Elizabeth City County, Va.: During a Japanese torpedo attack which seriously damaged the forward engineroom, Anderson, twiceforced

(See Page 59)

Page 57

back by insufferable heat, succeeded i n entering the engineroom and closing a valve through which superheated steamwas thought tobe escaping (30November 1942, off Guadalcanal). Claud Hardy, PhMac, USNR, Miami, Qkla.: During an attack on his vessel by Japanese forces, Hardyaided in rescuing a man from No. 2 Areroom trunkandlater worked throughout t h e night assisting the medical officer at the after-battle dressing station below (30 decks November off 1942, Guadalcanal) . PaulJust, BM2c, USN, Cleveland, Qhio (missing) : Aboard the U. S. S. Barton, screening a carrier, Just, by airhis accurate fire against Japanese craft, shot down one plane and drove off a second (26 October 1942, near the Santa Cruz Islands).

tober 1942, in Japanese-controlled waters.


Lt. Richard S. Bull, Jr., USN, Long Beach, Calif. (missing in action) : Withnoregardfor his own safety, Lieutenant Bull, pilot of a fighter plane, zealously engaged Japanese aircraft, contributing materially to the defense of our forces (7-8 May 1942, during the Battle of the Coral Sea). Lt. Walter E. Clarke, USNR, Maywood, 111.: While operating with his squadron from an airfield on Guadalcanal, Lieutenant Clarke, with no regard for his own safety, engaged Japanese aircraft shot and down two planes (13-14 September, during Solomon Islands campaign).

this what they call a dimer Willlam D Upshaw, . GM2c, m, date? Pickens, Miss.:Despite the shock of being hurled overboard into t h e oil- fires and helped bringthemunder covered, burning Upshaw sea, was control. Later in the able to save himself by a line over the forward readyammunition to explode, boxes began ,side andafter being hauledaboard his warship reassembled his gun crew and he made hisway below decks and shipmates in throwing to its former combat efficiency (1No- assisted threeunexploded shells, overboard all vember 1942, off Guadalcanal) .

Hoist (NTS, San Diego, Calif.)


Clyde G. Storey, BM2c, USN, Niles, Qhio: When a direct hit from Japanese forces put his gun out of action, Storey rounded up wounded members of his crew, administered first aid and directed their transfer to rafts when the ship, the U. S.S. Monssen, was abandoned. Later, with two volunteers, he returnedto the stricken vessel while it was still burning, discovered eight injured shipmates still alive, rendered first aid andevacuated them on his raft (13 November 1942, o f Guadalcanal) . f

ammunition after his ship, the U.S. S. Northampton, had been damaged by a torpedo hit, Valentine climbed atop the flame-enveloped structure of the mainmast to administer first aid to a severely injured shipmate (30 November 1942, off Savo Island).

W. C-Valentine,Jr., Slc, USN, Kemp, Tex.: Menaced by heat and bursting;

Lt. (jg) Warren B. Matthew, USNR, Humboldt, Minn.: Contacting a large Japanese naval force, he closed upon the enemy and obtained vital information astothe size, course, and speed of the hostile units. Attacked by three seaplanes, he maneuvered with such skill that he successfully shot down one of the enemy planes, eluded the others and returned to his base, landing his entire crew without injury (25 October 1942, in South Pacific).

Lt. (jg) William S. Robinson, USN, Cristobal, C. Z. (missing in action) : Whileengaged in hazardous reconnaissance patrols inthe Makassar straits, Robinson, by his skillful airmanship, contributed materially to the accomplishment of avital and dangerous mission (25 February

Norman H. Thompson, PFC, USA: As a member of a patrol dispatched into enemy territory to establish contact with a unit on our right flank, Thompa son, upon successful fulfillment of Peter Ropos, Jr., MoMM~c, usN, the mission,was ambushed by Japanese firing machine guns. After the Cleveland, Ohio: Thrownoverboard patrol leader was killed and most of by the force of an explosion, Ropos, the remaining members seriously without a lifejacket,swamamong a group of struggling survivors, offer- wounded, Thompson and one other ing encouragement and rendering as- man risked their lives to withdraw the November sistance. Discovering an injured man, wounded personnel (10 he remained with him until they were 1942, in the Solomon Islands). both picked up several hours later (12-13 November 1942, off Guadalcanal, aboard the U. S. S. Burton).

Lt. (jg) Ralph H. Goddard, USNR, Bemidji, Minn. (posthumously) : Although strongly opposed by antiaircraft fire and Zeros, Lieutenant Goddard led his division of bombers in anattackonan enemy transport force,damaging two of the vessels. The following dayhe succeeded in locating a . target and destroying quantities of enemy ammunition, fuel, andsupplies (14-15 November 1942, off Guadalcanal) . Lt. (jg) Howard F. Clark, urn, Salisbury, Md. (missing in action) : Pressing home vigorous attacks against Japanese aircraft, Lieutenant Clark, with the help of his teammate, destroyed one of a formation of heavy bombers (20 February 1942).

Cecil L. Carpenter, PhMac, USN, Cambridge, Ohio: In the face of deva,stating Japanese fire,. Carpenter bravely administered first aid to his wounded comrades, many of whom were killed as he tended them (September 1942, Guadalcanal) .


Edward H. Happel, Cox, USNR, Louisville, Ky.: When a torpedo from a Japanese vesselcaused serious damage to his cargo ship, Happel fought

Lt. Robert T. Lampshire, USNR, Brighton, Colo.: After fighting off an enemy patrol bomber, Lieutenant Lampshire, commandinga PBY plane on a search mission, tracked two large enemy forces, obtainingandtransmitting valuable information despite interference by carrier-based planes. By his judgment and skill he was able to return safely to his station (25 Oc-

Lt. (jg) Clark F. Rinehart, USN, Pensacola, Fla. (missing) : As pilot of a fighter plane during the Battle of the CoralSea,Lieutenant Rinehart engaged Japanese aircraft and by his expert airmanship contributed materially to the defense of our forces (7-8 May 1942).

Page 58

Lt. Comdr. Henry S. Monroe, USN, Bellerica, Mass.: Although suffering from injuries received on the bridge of his submarine,Lieutenant Commander Monroe directed the control of an electrical fire on board his vessel and succeeded in returning to port without the loss of a man. Lt. Keith G. Nichols, USNR, Covina, of Calif.: By skillful performance duty as assistant approach officer aboard a United States submarine, he contributed to the successful completion of four war patrols resulting the sinkin ing of61,677 tons of enemy shfpping andthe damaging of an additional 30,210 tons. Despite poor visibility, he sighted an enemy submarine and conned his vessel into position from which a damaging attack was made (Japanese-controlled waters).
" A c m e Photograph.


MEMBERS OF THE ARMED GUARD HOhTORED: Melz who serve 0.n curgo ships, trunsports, and tulzkers receive medals, citutiolzs and letters of commendutiolz ut muss ceremolzies ut the S. Nuvy Armed Guurd Center receiving statiolz ilz Brooklylz, N . Y .

L. i

Ronald J. Fisher, ARJN2c. USN, Denver, Colo. (missing as of 4 June 1942) : Grimly awareof the hazardous consequences of flying without fighter protection and with insufficient fuel h i s czirrier, Fisher as toreturnto Lt. William V. Gough, Jr., USNR, radioman and free machine gunner Baltimore, Md.: As second pilot of a in a plane of Torpedo SquadronEight patrol Plane attacking Japanese naval a Ens. Newton H. Mason, USNR, Scars- pressed home his attack against Jap- units he was shot down and forced to dale, N. Y . (missing) : As pilot of a anese forces during the Air Battle of swim 30 hours t o reach shore. materially to Through his assistance survivors fighter plane during the Battleof the Midway, contributing the fulfilment of a vastly important were able to make a 15-day journey Coral Ensign Sea, Mason zealously mission. totheir command t o renewoffenengaged Japanese aircraft, thereby sive patrolsagainstthe enemy (27 72 contributing materiallyto the defense December 1941, in the vicinity of the of our forces (7-8 May 1942). Ross E. Bibb, Jr., ARM~c,USNR. Warrior, Ala. (missing as of 4 June Philippines). f3 Horace F Dobbs, CRM, USN, Long 1942) : Grimly awareof the hazardous . Beach, Calif. (missing as of 4 June consequences of flying without fighter Lt. (jg) Donald E. Finch, OSN, Evfuel to erett, Wash.: As electrical officer 1942) : Grimly aware of the hazardous escortandwithinsuffcient consequences of flying without fighter return to his carrier, Bibb, a member aboard a United States submarine he support and with insufficient fuel to of TorpedoSquadronEight, pressed contributed largely t o the successful return to his carrier, Dobbs, a radio- homehis attacksagainstJapanese completion of three highly successful forces during the Air Battle of Midman free and machine gunner in Torpedo Squadron Eight, pressed way, contributingmateriallytothe fulfilment of a vastly important home his attacksagainstJapanese forces during the Air Battle of Mid- mission. way, contributingmateriallytothe 72 fulfilment of a vastly important Max A. Calkins, ARM3c, OSN, Wymission. more, Mebr. (missing ,as of 4June a 1942) : Grimly awareof the hazardous Bernerd P. Phelps, ARM2c, USN, consequencesof flying without fighter Lovington, Ill. (missing) : As radio- escort and with insufficient fuel to reman and free machinegunner of a turn to his carrier, Calkins, a member plane of Torpedo Squadron Eight dur- of TorpedoSquadron Eight, pressed ing the Battle of Midway, he pressed homehis attacksagainstJapanese home his attack with utter disregard forces during the Air Battle of Midfor his own safety contributing t o the way, contributingmateriallyto the success of United States forces fulfilment of a vastly important (4 June 1942). mission. (See Page 61) Lt. (jg) Roy 0. Hale, USN, Monroe, La. (missing) : As pilot of a scouting plane during the Battle of the Coral Sea, Lieutenant Hale boldly engaged attacking Japanese aircraft in spite of fierce fighter opposition (7-8 May 1942).

Lt. John E. Kirk, USN, Holdenville, Okla.: As officer in charge of a power boat engaged in rescuingpersonnel from a stranded United States warship, Lieutenant Kirk, despite rough water and jagged rocks, pulled the boat alongsideand succeeded in evacuating personnel fromthestricken ship and the sea.


Page 59

war patrols and the safe return his of ship(Japanese-controlled port to waters).

Ensign Nathan S. Ayer, USN, North Stonington, Conn.: By skilful and determined efforts to maintain the main motors of a United States submarine, he contributed largely to the success his ship achieved in sinking and severely d a m a g i n g a considerable amount of enemy shipping (four Patrols in Japanese-controlled waters). BoatswainJoseph F. Young, USN, Kingston, N. Y.: I n utter disregard for his own safety, he set out in a a motor whaleboat from United States warship to rescue 12 members of the crew of a merchantman, brokenon the rocks and being pounded mounby tainous seas. During a second attempt to rescue additional memcrew bers his boat was swampedand Young with 17 others disappeared into the sea (31 December1942). John D. Coggin, CEM, USN, Mariette, Ga.: During an engagement with a Japanese gunboat, Coggins submarine rammed the enemy vessel and it countered with a blast from a heavy machinegun, inflicting greatdamage. Skillfully maintaining vital electrical equipment as long as possible andlater makinghastyrepairs, he enabled his ship tobe kept under control and reach port safely. WilliamWagner, CQM, USN, New York, N. Y.: During an engagement with Japanese a gunboat during which several officers and men of his submarine were killed and wounded. Wagnerclimbed tothe bridge and assisted in removing two of the injured men to the conning tower. As .the submarine submerged, he worked toprevent flooding of the conning tower and enabled his crippled ship to make port safely.

The Hoist (NTS, San Diego, Calif. )

Gregory A. Teixeira, SIC, USNR, Elmhurst, Calif. (posthumously) : While serving as the first loader for one of the guns of a .40-mm quad mount, Teixeira was about to load his gun when an explosion took place, a knocking himoff balance. Despite seJames A. Benfield, Cox, Catawba rious injuries, he kept the clip of amCounty, N. C.: Seeing a shipmate fall munition from striking the gun or a accidentally between his ship and the fallingon the platform, knowing it Leo F. Spurgeon, GM2c, USN, Bos- dock, Benfield dived overboard into mightprove fatalto his comrades, mount and ton, Mass.: After his ship, the U. s. s. the icy river and held the head of the then climbed off the crew Monssen, had been damaged by Jap- unconscious man above the water un- handed the projectiles to another member. Starting away, he staggered anese fire and abandoned, Spurgeon, til a line was securedaroundhim and collapsed and, althoughgiven imalongwith two others,returnedto (20April 1942; East Boston, Mass.). mediate treatment, died of hisinthe burning vessel the following juries. a morning and assisted in locating and evacuating eight wounded shipmates a Joe G. Hughes, Flc, USN, Houston, still alive (13 November 1942, off Tex.: After his ship, the S. S. MonsU. Leo F. Peterschmidt, S ~ C , KanUSN, Guadalcanal) sen, had been damaged by Japanese sas City, Mo. (deceased) : Tying a a waist, Feterfire abandoned, and Hughes, along heavy rope around his Clyde J. Killebrew, QM2c, USNR, with two others, returned to burn- Schmidt swam through &foot breakthe Massie, Ga.: While on gangway watch, ing vessel the following morning and ers to the aid of four soldiers washed Killebrew, hearing a man crying for assisted in the location and evacua- overboard during landing operations. William A. Ward, MoMMlc, USN, Texarkana, Ark.: As diving plane operator of a United States submarine during four successive war patrols against the enemy, Ward by his fearless performance of duty contributed materially tothe success of action againstthe enemy.

help, shed his outer clothing dived and overboard swimming to the assistance of a man caught in a strong current. When about10 yards fromthe drowning man, he realized thathe was sinking for the third time and dove to reach him underwater, supporting himuntilthearrival of the ships boat (23 January 1943, in the Miami River).

tion of eight wounded shipmates still f alive (13 November 1942, o f Guadalcanal).

Page 60

Aftertying the ropearound two of the menwhowerepulled ashore, he helped the others intoboat, but sank a from sight before he, himself, could be pulled aboard.

age toan enemy battleship. Again on 27 December he navigated a group of patrolplanes which launched a successful attack on Japanese naval forces and shore installations in the Philippines.
7 2 .


(jg) George M. Davidson, Keendovick, Idaho (gold star in Alexander L. Cameron, AMMlc, USN, lieu of second Air Medal) : Although Alert Bay, British Columbia (posthehad been onduty almost conhumously): Under the most severe stantly for the past 48 hours, Lieuweather conditions and in theface of tenant Davidson volunteered to assist persistent antiaircraft fire from ships in the search for a patrol plane lost with dnd shore stations, Cameron at sea south of the Aleutian Islands. conscientiousdevotion todutycarWhen the plane was located he flew ried out the tasks assigned him durback tohis base, refueled andreing missions patrol and bombing turned to remain overnight with the attacks against Japanese in ships lost plane under extremely hazardous Ens. Russell F. Chambers, USNR,, Kiska Harbor (1-15 June 1942). weather conditions. As a result of Fullerton, Calif. (posthumously) : As this action he was in the air 24% bombardier of a patrol bomber, he Earl E. Evans, AMMlC, USNR, BOWhours out of25. contributed materially to severe dam-bells, N. Dak.: As a mechanic and age inflicted upon aJapanesebatgunner aboard a patrol plane, Evans Ervin F. Wendt, ACOM, USN, Pot- tleship 10 December 1941, and to suc- skilfully assisted in determined attowattamie County, Iowa(gold star in cessful attacks upon Japanese naval tacks against Japanese ships in Kiska lieu of a second Air Medal) : As air units and shore installations in the Harbor despite adverse weather conPhilippines 27 December 1941. bomber and tunnel gunner attached ditions and withering fire from ship t o Torpedo Squadron Eight, Wendt and shore installations. a took part in 11 aerial assaults, conEnsign Donald Gordon, USNR, Fort a tributing materially to the success of Scott,Kans.:Taking off with other Harvey Mercer, ARM~c, USNR, Oakattack missions (September-October land, Calif. (posthumously) : As ra1942, in the Solomon Islands area). fightingplanesforhisfirstcombat flight in defense of his carrier, Ensign dioman and gunner aboard a patrol a Gordon, despite attacks by a large plane, Mercer assisted in determined Frank R. Falk, ARM2c, USNR, San number of Japanese planes, de- attacks against Japanese shipping in Kiska Harbor despite adverse weather torpedo planes Pedro, Calif. (gold star inlieu of a sec- stroyed two enemy fire from and damaged a third (26 October conditions and withering ond Air Medal): As radiomanand ship and shore installations. 1942, near the Santa Cruz Islands). gunner of a patrol plane during the Aleutian Islands campaign, Falk asa $s sisted in dive-bombing and strafing John Liska, ARM2c, USN, Van Nuys, PhotographerVernon J. DeRoco, attacks against Japanese shipping in USN, Seattle, Wash.: During action Calif.: During two engagements with Kiska Harbor (10-20 June 1942). against Japanese forces in the Aleu- the enemy, Liska,radioman-gunner of a scoutingsquadron attached to a tian Islands campaign, he made nuLt. (jg) Clarence J. Bannowsky herous flightsin Army and Navy the U. S. S. 'Enterprise, skillfully USN, Menard, Tex.: When his plane aircraft, obtaining photographs of manned his gun and shot down four was intercepted andshot down by great value in subsequent operations Japanese fighters (including the batenemy aircraft, Lieutenant Bannow- against enemy-occupied positions tle near the Santa CruzIslands, 26 October 1942). sky, on the point of abandoning ship, (June 1942). zrs realized that rapidly-diminishing alA titude would endanger the lives of JohnArthur Moore, ARM~c,USN, John J. Dougherty, Jr., CAP (AA), crew members atempting to bail out. USN, Philadelphia, Pa.: When Houston, Tex.: Taking partinrehis He crawled back into the cockpit and plane was securing and transmitting peated attacks of his squadron against despite the lack of lateral control, information after contacting a large majorJapanese forces, Moore, atsucceeded in landing the plane, saving Japanese naval force, Dougherty was tached to theU.S. S. Enterprise, shot the lives of three other members of by enemy planes. down a t least ane enemy fighter (14 the crew (16 January 1942, on recon- attacked downthreeand possibly dam- November 1942, battlefor Solomon Shooting one naissance duty). aging a second, the remaining planes Islands). a retired and his plane was able to reLt. (jg) Carl B. Hendricks, USNR, turn safely ( 2 5 October 1942, in the Miami, Ariz.: As commander of a South Pacific area). patrolplane engaged in reconnaisa sance, he obtainedandtransmitted Delbert R.-Bolman,CAP (AA) , USN, vitalinformation resulting in damCalif.: his plane age to Japanese vessels. He failed to Newhall, While severe weather and a low return from the flight (4 February in braved ceiling to attack Kiska Harbor, Bolthe Makassar Straits). man's handling of his guns, contriba utedmaterially to Lt. (jg) Marsh W. Miller, Jr., ment of a dangerous the accomplishand important USNR, Binghamton, N. Y. (posthumission. mously) : Flying in a formation of a patrol bombers 10 December 1941, I Gordon C. Gardner, ACRM, USN, ' Lieutenant Miller participated in an San Diego,Calif.: After taking part attack which inflicted severedam(See Page 63)


Ens. Leonard Robinson, USNR, Seattle, Wash.: Attached to an airgroup of the U..S. S. Enterprise, Ensign Robinson scored a direct hit with a heavy bomb on a Japanese transport attempting to land troops on Guadalcanal,contributingto the vessel's ultimate destruction. Although his plane was set afire during a second attack,he succeeded in extinguishing the blaze, eluding a number of Zeros, and landed safely 14 November 1942).

in an attack against Japanese cruisers, Gardnerwentaloftagainina raidonenemytransportsandshot down a Zero. When another enemy planeattackedone of ouraircraft with its guns jammed, Gardner drove off the enemywith his guns. Later he strafed the deck of an enemy transport (14 November 1942, in the Solomon Islands area).



Page 61

Income 'Lax

excess of $624. An example follows:

INCOME TAX (1) Estimated active service pay for 1943_------1______-__"$3,000 (2) Less exclusion of pay (up to $1,500) 1,5008

(Corntinued from Page 11 1

to gross income from such wages of his spouse, exceeds $3,500;or (2) gross income other than from wages subject to withholding which, when a8dded to gross income other than from such wages of his spouse, exceeds, $100, and his gross income from all sourcesexceeds $624 for 1943 or the aggregate gross incomefrom all sources of both spouses amounts to $1,2008 or more for either 1942 or


(3) Estimated gross income----(4) Minus: Estimated allowable deductions for 1943 (In(5) Estimated net income______ (6) Minus: Personal exemption


terest paid, taxes, contributions, etc.) ______-____ 200


(Married with no children)__-___---_--------- 1.200


tal status, who were required to fde an income tax return for the taxable o year 1942 and whose wages subject t withholding for the taxableyear 1943 can reasonably be expected to be less than such wages for the taxable Year

( c ) Individuals, regardless of mari-

Estimated surtax net incorne____-------------_(8) Minus:Earned income credit (10% o item 3, but f not more than 10% of item 5)"



Estimated normal-tax net income-____--___--_-_"-

VICTORY TAX (10) Estimated victory-tax net in-

For thepurpose of the declarationrequirementsstatedin (a) and ( b ), in determining whether a person is single or married,his marital status at the time the declaration is required is controlling. (e) I f the individual was not required to file a declaration but, because of a change of status (marriage, divorce, death of spouse, etc.) or because of a revision of his prior estimates of gross income, he does come within the requirements, adeclaration is required to be filed on or beforethe 15thday of thelastmonth of the quarter of the year in which such requirements are first met. Place for filing declaration of estimated tax.-Declarations areto be filed with the Collector of Internal Revenue for the district in which is located the legal residenceorprincipal place of business of the person making the declaration. Military or naval personnel ordinarily retain the same legal residence which they had before enteringthe service. If they have no legal residence or principal place of business in the United States, they should file with the Collector of Internal Revenue at Baltimore, Maryland. Computation of tax on estimated 1943 income.-To compute the estimated tax for the purpose of making his-declaration,the individual will estimatehis probableincomefrom which he will deduct his probable allowable deductionsto obtainhis probable net income. He will then deduct his personal exemptionand credit for dependents t o arrive a t surtax net income. From the surtax net income income his h e will deduct earned credit to arrivea t normal-tax net income. He will then compute surtax on the surtaxnet incomeand will compute normal tax on the normaltax net income. The next step will be to compute the estimated victorytax which is at the rate of 5% on probable victory-tax income net in

come (Same as item 3 ) ____ $1,500 Minus exemption _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ 624 Balance subject to tax---_


SUNIMARY (12) Estimated surtax (13% of item 7)-_-"-_"""""- $13.00 (13) Estimated normal tax (6% of item9)---_--------------(14) Estimated victory tax ( 5 % of item 11)" $43.80 (15) Less post-war credit


17.52 26.28 . Tax on estimated 1943 income - 39.25

currently taken, limited to 40% of item (14) (see par. 18) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-The Key

Outpost (NOB, Key West, Fla.)


"Damrn these ersatz things. I'll bet the bicycle won't work either."

Explanation of victory tax.-Beginning with the year 1943, each indi- return, if the victory-tax net income vidual is subject to victory taxin of onespouseis less than $624, the addition to regular income tax. aggregate specific exemption of both Victory tax is at the rate of 5% spouses is $624 plus thevictory-tax onvictory-tax net incomein excess net income of such spouse. of specific exemption of $624. VicA post-war credit willbeallowed tory-tax net income includes all gross againstthe victory tax liability. In income exclusive of capital gains the case of a single person, the credit (gains from sales of securities, etc.) willbe equal to 25% of the victory and taxable interest received on U.S. tax,butnot more than $500. With Government obligations issued prior respect to the head of a family, or to March 1, 1941. Service pay up to married persons filing joint returns, $1,500 is, of course, also excluded from the credit will be equal to 40% of the victory-tax net income. The deduc- victory tax, but not more than $1,000. tions interest for paid, taxes, con- Where married persons living together tributions, etc., which are allowable in file separate returns the limitationon determining net income subject to thethe post-war credit is $500 for each regular income tax are not allowable spouse. A similar credit will be alin computing victory-tax net income, lowed foreachdependentequalto unlessthey are directly attributable 2% of the victory tax, but not more to the individual's trade or business, than $100. At the election of the taxor are incurred in connection withthe payer, the post-war credit may be used production of taxable income. The as an offset against the current tax deductions directly attributable to the liability (so as toreduce the amountof individual's trade or business, or those thecurrentpayment) to theextent incurred in connection with the proof an amount equivalent to the sum duction of taxableincome, are not, of: however,, available if he elects to file (1) Life-insurance premiums paid duron the simplified return form, Form ing thecurrent year on life insurance

In the case of husbandand wife making separate returns for the taxable year, each is entitled to specific a exemption of $624. Inthe case of husband and wife making a joint tax

outstanding on September 1, 1942,on his own life or upon the lives of his spouse and/or his dependents. (2) The amount by which the smallest amount of his indebtedness outstanding a t any time during the period beginning September 1, 1942,andendingwith the

Page 62

the tax as finally determined shall be increased by 10%. (b) In the case of failure to pay an installment of estimated tax when due, there shall be added to the tax as finally- determined, $2.50 or 2%% of such tax,.whichever is the greater, for each late installment payment. (c) If 80% of the tax as finally determined is more than the estimated tax plus credits for tax withheld, if Amended Declaration.-In case it is any,asshownondeclarationmade amendedon December found that a declared estimate should or of the currento r beforeyear, there 15 taxable be revised, an amendeddeclaration may be filed. Such amended declar- shall be added to such finally determined tion shallbe filed onor beforethe 15th lowing tax the lesser of the two folamounts: day of the last month of any quarter (1) The of the finally of thecurrenttaxable year. Where determinedexcess of 80% estimated tax the original declaration is found to plus creditstax over the for tax withheld, if any, have been too low, an amendment is or will be advisablebecauseapenalty (2) imposed in any case where the esti- finally 6 % of the amountby which the determined tax exceeds mated tax plus credits for tax with- estimated tax plus credits for the tax held, if any, is less than 80% of the withheld, if any. actual as tax, finally determined. Criminal penalties.-A c r i m a 1 in (See par. 22.) penalty of $10,000 Joint declarations.-A joint decla- imprisonment or (maximum) and/or not more than one ration may be filed by a husband and year is imposed for wife (provided neither is a nonresi( a ) Willful failure to file return o r dent alien), but such joint declaration does not bind them to file a joint tax declaration. failure to pay the taxr (b) Willful o return. The filing of separate decla- estimated tax. rations does not preclude the filing of Deferments.-The deferments aua joint tax return. thorized by Statute tomembers of the Income and victory tax returns.armed forces with respect to thefiling On March 15 of each year the individ- of returns and the payment of taxes ual will file his income and victory tax are not changed in any way by the return the for preceding calendar of 1943. he year; i. e., on March 15, 1944, will Current Tax Payment Act 25 and 68 (See paragraphs 22 through file his tax return for the calendar through 71 of FederalIncome Tax he year 1943, and on March 15, 1945,. Information Pamphlet dated Decemwillfile his return for the calendar 1942). year 1944. At the time of filing such ber 18, to the These deferments also extend filing of declarations returnthe individual will pay any balance of tax remaining afterapply- and the payment of estimated taxes. ing his installment payments and any credits resulting from income and Abatememt of Tax i m Case of Death victory taxes which may have been with- In the case of any person who dies held at the source; o r if an overpay- on o r after December 7, 1941, while ment of tax has resulted, such overpayment will be refunded or credited in active service as a member of the under regulations to be prescribed by military or naval forces of the United the Commissioner of Internal Reve- States or anyof the other United Nanue. The unforgiven portion of 1942 tions, and prior to the terminationof tax liability (25% of the tax on 1942 the present War as procl-aimed by the and victory income or 1943 income, whichever is President, the income lesser) will be shown on the 1943 tax taxes shall n o t apply with respect to return but may be paid in two equal his income for the year inwhich falls installments, on March 15, 1944, and thedate of hisdeath.The income on March 15, 1945. andvictorytaxes for allpreceding The Current Tax Payment Act of taxable years which remain unpaid a t 1943 makes no change with respectto the date of his death shall not asbe requirements for filing taxreturns sessed; but if such taxes are paid subunder existing provisions of the Insequent to the date his death, such of ternal Revenue Code. (See pars. 17 Payment shall be credited or refunded through 21 of Federal Income Tax In- as an overpayment. Such cancellaformation Pamphlet dated December tion, credit, o r refund will apply also 18, 1942; addition, a return of vic- to any interest penalties which may in or tory tax must filed by every person have been added to the tax. be receiving a gross income of $624 or more in 1943.) Guide t o Determinatiolz of 1943 Tax Penalties.-The new law prescribes U d e r Currew Tax Paymemt Act certain additions tothetax which of 1943 are in the natureof penalties. (a) In the case of failure to file a The determination of the taxes due timelydeclaration of estimatedtax, for 1943 may be simplified by the use

close of the preceding taxable year, exceeds the amountof his indebtedness outstanding at the close of the taxable year. (3) The amount by which the amount of the United States Savings Bonds, Series E F.and G , owned by him on the lastday . of the taxable year exceeds the greater of ( A ) the amount of such obligations ownedby him on-December 31, 1942, or (B) the highest amount of such obligations owned by him on the last day of any preceding taxable year ending after December 31, 1942.

of the following guide, except in cases involving credits for taxes paid at the source on interest from tax-freecovenant bonds. Where the term tax is used below it means the tax computed without regard to interest and additions to such tax, and without regard to credits for taxes collected at the source on wages:
Revised 1943 tax equals the sum of the following amounts: I Regular income and victory . tax for 1943, computed without regard to the Current Tax ( I Payment Act of 1943
1 . Add: 1 (1) Increase, if any, to extent that 1942 tax exceeds (a)_ _ _ Less amount of 1942 tax


which was attributable to the inclusion of earned income (up to $14,000)in 1942 taxable income (see par. 8)Excess, if any, of ( b ) over

C .

(whichever is the lesser) over $50_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Whichever is the smaller, (e) or ( f ) ( 3 ) Antiwindfall addition, if any: 75% of the lesser of 1942 tax or 1943 tax-____ Tentative tax (at rates for 1942 or 1943, whichever years tax is the lower) computed on s u m of the base year surtaxnet income plus $20,000 (see par. 10 for special rules of computation) Excess of (h) over ( i ) _ _ -

(2) Ordinary addition: Either: 25% of the lesser of the 1942 taxorthe 1943 tax-___-_--_-_____e Or: The excess of the 1942 tax ,or the 1943 tax




III. Revised 1943 tax (sum

a, d, g, and j )



NoTE.-Amounts ( a ) and (a) are includible in the declaration of estimated 1943 tax to be filed by September 15, 1943, and in the 1943 returnto be filed by March 15, 1944. Amount (g) isincludible i the 1943 n return to be filed by March 15, 1944, but may be paid in twoequal installments on -March 15, 1944,and March 15, 1945. Amount ( j ) isincludible inthe final 1943 return to be filed by March 15, 1944, but may be paid infourequalannual installments on March 15 of each of the years 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, with inand terest a t 4% a year from March 15, 1944, to date of payment,

T h e Beam (NAS, Corpus Christi, Tex.)

( ! ! !


Page 63


(Comtinued from

p. 27)

Rear Admiral E. J. Marquart, USN, for the last 2 years commandant of the New York Navy Yard, Brooklyn, 1942 also comand since March mandant of the Third Naval District, has been relieved of his duty at the Navy Yard to devote full time to the post of district commandant. Admiral Marquartssuccessor as commandant of the yard is Rear Admiral Monroe Kelly, USN, who has been on sea duty since the outbreak of the war and who Won the Distinguished Service Medal for his part in theoccupation of French Morroco.

Rear Admiral George Barry Wilson to chief of staff of Admiral Harold R. Stark, commander of United States naval forces in Europe.

Brig. G n Littleton W. T. Waller, e Jr., USMC, to director of personnel of the Marine Corps.



Designed t o call attention to published information otherwise be which may or publisher parenin missed. Activity thesis indicates where publication may be obtained;cost, if any,asindicated. Issuingactivitiesshouldfurnishlistings t o editor.


Oficial CastawayBaedaker to theSouth Seas (Objective Data Section, IntelligenceCenter, Pacific OceanArea) : How to survive in the South Seas. WartimeSafety Measures for the MerchantMarine for January 1943 (Coast Guard) : Regulations and recommendations. Monthly Allowances for the Dependents of Men in the Navy,Coast Guard and Marine Corps (BuPers) : General information.
Nom.-The address of the P. D. and Ione Perkins Bookstore, referred to in the May 1943 issue in connection with Elementary Japaneseshould read South Pasadena, Calif .,I instead of Pasadena.

PERIODICALS Oficial TraDiv for Letter 15 July 1943 (Training Division, BuPers) : BuMed With the Marine Corps; U. s. Maritime officers Training; The Caliber of Merchant Marine Cadets; Audio-visual Program at. Sampson; Advanced NTSch, Treasure Island.

flying experience of the pilots was wide. The squadron has an enviable record of victories at the time of its decommissioning in June 1942. Last fall I was ordered t o report as commanding officer of a new squadron, then forming at San Diego. With the exception of one officer from my old squadron, I had practically no one except new officers who had just completed training. It looked like it was going to be a terrific undertaking totrain theseapparentlygreen fellows so that they wouldbe ready for combat in a short time. Theyve been inthe Pacific all thisspringand you canjudge how good they must be by the number of Japs being shot down theise days. The Jap pilots are good, but they are far inferior to the pilots we are putting combat. into The success of our boys is due to their typical American courage backed up by the wellrounded and complete training they receive. Lt. Comdr. Fenton fought from the U. S. S. Yorktown through the battles of Tulagi, Coral SalaSea, maua-Lae, and Midway. He wears the Navy Cross. How well the present generation o f instructors has trained the pres-~ ent generation pilots now in comof bat is vividly reflected by the smashing victories won in the air in the bitterSouth Pacific battling of recent weeks. On 16 June, when a huge force of Jap bombers and fighters attacked Guadalcanal, 77 enemyplanes were Navy, Marine, shot down by Army, and New Zealand pilots, againsta loss of 6 planes. Sixteen Zeros and 14 bombers were-destroyed by 28 Navy pilots. This battle followed shortly a skirmish in which four Marine pilots, three of themlieutenants, broke up and drove off a formation of 40 Jap bombers and fighters. On 30 June,after United States forces had landed on Rendova Island in the opening phase of the current South Pacific offensive, 101 Jap planes were shot down as they tried desperately topreventthe occupation. Naval airandsurface forces, and Army aviators, scored this victory overZeros,Aichidivebombers, and Mitsubishi medium bombers. In addition, Navy dive and torpedo bombers have strategic kept Jap bases inthearea of the offensive under constant pounding.

Official U. S. N a ~ y Photograph.

JAP BOMBSlGHT: The bullet hole wear the cemter of the shaft was the only damage dome t o this Japanese bombsight, captured om Attu whem American forces o u d up thecamw paig.n at Chichagof Harbor. I t is being studied today by U.S. m l ii tary experts.

Page 64

Assignment Chunges O f Bureuu 0ficers

The following changes intheassignment o f officers inthe Bureau have been effected: Capt. Thomas R. Cooley, USN, to Director of Officer Personnel vice Capt. William M. Fechteler, USN, to sea. Capt. John W. Roper, USN, to Assistant Director of Officer Personnel vice Captain Cooley. Capt. Edmund T. Wooldridge, USN, to Director of Officer Distribution vice Captain Roper. Capt. J. A. Waters, USN, to Director of OEcerPerformance Division vice Capt. B. B. Biggs, USN, to sea.

may beopened to facilitate detachment of tags. Sources of supply for both tags and cables are Naval Supply Depot, Bayonne, N. J., and Naval Supply Depot, Oakland, Calif., on requisition. Official promulgationof regulations governing the above is contained in R1083 and R-1105 of the 1 June 1943 Navy Department Bulletin.

Monthly Contribution of 20 Cents Abolished

Naval personnel are no longer requiredtocontribute 20 centsout of their pay month each toward the naval hospital fund. Public law 73, passed by the 78th

Identificution Tugs
In accordance with an approved change to Navy Regulations, two identification tags are mandatory for in wear by all naval personnel time of waror national emergency. In case of capture or death, one tag remains on the person while the other is forwarded to the Bureau. International Convention provides that the foreign power into whose custody a man may fall, return one tag through the International Red Cross. Information required to stamped be oretchedoneach tag (on one side only) is as follows: ( a ) name; (b) officers jacket number or mans service number; ( c ) blood type; ( d ) date of administration of tetanus toxoid (e. g., T-8/16/42); ( e ) appropriate letters, USN, USNR, etc. The placing of religious preference (P for Protestant, C for Catholic, and H for Hebrew) is optional. New tags are made of 17 percent chrome (stainless) steel, and are oval in shape. Tags now in use areto be retained as one of the two. A new braided plasticand steel-wire cable, with a 24-inch loop and an attachment for both tags, will be available to all personnel in the immediate future. The wire is designed to withstand a temperature of 2,000 and will retain a t least a 5-pound pull even after heat has burned the plastic composition. The wireisdesigned to break at 21 pounds, when unburned, topreventaccidental injury to the wearer, and can be cut readily with a knife. In addition, jump the ring

Page Bad Conduct Discharge, story of a man with . . . . . . . . 69 BuPers officers, changes of assignment in 65 Ceiling prices, slate gray uniforms 67 Completed Staff Work . . . . . 66 Family Allowance actionheld up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Hospital fee abolished 65 Identification tags . . . . . . . 65 Library an Guadalcanal . . . . 69 Maternity a n d infant care plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 National Service Life Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Navy Mutual Aid . . . . . . . . 66 Officers per diem allowance . 67 Play writing contest for servicemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Presidential Uriit Citation ribbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Rensselaer T e c h, scholarship for 71 Submarine insignia for medical officers . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Training course matters . . . . 70 Uniform Regulations . . . . . . 67 Yosemite Convalescent Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Congress, abolished, effective 1 July 1943, the naval hospital fund. Any unobligated balances were turned over t o the U. S. Treasury. Inthe future, funds for the operation and maintenance of navalhospitals will be provided throughannual appropriationsfrom the generalfund of the Treasury. Public law 73 also abolished the fundcontainingreturnsfrom Navy fines and forfeitures, remaining money to be turned over to theTreasury. Returns from all fines, forfeitures, etc., now go to the Treasury, and annual appropriations for Pay, subsistence and transportation shall be available payment for of personal allowances of prisoners, and transportation, gratuity, and civilian clothing of discharged naval prissoners; Under the terms of the act, all forfeitures on account of desertion, which formerly went to the credit of the naval hospital fund, willgo into the Treasury, provided that pensions of inmates of naval homes or hospitals, heretofore required by law to be deducted from the account of the pensioner and applied for the benefit of the fund from which suchhome or hospital is maintained, shall be deposited into the Treasury.

......... ...............

Maternity and Infunt Care For Wives and Infants Of Men in Military Service
An appropriation of$4,400,000 has been made available to the Department of Labor for grants to States, including Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the Districtof Columbia, to continue the plan established by the Childrens Bureau of that Department,andoutlinedin Alnav 91 of May1943, to providemedical, nursing and hospital maternity and infant care for wives and infants of enlisted men in the armed forces of the United States of the fourth, fifth, sixthor seventh grades, during the fiscal year



Under thisplanthe wife of any enlisted man of the Navy, Coast Guard or Marine Corps in the four lowest pay grades, including those deceased~ missing in action, irreor spective of her legal residence and financial status, and providing the State inwhich she is presently located

Page 65

has a plan approvedby the Childrens Bureau of the Department of Labor, is eligible to make applicationfor and receive medical and hospital maternity services. The child (or children) ,,under one year of age, of an enlisted man in the above categories is likewise eligible for medical, surgical and hospital care under this plan provided application is completed and signed by the wife or guardian. These services are available, however. onlv whensimilar services are not otheiwiseprovided by the Navy

or from facilites provided by or through official or local health agencies. Application forms for this care are available from State and local health and welfare agencies, AmericanRed Cross chapters, prenatal clinics, and other community agencies, and from local physicians participating in the program. Requests for information concerning the program in any state should beaddressed to the Director of Maternal and Child Health in care of the State Health Department.

(This article, written by the staff of the ArmyandNavyJournal, is reprinted by special permission from that publication) 1.The doctrineof completed staff work is a doctrine of this office. 2. Completed staff work is the study of a problem, and presentation of a solution, by a staff officer, in such form that all that remains to be done on the part of the head of the staff division, or the commander, is to indicate hisapproval or disapproval of the completed action. The words completed action are emphasized because the more difficult the problem is, the more the tendency is to present the problem to the chief in piece-meal fashion. It is your duty as a staff officer to work out the details. You should not consult your chief in the determination of those details, no matter howperplexing they may be. You mayandshould consult other staff oficers. The product, whether it involves the pronouncement of a new policy or affects a n established one, should, when presented to the chief for approval or disapproval, beworked out in finished form. 3. The impulse which often comes to the inexperienced staff officer to ask the chief what to do recurs more often when the problem is difficult. I t is accompanied by a feeling of mental frustration. It is so easy to ask the chief what to do, and it appears so easy for him to answer. Resist that impulse. You will succumb to it only if youdo not know your job. It is your job to advise your chief what he ought to do, not to ask him what you ought to do. Heneeds answers, not questions. Your job is to study, write, restudy, and rewrite until you have evolved a single proposed action-the best one of all you have considered. Your chief merely approves or disapproves. 4. Do not worry your chief with long explanations and memoranda. Writing a memorandum to your chief does not constitutecompleted staff work, but writing a memorandum for your chief to send to someone else does. Your views should be placed before him in finished form so that he can make them his views simply by signing his name. I n most instances, completedstaffwork results in a single document prepared f for the signature of the chief, without accompanying comment. I the proper result is reached, the chief will usually recognize it a t once. I f he wants comment or explanation, he ask for it. will 5. Thetheory of completed staff workdoes not preclude a rough draft but t h e rough draft must not be half-baked ideas. It must be complete in every respect except that it lacks the requisite number of copies and need not be neat. But a rough draft must not be used as an excuse for shifting to the chief the burden of formulating theaction. 6. The completed staff work theory may result inmore work for the staff officer, but it results in more freedom for the chief. This is as it should be. Further it accomplish& two things: ( a ) The Chief is protected from half-baked ideas, voluminous memoranda, and immature oral presentations. ( b ) The staff officer who has a real idea to sell is enabled more readily to find a market. 7. When you have finished our completed staff work the final test is this: If youwerechiefwouldyoube willing t o sign the paper you have prepared, and stake your professional reputation on its being right? If the answer is in the negativ?: take it back and work it over because it is not yet completed staff work.


The application form is to be completed and signed by the wife or guardian and by the attending physician (private or clinic physician) prior to receiving hospitalization and forwarded by the physician or clinic totheState Director of Maternal to a deputy and Child Health or authorized by him to receive such applications. Funds under apthis propriationcannot beused inpart payment for more expensive hospital by accommodations contracted for either the enlisted man or his wife. The service number of the enlisted man(husband)must be entered on the application. In order thatauthorization for care under this program may be expedited, personnel whose dependents are authorized to receive such care should inform their wives of their service number. The service numbermust be verified by the attending physician from the applicants family allowance award notice, which is mailed to dependents prior to receiving theirfirstfamily allowance check, orfrom a letter from her husband. I n exceptional cases when this is not possible, the state agency must verify the husbands service number through othersources. Applicationswillbeapproved and authorization care for given only when the medical or hospital care is provided by doctors of medicine and by hospitalsmeeting thestandards established by the state health agencies.

Family Quarters Umzvailable at Yosemite Hospital

Married personnel of the United States Navy who are ordered to duty at the United States Convalescent Hospital, Yosemite National Park, Calif., are advised not to take their families with them, as housekeeping quarters are not available there.

Navy Mutual Aid

Owing to the difficulty of ascertaining correct addresses of personnel under war conditions, the Navy Mutual Aid Association is attempting to establish and maintain a membership address system. Members of the association are requested to advise the associations office, Navy Department, Washington, D. of C., theirpresent address. Further, they are requested to keep the associations office advised of their change of address. This action is necessary in order that theindividual members may be communiif necessary, cated promptly, with concerning their membership, and to insure their receiving any announcement of interest made by the association.

Ceiling Prices Announced ForSlate Gray Uniforms

Ceiling prices that will shortly be placed in effect for the new slate gray summer working uniforms for officers of the United States Navy were announced by the Office of Price Administration. The prices areforcottoncloth. Maximum prices for these uniforms, without buttons, for commissioned and warrant officers of the Navy will be as follows: At BymanuFull unifonn-

It should be noted, OPA said, that retailers who purchase these goods a t prices lower than those listed for manufacturers will have selling prices nohigher than 150 percent of the costs to them. Blue White 1 Working4 These prices will be incorporatedin a forthcoming amendment to Maxi- Coat.......... ..... ..... Blue 2 . . . . . . . . . . White-. . . . . . . . Gray (cloth or lace ......... ........ gold mum Price Regulation 385 (Specified shoulder marks). White. . . . . . . . . Gray. ..... ..... ........ Military Uniforms), OPA said. They Trousers. . . . . . . . Blue.......... ....... . ..... Gray cover. Cap 3 . . . . . . . . . . Blue or white cover-. . . White cover...... ......... correspond to ceilings now in force for Shirt- ................ White or gray.................. ................. Gray. ......... ........ the Navy summer khaki uniforms. Shoes. . . . . . . . . . Black . . . . . . . . . . White. . . . . . . . . Black. ......... . . . . . . . . . White . . . . . . . ...... . . . Socks . . . . . . . . . . . . Dyeing costs are greater for the gray .. .. .. .. .. .. . Black.......... . . . . White. . . .. .. .... Black or g a y . ..... ..... . . ... . . . Gloves . . . . . . Gray . . . . . . . . . . . uniforms than f o r the khaki. How- Necktie. . . . . . . . . Black ...................... ..................... Black. ........ . . . . . . . . . . Gilt. . . . . . . . . . Blusblackplasticorgilt ......... ....... Buttons. . . . . . . . . Gilt........... ever, manufacturers effect savings in Ribbons ................ Yes ........... Yes . . . . . . . . . . Yes. .......... ......... labor and in yardage cloth required Aiguillett,es. . . . . . . As of . . . . . As prescribed.. . . . . .... . . . .prescribed.. .. Service. . . . because of the substitution of patch. for bellows pockets. OPA pointed out 1 Where white is appropria.te, service dress, blue, B, D, 0 , or service dress, E. may be worn. 2 Half lace on sleeves is opt.ional. that the increased costs and the sava Plain-vizored cam and black braid chin straps are optional except on dress occasions. Gamsou caps of ings approximately offset each other. proper color are optional. 4 Gray working uniforms the same materials now used will he worn when available. DurinS the neresof (Gray uniforms for CPOs have not period uniforms, possession 01 yet been authorized, but such author- sary transition supplyofficerswill he permitted to wear khaki or those 1u nowin theirare wornout. manufacpossession tured until the of these uniforms stock is exhausted in ization is exDected shortlv.) .as authorized under Navy travel in$6 heretofore allowed, isauthorized Oficers Per Diem under the Naval Appropriation Act, structions. AlNav 72, 15 April 1943, effective 1 July 1943, according to canceled effective 1 July 1943. Navy Allowunce N o w $7 travelinstructions will modified be A per diem allowance of $7 in lieu AlNav 138,dated 5 July 1943. accordingly. BuPersCircularLetter The AlNav follows: of subsistence for officers traveling 85-43 modified as follows: ( 1) UnderNavalAppropriation under diem per orders, including In line 4, paragraph 5, delete the travel by air, instead of maximum of Act effective 1 July 1943 per diem of words mileage orothertravelal$7 in lieu of subsistence authorized lowances and substitute therefor f o r officers traveling under per diem midorders including travel by air instead subsistence. Allowances for of maximum of $6 heretofore allowed. shipmen unchanged. All officers orders (regardlessof when issued) authorizing $6 per diemmodified to authorize per diem of $7 after 30 June. Whenclaimpaidonsuch modified orders disbursing officer will endorse standard Form 1012 to show $7 per diem paidunderauthority AlNav (insert number) and Naval Appropriation Act 1942. ( 2 ) No change in per diem rate for enlisted men traveling by air. (3) $7 per diem for officers and $6 per diem for enlisted men traveling by air as authorized paragraph (1) and (2) are in lieu of subsistence. In -Bowlines. -The Beam (NAS, Corpus Christi, Tex.) addition to per diem this permits All r i g h t - o n e for the money, I wonder why the Captain wants reimbursement for t a x i or carfare two for the show. a l l hands on deck. andotherincidentaltravelexpense

retail _________ $15.38 facturers0 $10.25 Coat alone____________ 10.50 7.0 Trousers alone ________ 4.88 3.25

Recent uniform regulations are modified in a Circular Letterfrom the Secretary of the NavysOffice under date of 2 July 1943. The circular letter cancels R1126, N.D. Bul. of 15 June 1943,and paragraphs 2 and 3 of BuPers Itr.Pers-0-AC, A2-3, of 2 Jan. 1943;N.D. Bul. of 15 Jan. 1943, R-177. The Circular Lettermodifies chap1 ter 1 , U. s. Navy Uniform Regulations, 1941,in the following respects: (1) The wearing of gray or white shirts with blue service uniforms is optional; (2) Half lace (gold sleeve stripes extending only from seam to seam) is optionalon sleeves of blue service uniforms; ( 3 ) The use of plain visored caps for officers of the rank of commander

or above and black braid chin straps for all officers is optional withservice uniforms. Service dress blue uniforms may be worn on occasions wherethe wearing of white uniforms is appropriate. Gray working uniforms will be worn when available. As announced previously, during the necessary transition period officers be will permittedto wearkhakiuniforms, now intheir possession or manufactured, until the supply of these uniforms in stock is exhausted or until those in possession are worn out. The following chart is a modifica1 tion of chapter 1 ,U. S. Navy Uniform Regulations, 1941, and shall beused as a guide for naval officers in determining uniforms currently required:

Page 67

Nuuy Legul Aid Program Broudelzed

In a move designed to expand and coordinate existing arrangements for providing legal assistance to naval personnel and their dependents, anew program has beendevelopedby the Office of the JudgeAdvocate General, in cooperation withthe American Bar Association, whichstandardizesand increases the facilities already available. The program, which was put into effect on 26 June 1943, provides for the establishment by the Commandant of each Naval District, or commanding officer of eachnavyyard, naval station, Marine Corps base, or other naval activity, of a legal assist, ance office, to be staffed by one or more officers with legal training and who are members of the bar of a State,Territory,or the District of Columbia. In addition, the officer in command Of any of the forces afloat may establish a legal assistance office with such modifications as conditions may make necessary. Eligible to seek the counsel of legal assistance officers and civilian lawyers cooperating with them are all naval personnel and their dependents, and, wherenecessary,members of other branches of the armed forces if the legal facilities of their own service are not accessible. The general supervision and direc-


the firstmonths dependency alA step toward increasing allowances tofamilies of service lowance, though after that time, a servicemanwould contribute men has been taken, but with Congress in recess, nofurther $22 and the government $28 action can be taken until fall. toward the basic amount of $50 Legislation increasing t h e allowed for a wife without a governments cashcontributions child. to dependents has been passed The measure also provides by the Senate and is now await- that enlisted men in the upper three pay grades, now not ening House action. The measure would increase titled to family allowances, be from $62 to $68 the total eligible to choose between parmonthly allowance for a wife ticipation under the family and one child and the allowanceallowance law,orcontinueto for additional children from $10 receive monthly quarters allowmonth. ance. Early final action is exto $11 a In addition, it would provide pected when Congress reconthat the government pay all of venes.

tion of Navy legal offices is assigned to the Judge Advocate General, who will collaborate with the American Bar Association in the establishment of a system of legal assistance. The local legal officers willcollaborate with the State and local bar associations


Hoist (NTS, San Diego, Calif.)

and legal aid societies in the respective districts. The specific services which Navy legal assistance officers are authorized to render to naval personnel and their dependents have been so stated as to allow the maximum of counsel and assistance and at the same time to avoid encroaching on matters properly coming under the jurisdiction of civilian lawyers.Among other services, legal assistance officers are authorized to: 1 Arrange, in cooperation with . local bar associations and legal aid societies, for certain members of the civilian bar to serve with legal assistance offices. 2. Interview, advise, and assist naval personnel; and, in proper cases, to refer such personnel to an appropriate bar committee or legal aid organizationwhen it is felt desirable that the case be handled by civilian counsel. 3. Arrange, if practicable, through local bar associations to have specified civilian lawyers visit each legal assistance office a t regular intervalsto interview anynaval personnel who may. desire their counsel. Legal assistance officers generally will not appear in person or by pleadings before civil courts, boards, or commissions as attorneys for persons who are otherwiseentitled to legal assistance in accordance with existing regulations. Under the new program, naval personnel,whether inthiscountryor

Page 68

overseas, will be assured in the handling of their personal affairs the assistance and counsel of capable, legally trained menin the naval service, or, if necessary, will be referred to competent civilian lawyers through the cooperation of the American Bar Association, State and local bar associations, and legal aid societies.

Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon

The Presidential Unit Citation ribbon may now be worn by members of a cited unit after the initial citation, under modifications to Ekecutive Order 9050 and GeneralOrder 187. Original regulations provided that the ribbon could not be worn until after the second unit citation. AlNav 137, under date of 7 July 1943,substitutes the following for paragraph 4, subparagraphs (c) and (d) , of General Order 187: (c) (1) When a unit has received the PresidentialUnit Citation all personnel servingin that unit during the occasion for which cited, or any part thereof, shallwear the citationribbon with one star permanently, regardless of where serving. (2) Personnelauthorized to wear the citation ribbon with one star as above shall wear an additional star for each additional citation the unit of upon which they serveduring theoccasionforwhich theunitis cited, whether it be the same or another unit. ( 3 ) Personnel who subsequently join a unit which has been cited shall wear the plain citation ribbon without star and only while attached to that unit. (4) Flag officers and members of their staffs serving a unit upon the in occasion for which cited, or any part thereof, shall be included in the unit citation.

The library opened on 11 January, and I wondered how much it would be used because of the men working and because of the blackouts, but I soon found that I did not need to worry. The working hours were adjusted so that each man had some time during daylight hours in which to read. Furthermore, it became a vital morale factorbecausemen were usually so exhausted they could not indulge in any athletic contests, while movies in the evening were not always a wise

thing. Because of this library the was opened 5 hours a day, which is longer than usual. The records show that there was an average of withdrawals of about 95 books per day. From the records kept between 11 January and24 March (72 days), over 7,000 books were withdrawn from the library of 1,600 volumes. One of-the amazing thingsis the small numberof books lost. Men were allowed to keep books a week with the privilege of renewal. There was no reading room

Story of a Man with a BCD:

a a a

no end to the punishment

The Library
On Guadalcanal
The following, which demonstrates what can be accomplished by interest andinitiative,is a paraphrase of a letter recently received from an officer with the Seabees on Guadalcanal: On 7 September 1942,a letter to the Bureau of Naval Personnel was written asking about a library the batfor talion. When I boarded the ship I still did not know whether it was with us or not. So every day on the way across I usuallysaid, I hope that library is along. When we arrived and unloaded, it was there consisting of 1,600 volumes and was the biggest and best on Guadalcanal.

The following is excerpted from a personal letter received by an ofiicer in the Bureau of Naval Personnel: Dear . . , As you see from what Ive written, the results of the whole business hit me pretty hard. I have already paida terrible price for my carelessness, but stillI see no end to the punishment. I worked out my fine and sentence, but theexperiences I have had and the constant mental torture following my BCD have been far more severe than the prison sentence. That is why I have written in detail, and again turn to you for advice as I did several times while I was in the Service. This trouble almost broke my mothers heart. Dad said little, but he has aged a lot, and I know it is because of me. But they took me back as their son and treated me as if nothing had happened. They knew how anxious I was to get back in the scrap so I could do my part and also clear my record, and how it hurt me to be barred in my attempts to reenlist in any branch the Service. of Even though myBCD kept me out of the actual scrap I thought I could get a Civil Service billet where I could help some and perhaps clear my record enough to eventually get back in uniform. I got nowhere; someof the questions onthe forms pinned me down,and explaining my 4 draft classification got me turned down just as I was in my F attempts to reenlist. I had the same experience with any number of defense plants where my Navy training and trade might have been of value. I ended up driving a taxicab. but well-payingjobwhich I still hold Finally I securedamenial with . . This job is a help but I doubt that Ill ever have any peace of mind til I get back in the fight where I can not only make a good record, but helpavengewhatthose yellowdevils did to us at . . . and . I have written such a long letter that even to sum it up has taken a lot of space, but I had to give the details so youcouldgive me the advice I now ask. I now come to the main point. After I landed my present job I met THE girl. She knows my story and something of how I have suffered. She understands and we have been happily married for some time, and now await our first baby. Expecting the baby is what gives me the nerve to come back to you for advice. You havehelped me in the past and would havehelped me more if I had listened to you. Explaining my story to Mother and Dad and even to Dorothy was one thmg, but how can I explain it to this little tyke when he grows up? He is bound to ask a lot of questions. Naturally he will want to brag about me and tell what I did to help win the war, just like the other kids will be doing. What can I say? What will I tell him? I need your help and advice as never before. I willfollow your advice this time for I must get this cleared up once and for all. Sincerely,


Page 69

so they took books totheirtents. Despite that, onlyonebookwasdestroyed in the frequent rush for the foxholes and the rats destroyed only one by chewing off the cover. The library had a concrete deck while the bookshelves were boarded in the back and only wide enough to hold the. books. This prevented the rats from getting at them to eat off the covers. As I said, the library was one of the foremost elements responsible for the good morale of our outfit. Personally, I believe that the library should be the most emphasized spare-time activity of the Seabees organization in t h e field. I it is, it will show its f worth through its use during the mens leisure time.

were obtained. The partially used examination booklets are to bedestroyed by the Educational Officer, who shall notify the naval warehouse that this has been done. It has been decided that a reference book of mathematical tablesis necessary if students are to obtain satisfactory results in studying the Radio Technician 3/c course. Each delivery of assignments 21-25, to all course enrollees, will beaccompanied by one copy of Mathematical Tables from the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. ?he assignment books contain paged references to this set of mathematical tables. All copies of the A-N Manual and the Apprentice Seaman course and examination book are tobe destroyed Training Course when their present users have comMatters pleted thestudy course since both The attentionof all EducationalOf- books have been replaced by the new ficers is directed totheBureau of manual General TrainingCourse for Naval Personnel Circular Letter NO. Nonrated Men. 99-43, dated 18June 1943, which wnParachute Rigger 3/c and 2/c traintains information Radio on Teching manual, course book only, is now nician 3/c training course. Educa- ready distribution. for A progress tional OfRcers are directed to issue the test and examination pamphlet has course only to naval personnel who not yet been prepared to accompany are RadioTechnicians 3/c, or bona this course. fide strikers for that rating. Students The use of the Enrollment, Frogin making unsatisfactory progress the Examination Record course shall be required to return all ress, and assignment books to the Educational card, BNP 671 formerly N.Nav 134, Officer, who will forward same to the was discontinued by directions connaval warehouse from which they tained in Bureau of Naval Personnel

Letter P2431-HH dated 23 December 1942. All progress testsand examination booklets, with theexception of that for the Diesel Engine course, now contain this sheet. A supply of single record sheets for the Diesel Engine course is now available upon request. The Navy Training Course CertifiN cate, NavPers 672,.formerly B P 672, has been revised to include a record of the completion of the necessary practical factors as required by the Bureau of Personnel Manual, part D, chapter 5, D5104 (le) (3). A Bureau of Naval Personnel circularletter containing more detailed information on this topic will appear inthenear future. In order to eliminate delayed and misdirected shipments of training courses, all units requesting such material are asked to furnish a complete delivery address. When only a n officers signature appears on the order blank, it is necessary to locate hisduty station and assume that the courses are needed at that location. Material and suggestions are now being collected for the preparation of the Yearbook of EnlistedTraining, 1944 edition. Educational Officers are invited to submit any information or suggestions that would be helpful in improving the usefulness of this publication.

Busic Fucts o Nutionul Service Life Insztrunce f

Because most commercial insurance companies will not permit servicemen t o apply for life insuranceatnormal rates, since they lose their normal insurability during wartime, the Governmenthas established National Service Life Insurance for military and naval personnel on active duty; Suchpersonnelmayapply for this insurance within 120 days after reporting for active duty.,Afterthe 120-day pe-riod, theymust take a medical examination, as part of the application, may which be completed by any medical officer on active duty, This insurance is issued on the 5-year tive months prior to age 60. level premium term plan, at A veryimportantfeature is a very lowcost-at age 18 the that service personnel holders rate is $6.40 cc month f o r maycontinuethis insurance $10,000 insurance, which is whem they returla t o civilian about 20 cents a day. I t is the only life insurance that can be life, regardless of occupatiola or residence. Although Nabought today without a war is tional Service Life Insurance clause. I t can converted, be not compulsory, the Navy Deafter being in force for1 year, partment strongly urges all and within t h e 5-year term officer and enlisted personlzel period, t o t h e ordinarylife, to apply for the full amount of 20-payment life, or 30-pay$10,000. Over 95% of the ment National life plan. men entering the Naval TrainService Life Insurance will be ing Stations are subscribing t o granted to any one person in this insurance. T o complete any multiple of $500, but not application, register an allotless than $1,000 or more than ment, or for further informa$10,000. Provision is also tion, the commading officer, made for the nonpayment of insurance officer,or disbursing f premiums i t h e holders are officer should be comulted. totally disabled for 6 consecu-

Page 70

The deadline submission for of manuscripts is 1 September 1943,with With reference to the noticeapa n additional 30.days allowed men pearing in the March 1943 issue of overseas. Manuscripts should be this publication regarding the full mailed to PlaywritingContest, Na4-year tuition scholarship which the tionalTheatre Conference, Western trustees of Rensselaer Polytechnic Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Institute, Troy, N. Y., offer each year Although limitation placed no is to sons of officers, petty officers, or A distinctive breast insignia (above) upon the subject matter, content, or noncommissionedofficers on the acsubmarine medical officers has form of the plays, subjects related to tive or retired lists of the Navy and for Marine Corps, sons of deceased per- been approved by the Secretary of the life in theservice are to bepreferred. must be originals and 18-43 Manuscripts sonnel of the above categories, and to Navy. BuPersCircularLetter states that (in advanceof a change to must not havebeen published or prosons of oflicers of the Naval Reserve Uniform Regulations, duced prior to 1 January 1943. There on active duty, no applications were U. S. Navy 1941) officers qualified in accordance is no limit on the number of manureceived. article E-1314 (new) of the scripts a n author may submit. The trustees of Rensselaer Poly- with theintechnicInstitutehave now notified BuPersManual,maywear Manuscripts must be typed or writthis Bureau that this scholarship signia, described as follows: A gold color metal pin consisting ten in a legible hand on only one side will be available for the class beginof the paper. Sheets should be bound ning about 1 November 1943. For full of two dolphins facinga slightly con- together, the cover or top page being information refer to the March 1943 vex oval crest with appropriately em- marked clearly with the title of the bossed rounded edge and scroll. The issue of this publication. central device to be surcharged with play, the authors name and address. As this is a very valuable scholarThe conference will not be responsible oak leaf and silver acornship all personnel interested and gold it is sugqualified to apply forsame should symbol of Medical Corps. The metal for lostmanuscriptsand submit their applications and sec- pin shall be of dullfinish correctly gested that they be submitted in duondary school records to this Bureau burnished for highlights. Dimen- plicate. None will be returned unless as soon as possible and not later than sions: over-all lateral width, 3 inches; accompanied by adequate postageand 15 September 1943. The board to height of central oval device, three- a specific request. select a recipient will meet on 1 Oc- fourths inch; lateral width of central Th@ authors rights will be protober 1943 and the recipient selected oval device, five-eighths inch; height tected andreserved for him insofaras of oak leaf, three-fourths inch; width should be prepared to arrivea t Rensmovselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, of oak leaf, one-half inch; height of they apply to publication, and to radio, and professional N. Y., by 1 November 1943 i n order acorn, three-eighths inch; and width ing picture, stage production. Rights for the use to enter the class beginning on that of acorn, one-fourth inch. of manuscripts for soldier and sailor date. entertainment will be granted without Necessary application forms and royalty. Therightsforallamateur secondary school recordformsmay Play Writing Contest civilian production anddistribution be obtained as heretofore by applying to the Bureau of Naval Personnel. For Servicemen will be controlled by the conference, A similar scholarship will be availwith royalties payable to the author able during the calendar year 1944. The National Theatre Conference, a under conditions approved by him. Further information on this scholar- nonprofitorganizationinterested in ship will be published a t a later date. the promotion of the American theater,hasannounced a play-writing contest open to men and women in the armed services. I n addition to cash prizes for the best manuscriptssubmitted in four classes of competition, authors of Promise will be recommended by the judges forpost-war fellowships and scholarshipscontributed by leading American colleges and universities. Awards will be distributed as follows: One piize of $100 and two of $50 each, fm long plays, running time of or which should be 1% to 2 hours; Four prizes of $50 each for one-act plays, running timeof which should be 20 to 40 minutes; Fifty prizes of $10 each, for short skits and black-outs, running time of which should be 1 to 10 minutes; and Will improve visios of HolzorOne prize of $100, to be divided among the authors a r a musical com- able sub fleet. f Prop Wash (NAS, Whidbey Island,Wash.)

Rensselaer Tech Scholarship

Submarine Medical Oficer Insignia

.1to 2 hours.

edy, running time of which should be

Page 71


Airplane insignia. new . . . . . 32 Airtriumphs in Pacific.whats behind 27 American Red Cross Food Pack30 age Amphibians Invade Islands on Both Sides of World 23 Bad Conduct Discharge. Story of a Man With 69 BuPers Bulletin Board 65 BuPersOfficers.changes in as. . signment 65 Casualtyfigures . . . . . . . . 3 1 Ceiling prices of slate gray uniforms 67 Changeofcommand 64 Christmaspackages. addressing 30. 32 of Chronomap . . . . . . . . . . 28 Clean sweep broom displayed . by United sub States 20 Completed st& work 66 Convalescent hospital. Yosemite 66 Courage plus Training equals Victories 27 Decorations and Citations 50 Duck Trucks. for invasion forces 25 Electricmegaphone. for power failures 25 Family allowances. no action on 68 increases until fall Fishing kits.for lifeboats (photo25 graph) Food Package. Red Cross (photo30 graph) Gela. Americans capture from Germans (photographs) . 37. 42 Gray IJniforms. CeilingPrice on cotton . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Guadalcanal. library on . . . . . 69 Hancock. Lt . Joy B., first naval officer to sponsor combatanttype naval vessel (photograph) 49 Hospital feeabolished 65 How plasma works-and why . 22 Identificationtags 65 Income Tax Law Summary 10 1nfantcare.maternity.plan 65 Insignia.submarinemedicalofficer (photograph) . . . . . . 71 Insurance. National Service Life 70 Japanese planes. two burn on water (photograph) 19 King. Admiral E. J . congratulates Womens Reserve (photograph) 6 Kirkpatrick. Lt. Comdr..Charles C., awarded third Navy Cross 5 0 Knox. Secretary visits San Diego naval hospital (photograph) . 26 Library. on Guadalcanal 69 Life Insurance. National Service . 70 Liferaft. new type (photograph) . 25

LSTs take tanks to Sicily (photo-



........... ............. ..... ......... .....


............ ...... ............

graph) Marine Pilots on Guadalcanal paint Jap flags (photograph) Maternity and infant care plan . McAfee. Lt. Comdr. Mildred H. (photograph with Admiral King) . . . . . . . . . . . . McCain. Vice Admiral J. S., apof Naval pointed fio Chief Operations(Air) . . . . . . . Medical Notes ........ Medical officer. submarine insignia for (photograph) Monthly contribution abolished . Munda. Allies attack . . . . . . National Service Life Insurance . Navy MutualAid Navy production. six months of

. . . . . . . . . . . 41

. 21

31 18



71 65 2 70 66

..... ......


.......... ....


........... ...... ...........

This Months Cover

New aids for shipwrecked men are tested (photographs) New names in the Navy Officers.changes in assignment of BuPers Officersperdiemallowance

. . . 25 . . . . 49

. . . . . . . . . . 65 . . 67


Paratroops spearhead Sicilian 36 invasion (photographs) Plasma. how it works and why . 22 Play-writing contest for servicemen. . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Portuguese: short list of words and phrases . . . . . . . . 23-24 Presidential Unit Citationribbon 69 Prisoners.amongnavalpersonne1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Prisoners. Axis from Sicily (photograph) . . . . . . . . . . 39 Publication Check List 64 Ramsey. Rear Admiral D C., ap. 31 pointed Chief of BuAer Recreation. Navys program 14 Regulations. uniform 67 Rendova.Alliesinvade 2 Rensselaer Tech. scholarship for 71 Secretary Knox visits San Diego Naval Hospital (photographs) 26 77. 000 V-12 studentsat 212 schools 16 Shipwrecked men. new aids for 25 (photographs) Sicily. Allies invade 3 Sixmonthsproduction for the 12-13 Navy Slate gray uniforms. ceiling 67 prices on Soviet planes raid Germans 29 (photograph) St& work. comp!eted . . . . . . 66 Submarineinsignia for medical 71 officers (photograph) Tags. identification . . . . . . 6 5 TaxPayment Act.summaryof 10 The Capture of Rendova (photograph) . . . . . . . . . . 43-44 The current Tax Payment Actof



.... .. ....... .....

. ........... ........ ......

........... .......... ........



............ ..... . ....... ... ...

. .....




The invasion Sicily of (photo3542 graph) The monthsnews 28 The Navys recreation program 14 The Womens Reserve-one year old 6 Training coursematters 70 of Acting us atestpilot in the TWO 94 shot-down Japanese planes burn on the water (phowind tunnel ut the Washingtoa tograph) . . . . . . . . . . 19 D C., Navy Yard. this ensign inUniform regulations . . . . . . 67 vestigates the effects of wind stress Uniforms. gray. slate ceiling on functiolzal designs by the use of prices of . . . . . . . . . . . 67 tiny model planes A word on the Unit citation. presidential. ribcommunicatiom system of the con69 bon for trol room enables her t o change the United States bombers soften up 40 Sicily angle of the model being tested U. S S. Hekna sunk in Pacific (On page 4 is an article bringing 29 (photograph) up to date the story the Womens of United States sub in Arctic disReserve and telling of the many plays sweep clean broom 20 tasks they have takes overfrom 000 a 212 t V-12 students. 77. Navy mew in their first year of exschools . . . . . . . . . . . 16 istence.) All cover photographs are Yosemite Convalescent Hospital. 66 official U S Navy

......... .......


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........... ........... ........



5. G O V E R N M E N T P R I N T I N G O F F i C E ; 1 9 4 3

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