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Module 12 Advice: The things you say to someone when you tell them what you think they

should do. Applause: The sound of people hitting their hands together to show that they have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker, etc. Argumentative: Someone who is argumentative often argues or likes arguing. Burglar: Someone who goes into buildings in order to steal things. Carefree: Without any problems or worries. Cheat (v): To behave in dishonest way in order to win or get an advantage. Collision: A violent crash in which one vehicle hits another. Come up (V): If a problem comes up, it suddenly happens. Concentrate: To think very carefully about something you are doing. Concern: To affect or involve someone. Cons: Disadvantages Cope with (v): To succeed in dealing with everything you have to do, especially when it is very difficult. Crew: Staff on a planes or boat Despair: 1. a profound feeling that there is no hope 2. somebody or something that makes somebody feel hopeless or exasperated Determined: Wanting to do something very much, and no letting anyone or anything stop you. Die (dice): A small block with six sides and a different number of spots on each side, used in games. Dilemma: A situation in which you must make a difficult choice between two things. Drown (v): to die by immersion and usually suffocation in water or other liquid, or kill a person or animal in this way. Death occurs either from lack of oxygen or as a result of cardiac arrest from the lowered body temperature. Encourage (v): To try to help someone succeed, for example by giving them confidence or determination. Fall out (v): To have a quarrel. Fierce: characterized by or showing aggression or anger Fool: A stupid person. Hardly: Almost not or almost none. Helpline: A telephone number you can call for advice or information. Ignore (v): To deliberately not pay attention to someone or something. Insist (v): To demand that something should happen. Instinct: A natural ability or feeling that makes people or animals know something or behave in a particular way. Introduce (v): to make yourself or another person known to somebody else by saying who you are or who the other person is, as a way of beginning an acquaintance Lifetime: The period of time during which someone is alive. Manuscript: A book or piece of writing before it is printed. Meant to be: Used to say that you think a situation was certain to happen and that no one could have prevented it. Odd: Odd numbers cannot be divided exactly by two. Oil tanker: A large ship used for carrying oil. Out of reach: Impossible to get Phobia: A strong unreasonable fear of something. Pros: The advantages of something. Pull (v): to apply force to somebody or something so as to draw or tend to draw that person or thing toward the origin of the force

Race: 1(c). A competition in which people, animals, cars, etc try to go faster than each other. 2(c). One of the main groups into which people are divided according to the colour of their skin and physical appearance. 3. The human race. All the people in the world. (v): To go somewhere very quickly, or to move someone or something very quickly. Rapturous: Expressing great happiness or admiration- used especially in news reports. Regain (v): To get something back. Rescue Vessel: A large boat which saves people in the sea Row (v): To make a boat move across water, using oars = (long poles). Rower: Someone who rows a boat. Sailor: somebody who works aboard a boat or ship, especially a low-ranking member of the crew of a merchant or naval ship Set off (v): To leave and start going somewhere. Shark: A large sea fish with very sharp teeth. Shift (v): To move from one place or position to another, or to make something do this. Solve (v): 1. To find a way of dealing with a problem. 2. To find the correct answer to a problem or question. Straight away: If you do something straight away, You do it immediately or without delay. Sweep away (v): (be sweep away). To be so excited by someone or something, that you suddenly feel very strong emotions and forget about other things. Talk over (v): To discuss a problem with someone before deciding what to do. Tanker: a ship, truck, or airplane designed to carry large quantities of liquid or gas Think over (v): To consider something carefully before making a decision. Toss (v): (toss a coin) To throw a coin in the air, and make a decision according to the side that faces upwards when it comes down. Tough: Strong and determined Trouble-free: Without any problems. Vase: A container used for putting flowers in. Vessel: A ship or large boat. Yacht Rower: A person who does rowing

Module 11. Allow (v): to permit something to happen or somebody to do something Ankle: The part of your body where your foot joins your leg. Argument: a disagreement in which different views are expressed, often angrily a reason put forward in support of or in opposition to a point of view Beard: The hair that grows on a mans chin. Bizarre: Very unusual and strange. Boarding card: An official card that you have to show before you get on a plane. Capital punishment: The punishment of killing someone who has committed a serious crime. Carpet: Material for covering floors, often made of wool, or a piece of this material. Chore: A job that you have to do, especially a boring one. Claim (n): An official request for money that you think you have a right to. (v): To say that something is true, even though it might no be. Clamp (v): To fasten things together using a piece of metal or wood Compensation: Money that someone is given because they have been injured or badly treated. Complaint: Something that shows you aren't Happy with something Compulsory: If something is compulsory, you must do it. Cyclist: Someone who rides a bicycle. Despite: Used to say that something happened or is true, even though this is not what you expected. Dive (v): to swim below the surface of a stretch of water, often with special breathing apparatus Fault: If something bad that happens is your fault, you are responsible for it happening. Fine (v): To make someone pay money as a punishment for breaking a law or rule. (n): Money that you have to pay as a punishment for breaking a law or rule. (adj): in a good, acceptable, or comfortable condition (informal) Flag: 1. A piece of cloth with a picture or pattern that is used as the sign of a country or organization. 2.- A piece of coloured cloth used as a sign or signal. Freedom: When you are allowed to do what you want without being stopped or controlled by anyone. Harsh: Unkind, cruel, or strict. Holidaymaker: A person who has gone on holiday, especially the seaside Hunt (v): to pursue an animal with the intention of capturing or killing it for sport or food In advance: Before something happens or is expected to happen. In spite of: Although Loose (v): To fire or discharge or launch such a projectile (adj): not firmly fastened or fixed in place Master (v): to become highly skilled in something or acquire a complete understanding of it (adj): 1. Devised to operate on the broadest leve 2. Biggest or primary among several Matter (v): To be important. Motor vehicle: a car, truck, or other road vehicle powered by an engine Motorway: A wide road for driving fast over long distances. Nobleman: Someone of a very high social rank. Overtime: extra time worked beyond the normal hours of employment Overweight: having more body weight than is considered healthy for the person's height, build, or age Path: a track that has been worn by the continual passage of feet Payout: A large payment of money to someone, for example from an insurance claim or from winning a competition.

Pedestrian Crossing: A marked place on the road where people who are walking can safely cross. Penalty: a legal or official punishment for committing a crime or other offense, e.g. a fine or imprisonment Punishment: a penalty that is imposed on somebody for wrongdoing Relate to (v): If one thing relates to another, it is connected with it in some way. Resign (v): To officially tell your employer that you are going to leave your job. Ridiculous: Very silly. Sensible: Something that is sensible is a good idea because it is reasonable, practical and shows good judgment. Smack (v): To hit someone, especially a child with your open hand in order to punish them. Smartly: Someone who is smartly dressed is wearing attractive clothes and looks very neat. Spill (v): If a liquid pills or If you spills it, It flows over the edge of a container by accident. Spokesman: Someone who has been chosen to speak officially for a group, organization or government. Sue (v): To start a legal process to get money from someone who has harmed you in some way. Sundae: A dish made from ice cream, fruit, nuts, etc. Terminally ill: Someone who is terminally ill has a disease that cannot be cured, and that will kill them. Theoretical: about, involving, or based on theory Toddler: A young child who has just learned to walk. Trip over: To fall down when you walk into an obstacle on the ground Tsar: An emperor of Russia, before 1917 2. A tyrant or autocrat 3. Somebody given authority, especially for dealing with a particular issue or problem Unborn: Not yet born, but usually already conceived and gestating Unfair: Not right or fair. Unwritten: 1. Generally accepted and understood, even though not formally recorded in writing 2. Remaining unprinted or not written down 3. Not marked or covered with writing Warning: Something that tells you that something bad or dangerous may happen. Wave (v): If you wave something, or if it waves, it moves from side to side. (n): The form in which some types of energy move, for example light and sound.

Module 10. Amazing: Very surprising. Attempt (v): To try to do something, especially without much expectation of success (n): When you try to do something. Baggage: The bags that you carry when you are travelling. Bin liner: A plastic bag used inside a bin. (the container in which you put waste) Burned-out: A burned-out building has had its inside completely destroyed by fire. Cargo: 1. Goods that are carried in a ship or plane. 2. Cargo Crate. A large box used for carrying goods on a ship or plane. Crate: 1. A large open sturdy box used to carry or store objects or built to fit and protect something during shipping 2. An old rickety airplane or automobile (dated informal) Daring: Willing to do dangerous things. Dial (v): To press the buttons or turn the dial on a telephone. Digger: A large machine that digs and moves earth. Display (v): To put things in a place where people can see them easily. (n): a collection of things arranged or done for others to see, especially something considered attractive, interesting, or entertaining (often used in combination) Fairy tale: A childrens story in which magical things happen. Foil (v): To prevent something bad that someone is planning to do. Ghost story: a story about a ghost or ghosts, or a haunted place or person, intended to frighten the reader or hearer Grab (v): To take hold of someone or something suddenly or violently. Handler: Somebody who trains or manages a working animal, e.g. a police dog or a show dog Hang off (v): A telephone Hangs off when It's not in Its right place Horrified: Very shocked and upset. Ingenious: Very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas. Isolated: Far away from other places. Knock off (v): 1. To finish work at the end of the day, or stop working or doing something in order to take a break (informal) 2. To decrease the price of something by a particular amount Leap out (v): To move very quickly and whit a lot of energy. Moral: Something you learn from a story. Mug (v): to attack and rob somebody, especially a pedestrian in a public place Mugger: Somebody who attacks and robs somebody in a public place Myth: An ancient story that explains a natural or historical event. Owl: A bird that hunts at night and has large eyes and a loud call. Pay rise: An increase in the money you are paid for doing your job. Plead (v): To state in a court of law whether or not you are guilty of a crime. Pocket knife: A small portable knife Priceless: Worth a lot of money. Punch (v): To hit somebody with your fist (n): A drink made from fruit juice, sugar and alcohol. Questioned: Somebody is questioned when they are asked a lot of questions Receiver: The part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear. Replica: An exact copy of something. Robbery: The crime of stealing money or other things from a bank, shop, etc. Ruins: The part of a building that is left after the rest has been destroyed. Run away (v): To leave a place in order to escape from someone or something. Sack: A large bag made of strong cloth, plastic, or paper in which you carry or store things. Science fiction: Books and stories about the future, for example about travelling in time and space.

Search (v): To look carefully for someone or something. (n): An attempt to find someone or something. Sentence (v): When a judge sentences someone, he or she gives them a punishment for a (n): 1. The punishment imposed by a court on somebody convicted of a crime 2. A group of words or a single word that expresses a complete thought, feeling, or idea. It usually contains an explicit or implied subject and a predicate containing a finite verb. Smash (v): To break into a lot of small pieces, or to make something break in this way. Smoke bomb: Something that lets out clouds of smoke when it is thrown, used by the police to control crowds. Snatch (v): To take something from someone with a sudden movement. Speedboat: A small fast boat with a powerful engine. Surround (v): To occupy the space all around something Suspect (n): Someone who may be guilty of a crime. (v): To think that someone may be guilty of a crime. Take off (n): 1. To remove clothing. 2. To suddenly start being successful. 3. If an aircraft takes off, it leaves the ground and goes up unto the air. Tattoo (v): To mark the skin with a tattoo, or form a tattoo on the skin (n): A picture or writing that is permanently marked on your skin, using a needle and ink. Tell off (v): To talk angrily to someone because they have done something wrong. Theft: The crime of stealing something. Unrealistic: Unrealistic ideas are not sensible or based on what is really likely to happen. Upset: Unhappy because something unpleasant or disappointed has happened. Yell (v): To shout something very loudly.

Module 9. Analyse (v): To examine something carefully in order to understand it. Astrologer: Someone who uses astrology ( the study of the position and movement of stars) to tell people about their character, life or future. Be Glued to (v): To be looking at something with all your attention. Charge (v): 1. To ask someone to pay a particular amount of money for goods, a service, etc. 2. To state officially that someone might be guilty of a crime. 3. If a battery charges or if you charge it, it takes in and stores electricity. (n): 1. The position of having control over or responsibility for something or someone. 2. A statement that says that someone has done something illegal or bad. Crowd: A large group of people gathered in one place Developing country: A developing country is a poor country that is trying to increase its industry and trade and improve life for its people. Device: A machine or tool used for a particular purpose. Disabled: Someone who is disabled cannot used a part of their body properly. Disappear (v): 1. To become impossible to see any longer. 2. To become lost or impossible to found. 3. To stop existing. Drop (v): to let go of something and cause it to fall, either accidentally or intentionally Drop Out: To stop going to university or school before you have completed your studies, or to stop doing an activity before you finish it. (n): A small amount of a liquid Embarrassed: If you feel embarrassed, you feel nervous or uncomfortable about what other people think of you. Foreign: relating to, from, or located in a country or countries other than your own Grass: A low green narrow-leaved plant that grows in fields and gardens, is eaten by animals such as cows and sheep, and is used to make lawns and playing fields Hand in (v): To give something to someone in authority. High-tech: Using the most modern machines, equipment and methods. Income tax: Tax that you pay on the money that you earn. Link (v): To make or show a connection between two or more things, places, words, etc. (n): A relationship or connection between two or more events, people or ideas. Litter: Paper, bottles, cans, etc that people do not want and have left on the ground in a public place. Make up your mind: To decide something. Mess (v): 1. To interfere in something 2. To make something dirty, muddled, or disordered (n): 1. A dirty or untidy state a chaotic, confused, or troublesome state or situation. 2. A chaotic, confused, or troublesome state or situation Narrow: Limited. Nonsense: Statements or opinions that are not true or seem very stupid. Oil deposit: A naturally formed place where you can find oil Otherwise: Used to say what will happen if something else does not happen first, usually when it is bad. Parking meter: A machine at the side of a road which you put money into when you park your car beside it. Poll: The process of finding out what most people think about something by asking a lot of people the same questions. Profit: The money that you get when you sell something for more that you paid for it, especially in business. Prove (v): To show that something is definitely true.

Recognise (v): To know someone or something because you have seen them before and remember them. Tax: Money that you pay to the government and that is used to provide public services. Turn down (v): To make a machine produce less sound, heat, etc using its controls. Unique: Something that is unique is the only one of its kind. Shift (v): To move from one place or position to another, or to make something do this. (n): One of the periods during each day and night when workers in a factory, hospital etc do their work. Make sure (v): To verify something is done as It's been planned Proportion: A part of an amount or group.

Module 8 Answering machine: A machine that records messages from people who telephone you when you are not there. Anti-virus: A piece of software that looks for and removes viruses in programs and documents on your computer. Assure (v): To convince somebody of something. Bandage: A long piece of cloth that you tie around a wound or injury. Boiler: A machine for heating water, that provides hot water in a house. Broadband: A systems which allows large amounts of information to move between computers at high speed. Call centre: An office where people answer customers questions, make sales, etc using the telephone. Choice (n): a decision to choose one thing, person, or course of action in preference to others Cooker: A large piece of kitchen equipment used for cooking food. Cyberspace: The imaginary place where electronic messages go when they travel from on computer to another. Delighted: Very pleased. Dry cleaners: A shop where you take clothes to be dry-cleaned (cleaned with chemicals instead of water). Duchess: 1. Noblewoman of high rank. In the British Isles, this is the highest hereditary title of nobility. 2. The wife or widow of a duke Enquiry: A question you ask in order to get information. Be fed up with: Be annoyed or bored and wanting change. Flick (v): To look at a book, magazine, series of television, channels, etc quickly. (n): a quick jerking movement Fun screen: It's a device with an interactive screen for people to play Games console: An electronic device that connects to a television set on which computer games and DVDs can be played Gossip (v): to spread rumors or tell people the personal details of others' lives, especially maliciously (n): Talk about other peoples behaviour and private lives. Hardware: Computer machinery and equipment. Heat (v): To become or make something warm or hot. (n): 1. Form of transferred energy that arises from the random motion of molecules and is felt as temperature, especially as warmth or hotness. 2. The perceptible or measurable degree of hotness Help desk: A department of a company that people call for help, especially with computer problems. Hold on (v): To wait, especially for a short while Hurry (v): 1. To move or do something with great or excessive speed because of a real or perceived lack of time. 2. To make or encourage somebody or something to act with greater speed (Hurry up) (n): A state in which somebody is moving or doing something with great or excessive speed because of a real or perceived lack of time In stock: Available to be sold. Install (v): To add new software to a computer. Laptop: A small computer you can carry with you. Launch (v): To send a weapon or spacecraft into the sky or into space. (n): When a weapon or spacecraft is sent into the sky or into space. Launderette: A place where you pay to wash your clothes in a machine. Lid: A cover of a container that can be removed or raised on a hinge to open the container

Mansion: A very large house. Mend (v): to restore something that is damaged or faulty to its original condition or a satisfactory condition, Ornament: Something that decorates or adds beauty to something else Out-of-date: No modern or not fashionable any more. Packing: The task of putting things into containers, usually for storage or transport Palm top: A very small computer that you can hold in your hand. Place an order: To formally order something you want to buy Plug (v): To connect a piece of electrical equipment to the electricity supply, or to another piece of equipment. (plug in) Postcode: A group of letters and numbers that you write at the end of an address. Receipt: A piece of paper that shows that you have paid for something. Recharge (v): 1.To replenish the amount of electric power in something, especially a battery 2. To renew something such as somebody's energy Replay (v): If you replay a tape, CD, etc, you play it again. Rewind: To make a tape go back towards the beginning. Sharp: Something that is sharp has a very thin edge or narrow point that can cut things easily. Show off (v): To show something to someone because you are very proud of it. Shut down (v): If a computers shuts down, or if you shut it down. It stop operating. Signals: 1. An action, gesture, or sign used as a means of communication 2. A piece of information communicated by an action, gesture, or sign Spare part: A new part for a vehicle or machine that is used to replace a part that is damaged or broken. Stare (v): To look at someone or something for a long time, without moving your eyes, for example because you are surprised, angry or bored. Stick (v): to fasten or fix something by means of an adhesive, or remain fastened or fixed in this way Sunburn: When your skin is red and sore from spending too much time in the sun. Supplies: Food, clothes, and other things that are needed for an activity, journey, etc. Tap (v): 1. To hit something or somebody lightly, especially more than once 2. To hit an object lightly against something else (n): a light blow, especially one that produces a noise Technophobe: A person who doesnt like machines, especially computers. Text message: A message sent by mobile phone. Text speak: A special informal language used by people sending text messages, that uses letters and numbers to make short form of words. Thoroughly: Typewriter: A machine that prints letters, numbers, etc on paper when you press its key. Vacuum cleaner: A machine that cleans floors by sucking up the dirt from them. Valuable: 1. Worth a lot of money. 2. Help, advice, experience, etc that is valuable is very useful. Wait on hold: To remain on the phone waiting for somebody you call

Vocabulary 8th Level Module 7 Address (v): To use a particular name or title when speaking or writing to someone. (n): the number, street name, and other information that describes where a building is or where somebody lives Applaud (v): To hit your hands together to show that you have enjoyed a play, concert, speaker, etc. Avoid (v): To deliberately not do something, or deliberately stay away from a person or place. Bake (v): To cook something such as bread or cakes in an oven. Bald: Someone who is bald has not hair or very little hair on their head. Ban (v): To officially say that people must not do something. Behave (v): To do things of a particular kind. Behaviour: The thing that a person or animal does. Bite (v): to hold something tightly, tear something off, or cut through something using the teeth (n): the action of taking something between the teeth and tearing it off. Bow (v): To bend the top part of your body forward in order to show respect for someone. (n): a bending forward of the upper part of the body to show respect, greeting, consent, submission, or acknowledgment Chance: 1. A possibility that something will happen. 2. An opportunity to do something that you want to do. Charge (v): 1. To ask someone to pay a particular amount of money for goods, a service, etc. 2. To state officially that someone might be guilty of a crime. 3. If a battery charges or if you charge it, it takes in and stores electricity. Cheek: the soft side area of the face between the nose and ear Common sense: The ability to do sensible things. Craze: A fashion, game, type of music, etc that is very popular for a short time. Custom: Something that people in a particular society do because it is traditional. Customs: 1. Place where goods and baggage are examined on entering a country to see what duty is payable on them and to check for smuggled goods 2. A government department responsible for collecting taxes on imports and for preventing illegal imports Dish: Food cooked or prepared in a particular way. Dress up (v): To wear special clothes for fun. Dry cleaners: A shop where you take clothes to be dry-cleaned (cleaned with chemicals instead of water) Fashionable: 1. Following a style that is currently popular. 2. Popular with rich, famous, or otherwise glamorous people Generalise (v): to state a supposed general truth about something on the basis of limited or incomplete evidence Get past (v): to go through a group of people From one side to another Give a lift (v): When you pick up something or someone from a place to another. Hospitality: Friendly and welcoming behaviour towards visitors. In advance: Before something happens or is expected to happen. Intonation: The rising or falling pitch of the voice when somebody says a word or syllable, or the rising and falling pattern of speech generally Live band: a musical group that you watch play personally Mad: 1. Angry. 2. Stupid. Make-believe: To imagine or pretend that something is real. Make-up: Coloured substances that you put on your face to improve or change your appearance.

Measure (v): to find out the size, length, quantity, or rate of something using a suitable instrument or device Mind (v): 1. To pay attention to something, especially so as to avoid danger or an accident 2. To remember or recall something Mosque: A building where Muslims go to pray. Move on (v): To develop, improve or become more modern. Polite: Showing or possessing good manners or common courtesy Request (v): To ask for something officially or formally. (n): When someone politely or formally ask for something. Response: A reply or reaction to something. Royalty: Members of a royal family. Rude: Disagreeable or discourteous in manner or action Shame: A negative emotion that combines feelings of dishonor, unworthiness, and embarrassment Socialise (v): To spend time with other people for enjoyment. Solve (v): 1. To find a way of dealing with a problem. 2. To find the correct answer to a problem or question. Split (v): To share something between different people. Split up: If people split up, they end their marriage or relationship. Starter: A first course of a meal, or something suitable to be eaten as a first course of a meal Tend (v): (tend to do sth) To do something usually. Tone-deaf: Unable to hear the difference between different musical notes. Twist (v): To make one part or end of something turn in the opposite direction from the other, or turn in this way (n): The action or movement performed when somebody twists something Unwind (v): To relax and stop thinking about your work or problems. Vital: Extremely important or necessary. Wash up (v): To wash the plates, dishes, etc after a meal. Wonder (v): To think about something you do not know and want to know it. (n): Something that makes you feel surprise and admiration.

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