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X Y Categorical categorical

Graph Stacked 100%

Stats test Chi square if no. of groups are moret test (w group) tehn it is called one way anova



Column bar graph



Scattered diagram


can also use cause and effect relationshi p using causation. . But for this we should use correlatio n

Establishin g cause and effect relationshi p between two variables is called regression

gdp 2008 2008 2009 2010 8 7.3 8 8.6

pop 100 105 110 115

9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 2008 2008

50 45 40

2007 2008 2009 2010

HDFC avg R sqe 23 12 45 34

0.2 0.12 0.56 0.34

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2007

120 115 110 105 100 95 90 2008 2009 2010 gdp pop

0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2008 2009 2010 HDFC avg R sqe

menu selection food presentation food quality food quantity Reception Steward Time taken Bill handling Staff attitude Decoration Music Experience_money value



X3 Y

instead of using t test for every variable its better to use one anova as there are more than 2 variables. So we can apply anov outer border - Ctrl-Shift-7 copy box - Ctrl D LOS - level of significance it indicates percentage error to go tgo a particulaR CELL, press Ctrl G and write the name of the cell in reference- Eg: if u want to go to A10 press Ctrl G an To wrap text, press alt H and press W selection of limited area where donly no. is given (control shift+down arrow) to directly get the sum (alt , =, enter) to keep the decimal to 2 digits (ctrl shift 1) time (ctrl shift 2) date(ctrl shift 3) currency(ctrl shift 4) percentage(ctrl shift 5) outer border(ctrl shift 7) remove borders(control shift _ ) to inscert row (alt i and press r to insert column (alt i and press C) to insert work sheet (alt i and press W) to freez a cell to take the same dinominator = select the denominator cell in formula area and press F4 twice and enter = this to freez a cell to take the same dinominator = select the denominator cell in formula area and press F4 thrice and enter = this to freez a cell to take the same dinominator = select the denominator cell in formula area and press F4 once and enter = this

Name of the person a b c d

Marks 23 45 67 89 79

name of the person a b c d e

76 379 24.66


parametric non para metric

continuous categorical

Eg. Regression Eg. Chi square

to get todays date =today() 4/13/2012 to change the format of the date press Ctrl 1 ctrl shift 1 converts into no ctrl shift 3 converts into date

todays date date of birty age

13-Apr-12 15/12/85 #VALUE!

13-Apr-12 15-Dec-85 9,616.00 26.34521 9383 indicates the no. of days

dr mr ms er fr sr

ram sam peter rasjith james jesu

drram mrsam mspeter errasjith frjames srjesu

to combine two values press =cell&cell i.e =A74& ms.peter er.rasjith

to insert . Use formula =A76&"."&B

bles. So we can apply anova for 3 variables

go to A10 press Ctrl G and write A10 in referenc e and press enter

F4 twice and enter = this will enable to freez the row F4 thrice and enter = this will enable to freez the column F4 once and enter = this will enable to freez both row and column 1 sales 45 67 89 43 90 % 13% 20% 0.200599 27% 13% 27% 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 4 6 8 10 3 3 6 9 12 15 4 4 8 12 16 20


press =cell&cell i.e =A74&B74 Use formula =A76&"."&B76

5 5 10 15 20 25

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