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f) What kinds of technical expertise are required to complete the project, and how do you plan to get access

to this expertise? e) How will you ensure that the needs of the people you are designing for are being taken into consideration?

Technical expertise: Builders, to build bins Engineers, to design bins Truck drivers, to transport waste Electricians, for security cameras Access: Payment for services

People we are designing this for: Perth residents Needs of people: An easy nearby bin for disposal Halfway point cant be too far Sufficient Reward for recycling e-waste to encourage the process Simple design Height restriction Weight restriction

1e) The target group for this project is the general public of Perth, Western Australia. The main objective for our design will be to make the process of recycling e-waste as easy as possible so people will be inclined to participate. This means that our design will have to be easy to use and readily available to get the greatest percentage of the population contributing. The most demanding users of this project will most likely be young adults and families that change their electronics on a fairly regular basis. The main needs of this group will be ease of access to a recycling bin, as lots of young adults that are immersed in technology do not have a license or access to a car, therefore the bins will need to be placed throughout the city so that everyone has relatively easy access. The bins will display the instructions on the screen to aid hearing impaired people in the process and cater for those that are not exposed to technology as often; the bins will have a user friendly interface to guide people through the recycling process. The willingness of the public to take on this approach to recycling will need to be investigated. We will need to determine if the public would accept this approach or if they would rather a more conventional approach such as having an e-waste bin or a separate pile in the rubbish collection days for e-waste. If the proposed solution is accepted we will then need to research the amount of credit given for each item. As the recycling facility cannot be too generous but at the same time needs to give enough credit so it is worthwhile for people to use this infrastructure. To find out what amount of credit consumers will settle for, we will conduct interviews and hand out surveys which should give a good indication of the efficient level to maintain sustainability within the operation.

1f) In the initial planning phase, the main expertise that will be required is designers and engineers. They will be required to collaborate and produce a strong bin with an efficient use of space, looks good and operates as desired with the design constraint of being accessible to the pickup truck and easy to move the contents of the bin into the truck. After the bins have been designed, there will be a need for bulk labour of mainly builders and electricians to construct the proposed designs. Once the bins have been constructed, there will be the standard operating labour of truck drivers and one or two electricians to monitor the bins and security cameras. To gain access to these varying forms of expertise we will require capital funding, we need to determine whether the funding will be private and/or publicly funded. We project that the design will be able to make large revenues so the start-up costs will be recoverable. If the government funded the design, they could make it selfsustainable and not be out to increase profits, so the consumers would benefit.

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