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ANS-1: 1.C is a structured or procedural oriented language. It mainly depends upon the function which is written in structural manner.

It does not support in the web application and also C is very difficult to learn compared to C++ and java. 2. C++ is a object oriented language (shortly called as OOPS). In which is mainly depends upon the object(Runtime entity). Compared to C, it is easy to learn. 3. Java is a combination of C and C++. But most of C++ features are added in the Java. The main advantage of java is it supports Web Application. It is robust,distributing and secured language in which C & C++ does not support. And even Java support in Networking where as it is not possible in C or C++. ANS-2:

C,C++ and java all three are programming languages. The basics difference that comes in between these three languages are given below. C is a structured language. This language is platform dependent. Platform dependent means you will not run any program of C from one operating system to another operating system. C++ is also platform dependent like C but this language is object oriented language. By object oriented language you can easily stop the flow of your program i.e from top to bottom or bottom to top.You can also say that in C++ we use classes and objects thats why it is object oriented. Java is object oriented like C++ but this programming language is not platform dependent. It is platform independent. This is because it generates byte code when you run your program not the exe file thats why it is platform independent. ANS-3: Table Comparing C, C++ and Java This table is a summary of the differences found in the article. Feature C++ Procedural, OOP, Generic Paradigms Procedural Programming Form of Compiled Executable Native Executable Native Code C Java OOP, Generic Programming (from Java 5) Java bytecode

Source Code Memory management Pointers Preprocessor String Type Complex Data Types Inheritance Operator Overloading Automatic coercions Variadic Parameters Goto Statement

Code Manual Yes, very commonly used. Yes Character arrays Manual Yes, very commonly used, but some form of references available too. Yes Character arrays, objects Managed, using a garbage collector No pointers; references are used instead. No Objects Classes Single class inheritance, multiple interface implementation No Not at all if loss could occur; msut cast explicitly No No

Structures, unions Structures, unions, classes N/A N/A Multiple class inheritance Yes

Yes, with warnings Yes, with warnings if loss if loss could occur could occur Yes Yes Yes Yes

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