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The Worksheet Record

Especialidad: Lengua Extranjera Ingls

Entre las muchas funciones del profesorado de educacin primaria, adems de las de disear, programar y guiar los procesos de enseanza-aprendizaje, se encuentra la de Evaluar, Orientar y Diagnosticar las necesidades de aprendizaje individuales y grupales de sus alumnos. Para ello, el Docente deber "desarrollar la capacidad de intervenir en el proceso educativo con tcnicas, estrategias y metodologas apropiadas a las necesidades de sus alumnos". En este sentido empleo Mtodos y Tcnicas de indagacin que me permiten conocer las necesidades educativas de mi alumnado. Uno de estos instrumentos es la hoja de registro de las observaciones. Por medio de la informacin que este instrumento entregue, podr evaluar, diagnosticar y responder a las necesidades educativas Individuales y/o colectivas del grupo de alumnos, al mismo tiempo que, introducir mejoras en los procesos de enseanza-aprendizaje y en mi labor docente. La worksheet record es "til y eficaz para recoger informacin a lo largo del desarrollo de las lecciones de la unidad didctica. CARACTERSTICAS

Es un procedimiento de investigacin. Emplea una escala de observacin altamente estructurada. Necesita relativamente poco tiempo para reunir informacin sobre grupos numerosos. El profesor tiene por escrito informacin sobre el desarrollo de los procesos educativos y el grado de adquisicin de competencias bsicas de sus alumnos, los comportamientos de sus alumnos, las actitudes, Uso tems tipo Likert de 5 niveles (1= ALWAYS, 2= OFTEN, 3= SOMETIMES, 4= RARELY, 5= NEVER).

ANLISIS. Cada tem puede ser analizado separadamente o sumar las respuestas de cada criterio de evaluacin para obtener su puntuacin total y poder establecer comparaciones entre ellos, o tambin la de un grupo de criterios. De esta manera podemos calcular la mediana y la moda para cada uno de los criterios de evaluacin, lo que me ayudar a tener una visin ms clara del desarrollo de los procesos de enseanza-aprendizaje y conocer las necesidades educativas de mis alumnos. RESULTADOS DE LA EVALUACIN DE LOS ALUMNOS.

1 Francisco Andrs Garca Martnez.


The Worksheet Record

Especialidad: Lengua Extranjera Ingls

Empleo una escla Lkert para calificar a mis alumnos. Los resultados de la evaluacin los expresar del siguiente modo: Fail (0-9 IN), Pass (10- 19 SU), Good (20- 29 BI), Very good (30- 35 NT) and Excellent (36- 40 SB), considering Fail rating on negative and positive all others.

Among the many features of the primary school teachers, in addition to design, develop and guide the teaching and learning processes is to assess, guide and diagnose learning needs of their individual and group students. To this end, the teacher should develop the capacity to intervene in the educational process with techniques, strategies and methodologies appropriate to the needs of his/her students. In this way, I use the work sheet record as a tool. Through its information I can assess, diagnose and respond to individual learning needs and / or group of students at the same time, improve teaching and learning processes and in my teaching. The worksheet record is a useful and effective to collect information throughout the development of lessons of the didactic unit. FEATURES

It is a research procedure. It uses a highly structured scale of observation. I need relatively little time to collect information on large groups. I have written about the development of educational processes and the level of basic skills of my children, and information about their behaviours, their attitudes ... I use a typical five-level Likert item like this: (1= ALWAYS, 2= OFTEN, 3= SOMETIMES, 4= RARELY, 5= NEVER). Ee must distinguish between a Likert Scale and a Likert item. The Likert Scale is the sum of responses on several Likert items. Because Likert items are often accompanied by a visual analog scale (e.g., a horizontal line, on which a subject indicates his or her response by circling or checking tick-marks), the items are sometimes called scales themselves. This is the source of much confusion; it is better, therefore, to reserve the word 'Likert scale' to apply to the summated scale, and 'Likert item' to refer to an individual item. RESULTS OF THE STUDENTS ASSESSMENT. I use a Likert Scale. The results of the students assessment will be expressed as: Fail (0-9 IN), Pass (10- 19 SU), Good (20- 29 BI), Very good (30- 35 NT) and Excellent (36- 40 SB), considering Fail rating on negative and positive all others.
2 Francisco Andrs Garca Martnez.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Didactic Unit ___ Students






Francisco Andrs Garca Martnez.

1. Read, understand and identify specific information in the story in the unit. 2. Understand the gist specific identify and information in oral texts about daily routines. 3. Take part in oral exchanges and form questions and answers about the time and daily routines. 4. Read and write simple texts about daily routines. the 5. Completed picture dictionary. 6. Distinguish and reproduce the sounds studied in the unit. 7. Identify the times when meals are eaten English-speaking in countries and compare them with own times. 8. Uses English as a of means basic communication in the class. 9. 10.

The Worksheet Record

Assessment criteria

The following grids will be used at the end of the unit in order to check whether the objectives have been achieved by means of the activities included in the Didactic Unit.

Likert scale: 1= ALWAYS, 2= OFTEN, 3= SOMETIMES, 4= RARELY, 5= NEVER 3

Especialidad: Lengua Extranjera Ingls



The Worksheet Record

Especialidad: Lengua Extranjera Ingls

UNIT ___ TITLE: ________________________ DATES: ____________ TO ___________ ASSESSMENT CRITERIA PUPILS

Shows understanding of the story Recognises words Distinguishes between individual sounds Responds to classroom language Responds to questions Oral communication: production Participates in speaking activities Participates talking to others Uses English in the classroom Pronounces intelligibly Socio-cultural aspects Shows interest in learning English Show understanding of content linked to other areas of learning. Respects other children in the classroom Other aspects of learning Participates in activities Makes an effort Cooperates with others Pays attention Is able to work independently Feels confident in him/herself

Likert scale:

4 Francisco Andrs Garca Martnez.


The Worksheet Record

Especialidad: Lengua Extranjera Ingls

5 Francisco Andrs Garca Martnez.

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