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Letter to Students and Parents

Dear Students and Parents,

This year Clay County Schools is fully implementing the Next Generation Sunshine State
Standards for Science. All science students are expected to complete a science fair project. The
following booklet has been created to help assist students in completing a successful science fair
Science Fair is hard work for students, parents, and teachers. t takes time, effort, and
resources. All of the teachers at LAJH are here to help students as they go through the process. f
you have any questions please feel free to contact your science teacher, one of the science fair
coordinators, or come to one of the many Science Fair tutoring sessions that will be offered
throughout the semester. The following dates* have also been established to keep you on track to
successfully complete the project. The required forms will be provided by your science teacher and
will also be available on the LAJH website.

Sept. 16 Topic Selection should be completed
Oct. 6 Research paper is due
Oct 20 Research Plan is due (TYPED!)
Nov 28 Students may start turning in projects to their science teacher today and
throughout this week!!


Dec 5-9 Classroom Science Fairs
Jan. 10 School Science Fair in the Media Center

*Some of these dates are subject to change due to classroom teacher discretion or other mitigating factors.

LA!P S l
1 8

Getting Started

What you wiII need to begin
Standard Science Classes
Composition notebook
Flash Drive (Highly advisable, but not mandatory)
Advanced Science Classes or Any Student
Competing in Science Fair.
Composition notebook
Flash Drive (Highly advisable, but not mandatory)
1 inch three ring binder with dividers

Log Book
The first thing you should set up is the logbook. The Log Book is handwritten, and it may look a little
abused by the end of the science project, but that is ok. Every entry must be dated and must include
information on what you learned or completed on that date. t is like an interactive notebook or a diary,
detailing your progress, mistakes, and thoughts and improvements as you go through this process. As you go
through this packet, there are many logbook spots that tell you what to put in your logbook for that particular
section of your project. Make sure that you do every one!

1. Leave the first page blank. You will complete this once your profect has been selectea.
2. On the next three pages write at the top 'Table of Contents`
3. After the table of contents, number all the pages of your logbook in the top right hana
corner starting with number 1.
4. At the conclusion of your profect, go back to the Table of Contents ana write each part of
your profect that is in the logbook ana the page numbers(s) where each section is founa.
Profect Question.................................................................. 1
Research .........................................................................2-10
Purpose.............................................................................. 11
Hypothesis ......................................................................... 12
Experiment......................................................................... 13
(If you complete any worksheets that help you complete this profect those shoula be pastea
in your logbook ana also listea in your Table of Contents)

Project Topic/Question/ProbIem

When seIecting a science fair topic keep the foIIowing questions in mind.
s my topic realistic?
s it something can do with little or no help from parents, teachers or other adults?
Am really interested in this topic or do just think it is easy?
Can investigate my topic by experimenting and collecting data?
Can afford what will need to investigate my topic?
Do have enough time to successful complete this project by winter break?
Great science projects show that you have aIso asked yourseIf the foIIowing questions:
s this project original, or has it been done before?
s the answer to my question already known?
Will my investigation add to what is known about the topic?
Do have access to background research on my topic? Are there books in the library or age
appropriate web pages that will help me with my project research?

Great science project topics can:
Be an extension of a project that was done the previous year.
Come from personal and/or real-life experiences. A time when you noticed something and thought
wonder how that works or operates. Or, wonder what would happen if...
Come from current events or from reading magazines like National Geographic, Discover, Omni,
Popular Science or Popular Mechanics.
Come from finding out about different fields in science and what things are studied in that field.
(See Appendix A: Field of Science/ Science Fair categories)

AcceptabIe Science Project topics must:
Be expressed as a problem question beginning with a phrase such as
What is the relationship between.?
What is the relationship between.?
What is the effect of.?
Require experimentation and identifies the intended test subject, independent variable, and
dependent variable
be completed within the amount of time allotted
Be within your scope of ability in terms of your age and expertise, access to materials, and testing
facility constraints such as working space, and financial expense involved.
have results that are quantitatively measurable in metric, SI Units
not harm vertebrates
not be a demonstration, model, or kit
not be a consumer product test, use mold, weapons, explosives or harmful bacteria
FoIIow aII safety guideIines according to MSDS rules, safety equipment and clothing, and
appropriate adult supervision.

/RJ%RRNOnce your problem has been selectea, you shoula recora the, Problem, Test Subfect, Inaepenaent
Jariable, ana Depenaent Jariable on the front page of your log book. Your teacher must sign approving
this page. Make sure to put the aate on the page'

Project Background Research

The purpose of Background Research for Science Experiments is to:
x Learn information about your topic/test subject and its relationship to the independent and dependent
x Find scientific definitions for your topic/test subject and each of the levels of the independent variable.
x Learn background history and information on your test subject and the levels of the independent
variable (including, but not limited to what it's made of, how it works, how it's used, what it does, what it
needs, what it interacts with, etc)
x Find information about any previous similar experiments conducted by other people on your topic/test
subject, describing their results and conclusions (www.juliantrubin.com/fairprojects.html is a great
resource to help you find this information)
x Find out about the people or groups that would benefit from the results of your project experiment or
find out ways your project results could be useful in the real world.
x Provide all of the background information necessary for you to formulate a solid hypothesis, expressed
in the form of an If.., then.. statement. The better your research, the stronger your hypothesis, and
the better your experiment!

Required number and Types of Resources
x You must use five different sources of information. You may start looking for information by using a
general encyclopedia, but work toward books, magazine articles, and internet sources.
x Two of the five sources MUST be BOOKS (encyclopedias and dictionaries may be used BUT they do
not count towards your required resource)
x Use websites that are teen friendly and provide reliable and factual information. This includes:
R Government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, Dairy Farmers of America,
National food and Drug Administration, NASA, Smithsonian
R Well known companies and institutions like Proctor and Gamble, JEA, and Nemours
R Sites that have domain name suffix or web address that end in .gov, .org, or .edu
x Don't expect to find everything you need immediately or on one site or in one book. Research takes
x To begin your research, start by selecting key words and general topics. Then work toward more
specific information as you discover more about your topic.
R For example: If your project problem was "What effects do different types of soil have on
strawberries?" then the key words are strawberries and soil. Questions you would want to
answer about each would include:
What are strawberries?
What are the different types of strawberries?
What are the different parts of a strawberry plant?
What do strawberries need to grow?
How do strawberries grow?
In what type of soil are strawberries usually grown? Why?

What is soil?
What are the characteristics of soil?
What are the different types of soil?
How are soil types different from one

For CIay County Library Hours use the foIIowing Iink: http://www.ccpl.lib.fl.us/locations.html

LAJH Library Hours:
Generally open in the mornings from 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Occasionally it will be closed for faculty meetings. Please ask the media specialist ahead of time.

Project Research Paper
The purpose of the project research paper is to show your understanding of your project topic/test
subject and levels of your independent variable and dependent variable and communicate that information to
others.-Before writing the final draft of your research paper, plan on having to either make a planning sheet or
write a rough draft. The specifics will be determined by your science teacher. However, the planning page or
rough draft must organize your background research according to how you will write your research paper
(What information will be written in paragraph 1, 2, 3, etc...)

/RJ%RRN Backgrouna Research ana Information Sources.
Start each new source on its own page. You shoula write information about the source you are using
ana a list of facts you learnea from this source. Once you have collectea enough information from at
least 5 sources, you will use your notes to write your research paper.

looked at
Write the title
oI the book or
web page
Make sure
you write the
Iacts in your
own words.
directly Irom
the source
x Web address
x Copyright date or date
page was last updated
x Author or publisher iI

x ISBN number
x Author
x Copyright date
x Publisher
x Location oI publisher
x Pages used II inIormation is copied word Ior word it must be
written in quotation marks with a page number(s)
noted. However, not all your notes can be put in

Research Paper Grading Criteria
(This is what your teacher will be looking for when grading your research paper)


Title page- Problem/Question centered on the center of the page
Lower right hand corner has Name Date and Period

Typed 10 or 12 pt black print
Font used is Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman or Calibri
One inch margins on all four sides
Double Spaced
Written in third person (do not use , we, you, etc.)
Has at least 5 sources
Does not use contractions (don't, won't, etc.)
1000-1500 words in the body of the paper (this does not include the title page or

Content of paper

Defines all key words related to project topic
Answers key questions about project topic and all levels of your independent variable
such as what it's made of, how it works, how it's used, what it does, what it needs, what
it interacts with, etc

ncludes a description of experiments that were similar in nature to yours and what the
results of those experiments were.

Provides a hypothesis written in the correct format
Provides an explanation or rationale for hypothesis based on research
Provides a purpose for the experiment and a real life application for the results
Describes who would benefit from the results of this experiment and why they would
benefit from the results.

Mechanics & Revisions

Written without grammar and spelling errors
Revised according to comments made by teacher


Contains 5 sources of information, 2 of which are books or magazines
Written in either MLA or APA style.
For examples see website: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-
projects/project_bibliography.shtml. You may also use websites such as
www.bibme.org or www.easybib.com to make your bibliography online.

Research PIan
(This can aIso be caIIed a proceduraI pIan)

The research plan is the proposal for your experiment. t explains everything you plan to do for your project
in great detail. Your Research PIan must be approved by your teacher before you begin to perform the
actuaI experiment. Your research plan should be typed. Refer to the information below to complete your
Research Plan.

A) ProbIem/Question being addressed: What question or problem are you trying to solve? (Use the
What effect. or other approved format)

B) Hypothesis: Example: f acidic water is placed on soil then the amount of nutrients in the soil will
decrease. Remember a hypothesis is:
1. A prediction based on your research
2. Written as an f. ( do this). then.(this will happen)
3. Very detailed and specific; does not use words like best, bigger, etc.
4. Does not use the words think or predict
5. Written with your independent variable (what you are testing and purposely changing) placed
between the f and the then, while the dependent variable is written after the then.

C) RationaIe for hypothesis: Give a reason based on your research for your hypothesis

D) Independent VariabIe: Describe the factor you are purposely changing, the amount, the type etc.

E) Dependent VariabIe: Explain what you will measure during the experiment in order to determine if your
hypothesis is proven or not.
Quantitative observations: Explain the measurements will you make to determine if your hypothesis
is supported or not.
QuaIitative observations: Explain what other observations you will be making to determine if your
hypothesis is supported or not. Such as color change or the presence or absence of something.

F) Constants: Factors in the experiment which must be kept the same and cannot be changed.

G) ControI Group: Describe the group you are using to compare to your experimental groups.

H) List of MateriaIs: Describe what materials you will need, the quantity of each material, where you plan
to get them, and the expected cost. Please remember, you have to provide all of the materials for your

I) Location: Describe where you will complete the experiment, example: in your garage, back yard, etc.
Make sure to include a physical address.

J) Safety Precautions: Be sure to write down all safety precautions you will take when conducting your
experiment. f your project uses potentially hazardous biological agents, humans or other vertebrate
animals and/or hazardous chemicals, be sure to read the ,QWHO,6() rules and guidelines concerning your
project at http://www.societyforscience.org/document.doc?id=311

K) Experiment Procedures: Write down step by step detailed instructions of what you plan to do. The
procedure must:
1. Be written as a list of numbered steps (1, 2, 3, 4..).
2. Begin by explaining exactly how you plan on setting up your experiment.
3. nclude amounts of materials and metric measurements (centimeters, liters, grams, etc.)
4. Have at least five trials for the control group and each experimental group/testing group.

5. Test only one variable. (Example: f you are measuring the effect of Different types of soil on
plant growth, you may not change the amount of light exposure for the plants. This would
invalidate your test.)
6. Describe how and when you will make qualitative and quantitative observations (how and when
you will measure changes in your control and experimental groups and what conditions will you
record such as air temperature, lighting, etc.)
7. Describe the duration of your experiment. n other words, how long will it last? For example, if
you are doing an experiment involving plant growth how long will you observe the growth of the
plant 4 weeks, 8 weeks, etc?
8. Be detailed enough to enable another scientist to repeat your experiment exactly as you did.

L) Data AnaIysis: Draw out the data table that you will use to record your results and describe the
procedures you will use to analyze the data such as finding the mean of your trials. Explain the type of
graph you will use (bar graphs for comparisons of averages from each level of the V, line graphs for
changes over time, and pie graphs to show how a part relates to the whole, and scatter plots to show
relationships between variables)

Science Project ApprovaI Form: This form should be signed by both parent and student.

Note: Advanced students and students competing in Science Fair may also need to complete SEF forms 1
and 1A. Some students may have to complete more forms depending on the nature of their project. You can
download and save the forms from http://www.societyforscience.org/isef/document

/RJ%RRN. Once the teacher has approvea your research plan, go back ana paste it in your


When your Research Plan and forms have been received and reviewed, your teacher will provide you
with written permission to start your experiment by signing the Science Project Approval Form you turned in
with your Research Plan. Do not start untiI your teacher has given you permission to start!
On the first day that you set up your experiment have your research plan out and follow the experiment
procedure you have made. f you need to make changes in the original plan don't be afraid to cross out and
note the changes on your original procedure or rewrite your procedure with changes in your logbook.

CoIIecting Data

AnaIyzing Data
The purpose of analyzing data is to determine if your hypothesis can be supported by the data collected
during your experiment. When analyzing data you organize data into graphs and charts and try to find
relationships or patterns with the data you have collected.

/RJ%RRN. On the aay that you start your experiment.
1. Make aata table(s) in you logbook accoraing to your Research Plan.
2. Make ,QLWLDOREVHUYDWLRQV. For example, if you are using plants, make sure to give each
plant a label ana aescribe each plant from aay one (si:e, number of leaves, etc). The first
aay you start your experiment, there shoula be lots of writing.
3. Take pictures of how you set up the experiment. Try to avoia having peoples faces in the
pictures. If you will be taking pictures with a person unaer the age of 18 in the pictures you
must have written permission from his/her parents to be photographea.
/RJ%RRN. Each time you make an entry in your logbook for your experiment you shoula.
1. 0DNHVXUHWRUHFRUGDOOREVHUYDWLRQV. Recora changes that you see, hear, smell, feel, ana
measure in each sample of each level of your inaepenaent variable/experimental group.
2. 0DNHQRWHVof any changes, problems, mistakes or unexpectea things that happen auring your
experiment. Write aown the time you make observations. Anything you ao auring your
experiment shoula be measurea ana recoraea. For example, if you are watering plants on certain
aays, make sure to recora when you water each plant ana how much. Remember all aata, both
qualitative ana quantitative, shoula be recoraea in the logbook.
3. 7DNHSLFWXUHV.Every time you recora an observation in your logbook you shoula take a picture
of your experiment.
/RJ%RRN. Once you have stoppea your experiment you must analy:e the aata collectea as specifiea in
your Research Plan. Be sure to.
1. Fina the mean for all the trials for each level of your inaepenaent variable
2. Graph the aata
3. Write out the results of what your graph shows in paragraph form. Make sure to incluae
the following in the paragraph.
A. Each testing groups results as graphea
B. The testing group or level of the inaepenaent variable that haa the greatest
C. The testing group or Level of the inaepenaent variable that haa the least amount
of change.

Discussion and ConcIusion

The purpose of the conclusion is to show what you have learned from your project and communicate
the results of your experiment and analysis. The conclusion summarizes the whole project and offers
explanations for your results.

What happens next?

At this point your science teacher will decide how you will proceed. f you are in the Advanced Science
classes or competing in science fair you will be required to complete a project binder and a backboard. You will
be provided with another guide to complete these requirements. f you are in Standard Science classes, your
teacher may assign another way for you to communicate and present your science project. This may include,
but is not limited to, a class presentation, display board, poster, written paper or PowerPoint.

/RJ%RRN In the conclusion the following questions shoula be answerea using complete
1. What was the problem you were investigating or the purpose of your experiment?
2. What was your hypothesis for the experiment?
3. What were the average results for each level of the inaepenaent variable?
4. Was your hypothesis supportea basea on the results of your experiment? (Dia the aata
collectea match what you thought woula happen?)
5. Why ao you think the experiment results turnea out the way they aia? (Think back to all the
research. What was aifferent about each level of the inaepenaent variable that coula
account for the results of the experiment?)
6. Were there any problems that coula have affectea the results? Dia you make any errors?
7. If you were to reao the experiment, how coula it be improvea in the future?
8. If you aia another science profect next year, how coula you expana or extena this current
9. Who woula benefit from the results of your experiment? How coula what you learnea be
appliea to the real worla?


Appendix A: FieIds of Science/ Science Fair Categories....................................13-14

Appendix B: SeIecting a Project Topic/Question/ProbIem..................................15-16

Appendix C: ExperimentaI Design .............................................................................17
Appendix D: Setting up a controIIed experiment .....................................................18
Appendix E: Worksheets and Forms ..................................................................19- 22

Appendix A: FieIds of Science/ Science Fair Categories

AEROSPACE SCIENCE is the study and investigation of the earth's atmosphere and outer space. t includes the design,
building, and operation of aircraft. Some topics that fall within this division are the operation of rockets, guided missiles,
anything related to space travel, and the operation, and/or construction of satellites and airplanes.

ASTRONOMY is the science of the universe, including the planets and their moons, comets and meteors, the stars and

BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE* is the science that studies how humans and other animals act by means of observable
responses. Some topics that fall within this division are the effect of stimuli on organisms and their responses, learning,
motivation, emotion, perception, thinking, individuality and personality.

BIOCHEMISTRY* is the branch of chemistry relating to the processes and physical properties of living organisms. This
could include the reactions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, enzymes, blood, urine, vitamins, hormones, poisons, and
drugs. As well as the how these things are absorbed, digested, and used by organisms.

BOTANY is the study of plant structures and their functions, plant reproduction, growth, classification and disease.

CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY* is the study of the organization and function of the individual cell. Molecular
biology is the study of the interactions between the systems of a cell, including the making and controlling of proteins,
DNA and RNA.

CHEMISTRY is the study of the structure and properties of substances. How substances are made and how they undergo
chemical and/or physical changes under various conditions.

COMPUTER SCIENCE is the study and making of computer hardware, software, nternet networking and
communications, simulations/virtual reality or computational science (including data structures, encryption, coding, and
information theory).

CONSUMER SCIENCE* is the study of comparisons and evaluations of manufactured or commercial products. Topics
included in this category are taste tests, color preferences, quality control, and how well a product works.

EARTH SCIENCE is the science of the origin, structure, makeup and other physical features of the earth. Some topics
that fall within this division are geology (earth composition, rock formation, fossils, minerals, and fossil fuel); geography
(landforms, soils, classification of streams, erosion, and sedimentation); oceanography (ocean waves, ocean currents,
composition of ocean water and coastal zone management); seismology (study of earthquakes); and meteorology (study
of weather).

ELECTRONICS is the branch of engineering and technology that consists of making things such as radios, television
sets, and computers. Experiments involving circuits for communication such as radio, radar, laser, television, and
electricity; electric motors; solar cells and amplifiers would be in this category.

ENGINEERING is the design, construction, and operation of roads, bridges, harbors, buildings, and machinery, lighting,
heating, and communication systems. Stress testing of building materials and strength of building materials would be
considered engineering projects.

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE is the study of the protection and care of natural resources. Topics included in this
category are solar energy and its uses, water purification and usage, pollution control, soil chemistry, and insecticides.

HEALTH SCIENCE* is the study of the human body and good health practices. Projects dealing with diet, care of the
teeth, care of the eyes, and hygiene would be placed in this category.

MATERIALS SCIENCE is a branch of engineering that is the study of materials and how they can be changed and made
to meet the needs of modern technology.

MATHEMATICS is the science of measurement, arithmetic (use of numbers, symbols, and numerical systems); algebra
(probability, theory of equations, progressions, and combinations); geometry (study of geometric figures, similar figures,
and scale drawings); calculus; trigonometry, statistics and graphing.

MICROBIOLOGY* is the branch of biology concerned with the study of microorganisms. This would include the study of
bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi, and protozoa, and even studies involving cells or tissues.

PHYSICS is the science that deals with the laws concerning motion, matter, and energy. Topics found in the category of
physics are force and pressure, gravity, Newton's Laws, relativity, kinetic theory, motion forces, work, energy, sound, light,
and magnetism.

ZOOLOGY and or AnimaI Science* is the science that deals with the study of animals. This could include the study the
structures of animals, the functions of those structures, reproduction and heredity.

*projects in these fields of science require special supervision and guidelines and have certain restrictions. The classroom
teacher may choose to limit the number of projects allowed from these fields.

l lSLl C S

/RJERRN. Choose one of the fielas of science from the list above that most interests you then after
aoing some research on that fiela, answer the following questions in your log book.
1. What aoes a person in this fiela of science stuay?
2. What is the general name of a scientist in this fiela callea?
3. What careers woula use a aegree in this fiela of science?
4. What are three funior high or miaale school profects that woula be classifiea in this fiela of
5. Is there a topic that is stuaiea in this fiela that I coula ao my profect on, if so what?
In oraer to answer question number four you can ao a general search on the internet for school
science profects in the fiela of science you have chosen or you can go to the two websites below
for help.
www.fuliantrubin.com/fairprofects.html ana www.sciencebuaaies.org
Dont forget to Write this page in your Table of Contents. Title it Science Fiela or Science Category

Appendix B: SeIecting a Project Topic/Question/ProbIem

Worksheet 1: Choosing a Science Project topic
After you have found and researched the field of science that interests you, complete the
problem selection worksheet. This worksheet is meant to guide you through the project
selection process. t was developed from a four question strategy called Rooting into
Inquiry, which is designed to aid students in creating an original and meaningful science
fair experiment. Refer to the scenario and example worksheets provided to complete your

Example Scenario:
After looking over the list of science fields, Leslee decided that botany looked interesting. She found in her
research that botany was the study of plants and decided plants would be a good project topic. She then
completed Worksheet 1: Choosing a Science Project Problem/Question.

Test subject
is the same
thing as
project topic.
Write the
materials from
question #1.
Choose onIy
materiaIs that
wiII have an
effect on the test
Notice Leslee did
not choose the
shovel or the
measuring cups.
Write a list of all
the possible
ways that each
of the materials
can be changed.


capable of
Answering the Why? for the last two questions is just
as important as the question itself. f you can't answer
the why then you should not consider trying to
investigate the problem for your project.
Write your
answer to
question #2
Note: You will have
more than three
questions if you use
all of your answers
in #3 and #4 to
make questions.
Realize that some
questions will be
better than others
and you should pick
the three best.
/RJ%RRN. Paste this worksheet in your logbook. Be sure to recora it in your Table of Contents.-

LeveIs of the IV are the testing groups or the
experimentaI groups. Each is treated with a different
amount or form of the independent variable.
Appendix C: ExperimentaI Design
Worksheet 2 ExperimentaI Design Diagram
Use your background research to help you complete this worksheet.

Scenario continued
After Leslee did some research she decided to pick strawberries as the plants that she
would use in her project. She found out background information on strawberry plants
which helped her to complete worksheet 2: Experimental Design Diagram.

Purpose: n one
or two paragraphs
describes the real-
world reason for
selecting this
project problem.
You may need to
go back and read
more about your
topic to write a
quality purpose
Hypothesis: Shows
the relationship
between the
independent variable
and the dependent
variable. t is written
as an f. then.
statement and should
be based on your
background research
Do not use words like
think or predict.
nclude a reason for
your hypothesis
backed by
information you found
in your research.
variabIe is the
one factor in the
experiment that
you are
/RJ%RRNYou shoula paste worksheet 2 in your log book once it has been reviewea by the teacher
ana returnea. Be sure to recora it in your Table of Contents.

TitIe: the
question you are
trying to answer

Appendix D: Setting Up a ControIIed Experiment
When conducting your experiment, care must be taken to make sure that the independent variable is
actually what causes the change to your test subject. When planning your experiment remember to keep
everything the same except for the single variable being tested.

Here is an example:

Experiment purpose: How do different soil types affect the growth of strawberry plants?

Hypothesis: f strawberry plants are grown in soil with sand, clay, and loam then the strawberries grown
in sandy soil will grow the fastest because strawberries need soil that is not wet but drains well.

The independent variable is the different soil types. The levels of the ndependent variable are sand, clay, and
loam. These are the only things that can be changed in the experiment. That means that the following factors
must be kept the same or constant:
x The age and type of the plants (6 week old strawberry plants of the variety )UDJDULDDQDQDVVD
x The type of pot the plants are in and soil (plastic 6 inch pot with 15 cm
of X brana potting soil)
x The amount of sand, clay, and loam mixed with the soil (15 cm
x The amount of water, light, and fertilizer (watered 10 ml of water every other day, afternoon sun, 2
ml of liquid fertilizer brand Z every 14 days)
x The number of strawberry plants in each testing group (five trials x 3 plants in each trial = 15 plants
per experimental/testing group for a total of 60 test subjects, i.e. strawberry plants)
x The time the plants are measured and qualitative observations made (plants' height are measured
every 3 days for 21 days in the morning between 9:00 am and 10:00 am. Also observed are color
changes in leaves, texture of leaves and number and color of strawberry fruit on each plant and if
the soil felt wet or dry)

1 C L C
L l v




Appendix E: Worksheets and Forms


Appendix E: Worksheets and Forms
(Worksheet 1 continued)


Appendix E: Worksheets and Forms


Appendix E: Worksheets and Forms
CIay County SchooIs Project approvaI form (to be compIeted by aII students)

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