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CONDUTIMETRIA 3. Introdugéo. A condutimetria (ou andlise condutimétrica) se ba~ seia em medigoes de condutancia das solugoes idnicas. Essa condutancia resulta da soma da contribuiggo individual de ca da ion presente na solugdo; trata-se, portanto, de uma pro- priedade que nao depende de reaces especificas ao nivel de lm eletrodo, tal como ocorre com os potenciais de eletrodo. A andlise condutinétrica pode ser diteta, quando a concentragao do eletrdlito @ determinada através de una. ni- ca medigao de condutaneia da solugao, ou relativa (‘titula~ goes condutonétricas), quando se procedem medighes das varia goes da condutancia no decorrer de uma titulagao e, atrave delas, estabelece-se o ponto final da titulagao. ‘As substancias ov materiais que conduzem a corren~ te elétrica, os condutores, podem ser classificados en dois grandes grupos: Condutores’ de: primeira classe ou eletronicos: me~ tais, ligas metalicas, Oxidos met@licos e'o grafite nos quais a condugao @ feita a custa de elétréns, sem que haja altera~ gées das propriedades quimicas ou condutor, ou transporte de natérias Condutores de segunda classe, ot eletroliticos+sio as solugSes iGnicas, nas. quais a condugdo de eletricidade se faz-a custa do movimento de fons ocorrendé, similtaneamente, transporte de matéria, e reagdes eletroquimicas aonivel dos eletrodos. A resisténcia elétrica dos condutores de primeira classe, aumcnta com a elevacao da temperatura; com os cqndu- tores eletroliticos ocorre o inverso, porque com 0 aumento da temperatura hd diminvigde da viscosidade do meio e do grau de higratagdo dos ions. A condutividade met@lica @ muito ma for que a eletrolitica. A condutividade da prata metalica , por exenplo, @ cerca de 10° vezes maior que a condutividade de uma solug3o aquosa 1 M de nitrato de prata. Em andlise condutingtrica sd tem interesse a condu YGneta dos condutores de segunda classe. Tr Oe Ko. W\Sede Bliemiicad 2 olitioamolbicee + Y. wundosmnentits © Gaticacsts v9) ANB, JARO. ination ofthe solution. The igure shows the three diferent shapes that are ‘sed to represent the thre types of electrodes schematically ‘We do not want to pursue the details ofits operation hee, but only emphasize thatthe variable voltage source Egg set the voliage deste 2t the working electrode reat tothe reference ede plot The current that is measured fs between the ilar and working lcirodes 15.5 Conductimetry Anionic solution conducts electrical eurrent by means ofthe motions of ions in the solution. One way of measuring how well the solution conducts would be to place two electrodes into the solution and measure its resistance. The resistance measured depends onthe following factors: a. the surface areas ofthe electrodes, b. the shapes of the electrodes, © the positions ofthe electrodes relative to each other in solution, 4. the identities ofthe species in the solution, «. the concentrations of the species, and the temperature. AAs noted in this list the resistance measured depends not only on the solu tion properties but also on the instrument geometry—that is, a through c of the list. Within a single laboratory and with the same electrodes, this mea- surement could be useful for analysis. But the information would not be directly comparable among laboratories, Asa result the apparent resistance— or its reciprocal, the conductance—is not used to describe the properties of ionic solutions. ‘The units that we use for analytical measurements account forthe differ ‘ences in electrode area and geometry. A resistance is converted to a unit as if the measurement had been carried out in a cell of volume 1 ent between two ‘electrode plates, each I cm’, that are placed parallel to each other and 1 cm. apart. This measure of resistance in a specific geometry is called resistivity. ‘The units for this quantity are, for instance, ohm-cm. [(1 ohm) - (1 em length)~' - (1 cnt area) = 1 ohm-cm] Other units are shown in Table 15,3 ‘The reciprocal of resistivity is called the conductivity or specific conduc tance, with units as shown in Table 18.3. Typical values of ionic specific con- ductance approximate those for KCI, which are listed in Table 154 Conductivity and Ionic Concentration Asnoted inthe preceding list, the solution conductivity depends on the iden- tities ofthe ions present and their concentrations. All he fons present inthe solution participate in the conduiction process. To divide up these contribu. tions, itis helpful to consider the conductivity per equivalent of each ton (per ionic charge). Tisis called the equivalent conductivity and is designated by Greek A. The equivalent conductivity attributable toa specific is labeled ‘Its always tre that A= Dy as) ana Equation 15-8 states quantitatively that the total conduction consists of con- tributions from all the ions present, Representative values of equivalent con-

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