Guia Práticas Discursivas Do Cotidiano

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Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Universidade Aberta do Brasil

Centro de Educação a Distância

Curso de Graduação Letras Licenciatura em Inglês e

Literaturas de Língua Inglesa


Profa. Dra. Fernanda Costa Ribas
Prof. Dr. William Mineo Tagata

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 1



Fernanda Costa Ribas

Possui graduação em Letras pela Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José do Rio Preto (2002) e
doutorado em Estudos Linguísticos, área de Linguística Aplicada também pela Unesp (2008). Doutorado
sanduíche (Capes) em Educação pela Universidade de Maryland (2007). Coordena o grupo de pesquisa:
Cognição, afetividade e letramento crítico. É professora adjunta do Instituto de Letras e Linguística da
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, onde trabalha na área de língua inglesa, metodologias de ensino e
estágio supervisionado. Tem atuado principalmente nos seguintes temas: motivação, ansiedade, crenças,
autocrenças, ensino de inglês nas escolas públicas e formação de professores.

William Mineo Tagata

Professor na área de Linguística Aplicada e Língua Inglesa no Instituto de Letras e Linguística da

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (ILEEL/UFU). Graduado em Linguística pela Universidade de São Paulo
(USP), é mestre e doutor em Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês também pela USP. Atuou como
professor de inglês em escolas de línguas e escolas de ensino fundamental e médio. Participa de projetos
de extensão e formação continuada de docentes. Coordena o grupo de pesquisa: Cognição, afetividade
e letramento crítico. Émembro do Grupo de Pesquisa: O Corpo e a Imagem no Discurso. Possui artigos
publicados em periódicos acadêmicos e anais de eventos científicos. Suas áreas de interesse são: formação
de professores, estudos culturais e linguística aplicada. Alguns temas de pesquisa e estudo são: ensino de
línguas estrangeiras, letramento crítico e multiletramentos, e formação de professores.

2 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Jair Messias Bolsonaro

Abraham Weintraub


Carlos Cezar Modernel Lenuzza


Valder Steffen Junior

Orlando César Mantese


Maria Teresa Menezes Freitas

Aléxia Pádua Franco


Ariel Novodvorski


Rafael Matielo

Fernanda Costa Ribas
William Mineo Tagata

Aléxia Pádua Franco - UFU
Bruno Franceschini - UFG
Diva Souza Silva - UFU
Maria Teresa Menezes Freitas - UFU
Simone Tiemi Hashiguti - UFU
Stella Esther Ortweiler Tagnin - USP
Viviane Cabral Benzegen - UFV

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 3

4 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Módulo 1  15
Tarefa 1: Introduction video20
Tarefa 2: Reading – Introduction to module 120
Tarefa 3: Reading – what are discourse practices?20
Tarefa 4: Discussion forum 1 – discourse, genre, identity and ideology 25
Tarefa 5: Reading – identifying written genres25
Tarefa 6: Discussion forum 2 – multimodality and ideology29
Tarefa 7/ atividade 1: English in use: language formality29
Tarefa 7/ atividade 2: English in use: informal language30
Tarefa 7/ atividade 3: English in use: formal language31
Tarefa 8: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 – compound prepositions32
Tarefa 9: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 2 – I wish…/if only…36
Tarefa 10: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 3 – phrasal verbs 40
Tarefa 11/atividade 1: Listening comprehension – identifying oral genres 43
Tarefa 11/atividade 2: Discussion forum 3 – analyzing oral genres 44
Tarefa 11/atividade 3: Reviewing grammar 44

Módulo 2 53
Tarefa 12: Reading – introductionto module 2 59
Tarefa 13/atividade 1: Lead-in 59
Tarefa 13/atividade 2: Vocabulary 60
Tarefa 13/atividade 3: Listening comprehension – job interview 1 61
Tarefa 13/atividade 4: Listening comprehension – job interview 2 62

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 5


Tarefa 13/atividade 5: Job interview features 63

Tarefa 14: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 – direct and indirect questions 64
Tarefa 15: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 2 – verb tenses 68
Tarefa 16: Production forum 1 – Work 76
Tarefa 17: Reading – It’s a wrap. You’re hired 77
Tarefa 18: Discussion forum 1 – Is a video résumé a good idea? 79
Tarefa 19/atividade 1: Lead-in 79
Tarefa 19/atividade 2: Vocabulary 80
Tarefa 19/atividade 3: Listening comprehension – video résumé 1 80
Tarefa 19/atividade 4: Listening comprehension – video résumé 2 81
Tarefa 19/atividade 5: Video résumé features 82
Tarefa 20: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 3 – modals and semimodals to express
ability and obligation 83
Tarefa 21: English in use - describing personality 85
Tarefa 22: Production forum 2 – preparing a video résumé 87
Tarefa 23 (extra practice): Production forum 2 - reading job advertisements 87

Módulo 3  101
Tarefa 24: Reading - introduction to module 3 107
Tarefa 25/atividade 1: Lead-in 107
Tarefa 25/atividade 2: Discussion forum 1 - what do you think of technology? 109
Tarefa 25/atividade 3: Vocabulary  109
Tarefa 25/atividade 4: Listening comprehension – TV panel discussion: is technology dumbing
down kids? 110
Tarefa 25/atividade 5: Panel discussion features 112
Tarefa 26: English in use - stating a personal or a general opinion 113
Tarefa 27: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 - quantifying determiners 116
Tarefa 28: Discussion forum 2 - stating a personal or a general opinion 119
Tarefa 29: Reading - posts and blogs 119
Tarefa 30: Discussion forum 3 - blogs 120
Tarefa 31: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 2 - linking words 121
Tarefa 32: Production forum 1 - writing a blog post 125

6 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Tarefa 33/atividade 1: Lead-in 125

Tarefa 33/atividade 2: Vocabulary 126
Tarefa 33/atividade 3: Discussion forum 4 – podcasts 127
Tarefa 33/atividade 4: Listening comprehension – podcast organization 127
Tarefa 34: English in use - giving instructions and explanations 129
Tarefa 35: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 3 - collocations 134
Tarefa 36: Production forum 2 - preparing a podcast 136
Tarefa 37 (extra practice): Discussion forum 5 - analyzing receipts 137

Módulo 4  147
Tarefa 38: Reading – introduction to module 4 152
Tarefa 39/atividade 1: Newspaper images 152
Tarefa 39/atividade 2: Discussion forum 1 – images and headlines 154
Tarefa 39/atividade 3: Newspaper headlines and grammar  155
Tarefa 39/atividade 4: Newspaper headlines and opening paragraphs 155
Tarefa 40: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 - passive voice 157
Tarefa 41: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 2 - passive voice 2 163
Tarefa 42: Discussion forum 2 - readers’ posts 167
Tarefa 43: Production forum 1 - posting comments on the web 169
Tarefa 44: Listening comprehension - telling and receiving news 170
Tarefa 45: Intonation 171
Tarefa 46: Production forum 2 - reacting to news 172
Tarefa 47: Vocabulary - collocation 172
Tarefa 48: Production forum 3 - Fake News 174
Tarefa 49: Discussion forum 3 - tabloids x serious newspapers 175
Tarefa 50: Discussion forum 4 - end of course feedback 175

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 7


Caro(a) aluno(a):

É com muito prazer que iniciamos a disciplina “Língua Inglesa: práticas discursivas do cotidiano” do Curso
de Graduação em Letras Inglês (modalidade EaD).

Esta disciplina tem seu foco no desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura, escrita, produção e compreensão
orais, que serão trabalhadas tendo em vista as práticas discursivas do cotidiano em Língua Inglesa que
circulam nos contextos presenciais e nos contextos mediados pelas novas tecnologias.

O objetivo precípuo desta disciplina é levar o aluno a reconhecer, compreender e produzir os diferentes
gêneros das práticas discursivas do cotidiano. Serão trabalhadas as características específicas de cada
gênero abordado, diferenças e semelhanças linguístico-comunicativas entre os vários gêneros do
cotidiano, o planejamento e a elaboração de textos orais e escritos. A gramática será estudada de forma
contextualizada de acordo com a especificidade/necessidade dos gêneros abordados.

É importante lembrá-lo (a) de que a leitura desse guia deve ser articulada ao Ambiente Virtual de
Aprendizagem (Moodle). Você também deve estar atento(a) às orientações que receberá ao longo do
curso, por meio do seu (a) tutor(a).

Considerando a ementa e os objetivos da disciplina, organizamo-la nos seguintes módulos:

Módulo 1 – Introduction: discourse practices and genres

Módulo 2 – Jobs

Módulo 3 – Technology

Módulo 4 – News

Cada um desses módulos tem a duração de duas semanas, isto é, todo o conteúdo da disciplina será
trabalhado em 8 semanas, conforme você verá no cronograma geral. Ao final do último módulo, uma 9ª.
semana foi acrescentada para promover tempo específico para a revisão e estudo do conteúdo antes da
prova presencial. As horas que você investirá estudando nessa última semana (9ª. semana) não serão
contabilizadas como parte da carga horária da disciplina.

Nossas atividades iniciam-se sempre às segundas-feiras e terminam sempre aos domingos. Tenha sempre
em mente essas referências temporais, para sua organização de estudos.

Ao longo de nossa disciplina, tomaremos, como material de base para as atividades de compreensão
oral, vídeos disponíveis na Internet, bem como vídeos gravados por duas norte americanas, Karen Leigh
Harmeyer e Nicole Justine Muenchow, bolsistasda Comissão Fulbright– Comissão para Intercâmbio
Educacional entre os Estados Unidos e Brasil – que atuaram em projetos de ensino de língua inglesa no
Instituto de Letras e Linguística. Além desse material, também serão sugeridos materiais complementares
no intuito de propiciar o desenvolvimento linguístico-comunicativo na língua inglesa e assegurar uma
variedade de materiais e níveis de dificuldade das atividades para todos os participantes.

Para o bom acompanhamento desta disciplina, será preciso tempo de dedicação total de 60 horas, divididas

• 02 horas presenciais (para realização de prova presencial obrigatória) e

8 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


• 58 horas à distância (14 horas e meia por módulo, em 4 módulos): ambiente Moodle

Você deverá planejar cuidadosamente a distribuição do seu tempo no decorrer dos estudos. No entanto, a
sugestão é que você empregue, no mínimo, 14 horas e meia semanais para cada módulo. Essas horas serão
distribuídas entre tarefas avaliativas e não-avaliativas no AVA, entre a leitura e a realização de tarefas no
guia de estudos e a realização das atividades complementares. Todas as tarefas são numeradas, seguindo
uma mesma sequência progressiva em todos os módulos.

A avaliação se dará de forma processual e ocorrerá ao longo de todas as semanas do curso (dos 4 módulos)
pelo AVA. Toda e qualquer atividade, ainda que não seja avaliativa, será acompanhada pelos responsáveis.

Seguindo legislação relativa à educação à distância, os 100 pontos serão distribuídos da seguinte forma:

• 50 pontos – prova presencial

• 50 pontos – atividades diversas realizadas ao longo do curso no AVA

As atividades avaliativas deverão ser enviadas sempre conforme as datas expressas nas agendas de cada
módulo. Fique atento(a) para os critérios de correção e pontuação em cada atividade avaliativa.

Durante todo o curso, você terá o apoio pedagógico e tecnológico por meio de seus tutores (presencial e a
distância) para desenvolver as atividades propostas; realizar as avaliações e esclarecer quaisquer dúvidas
sobre o curso. Você também contará com o auxílio do professor formador do curso. É importante também
que você leia frequentemente o fórum de notícias, acesse sempre sua caixa de e-mail, faça as atividades
nos prazos, envie mensagens aos tutores em caso de dúvidas e participe dos chats e videoconferências.

Desejamos-lhe sucesso em seus estudos!

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 9


1ª e 2ª semanas 3ª e 4ª semanas 5ª e 6ª semanas 7ª e 8ª semanas 9ª semana

Módulo I Intervalo para

Módulo II Módulo III Módulo IV
discourse practices Jobs Technology News
and genres
22/06 a 25/06

09/03 a 22/03 23/03 a 05/04 06/04 a 19/04 20/04 a 03/05 26/06 e 27/06:

Carga horária Carga horária Carga horária Carga horária PROVA

mínima: mínima: mínima: mínima: PRESENCIAL

14h30 14h30 14h30 14h30

10 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano



Tarefa 1: vídeo de introdução (apresentação

geral da disciplina)
Tarefa 2: Leitura do Guia de Estudos
Tarefa 3: Leitura de texto teórico “Afinal, o que
são práticas discursivas?”.
Tarefa 4: Fórum de discussão 1 - conceitos de
INTRODUCTION: discurso, gênero, identidade e ideologia Tarefa 11
09/03 Tarefa 5: Leitura de textos curtos variados e Fórum de Discussão
DISCOURSE identificação de gêneros escritos. Valor: 6 pontos
a PRACTICES AND Tarefa 6: Fórum de discussão 2 - conceitos de
GENRES Tarefa 6:
multimodalidade e ideologia
22/03 Fórum de discussão
Tarefa 7: Graus de formalidade de textos Valor: 5 pontos
Tarefa 8: Compound prepositions
Tarefa 9: Wishes and regrets
Tarefa 10: Phrasal verbs with “up”.
Tarefa 11: Identificação e discussão de
gêneros orais

Tarefa 12: Leitura do Guia de Estudos

Tarefa 13: Compreensão oral - Entrevistas de
Tarefa 14: Perguntas diretas e indiretas
Tarefa 15: tempos verbais (presente, passado
e futuro)
Tarefa 16:
Tarefa 16: Fórum de produção 1 Fórum de produção 1
Tarefa 17: Leitura de texto “It’s a wrap. You’re (Work)
23/03 hired” Valor: 6 pontos
a JOBS Tarefa 18: Fórum de discussão 1 - video
Tarefa 19: Compreensão oral - currículos em Tarefa 22:
05/04 Fórum de produção 2
Tarefa 20: verbos modais e semimodais. Valor: 7 pontos
Tarefa 21: descrevendo personalidade
Tarefa 22: Fórum de produção 2 - currículo
em vídeo.
Tarefa 23: Fórum de discussão 2 -
características de anúncios de emprego
(atividade extra)

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 11


Tarefa 24: Leitura do Guia de Estudos

Tarefa 25: Compreensão oral - painel de
Tarefa 26: Dando uma opinião pessoal ou
Tarefa 27: Marcadores quantificadores
Tarefa 28: Fórum de discussão 2 - Is
technology dumbing down kids? Tarefa 32:
Fórum de produção 1 –
06/04 Tarefa 29: Leitura sobre posts e blogs. blog post
Tarefa 30: Fórum de discussão 3 - imersão em Valor: 6 pontos
a TECHNOLOGY uma língua estrangeira
Tarefa 31: conectivos Tarefa 36:
19/04 Tarefa 32: Fórum de produção 1 - blog post Fórum de produção 2 –
Tarefa 33: Compreensão oral - podcasts Valor: 7 pontos
Tarefa 34: Fornecendo instruções e
Tarefa 35: Fórum de discussão 2 -
características de anúncios de emprego.
Tarefa 36: Fórum de produção 2 - podcast.
Tarefa 37: Fórum de discussão 5 - recibos
(atividade extra)

Tarefa 38: Leitura do Guia de Estudos

Tarefa 39: Análise e discussão de imagens,
manchetes e notícias de jornal
Tarefa 40: Voz passiva (1)
Tarefa 41: Voz passiva (2)
Tarefa 42: Análise e discussão de linguagem
em artigos de jornal e comentários de leitores Tarefa 43:
Fórum de produção 1 –
20/04 Tarefa 43: Fórum de produção 1 - comentários comments on the web
sobre notícias na web Valor: 6 pontos
a NEWS Tarefa 44: Compreensão oral -news
Tarefa 45: Intonação Tarefa 48:
03/05 Fórum de produção 3 –
Tarefa 46: Fórum de produção 2- reações a Fake news
notícias Valor: 7 pontos
Tarefa 47: Colocações
Tarefa 48: Fórum de produção 3– Fake news
Tarefa 49: Fórum de discussão 3 - diferenças
entre artigos de tabloides e de jornais sérios
Tarefa 50: Fórum de discussão 4 – feedback
sobre o curso

12 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Prezado(a) aluno(a),

Ao longo deste guia impresso você encontrará alguns “ícones” que lhe ajudarão a identificar as atividades.

Fique atento ao significado de cada um deles, isso facilitará a sua leitura e seus estudos.

Destacamos alguns termos no texto do Guia cujos sentidos serão importantes para sua compreensão.
Para permitir sua iniciativa e pesquisa não criamos um glossário, mas se houver dificuldade interaja no
Fórum de Dúvidas.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 13


14 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Módulo 1

Caro(a) aluno(a):

É com muito prazer que iniciamos o primeiro módulo da disciplina “Língua inglesa: práticas discursivas do
cotidiano” do Curso de Graduação em Letras Inglês (Modalidade EaD).

Este módulo é uma introdução aos conceitos que nortearão o desenvolvimento desta disciplina, a
saber: discurso, práticas discursivas e gêneros. Além de leitura teórica, você fará atividades práticas de
identificação e análise de amostras de gêneros orais e escritos em língua inglesa; analisará também uso
de linguagem em situações formais, semi-formais e informais e estudará, por meio da exposição teórica e
de exercícios, alguns aspectos linguístico-comunicativos da língua inglesa.

Seja bem-vindo(a) ao primeiro módulo de nosso curso!

Conteúdo Básico

• Concepções de discurso, práticas discursivas e gênero

• Identificação e análise de amostras de gêneros orais e escritos
• Marcas textuais de graus de formalidade dos gêneros estudados.
• Foco na gramática: compound prepositions, wishes and regrets, phrasal verbs


• Apresentar e discutir noções de discurso, gênero e práticas discursivas que nortearão o

desenvolvimento da disciplina;
• Identificar características dos gêneros orais e escritos abordados;
• Analisar marcas de formalidade e informalidade em gêneros escritos;
• Analisar padrões de interação e linguagem não verbal em gêneros orais;
• Estudar e praticar compound prepositions;
• Estudar e praticar como expressar desejos e arrependimentos em inglês (wishes and regrets)
• Estudar e praticar phrasal verbs with “up”.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 15

Principais materiais

Neste módulo, além do guia de estudos, você assistirá a vídeos disponibilizados no Moodle, desenvolverá
suas tarefas no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) e poderá aprofundar seus estudos a partir de
nossas sugestões de explicações e exercícios disponíveis na internet.

Tempo de dedicação neste módulo

Para desenvolver as atividades deste módulo, recomendamos uma dedicação de, pelo menos, 14 horas e
meia, distribuídas entre: leitura do material didático e desenvolvimento das tarefas propostas.

Principais formas de avaliação

Realização de atividades no AVA Moodle.

16 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano



Vídeo de introdução: apresentação geral da

disciplina, no que diz respeito aos seus objetivos,
Tarefa 1 forma de funcionamento, temas dos módulos,
tipos de tarefas e recursos a serem utilizados
para a realização das tarefas.

Leitura do Guia de Estudos para apresentação

Tarefa 2 dos objetivos e forma de funcionamento do
Módulo 1.

Leitura de texto teórico “Afinal, o que são práticas

Tarefa 3

Fórum de discussão 1 sobre os conceitos de

Tarefa 4
discurso, gênero, identidade e ideologia
Atividade de leitura de textos curtos variados e
Tarefa 5
identificação de gêneros escritos.
Fórum de discussão 2 sobre os conceitos de Fórum de discussão
Tarefa 6
multimodalidade e ideologia Valor: 5 pontos

Atividade 1: Language formality: atividade de

análise do grau de formalidade em textos escritos
Atividade 2: Informal language: atividade de
análise das características da linguagem em
Tarefa 7
contextos informais.
Atividade 3: Formal language: atividade de
análise das características da linguagem em
contextos formais.

Explicação e atividade prática sobre Compound

Tarefa 8
Explicação e atividade prática sobre wishes and
Tarefa 9
regrets (I wish.../ If only...).
Explicação e atividade prática sobre phrasal verbs
Tarefa 10
with “up”.

Atividade 1: Atividade de compreensão oral

para identificação de gêneros orais
Atividade 2: Fórum de discussão 3 sobre
características de gêneros orais. Atividade 2: Fórum de discussão
Tarefa 11
Atividade 3: Atividade de revisão de tópicos Valor: 6 pontos
gramaticais estudados no módulo 1 a partir
de amostras de gêneros orais trabalhados na
atividade 1.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 17

Quadro Módulo 1: 09/03/2020 a 22/03/2020


Assistindo ao vídeo de Ao iniciar a disciplina.

Tarefa 1 No AVA introdução da disciplina

Lendo o Capítulo de Até dia 10/03/2020

Tarefa 2 No Guia de Estudos Introdução do Módulo 1.

Lendo o texto intitulado:

Tarefa 3 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 11/03/2020
Afinal, o que são práticas

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão 1 -
Tarefa 4 No AVA Até dia 12/03/2020
discourse, genre, identity
and ideology

Lendo os textos
apresentados e
Tarefa 5 No Guia de Estudos identificando os gêneros Até dia 14/03/2020

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão Até dia 14/03/2020
Tarefa 6 (avaliativa) No AVA 2 – Multimodality and

Relendo os textos da tarefa

Tarefa 7 – Atividade 1 No Guia de Estudos 5 e analisando seus graus Até dia 16/03/2020
de formalidade

Relendo os textos 2 e 3 da
atividade 5 e analisando
Tarefa 7 – Atividade 2 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 17/03/2020
características de
linguagem informal

Relendo os textos 7 e 8 da
atividade 5 e analisando
Tarefa 7 – Atividade 3 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 17/03/2020
características de
linguagem formal

18 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Estudando as Compound
Tarefa 8 No Guia de Estudos prepositions e Até dia 18/03/2020
completando o exercício

Estudando formas de
expressar desejos e Até dia 19/03/2020
Tarefa 9 No Guia de Estudos arrependimentos e
completando o exercício

Estudando os Phrasal
Tarefa 10 No Guia de Estudos verbs e completando o Até dia 19/03/2020

Acessando os vídeos
disponíveis no AVA e Até dia 20/03/2020
Tarefa 11 – Atividade 1 No AVA realizando a atividade de
compreensão oral

Acessando e participando
Tarefa 11 – Atividade 2 No AVA do fórum de discussão 3 – Até dia 21/03/2020
(avaliativa) Analyzing oral genres

Revisando os tópicos
Tarefa 11 – Atividade 3 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 22/03/2020
apresentados no Módulo
1 e realizando a atividade

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 19

Tarefa 1: Introduction video

Para iniciarmos nossos estudos na disciplina “Língua Inglesa: práticas discursivas do cotidiano”, convidamos
você para assistir ao vídeo de introdução, disponível no AVA Moodle. Ao assistir ao vídeo, você terá uma
noção geral dos aspectos a serem trabalhados em cada módulo, bem como das formas de avaliação e
prazos para entrega de atividades. Para assisti-lo, basta acessar o ambiente de aprendizagem e fazer o

Tarefa 2: Reading – Introduction to Module 1

O capítulo de introdução do Módulo 1 no guia de estudos traz aspectos importantes sobre este primeiro
módulo (temática, objetivos, agenda). Leia todos os itens apontados e tire suas dúvidas com os tutores,
caso as tenha. Se você já realizou essa tarefa, prossiga seus estudos com a Tarefa 3.

Tarefa 3: Reading – What are discourse practices?

Depois de ter lido o capítulo de introdução que traz os conteúdos a serem trabalhados, os objetivos que
pretendemos alcançar, as formas de avaliação e a agenda deste módulo, convidamos você para ler o texto
abaixo, intitulado Afinal, o que são práticas discursivas? Este texto auxiliará no entendimento do tema
e objetivos desta disciplina, bem como da importância da discussão aqui proposta para sua formação
enquanto professor de línguas.

Optamos por produzir este texto introdutório em português, para facilitar a compreensão do conceito-
chave de discurso e de práticas discursivas (em inglês, ‘‘discourse practice’’), além de suas relações com
outros conceitos importantes como ideologia, identidade e gênero, entre outros.


Você deve estar perguntando: “afinal, de que se tratam as tais “práticas discursivas” no título desta
disciplina?” Qual é o assunto, tema, objeto de estudo, ou até mesmo os objetivos da disciplina? Qual é
sua importância para a formação do professor de línguas, e as reflexões que esse professor poderá fazer
a respeito do processo de ensino e aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira? Para responder a essas
questões, precisamos nos deter sobre a noção de discurso – e sobre como nossa concepção de discurso
está relacionada ao modo como ensinamos e aprendemos uma língua. Costuma-se falar em diversos tipos

20 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

de discurso presentes em nosso cotidiano, como o político, o jornalístico, o religioso, entre outros. De que
forma podemos entender esses discursos como práticas, sobretudo como práticas sociais? Começaremos
com algumas concepções de discurso comumente difundidas, antes de chegarmos à concepção que
fundamenta esta disciplina.

Primeiramente, é possível identificar uma concepção de discurso fortemente influenciada por uma
orientação linguística, ou seja, mais preocupada com uma análise textual. Esse é o caso de Sinclair
e Coulthard (1975), pesquisadores interessados em investigar o discurso da sala de aula, a partir das
interações entre professor e alunos. Em busca de regularidades ou padrões organizacionais característicos
dessas interações, Sinclair e Coulthard chegaram a uma série de unidades hierarquicamente organizadas,
da maior para a menor; assim como um texto consiste de parágrafos, sentenças e orações, uma “aula”
seria composta de “transações”, que compreendem uma série de “trocas”, e assim por diante. Para esses
pesquisadores, um tipo de troca muito frequente na sala de aula é aquele em que o professor inicia com
uma pergunta dirigida à sala ou a um aluno específico, que responde a pergunta, a qual por sua vez é
avaliada pelo professor. Os pesquisadores concluem que em muitas das interações em sala de aula, o
professor está menos preocupado em ouvir a resposta do aluno do que em testar seu conhecimento, e
induzi-lo a produzir a resposta “certa” de acordo com um padrão estabelecido pelo próprio professor.

Outra concepção linguística de discurso, segundo Fairclough (1992), é aquela desenvolvida pela análise
da conversação. Como os participantes iniciam e terminam uma conversação? Como mudam de assunto?
Como revezam seus turnos? Esses estudos feitos por analistas da conversação têm por objetivo investigar
e depreender as regras estruturantes de uma conversa, partindo do pressuposto de que cada enunciado
ocorre em um lugar ou momento determinado na fala, de acordo com convenções específicas. Por
exemplo, ao encontrar um conhecido do trabalho no supermercado e ouvi-lo dizer “oi, tudo bem?”,
você provavelmente responderá “tudo, e você?” Trata-se de “pares adjacentes” (“adjacency pairs”),
um conceito baseado na ideia de que um enunciado determina outros enunciados que o sucedem. Isso
leva os analistas da conversação à suposição de que a posição de um enunciado em uma conversa é
suficiente para determinar seu significado, algo questionado por Fairclough (1992), para quem a posição
do enunciado em uma sequência de enunciados não basta para depreender seu significado; é preciso
levar em consideração o contexto social da interação, que engloba, entre outros fatores, a relação
entre os participantes (profissional? afetiva? próxima?), o tipo de situação social imediata (um encontro
casual, uma entrevista de emprego, ou um pedido de informação na rua, para citar só alguns) e os papéis
por eles desempenhados (filho? conselheiro? cliente? antagonista?). Para Fairclough, tanto a análise
da conversação quanto os estudos de Sinclair e Coulthard negligenciam a questão do poder, ou seja,
a existência de relações desiguais entre os participantes da interação, que não tem o mesmo poder. O
discurso, segundo o autor, é parte de uma configuração social mais ampla, que envolve a constituição
de identidades e relações sociais; ou seja, é através de nossa participação discursiva em situações de
interação social específicas, como por exemplo, em uma sala de aula, é que adquirimos uma identidade
como a de “aluno”, e aprendemos a nos relacionar com outros “alunos” e com o “professor” – é nesse
sentido que se costuma reconhecer a importância do discurso na constituição de identidades e relações
sociais1. Por isso, Fairclough aponta a necessidade de uma orientação social para o discurso, que deve ser
analisado em uma perspectiva tridimensional.

Para Fairclough, primeiro podemos conceber o discurso como um texto, passível de análise segundo
critérios linguísticos como vocabulário, gramática, coesão e estrutura textual. Segundo, tal análise deve,
ainda, levar em conta os aspectos discursivos da produção, distribuição e recepção do texto, que podem

1 Para Fairclough (2001, p.104), “as pessoas fazem escolhas sobre o modelo e a estrutura de suas orações que resultam em es-
colhas sobre o significado (e a construção) de identidades sociais, relações sociais e conhecimento e crença”. Em outras palavras,
é através de nossas escolhas discursivas que nos constituímos enquanto sujeitos sociais, isto é, o modo como falamos influencia
o modo como construímos nossas identidades, relações sociais e conhecimentos. Assim, “o discurso contribui para a constitu-
ição de todas as dimensões da estrutura social que, direta ou indiretamente, o moldam e o restringem: suas próprias normas e
convenções, como também relações, identidades e instituições que lhe são subjacentes. O discurso é uma prática, não apenas
de representação do mundo, mas de significação do mundo, constituindo e construindo o mundo em significado” (2001, p.91).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 21

variar de acordo com o tipo de discurso em uso em uma determinada situação. Por exemplo, um artigo de
jornal é produzido conjuntamente por um grupo de profissionais se revezando em diversas tarefas, como
coleta de informações, pesquisa, redação, formatação, entre outras. Uma vez concluído, esse artigo é
recebido de formas diferentes por leitores diferentes, situados em contextos distintos – cada qual com suas
próprias convenções de leitura e interpretações possíveis. Assim, tanto a produção de textos, quanto sua
leitura, são socialmente situados, sujeitos a regras e convenções locais e, segundo o autor, “duplamente
Os processos de produção e interpretação são socialmente restringidos num sentido
duplo. Primeiro, pelos recursos disponíveis dos membros, que são estruturas sociais
efetivamente interiorizadas, normas e convenções, como também ordens de discurso
e convenções para a produção, a distribuição e o consumo de textos do tipo já referido
e que foram constituídos mediante a prática e a luta social passada. Segundo, pela
natureza específica da prática social da qual fazem parte, que determina os elementos
dos recursos dos membros a que se recorre e como (de maneira normativa, criativa,
aquiescente ou opositiva) a eles se recorre (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, p.109).

Um ponto mencionado por Fairclough que nos chama a atenção é o fato de que as normas que internalizamos
e se tornam as ordens do discurso responsáveis por nossa produção e leitura de textos são resultados de
luta social. Essa luta pode resultar da coexistência de diferentes ideologias, visões de mundo, pontos de
vista – cada qual reivindicando seu direito de significar e interpretar o mundo à sua maneira – e nunca
será definitivamente resolvida2. Outro ponto que merece destaque, na citação de Fairclough, é a ideia de
que, ao ler e escrever textos temos à disposição recursos para produzir discursos que procuram regular ou
prescrever determinados pontos de vista; corroborar ou legitimar uma visão de mundo ou ideologia; criar
novas perspectivas discursivas; ou opor-se a e contestar determinadas posições discursivas e ideológicas,
resistindo ao discurso dominante ou hegemônico, e propondo novas leituras e sentidos para textos já
conhecidos. Dito de outra forma: a prática discursiva funciona tanto de maneira convencional quanto
criativa, isto é, contribui para reproduzir a sociedade, nossas identidades e relações sociais, mas também
para transformá-la, e criar novas perspectivas discursivas, pontos de vista, e posições identitárias. Assim,
a relação entre discurso e sociedade é uma estrada de mão dupla, onde por um lado a sociedade molda
os discursos nela produzidos, determinando aquilo que pode ser dito ou escrito, ao mesmo tempo em
que esses discursos contribuem para constituí-la e modificá-la; em outras palavras, a sociedade é, ao
mesmo tempo, condição e efeito do discurso. Nessa estrada de mão dupla, o movimento dos dois lados
é incessante; da mesma forma como a sociedade se encontra em contínua transformação, as práticas
discursivas estão em constante mudança: enquanto novos gêneros, como o tweet e o blog, nascem e se
desenvolvem, outros gêneros já conhecidos se modificam. Basta compararmos, por exemplo, uma edição
de jornal publicada hoje, com uma edição do mesmo jornal, de 30 anos atrás. Além de mudanças na
diagramação ou no layout da página, é possível percebermos um aumento descomunal na qualidade e na
quantidade de informações visuais, incluindo o uso da cor, de ilustrações, de fotos, entre outros – reflexo
de uma “cultura visual” cada vez mais presente no dia-a-dia (KRESS, 2000)3.

São mudanças dessa natureza que interessam a Fairclough (2001), para quem o estudo do discurso deve,
primeiramente, levar em consideração o discurso como texto, como já vimos; em segundo lugar, o estudo
deve também contemplar o discurso como prática discursiva, considerando seus processos de produção,

2 A questão do conflito já fora objeto de reflexão do pensador russo Bakhtin, para quem o signo é ideológico por natureza, pois
constitui uma arena de luta de classes e de ideologias: “within the arena of almost every utterance an intense interaction and
struggle between one’s word and another’s word is being waged, a process in which they oppose or dialogically interanimate
each other” (BAKHTIN, 1981, p.354)

3 Para Kress (2000), recorremos cada vez mais às imagens para nos expressarmos e contarmos histórias sobre nós mesmos, nos-
sas interações sociais e o mundo à nossa volta. Muitas vezes é possível expressar uma ideia através de palavras e imagens, outras
vezes é mais fácil expressá-la com um ou outro. Hoje em dia, palavras e imagens interagem de formas imprevisíveis e criativas,
especialmente em ambientes de comunicação mediada por computadores, onde “a escrita se torna mais visual e a imagem mais
parecida com a escrita”.

22 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

distribuição e recepção. Em terceiro lugar, deve-se pensar no discurso como prática social, em todas
as suas orientações: política, ideológica, econômica e cultural. São as duas primeiras orientações que
constituem o foco de atenção principal do autor.

Como prática política, o discurso estabelece, mantém e transforma as relações de poder entre diferentes
indivíduos e grupos sociais aos quais eles pertencem. Como prática ideológica, o discurso constitui
determinados significados, visões de mundo e ideologias – de forma que eles pareçam “naturais” ou
“dados” – ou permite que esses significados sejam contestados e transformados. Vistos dessa forma, o
político e o ideológico estão intimamente relacionados, pois as ideologias estão ligadas ao exercício de
um poder hegemônico, e às lutas pelo poder. E é através do discurso que o político e o ideológico são
constituídos. Por isso, uma análise do discurso crítica pode desvelar as relações de poder subjacentes
ao texto, e desnaturalizar significados ou visões de mundo tidas como “naturais”: “tornar transparentes
sistemas ideológicos e representações e mostrar como eles se relacionam com a ordem social maior”
(PENNYCOOK, 2004, p.81). Por exemplo, o discurso do senso comum é, na verdade, a ideologia específica
de um grupo social determinado, que com seu prestígio e poder político, econômico e cultural conseguiu
estender sua visão de mundo particular a toda a sociedade.

Vale a pena nos determos na relação entre práticas discursivas e ideologias. Um dos autores interessados
na questão é Gee (2004). Para esse pesquisador, um discurso nunca é neutro ou desinteressado, pois
sempre expressa uma determinada perspectiva sobre a realidade, servindo a interesses ideológicos
específicos. Nesse sentido, não se pode falar em uma linguagem neutra ou objetiva, pois essa linguagem
exprime um ponto de vista em relação às coisas e eventos – um entre vários pontos de vista diferentes e
conflitantes (o que nos remete à ideia de luta social e de conflito, já mencionada anteriormente).

The point is that no wording is ever neutral or just “the facts”. All wordings – given
the very nature of language – are perspectives on experience that exist alongside of
competing perspective in the grammar of the language and in actual social interactions
(GEE, 2004, p.53).

Se todo texto ou discurso é a expressão de um ponto de vista específico, e comprometido, portanto, com
uma determinada ideologia, fica difícil falar em objetividade no uso da linguagem, ou em um texto que
represente apenas “a verdade objetiva dos fatos” – essa “verdade” será, necessariamente, apenas uma
entre várias possíveis perspectivas sobre a realidade4. Tampouco poderíamos acreditar em significados
“presentes no texto”, esperando para serem decodificados por um leitor imparcial, ou então que exista
uma única leitura possível, mais verdadeira ou válida que outras. Se o texto é sempre expressão de uma
perspectiva discursiva, e seu processo de recepção realizado por um sujeito localizado em um contexto
específico, é preciso levar em conta os contextos de produção e de recepção dos textos quando lhes
atribuímos sentidos. Partindo do conceito de signo saussureano constituído por um significado e um
significante, Souza (2004) lembra que essa relação entre o significado e o significante não é automática,
e sim realizada por um sujeito/intérprete situado em um contexto sócio-histórico específico, onde
diversos fatores como cultura, ideologia, raça, religião e classe social, entre outros, interagem para criar
determinadas condições de produção e de recepção de textos. A seguinte charge, publicada em uma
página do Facebook, parece ilustrar a importância do contexto para a recepção e a interpretação de textos,
e do lugar que ocupamos como leitores ou ouvintes ao atribuirmos sentidos para esses textos:

4 É também nesse sentido que Tomasello (apud GEE,2004) sugere que “human symbols are inherently social, intersubjective
and perspectival”, ou seja, parciais e isentos de neutralidade. Bakhtin já apontara a importância da localização ou perspectiva
do interlocutor no processo de atribuição de sentidos aos textos; para Bakhtin, os sentidos que damos aos textos dependem (no
sentido de estarem relacionados), em grande parte, ao local que ocupamos no mundo, e à perspectiva que temos a partir desse
local, em uma dada situação discursiva.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 23

Na charge acima, um mesmo “texto” – no caso, representado pelas vestimentas – é interpretado de formas
diferentes e até diametralmente opostas pelas duas “leitoras”, situadas em contextos sócio-histórico-
culturais distintos. Para a “leitora” à esquerda, o símbolo mais emblemático da opressão masculina a
que são submetidas as mulheres é o uso de vestimentas de forma a cobrir totalmente o corpo feminino,
enquanto que, para a “leitora” à direita, é justamente o contrário: ao vestir-se minimamente e deixar
praticamente todo o corpo à mostra, a mulher se submete à dominação masculina.

A disciplina “Práticas discursivas do cotidiano” está baseada no conceito de discurso enquanto prática
social situada em um contexto específico, contexto esse caracterizado por determinadas condições
sócio-históricas de produção e de interpretação de textos. Ao longo da disciplina, estaremos atentos à
importância desse contexto, sempre em busca de relações entre textos, práticas discursivas e a sociedade
em que circulam, e cientes das múltiplas imbricações entre discurso e ideologia. Conforme nos lembra
Kumaravadivelu (2008),

Um texto significa o que significa não por causa de quaisquer traços linguísticos inerentes,
mas porque é gerado pelas formações discursivas, cada qual com suas ideologias
particulares e modos particulares de controlar o poder. Nenhum texto é inocente e todo
texto reflete um fragmento de mundo em que vivemos. Em outras palavras, os textos
são políticos porque todas as formações discursivas são políticas. Analisar texto ou
discurso significa analisar formações discursivas essencialmente políticas e ideológicas
por natureza.

De notícias de jornal impressas a blogs, passando por anúncios e propagandas impressas em revistas,
comerciais de TV, entrevistas de emprego e crônicas literárias, entre outros, todos os textos podem ser
analisados por um viés político-ideológico, embora alguns gêneros textuais, como o próprio Fairclough
(2001) admite, sejam mais abertamente políticos do que outros; a título de ilustração, basta compararmos

24 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

um trecho de discurso político com um manual de instruções de equipamento eletrônico. A noção de gênero
também nos será de grande valia nesta disciplina. Baseamo-nos na formulação de gênero feita por Ramos
(2001), segundo a qual se trata de um processo social dinâmico, com um ou mais propósitos comunicativos,
extremamente convencionalizado e estruturado, reconhecido como tal por uma comunidade discursiva, e
passível de análise não apenas em nível textual, mas também em nível sócio-cultural e discursivo. Em cada
um dos módulos da disciplina, trabalharemos com um ou dois gêneros que consideramos relevantes ao
escopo da disciplina, alternando atividades de análise com atividades de produção textual. Nosso objetivo
é trabalharmos com gêneros escritos e orais, analisando-os em sua multimodalidade, ou seja, no que diz
respeito aos diferentes modos – texto, ilustrações, diagramação, uso de cores, escolha de caracteres, tom
de voz, volume, entre outros – que os constituem. Começaremos com uma atividade de reconhecimento
de gêneros, e definição de alguns de seus traços característicos. Em seguida, trabalharemos com alguns
aspectos linguísticos presentes em alguns desses gêneros. Bom trabalho!

Tarefa 4: Discussion forum 1 - Discourse, genre, identity and


In this forum, we would like you to tell us what you understood and think about discourse practices and
genre. Have you identified with any particular concept of discourse? Do you have any comments about
the ideas of the authors mentioned in the introduction? Do you have any questions about the concepts
presented? Do you agree with the authors’ view about discourse and ideology? Think about a discourse
practice or genre that is part of your personal or professional routine, such as giving advice during a
parents and students’ meeting in the school or filling in a sales report to your supervisor. In what ways
does this discourse practice contribute to the constitution of identities? What kind of identities are being
formed? Are these practices directly related to any type of ideology? How can the concept of genre be
useful to the language learning and teaching processes? What genres are particularly useful for you? Post
your answers on the forum and comment on at least TWO of your colleagues’ answers (please write your
answers IN ENGLISH).

Tarefa 5: Reading – Identifying written genres

After taking part in the Discussion Forum and expressing your views on discourse, genre, identy and
ideology, let’s practise! (please note that “praticar” can be spelt differently: in American English, for
example, it’s spelt “practice”; in British English, “practise”). In the following task, you are going to read some
short extracts and identify their genres. When you finish, please check your answers in the “Apêndice” of
Module 1

Read each of the following extracts and try to identify each genre. Check the following example:

Put the cooked chick peas, oil, lemon juice, garlic and tahini (sesame paste) into the blender with enough
water to allow the mixture to purée satisfactorily. Add salt to taste and more lemon juice or tahini as

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 25

Answer: a recipe

Extract 1:

The new Samsung Omnia is more than a phone. A single touch gives you higher speed internet access –
HSDPA 7.2bps, GPS navigation, email, Movie player with up to 32GB memory and DIVX & XVID support.
There’s even a 5 megapixel camera and video calling. And as if that’s not enough, it’s the first mobile to come
pre-loaded with Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional with full MS office usage and increased extendability
with various applications.

Answer: ____________________________________

Extract 2:

PopSuperhero: KANYE WEST interrupted PATRICK SWAYZE’S death to say MICHAEL JACKSON’S death was
more important... how rude! HE & CHRIS BROWN = Celebrity? half a minute ago from web

ROMANANGEL: ... I was going 2 tweet «RIP Patrick Swayze» until Kanye West swiped my iPhone to say
«Michael Jackson’s death was cooler!!!»

mattmarchant: @jupitusphillip I heard he was going to turn up to Swayze’s funeral and say that Michael
Jackson did it better. less than a minute ago from Tweetie


Extract 3:


Please wash by tomorrow morning and return. Leaving hotel 11.30am.


Extract 4:

“The reader” is not about the horrors of the “final solution”. It’s about how Michael deals with the fact
that the great first love of his life was implicated in these atrocities. Ralph Fiennes plays Michael in middle
age – a parched, solitary man of the law whose unusual relationship with the older Hanna raises questions
about his own moral compass. “The reader” asks tough questions, and to its credit, provides no easy


Extract 5:

Dear Miss Blacklock,

26 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

I do apologise for the delay in sending your cheque, but I am afraid it completely slipped my mind.
Enclosed is a crossed nominal cheque covering your fee of 50 pounds plus the extra expenses as agreed.
My apologies once more,


Margaret Williams


Extract 6:

This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults 18 years of age or older. Pregnant or
nursing women should not use this product. Consult with your health care provider before using this
product, especially if you are taking any prescription, over the counter medication, dietary supplement
product or if you have any pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood
pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, seizure disorder, psychiatric
disease, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement or if you are taking a MAO-B inhibitor or
any other medication, including but not limited to MAOIs, SSRIs or any other compounds with serotonergic
activity This product contains caffeine and should not be taken by individuals wishing to eliminate this
ingredient from their diet. Discontinue use 2 weeks prior to surgery. Do not use in combination with
caffeine or any stimulants from other sources whatsoever, including but not limited to, coffee, tea,
soda and other dietary supplements or medications. Do not combine with alcohol. Discontinue use and
immediately consult your health care professional if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
Do not exceed recommended serving. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing.


Extract 7:

As you will see from my CV (enclosed), I served a three-year-apprenticeship at the Hotel Meurice in
Paris. On completion of my apprenticeship, I left the Meurice to work at La Rotonde, where I stayed for
15 months. My English is now fluent, and adequate to meet any social or professional situation, as my
examination results attest.


Extract 8:

Our purpose in this paper is to examine the Portuguese teacher’s speech, resorting to the concept of
discourse heterogeneity developed by the French theory of discourse analysis (AD), so as to find out the
image of the Portuguese language that is constructed from such speech. The results lead us to assume that
the teachers present a stereotyped and limiting image of their native language by means of a repetitious


Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 27

Extract 9:


Extract 10:

I chose to run for the presidency at this moment in history because I believe deeply that we cannot solve
the challenges of our time unless we solve them together - unless we perfect our union by understanding
that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we
may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction - towards a better
future for of children and our grandchildren. This belief comes from my unyielding faith in the decency and
generosity of the American people. But it also comes from my own American story. I am the son of a black
man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who
survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked
on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas. I’ve gone to some of the best
schools in America and lived in one of the world’s poorest nations. I am married to a black American who
carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners - an inheritance we pass on to our two precious


Tarefa 6: Discussion forum 2 - Multimodality and ideology

This Discussion Forum 2 is an opportunity to discuss the concepts of discourse practice, multimodality,
genres and ideology further. It is closely connected to the first VIDEO CONFERENCE of this subject. During
this video conference, we’re going to discuss these concepts and to expand on them. The exact date and
time of the video conference will be posted on Moodle. Your participation is absolutely crucial, and you’re
only going to attain full marks (5,0 marks) if – and only if – you take part in this video conference. BEFORE
the video conference, read the following questions:

28 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

1. One of the points mentioned in the introduction to this module was the concept of multimodality,and
the belief that all texts, written and oral, are to some degree, multimodal. Do you agree? In what ways,
and to what extent, are the extracts from task 5 (Tarefa 5) in the previous exercise multimodal?

2. In the introduction we also discussed the relationship between discursive practices and ideology,
suggesting that language is always bound up in ideology, although some texts may be more overtly
‘ideological’ than others. Do you agree? Which of the extracts in exercise 1 do you think are more
ideological? Are there any extracts that appear to be less ideological? Which ones, and why?

3. In the video conference the concepts of literacy and multiliteracies was introduced. In your opinion,
what’s the relevance of these concepts to understand: a) communication nowadays; and b) language
teaching and learning ?

Post the answers to these questions IN ENGLISH in the Forum and comment on at least TWO of your
colleagues’ answers.

Tarefa 7/ Atividade 1: English in use – Language formality

Formality has to do with the language a person uses in certain social activities that take place in particular
settings. According to the definition of the Online Oxford Dictionary, in linguistics, “a variety of a language
or a level of usage, as determined by degree of formality and choice of vocabulary, pronunciation, and
syntax” is called register. In other words, register refers to patterns of communication; it affects the way
words are said (phonetics) and the choice of words (vocabulary or lexicon), and is determined by such
factors as social occasion, purpose, and audience.

In task 7, you’ll analyze the level of language formality in texts. To complete activity 1, read the extracts
again (from task 5) and rank them, using numbers 1 to 3:
• 1: mostly informal
• 2: semi-formal
• 3: mostly formal

( ) Extract 1 ( ) Extract 6

( ) Extract 2 ( ) Extract 7

( ) Extract 3 ( ) Extract 8

( ) Extract 4 ( ) Extract 9

( ) Extract 5 ( ) Extract 10

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 29

Tarefa 7/ Atividade 2: English in use – Informal language

Extracts 2 and 3 are clear examples of language used informally. It’s important to note that, in order to
determine how formal or informal texts are, we should bear in mind their contexts of production and
reception, as it was pointed out in the introduction to this module. Who do you think wrote extracts 2
and 3? Who do you think they were addressed to? Or what kind of audience do you think the writers
had in mind? For what purposes were they produced? To inform? Make a request? Criticize? Engage in a
conversation? Elicit a short response? What do you think was the effect that the writer wanted to achieve?
All these questions must be considered when we think of discourse, or discourse practices, as social
practices embedded in specific social, cultural and historical contexts which determine their meaning, and
influence the language used.

To complete activity 2, read extracts 2 and 3 again. Below you will find some characteristics of language
used in informal contexts. Which of them are present in extract 2, which are in extract 3, and which are in
both? Write 2, 3 or B (both) next to each characteristic:

Extract 2: a tweet

PopSuperhero: KANYE WEST interrupted PATRICK SWAYZE’S death to say MICHAEL JACKSON’S death was
more important... how rude! HE & CHRIS BROWN = Celebrity? half a minute ago from web

ROMANANGEL: ... I was going 2 tweet «RIP Patrick Swayze» until Kanye West swiped my iPhone to say
«Michael Jackson’s death was cooler!!!»

mattmarchant: @jupitusphillip I heard he was going to turn up to Swayze’s funeral and say that Michael
Jackson did it better. less than a minute ago from Tweetie

Extract 3: a message


Please wash by tomorrow morning and return. Leaving hotel 11.30am.

( ) long, complete sentences (subject, verb and complementation)

( ) short or abbreviated sentences (for example, pronouns, verbs or prepositions have been removed)

( ) use of acronyms (abbreviations consisting of letters that form a word, for example, UNICEF = United
Nations Children’s Fund)

( ) use of linking words (for example, ‘‘and’’, ‘‘in addition’’, ‘‘but’’, ‘‘consequently’’, etc)

( ) alternating between upper case (ex: A, B, C) and lower case letters (ex: a, b, c)

( ) use of exclamation marks and question marks

( ) use of phrasal verbs (for example, “take up”, “get off” and “bring up”)

30 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 7/ Atividade 3: English in use – Formal language

Extracts 7 and 8 are examples of more formal language use. Again, it’s important to note that, in order
to say how formal a text is, we must keep in mind its contexts of production and reception. The author
of extract 7, for example, probably wrote his or her letter with a reader in a situation of power in mind
(in this case, the power to hire people), and thus chose his or her words carefully in order to create a
positive impression on the reader. For example, instead of writing “After I finished my apprenticeship, I
left the Meurice to work at La Rotonde”, he or she wrote “On completion of my apprenticeship, I left the
Meurice to work at La Rotonde”. The choice of a noun phrase (“on completion of my apprenticeship”)
makes a more favorable impression on the reader, lending more respectability, seriousness or weight to
the writer (a noun phrase - in Portuguese, ‘‘uma frase nominal’’ - is a phrase with a noun (um substantivo)
as its core, or central part. In this case, ‘‘on completion of my apprenticeship’’) is a nou phrase because
the core is ‘‘completion’’. Similarly, there are ‘‘verb phrases’’, ‘‘adjective phrases’’ and ‘‘adverb phrases’’).
In the case of extract 8, an abstract from an academic paper, the author certainly had in mind a very
specific audience: his or her colleagues from the academia. This means that the author probably used
more formal language to earn his peers’ respect and praise, lending credibility, objectivity and seriousness
to the text. As already mentioned, we must always think of discourse practices as social practices located
in specific social, cultural and historical contexts which are part and parcel of their meaning, and certainly
influence language choice. In other words, we choose the words that seem most suitable to our purpose
and audience.

Read extracts 7 and 8 again. Then check the following list of characteristics of language used in formal
contexts. Which of them are present in extract 7, which are in extract 8, and which are in both? Write 7, 8
or B (both) next to each characteristic:

Extract 7: a letter of application

As you will see from my CV (enclosed), I served a three-year-apprenticeship at the Hotel Meurice in
Paris. On completion of my apprenticeship, I left the Meurice to work at La Rotonde, where I stayed for
15 months. My English is now fluent, and adequate to meet any social or professional situation, as my
examination results attest.

Extract 8: an abstract

Our purpose in this paper is to examine the Portuguese teacher’s speech, resorting to the concept of
discourse heterogeneity developed by the French theory of discourse analysis (AD), so as to find out the
image of the Portuguese language that is constructed from such speech. The results lead us to assume that
the teachers present a stereotyped and limiting image of their native language by means of a repetitious

( ) long, complete sentences (subject, verb and complementation)

( ) little or no use of personal pronouns like “I” or “we”

( ) frequent use of nouns and noun phrases instead of verbs

( ) frequent use of linking words and expressions (for example, “as”, “however”, “in order to”)

( ) use of words more often found in writing than in speech, such as “to complete” (instead of “to finish”),

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 31

“to construct” (instead of “to build”) and “to attest” (instead of “to prove”)

( ) use of full forms of verbs rather than contractions (ex: “do not”, “cannot”, “there is”, rather than
“don’t”, “can’t”, “there’s”)

( ) use of relative clauses, introduced by pronouns such as “which”, “that” and “where”

( ) use of impersonal expressions like “It is clear that…”, “It has been argued that…”, “The results show
that…”, rather than personal language like “I think…”, “In my opinion”, “I could notice that…”

Tarefa 8: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 -

Compound prepositions

In this task, we’re going to study compound prepositions in English. Read the instructions in your Study
Guide (Guia de Estudos) carefully and do the exercise. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor or post
your questions on the Forum.

The author closes his abstract (extract 8) as follows:

“The results lead us to assume that the teachers present a stereotyped and limiting image of their native
language BY MEANS OF a repetitious speech.”

What does the underlined expression mean?

“By means of” means “por meio de”; another example: “Human beings communicate by means of
language”). This kind of expression is known as a compound preposition. It’s a group of words frequently
used as prepositions. Some compound prepositions are generally more common in oral and informal
English, like “according to” (“According to the president, the economy of the country is still growing”),
“because of” (“The concert was cancelled because of bad weather”), “in front of” (“My son just sits in
front of his computer all day long”), e “instead of” (“Can I have coffee instead of tea?”). Other compound
prepositions are more frequently used in written English, or oral formal English, like “on behalf of” (“I am
speaking on behalf of my colleagues”; “em nome de”). Here are more examples of compound prepositions:

• Along with

Example: Everyone was invited to the boss’ wedding, including all the employees along
with their spouses. (used for mentioning additional people or things that are also involved in
something; “além de”, “juntamente com”)

• Apart from

Example: I didn’t know anyone at the party, apart from the host. (except for; “com exceção de”);
Apart from watching movies, I also love listening to music. (in addition to something; “além de”)

• As a result of

Example: John succeeded as a result of his hard work. (because of; “como resultado de”)

32 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

• As for

Example: Paula will pass the exam. As for Bill, I’m not so sure. (to introduce a similar or related
topic; “quanto a”)

• Due to

Example: These negative stereotypes are largely due to ignorance. (because of something;
“devido a”)

• Except for

Example: The visa is compulsory for all travelers, except for American citizens. (with the exception
of; “exceto”)

• For lack of

Example: For lack of something better to do, we went to the mall. (because of not having,
“na falta de”)

• For the sake of

Example: For the sake of our guests, please refrain from smoking in the hall. (in the interest of, for
the good of; “pelo bem de”)

• In addition to

Example: In addition to her day job, she also works two nights per week.(To add something extra;
“além de”)

• In case of

Example: In case of bad weather the concert will be held indoors. (if something wrong happens;
to be prepared for something bad that may happen; “no caso de”)

• In common with

Example: The Portuguese spoken in Brazil has many things in common with the one spoken in
Portugal (in the same way as; “em comum com”)

• In comparison with/to

Example: In comparison with (to) his predecessor, the minister is doing a really good job.
(compared to; “em comparação com”)

• In contrast to/with

Example: We say that human nature is contradictory because sometimes our words are
in contrast to (with) our actions. (used when comparing two people or things and saying
that the second is very different from the first; “em contraste com”)

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 33

• In exchange for

Example: I offered to wash the dishes for two weeks in exchange for my rent (in return for;
“em troca de”)

• In spite of

Example: Janet loves her husband in spite of his alcoholism. (without being affected or prevented
by something; “apesar de”)

• In terms of

Example: Professional success is still defined in terms of money. (if you describe something in
terms of a particular fact, you explain it in relation to that fact; “em termos de”)

• On account of

Example: Many flights were canceled on account of the bad weather. (because of; “por causa de”)

• On the point of

Example: The train was on the point of leaving when we arrived at the station. (going to happen
very soon; “a ponto de”)

• On top of

Example: On top of his wife’s accident, he fell ill with malaria. (In addition to something else;
“além de”)

• Owing to

Example: Owing to their low cost and portability, more people are using tablets. (Because of;
“por causa de” ou “devido a”)

• Regardless of

Example: There must be equal rights for everyone, regardless of color, race or religion.
(without being affected by anything else that exists; “independente de”)

• With a view to

Example: With a view to increasing sales, the shop is giving 40% discounts on all its products.
(because you are planning to do something; “com vistas a”)

• With (in) reference to

Example: I am writing with reference to/in reference to the job advertised on your website.
(used to say what you are writing or talking about, especially in formal letters; “em relação a”)

• With the exception of

Example: Everybody laughed, with the exception of Luis. (except for; “com exceção de”)

34 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

1. Now fill in the gaps with the compound prepositions from the list above: (in some cases, more than
one answer is possible)

a) _____ economic value, this neighborhood is the best in the city.

b) All the staff attended the meeting, ______the new teacher, who was sick.

c) We have invited all our cousins to our anniversary party, _____ their wives and husbands and

d) Simon and Susanne are twins, but they have nothing _____ each other.

e) Simon is extrovert and talkative. _____ Susanne, she’s more introvert.

f) _____ all the negative reviews, the film was a blockbuster.

g) In this university program, American students teach Brazilian students English _____ Portuguese

h) The family are traveling to the beach next Saturday, _____ the bad weather.

i) We bought the old house _____ renovating it and converting it into a hotel.

j) She lost her job _____ her disagreements with her boss.

k) The new curriculum does not have many points _____ the old one.

l) _____ practical subjects, the new curriculum is better than the previous one.

m) _____ our performance last year, we are doing a great job this year.

n) _____ his financial problems, he also lost his job.

o) The project had to be cancelled _____ lack of public funds.

p) We don’t know anyone in our building _____ our neighbors, Jennifer and Linda.

q) _____ emergency, please call this number.

r) The patient died _____ two heart attacks.

s) _____ Jason and Maria, Frank has another child by his first wife.

t) My husband and I were _____ tears when the film ended.

u) My mother gave up her career _____ her children.

v) _____ a better idea, we gave our teacher a box of chocolates.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 35

Tarefa 9: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 2 –
I wish…/ If only…

In this task, we’re going to study and practise expressing wishes (desejos) and arrependimentos regrets
(arrependimentos) in English. Read the instructions in your Study Guide (Guia de Estudos) and do the
exercise. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

Re-read the cartoon below (extract 9) and answer:

a) What’s the verb tense underlined: “I wish I HAD his I.Q.”?

b) Does it refer to a present, future or past action?

“I wish...” expresses regret (“arrependimento”), or the desire for things to be different, and refers to
impossible or unlikely situations. For example, if you were talking to a friend who lives in a foreign country
on Skype, and missed him or her terribly, you would probably say: “I wish you were here”. Although “wish”
is followed by a verb in the Simple Past (“were”, the simple past form of “to be”), it expresses a desire
related to the present time – after all, your friend isn’t here with you now. Here are more examples:

• You are browsing a magazine and looking at photos of all those slim, good-looking models, and
think you’re still a little overweight. So you might think to yourself: “I wish I were slim”.

• You are sitting on the grass, relaxing, and gazing at the blue sky and the birds flying over you. You
envy them of their freedom. You could say: “I wish I could fly too!”

• Your friend Lily is going to do a course in Paris for three months but she can’t speak a word of
French. She probably wishes she spoke French.

• Your friend is complaining to you about the city where she lives, and the kind of life she leads.
She seems really dissatisfied. You ask her: “Do you ever wish you lived somewhere else? Or led a
different life?”

36 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

You’ve probably noticed the use of “were” in the first example (“I wish I were slim”). It’s common to
use “were” instead of “was”, for all pronouns (“I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, it”, “we”, “they”), for example, “He
wishes he were an astronaut”, or “Mary wishes she were a millionaire”. Another point worth mentioning is
that the expression “If only” has the same meaning as “I wish”, as can be seen in the following examples:

• If only I were slim!

• If only I could fly too!

• If only you were here…

Another point worth mentioning is the use of “wish” to express irritation, annoyance or criticism of
someone else’s behaviour. In these cases, “wish” is followed by modal verb “would”, as in the examples

• Don’t you think you’re driving too fast? I wish you would drive more slowly.

• You know I’m allergic to smoke, but you insist on smoking when I’m near you. I wish you
wouldn’t smoke!

• The film has already started. Why are these people behind us still talking? I wish they
would shut up.

In the examples above, “if only” could also be used instead of “I wish”:

• Don’t you think you drive too fast? If only you would drive more slowly.

• You know I’m allergic to smoke, but you insist on smoking when I’m near you. If only you
wouldn’t smoke!

• The film has already started. Why are these people behind us still talking. If only they
would shut up.

Another expression that is similar to “I wish” and “If only” is “would rather” (‘d rather), to indicate
preference (you would prefer to do something, or that something happened), for example:

• It’s getting late and I’m kind of sleepy. I’d rather you left now” (“Está ficando tarde e eu estou
meio sonolento. Preferiria que você fosse agora”)

• My wife and I are getting divorced, and for now she’d rather I slept in the other room” .
(“Minha esposa e eu estamos nos divorciando, e por enquanto ela preferiria que eu dormisse
no outro quarto”).

• Would you rather I paid in cash? No, I’d rather you didn’t. (“Você preferiria que eu pagasse
em dinheiro? Não, preferiria que não”).

Let’s recap: “wish”, “if only” and “would rather” are followed by verbs in the Simple Past , in order to
refer to present actions or states that we would like to change. In other words, we use these expressions
with verbs in the SIMPLE PAST when we express our desire to change the PRESENT. On the other hand,
when we express our desire to change the PAST if we could, we use “wish”, “if only” and “would rather”
with verbs in the PAST PERFECT, as can be seen in the following examples:

• You had a fight with your best friend and said he was selfish and insensitive. Now you’re not
talking to each other. So now you think: “I wish I hadn’t said that” or “If only I hadn’t said that”
(but NOT “I wish I didn’t say that”).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 37

• Robin graduated from high school five years ago and didn’t go to university. Now she was offered
a great job, but a university degree is required. So she wishes she had gone to university (also:
“If only she had gone to university”).

• Tom’s parents have just had his bedroom painted. When he opens his bedroom door and sees it,
he realizes he doesn’t like the color, so he says: “I’d rather you hadn’t chosen that color”. (also: “I
wish you hadn’t chosen that color”, “if only you hadn’t chosen that color”, but NOT “I’d rather you
didn’t choose that color”).

• It was your roommate Karen’s birthday last week, but you didn’t know. Now you’re going
to apologize and say to her: “I wish I’d known it was your birthday. If I’d known, I would’ve
bought you something”, or “If only I’d known it was your birthday” (but NOT “I wish I knew it
was your birthday”).

• The children got 5 chocolate eggs for Easter, and ended up eating them all. Now they’re feeling
sick. They’re probably saying: “We wish we hadn’t eaten so much chocolate”, or “If only we
hadn’t eaten so much chocolate”, but NOT “We wish we didn’t eat so much chocolate”).

Now let’s practise. In the following exercise, we will use both “wish” and “if only”, in order to express
regrets about PRESENT and PAST situations. Note that in the first case (present situations), “wish” and “if
only” have to be followed by a Simple Past verb, whereas in the second case (past situations), “wish” and
“if only” are followed by a verb in the Past Perfect tense.

1. For each of the following situations, write a sentence with “I wish” or “if only”:

Example: You’re going back home on foot. It’s raining and you didn’t bring an umbrella. What do
you wish?

I wish I had an umbrella (or “If only I had an umbrella”).


I wish I had brought an umbrella (or “if only I had brought an umbrella”).

a) Jane wants to apply for a scholarship to spend 6 months studying abroad. However, she’s still
18 years old, and only students between 21 and 25 years old are eligible for the scholarship.
What does she wish?

She wishes _______________________________________________________

b) You didn’t learn to play a musical instrument when you were a child. Now you regret this. What
do you wish?

I wish ___________________________________________________________

c) Your brother is complaining that he’s always working and doesn’t have enough free time to do
physical exercise. What does he wish?

He wishes ________________________________________________________

d) Your sister bought a black dress. Now she thinks black was the wrong color, and that maybe she
would look better in a red one. What does she wish?

38 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

She wishes _______________________________________________________

e) Your next door neighbors are always making so much noise late at night that you have difficulty
falling asleep. What do you wish?

I wish ___________________________________________________________

f) You and your friends went to a bar last night and you drank too much alcohol. Now you have a
hangover. What do you wish?

I wish I ___________________________________________________________

g) Two friends from work have just rung your doorbell. They didn’t phone to say they were coming,
and you don’t feel ready to have guests. What do you wish?

I wish ___________________________________________________________

h) It’s freezing today, and your teacher hates cold weather. What does she wish?

She wishes _______________________________________________________

i) Olivia’s boyfriend is always complaining about the fact she takes too long to get dressed. What
does he wish?

He wishes ________________________________________________________

j) When you were in Rio for New Years’ Eve last year you didn’t see the fireworks in Copacabana.
What do you wish?

I wish ____________________________________________________________

k) Frank broke up with Janet two months ago, but now he regrets it because he realized he still
loves her. What does he wish?

He wishes ________________________________________________________

l) You are driving but you’re lost. You don’t have a GPS. What do you wish?

I wish ___________________________________________________________

m) You have just moved to a new neighborhood and still feeling lonely because you don’t know
many people in the area. What do you wish?

I wish ___________________________________________________________

n) There was a job advertised in the newspaper. James didn’t apply for it, and now he thinks it was a
bad idea. What does he wish?

He wishes he _____________________________________________________

o) You have been in Maceió for three days now and are really having a great time, but you can’t stay
in Maceió any longer. You have to leave tomorrow. What do you wish?

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 39

I wish I ___________________________________________________________

p) It’s been raining for a week now, and you are tired of this rain. What do you wish?

I wish it__________________________________________________________

q) Your friend Alice spent her holidays in Rio and had a good time there, but didn’t take many
photographs of her holidays, and now she regrets it. What does she wish?

She wishes she ____________________________________________________

r) Anna and Giles traveled to the beach for the weekend, but it was raining all the time, and they
had to stay in all the time. What do they wish?

They wish it ______________________________________________________

For more “wish” and “if only” exercises, check:

Tarefa 10: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 3 –

Phrasal verbs

In this task, we’re going to study some Phrasal verbs in English. Read the instructions in your Study Guide
(Guia de Estudos) and do the exercise. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

Here is one of the tweets in Extract 2. What does the expression in italics mean? @jupitusphillip I heard he was going to turn up to Swayze's funeral and

say that Michael Jackson did it better. less than a minute ago from Tweetie

40 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

In this context, turn up means “arrive unexpectedly”. Turn up is a phrasal

verb. What’s it all about? A phrasal verb is the combination of a verb + a particle (preposition or adverb),
resulting in a new expression, whose meaning is different from the meanings of the separate words. That
is, the particle changes the meaning of the verb in idiomatic ways. Phrasal verbs are more commonly used
in informal, every day situations, unlike more formal words which often originate from Latin, for example:
“to congregate” is more formal than “to get together”; “to postpone” is more formal than “to put off”;
and “to exit” is more formal than “to get out”. Phrasal verbs are not commonly used in more formal or
academic writing.

Another important point is that the same phrasal verb may have different meanings. Consider, for example,
the phrasal verb turn up:

• Please don’t turn up the TV – I’m trying to study, you know (increase in volume).

• After two days, my passport just turned up in one of my desk drawers (be found, especially by
accident, after being lost).

• Don’t worry, you’ll find another job. Something interesting will turn up (happen unexpectedly).

Here are some other phrasal verbs with “up”:

1) Look up:

• I had a bad cold for two days, but now my health is looking up (= improve).

• So let’s go to the cinema then. Can you look up the time and the place on the internet? (if you
look up information in a book, on a list or on the computer, you try to find it there)

• When you come to Uberlândia again, don’t forget to look me up (=visit someone you know,
especially when you are in the city or place where they live for a different reason).

2) Bring up:

• Mary brought up her two children without her husband’s help (=take care of a child until he or
she becomes an adult).

• When you meet someone for the first time, you shouldn’t bring up religion or politics (= mention).

3) Make up:

• She asked me if I was married and I made up a story about an ex-wife (= invent).

• You and Eric have been friends forever! I’m sure this is just a temporary fight, you two will make
up soon (= become friendly with someone again after a fight).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 41

4) Take up:

• Chris has to lose weight, so he took up swimming twice a week (= start doing something as a
habit, job or hobby).

• I promise I won’t take up much of your time (= use or fill a certain amount of time or space).

5) Put up:

• The president promised to put up 3,000 houses for the homeless (=build).

• I’d like to put up some posters on the wall (=fix a picture onto a wall).

• Supermarkets have put up the price of tomatoes(=increase the price or value).

• Can you put me up for two nights when I come to Brazil? (=provide accommodation)

6) Give up

• Jean decided to give up her job after a nervous breakdown(=stop doing something, like a job or a
regular activity).

• In spite of all their difficulties, they never gave up (=quit).

7) Set up:

• Can we set up a meeting for next Wednesday? (=organize or plan something, such as an event)

• The car industry is setting up a new factory in Minas Gerais (=start something such as a business
or organization).

• I’ve never been camping, so I don’t have the slightest idea how to set up a tent (=build a structure
or out it in a specific place).

Adapted from:

1. Now it’s time for practice! Use some of the phrasal verbs above to fill in the gaps in the sentences
below; remember to use the correct verb tenses:

a) In November shops are already _____ Christmas decoration.

b) When we graduate, we want to _____ our own import-export business.

c) My mother _____ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

d) They are _____ many office blocks downtown.

e) The doctor advised him to _____ smoking.

42 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

f) Everyone was on time, except for Pete, who _____ late, as usual.

g) If you don’t know this word, you can ___ it ___ in the dictionary.

h) What did you do with all those old books that were _____ so much space in the room?

i) The best thing about being the boss is that you can _____ your own rules.

j) Jack is still mourning his father’s death, so it’s better not to _____ the subject.

Tarefa 11/Atividade 1: Listening comprehension - Identifying

oral genres

The objective of this task is the recognition of oral genres. You are going to watch the six videos available
on Moodle. In order to complete this task, you should follow these steps:

1st step: Read carefully the exercise on Moodle. Watch each video, available on Moodle.

2nd step: Complete the exercise on Moodle by numbering the situations as they appear. You should correct
YOUR OWN ANSWERS, at the end of the activity, after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After
you submit your answers, you will have access to the correction. If you have any questions, talk to your

1. Number the situations as they appear in the videos:

( ) A job interview

( ) Checking into a hotel

( ) Family dinner

( ) Going shopping

( ) Telephone conversation

( ) Staff meeting

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 43

Tarefa 11/Atividade 2: Discussion forum 3 - Analyzing oral

Watch the videos again from activity 1 and answer the following questions (please answer the questions

1. What aspects (clothing, gestures, body posture, tone of voice, use of verbal language, etc.) made
it possible for you to recognize the situations in the videos? List them.

2. Which situations are more formal? Which are informal? Can you give examples of more formal
and more informal language used in each situation? Do people behave accordingly?

3. Choose ONE of the situations and answer: can you think of common expressions, kinds of
clothing, body language that are expected in this situation? What about patterns of interaction?
What determines these patterns? Who usually opens the conversation? Who speaks more?
Whose turns are long, and whose turns are usually shorter?

4. How do these situations illustrate the relationships between discourse practices, identity, power
and ideology?

Post the answers to these questions in the forum and comment on your colleagues’ ideas. (please comment
on at least TWO of your colleagues’ answers)

Tarefa 11/Atividade 3: Reviewing grammar

Now watch the videos again and answer these questions. The objective of this activity is to review the
grammar topics you have learned throughout module 1. Check your answers in the Appendix (Module 1):

1. In the first video (tarefa 11/atividade 1), the receptionist used one of the compound prepositions
presented in Task 8. Which one?

2. What do the following phrasal verbs used in the first video mean?

Let me pull up your reservation.

I’m looking forward to getting some sightseeing done as well.

3. In the second video (tarefa 11/atividade 1), the man is talking on the phone while his friends are
making a lot of noise. What does he wish his friends would do?

4. In the third video, what does the interviewer wish the candidate would do?

5. What do the following phrasal verbs used in the fourth video mean?

I’m just checking things out.

44 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Are you looking for something in particular?

6. What does the following phrasal verbs used in the fifth video mean?

You just gave up.

You should never have dropped out of college.

7. In the fifth video, what does the girl wish? What does her mother wish?

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 45


BAKHTIN, M. “Discourse in the novel” In: The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Trans. Caryl Emerson and
Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981.

FAIRCLOUGH, N. Discurso e mudança social change. Coordenadora da tradução: Izabel Magalhães. Brasília:
Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2001.

GEE, J. P. Situated language and learning. A critique of traditional schooling. New York and London:
Routledge, 2004.

KRESS, G. “Multimodality” In: Multiliteracies. Literacy learning and the design of social futures. London
and New York: Routledge, 2000.

KUMARAVADIVELU, B. “A linguística aplicada na era da globalização” In: MOITA LOPES, L. P. (org.) Por uma
linguística aplicada indisciplinar. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2008.

PENNYCOOK, A. “The politics of text” In: Critical applied linguistics. London and New York: Routledge,

RAMOS, R. de C. G. “Gêneros textuais: uma proposta de aplicação em cursos de inglês para fins específicos”.

SINCLAIR, J. & COULTHARD, M. Towards an analysis of discourse. The English used by teachers and pupils.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975.

SOUZA, L. M. T. “Hibridismo e tradução cultural em Bhabha”. In: ABDALA Jr. B. (org.) Margens da cultura:
mestiçagem, hibridismo e outras misturas. São Paulo: Boitempo Editorial, 2004.

46 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano



Extract 1: an advertisement

Extract 2: a tweet

Extract 3: a message

Extract 4: a film review

Extract 5: a letter

Extract 6: directions for use (“bula de remédio”)

Extract 7: a letter of application

Extract 8: an abstract (a short summary of a report, speech or academic paper)

Extract 9: a cartoon

Extract 10: a political speech


( 2 ) Extract 1 ( 3 ) Extract 6

( 1 ) Extract 2 ( 3 ) Extract 7

( 1 ) Extract 3 ( 3 ) Extract 8

( 2 ) Extract 4 ( 1 ) Extract 9

( 3 ) Extract 5 ( 2 ) Extract 10


(2), (3), (2), (B), (2), (B), (2)

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 47


(B), (8), (8), (B), (B), (B), (B), (8)


a) In terms of

b) with the exception of/except for

c) along with

d) in common with

e) As for

f) In spite of

g) in exchange for

h) in spite of/regardless of

i) with a view to

j) on account of/because of/as a result of

k) in common with

l) As for/In terms of

m) in comparison with(to)/ in contrast with (to)

n) on top of/in addition to

o) due to/owing to/as a result of

p) except for/apart from

q) in case of

r) due to/because of/as a result of/owing to

s) In addition to/apart from

t) on the point of

u) for the sake of

v) for lack of

48 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


a) She wishes she were 21. (or “If only she were 21”).

b) I wish I had learnt (learned) to play a musical instrument. (or “If only I had learnt (learned) to play
a musical instrument”).

c) He wishes he had more time to do physical exercise. (or “If only he had more time to do physical

d) She wishes she hadn’t bought the black dress. (or “If only she hadn’t bought the black dress”). /
She wishes she had bought the red dress. (or “If only she had bought the red dress”).

e) I wish my next door neighbors wouldn’t make so much noise. (or “If only my next door neighbors
wouldn’t make so much noise”).

f) I wish I hadn’t drunk so much. (or “if only I hadn’t drunk so much”).

g) I wish they had phoned to say they were coming. (or “if only they had phoned to say they were

h) She wishes it weren’t so cold. (or “if only it weren’t so cold”).

i) He wishes she wouldn’t take so long to get dressed. (or “if only she wouldn’t take so long to get

j) I wish I had seen the fireworks. (or “if only I had seen the fireworks”).

k) He wishes he hadn’t broken up with Janet. (or “if only he hadn’t broken up with Janet”).

l) I wish I had a GPS. (or “if only I had a GPS”).

m) I wish I knew more people in the neighborhood. (or “if only I knew more people in the neighborhood”).

n) He wishes he had applied for the job. (or “if only he had applied for the job”).

o) I wish I could stay longer (or “if only I could stay longer”)./ I wish I didn’t have to leave tomorrow.
(or “if only I didn’t have to leave tomorrow”).

p) I wish it would stop raining. (or “ if only it would stop raining”).

q) She wishes she had taken more photographs of her holidays. (or “if only she had taken more
photographs of her holidays”).

r) They wish it hadn’t been raining all the time. (or “if only it hadn’t been raining all the time”).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 49


a) putting up, b) set up, c) took up, d) putting up, e) give up, f) turned up, g) look up, h) taking up, i)
make up, j) bring up.


1. “With the exception of an adjoined room”.

2. “Pull up”: to access or check; “look forward to”: to feel excited about something that is going to
happen soon.

3. He wishes his friends would stop talking./ He wishes his friends wouldn’t talk.

4. The interviewer wishes the candidate would answer his questions appropriately./ He wishes she
would keep still./ He wishes she would behave accordingly.

5. “Check out”: to look at something or someone to see whether you like them or not; “look for”: to
search for something or someone

6. “gave up”: stopped doing something that you did regularly; “dropped out”: left something (for
example: an activity, school, college or a competition) before the end.

7. The girl wishes she had got the job./ The girl wishes her mother would stop criticizing her./ The
girl wishes her mother wouldn’t criticize her./ The mother wishes her daughter hadn’t dropped
out of college.

50 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 51


52 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Módulo 2

Caro(a) aluno(a):

É com muito prazer que iniciamos o segundo módulo da disciplina “Língua inglesa: práticas discursivas do
cotidiano” do Curso de Graduação em Letras Inglês (Modalidade EaD).

Neste módulo, focaremos o tema Jobs e subtemas como job interview, vídeo résumé e job advertisements.
Você fará atividades práticas de compreensão oral e escrita; analisará a organização do conteúdo de
entrevistas de emprego,currículos em vídeo e anúncios de emprego, bem como marcas linguísticas
características desses gêneros; planejará e elaborará textos orais peculiares a situações de emprego;
estudará, por meio da exposição teórica e de exercícios, alguns aspectos linguístico-comunicativos da
língua inglesa.

Seja bem-vindo(a) ao segundo módulo de nosso curso!

Conteúdo Básico

• Análise e comparação de amostras de gêneros orais e escritos típicos de situações de emprego,

tais como entrevista, currículo em vídeo e anúncios de emprego;
• Estrutura e marcas textuais dos gêneros estudados;
• Planejamento e produção de textos orais (simulação de entrevista de emprego e produção de
currículo em vídeo);
• Foco no uso: descrevendo personalidade;
• Foco na gramática: perguntas diretas e indiretas,tempos verbais, verbos modais e semimodais.


• Analisar e comparar gêneros orais e escritos típicos de situações de emprego, tais como
entrevista, currículo em vídeo e anúncios de emprego;
• Identificar e discutir características dos gênerosorais e escritos abordados (organização e marcas
• Planejar e produzir textos orais;
• Estudar e praticar perguntas diretas e indiretas;

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 53

• Estudar e praticar tempos verbais de presente, passado e futuro;
• Estudar e praticar verbos modais e semimodais;
• Estudar e praticar como descrever personalidade por meio de adjetivos e expressões idiomáticas.

Principais materiais

Neste módulo, além do guia de estudos impresso, você assistirá a vídeos disponibilizados no Moodle,
desenvolverá suas tarefas no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) e poderá aprofundar seus estudos
a partir de nossas sugestões de explicações e exercícios disponíveis na internet.

Tempo de dedicação neste módulo

Para desenvolver as atividades deste módulo, recomendamos uma dedicação de, pelo menos, 14 horas e
meia, distribuídas entre: leitura do material didático e desenvolvimento das tarefas propostas.

Principais formas de avaliação

Produção de textos orais no AVA Moodle.

54 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano



Leitura do Guia de Estudos para apresentação

Tarefa 12 dos objetivos e forma de funcionamento do
Módulo 2.

Atividade 1: estudo de questões comuns a

entrevistas de emprego.
Atividade 2: estudo de vocabulário das
entrevista de emprego (atividades 3 e 4).
Atividade 3: atividade de compreensão oral
Tarefa 13
(entrevista 1).
Atividade 4: atividade de compreensão oral
(entrevista 2).
Atividade 5: comparação e análise das
características das entrevistas de emprego.

Explicação e atividade prática sobre perguntas

Tarefa 14
diretas e indiretas.

Explicação e atividade prática sobre tempos

Tarefa 15
verbais (presente, passado e futuro).

Tarefa 16: Fórum de produção 1

Tarefa 16 Fórum de produção 1 de texto oral (Work).
Valor: 6 pontos

Leitura de artigo da internet “It’s a wrap. You’re

Tarefa 17 hired” sobre vantagens e desvantagens de
currículos em vídeo.

Fórum de discussão 1 sobre o artigo “It’s a wrap.

Tarefa 18
You’re hired” (tarefa 17).
Atividade 1: análise de características valorizadas
em um professor.
Atividade 2: estudo do vocabulário os currículos
em vídeo (atividades 3 e 4).
Atividade 3: Atividade de compreensão oral
Tarefa 19
(currículo em vídeo 1).
Atividade 4: Atividade de compreensão oral
(currículo em vídeo 2).
Atividade 5: comparação e análise das
características dos currículos em vídeo.
Explicação e atividade prática sobre verbos
Tarefa 20
modais e semimodais.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 55

Explicação e atividade prática sobre como
Tarefa 21 descrever aspectos de personalidade por meio
de adjetivos e expressões idiomáticas.
Tarefa 22: Fórum de produção 2
Tarefa 22 Fórum de produção 2 de um currículo em vídeo. (vídeo résumé)
Valor: 7 pontos
Fórum de discussão 2 sobre características de
Tarefa 23
anúncios de emprego (atividade extra)

56 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Quadro Módulo 2: 23/03/2020 a 05/04/2020


Lendo o Capítulo de
Tarefa 12 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 23/03/2020
Introdução do Módulo 2.

Estudando questões
Tarefa 13 – Atividade 1 No Guia de Estudos comuns a entrevistas de Até dia 25/03/2020

Estudando o vocabulário
Tarefa 13 – Atividade 2 No Guia de Estudos das entrevistas de Até dia 25/03/2020

Acessando o vídeo e
completando a atividade
Tarefa 13 – Atividade 3 No AVA Até dia 25/03/2020
de compreensão oral (job
interview 1).

Acessando o vídeo e
completando a atividade
Tarefa 13 – Atividade 4 No AVA Até dia 25/03/2020
de compreensão oral (job
interview 2).

Comparando e analisando
Tarefa 13 – Atividade 5 No Guia de Estudos as características das duas Até dia 25/03/2020
entrevistas de emprego.

Estudando as perguntas
diretas e indiretas
Tarefa 14 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 26/03/2020
e completando os

Estudando os tempos
Tarefa 15 No Guia de Estudos verbais e completando os Até dia 26/03/2020

Produzindo e postando
Tarefa 16 (avaliativa) No AVA um arquivo de áudio no Até dia 28/03/2020

Lendo o artigo “It’s a

Tarefa 17 No Guia de Estudos wrap. You’re hired” e Até dia 31/03/2020
fazendo anotações.

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão
Tarefa 18 No AVA sobre o artigo “It’s a wrap. Até dia 31/03/2020
You’re hired”.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 57

Analisando características
Tarefa 19 – Atividade 1 No Guia de Estudos indispensáveis em um Até dia 01/04/2020

Estudando o vocabulário
Tarefa 19 – Atividade 2 No Guia de Estudos dos currículos em vídeo Até dia 01/04/2020
(atividades 3 e 4).

Acessando o vídeo e
completando a atividade
Tarefa 19 – Atividade 3 No AVA Até dia 01/04/2020
de compreensão oral
(vídeo résumé 1).

Acessando o vídeo e
completando a atividade
Tarefa 19 – Atividade 4 No AVA Até dia 01/04/2020
de compreensão oral
(vídeo résumé 2).

Comparando e analisando
Tarefa 19 – Atividade 5 No Guia de Estudos as características dos dois Até dia 01/04/2020
vídeos resumes.

Estudando os verbos
modais e semimodais
Tarefa 20 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 02/04/2020
e completando os
Estudando os
adjetivos e expressões
idiomáticas para
Tarefa 21 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 02/04/2020
descrever personalidade
e completando os

Produzindo e postando
Tarefa 22 (avaliativa) No AVA seu vídeo résumé no Até dia 04/04/2020

Lendo, pesquisando e
discutindo no fórum
Tarefa 23 - atividade extra No AVA Até dia 05/04/2020
características de anúncios
de emprego.

58 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 12: Reading – Introduction to Module 2

O capítulo de introdução do Módulo 2 no guia de estudos traz aspectos importantes sobre este segundo
módulo(temática, objetivos, agenda). Leia todos os itens apontados e tire suas dúvidas com os tutores,

Tarefa 13 / Atividade 1: Lead-in

caso as tenha. Se você já realizou essa tarefa, prossiga seus estudos com a Tarefa 13.

Have you ever been to a job interview?What questions are commonly asked in a job interview? Before
watching two job interview samples (atividades 3 e 4),let’s study some questions that are expected in a
job interview.

Put the words in the correct order to make the questions.Then check your answer in the Appendix (Anexo
do módulo 2).

1. with you/your résumé/do you have

2. interested in/ are you/ this position/ why
3. me/ about yourself/ can you tell
4. in college/ your major/ what was
5. me/ about your previous job/ tell
6. what makes/ you are the right person/ you think/ for this job
7. might be useful/ do you have/ you think/ for this job/ any skills or hobbies
8. is/ your greatest strength/what do you think/ or weakness
9. can you tell me/ when you worked / about a time/ on a team

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 59

Tarefa 13 / Atividade 2: Vocabulary

10. yourself/ you see/ in five years/ where/ do

Before watching the job interview samples (atividades 3 e 4), let’s study some words(nouns, verbs and
adjectives) that are used by the interviewees.Match each word with a definition or synonym. Then check

1. PR (=public relations) ( ) honest, responsible, someone you can trust

2. Account executive ( ) A person, as in an advertising or a public relations firm, who
manages clients’ accounts.
3. Supervisor
( ) sociable, friendly
4. Principal
( ) to advance
5. To further
( ) correct, exact
6. To lead
( ) director
7. To behave
( ) a person who manages the spread of information between an
8. Passionate
individual or an organization and the public.
9. Out-going
( ) rigorous, rigid, intolerant
10. Thorough
( ) A person who monitors and regulates employees in their
11. Reliable performance of assigned or delegated tasks.
12. Accurate ( ) enthusiastic, excited
13. strict ( ) impolite, someone who behaves badly
14. Bratty ( ) to act in a proper way.
( ) to guide, to direct
( ) detailed, accurate or careful

Rule with an iron fist

In the “Job interview 2”, the interviewee uses the expression “to rule a classroom with an iron fist”. Do
you know what this means? To rule something with an iron fist is an idiom and it refers to someone
who is in absolute control of a situation and tolerates no disagreement. By using this idiom, the
interviewee means that she is the type of teacher who controls students rigidly and does not allow
them to talk or behave badly.

60 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 13 / Atividade 3: Listening comprehension -
Job interview 1

your answer in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2)

Now you’re ready to watch the job interview samples! Let’s start with job interview 1. In order to complete
this task, you should follow these steps:

1st step: Watch “Job interview 1”, available on Moodle.

2nd step: Read the comprehension questions on Moodle carefully;

3rd step: Answer the questions on Moodle. You should correct your own answers, at the end of the activity,
after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After you submit your answers, you will have access
to the correction. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

4th step: Watch the job interview again and answer the following questions: How was Karen’s performance
in the interview? How does the interviewer open and close the interview? Check your answers in the
Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2).

Adapted from:


Watch the “Job interview 1” and choose the correct answer:

1. What was Karen’s major in college?

a. business
b. communication
c. engineer

2. What was her previous job?

a. She was an account executive in UK.
b. She was a food engineer in Belfast.
c. She was a secretary in Ukraine.

3. What are Karen’s future plans?

• a. She wants to be a supervisor and have a higher salary.
• b. She wants to master a supervisor position and lead several projects.
• c. She wants to work for the company’s branch abroad.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 61

4. How does Karen describe herself?
a. She is easy-going, though, reliable and flexible.
b. She is out-going, reliable, flexible and happy.
c. She is out-going, thorough, reliable and careful.

Tarefa 13 / Atividade 4: Listening comprehension -

Job interview 2

Now it’s time to work on “Job interview 2”. In order to complete this task, you should follow these steps:

1st step: Watch “Job interview 2”, available on Moodle.

2nd step: Read the comprehension questions on Moodle carefully.

3rd step: Answer the exercises on Moodle. You should correct your own answers, at the end of the activity,
after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After you submit your answers, you will have access
to the correction. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

4th step: Watch the job interview again and answer the following questions:Will she get the job? Pay
attention to the words she uses to describe the students and her job as a teacher: Kids were “bratty”,
“little devils”, “their minds are just empty”, “you need to train them”, “rule the classroom with an iron fist”,
“discipline techniques”. What do the words and expressions she uses show about her views on teachers’
and students’ roles?


1. What questions does the interviewer ask? Tick the correct ones:

( ) Can you tell me about your previous teaching experience?

( ) Could you please tell me what your experiences as an English teacher are?

( ) I’d like to know what your thoughts on discipline are.

( ) I’d like to know what your views on classroom management are.

( ) Could you please explain why you think you are a good fit as a teacher here at Lake Marian?

( ) Why do you think you are a good fit here?

62 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

2. Read the following statements and decide if they are true or false. Write T for the true sentences
and F for the false ones:

a) She started teaching second grade after she finished college. ( )

b) She taught second grade for three years ( )

c) She wasn’t being challenged enough in her previous job. ( )

d) She wants to move to Minnesota because she was tired of working with disruptive kids in Texas. ()

e) She thinks kids need to be trained in order to learn better. ( )

f) She doesn’t mind when kids talk a little in the classroom. ( )

g) She believes parents must encourage their kids to keep quiet in class and work hard ( )

Tarefa 13 / Atividade 5: Job interview features

h) She believes she can help students learn by using discipline techniques ( )
What do the two job interview situations you have just watched have in common? Tick their main features.
Then check your answer in the Appendix (Anexodo Módulo 2).

( ) A professional relationship between the participants in the context of interaction.

( ) Specific social roles: one person is the interviewer (responsible for the hiring process) and the other
is the applicant (interested in the position).
( ) An interactional pattern based on questions and answers.
( ) Verbal and non-verbal introductions in the opening
( ) Detailed information about the position the candidate is applying for in the opening
( ) Use of direct or indirect questionsin order to assess the candidate’s job history, personality, work
style or other factors relevant to the job
( ) Use of informal non-verbal language
( ) Use of slang (“gírias”) by the interviewee
( ) Discussion about promotion prospects
( ) Discussion of career prospects within the company
( ) Information about the hiring decision in the closing
( ) Appreciation (thanks) in the closing.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 63

Tarefa 14: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 –
Direct and indirect questions

Read the text on direct and indirect questions in your Study Guide carefully, and then do the following
exercises. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

A job interview is a process in which a candidate, after applying for a job, is evaluated by one or more
interviewers who represent a company. These, through certain questions, try to assess whether the
candidate is suitable or not for the job. It can be understood as an oral genre characterized by face-to-face
interaction between interviewer(s) and interviewee, who have different communicative purposes. The
interaction between interviewer and candidate, therefore, takes into account the relationship between the
participants (usually professional) and the roles they play (employer x candidate and future employee). As
we saw in Module 1, for Fairclough (1992), the meaning of statements is constructed between interviewer
and interviewee in a certain social context of interaction, where identities and social relationships are
being constituted.

The interviewer wants to select the best candidate for a given position and the interviewee wants to
get the job using questions and answers. The interview will be carried out taking into account what
the candidate believes is expected in an interview situation. The job interview is marked by only ONE
interactional pattern, which differs from other genders, such as informal conversations between friends or
in the workplace. In the job interview, it is possible to notice a stricter control of shifts (interviewer speaks,
respondent responds or vice versa) and discussion topics. In this genre, certain politeness strategies are also
observable, both non-verbal, such as handshaking, and verbal, such as the use of INDIRECT QUESTIONS,
which will be our focus here.

In “Job interview 1” it is possible to notice the use of direct questions by the interviewer. Let’s have a look
at it:

- What was your major in college?

- Why are you interested in this position?

- Where do you see yourself in five years?

The direct questions can be of two types: wh-questions (like those from interview 1) and “yes / no

Wh-questions5 are understood as open questions, as they open the possibility for the most varied answers.
“Yes/no questions”, on the other hand, are understood as closed type questions, as they allow limited
“Yes” or “no” answers. Shall we compare these two types of questions?

Q: Why are you interested in this position? (wh-question)

A: Due to my interest in gaining experience and growth within a company, I feel that PMW PR will offer
me these experiences that I have been unable to find in my prior jobs.
A: This job suits me and my talents well and it is a job that I have always considered having.

Q: Are you working at the moment? (yes/no question)

A: Yes, I am./No, I’mnot.
5 To revise “WH questions”, re-read the Study Guide of “Língua inglesa: habilidades integradas com ênfase na
produção oral” (p. 25-26).

64 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

In direct questions (both open and closed), we notice that the elements of the sentence follow the
following order:

auxiliary or main verb (are) + subject (you)

Therefore, verbs appear before the subject in direct questions.

In “Job interview 2” it is possible to notice the use of indirect questions by the interviewer. These questions
are more formal and polite compared to direct questions. Let’s have a look:

- Could you please tell me what your experiences as an English teacher are?

- I’d like to know what your views on classroom management are.

- Could you please explain why you think you are a good fit as a teacher here at Lake Marian?

The elements of the indirect questions have the same order as statements (i.e., subject + verb (and not
the verb + subject order commonly observed in direct questions). They appear after introductory phrases
combined with WH- words (who, what, which, when, where, why, etc.) or “if / whether” (in the case of
“yes / no questions”). Auxiliary verbs are omitted in indirect questions. For example:

I’d like to know who broke the computer.

Do you know when Rosa will be back?
Can you tell me if John is free tomorrow afternoon?

Indirect questions can be introduced in several ways:

- I wonder/ I was wondering….

- I want/would like to know….
- I am sure …
- I have no idea ….
- I can’t remember ….
- Do you know…?
- Can/would you tell me…?
- Do you remember…?

Now shall we compare direct and indirect questions?

Direta: Why are you applying for this position?

verbo + sujeito
Indireta: Can you tell me why you are applying for this position?
sujeito + verbo

Direta: Should I call you to know about your decision?

verbo + sujeito
Indireta: I was wondering if I should call you to know about your decision.
sujeito + verbo
Direta: Did you work well in teams in your previous jobs?
Verbo + sujeito
Indireta: I’d like to know if you worked well on teams in previous jobs.
sujeito + verbo

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 65

Note in this last example that not only subject and verb are inverted, following the common sequence in
affirmative sentences, but also the auxiliary verb «did» is not used in indirect questions. As the auxiliary
verb is eliminated, the past tense of the main verb (“work”) is used (“worked”).


What’s the difference? ‘‘If’’ and ‘‘whether’’ mean ‘‘se” in Portuguese. In several situations both can
be used without changes in meaning:

I’m not sure whether / if I’ll have time.

I don’t know if / whether I can help you.

‘‘Whether’’ is considered to be more formal than ‘‘if’’. Also, to express an alternative, we can use ‘‘or
not’’ with ‘‘if’’ and ‘‘whether’’. With ‘‘whether’’ we can use ‘‘or not’’ immediately after ‘‘whether’’
or in end position.

I don’t know whether he is coming or not.

He asked me whether my phone was receiving cell service or not.

The word ‘‘whether’’ is pronounced exactly in the same way as ‘‘weather’’ (/ˈweðə(r)/). They are called
‘‘homophones’’ (different words with the same pronunciation). Other homophones are ‘‘sea’’/’’see’’;
‘‘blue’’/’’blew’’; ‘‘son’’/’’sun’’, among others.

For more information, check:

66 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Shall we practise? Do the following exercises and check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo

1. For each of the five direct questions, choose the correct indirect equivalent:

1) Who did you speak to?

a) Do you remember who you speaks to?
b) Do you remember who did you spoke to?
c) Do you remember who you spoke to?
d) Do you remember who did you speak to?

2) What time does he usually arrive at the office?

a) Can you tell me what time does he usually arrive at the office?
b) Can you tell me what time he usually arrive at the office?
c) Can you tell me what time he usually arrives at the office?
d) Can you tell me what time he usually arrived at the office?

3) Are you going to the office party?

a) I was wondering if you are going to the office party.
b) I was wondering if are you going to the office party.
c) I was wondering whether if you are going to the office party.
d) I was wondering if do you are going to the office party.

4) Have they reached a decision yet concerning the contract?

a) Do you know if have they reached a decision yet concerning the contract?
b) Do you know whether if they have reached a decision yet concerning the contract?
c) Do you know if they reached a decision yet concerning the contract?
d) Do you know if they have reached a decision yet concerning the contract?

5) Was he working yesterday at 4 p.m.?

a) Do you remember if has he working yesterday at around 4 p.m.?
b) Do you remember if he was working yesterday at around 4 p.m.?
c) Do you remember whether if he has been working yesterday at around 4 p.m.?
d) Do you remember if he worked yesterday at around 4 p.m.?

2. Form indirect questions from the direct questions in brackets. Look at the example.

Example: (Is this seat free)? Can you tell me if this seat is free?

a) (What time is it?) Can you tell me ……

b) (Does John know about computers?) Do you have any idea….
c) (Who is that woman?) I’ve no idea…..
d) (Did Ann receive my e-mail?) Do you know ….
e) (Is she having lunch with Susan tomorrow?) Do you know ….
f) (Where were you?) Can you tell me ….
g) (Were you speaking to John?) I am not sure…
h) (How long will it take?) Do you have any idea...
i) (How long have you been waiting for me?) I wonder…
j) (Could you give me a ride?) I was wondering....

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 67

To learn more about indirect questions, go to the following links for further explanations and exercises:

Tarefa 15: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 2 –

Verb tenses

In “Língua inglesa: habilidades integradas com ênfase na compreensão oral” and “Língua inglesa:
habilidades integradas com ênfase na produção oral”, you studied different verb tenses to describe
present, future and past actions. Shall we review them?

As you could see in Tarefa 13 (atividade 1), in a job interview it’s common to ask questions about present
actions (concerning the candidate’s personality and skills), past (professional experiences) and future (the
candidate’s plans and ambitions). Read the explanation of these verb forms carefully in your Study Guide,
and then do the exercises. If you have any questions talk to your tutor.

Read the following pairs of sentences (A and B). Compare the verb forms in each pair. Can you explain
which verb tenses were used and why? Check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2).

1. A) I live in Uberlândia.
B) I am living with a friend while I’m in Uberlândia.

2. A) I lived in Uberlândia for ten years.

B) I have lived in Uberlândia for ten years.

3. A) When we arrived, she made dinner.

B) When we arrived, she was making dinner.

4. A) When the police arrived, the thieves ran away.

B) When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.

5. A) I am going to visit the States next month.

B) I think I will visit my mom this weekend.

Do you remember these verb forms? Verb forms in English can be understood from their TENSE and
ASPECT. TENSE refers to the time period in which the action occurs. ASPECT refers to how this action is

68 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

perceived by the speaker, that is, as an action in progress, repeated, or already finished, for example.
There are three TENSES: present, past and future. In terms of ASPECT, there are two kinds: the perfective
aspect, referring to an event as a complete action, and the imperfective aspect, referring to as event
as the process of unfolding, or a repeated or habitual event. The imperfective thus corresponds to the
continuous aspect for events of short-term duration, and to habitual aspect for longer terms. The verb
tenses simple present, simple past e simple future are explained below:

Simple Present: used to describe routines, habits, and permanent facts and situations.

I go to the gym two times a week (routine).
He has blue eyes (permanent situation).
Banks close at 3 p.m. in Brazil (fact).

In the table below you will find the Simple Present positive, negative and interrogative forms:



We work We
You DON’T work You

They hard Where they live?

He he
She DOES she
DOESN’T work
It it

Simple Past: used to express a completed action in the past, or a repeated past habit.

We went to the beach every Sunday when I was a kid. (past habit)
She worked for BBC for 10 years. (completed action)

In the table below you will find the Simple Past positive, negative and interrogative forms:

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 69

You arrive?
arrived yesterday he,she, it
He, she, It DID enjoy the meal?
left three weeks ago we


He, she, It DIDN’T on time.



Simple Future: used to express a future fact, an intention, a promise, a prediction or a decision taken at
the moment you’re speaking.

Hopefully, I’ll graduate next year. (I’ll = I will; prediction)
Sorry, I can’t talk to you right now. I’ll call you later.(I’ll = I will; promise)
Wait! I’ll help you. (I’ll = I will; instant decision)

In the table below you will find the Simple Future positive, negative and interrogative forms:



He, she WILL you

help you.
We WON’T WILL he,she, it arrive tomorrow?
watch the football
You (will not) we

They they

70 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


‘Be going to’ can also be used to express future. It’s used to talk about plans made BEFORE the time
when you are speaking, unlike “will”, which is used to express spontaneous decisions (made at the
time of speaking). ‘Be going to’ can also be used to make predictions based on present evidence or
facts that allow us to predict what is going to happen. “Will” can also be used to make predictions.
However, “will” predictions are not based on real evidence, but on the speaker’s opinion. Compare:

I’m going to start a Spanish course next week. (a plan)

It’s hot here. OK, I will turn on the fan.(an instant decision, made at the time of speaking)
She won’t believe what happened. (a prediction)
I crashed my dad’s car. He isn’t going to be very happy! (a prediction based on evidence)

The CONTINUOUS ASPECT suggests that the action or event is in progress in the present, past or future.
Therefore, it describes incomplete or temporary events. Some examples of this aspect are the Present
Continuous and the Past Continuous, which you probably remember, and the Future Continuous, which
is introduced below:

Present Continuous: used to describe actions that are happening now, temporary actions or situations, or
also future arrangements.

She‘s working as a model until shegoesto university.(temporary action)
I’m reading a very nice book. It’s called “Eat, pray and love”.(now)
I’m seeing the doctor on Monday. (arrangement)

In the table below you will find the Present Continuous positive, negative and interrogative forms:


AM not he

He IS she
IS What doing?
She eating it
IS NOT (isn’t) we
We ARE you
You they
ARE not (aren’t)

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 71

Past Continuous: used to express an action in progress that began and extended for some time in the past;
also used to express incomplete or interrupted actions in the past.

I was reading a book on my flight home. (I didn’t finish it)
We were walking home when we were attacked by a man. (interrupted action)

In the table below you will find the Past Continuous positive, negative and interrogative forms:



He WAS he
She WASN’T she doing
working yesterday
It yesterday What It around 10
morning. we a.m.?
WEREN’T they

Future Continuous: used to describe actions or events that WILL be in progress at a certain point in the
future. It’s also used to describe future tendencies.

Don’tphone me at10 a.m. I’ll be having an English class. (action in progress)
All the students in public schools will be doing their tasks on computers in the future. (future trend)

Note that the Future Continuous is formed by WILL + BE + MAIN VERB + ing

In the table below you will find the Future Continuous positive, negative and interrogative forms:


She WILL BE lying on
the beach She BE having
this time
It next week. WILL dinner at
WILL NOT 8 p.m.?
We (WON’T) BE lying We
You You

72 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

The perfect aspect is used to describe actions or events completed in the present, past or future. It relates
two tenses (present, past or future) to indicate that the action is, will be or was completed at an indefinite
time before another action. Examples of this perfect aspect are the Present Perfect, the Past Perfect and
the Future Perfect:

Present Perfect: used to express an action that started in the past and extends to the present time (for
ex., “I’ve lived here my whole life”) ; also used to describe experiences that happened at some point in a
person’s life (for ex., “Have you ever been to Mexico?” “No, never”); used to describe a past action whose
present consequences or outcomes are more important than when it happened (“Can I use your phone? I
think I’ve lost mine”) – usually in the case of actions that took place in the recent past. The Present Perfect
differs from the Past Simple in use in that it does not express exactly WHEN the action took place (in the
last example – “Can I use your phone? I think I’VE LOST mine” – the action of losing the phone, and its
present consequence, is more relevant than when this happened).

We’ve lived in the same house for 25 years.
I’ve been to Europe twice.
He’s lost his flash drive (now he will have to do his homework from the beginning again)

Note that the Present Perfect is formed by HAS/HAVE + past participle of the main verb

In the table below you will find the Present Perfect positive, negative and interrogative forms:



How long HAVE
They lived in Rome they Peter?

He HAS he
How long HAS
she HASN’T she

Past Perfect: used to describe a past action that happened BEFORE another action in the past. It’s commonly
used with reporting verbs such as “said”, “told”, “asked”, “thought”, “wondered”:

He had left the crime scene by the time the police arrived.
She told my girlfriend that she had seen me kissing another girl at the party before I had the chance
to give her my version.
He thought that Ashley had stolen the documents.

Note that the Past Perfect has a similar structure to the Present Perfect. The difference is the use of HAD
as an auxiliary verb in the Past Perfect: HAD + past participle

In the table below you will find the Past Perfect positive, negative and interrogative forms:

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 73

He, she
HAD been
seen him before Where HAD He, she before?
HADN’T finished work at 6 p.m.

Future Perfect:used to describe actions or events that will be completeds before a specific point in the

You can call me at 8 p.m. I’ll have arrived from work by then.
He’ll have left by the time you get to his house.
I have the impression I won’t have finished my homework by noon.

The future perfect is formed by WILL + HAVE + past participle.

In the table below you will find the Future Perfect positive, negative and interrogative forms:


He He
She WILL HAVE done
all the work She
It WILL NOT by this by 6
(WON’T) HAVE evening. WILL It HAVE arrived
We done We

74 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Combinations between perfect and continuous aspects can also occur. That’s the case of the Present
Perfect Continuous (example: We’ve been planning our trip since last year), Past Perfect Continuous
(example: My brother had been dating his girlfriend for 11 months before they got married) and
Future Perfect Continuous (example: In May we will have been doing voluntary jobs for 5 and a half
years). These tenses are often used to indicate the duration of an action, either in the past, present
or future. To learn more about these three tenses, go to:

Now that you’ve read the explanation of several present, past and future tenses, let’s practise them by
doing the following exercises. When you finish, check your answers in the Appendix. (Anexo do módulo 2).

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences:

a) Vegetarians do not eat/ are not eating meat.
b) Listen! The phone rings/ is ringing.
c) Do you like caviar? I don’t know. I haven’t tried/ don’t try it.
d) How’s George? I don’t know. I haven’t seen/ didn’t see him recently.
e) The last time I talked to Ian, he planned/ was planning his next holiday.
f) When I was young, we were getting/ got up at 6 a.m. every day.
g) How fast were you driving/ did you drive, when the accident happened?
h) My sister moved to the house where she lived/ had lived when she was a little girl.
i) We didn’t tell/ hadn’t told Anna that George called/ had called.
j) Did you phone Ruth?’ ‘Oh, no, I forgot. I phone / ’ll phone her now’
k) Watch out the truck! We will crash/ are going to crash!
l) When I get back from Europe, I will hopefully get a job/ am going to get a job within the
media industry.
m) If you need to contact me, I will be staying/will have stayed at the Excelsior Hotel.
n) By the end of the trip, they will be traveling/ will have traveled more than 3.000 km.
o) Can you meet tomorrow afternoon? Sorry, but I will be working/ will have worked.

2. Match parts A and B to form sentences:

a) Normally, I finish ( ) when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me.
b) Is anybody watching ( ) your bike this evening?
c) Have you found ( ) your article by Monday?
d) We went to ( ) a job yet?
e) I was walking along the street ( ) in an interview before.
f) The man sitting next to me in the room was ( ) work at 6 p.m.
very nervous. He had never been ( ) in front of the office in half an hour, OK?
g) Is George going to ( ) get married in September?
h) I’ll meet you ( )TV or can I turn it off?
i) Will you be using ( ) her house yesterday, but she wasn’t at home.
j) Will they have already published

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 75

3. Complete the answers from a job interview with the appropriate verb tense. Use the verbs in

I: Hello, come on in.

C: Hi, my name’s Tina Mansfield.
I: I’m Janet Harrison. Nice to meet you. Have a sit. How are you today?
C: Fine, thanks.
I: Thank you for applying for this position and coming to the interview today.
C: Thank you. Here’s my résumé.
I: Right. Why don’t you start by telling me about yourself?
C: Well, I ______ (grow) up in New York, and I _____ just recently _________ (graduate) from the UYU. I’m
very responsible and I ____________ (succeed) in my past school work and professional experience. I’m
very committed to teaching and a team-player. I always ______ (help) teachers who I work with.
I: Can you tell me about your previous jobs?
C: I ________ (work) for Ontario Language School for three years. I _______ (be) also a substitute teacher
in an elementary school where I _______ (teach) 6th and 7th graders from 2007 to 2010. These were really
great experiences to learn about curriculum, how to implement lessons and evaluate students. I _______
(learn) a lot about what it takes to work with kids.
I: OK. So why should I hire you?
C: I _____ always _________ (want) to be a teacher. I’m passionate about education. I think this is super
important and I think I ______ (bring) a 100% to the table because I _______ (be) excited to be here.
I: Great. We hope you will. Why don’t you share with me some of your plans and goals for the future?
C: Hopefully, I _______ (get) a job in the area and build on some experience in teaching elementary school
and I __________ (plan) to settle down, get an apartment. My family ______ (live) here so it ______ (be)
great to stay nearby.

Tarefa 16: Work

For this Forum you’re going to make a 4-6 minute voice recording (gravação de voz), and POST it on the
Forum. in English, about work. You can use some of the following questions to help you: what’s your job
or where do you work? What kind of satisfaction do you derive from it? Have you always worked there?
If not, where did you use to work before? What do you like most about your job? Anything you don’t like
about it? What are your professional plans and ambitions? For example, would you like to do a different
job? What would your dream job be?

For example: (voice recording) Hi! My name’s William and I’m an English teacher. I’ve been a teacher for
over 30 years. I started teaching in São Paulo, at an English school called...etc”.

Remember: it’s a voice recording, not a written assignment! You can make notes to help you speak, but
you should not read aloud all the time – if you do, you may not sound natural. You will get full marks for
this task (6,0 marks) if you use a variety of verb tenses AS WELL AS any of the preposition phrases and
phrasal verbs from Module 1. After you’ve recorded your podcast, post it on the Forum. After that, listen
to at least TWO of your colleagues’ podcasts, and leave written comments on them.

76 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 17: Reading - It’s a wrap. You’re hired.

You are going to read an article from Time that discusses the use of video résumés (also resumes) to hire
a person. Do you know what a video résumé is? Who produces a video résumé? What for? Where is it
promoted? Who watches video résumés and why? What kind of information is generally included in a
video résumé? How does it differ from a cover letter or a written résumé? What are its advantages and
disadvantages? Make notes and participate in the forum (Tarefa18). Also, check the meaning of new words
in a dictionary and if you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

It’s a Wrap. You’re Hired!

By Lisa Takeuchi Cullen Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007

Video résumés have long tickled imaginations in Hollywood (can a blond legally apply to Harvard via VHS?)
without making much of a dent in the real world. Enter Aleksey Vayner. The Yale student submitted his video
résumé, titled Impossible Is Nothing, to investment bank UBS last fall. It became a YouTube classic, while
its karate-chopping, tennis-acing, deep-thought-having star became the joke of Wall Street. But another
funny thing happened: Vayner’s vanity creation awakened recruiters and job seekers to the possibilities of
marrying the video CV to the Internet--and that may just revolutionize the job-search process as we know

So who will be the YouTube of video résumés? Jobster, an online job board, is teaming up with social-
networking site Facebook to launch a career site featuring video résumés in March. another job
board, concluded its first video-résumé contest last week, its prize a shot at (what else?) an investment-
banking job. Smaller players 62ndview, HireVue and Resumevideo are all launching widely this spring.
Workplace bloggers speculate that YouTube plans to start its own video-résumé channel, although the
company is noncommittal. Says Jason Goldberg, CEO of Jobster: «I can see a day when video as part of the
résumé is the norm.»

Job seekers aren’t waiting. On YouTube, there are already 1,590 entries listed under résumé. Not all are
what you would call serious («After losing his powers at the end of X-Men 3, Magneto is forced to apply for
a job at the local Starbucks»). The best ones, though, are smart, colorful and effective. Benjamin Hampton,
a recent graduate of WashingtonStateUniversity in Pullman, posted a 5 1/2-min. video on YouTube last
fall, thinking it would be something different to send to employers. (To view Hampton’s video résumé, go
to With his brother at the camera, the résumé «took me 45 minutes to film and 30 minutes
to edit,» says Hampton, 23. But that was enough to impress Waggener Edstrom Worldwide. The public
relations firm interviewed him--in person--a short time ago.

Not many employers are trolling YouTube for candidates, which is where the new online services come in.
Resumevideo sends online «postcards» of job candidates to a network of mostly not-for-profit employers.
62ndview wants its site to be a portal for job seekers, who would view videos of potential workplaces, and
for employers, who could check out potential hires. HireVue sends webcams to job candidates, who use
them to answer real-time interview questions. Employers can view the clips immediately online, saving
time and money by eliminating the first round of in-person interviews.

The thing is, not all people are cut out for their three minutes of online-video fame. A post
features a blue-shirted manager with a knee jiggle and a boring spiel. A job-seeking techie on YouTube

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 77

admits charmingly that he has no experience editing videos--and then packs his with gimmicky cutaways.
One software engineer scores his with gangsta rap. And did I just fast-forward through that video on
HireVue because of the guy’s bad teeth?

The paper résumé is egalitarian, more or less, and that’s why human-resources people are wringing their
collective hands over visually enhanced job applications. Many recruiters won’t even accept CVs with
photos attached for fear of lawsuits. Some companies even block out the candidate’s name, citing studies
that showed bias toward the white-sounding ones. They’re worried that video résumés will invite lawsuits
by candidates who could claim bias based on race, gender or age--indiscernible on paper but not on video.

No one has yet filed a major lawsuit for discrimination by video résumé6. But George Lenard, a St. Louis,
Mo., employment lawyer, can envision a case centered on «disparate impact.» If an employer requires
applications by video, then those without video cameras and broadband-equipped computers might
argue they lacked access. Of course, he adds, the live interview process is hardly infallible. He cites a
2000 Princeton study that examined orchestras’ penchant for hiring male musicians as an example of
«disparate treatment.» When screens were put up--now a common practice in auditions--the gender
skewing disappeared.

Once the rest of the YouTube generation enters the workplace, «video résumés are going to be as
ubiquitous as PDAs or iPods,» says Mark Oldman, a co-president of Just leave out the gangsta
rap. For your sake and ours.


6 in colloquial language “resume” is also used

78 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 18: Discussion fórum 1– Is a video résumé a good idea?

After reading about the use of video résumés, share your understanding of the article and personal opinion
in the forum. Try to answer the following questions:

1. What is exactly a video résumé? (Think about the following questions from task 17: Who
produces a video résumé? What for? Where is it promoted? Who watches video résumés and
why? What kind of information is generally included in a video résumé? How does it differ from a
cover letter or a written résumé?)

2. Does the article mention more advantages or disadvantages of the use of video résumés in the
hiring process?

3. Does the paper résumé offer more equal opportunities for everybody than the video résumé? Why

Tarefa 19 / Atividade 1: Lead-in

What skills are most valued by employers in a teacher? Look at the list below and rank them from 1 to 10
(1= most important; 10 = least important) based on how important you think each one is.

( ) Teachers must be good at communicating and listening to people to understand the problems a
student may be having.

( ) They have to be able to give clear instructions and make neat presentations.

( ) They are supposed to cooperate with other people.

( ) They should be flexible.

( ) They should have motivation and initiative to prepare fun lessons.

( ) They must be able to use technological resources.

( ) They should set a good example for their students.

( ) They must put duty before self.

( ) They ought to use strategies to remain calm and deal with stressful situations.

( ) They are supposed to be knowledgeable, intelligent and creative.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 79

Tarefa 19 / Atividade 2: Vocabulary

Before watching the video résumé samples (atividades 3 e 4), let’s study some words that are used by the
applicants (Nicole and Karen). Check the meaning of each word in the box in a dictionary and complete the
sentences. Check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2).

1. Becoming a(n)___________ offers a unique multi-cultural opportunity.

2. A ___________ is a type of undergraduate college degrees that is awarded to students who

complete a 4-year course of study with a major in a liberal arts or humanities.

3. In public schools in Brazil, you can find students from very different_____________.

4. She agreed _________ a week’s art course.

5. ____________ are awarded to students on the basis of academic skills and not financial need.

6. I didn’t have time ____________ a meeting with my students next week.

7. I’m looking for a career that offers _______________. I believe they will cause me to learn something
new or develop in a certain area.

8. Teachers should be able ______________ a difficult child.

9. Comedians make a living writing various __________.

10. _______________ usually have a hard time adapting to a new country.

to tutor challenges backgrounds skits to manage

foreigners ESL teacher B.A. fellowships to schedule

Tarefa 19 / Atividade 3: Listening comprehension -

video résumé 1

Now we are going to work with two video résumé samples. First, you are going to watch “Video résumé
1” created by Nicole. In order to complete this task, you should follow these steps:

1st step: Watch “Video résumé1”, available on Moodle. Try to identify the answers to the following
questions: What position is Nicole applying for? What is her current position? What adjectives does she
use to describe herself? Who is her video addressed to?

80 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

2nd step: Check your answers in the Appendix (module 2).

3rd step: Read carefully the comprehension questions on Moodle;

4th step: Watch “Video résumé1” again and answer the questions on Moodle, by ticking the correct
information about Nicole. You can choose more than one alternative. You should correct your own
answers, at the end of the activity, after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After you submit
your answers, you will have access to the correction. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

5th step: Watch the video again and read the script in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2).

1. How experienced is Nicole?

( ) She can speak many languages.

( ) She has tutored first and third graders.
( ) She has taught English to intermediate level students.
( ) She has taught Spanish to preschool children.
( ) She has taught Portuguese in the States.
( ) She lived in Spain and Germany.

2. What are her responsibilities in her current job?

( ) She plans and teaches communicative English courses for senior citizens to university students.
( ) She teaches students who want to have an international experience.
( ) She prepares grammar and pronunciation lessons to children.

Tarefa 19 / Atividade 4: Listening comprehension -

video résumé 2

Now you are going to watch “Video résumé 2” created by Karen. In order to complete this task, you should
follow the same steps:

1st step: Watch “Video résumé2”, available on Moodle. Try to identify the answers to the following
questions: Why would she make a good ESL teacher? Write two reasons.

2nd step: Check your answers in the Appendix (module 2).

3rd step: Read carefully the exercise on Moodle;

4th step: Watch “Video résumé 2” again and complete the exercise on Moodle. You should correct your
own answers at the end of the activity, after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After you
submit your answers, you will have access to the correction. If you have any questions, talk to your tutor.

5th step: Watch the video again and read the script in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 81

Complete the sentences about Karen:

1. She taught_______and__________.

2. In her conversation classes in Brazil, she worked on ____________ and US stereotypes in a

humorous and ___________ way.

3. She understands her students_____________ to acquire another language.

4. She has ____________ in Paraguay, Brazil and Spain.

5. She is a good candidate for a teaching position, because she has teaching ____________, can
relate to her students and has the educational ______________ to teach effectively.

Tarefa 19 / Atividade 5: Video résumé features

After watching the two video résumé samples, you are going to analyze the structure of this oral genre.
What do the videos have in common, concerning their organization or structure (opening, body and
closing)?What kind of verbs do Karen and Nicole use to talk about their experience, skills, and qualifications?
Do they use more formal or informal language? How do they connect ideas to market themselves? Write
notes under the following topics. Then, check your answers in the Appendix (Anexodo módulo 2).


Opening: Verbs

Body: Logical connectors7

Closing: Formal/informal language? Examples?

7 To review this topic, re-read the explanation of Linking words in the study guide of “Língua inglesa: habilidades inte-
gradas com ênfase na produção oral” (p.23).

82 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 20: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 3 -
modals and semimodals to express ability and obligation

In “Língua inglesa: habilidades integradas com ênfase na produção oral” you studied several modal verbs
to express certainty, possibility, obligation, prohibition, permission, and ability, among others. Shall we
review them?

 Certainty: will
 Possibility, probability: may, might, can, could, should
 Obligation: must, will
 Prohibition: mustn’t, can’t
 Permission: can, may
 Ability: can, could
 Advice, recommendation: should, ought to, had better

In this Module we will draw your attention to modal and semimodal verbs to express ability and obligation.
Note how Karen in her video résumé describes one of her skills as as English teacher:

Since I have lived in Paraguay, Brazil and Spain for extended periods, I can relate to my students’ experiences
of feeling like a «foreigner».

To talk about skills and job requirements of a certain job or position, we can use “can”, “must”, “have to”,
“should”, “ought to”,“be able to” and “be supposed to”. “Must” and “should” are considered modals. Their
main function is to express the speaker’s attitude or point of view about what is being said. According to
Biber, Conrad e Leech (2002, p. 174), modal verbs have nine distinguishing features:

 They act as auxiliary verbs (e.g. must go)

 They don’t vary according to the pronoun or subject (e.g. I must go, He/she must go)
 they precede NOT in negative sentences (e.g. He must not do)
 they precede the subject in questions (e.g. Must I go?)
 They are formed with the “bare infinitive” (infinitive without “to”, for example, “be” and “go”),
for example: “He must go”, “He must stay”, “He must do” and NOT “He must to go”, “He must to
stay” etc.)
 They express the speaker’s attitude or posture related to possibility, necessity and obligation.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 83

Semimodal verbs consist of two or three word phrases that fuction as modal verbs, for example: “had
better”, “have to”, “got to”, “ought to”, “be supposed to”, “be going to”and “used to”. In this Module we’ll
focus on “have to”, “ought to” and “be supposed to”.

For example:
I have to go now (= I must go now)
Doctors are supposed to relieve pain. (= Doctors should relieve pain).

According to Biber, Conrad e Leech (2002), some adjectives also express the speaker’s attitude or position,
just as modal verbs do. However, these expressions are not fixe dor idiomatic. They convey the ideas of
certainty, predisposition, ability or degree of difficulty of an action in infinitive sentences (“to” clauses)
that complement the predicate (adjective).

For example:
He doesn’t seem willing to help us. (predisposition)
Jane is hard to deal with. (difficulty)
I’m not able to type fast. (ability)
And what are the ideas conveyed by modals, semimodals and the adjectives presented in this module
(must,should, have to, ought to, supposed to, able to)? Can they be used as synonyms?
Should, have to, ought to and supposed to generally express personal obligation.

You look pale. You should eat healthy food.
You have to study more if you want to pass the exam.
You ought to revise your lessons.(similar to should, but more formal)
I’m supposed to get to work by 8 a.m.

Must conveys the idea of something necessary or inevitable, which the speaker feels is an obligation. On
the other hand, semimodal “have to” may convey the idea of an external obligation to the speaker – for
example, an obligation imposed by a law, or a set of habits and social habits. Must causes more impact
than should and have to, which are less threatening:

Teachers must be good at listening to people.
I think teachers should be able to use computer softwares.
According to parents’ expectations, teachers have to solve problems.

Last, the adjective “able” is used to indicate ability. It means to have the power, ability or means to do
something. Its use is similar to modal verb “can”. “Be able to” can be used in all verb tenses, unlike “can”,
used to indicate present ability, or “could”, used to express past ability.

I am able to drive.
When I was a kid, I was able to swim very well.
I will be able to speak English fluently very soon.
Any questions? Talk to your tutor. Now let’s practise, shall we?

84 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

1. Rewrite the sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using one of the
modals in the box.


a) It’s not a good idea to leave a child unsupervised.

b) It’s not necessary to be a graduate student to take the course.
c) It’s not required to book the tickets in advance.
d) It’s necessary to fill all these forms.
e) Parking here is prohibited.
f) It’s against the law to drink and drive.
g) I think she needs to spend more time with her children.
h) The school requires children to wear uniforms.
i) I wouldn’t watch too much TV if I were you.
j) Teachers ought to be strict.

2. Choose the correct modal, semimodal or adjective to complete the sentences:

a) Don’t worry, you don’t have to / mustn’t pay now.

b) You really should / are able to start spending more time on your work.
c) While watching a movie in a movie theater, movie goers are supposed to / are able to keep quiet.
d) If you want to stay healthy you are supposed to / are able to exercise.
e) Jack called. He will not be able to come / will not be supposed to come next week.
f) Policemen must not drink / do not have to drink on duty.
g) He was supposed to be/ was able to be at a business meeting at 10:00. It’s now 10:15 and
he’s late.
h) Do you have to / shouldn’t you make so much noise?
i) This pullover’s got holes in it, I ought to / mustn’t get a new one.
j) I had to / should see a doctor, because I was feeling very sick.

Tarefa 21: English in use - Describing personality

In the résumé video that you watched, Nicole uses some adjectives to describe aspects of her personality
that may be relevant in work situations:

It’s my passion for language-learning that brings enthusiasm to the classroom, making me an effective and
dedicated teacher.

In video résumés, it is common to use adjectives that have a positive connotation, such as “open-minded”,
“proactive”, “tolerant” and “reliable”; after all, the candidate needs to make a good impression. However,
there are also adjectives that have a negative connotation, as is the case with “manipulative”, “pessimistic”,
“selfish” and “bad-tempered”. It is interesting to note that the positive or negative characteristic of a trait
of personality can vary from situation to situation or between cultures. For example, being aggressive may
seem like a negative trait. However, in certain professions, aggressiveness is necessary for the performance
of the employee. Take, for example an insurance broker or a stock exchange professional. The adjective
“ambitious” is generally seen by Brazilians as a negative trait. It seems to describe someone who uses

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 85

legal and illegal means to “get on with life”. However, in other cultures, for example the American one, it
can be a positive trait that denotes that the professional has goals and sets long and short-term goals they
want to achieve.

What about idioms? They frequently occur in all languages. These are words or expressions that cannot
be taken literally. For example, “bought the farm” is unrelated to the acquisition of a farm. It means «to
die». Idioms also refer to the jargon or dialect of a specific group belonging to a region or sharing specific

How about learning other adjectives and expressions that can be used to describe personality?

1. Read the descriptions below and choose the appropriate adjective (a or b). Then, check your
answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2) :

a) A person who is emotionally in control. a) well-balanced b) sensible

b) A person who feels sure about his abilities to develop tasks. a) easy going b) self-confident
c) A person who is determined to achieve success. a) manipulative b) ambitious
d) A person who is good at supporting his/her friends or co-workers. a) helpful b) witty
e) A person who accepts new and different ideas. a) selfish b) open-minded
f) A person who is able to do things carefully and correctly. a) opinionated b) responsible
g) A person who is able to take practical, prudent and rational decisions. a) sensible b) sensitive
h) A person who is able to take action and effectuate change. a) tolerant b) proactive
i) A person who is relaxed about things and inclined to be tolerant. a) easy-going b) outgoing
j) A person who is honest in character, judgment, and performance. a) reliable b) headstrong

2. Write some adjectives which have the opposite meaning to the ones in the sentences from
exercise 1. Then, check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2).

3. Look at the idioms in the box to describe personality. Which ones can be used to describe the
following people? Check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 2).

be down-to-earth be really high maintenance born optimist eager beaver go-getter

bold as brass calls a spade a spade jack-of-all-trades couch potato cold fish

a) I admire Gabriel because he always sees the sunny side of life. Gabriel is a(n) ______________

b) She always does her homework and even asks for extra exercises on the weekend. She is a (n)

c) It isn’t surprising that John has made it to the top of the corporate world. He was always
someone who went after what he wanted. He is a (n) _____________.

d) My sister is a realistic and practical person who has sensible reactions. She is really ________________

e) John is very confident and not worried about how other people will respond. He is

f) She speaks openly and truthfully. She is the kind of person who ________________________

g) Mike can do several Jobs from auto repair to hairdressing, He is a(n) ______________________

86 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

h) Susan spends a lot of time sitting and watching television.
She is such a(n) __________________.

i) Carol lacks emotion and warmth. I have the impression that she is disinterested in anything I say.
She is a(n) _______________.

j) Although he is a nice boy, he is very attention seeking and demanding. I believe this is due to his
low self-esteem. He is _____________________.

Tarefa 22: Production forum 2 - preparing a video résumé

After studying modals and semimodals that can be used to talk about job requirements and skills, as well
as adjectives and idioms to describe personality, you are going to practice your speaking. You will prepare
your own video résumé to market yourself for schools (considering you are future teachers). First, prepare
what you are going to say. Include an opening and a closing to your video. Talk about qualifications, skills
and personal characteristics that you have and which are necessary to be a good teacher. Use Nicole’s
and Karen’s video résumés as models. Rehearse your presentation. Then, make a video of about one
minute and a half and post your file on the production forum. You should also listen to at least one of your
colleagues’videos and write a comment. Your tutor will correct your task and give you feedback on how to
improve pronunciation and grammar. When recording your video, try to sound as natural as you can. Don’t
forget to use the appropriate verb tenses and to include the adjectives and idioms you studied in task 21.

Tarefa 23 (Extra practice): Discussion forum 2 – Reading job


Do you know what a job advertisement (ad) is? What is the communicative purpose of a job ad? Who
reads ads? Where can we find ads, in other words, where are they published? What kind of information
do you expect to find in an ad? Check your answers in the Appendix (módulo 2).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 87

1. Read the following job ads. Complete the sentences with the words below. Check your answers in
the Appendix (módulo 2).



a) ___________ secretary position available. ____________ should have at least 2 years experience
and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills ____________. Apply ___________ at
United Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.

b) Are you looking for a ____________ job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during
the evening. No experience required, Applicants should be between 18 and 26. ___________
366 - 76564 for more information.

c) Teacher Needed: Tommy’s Kindergarten needs 2 teacher/trainers to help with classes from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate _____________. For more information
___________ Tommy’s Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.

d) Housekeeping aide – Fairview Hospital. Environmental services/Housekeeping. Keep assigned

areas clean, sanitary & organized. Must be able to work independently. Able to lift 30 lbs
unaided. ____________ provided, no _____________ necessary. EOE. Apply online at Fairview.

Adapted from

Now it’s your turn to do some online research. Access the website Click on
a category (e.g. health jobs, school jobs, sales jobs etc). Choose two job advertisements (from 2 different
areas/fields). Copy and paste the chosen ads in the forum. Read them and answer the following questions
in the forum. Don’t forget to write a comment to one of your colleagues (about their ads). Your tutor will
give you feedback.

1. Who is doing the hiring? The company or a recruitment firm?

2. What position is being offered? Do the job duties fit with the job title (position)?
3. What qualifications do they seek? What words or phrases are used to indicate the qualifications
the company is seeking?
4. What special instructions are given to applicants?
5. Does the ad mention pay? Does the job include benefits?
6. What linguistic features do the ads share?

Adapted from

88 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


BIBER, Douglas et al. Longman student grammar of spoken and written English. Workbook. Essex: Pearson
Education Limited, 2002.




ACKLAM, R.; CRACE, A. Total English Upper-intermediate. Students’ Book. Harlow, England: Longman,

ASPINALL, T.; CAPEL, A. Advanced Masterclass CAE. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

JEFFRIES, A. Clockwise Advanced. Classbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

MURPHY, R. English Grammar in Use. Basic and Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 89



Do you have your résumé with you?

Why are you interested in this position?

Can you tell me about yourself?

What was your major in college?

Tell me about your previous job.

What makes you think you are the right person for this job?

Do you have any skills or hobbies you think might be useful for this job?

What do you think is your greatest strength or weakness?

Can you tell me about a time when you worked on a team?

Where do you see yourself in five years?


11, 2, 9, 5, 12, 4, 1, 13, 3, 8, 14, 7, 6, 10


How was Karen’s performance in the interview? She did well in the interview. She mentioned positive
adjectives when she described her personality, she described her previous job activitiesto give an idea of
what her major responsibilities were, and she showed she has clear future goals which revolve around
developing her management skills within the company she is applying for.

How does the interviewer open and close the interview? He opens the interview by greeting the interviewee
and introducing himself. He also tries to “break the ice” by asking her if she had trouble finding the place.
He closes the interview by thanking the interviewee and informing her that he will be in touch soon.

90 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Her choice of words to refer to students reveals her views on teaching and learning: she believes she
is responsible for teaching students how to behave by being strict. In addition,she believes that her
students are empty and it’s up to the teacher to fill their minds. She seems to believe her main role is
to guarantee social control. Also, in her opinion, students have to be trained. A job interview is not only
about understanding and answering questions. You must pay attention to what you say and how you say
it in order to impress the interviewer. We usually say things based on what we think/know the interviewer
would like to hear. The interviewee reveals things that are not nice to be said when you are applying for
a teaching position. Based on that, we can say that although she showed confidence and she has enough
teaching experience to do the job, she did not do well in the interview and will probably not get the job.


( x ) A professional relationship between the participants in the context of interaction.

( x ) Specific social roles: one person is the interviewer (responsible for the hiring process) and the other is
the applicant (interested in the position).

( x ) An interactional pattern based on questions and answers.

( x ) Verbal and non-verbal introductions in the opening

( ) Detailed information about the position the candidate is applying for in the opening

( x ) Use of direct or indirect questions in order to assess the candidate’s job history, personality, work style
or other factors relevant to the job

( ) Use of informal non-verbal language

( ) Use of slang (“gírias”) by the interviewee

( ) Discussion about promotion prospects

( ) Discussion of career prospects within the company

( x ) Information about the hiring decision in the closing

( x ) Appreciation (thanks) in the closing.


1. 1)c; 2) c; 3) a; 4) d; 5) b

2. a) Can you tell me what time it is?

b) Do you have any idea if/whether John knows about computers?

c) I’ve no idea who that woman is.

d) Do you know if/whether Ann received my email?

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 91

e) Do you know if/whether she is having lunch with Susan tomorrow?

f) Can you tell me where you were?

g) I am not sure if/whether you were speaking to John.

h) Do you have any idea how long it will take?

i) I wonder how long you have been waiting for me.

j) I was wondering if/whether you could give me a ride.


1. A) I live in Uberlândia. Present simple = para descrever uma situação permanente

B) I am living with a friend while I’m in Uberlândia. Present continuous = para descrever uma
situação temporária

2. A) I lived in Uberlândia for ten years. Past simple = para descrever uma ação acabada, complete,
B) I have lived in Uberlândia for ten years. Present perfect = para descrever uma ação que
começou no passado, mas ainda se mantém no presente, ou seja, “Eu ainda moro em Uberlândia”

3. A) When we arrived, she made dinner.Past simple = para descrever uma sequência de ações no
passado; primeiro, nós chegamos; depois ela fez o jantar.
B) When we arrived, she was making dinner.Past continuous = para descrever uma ação em
progresso, em andamento no passado (ela estava fazendo o jantar), que foi interrompida por
uma outra ação também no passado (nós chegamos)

4. A) When the police arrived, the thieves ran away. Past simple = para descrever uma sequência de
ações no passado; primeiro, a polícia chegou; depois, os ladrões fugiram.
B) When the police arrived, the thieves had run away. Past perfect = para descrever uma ação
que ocorreu antes de outra ação no passado, ou seja, os ladrões fugiram antes de a polícia chegar.

5. A) I am going to visit the States next month. Future with going to = para descrever planos
B) I think I will visit my mom this weekend. Future simple = para descrever previsões, menos
certas de ocorrer do que planos.

1. a) Vegetarians do not eat meat.

b) Listen! The phone is ringing.

c) Do you like caviar? I don’t know. I haven’t tried it.

d) How’s George? I don’t know. I haven’t seen him recently.

e) The last time I talked to Ian, he was planning his next holiday.

f) When I was young, we got up at 6 a.m. every day.

g) How fast were you driving, when the accident happened?

92 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

h) My sister moved to the house where she lived/had lived when she was a little girl. (both
forms are possible)

i) We didn’t tell Anna that George had called.

j) Did you phone Ruth?’ ‘Oh, no, I forgot. I’ll phone her now’

k) Watch out the truck! We are going to crash!

l) When I get back from Europe, I will hopefully get a job within the media industry.

m) If you need to contact me, I will be staying at the Excelsior Hotel.

n) By the end of the trip, they will have traveled more than 3.000 km.

o) Can you meet tomorrow afternoon? Sorry, but I will be working.

2. e, i, j, c, f, a, h, g, b, d

3. I: Hello, come on in.

C: Hi, my name’s Tina Mansfield.

I: I’m Janet Harrison. Nice to meet you. Have a sit. How are you today?

C: Fine, thanks.

I: Thank you for applying for this position and coming to the interview today.

C: Thank you. Here’s my résumé.

I: Right. Why don’t you start by telling me about yourself?

C: Well, I grew up in New York, and I have just recently graduated from the UYU. I’m very
responsible and I succeeded in my past school work and professional experience. I’m very
committed to teaching and a team-player. I always help teachers who I work with.

I: Can you tell me about your previous jobs?

C: I worked for Ontario Language School for three years. I was also a substitute teacher in an
elementary school where I taught 6th and 7th graders from 2007 to 2010. These were really
great experiences to learn about curriculum, how to implement lessons and evaluate students. I
learned a lot about what it takes to work with kids.

I: OK. So why should I hire you?

C: I have always wanted to be a teacher. I’m passionate about education. I think this is super
important and I think I will bring a 100% to the table because I am excited to be here.

I: Great. We hope you will. Why don’t you share with me some of your plans and goals for the

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 93

C: Hopefully, I will get a job in the area and build on some experience in teaching elementary
school and I am planning to settle down, get an apartment. My family live/lives (live) here so it
will be great to stay nearby.


1. Becoming a(n) ESL teacher offers a unique multi-cultural opportunity.

2. A B.A. is a type of undergraduate college degrees that is awarded to students who complete a
4-year course of study with a major in a liberal arts or humanities.

3. In public schools in Brazil, you can find students from very different backgrounds.

4. She agreed to tutor a week’s art course.

5. Fellowships are awarded to students on the basis of academic skills and not financial need.

6. I didn’t have time to schedule a meeting with my students next week.

7. I’m looking for a career that offers challenges. I believe they will cause me to learn something
new or develop in a certain area.

8. Teachers should be able to manage a difficult child.

9. Comedians make a living writing various skits.

10. Foreigners usually have a hard time adapting to a new country.



Hello, I’m Nicole Muenchow and I would like you to consider me for a position as a full-time ESL teacher.
I graduated with high distinction from the University of MN in May 2011, with a B.A. in Spanish and
Portuguese Studies and a Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language. Beyond Spanish and
Portuguese, I have also studied German and Czech. I absolutely love learning languages because they open
the doors to meeting new people from vastly different backgrounds. While my university courses prepared
me to answer those tough questions on English grammar and pronunciation, it’s my passion for language-
learning that brings enthusiasm to the classroom, making me an effective and dedicated teacher. I have
worked in a variety of educational settings, including tutoring first and third graders in literacy, assistant
teaching intermediate level English classes for adult immigrants and teaching Spanish to preschoolers.
I also have international experience; I studied abroad in Spain and completed a summer fellowship in
Germany. In my current position, as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Brazil, I am responsible for
planning and teaching communicative English courses for levels varying from senior citizens with no prior
English experience to university students with advanced language skills. My experiences in both learning
and teaching languages have taught me many lessons which are now part of my teaching philosophy, such
as the importance of designing fun, interactive lesson plans and of incorporating culture in the classroom
through the use of authentic materials. I appreciate you listening to my video resume. If you are interested
in scheduling an interview, please contact me at Thank you!

94 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Comprehension questions

What position is Nicole applying for? a position as a full-time ESL teacher

What is her current position? She is a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Brazil

What adjectives does she use to describe herself? Effective and dedicated teacher.

Who is her video addressed to? Prospective school employers who are looking for experienced English
teachers and want to schedule an interview.



My name is Karen Harmeyer, and I am looking for a full-time position teaching English as a Second Language.

I’d like to take a moment to tell you a few of the reasons why I would make a good ESL teacher and why
you should consider me for open teaching positions.

First, I have experience. Most recently, I taught English in Brazil through the Fulbright English Teaching
Assistant program. I primarily taught English conversation classes to university students, however I also
taught adults over 55 and middle school students between 11 and 15. Before teaching in Brazil, I taught
Spanish at the middle school level.

My experience is based on educational research and practice. At Ohio State I learned how to create
opportunities for students to use the target language in authentic ways. For instance, I managed pen
pal exchanges with my students over 55 and English speakers in the United States. The students used
interpretive and presentational skills and also learned about US culture. With my English conversation
students in Brazil, they created skits describing Brazilian and US stereotypes. They used the target language
and also reflected on Brazilian and US stereotypes in a humorous and creative way.

Second, I understand my students’ challenges to acquire another language because I have studied Spanish,
Portuguese and Guarani. Since I have lived in Paraguay, Brazil and Spain for extended periods, I can relate
to my students’ experiences of feeling like a «foreigner».

If you’re looking for someone who has teaching experience, can relate to her students and who has the
educational background to teach students effectively, I am the person for the job.

I hope to have the opportunity to speak with you more soon. You can contact me at (614) 597-9711 or

Comprehension questions

Why would she make a good ESL teacher? Write two reasons.

1st She has teaching experience.

2nd She can relate to students, that is, she can understand his challenges, because she has studied Spanish,
Portuguese and Guarani

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 95


Opening: they introduce themselves and inform Verbs: past simple to talk about previous jobs;
the position they are interested in. present perfect to talk about personal and
professional experiences; modal verb (can) to
Body: they tell about their personal (places talk about ability; present simple to talk about
they have lived) and professional experiences likes, current responsibilities and personal
(places they have worked) and some of their characteristics.
responsibilities in current or past jobs, giving
details of their teaching style; they inform some Logical connectors: and, also (to add ideas); while,
of their skills (e.g. languages they speak). however (to contrast ideas); such as, for instance
(to introduce examples); first, second, before (to
Closing: they inform their expectations to be sequence information); since (to give a reason).
contacted for an interview and how they can be
reached (by phone or e-mail). Formal/informal language? Examples? They
use formal language – use of long complete
sentences (While my university courses prepared
me to answer those tough questions on English
grammar and pronunciation, it’s my passion for
language-learning that brings enthusiasm to the
classroom, making me an effective and dedicated
teacher); frequent use of linking words; use of full
form of verbs (I would like instead of I’d like).


1. a) You shouldn’t leave a child unsupervised.

b) You don’t have to be a graduate student to take the course.

c) You don’t have to book the tickets in advance.

d) You must/have to fill all these forms.

e) You mustn’t park here.

f) You mustn’t drink and drive

g) I think she should spend more time with her children

h) Children have to/must wear uniforms.

i) You shouldn’t watch too much TV.

j) Teachers have to/should be strict.

96 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

2. a) Don’t worry, you don’t have to pay now.

b) You really should start spending more time on your work.

c) While watching a movie in a movie theater, movie goers are supposed to keep quiet.

d) If you want to stay healthy you are supposed to exercise.

e) Jack called. He will not be able to come next week.

f) Policemen must not drink on duty.

g) He was supposed to be at a business meeting at 10:00. It’s now 10:15 and he’s late.

h) Do you have to make so much noise?

i) This pullover’s got holes in it, I ought to get a new one.

j) I had to see a doctor, because I was feeling very sick.


1. a) well-balanced

b) self-confident

c) ambitious

d) helpful

e) open-minded

f) responsible

g) sensible

h) proactive

i) easy-going

j) reliable

2. EASY-GOING = difficult

WELL-BALANCED = insane, irrational

SELF-CONFIDENT = insecure, unsure

OPEN-MINDED = narrow-minded, intolerant,

RESPONSIBLE = irresponsible, careless

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 97

PROACTIVE = submissive, resigned

RELIABLE = unreliable, irresponsible

HELPFUL = unhelpful, unfriendly

AMBITIOUS = lazy, apathetic

SENSIBLE = unreasonable, ignorant

MANIPULATIVE = artless, naive

WITTY = dull, tedious

HEADSTRONG = calm, obedient

OUTGOING = cold, reserved

OPINIONATED = flexible, tolerant

SELFISH = generous, benevolent

TOLERANT = intolerant, rigid

SENSITIVE = insensitive, tough











98 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Job advertisements are announcements about specific job openings. The purpose of a job ad is to find
one or more individuals to fill a specific job opening. Job advertisements are usually created by human
resource managers of companies, executive search firms or employment agencies. People who are
looking for a job read ads (especially who are unemployed). Job ads can appear in several types of media,
such as newspapers, magazines, college alumni newsletters, websites and even on the radio. Most job
advertisements contain certain types of information: job qualification that are required to do the job;
responsibilities to encourage or dissuade certain applicants from applying; to whom the job candidate
would report; whether a job is full- or- part-time; salary ranges.

1. a) Full time secretary position available. Applicants should have at least 2 years experience
and be able to type 60 words a minute. No computer skills required. Apply in person at United
Business Ltd., 17 Browning Street.

b) Are you looking for a part time job? We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during
the evening. No experience required, Applicants should be between 18 and 26. Call 366 - 76564
for more information.

c) Teacher Needed: Tommy’s Kindergarten needs 2 teacher/trainers to help with classes

from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Applicants should have appropriate licenses. For more information visit
Tommy’s Kindergarten in Leicester Square No. 56.

d) Housekeeping aide – Fairview Hospital. Environmental services/Housekeeping. Keep

assigned areas clean, sanitary & organized. Must be able to work independently. Able to lift 30 lbs
unaided. Training provided, no experience necessary. EOE. Apply online at

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 99


100 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Módulo 3

Caro(a) aluno(a):

É com muito prazer que iniciamos o terceiro módulo da disciplina “Língua inglesa: práticas discursivas do
cotidiano” do Curso de Graduação em Letras Inglês (Modalidade EaD).

Neste módulo, focaremos o tema Technology e gêneros orais e escritos relacionados a ele, como panel
discussion, podcasts, blogs e receipts. Você fará atividades práticas de compreensão oral e escrita; analisará
a organização do conteúdo de um painel de debate, podcasts e posts, bem como marcas linguísticas
características desses gêneros; planejará, elaborará e compartilhará um podcast; também publicará
postagem em um blog na forma de um artigo de opinião (post), compartilhando, assim, suas ideias sobre
ensino e aprendizagem de língua inglesa; estudará, por meio da exposição teórica e de exercícios, alguns
aspectos linguístico-comunicativos da língua inglesa. O lema deste módulo será “Crie e compartilhe”!

Seja bem-vindo(a) ao terceiro módulo de nosso curso!

Conteúdo Básico

• Análise e comparação de amostras de gêneros orais e escritos ligados à temática “tecnologia”,

tais como painel de debate na TV, podcasts, postagem em um blog e recibos;
• Estrutura e marcas textuais dos gêneros estudados;
• Planejamento e produção de texto oral (podcast) e escrito (post);
• Foco no uso: dando uma opinião pessoal ou geral, fornecendo explicações e instruções;
• Foco na gramática: marcadores quantificadores, conectivos, regência entre verbos, substantivos,
adjetivos e preposições.


• Analisar e comparar gêneros orais e escritos relacionados à temática “tecnologia”, tais como
painel de debate na TV, podcasts, blogs e recibos;
• Identificar e discutir características dos gêneros orais e escritos abordados (organização e marcas
• Planejar e produzir textos orais e escritos;

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 101

• Estudar e praticar marcadores quantificadores;
• Estudar e praticar conectivos;
• Estudar e praticar regência de verbos, adjetivos e substantivos;
• Estudar e praticar como expressar uma opinião pessoal ou geral;
• Estudar e praticar como fornecer explicações e instruções.

Principais materiais

Neste módulo, além do guia de estudos, você assistirá a vídeos disponibilizados no Moodle, desenvolverá
suas tarefas no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) e poderá aprofundar seus estudos a partir de
nossas sugestões de explicações e exercícios disponíveis na internet.

Tempo de dedicação neste módulo

Para desenvolver as atividades deste módulo, recomendamos uma dedicação de, pelo menos, 14 horas e
meia, distribuídas entre: leitura do material didático e desenvolvimento das tarefas propostas.

Principais formas de avaliação

Produção de textos orais e escritos no AVA Moodle.

102 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano



Leitura do Guia de Estudos para apresentação

Tarefa 24 dos objetivos e forma de funcionamento do
Módulo 3.
Atividade 1: estudo de afirmações sobre o tema
Atividade 2: fórum de discussão 1 sobre
Atividade 3: estudo de vocabulário do painel de
Tarefa 25 debate (atividade 4).
Atividade 4: atividade de compreensão oral
sobre o vídeo “Is technology dumbing down
Atividade 5: análise das características de um
painel de debate.
Explicação e atividade prática sobre como dar
Tarefa 26
uma opinião pessoal ou geral.

Explicação e atividade prática sobre marcadores

Tarefa 27

Fórum de discussão 2 para prática de expressão

Tarefa 28 de opinião (pessoal e geral) sobre a temática “Is
technology dumbing down kids?”.

Tarefa 29 Leitura sobre posts e blogs.

Leitura de posts e fórum de discussão 3 sobre

Tarefa 30
imersão em uma língua estrangeira.

Tarefa 31 Explicação e atividade prática sobre conectivos.

Tarefa 32: Fórum de produção 1 -

Tarefa 32 Fórum de produção 1 de um post para um blog. blog post
Valor: 6 pontos
Atividade 1: Fórum de discussão 4 sobre
ferramentas para criação de podcasts.
Atividade 2: estudo do vocabulário dos podcasts
(atividades 3)
Tarefa 33
Atividade 3: atividade de compreensão oral
(podcasts) e fórum de discussão
Atividade 4: atividade de compreensão oral
(podcast organization)

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 103

Explicação e atividade prática sobre como
Tarefa 34
fornecer instruções e explicações.

Explicação e atividade prática sobre colocações

Tarefa 35

Tarefa 36: Fórum de produção 2 - podcast

Tarefa 36 Fórum de produção 2 de um podcast.
Valor: 7 pontos

Fórum de discussão 5 sobre recibos (atividade

Tarefa 37

104 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Quadro Módulo 3: 06/04/2020 a 19/04/2020


Lendo o Capítulo de
Tarefa 24 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 06/04/2020
Introdução do Módulo 3.

Lendo as afirmações sobre

tecnologia e expressando Até dia 07/04/2020
Tarefa 25 – Atividade 1 No Guia de Estudos concordância ou

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão
Tarefa 25 – Atividade 2 No AVA Até dia 07/04/2020
“What do you think of

Estudando o vocabulário
Tarefa 25 – Atividade 3 No Guia de Estudos do painel de debate Até dia 08/04/2020
(atividade 4).

Acessando o vídeo e
Tarefa 25 – Atividade 4 No AVA completando a atividade Até dia 08/04/2020
de compreensão oral

Analisando as
Tarefa 25 – Atividade 5 No Guia de Estudos características de um Até dia 08/04/2020
painel de debate

Estudando como dar

opinião pessoal ou
Tarefa 26 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 09/04/2020
geral e completando os
Estudando os marcadores
quantificadores e
Tarefa 27 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 09/04/2020
completando os
Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão “Is
Tarefa 28 No AVA Até dia 09/04/2020
technology dumbing down

Lendo o texto Blogs and

Tarefa 29 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 10/04/2020

Lendo posts, acessando

e participando do fórum
Tarefa 30 No AVA de discussão sobre Até dia 11/04/2020
imersão em uma língua

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 105

Estudando conectivos
Tarefa 31 No Guia de Estudos e completando os Até dia 12/04/2020

Produzindo um post e
Tarefa 32 (avaliativa) No AVA Até dia 13/04/2020
postando no fórum.

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão
Tarefa 33 – Atividade 1 No AVA Até dia 14/04/2020
sobre ferramentas para
criação de podcasts.

Estudando o vocabulário
Tarefa 33 – Atividade 2 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 16/04/2020
dos podcasts.

Ouvindo os arquivos de
áudio e completando a
Tarefa 33 – Atividade 3 No AVA atividade de compreensão Até dia 16/04/2020
oral (podcasts).

Acessando o vídeo e
completando a atividade
Tarefa 33 – Atividade 4 No AVA Até dia 16/04/2020
de compreensão oral
(podcast organization).

Estudando como fornecer

instruções e explicações
Tarefa 34 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 17/04/2020
e completando os
Estudando colocação de
verbos, substantivos e
Tarefa 35 No Guia de Estudos adjetivos (collocations) Até dia 17/04/2020
e completando os

Produzindo um podcast e
Tarefa 36 (avaliativa) No AVA Até dia 19/04/2020
postando no fórum.a

Acessando as imagens
no Moodle, completando
Tarefa 37 - Atividade extra No AVA o exercício no Guia e Até dia 19/04/2020
participando do fórum de

106 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 24: Reading – Introduction to Module 3

O capítulo de introdução do Módulo 3 no Guia de estudos traz aspectos importantes sobre este terceiro
módulo (temática, objetivos, agenda). Leia todos os itens apontados e tire suas dúvidas com os tutores,
caso as tenha. Se você já realizou essa tarefa, prossiga seus estudos com a Tarefa 28.

Tarefa 25 / Atividade 1: Lead-in

In task 2, you are going to watch a TV panel discussion on the topic “technology”. Before you watch the
video, read each of the following statements about technology and indicate your response by checking 
“I agree”, “I disagree” or “I’m not sure”.

I’m not sure/

STATEMENTS I agree I disagree
It depends…

1. Technology is not neutral.

2. Technology can change the world.

3. Computer technology makes finding

information faster and easier.

4. It is impossible to become addicted to the


5. If people let machines do too much for

them, eventually people will no longer be able
to do things for themselves (eventually = no

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 107

6. Those who worry about the negative effects
of technology should think about the modern
conveniences available today.

7. In social networks, social relations are

not explicitly hierarchized. This means that
power relations are diffuse (e.g. the impact
of Facebook on Brazil’s current political

8. It’s important for adults to find out where

their children are going online and who they
are talking to.

9. Most teenagers are online too much.

10. Adults too often use the computer games

as a kind of babysitter for their children.

Adapted from:

In task 25, we will be discussing and analyzing the oral genre “panel discussion”. What is a panel
discussion? What is its purpose? Who takes part in a panel discussion? What about a TV panel
discussion? What topics are usually discussed in a TV panel discussion? Is it different from a classroom
discussion? Check the following websites to find out the answers to these questions.

108 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 25 / Atividade 2: Discussion forum 1 - What do you
think of technology?


In order to complete this task, follow these steps:

1st Read statements 1, 2, 7 and 9 again. Choose one of them and share your opinion in the discussion forum.
Use the verbs and expressions you have learned in the course “”Língua inglesa: habilidades integradas
com ênfase na produção oral” to express your opinion (tarefa 14), such as “I think that…”, “I honestly feel
that…” and “I’m fairly certain that…”. You should also use linking words to connect your ideas, such as “in
addition”, “also”, “furthermore”, “in general”, “however”, “although” etc.

2nd Make a question to at least one of your colleagues about “technology” (Think about the picture above).
For example, “Is it possible to become addicted to the Internet?” Don’t forget to answer your colleagues’

Tarefa 25 / Atividade 3: Vocabulary

Before doing the listening activity, let’s study some words used by the panelists. Match each word with a
definition or synonym. Check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 3).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 109

1. to dumb down (verb) ( ) to accumulate, to retain

2. to range (verb) ( ) learning, thinking, understanding

3. broad (adjective) ( ) to vary within specified limits

4. to measure (verb) ( ) to divide, to distribute

5. to share (verb) ( ) to examine closely

6. to enhance (verb) ( ) to lower the general level of intelligence

7. development (noun) ( ) wide, general

8. knowledge (noun) ( ) to increase, to improve

9. to store (verb) ( ) progress, advancement

10. to scrutinize (verb) ( ) to determine, to quantify


Do you know what Jeopardy is? This word will be mentioned by one of the panelists in activity 4.
Jeopardy! is an American television quiz show which features trivia (perguntas de conhecimento
geral) on a wide variety of topics, including history, language, literature, the arts, the sciences, among
others. In the show, contestants are presented with clues in the form of answers, and must give their
responses in question form. Check the official program website or watch the video from You tube:

Tarefa 25 / Atividade 4: Listening comprehension –TV panel

discussion: Is technology dumbing down kids?

110 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

You’ll watch three experts giving their opinions on the impact of technology on children’s development
and learning. Panelists include the researcher for the book Growing Up Digital, Mike Dover, the author of
The Child and the Machine, Alison Armstrong, and professor Julie Mueller (Sir Wilfred Laurier Faculty of
Education). In order to complete the task, you should watch the first 5 minutes of the panel discussion and
follow these steps:

1st step: Watch the “TV panel discussion”, available on Moodle. Complete the table with the panelists’
opinion on the positive and the negative impact of technology on kids’ development.

2nd step: Read carefully the instructions for the exercise on Moodle. You will have to choose T (true) or F
(false) for each statement.

3rd step: Watch the “TV panel discussion” again and complete the exercise on Moodle. You should correct
your own answers, at the end of the activity, after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After
you submit your answers, you will have access to the correction. If you have any queries, talk to your tutor.

4th Go back to the table (panelists’ opinion on the positive and the negative impact of technology) and
check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 3).


Watch the discussion again and decide whether the following statements are T (true) or F (false) according
to what the panelists say about technology.

1. ( ) Technology can help kids to create, share, and innovate.

2. ( ) Technology can help children to do well in their spelling and math tests.

3. ( ) The amount of time kids are spending in front of the computer is enhancing their education.

4. ( ) Playing games and using Facebook are not good for children’s creative development or their
critical thinking.

5. ( ) The impact of technology on children’s development and learning will depend on the age of
the child and what he or she is using technology for.

6. ( ) With technology, the amount of knowledge children store in their head is lower.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 111

7. ( ) Kids are getting more isolated with technology.

8. ( ) Kids are better spellers with Microsoft word.

9. ( ) With technology, children can scrutinize and find an answer.

10. ( ) With technology, some skills are less important to children.

Tarefa 25 / Atividade 5: Panel discussion features

A panel discussion is a communicative situation in which a group of people discusses an issue of public
concern in front of an audience, which can also participate (usually at the end of the discussion). In a
panel discussion, we have the participation of certain members: the panelists, the moderator and the
audience. Each member plays a specific role. For example, the moderator keeps the discussion on the
theme and encourages interaction by asking questions, while the panelists state their opinion on a certain
subject matter when invited to do so. Panelists can present different points of view, beliefs and theoretical
affiliation, so they may or may not agree on all issues. In the video from activity 4, the three specialists
(Julie, Allison and Mike) use certain words to state their opinion on issues concerning the use of technology
and its impact on children. They also use linking words to express the advantages and disadvantages of
technology. What are these words? Watch the video again and tick the words you hear. Then check your
answer in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 3).

STATING THEIR OPINION ( ) We might say….

( ) I think that…

( ) in my opinion

( ) I will have to say that …

( ) It seems to me that…

( ) The way I see it….

( ) What I mean is….

( ) Overall I’d say…

( ) For me

( ) Well, I’m not sure about that…

( ) I think to some degree….

( ) On balance, I think….

( ) Quite honestly

112 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

ADDING IDEAS ( ) in addition to this…

( ) Moreover

( ) Besides that,

( ) and also

( ) as well

( ) but on the other hand

( ) however

( ) yet

( ) still

( ) nevertheless

( ) although

Tarefa 26: English in use – Stating a personal or a general


Carefully read the text on “stating a personal or a general opinion” in your Study Guide and take part in the
Forum (task 28). Any questions, talk to your tutor.

In the video you just watched “Is technology dumbing down kids?”, experts use expressions to introduce
their opinions1 about this controversial question, such as “I think ...”, “I would say ...” and “We might say ...”.
In addition, they also use words to make generalizations, that is, to make broad, generic statements (which
apply to many examples) about the impact of technology on the learning of children and adolescents, such
as “overall” and “on balance”. For generalizations to be valid, it is important to present facts and examples.
In the table below, we put together more expressions that can be used to present an opinion and make
generalizations. Look:

1 An opinion, unlike a fact, can be understood as someone’s affirmation of a belief or judgment about something, which
cannot be objectively proved.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 113

STATING A PERSONAL OPINION In my opinion/experience...

Personally, I think...

I don’t think….

Speaking personally…

I consider/believe/suppose/assume that...

I’d say that...

For me,

The way I see it...

It is my impression that…

It seems to me that…

If you want my honest opinion....

As far as I’m concerned...

If you ask me...




On the whole,

In most/some cases,…




People/kids/teens etc tend to….

It is common for (kids, teens, adults etc) to…

It is normal to…

114 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Here are some examples of using such expressions:

I believe that it is better to learn a language in your home country than in a foreign country.
As far as I’m concerned, it is not right to interrupt people when they are speaking.
Personally, I think that decision was a mistake.
On the whole, kids nowadays have Facebook.

Pay attention to the use of pronouns like ‘‘everyone’’, ‘‘everybody’’, ‘‘nobody’’ and adverbs like ‘‘always’’
and “never” when making generalizations. These are very strong words that can lead to erroneous
generalizations or stereotypes. Look at the following examples:

Everybody/everyone in Brazil greets each other by kissing on the cheek.

People in Brazil always greet each other by kissing on the cheek.

If we use “everybody” and “always” to talk about the Brazilian custom of greeting each other with a kiss
on the cheek, we are saying that all Brazilians act this way and this may not be true. We know that we use
different forms of greeting in Brazil, depending on the situation (for example, a handshake, a hug). Care
should also be taken with the use of certain quantifier noun markers, such as «all» and «no». Read the
explanation of task 27.

Shall we practise? Follow these steps: 1.Read people’s opinion about technology below. 2. Match each
opinion to a discussion topic (1, 2 or 3). 3. Underline the words used to state a personal or general opinion.
4. Check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 3).

(1) Connected, but alone?

(2) Forget multitasking, try monotasking
(3) Are droids taking our jobs?

( ) I do agree indeed. Generally, multi-tasking creates rather busy people than successful people especially
if we measure «success» by REAL results, I mean life changing enhancements.

( ) Personally, I think there are millions of good reasons to replace humans with machines. No doubt
about it! Yet, there’s is a fundamental flaw to that master plan, which is, if humans are pushed out of the
job market, then who will be buying the goods produced by machines?

( ) If you want my honest opinion, I don’t think that with technology people are alone. Growing up in this
technological age, I often find myself doing a lot of the things: grabbing my phone at a stop light, or when
I’m waiting in line at Starbucks, but not because I’m alone. What I mean is I don’t feel alone at all in my life.
It’s usually to satisfy boredom or keeps me occupied. I don’t mind not using my technology though, and I
definitely love having conversations.

( ) I completely agree that in most cases people can’t deal with much information at one time and
sometimes multitasking can cause dangerous situations due to our carelessness when we try to control a
multitasking environment. Moreover, we may not really enjoy the moments of living when we multitask.
However, it seems to me that multitasking does improve our efficiency. Thanks to advanced technological
devices, we can easily complete a task efficiently by multitasking. Still, I think there is a point there about
the disadvantages of multitasking. Overall, it makes us consider another way of living-rather than just
being efficient.

( ) I believe that people’s attention for one another could reduce due to social media. That’s true in a way,
but I don’t think social media diminish the connection people have for their loved ones or other people. It
doesn’t also categorically mitigate the capacity to form connections. The way I see it, the word connection

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 115

is more encompassing of many innate characteristics of humans which include empathy and emotions.

( ) I don’t think that’s completely true! For me, droids should be doing the work FOR man and not taking
the work from it. The problem why that doesn’t happen is that the droids are owned by few people and
not the community.

Adapted from the website TED talks:

Tarefa 27: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 –

Quantifying determiners

According to Biber, Conrad and Leech (2009), quantifying determiners are markers2 (determiners)
thatspecify nouns in terms of quantity. They can be used with countable nouns3 (all girls, many girls) and
uncountable4 (all money, much money). According to the authors, these markers can indicate:

1. Inclusion: all (todo), both (ambos), each, every (cada).

Both brothers have dark hair.

All children seem to like chocolate.
Every child knows that it is prohibited to use cell phones in class.

2. Great quantity: many (muito, muitos - used with countable nouns), much (muito - used with
uncountable nouns), a lot of, lots of, plenty of (muito, muitos - used with countable or
uncountable nouns).

We went to Europe many years ago.

There isn’t much honey left.
She has lots of friends.
Drink plenty of water every day.

3. Moderate or small quantity: some (algum, alguns - used with countable or uncountable nouns),
few, a few (poucos, alguns - used with plural nouns), little, a little (pouco, um pouco - used
with uncountable nouns). ‘‘Few’’ and ‘‘little’’ indicate something limited, insufficient or less
than expected, therefore having a negative connotation. On the other hand, ‘‘a few’’ and
‘‘a little’’ indicate a small amount, however,sufficient, adequate, satisfactory; therefore, it
has a positive connotation.

I am sad because I have few (poucos) friends (-)

I just moved here, but I am happy because I have a few (alguns) friends. (+)
There’s little chance of him coming home for Christmas. (-)
We are having a little difficulty (+).

2 Determiners are words that specify a noun. Some occur with countable nouns in the singular (a book, the book, this /
that book), others in the plural (the book, these / those books) or uncountable nouns (the milk, much milk, some milk).
3 Countable nouns are those that can be counted and enumerated. Examples: car(s), mechanical pencil(s), cellphone(s),
4 Uncountable nouns are those that cannot be counted and enumerated and do not have plural forms. They denote an
abstract idea, something that needs to be seen as a whole and not in isolated units, as they cannot be subdivided. Examples:
sugar, water, advice, information.

116 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

4. Arbitrary or negative quantity: any (used in negative questions and sentences), either (used
with countable, singular nouns), no, neither (‘‘nenhum’’- when choosing between two things).
Note that ‘‘no’’ and ‘‘neither’’ cannot be used together with verbs in their negative form
(for example, No men will not be faithful).

Do you have any questions?

Neither side of the brain is dominant over the other.
No human being is perfect.

Note that «no» is a determiner and is therefore used before nouns (singular or plural). Like ‘‘no’’, ‘‘none’’
can be used instead of ‘‘not a” or “not any” to emphasize the negative idea in a sentence. However,
‘‘none’’ appears alone in the sentence and, unlike ‘‘no’’, is never followed by a noun. As can be seen in the
following examples, ‘‘none’’ has the function of replacing a previously cited noun (‘‘keys’’, ‘‘board games’’)

Are there any keys on the desk? No, there are none. (nenhuma)
How many board games do you have? I have none. (nenhum)

Choosing one or another quantifier implies differences in meaning. Compare the uses of ‘‘all’’, ‘‘most’’,
‘‘many’’, ‘‘some’’, ‘‘few’’, ‘‘a few’’ and ‘‘no’’ in the following sentences:

All people in Brazil greet each other by kissing on the cheek. (all = todas)
Most people in Brazil greet5 each other by kissing on the cheek. (most = a maioria)
Many people in Brazil greet each other by kissing on the cheek. (many = muitas)
Some people in Brazil greet each other by kissing on the cheek. (some = algumas)
Few people in Brazil greet each other by kissing on the cheek. (few = poucas)
A few people in Brazil greet each other by kissing on the cheek. (a few = algumas)
No people in Brazil greet each other by kissing on the cheek.(no = nenhuma)

Note that ‘‘all’’ refers to information that may not apply to all Brazilians. However, if we use the quantifiers
‘‘few’’, ‘‘a few’’, ‘‘some’’ or ‘‘no’’ we are failing to portray a typical Brazilian behavior. Check your
understanding of the differences between these quantifying markers, completing the exercises below.
Check your answers in the appendix to Module 3.

1. Read the information in the box about Internet use among kids and teens in Brazil. Complete
the statements below with the proper quantifying determiner (all, most, many, some or few)
to make generalizations based on the information given. In some sentences, more than one
answer is possible:

70% of youngsters between 9 and 16 have profiles on a social network.

68% of youngsters between 9 and 16 use Internet to check social profiles.
36% of youngsters have Internet access from their computers.
21% of youngsters have Internet access from their cell phones.
30% of youngsters start using the Internet at age 9.
85% of youngsters use Internet at least once a week.
47% of youngsters use Internet every day.
50% of youngsters post photos, videos and songs.
24% of youngsters leave comments on websites.
10% of parents have no control over what their kids do online.

5 Note that the verb “greet” agrees with the noun “people”, which is plural. In Portuguese, when we say “a maioria”
the verb is used in the singular. For example, “A maioria das pessoas se cumprimenta (e não “se cumprimentam”) com um
beijo no rosto”.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 117

a) _______ youngsters in Brazil use Internet at least once a week.
b) _______ youngsters have profiles on a social network.
c) _______ youngsters use Internet to check social profiles.
d) _______ youngsters access Internet from their computers instead of their cell phones.
e) _______ youngsters leave comments on websites.
f) _______parents have control over what their kids do online.


2. Read the text and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F):

Pet Ownership Statistics

There are an estimated 33 million pets in Australia.

While Australia’s levels of pet ownership have remained relatively static in recent years, the ACAC Report
(7th Edition) shows that they now stand at 3.41 million dogs, or 36% of households owning a dog; and 2.35
million cats, or 23% of households owning a cat. In addition, there are approximately 18.4 million fish, 8.1
million birds and over 1 million other pets including horses, rabbits, guinea pigs and other small animals.

With just over 8 million households, Australia has one of the highest incidences of pet ownership in the
world. However, Australia’s pet ownership is significantly behind the US where 40% of households own a
dog and 33% own a cat.

Despite all the known benefits of owning a pet, data collected over the last ten years tells us that the dog
population has peaked and is now slowly declining. The good news is that the cat population has slightly
increased since the 6th Edition ACAC report.


a) ( ) Few households in Australia have guinea pigs.

b) ( ) Most people prefer to have fish as a pet.
c) ( ) Not many households have rabbits.
d) ( ) All Australians keep birds at home.
e) ( ) Few houses in the country own a pet.

Do you know the song “Imagine” by John Lennon? Go to the following website: Watch the music video and follow the
lyrics. Note the use of ‘‘no’’ and ‘‘all’’.

118 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 28: Discussion forum 2 – stating a personal or a
general opinion

Is technology dumbing down kids? Share your opinion on this issue on the discussion forum. Use the
expressions you have learned for stating a personal or a general opinion. Then, write a comment to your
colleagues (two at least), expressing agreement, disagreement or half agreement.

When discussing a topic as controversial as technology, it is common for people to present divergent
opinions. In “Língua inglesa: habilidades integradas com ênfase na compreensão oral» (p. 85), you
learned to use some expressions to express agreement or disagreement, such as: “I (totally) agree with
you”, “I couldn’t agree more”, “I’m afraid I disagree”, “I don’t agree at all «and» I totally disagree «. You
noticed that in order not to appear rude, expressions are used to demonstrate partial agreement, such
as “I’m afraid” or “That’s quite true, but ...”, “I see your point, but ... ”,“ It depends on ... ”, among others.

To review and deepen your knowledge on the theme “agreeing and disagreeing”, go to the following
link for explanations and exercises:

Tarefa 29: Reading – Posts and blogs

Do you read blog posts? First of all, could you explain what a blog is? And a post? Considering that this
subject deals with everyday discourse practices, it would be impossible not to talk about these digital
genres so common today.

Blog is a word that results from the simplification of the term weblog = web (network) + log (activity log).
Blogs are web pages where various contents are regularly published, dedicated to a specific or more general
subject. They can be maintained by one or more people and have room for comments from their readers.
Marcuschi and Xavier (2004) define blogs as light-structured genres with “generally brief, descriptive and

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 119

opinion texts” that “are not like e-mails or chats, because each one can put down in someone else’s book
their message or comment on what someone else wrote”(p. 62). Although in some cases they resemble
personal diaries, they have undergone adaptations, because unlike diaries, blogs are public and allow the
insertion of comments by people you don’t know. Can the blog be a textual genre or a communication
vehicle that transmits several textual genres?

Some genres found on blogs are easily recognized as typical of this context, as is the case of posts, which
leads us to classify this environment as a genre. However, for Marcuschi and Xavier (2004), the blog would
be a genre that emerges from personal diaries and brings as much personal writing as jokes, music, videos,
that is, diverse genres that denote the owner’s personal taste from the blog. In this sense, the blog genre
seems to mix with the vehicle through which it is transmitted.

Considering the social nature of blogs and their characteristic communicative patterns, that is, types
of published texts that bring similar styles (narrative, descriptive or argumentative), and their common
objective of sharing ideas, perceptions, reflections and feelings of individuals, groups or organizations,
opening space for information debate, in this subject we will treat blogs as a genre and not just as a
means of communication. Our interest lies precisely in exploring the characteristics of the most varied
types of blogs and the communicative objectives that bloggers want to pursue. Our focus will be the texts
published on blogs known as posts.

Costa (2008) characterizes posts as articles published on blogs. They are also called entries. The posts are
divided into two parts: title and body. Its content focuses on the theme proposed by the blog, according to
each type of blog (about sports, politics, business, travel tips, teaching and learning, among others). They
may include videos, images and other types of content media. They are organized in reverse chronological
order and have a narrative, descriptive or opinion style.

In this module, we are interested in exploring the opinion style of posts that resembles that of an opinion
article or essay. This is an opinion and argumentative text that brings the author’s interpretation of a
political, cultural, scientific or everyday fact or topic. The structure of an opinion article may vary, but it
always implicitly or explicitly develops an opinion on certain subject with a conclusion, based on the ideas
or arguments that were built along the text. Based on a controversial issue and a convincing style, the
author aims to present their point of view on a subject, using the power of argumentation, expressing,
exemplifying, justifying and disqualifying ideas. In task 31, you will read about how to present arguments
in an opinion text.


Tarefa 30: Discussion forum 3 - blogs

Read the following post about immersion in a foreign language and answer the questions. Share your
answers on the discussion forum and comment on your colleague’s answers (one at least).

120 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

1. What are the author’s views about the topic of immersion?

2. Who wrote the posts and what for? What interests does the author serve?
3. How does the author develop their opinion about the topic of “immersion” throughout the texts
to convince their readers, that is, what argumentative strategies do they use? For example, do
they justify their statements? Do they use analogy? Do they present facts or examples?
4. How do the images on the posts influence the author’s argumentation?
5. What is your opinion on the topic of immersion?

Tarefa 31: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 2 –

Linking words

In the previous tasks, you studied and practised how to express opinions and make generalizations in
speaking, agreeing, disagreeing or partially agreeing with other people’s points of view. How about written
genres? How do we express agreement or disagreement and develop arguments?

A post can have an opinion style, that is, express the views of the author about a certain subject matter.
For this, the author can express a personal point of view, through expressions such as “I believe that ... ”,“
In my experience ... ”, I realized that ...” or align with what has been commonly said, presenting a general
point of view on a certain subject. Expressions like “It is thought that ...”, “It could be argued that… ”,“
Some people say that… ”, It is considered…”, It is true that… ”and“ It is generally accepted that…” can be
used to express points of view that are usually shared, in general, by people. Read the following example:

Some people say that the Internet can be harmful to children. However, in my experience
as an English teacher, I can say that the Internet can be a useful tool to improve children’s ability
to communicate with each other in a foreign language and learn new things.

When a certain point of view is presented and defended, it is important to present arguments to support
an idea. Words like: ‘‘because’’ .., ‘‘given that’’ ..., ‘‘not only ... but also’’…, ‘‘due to’’, ‘‘in order to’’, ‘‘since’’,
among others, can be used to link ideas. These are called linking words. Here are some examples:

It is difficult to accept this point of view because/since the internet has many benefits.
Internet addiction may occur due to intensive use of Facebook.
Not only6 is the Internet convenient, but also time saving.

Conclusions can be presented through the connectors ‘‘so’’, ‘‘therefore’’, ‘‘thus’’ and ‘‘then’’, as in the
following examples:

The Internet has changed our life in a positive way and made it more convenient than before.
Therefore/Thus, the advantages of the Internet outweigh the disadvantages.
Martin wanted to talk to her, so he went online.
6 At the beginning of a sentence, “NOT ONLY...” is followed by an inversion, that is, the verb comes before the subject,
as in a question.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 121

In an argumentative written text, agreement can be expressed by linking words used to indicate results
and add ideas, and disagreement by means of connectors that indicate contrast, as shown in the following

Expressing agreement – showing results and Internet has brought communication tools, such
adding arguments as email and chats. Consequently, it has become
very easy to establish a kind of global friendship.

When children talk to others online, they do

not realize they could actually be talking to a
harmful person. As a result/ consequence, there
have been many cases where children have been
convinced to meet people they have talked with

Many children spend too much time in front of

the computer and that can be very harmful to
eyes and body. Also/ Moreover/ In addition/
Furthermore (Além disso), many children are
fond of computer games that include sport,
fantasy and human violence that prevent them
from education.
W i t h
Expressing disagreement – contrasting technology, children can’t store information in
arguments their head, but they are better at looking for

On the one hand, tablets are really compact and

can be taken everywhere, but on the other hand
(por outro lado), they do not have a keyboard
like computers.

It is argued that technology has introduced more

forms of communication. However (no entanto),
it diminishes the connection people have for
their loved ones or other people.

Although (apesar de) some people argue that

technology can be harmful to kids, we should
consider that it also has its advantages.

Though (apesar de) it is true that technology

advances show people a more efficient way to
do things, we should also bear in mind that the
more advanced society becomes technologically,
the more people begin to depend on computers
for everyday existence.

122 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Despite (apesar de) claims that technology may
make things more conveniently, it is a fact that
there are some disadvantages accompanying
this level of access.

While (embora) it might be argued that

technology has improved communication, the
truth is that people are connected, but alone.

Boys prefer playing computer games, whereas

(enquanto) girls seem to enjoy chatting with

Note that some ways of expressing disagreement, as in speech, are more subtle than others:

Though it is true that people put on weight in middle age, we should also bear in mind that this
depends on a person’s eating habits (partial agreement).
Although some people argue that people put on weight in middle age, we should also consider
that eating habits play a role (partial agreement).
People tend to put on weight in middle age. However, gaining weight is not
inevitable. (disagreement).


Before moving on to writing a post, let’s check if you understand how to use the connectors presented
and discussed here. Complete the following exercises and check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do
módulo 3).

1. Join the ideas in A and C with the correct linking words in B to form sentences. Change the
punctuation where necessary.


my mom always watches the soap

even though
I always watch the news on TV opera.
it’s usually depressing

although he has a laptop.

He writes all personal letters by hand
despite having a laptop.

however, the traffic.

It took only one hour to get to the station
inspite of they still missed the bus.

nevertheless, others do.

Some kids never do their homework
whereas they still manage to pass the exams.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 123

however, Jason uses his all the time.
Mark rarely uses his car
even though He has one

2. Choose the correct answer:

a) She went out ____ it was raining.

( ) although( ) despite( ) either could be used here.

b) She went out ____ the fact that it was raining.

( ) although( ) despite( ) either could be used here.

c) ____ she didn’t like it, I enjoyed it a lot.

( ) Though( ) Although( ) either could be used here.

d) It was good, ____ expensive.

( ) though( ) despite( ) either could be used here.

e) I was late. _____, the others were all on time.

( ) Although( ) However ( ) Despite

f) ____ tired, he managed to finish it on time.

( ) Though( ) Despite( ) Either could be used here.

3. Make one sentence from two. Use the words in brackets in your sentences:

a) The company is expanding. We need to hire more staff (since)

b) The company is expanding. They are taking on extra staff. (therefore)
c) We want our employees to be more productive. We believe in incentive schemes. (because)
d) It was raining. I stayed at home (so)
e) It was raining. I stayed at home (consequently)
f) The cameras will deter potential criminals. They will help police a great deal when a crime is
actually committed. (moreover)
g) Watch the movie. Go to bed (then).
h) We live in the same street. We hardly see each other (despite7)
i) They have very little money. They are happy. (in spite of)
j) I got very wet in the rain. I had an umbrella (even though)

To deepen your knowledge of linking words, go to the following links, for explanations and exercises:

7 Note that “despite” and “in spite of” are followed by a noun, -ING, or “the fact that ...”. For example: a) Despite the
fact we didn’t have money, we went out; b) Despite not having money, we went out; c) Despite our lack of money, we went
out; d) In spite of the fact we didn’t have money, we went out; e) In spite of not having money, we went out; f) In spite of our
lack of money, we went out.

124 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 32: Production forum 1 - Writing a blog post

In this task, you are going to practice your writing skills. We have created a blog for our course and we
would like you to post your thoughts, impressions and feelings concerning a foreign language teaching and
learning aspect. You will receive an invitation to be an administrator of the blog. This way, you will be able
to post your text and edit it. To complete this task, you should follow these steps:

1st First, attend the videoconference with prof. William (the exact date and time will be on Moodle).
This videoconference is about technology, literacy and learning languages. Then, using some of the ideas
from the videoconference, write an opinion article (200-300 words) about “teaching and learning foreign
languages”. Use the expressions you have learned in task 31.

2nd Post your text on Moodle. Your tutor will correct it and give you feedback on what you should improve.

3rd Go to our blog: and login by inserting your email address
and password. Note that before you login, you should create an account on WordPress. To do so, you will
receive an invitation by email. You should follow the instructions from WordPress website to create your

4th Once you are logged in, on the left side menu, click on “Post”. Then, select “add new”. Write a title and
the text in the box. Finally, click on “Publish”.

5th Access the blog, read the post of one of your colleagues and write a comment.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 125

Tarefa 33 / Atividade 1: Lead-in
In task 36, we are going to discuss the oral genre “podcast”. A podcast8 is a digital audio or video file or
recording that can be downloaded from a website to a media player (e.g. mp3 player, mobile phone) or
computer. The word podcast is a play on the word broadcast combined with the word iPod (one of the
most popular portable MP3 players). Podcasts vary in format (e.g. audio, video, enhanced, screencast,
interview) and content (e.g. audio books, audio tours, tutorials, lectures, recipes, lessons). For this reason,
we can classify the podcast as a digital genre, but in each podcast it is possible to identify subgenres (e.g.
tutorial, lecture, recipe, interview).

Now let’s explore this digital tool! Your task is to do some research online and look for a tool to create
podcasts to suggest to your classmates. You should present on the forum the name of the tool, add the
link to access it and write your opinion about it (how do you like it? Is it easy to use? Is it free?). Then, go
to and find a tutorial9 about this podcast tool. Take a look at the example:


This is a free tool to create

podcasts. In order to use it,
first you need to create an
account. What is good about
Mypodcast is that you can
download a podcast recorder
for free, which you can use
to record your files before
making them available online.

Choose one of the tools suggested by your classmates and write a comment about it.

Tarefa 33 / Atividade2: Vocabulary

In this activity, you will study some verbs and nouns that will help you to complete the listening exercise
(activity 3).First, complete the sentences with the proper combination of verb/noun and preposition. Use
one of the verbs below. Then, place each verb or noun under the correct preposition in the table below.
You will learn more about this topic on task 35 (collocations). Check your responses in the Appendix (Anexo
do módulo 3).

8 Fonte:
9 According to the Cambridge Online Dictionary, a tutorial is a short video containing a set of instructions that teaches
you how to use a computer program.

126 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

1. My dream is to _______ in a different country for a short time.
2. May I__________ Mr. Cornell? This is Allan Parker.
3. Bloggers not only produce content to ________ blogs, but also build social relations with their
4. Thanks to the Internet, I can book hotels online and _______ excursion packages.
5. Before travelling to a foreign country, people should be ________ cultural differences to avoid
6. Can you get ________ our computers?
7. Facebook allows you to __________ friends who you may not speak to anymore.
8. According to BBC, genes have a small _________ children`s reading ability.
9. Spaces is an app that helps you to ________ people around the world in an easy and fast way.
10. It`s not good to __________ the workplace a negative side of yourself.

live speak post look aware access chat role connect bring


Tarefa 33 / Atividade 3: Discussion forum 4 - podcasts

There are five podcasts available on Moodle. They all focus on the topic of module 3 (technology) and they
have been recorded especially for you by students of English from different parts of the world! In order to
complete this task, follow these steps:

1st Listen to one of the podcasts.

2nd Answer these questions and post your answers on the forum: 1) What question below is the student
answering? 2) Can you summarize the student’s opinion on the topic? (write between 50-100 words) 3)
Do you agree with him/her? To what extent? 4) What words or expressions does the student use: a) to
express his/her opinion? b) to link his/her ideas? 5) What words from activity 2 does the student use?

3rd Based on the ideas presented in the podcast, create a new question and ask one of your colleagues on
the forum. Don’t forget to answer the questions that are addressed to you. Your tutor will correct your
questions and answers.

1. Do you think that the internet enriches the experience of traveling or takes away from the magic of
discovering a new place?

2. How has Facebook affected the way that you communicate with other people?

3. What technology do you think the world would be better without?

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 127

Tarefa 33 / Atividade 4: Listening comprehension –podcast
In activity 3, we focused on the content of podcasts: the topic technology. Now we are going to work with
a specific type of podcast to analyze its organization: the enhanced podcast. This is a type of podcast that
displays images simultaneously with audio. In order to complete this task, you should follow these steps:

1st step: Watch the podcast available on Moodle and answer the following questions. Check your answers
in the Appendix (Anexo do Módulo 3):

1) What is the podcast about?

2) Considering the content of the podcast, in what kind of subgenre does it fit in (e.g. a class, a panel
discussion, a radio show)?
3) How do the diagrams presented in the podcast contribute (or not) to the understanding of the topic?
Do they describe a process? Summarize the explanations? Create excitement? Persuade the audience?
Illustrate the topics? Clarify?
4) How are the opening and closing structured?
5) Which expressions below are used to: a) introduce a topic? b) order information? c) summarize
information? d) introduce visuals?

( ) In a nutshell…
( ) The next…
( ) As you can see…
( ) Here on this image
( ) Beginning our explanation…
2nd step: Read the exercise on Moodle carefully.

3rd step: Watch the podcast again and answer the exercise on Moodle. You should correct your own
answers, at the end of the activity, after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After you submit
your answers, you will have access to the correction. If you have any queries, talk to your tutor.

1. What language does the author use to give explanations? Match parts A and B to form
sentences from the podcast. Then, listen to the podcast again, check your answers, and
complete the exercise on Moodle:

a) Here on this image you can see ( ) there are many parts that make up a cell.
b) I hope ( ) we’ll start with the cell wall.
c) Here is a list of key terms ( ) go ahead.
d) In a nutshell, ( ) this is where sugar is converted in energy.
e) This is a diagram interpretation ( ) that you have found this enhanced podcast
f) If you need to pause it now educational.
g) Beginning our explanation of cell organelle, ( ) is the nucleus.
h) As you may have noticed, ( ) that I will be introducing in this podcast
i) The next organelle that I’ll speak about today.
today ( ) of what an animal cell is believed to look like.
j) As you can see, ( ) that I have highlighted all the organelle that
you’ll find in these two types of cells.
( ) there are differences between the two, but
they both have many of the same parts.

128 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 34: English in use – giving instructions and explanations

In the podcast you listened to in task 33 (activity 4) it is possible to find words and expressions used by
the teacher to provide explanations. For example, he introduces the lesson topic with “Beginning our
explanation of a cell organelle, ... ”. To move from one topic to another, he says “The next organelle that I’ll
speak about today is ... ”. To summarize the ideas presented, he uses the expression “In a nutshell” which
means ‘‘in short’’.

As a future English teacher, you will encounter everyday situations in which you will need to provide
explanations of grammatical topics (or theories) and give instructions to students about the tasks they will
have to carry out inside and outside the classroom. So, let’s learn how to do this.

To present and explain a particular topic (which can be done, for example, through a podcast), you can use
oral presentation strategies to organize the content to be presented. In the introduction, it is important to
reveal the purpose of your speech and explain the items that will be addressed. Note the expressions that
can be used for this purpose in the table below. Access the audio file in Moodle to listen to them (task 34
part 1):

STATING YOUR PURPOSE I’m going to talk about...
(What do you intend to do?)
My topic today is…

In this podcast, I want/would like to explain….

The purpose of this podcast is to…

I will show you…

I want to teach you…

You will learn about…

PRESENTING AN OUTLINE I will concentrate on the following points:
(How do you intend to do it?) First of all…Then…

This will lead to… And finally…

I’m going to divide my presentation into three

parts/sections…First,…. Second,…..And finally…

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 129

You can signal the changing to a new subject with expressions like:

‘And now let us turn to..’

‘Turning now to…’
‘Another interesting point is…’
‘The next aspect I’d like to consider is…’
‘OK, now I am going to talk about ...’
‘Right. Now I’d like to explain ... ’
‘Of course, we must not forget that ...’
‘However, it’s importante to realise that...’

It is also important to provide examples, paraphrase and summarize what was said in your presentation
(see the table below). When referring to graphs, figures and tables, you can also call your interlocutor’s
attention to the visual elements presented. In the podcast you listened to, this resource was used by the
teacher when presenting figures and diagrams (“Here on this page you can see ...”, “This is a diagram
interpretation ...”, Here is a list of key terms ...). Access the audio file on Moodle to hear the following
expressions (task 34 part 2):

INTRODUCING EXAMPLES Now let’s take an example...
An example of this can be found…
For example,
For instance,
To illustrate this…
Here are some examples…

REPHRASING In other words,
I mean
This is to say...
To put it another way…
What I’m suggesting is…

In sum
In brief
In a nutshell
In short

USING VISUALS On this graph,…
Here you/we can see…
The graph illustrates…
If you look closely, you’ll see…
Take a look at this.

The conclusion of the explanation may include a summary of the main points addressed or recapping the
objectives set at the beginning. Read the following suggestions:

To sum up...
So, in conclusion I’d like to emphasize that…
OK, to recap the main points…
I think you can now see that...
My intention was ..., and it should now be clear that ...

130 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Read the podcast transcript from the previous task and pay attention to the expressions in bold used by
the teacher to organize the content presented:

Welcome. This is Chris Stockdale welcoming you
to my second podcast for my science classroom. Stating the purpose of the podcast
Today’s lesson is an introduction to cells. After
viewing this podcast, you’ll be able to identify the Using visuals
organelle of both a plant and an animal cell. Here
Using visuals
is a list of our key terms that I will be introducing
in this podcast today (…) This is a diagram Using visuals
interpretation of what an animal cell is believed
to look like. As you can see, there are many parts Introducing a topic
that make up a cell and without all these parts
a cell would not be able to live or be considered Summarizing ideas
an animal cell (…) Beginning our explanation of
a cell organelle, we’ll start with the cell wall (…)
Mitochondria are the organelles that are known
as the power houses of the cells. In a nutshell,
this is where sugar is converted in energy within
the cell.

When it comes to instructions, it is important to use connectors to order your speech, describing, thus, a
sequence of actions. If you want an example, watch Professor Nell Deutsch’s podcast on how to use the
Moodle blog, available at: In the table below we have
put together suggestions on how to start, continue and finish instructions. Access the audio file in Moodle
to listen to them (task 34 part 3):

BEGINNING INSTRUCTIONS The first thing you do is...
To begin/start with…
You begin by…

And then...
The next step is to…
The next thing you do is…
After this/that…
Following this…
When you finish that, then…

ENDING INSTRUCTIONS The last step is...
The last thing you do is...
To finish...

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 131

Adverbs ending in –ly based on ordinal numbers can also be used to list and link your instructions, such as
‘‘firstly’’, ‘‘secondly’’, ‘‘thirdly’’. End with ‘‘finally’’ or ‘‘lastly’’, as in the following example:

How to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Firstly, spread peanut butter evenly onto one slice of bread using a knife.
Secondly, spread jelly or jam evenly onto the other slice of bread with a
teaspoon or knife.

Thirdly, press the two slices of bread together. Finally, enjoy your easy and
yummy looking sandwich.


Note that it is common to use verbs in the imperative when giving instructions. In the sandwich recipe
previously presented, the verbs «spread», «press» and «enjoy», all in the imperative, are used. Modal
verbs are also used to explain what is necessary or possible to do, as well as what you shouldn’t or don’t
need to do. For example:

• You (don’t) need to...

• You have to...
• You can...
• You must/mustn’t...
• You should/shouldn’t...

Now it’s time to practice! Complete the following exercises and check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo
do Módulo 3).

1. Do you know how to prepare a Powerpoint presentation? Read the following instructions and put
them in the correct order by numbering them 1 to 8.

How to Make a Slide Show with PowerPoint

( ) To bring in a picture, choose Picture from the Insert menu, then choose From File. Locate your image
file, click the Insert button, and watch the picture appear in the document.

( ) To add a new slide, choose New Slide from the Insert menu.

( ) PowerPoint will then present you with a New Slide dialog box, where you can choose what kind of
layout you want for your first slide. Choose the Blank slide layout.

( ) To view the slide show, select View Show from the Slide Show menu. Click the mouse to go on to the
next slide. Press escape on the keyboard to exit the slide show.

( ) Don’t forget to save your slide show. Select Save As from the File menu. Pull down on the arrow and
choose Presentation as the file type (ppt). Name the file and click on Save.

( ) You will see, in the editing display, a white rectangle on the right. This represents your first slide. Onto
this slide you can place images and text.

( ) When you open the PowerPoint program, it may ask you what kind of document you want to create.
Choose to create a blank presentation.

132 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

( ) To put a title on a slide, select Text Box from the Insert menu. Click and drag a text box across the blank
slide. Type the title. You can change font and size by selecting the text, and then choosing Font from the
Format menu.

Adapted from:

Now complete the paragraph with the proper instructions.

First _________________________________________________________________________________

Then _________________________________________________________________________________

Next _________________________________________________________________________________

Following this, _________________________________________________________________________


After that, _____________________________________________________________________________


And then, _____________________________________________________________________________


When you finish that ____________________________________________________________________


Finally ________________________________________________________________________________

2. Read the transcription of an oral presentation and choose the correct word to complete the gaps:

Hello everyone! ______________ (He is/This is) John, your host for the English Teacher John Class and our
other podcasts.

Okay. _______________ (All in all/First of all), let’s have a look at the table of contents for our class today.
We will have four segments today. I will concentrate on the following points):

______________(First/in sum), you’ll learn about using the present tense with time clauses.
______________ (Also/For example): When I get there tomorrow, I’ll show you the photos. ______
(Then/for instance), we’ll talk about how to accept a compliment; accepting compliments or receiving
compliments. ____________________ (For another thing/Here are some examples): STD1: Well done!
Good job! STD2: Thanks a lot. I’m glad you enjoyed it. In our third segment, I’d like to call your attention
to a couple of idioms. ________________ (So/For instance), get the hang of something, or get the feel of
something; and keep someone company. ______________ (For all that/ Finally), in our fourth and final
segment … you know what that is, don’t you?? Yep, it’s practice time!!

Okay, ______________ (in addition/that’s it) for today’s class. I hope you enjoy it.

Adapted from:

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 133

Tarefa 35: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 3 –

According to the Cambridge Online Dictionary, collocation is the combination of two or more words that
are formed because they are often used together, so the combination sounds more natural. In Module 1,
we saw some of these collocations when presenting compound prepositions.

Why learn collocations?

• Your language will sound more natural and be more easily understood.
• You will be able to express yourself in a richer, more idiomatic way.
• It is easier for our brain to remember and use language in combinations than isolated words.

There are several types of collocations that can be made by joining verbs, nouns, adjectives and prepositions.
In the podcasts you have watched / heard, the following verb and preposition collocations are used:

chat with = I can chat with them on Facebook almost any time.
Protect from = The cytoplasm protects all the organelle from smashing into each other.
Look at = Thanks to the Internet I can book my hostel or hotel and I can also look at excursion packages.

See other examples of verb + preposition collocations:

Complain about = She is always complaining about her life.

Apply to = I’m planning to apply to college next year.
Believe in = Do you believe in ghosts?
Comment on = The novel comments on contemporary issues.
Consist of = New York consists of five boroughs.
Learn from= I learned patience from my father.

We can also associate adjectives and prepositions. Some adjectives can be followed only by certain
prepositions, such as ‘‘good’’ and ‘‘worried’’:

I am good at Mathematics.
She is worried about the test.

Other adjectives can be combined with different prepositions to express different meanings. This is the
case of ‘‘alive’’, which can be combined with the prepositions ‘‘with’’ and ‘‘to’’:

alive with (= coberto, cheio de) The blanket was alive with fleas.
alive to (= estar alerta, ser consciente de algo) People must be alive to opportunity

There are also adjectives that can be followed by different prepositions with no difference in meaning. The
choice of preposition is determined by the noun or pronoun that precedes it.

Mike is not enthusiastic. He’s disappointed with Sandy. (disappointed with + somebody)
Mike is unhappy. He’s disappointed at the result of the match. (disappointed at + something)

134 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

The association with nouns can occur in two ways:

a) Noun + preposition

Addiction to = His addiction to surfing the Internet is getting serious.

Talent for = Julie’s talent for music is impressive.
Advantage of = Take full advantage of the facilities available in the hotel.
Experience in = To do this job, you should have experience in management.
Protection against = B vitamins give protection against infections.
Relationship with = My relationship with my co-workers is wonderful.
Connection between = There is no connection between the two crimes.

b) Preposition + noun

To my surprise, the party was incredible.

I will send the gadget at your request.
A young man should be on his guard against bad company.

Now do the following exercises. You can use an online dictionary to check the proper use of prepositions.
Here are some suggestions:

Check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 3).

1. Check the correct alternative:

a) ( ) They refused to apologize.

( ) They refused on apologize.

b) ( ) Her face showed her dissatisfaction of the kids’ behavior.

( ) Her face showed her dissatisfaction with the kids’ behavior.

c) ( ) People can use credit cards to pay out airplane tickets.

( ) People can use credit cards to pay for airplane tickets.

d) ( ) The citizens are proud of their president.

( ) The citizens are proud about their president.

e) ( ) Did she succeed in finding a new job?

( ) Did she succeed at finding a new job?

f) ( ) Online games are very popular in teenagers and adults.

( ) Online games are very popular with teenagers and adults.

2. Complete the paragraph with the correct preposition. It is a good idea to check in the dictionary
what the most appropriate collocation is. By doing so, you will get used to using them.

My friend Beth is desperately worried ______ her son at the moment. He wants to enroll ______a course

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 135

of some sort but just can’t make a decision _______what to study. I gave Beth a ring and we had a long chat
______ it last night. She said he’d like to study ______ a degree but he is afraid ______ the requirements
______ university entry. Beth thinks he should do a course _______ Management because he’d like to set
up his own business in the future. I agreed ______ it. It would be a wise choice.

To deepen your knowledge of collocations, go to the following links for extra explanations and

Tarefa 36: Production forum 2 - preparing a podcast

Now that you have studied how to give instructions and explanations, as well as how to connect verbs,
nouns, adjectives and prepositions, it is time to practice your speaking. You will prepare your own podcast.
It can be an audio only podcast, a screencast, a vodcast10 or an enhanced podcast. Follow these steps:

1st Choose a topic for your podcast that could be useful for English learners. For example, you can explain
a grammar topic or give tips on how to use a computer/web tool to learn English.

2nd Prepare what you are going to say. You should structure your podcast so as to include an opening, body
and closing. Use linking words to connect your ideas. Make notes or Powerpoint slides to organize the
information you will present.

3rd Rehearse your presentation before recording it.

4th Use one of the podcasts tools you have discussed in task 33, activity 1 to make your podcast (2 to 5
minutes length). If you have any difficulties in producing your podcast, talk to your tutors.

5th Post your file or the link to your file on the production forum. Your tutor will correct your task and give
you feedback on how to improve pronunciation and grammar.

6th Listen to/watch at least one of your colleagues’ podcasts and write a comment.

10 A vodcast means video podcast. It is a type of podcast that includes video clips.

136 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 37 ( Extra practice): Discussion forum 5 - Analyzing

Receipts (“notas fiscais”, in Portuguese) are still a common and popular genre. Hardly one day passes
without us getting a receipt for something we purchase (= buy). Try to remember the last time you got
a receipt. What did you purchase? Did you read the receipt? Normally we don’t read receipts carefully,
paying attention to all the information in a receipt; most people just check whether the price they paid
is correct or not. This shows that different texts and genres are produced and read for different reasons,
depending on the purposes they serve and the value that people attach to them. What kind of information
do you expect to find in a receipt?

1. Read the receipts available on Moodle (1 and 2) and tick the information a) to g) below that you can
find. Check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 3).


a) information about the shop: address, telephone number, email, website,

( ) ( )
opening and closing times.
b) information about the product (price, tax, product code) ( ) ( )
c) date and time of purchase ( ) ( )
d) purchaser’s name ( ) ( )
e) identification of the sales person (e.g. name, code) ( ) ( )
f) form of payment (e.g. cash, cheque, credit card) ( ) ( )
g) customer’s rights: is it possible to do returns and exchanges? What are the
( ) ( )
conditions for returns and exchanges?
2. Now answer the following questions on the discussion forum on Moodle:

a) Are these receipts similar to Brazilian receipts? Are there any differences?
b) Give at least TWO examples of more formal language.
c) You have probably noticed that one of the receipts informs the customer of the possibility of doing
returns and exchanges. What are the advantages of this? Does the same happen in Brazil? In general, are
Brazilian people aware of their rights as customers? Why (not)?

Take a look at the word “tender” in Receipt 1.You probably know “tender” as an adjective, as in
“tender meat”, meaning “soft”; however, “tender” here is used as a verb – “cash tendered”. As a
verb, “to tender” means “to offer or present formally”, and is only used in more formal contexts,
for example, “The President is going to tender his resignation today”. In this specific – and formal –
context, “to tender” means “to pay”, so “cash tendered” means “cash paid”.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 137


COSTA, S.R. Dicionário de gêneros textuais. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2008.

MARCUSCHI, Luiz Antonio; XAVIER, Antonio Carlos(orgs). Hipertexto e gêneros digitais. Rio de Janeiro:
Lucerna, 2004.

RIBEIRO, Tiago da Silva. E-mail e blog: “gêneros textuais” ou veículos de comunicação? Hipertextus: revista
digital, n.2, 2009. Disponível em: <>. Acesso
em: 21 abr 2013.


138 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano



9, 8, 2, 5, 10, 1, 3, 6, 7, 4



T h e
Technology gives support to kids to create, share amount of time kids are spending on computers
and innovate. is not enhancing their education in any way.

With technology, kids are getting smarter because Playing games and doing Facebook do not help
they search online to find answers to questions. kids in their creative development or critical

Because of technology, kids are worse spellers

and they cannot store too much information in
their head.


( x ) We might say….

( x ) I think that…

( x ) I will have to say that …

( x ) Overall I’d say…

( x ) On balance, I think….

( x ) and also

( x ) but on the other hand

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 139


2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3

I do agree indeed. Generally, multi-tasking creates rather busy people than successful people especially if
we measure «success» by REAL results, I mean life changing enhancements.

Personally, I think there are millions of good reasons to replace humans with machines. No doubt about
it! Yet, there’s is a fundamental flaw to that master plan, which is, if humans are pushed out of the job
market, then who will be buying the goods produced by machines?

If you want my honest opinion, I don’t think that with technology people are alone. Growing up in this
technological age, I often find myself doing a lot of the things: grabbing my phone at a stop light, or when
I’m waiting in line at Starbucks, but not because I’m alone. What I mean is11 I don’t feel alone at all in my
life. It’s usually to satisfy boredom or keeps me occupied. I don’t mind not using my technology though,
and I definitely love having conversations.

I completely agree that in most cases people can’t deal with much information at one time and sometimes
multitasking can cause dangerous situations due to our carelessness when we try to control a multitasking
environment. Moreover, we may not really enjoy the moments of living when we multitask. However, it
seems to me that multitasking does improve our efficiency. Thanks to advanced technological devices,
we can easily complete a task efficiently by multitasking. Still, I think there is a point there about the
disadvantages of multitasking. Overall, it makes us consider another way of living-rather than just being

I believe that people’s attention for one another could reduce due to social media. That’s true in a way,
but I don’t think social media diminish the connection people have for their loved ones or other people. It
doesn’t also categorically mitigate the capacity to form connections. The way I see it, the word connection
is more encompassing of many innate characteristics of humans which include empathy and emotions.

I don’t think that’s completely true! For me, droids should be doing the work FOR man and not taking the
work from it. The problem why that doesn’t happen is that the droids are owned by few people and not
the community.



a) Most/ many youngsters in Brazil use Internet at least once a week.

b) Most/many youngsters have profiles on a social network.
c) Many/ most youngsters use Internet to check social profiles.
d) Most youngsters access Internet from their computers instead of their cell phones.
e) Some/ few youngsters leave comments on websites.
f) Few parents have control over what their kids do online.


a) ( T ) Few households in Australia have guinea pigs.

b) ( T ) Most people prefer to have fish as a pet.
11 What I mean” é um conectivo lógico utilizado para esclarecer ou reformular uma opinião expressa anteriormente.

140 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

c) ( T ) Not many households have rabbits.
d) ( F ) All Australians keep birds at home.
e) ( F ) Few houses in the country own a pet.



I always watch the news on TV even though it’s usually depressing.

I always watch the news on TV whereas my mom always watches the soap opera.
He writes all personal letters by hand although he has a laptop.
He writes all personal letters by hand despite having a laptop.
It took only one hour to get to the station. However, they still missed the bus.
It took only one hour to get to the station in spite of the traffic.
Some kids never do their homework. Nevertheless, they still manage to pass the exams.
Some kids never do their homework whereas others do.
Mark rarely uses his car even though he has one.
He rarely uses his car. However, Jason uses his all the time.


a) although
b) despite
c) Either could be used here.
d) though
e) However
f) Though


a) We need to hire more staff since the company is expanding.

b) The company is expanding. Therefore, they are taking on extra staff.
c) We believe in incentive schemes, because we want our employees to be more productive.
d) It was raining, so I stayed at home.
e) It was raining. Consequently, I stayed at home.
f) The cameras will deter potential criminals. Moreover, they will help police a great deal when a
crime actually is committed.
g) Watch the movie. Then, go to bed.
h) We live in the same street despite hardly seeing each other.
i) They are happy in spite of having very little money.
j) I got very wet in the rain even though I had an umbrella.


1. 'My dream is to live in a different country for a short time.

2. May I speak to Mr. Cornell? This is Allan Parker.
3. Bloggers not only produce content to post on blogs, but also build social relations with their
4. Thanks to the Internet, I can book hotels online and look at excursion packages.
5. Before travelling to a foreign country, people should be aware of cultural differences to avoid

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 141

6. Can you get access to our computers?
7. Facebook allows you to chat with friends who you may not speak to anymore.
8. According to BBC, genes have a small role in children`s reading ability.
9. Spaces is an app that helps you to connect with people around the world in an easy and fast way.
10. It`s not good to bring to the workplace a negative side of yourself.


Live Chat
post Look Speak aware
role connect


1) The podcast is an introduction to cells. The objective of the podcast is to help students identify the
organelle of plant and animal cells.
2) Based on its content, we can say it is a lecture or class. The teacher uses audio and images to give
explanations on cells.
3) The diagrams presented are essential to understand the explanations. Without them, it would be
difficult to have an idea of what a cell looks like. They illustrate each part of the cell that is being presented.
The Venn diagram presented at the end of the podcast summarizes the main differences and similarities
between animal and plant cells.
4) Opening: the teacher greets the audience (“welcome”), introduces himself (“this is Chris Stockdale”)
and introduces the topic/aim of the podcast (“today’s lesson is an introduction to cells”). Closing: he
thanks the viewers.
5) a) introduce a topic: Beginning our explanation….
b) order information: next
c) summarize information: in a nutshell
d) introduce visuals: as you can see/ here on this image


1. 6, 5, 2, 7, 8, 3, 1, 4

First, open the Powerpoint program and create a blank presentation.

Then, choose the Blank slide layout.
Next, place images and text onto the slide.
Following this, put a title on the slide by selecting and dragging a text box across the blank slide.
After that, add a new slide from the insert menu.
And then, insert a picture from the insert menu by clicking on file.
When you finish that you can view the slide show by selecting View Show from the Slide Show menu.
Finally, save your slide show.


Hello everyone! This is John, your host for the English Teacher John Class and our other podcasts.

Okay. First of all, let’s have a look at the table of contents for our class today. We will have four segments

142 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

today. I will concentrate on the following points):

First, you’ll learn about using the present tense with time clauses. For example: When I get there tomorrow,
I’ll show you the photos. Then, we’ll talk about how to accept a compliment; accepting compliments or
receiving compliments. Here are some examples: STD1: Well done! Good job! STD2: Thanks a lot. I’m glad
you enjoyed it. In our third segment, I’d like to call your attention to a couple of idioms. For instance, get
the hang of something, or get the feel of something; and keep someone company. Finally, in our fourth
and final segment … you know what that is, don’t you?? Yep, it’s practice time!!

Okay, that’s it for today’s class. I hope you enjoy it.



a) ( X ) They refused to apologize.

( ) They refused on apologize.

b) ( ) Her face showed her dissatisfaction of the kids’ behavior.

( X ) Her face showed her dissatisfaction with the kids’ behavior.

c) ( ) People can use credit cards to pay out airplane tickets.

( X ) People can use credit cards to pay for airplane tickets.

d) ( X ) The citizens are proud of their president.

( ) The citizens are proud about their president.

e) ( X ) Did she succeed in finding a new job?

( ) Did she succeed at finding a new job?

f) ( ) Online games are very popular in teenagers and adults.

( X ) Online games are very popular with teenagers and adults.


My friend Beth is desperately worried about her son at the moment. He wants to enroll in a course of
some sort but just can’t make a decision on what to study. I gave Beth a ring and we had a long chat about
it last night. She said he’d like to study for a degree but he is afraid of the requirements for university
entry. Beth thinks he should do a course in Management because he’d like to set up his own business in
the future. I agreed with it. It would be a wise choice.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 143



a) information about the shop: address, telephone number, email, website,

(X) (X)
opening and closing times.
b) information about the product (price, tax, product code) (X) (X)
c) date and time of purchase (X) (X)
d) purchaser’s name ( ) (X)
e) identification of the sales person (e.g. name, code) (X) ( )
f) form of payment (e.g. cash, cheque, credit card) (X) (X)
g) customer’s rights: is it possible to do returns and exchanges? What are the
( ) (X)
conditions for returns and exchanges?

144 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 145


146 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


Módulo 4

Caro(a) aluno(a):

É com muito prazer que iniciamos o quarto módulo da disciplina “Língua inglesa: práticas discursivas do
cotidiano” do Curso de Graduação em Letras Inglês (Modalidade EaD).

Este módulo, organizado em torno do tema “News”, possibilitará a prática de gêneros discursivos escritos,
como artigos de jornal, e orais, como diálogos informais em que amigos compartilham ou comentam
notícias recentes. Procuraremos explorar alguns aspectos de multimodalidade presentes nessas práticas
discursivas (no caso de gêneros escritos, a relação entre imagem e palavra, e no caso de textos orais, o uso
da intonação para demonstrar interesse), em uma reflexão sobre as relações entre discurso e ideologia
a partir dos textos estudados. Também dedicaremos algum tempo à reflexão sobre a questão das ‘‘fake
news’’, e como abordá-las em sala de aula de línguas. Além disso, trabalharemos com alguns aspectos
linguístico-comunicativos da língua inglesa presentes nesses textos, através de exposição teórica e de

Seja bem-vindo(a) ao quarto módulo de nosso curso!

Conteúdo Básico

• Estudo de amostras de gêneros escrito (artigos de jornais) e oral (compartilhamento de notícias)

• Graus de formalidade dos gêneros estudados
• Foco na gramática: voz passiva
• Foco no uso: demonstrando interesse ou falta de interesse através da intonação


• Realizar o estudo do gênero notícia de jornal e suas características linguísticas;

• Investigar aspectos da relação entre imagem e texto em notícias de jornal online;
• Produzir pequenos posts sobre notícias na Internet;
• Estudar e praticar o uso da voz passiva em inglês;
• Estudar e praticar expressões comumente utilizadas na fala para trocar notícias e reagir a elas;
• Analisar e praticar como demonstrar interesse ou falta de interesse em relação a notícias por

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 147

meio da intonação na fala.
• Refletir sobre a questão das «fake news» (notícias falsas) e como combatê-las.

Principais materiais

Neste módulo, além do Guia de estudos, você assistirá a vídeos disponibilizados no Moodle, desenvolverá
suas tarefas no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA) e poderá aprofundar seus estudos a partir de
nossas sugestões de explicações e exercícios disponíveis na internet.

Tempo de dedicação neste módulo

Para desenvolver as atividades deste módulo, recomendamos uma dedicação de, pelo menos, 14 horas e
meia, distribuídas entre: leitura do material didático e desenvolvimento das tarefas propostas.

Principais formas de avaliação

Produção de textos no AVA Moodle.

148 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano



Leitura do Guia de Estudos para apresentação

Tarefa 38 dos objetivos e forma de funcionamento do
Módulo 4.

Atividade 1: estudo de imagens e manchetes de

Atividade 2: fórum de discussão 1 sobre
imagens e manchetes de jornal
Tarefa 39
Atividade 3: estudo de tempos verbais em
manchetes de jornal
Atividade 4: estudo de manchetes e parágrafo
de abertura de notícias de jornal

Explicação e atividade prática sobre voz passiva

Tarefa 40

Explicação e atividade prática sobre voz passiva

Tarefa 41

Fórum de discussão 2 sobre linguagem

Tarefa 42 empregada em artigos de jornal e comentários
de leitores.
Tarefa 43: Fórum de produção 1
Fórum de produção 1 de comentários sobre
Tarefa 43 comments on the web
notícias na web.
Valor: 6 pontos
Atividade de compreensão oral (telling and
Tarefa 44
receiving news).

Tarefa 45 Atividade de compreensão e prática de intonação.

Tarefa 46 Fórum de produção 2 de reações a notícias.

Tarefa 47 Explicação e atividade prática sobre colocações.

Tarefa 43: Fórum de produção 2

Tarefa 48 Fórum de produção 3 – fake news fake news
Valor: 7 pontos

Fórum de discussão 3 sobre diferenças entre

Tarefa 49
artigos de tabloides e de jornais sérios.

Tarefa 50 Fórum de discussão 4 sobre o curso.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 149

Quadro Módulo 4: 20/04/2020 a 03/05/2020


Lendo o Capítulo de
Tarefa 38 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 20/04/2020
Introdução do Módulo 4.

Analisando as imagens,
lendo as manchetes
Tarefa 39 – Atividade 1 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 21/04/2020
e completando os

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão
Tarefa 39 – Atividade 2 No AVA Até dia 22/04/2020
1 sobre imagens e
manchetes de jornal

Estudando os verbos das

Tarefa 39 – Atividade 3 No Guia de Estudos Até dia 22/04/2020
manchetes de jornal

Lendo e associando as
Tarefa 39 – Atividade 4 No Guia de Estudos manchetes aos parágrafos Até dia 23/04/2020
de abertura das notícias.

Estudando a voz passiva

Tarefa 40 No Guia de Estudos (1) e completando os Até dia 23/04/2020

Estudando a voz passiva

Tarefa 41 No Guia de Estudos (2) e completando os Até dia 24/04/2020

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão
Tarefa 42 No AVA 2 sobre linguagem Até dia 25/04/2020
empregada em artigos de

150 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Acessando e participando
do fórum de produção
Tarefa 43 (avaliativa) No AVA Até dia 26/04/2020
1 de comentários sobre
notícias na web

Assistindo os vídeos e
Tarefa 44 No AVA completando a atividade Até dia 27/04/2020
de compreensão oral

Assistindo o vídeo e
Tarefa 45 No Guia de Estudos completando o exercício Até dia 27/04/2020
do guia.

Acessando e participando
Tarefa 46 No AVA do fórum de produção 2 Até dia 29/04/2020
de reações a notícias

Estudando colocações e
Tarefa 47 No Guia de Estudos completando os exercícios Até dia 30/04/2020

Acessando e participando
Tarefa 48 (avaliativa) No AVA do fórum de produção 3 – Até dia 01/05/2020
Fake news

Acessando e participando
do fórum de discussão
Tarefa 49 No AVA 3 sobre diferenças entre Até dia 03/05/2020
artigos de tabloides e de
jornais sérios

Acessando e participando
Tarefa 50 No AVA do fórum de discussão 4 Até dia 03/05/2020
sobre o curso

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 151

Tarefa38: Leitura do capítulo de introdução no Guia de Estudos

O capítulo de introdução do Módulo 4 no guia de estudos traz aspectos importantes sobre este quarto
módulo (temática, objetivos, agenda). Leia todos os itens apontados e tire suas dúvidas com os tutores,
caso as tenha. Se você já realizou essa tarefa, prossiga seus estudos com a Tarefa 39.

Tarefa 39 /Atividade 1: Newspaper images

1. Below are 8 images that illustrate news articles. Look at them. Can you guess what newspaper
articles these pictures illustrate? What words come to mind when you look at these images?Our
first videoconference session in this module will focus on these pictures, among other things. This
means you are going to talk about these pictures in our videoconference, so be prepared to
say what you think the articles are about, trying to guess what section of the newspaper they are
probably in (you can take notes, writing key words or short sentences that may help you speak
during the conference), for example:“I think Image A is probably in the political section of the
newspaper. I guess it’s about the recent protests in Brazil… I see a finger pointing down, and for
me this represents….

Image A Image B

Image C Image D

152 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Image E Image F

Image G Image H

Here are some sections from an English newspaper. Can you guess what the articles in each section
are about?

6)Arts & Entertainment
8)International affairs

”What do you think “International affairs” is about? When is one country’s local news considered
“international affairs”, and by whom12?

12 In his upcoming book, entitled “Breves narrativas diplomáticas”, Brazilian diplomat writes: “Nos meus anos
de representante do Brasil junto à ONU, acostumei-me a ver a invocação da expressão ‘comunidade internacional’ para
legitimar decisões que, na verdade, eram tomadas por um grupo muito restrito de países que sempre incluíam os EUA e o
Reino Unido”. (from Revista Carta Capital, no. 753, 19 de junho de 2013, Editora Confiança)

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 153

2. Match the images A-H with the sections 1-8 in exercise 2 (you may have to use numbers twice).
When you finish, check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 4).

( ) Image A ( ) Image B ( ) Image C ( ) Image D

( ) Image E ( ) Image F ( ) Image G ( ) Image H

3. Read the following headlines related to the images. Then match images A-H with the headlines
and newspaper sections 1-8 (there are 8 images and 12 headlines, so 4 headlines will not match
any images). When you finish, check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 4):


Brazil prepares for World Cup as criticism mounts over cost ( ) ( )

Teenagers ‘burdened’ by Facebook are turning to Twitter says new study ( ) ( )

A degree too close to home? Call for price cut If students go local ( ) ( )

Archaeologists uncover nearly 5,000 cave paintings in Burgos, Mexico ( ) ( )

Obama promises to have high-speed internet in most schools in 5 years ( ) ( )

Mobile foreign prostitutes set up shop on streets of London ( ) ( )

Paul Wellens hopes to pull another win out of hat on Magic Weekend ( ) ( )

Britons sink deeper into depression over debt ( ) ( )

Britain fails to convince EU states to send arms to Syrian rebels ( ) ( )

Pakistani women Rehana Kausar and Sobia Kamar marry in Britain’s first Muslim
( ) ( )
lesbian partnership

Warming threatens safety on Mont Blanc ( ) ( )

Number of Indians killed in Brazil on the rise ( ) ( )

Tarefa 39/Atividade 2: Discussion forum 1 – Images and


Now we’d like you to compare and contrast images A to H with the headlines. How do the images relate
to the headlines? Do the images complete the headlines, or make it easier to understand the headlines?
Are the images self-sufficient, or don’t they make sense without the headlines? Do the images just
illustrate or comment on the headlines? Do they highlight or emphasize certain aspects of the written
headlines? Remember to post your answers on the Forum. Then read and comment on at least TWO of
your colleagues’ posts.

154 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 39 /Atividade 3: Newspaper headlines and grammar

Read the newspaper headlines again and underline all the verbs. Check your answers in the Appendix
(Anexo do módulo 4).Then, answer the following question: which verb tense is used in the headlines?

a) Brazil prepares for World Cup as criticism mounts over cost

b) Teenagers ‘burdened’ by Facebook are turning to Twitter says new study
c) A degree too close to home? Call for price cut if students go local
d) Archaeologists uncover nearly 5,000 cave paintings in Burgos, Mexico
e) Obama promises to have high-speed Internet in most schools in 5 years
f) ‘Mobile’ foreign prostitutes set up shop on streets of London
g) Paul Wellens hopes to pull another win out of hat on Magic Weekend
h) Britons sink deeper into depression over debt
i) Britain fails to convince EU states to send arms to Syrian rebels
j) Pakistani women Rehana Kausar and Sobia Kamar marry in Britain’s first Muslim lesbian partnership
k) Warming threatens safety on Mont Blanc
l) Number of Indians killed in Brazil on the rise

You will have noticed that most of the verbs underlined are in the Present tense, though they may refer to
actions that happened in the Past. For example, in “Archaeologists uncover nearly 5,000 cave paintings in
Burgos, Mexico”, “uncover” does not refer to a habitual action, as we might expect from Present Simple
verbs, but to an action that happened in the Past (Archaeologists uncovered), which may have happened
recently, and is valued in its present result or consequence (Archaeologists have uncovered). Why is the
Present used in these cases?

The Present tenses are often used in newspaper headlines to emphasize the present relevance of the
actions they refer to, or make it seem as if they had happened just now. This seems to bring these actions or
facts closer to the reader, and his or her moment of reading. You may also have noticed that in newspaper
headlines, some words are left out, like articles. Hence, the headline “Number of Indians killed in Brazil on
the rise”, could be rewritten as “The number of Indians killed in Brazil is on the rise”.In this task, you’ll see
how each headline is expanded into longer, more complete sentences.

Tarefa 39/Atividade 4: Newspaper headlines and opening


You are going to read the first paragraph of the articles. Match each of the headlines above (a-l) with
the first paragraph of each article.Then, check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 4). For

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 155

Students who live at home while attending their local university should be offered cut-price degrees
costing just £5,000 a year, an influential commission into the future of higher education is to recommend.


Two former students from Pakistan are believed to have become the first Muslim lesbian couple to marry
in a civil ceremony in Britain. Rehana Kausar, 34, and Sobia Kamar, 29, took their vows at a registry office
in Leeds earlier this month before immediately applying for political asylum, it was claimed.


Britain’s households are sinking deeper into financial gloom, according to a survey that challenges the
consensus that the economy is on the mend.Britons are more worried about losing their jobs and more
anxious about their debt than at any time in the past five years, the study found. It found 23 per cent
believe Britain is in a depression and a further 45 per cent think it is in recession, despite official figures
showing that the economy is growing.


Britain and France last night opened the way to supplying weapons to the opposition forces in Syria’s
civil war after they refused demands by a majority of EU states to maintain a joint arms embargo that
expires on Friday. After eight hours of tough negotiation, William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, and French
officials agreed to a compromise in which no arms will be delivered while the United States and Russia
organise a peace conference due next month.


Mont Blanc is becoming less blanc and more dangerous for climbers and skiers as glaciers melt and rising
temperatures trigger deadly avalanches on Western Europe’s highest mountain. French, Swiss and Italian
scientists have spent three years compiling a “Scientific Atlas” of Mont Blanc that charts the effects of
global warming.


An increasing number of Romanian women are working as prostitutes in London’s “thriving” sex trade,
according to a report published yesterday. They are part of a “rapid rise” in the number of non-British
women selling sex on the streets over the past five years. A significant proportion said that they were from
Romania and were sending money home to their children and families, according to the report by the
Eaves for Women charity.


Paul Wellens has entered some unfamiliar territory with St Helens this season, but is back on his favourite
stage for Super League’s Magic Weekend at the Etihad Stadium.Saints have been in uncharted waters in
the bottom half of the table whilst their captain, after more than a decade as their established full-back,
has been obliged to explore the mysteries of half-back.


When the heart of the Amazon was among the richest places on Earth, local rubber barons flaunted their
incredible wealth by building a spectacular opera house in Manaus with British steel, French glass and
Italian marble.At great expense, they shipped construction materials across the Atlantic and down the Rio

156 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Negro, then filled their new venue in the forest with the world’s leading musicians and conductors.


A new report from the Pew Research Centre in America has shown that teenagers “have waning
enthusiasm” for Facebook, and that social-networks are increasingly seen as a burden.The report cited a
number of reasons for the decreased enthusiasm in Facebook including an “increasing number of adults
on the site” (70 per cent of teenagers quizzed said they were friends with their parents), the annoyance
of friends sharing “inane details”, and the stress associated with managing an online reputation while
keeping up with online “drama”.


President Obama visited an innovative middle school in central North Carolina on Thursday to demonstrate
the Internet-based education programs that he is proposing to make available nationwide. Speaking to an
audience of excited teenagers in a steamy gymnasium, Mr. Obama called on the Federal Communications
Commission to expand an existing program to provide discounted high-speed Internet service to schools
and libraries, even if it meant increasing the fees that for years had been added to consumers’ phone bills.
He said the initiative could lead to better technology at 99 percent of schools in five years.


The number of Indians killed in Latin America’s biggest country has been rising since 2002, a Brazilian
indigenous rights group said Saturday. The Roman Catholic Church-backed Indigenous Missionary Council
said 452 Indians were killed between 2002 and 2010 compared to 167 killed between 1995 and 2002. The
council said conflicts between ranchers and Indians who claim their ancestral lands are being occupied to
plant crops and raise cattle account for most of the killings.


Nearly 5,000 ancient cave paintings have been discovered in Burgos, Mexico. The red, white, black and
yellow images depict humans hunting, fishing and gathering, as well as animals such as deer, lizards and
centipedes. The 4,926 paintings were discovered in 11 different sites and are thought to have been created
by at least three groups of hunter gatherers.


Tarefa 40: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects 1 –

Passive voice

Let’s go back to the last excerpt from a newspaper article. Note the following underlined verb groups.
What do they have in common?

Nearly 5,000 ancient cave paintings have been discovered in Burgos, Mexico. The red, white, black and yellow images depict
humans hunting, fishing and gathering, as well as animals such as deer, lizards and centipedes. The 4,926 paintings were
discovered in 11 different sites and are thought to have been created by at least three groups of hunter gatherers.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 157

Both «have been discovered» and «were discovered» are in the passive voice. What is the passive voice?
What differentiates it from the active voice? For what purpose is it used in news discourse?

The passive voice refers to verb groups in which the focus is on the person or thing affected by the action,
and not about the person or thing doing the action; it is also used when it is not known or not relevant to
know who performs the action. Compare the following examples:

Active voice (voz ativa)

Cabral discovered Brazil.

Sujeito + verbo + objeto

In this case, we know who performed the action, that is, the subject of the action
seems be the main focus

Passive voice (voz passiva)

Brazil was discovered by Cabral.

(a)Sujeito (b) verbo to be (c)verbo principal (d)agente da passiva

In this case, the main focus is on the object that suffers the action, that is, Brazil

Note the following differences between the active and passive voices:

a) Sujeito: O objeto da ativa torna-se o sujeito da passiva.

b) Verbo To be: o verbo to be aparece no mesmo tempo do verbo principal da ativa (Past Simple).
c) Verbo principal: o verbo principal da ativa aparece no particípio passado (Past Participle).
d) Agente da passiva: o sujeito da ativa torna-se o agente da passiva, precedido pela preposição “by”.

Study some more examples:

1. They make computer chips in India (Active voice, Simple Present).

2. Computer chips are made in China (by them) (Passive voice, Simple Present).
3. Robots are replacing factory workers (Active voice, Present Continuous).
4. Factory workers are being replaced by robots (Passive voice, Present Continuous).
5. Archaeologists have found ancient cave paintings. (Active voice, Present Perfect Simple)
6. Ancient cave paintings have been found (by archaeologists) (Passive voice, Present
Perfect Simple).
7. The police were interrogating the suspects when the alarm went off.(Active voice,
Past Continuous).
8. The suspects were being interrogated (by the police) when the alarm went off. (Passive voice,
Past Continuous).
9. They had evacuated the building when the fire brigade arrived (Active voice, Past Perfect Simple).
10. The building had been evacuated (by them) when the fire brigade arrived (Passive voice, Past
Perfect Simple).
11. The car industry is going to create 5,000 jobs (Active voice, Future with going to).
12. 5,000 jobs are going to be created by the car industry (Passive voice, Future with going to).
13. Geneticists will have developed a new vaccine by 2015 (Active voice, Future Perfect).
14. A new vaccine will have been developed (by geneticists) by 2015 (Passive voice, Future Perfect).

158 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

As you may have noticed, in the passive voice the focus is on the object of the action (for example,
“computer chips ”in examples 1 and 2,“ the suspects ”, in examples 7 and 8,“ a new vaccine ”, in examples
13 and 14). On the other hand, the agent, in many cases, becomes unnecessary, as it does not bring any
new or relevant information, or can be inferred from the context of the situation; this is the case with
examples 2, 6, 8, 10 and 14, in which the agent was placed in parentheses (unlike examples 4 and 12, in
which the agent - “robots” and “the car industry”, respectively - can constitute important information).

Another point that deserves to be mentioned is that not all sentences can be written in the passive voice:
only sentences with transitive verbs are used in the passive voice. In other words, verbs that do not have
objects (intransitive) CANNOT be used in the passive voice, such as the verbs ‘‘arrive’’, ‘‘come’’, ‘‘die’’,
‘‘exist’’, ‘‘go’’, ‘‘happen’’, ‘‘live’’, ‘‘occur’’, ‘‘sleep’’, etc. So, we say “Michael slept” (“sleep” is an intransitive
verb), but never “Michael was slept”, for example.

From examples 1 to 14 above, you may have noticed that the passive voice is formed by the verb «to be»
and the Past participle of the main verb. The verb «to be» is conjugated according to the verb tense in
question, as you can see in the following table:

Verb to be + main verb (Past Participle)

Verb to be + verb (past participle)

Present Simple Sandy makes the pie. The pie is made by Sandy.

Present Continuous Sandy is making the pie. The pie is being made by Sandy.

Present Perfect Simple Sandy has made the pie. The pie has been made by Sandy.

Past Simple Sandy made the pie The pie was made by Sandy.

Past Continuous Sandy was making the pie. The pie was being made by Sandy.

Past Perfect Simple Sandy had made the pie. The pie had been made by Sandy.

Future (will) Sandy will make the pie. The pie will be made by Sandy.

Future (going to) Sandy is going to make the pie. The pie is going to be made by Sandy.

Future Perfect Sandy will have made the pie. The pie will have been made by Sandy.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 159

It is worth remembering that, on the one hand, the active voice puts the subject of the action in the
foreground (in the case of above examples, “Sandy”). In the passive voice the focus is on the object of
the action (“the pie”). The newspaper article where the first examples were taken from starts with the
following passive example: “Nearly 5,000 ancient cave paintings have been discovered in Burgos, Mexico ”.
Here the passive voice was used, because the reader should learn about the discovery itself, or the object
of that discovery (almost 5000 rupestrian paintings), NOT the author of the discovery, presumably a group
of archaeologists or paleontologists - in this case, that information is not as relevant as the discovery.
Imagine, for example, another situation: a bank robbery last night, widely reported in the media. Which
of the following alternatives would be likely to appear as newspaper headlines?

a) Someone robbed a bank

b) Thieves robbed a bank
c) An armed gang of five robbed a bank
d) A bank was robbed last night
e) Bank robbed last night

You must have eliminated options A and B, because what would interest the newspaper reader is what
happened, that is, the fact that the bank suffered a robbery - it is not known or relevant who committed
the crime. Option C, in turn, would be a good choice if the journalist wanted to call the reader’s attention
to the subject of the action, and the fact that the assault was committed by a gang of 5 (and not 7 or 8)
armed men. Option D could even be possible, but the most likely in this case would be alternative E - as we
have seen, it is common in this type of discourse practice to exclude articles (such as the indefinite article
“a”, in “a bank”) and auxiliary verbs (“was”, in “was robbed”).

Linguist and new literacies scholar Gee (2004), whom we already mentioned in the first module, provides
a good example of how the passive voice can be used to hide the author of a particular action, diverting
the reader’s attention. Gee, as we pointed out in Module 1, does not believe in neutrality of language or
speech. For him, all discourse practices are built from a perspective that influences the way we speak,
write, read and listen. The words that we choose and the order in which we use them is not free, as
they reveal our point of view and our perspective on the world, or position - not only physical, but also
cultural, social, historical and political. For Gee (2004, p.53), “Words and grammar exist to give people
alternative ways of seeing the same situation ”. That way, language is never neutral or totally objective, as
it serves to communicate perspectives in relation to experience and action in the world, often in contrast
to alternative and competing perspectives ”(GEE, 2004, p.53). To illustrate his thesis, the author gives the
following examples

• Microsoft’s new operating system is loaded with bugs.

• Microsoft has loaded its new operating system with bugs.

According to the author, the use of passive voice in the first example (“is loaded”) draws the reader’s
attention to the fact itself - the presence of computer failures («bugs») - in the mentioned operating system,
while in the second example the use of the active voice highlights the authorship of the action, blaming
Microsoft itself for these failures; in the first example, this responsibility is beside the point. Therefore, the
author concludes by saying that our lexical and syntactic choices reveal our views on experience, which
coexist with other points of view as we interact with our interlocutors in any discursive situation.

Next, you will find some exercises to help you become familiar with the passive voice structure. After
doing them, check your answers in the Anexo to Module 4.

160 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

1. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice:

a) The students wrote several e-mails.


b) Snow had covered the roof.


c) They are developing a new type of vaccine.


d) The government must enforce stricter laws.


e) The bellboy gave us the keys.


f) Students are not going to pay for the field trip.


g) They have built a fence around the farm.


h) The firemen were rescuing the victims during the storm.


i) People don’t respect the rights of the elderly in this country.


j) They had accused the suspect of blackmail twice before.


k) We will welcome visitors from all countries.


l) Hospitals are allowing pets into some wards.


m) They recycle domestic waste to produce fertilizers.


n) We should not judge people by the color of their skin.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 161


o) The storm uprooted many trees last night.


2. Complete the sentences using the verb given in the correct tense of the passive voice:

a) Penicillin ____________________by Alexander Fleming in 1928. (discover)

b) Statements ____________________from all the witnesses at this moment. (take)

c) Whales ______________________ by an international ban on whaling. (must protect)

d) The governor’s daughter’s wedding next month _______________________by Good Taste. (cater)

e) A Picasso __________________ from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.(steal)

f) ______________this washing machine _____________in Germany? (make)

g) Tea ______________in China for many centuries now. (grow)

h) When we reached the airport, we found that all the flights _____________due to the storm.

i) The fax _________________until tomorrow morning. (not send)

j) The soundtrack of a movie____________ always _______________ after the filming is finished.


k) The dogs _______________________ when they attacked the child. (feed)

l) Drug addicts _____________________ expert advice by psychologists. (should give)

m) The best Brazilian coffee ______ usually _________ to Europe. (export)

n) Several complaints _________________________ since the government announced the new

policy. (make)

o) Every year new information and communication technologies ______________ to the classroom.

3. Read the following newspaper headlines. Write them in full, using the Passive voice in the
appropriate verb tense:

EXAMPLE: Mandela Hospitalized Again for Lung Infection -> Mandela was hospitalized again for a lung

a. Number of Indians Killed in Brazil on the Rise

162 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


b. India: Army Officer Killed in Kashmir


c. Men Accused in Gang Rape Sent to Judicial Custody


d. Leak Found in Steel Tank for Water at Fukushima


e. Circumcision Device Approved by World Health Organization


Tarefa 41: Focusing on linguistic-communicative aspects2 –

Passive voice2

The previous tasks focused on the study of the passive voice. You probably remember that one of the
excerpts from newspaper articles had two examples of passive verbs:

Nearly 5,000 ancient cave paintings have been discovered in Burgos, Mexico. The red, white, black and yellow images depict
humans hunting, fishing and gathering, as well as animals such as deer, lizards and centipedes. The 4,926 paintings were
discovered in 11 different sites and are thought to have been created by at least three groups of hunter gatherers.

However, there is one more example of passive voice at the end of that paragraph:

The 4,926 paintings were discovered in 11 different sites and are thought to have been created by at least
three groups of hunter gatherers.

If we turn the passive voice in “The 4,926 paintings are thought to have been created by at least three
groups of hunter gatherers ” into the active voice, we will have something like“ Archaeologists think at
least three groups of hunter gatherers created the 4,926 paintings ”. In addition to ‘‘think’’ (Past Participle:
thought), other verbs used in this type of structure are ‘‘say’’ (Past Participle: said), ‘‘believe’’ (Past
Participle: believed), ‘‘know’’ (Past Participle: known), ‘‘report’’ (Past Participle: reported), ‘‘consider’’
(Past Participle: considered), ‘‘expect’’ (Past Participle: expected), ‘‘feel’’ (Past Participle: felt) and ‘‘allege’’
(Past Participle: alleged). Note the following examples:

a) People say that Jimmy Hendrix was self-taught (Active voice).

b) Jimmy Hendrix is said to have been self-taught OR It is said that Jimmy Hendrix was self-taught
(Passive voice).
c) Scientists believe that dinosaurs ruled the earth a million years ago (Active voice).
d) Dinosaurs are believed to have ruled the earth a million years ago OR It is believed that
dinosaurs ruled the earth a million years ago(Passive voice).
e) Scientists know that the Aztecs had sophisticated agricultural tools (Active voice).
f) The Aztecs are known to have had sophisticated agricultural tools OR It is known that the Aztecs
had sophisticated agricultural tools (Passive voice).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 163

g) The police reported that the victim probably met the murderer in a bar (Active voice).
h) The victim was reported to probably have met the murderer in a bar OR It was reported that
the victim probably met the murderer in a bar (Passive voice).
i) Journalists consider that Messi is the best football player in Europe nowadays (Active voice).
j) Messi is considered to be the best football player in Europe nowadays OR It is considered
that Messi is the best football player in Europe nowadays (Passive voice).
k) Journalists consider that Messi was the best player in the World Cup last year (Active voice).
l) Messi is considered to have been the best player in the World Cup last year OR It is considered
that Messi was the best player in the World Cup last year (Passive voice).
m) Economists expect that the financial crisis will end soon (Active voice).
n) The financial crisis is expected to end soon OR It is expected that the financial crisis will end
soon (Passive voice).
o) The lawyer alleges that O.J. Wilson acted in self-defence (Active voice).
p) O.J. Wilson is alleged to have acted in self-defence OR It is alleged that O.J. Wilson acted in
self-defence (Passive voice).

Compare examples i, j, k and l. As you may have noticed, in the present simple (Active voice: “Messi is the
best football player ”) the passive voice is formed with the use of the infinitive (Passive voice:“ Messi is
considered to be the best football player ”). On the other hand, in the simple past (Active voice: “Messi
was the best player in the World Cup ”) the passive voice is formed using the perfect infinitive (“ Messi
is considered to have been the best player ”), that is,“ to ”+ auxiliary verb“ have ”+ Past participle of the
main verb. It is important to note that this type of structure is especially common in journalistic texts, both
written and oral. Now let’s move on to the exercises. After completing them, check your answers in the
Anexo to module 4.

1. Rewrite the following sentences using the underlined words each time:


It is thought that Harumi Nakata is the oldest woman in the world.  Harumi Nakata is thought to be the
oldest woman in the world.

a) It is believed that vitamin C builds up your immunological system.

Vitamin C is _____________________________________________________

b) It was considered that the defendant had the intention of maiming the victim.

The defendant was________________________________________________

c) It is expected that another tornado will hit the Middle East of the U.S.

Another tornado is_________________________________________________

d) It was felt that the mayor took effective measures against violence.

The mayor is ____________________________________________________

e) It is known that the first immigrants arrived in this country three hundred years ago.

The first immigrants are____________________________________________

f) It was alleged that the driver had been drinking before crashing into another vehicle.

The driver was___________________________________________________

164 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

g) It is known that the company fired 450 employees to reduce costs.

The company is___________________________________________________

h) It was reported that 34 families are homeless after the floods.

34 families were__________________________________________________

i) It is alleged that juvenile delinquents come from dysfunctional families.

Juvenile delinquents are____________________________________________

j) It was said that the prisoners built a secret tunnel out of jail.

The prisoners were________________________________________________

k) It is expected that the company will make a lot of profit this year.

The company is___________________________________________________

l) It was believed that the thieves entered the shop through a window in the roof.

The thieves were__________________________________________________

m) It was thought that Nirvana inspired other bands from Seattle.

Nirvana was_____________________________________________________

n) It is felt that Brazil will eradicate famine in the north-east in the next 5 years.

Brazil is_________________________________________________________

o) It was considered that Elvis Presley was the most successful white male singer in the U.S.

Elvis Presley was_________________________________________________

2. Now read the following facts about captain Sir Richard Francis Burton, a famous English officer and
explorer in the 19th century, and then write Passive voice sentences using the model given in the example:

Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890) was an English diplomat, soldier, explorer,
geographer, cartographer, ethnologist, translator, writer, poet, linguist and spy. He was
famous for his travels in Asia, Africa and the Americas – he even traveled to Brazil in
1865, where he was based in Santos, and traveled through Brazil’s highlands. Among
his many feats, he was the first white explorer to have visited the holy city of Mecca,
and he also translated One Thousand and One Nights and the Kama Sutra in English for
the first time. Apparently, he had an outstanding knowledge of languages and cultures.

EXAMPLE: We know that Sir Richard Francis Burton was born in 1821. 

Sir Richard Francis Burton is known to have been born in 1821.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 165

a) We know that he spoke at least 29 European, African and Asian languages.

He is ___________________________________________________________

b) People say he lived in India for 7 years.

He is___________________________________________________________

c) They report that he participated actively in the cultures and religions of India.

He is___________________________________________________________

d) Historians allege that Richard’s criticism of the colonial policies of the British Empire cost him dear.


e) People consider that he had many habits that set him apart from other soldiers.

He is___________________________________________________________

f) They feel that Richard’s report of local sexual practices in India caused him a lot of trouble.

Richard’s report___________________________________________________

g) Historians say that he first met his future wife in Boulogne.

He is___________________________________________________________

h) People report he had mistresses while he lived in Africa.

He is___________________________________________________________

i) Some people think he earned the name “Ruffian Dick” for his bravery as a soldier.

He is___________________________________________________________

j) They believe that Richard was deeply familiar with Islamic traditions.

Richard is _______________________________________________________

For more exercises on the Passive voice, go to the following sites:

166 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 42: Discussion forum 2 - Readers’ posts

Nowadays many newspapers around the world are available in both printed and online versions. The New
York Times, for example, can be accessed on In this online version, readers
have the chance to post their comments on the news. Long or short, these posts often reflect the readers’
opinions about the subject, and can be written in response to other posts, agreeing or disagreeing,
endorsing other people’s views or rejecting them – as if readers were actually having a conversation.
For example, after reading the article “Brazil prepares for World Cup as criticism mounts over cost”, the
following readers posted the following comments. Read them and answer: which readers – “BrasilBranch”,
“Baccalieri”, “CabraMachoDaz”, “Crissy”, “theEclectic”, “watchingyoumedia” or “Happytravelling” – most
stronglydisagreewith each other on this topic?

BrasilBranch 09 June 2013 9:55pm

BBC got the Romario interview, which I hadn’t spotted before.

I was actually trying to find a link to his wonderful speech about the CBF, the World Cup and it being the Biggest Robbery in
Brazilian history (imagine that, in a country so corrupt that ex-president Lula has just spent about £30m on two huge ranches,
bought in the name of his son who has never earned more than about £500/month).

Romario’s shooting is as sharp in politics as it was in football, and he’s got balls as well.

Brazil needs more politicians like him, more people as brave as him.

The Manaus stadium will be rotten by 2016, falling to bits and no maintenance being done on it, no money spent. The opera
house was like that for quite a while, maybe the stadium could be a future tourist attraction too. Hmmm.

Interesting Manaus Fact: People who lived there during the rubber boom used to send their laundry to Portugal to be washed.
They thought the water around the city was too dirty for cleaning the white sheets and everything else. It used to return clean
6 months later. Quite a service wash.

Baccalieri 09 June 2013 10:46pm

@BrasilBranch - Agreed, Romario is coming across very well.

CabraMachoDaz 10 June 2013 4:14am

@BrasilBranch - quite agree BrasilBranch. After spending hours queuing in a shopping centre car park to collect a ticket (coloured
paper with a scrawled signature) so I could leave the underground car park to queue up in the shopping centre for another
couple of hours to get my Confed Cup tickets I am really looking forward to the World Cup. It’ll be an utter shambles! Couldn’t
organize a piss up in a brewery will be rephrased. That’s what I’m looking forward to!

Crissy 10 June 2013 10:12am

@CabraMachoDaz - Why dont you volunteer in the games and help them put it right? You know, I have some acquaintances
that are working very hard in Rio and São Paulo to put a wonderful game for the world to watch and all they don’t need at
the moment is this level of criticism: «It’ll be an utter shambles!» They are doing something so that the games will be nice for
everyone. nearly 12 hours a day of work. UNPAID. Just for the feeling of being PART of something that will be in the History of
our country. I was a volunteer at London 2012. It was terrible to read criticism like yours everyday in the papers too. It is very

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 167

bad when people are doing their best just for the sake of the community and then comes a person on an INTERNATIONAL
media outlet and says that «It’ll be an utter shambles!» What a shame!!! Disgusting!!!!

theEclectic 10 June 2013 12:41pm

@Crissy -

I was a volunteer at London 2012. It was terrible to read criticism like yours everyday in the papers too.
It is very bad when people are doing their best just for the sake of the community and then comes a
person on an INTERNATIONAL media outlet and says that «It’ll be an utter shambles!»

What? You offered your labour for free in exchange for (say) cold sandwich and fizzy drinks? No mate! I don’t see why anyone
would want to volunteer and work for free in a commercial venture accruing profit, which is subsequently shared among the

.. It is very bad when people are doing their best just for the sake of the community and then comes a
person on an INTERNATIONAL media outlet and says that «It’ll be an utter shambles!»

I agree with you, but this is what Western media are very good at. Remember South Africa, with even the cheeky Australians,
at one point, volunteering to host the event in Australia for South Africa. Not to mention the London Olympics until the Dave
Cameron flogged the UK critics into line with the «patriotism» whip. And indeed they all shut up -- to my surprise.

watchingyoumedia 10 June 2013 2:18pm

@BrasilBranch - And the rubber barons after exploiting the locals, asked the tyre USA firms to deposit the money in Switzerland.
The barons were so arrogant and despotic rich arses, that in one opportunity they contrated the famous opera singer Caruso
to sing in the Manaous Opera House.

Happytravelling 10 June 2013 8:11pm

@BrasilBranch - Sadly, this has had the look of a disaster in the making for some time now.

A year ago, I heard the cost had been $9bn. At that stage FIFA were still heavily critical and the rumour was Brazil could lose
the cup. FIFA had a clause saying they could change venue, without compensation, up to June 2012, if my memory serves me
correctly. FIFA were in particular upset about the gov/FA handing out free tickets to compensate tax payers and threatening to
bring in non FIFA sponsors... a serious crime in FIFA eyes...

Like SA, a number of Stadia will just prove to be white elephants (Capetown, Durban etc.) only I doubt FIFA will bail them out
(~$1bn), as they did SA.

Like SA and Poland/Ukraine, Brazil has assumed that by «spreading» the games around and not giving each group a stadium
as a base, as was traditional, they will make it prohibitively expensive for travelling fans and Brazil is already a pretty expensive
country. Not even S Americans go to Brazil for a «cheap» holiday anymore. Brazilians go to Argentina for that! I also saw an
official, can’t remember whether it was gov or FA representative saying they’d make $34bn from the world cup....

Crissy - It will be a great party the hangover looks like it will be severe, especially as Brazil’s economy is starting to stall. Massive
natural resources, a construction boom fueled by Olympics and World Cup and an economy starting to stall... sounds ominous.

Happytravelling 10 June 2013 8:12pm

@Happytravelling - And like SA, they WILL renege on the planned transport infrastructure. A year ago it was already conceded
airport upgrades wouldn’t happen

168 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Read the full article on and
answer the following question on the Discussion Forum:

What are the differences between the language used in the article and in the readers’ posts? For example,
you can comment on the use of punctuation, exclamation and interrogation marks. Which is more informal?
Which features of spoken language can you find in the extracts (e.g. omission of subject pronoun “I” in the
beginning of sentences; use of colloquial words and slang)? In which texts are the writer’s opinions more
clearly and explicitly expressed? Does the full article sound “neutral”? Why (not)?

Tarefa 43: Production forum 1–Posting comments on the web

Now read one of the following articles:

h t t p s : / / w w w. n y t i m e s . c o m / 2 0 2 0 / 0 2 / 1 2 / w o r l d / a s i a / c o r o n a v i r u s - c h i n a - c o v i d - 1 9 .

You are probably going to come across many words that you don’t know, so it’s better to look up some of
them in an online dictionary. Here are a few you could use:

When you finish reading the article you’ve chosen, write a personal comment (between 100 and 200
words) on it and post it on Moodle (Production Forum 1). Your tutor will help you make any corrections
and necessary improvements. After getting your tutor’s feedback, you should post your comment on the
blog Finally,read at least TWO of your colleagues’ posts and
comment on them (between 20 and 50 words).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 169

Tarefa 44: Listening comprehension- Telling and receiving

In everyday oral communication it is common for friends, acquaintances, relatives, workmates or even
strangers to exchange news and react to them in a conversation13. It could be a conversation about some
news they read in the newspaper or on the Internet, or watched on TV. Or it could also be something on a
more personal level, something they found out about a friend in common, for example.

You’re going to watch two videos. In the first one, Karen and Nicole are talking about one of the headlines
in Activity 39 (Atividade 3). In the second video, they are telling each other news about a friend in common.
In order to complete this task, you should follow these steps:

1st step: Watch the videos available on Moodle.

2nd step: Read the exercise on Moodle carefully.

3rd step: Watch the videos again and answer the exercise on Moodle. You should correct your own answers,
at the end of the activity, after you submit your answers by clicking on “send”. After you submit your
answers, you will have access to the correction. If you have any queries, talk to your tutor.

4th step: Listen to the videos again and repeat each expression.

1. Watch both videos and tick all the expressions you hear in the two videos:

Telling news:

( ) Have you heard about…?

( ) The other day I read/heard that…
( ) There’s something I have to tell you.
( ) Wait until you hear this.
( ) You’re not going to believe this.
( ) I read/heard something that I thought you might be interested in.
( ) I thought of you when I heard that…
( ) Did you know that…?

Receiving good or surprising news:

( ) Wow! That’s wonderful.

( ) I can’t believe it!
( ) No way!
( ) Are you kidding?
( ) You must be joking!
( ) Get out of town!
( ) I’m so happy for you.

13 Note that “news” means “notícias” in general, and always in the plural form; “news” is not used in its singular form,
“new”. If we want to say “uma notícia” for example, we say “a piece of news”, or “an item of news”. For more information, go

170 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

( ) I wouldn’t have guessed that.
( ) What a shock!
( ) I’m very glad to hear that.

Receiving bad news:

( ) I’m so sorry to hear that.

( ) I feel so bad for you.
( ) That’s awful. Is there anything I can do to help?
( ) I’ll keep you in my thoughts/prayers.
( ) I wish I could do something to help.
( ) What a tragedy!
( ) That’s too bad.

Tarefa 45: Intonation

Just as written language can be multimodal (a newspaper article, for example, is usually accompanied
by images, and also involve other modes such as the layout, the choice of fonts and the use of colors),
oral communication is also multimodal, since it involves modes like tone of voice, volume, pace and body
language as well. One of these modes of oral communication is pitch. When we speak it’s important to use
the appropriate intonation, as we may sound interested or uninterested in what our interlocutor is telling
us, depending on the intonation we use.

Listen to Nicole saying the expressions below. Which of them sound as if she is interested in her interlocutor’s
news? Which of them sound uninterested? Pay attention to Nicole’s facial expressions, as they will also
help you decide whether she’s interested or not. Write (I) for interested, and (U) for uninterested. Then,
check your answers in the Appendix (Anexo do módulo 4).

( ) Wow! That’s wonderful.

( ) I can’t believe it!
( ) No way!
( ) Get out of town!
( ) I’m so happy for you.
( ) I wouldn’t have guessed that.
( ) What a shock!
( ) I’m very glad to hear that.
( ) I’m so sorry to hear that.
( ) I feel so bad for you.
( ) What a tragedy!
( ) That’s too bad.

Now listen and repeat each of the expressions above, paying attention to your pitch (intonation).

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 171

Tarefa 46: Production forum 2–Reacting to news

In this task,you’re going to watch and listen to Karen and Nicole telling you some news. Listen and respond,
using one of the expressions above (“Receiving good or surprising news” and “Receiving bad news”) and
the appropriate intonation. You should record your answers in a podcast and post it on the production
forum. Your tutor will correct your task and give you feedback on how to improve pronunciation and
grammar. Don’t forget to listen to at least one of your colleagues’ podcasts and write a comment.

Tarefa 47: Vocabulary (collocation)

In the previous module, you had the opportunity to study some COLLOCATIONS, or fixed combinations of
frequently used words, which end up crystallizing over time, because of frequent use, so that they sound
natural. In Portuguese, for example, we can “tomar um lanche”, “tomar medidas’’, ’’tomar um ônibus’’,
but not ‘‘tomar um resfriado’’ for example. Likewise, in English we say “fast food”, but not “quick food” or
“fast meal” (the correct would be “quick meal”).

In Task 39 (Activities 3 and 4), the newspaper excerpts you read contained several examples of collocations
such as:

“Mobile foreign prostitutes set up shop on streets of London”

“Number of Indians killed in Brazil on the rise”

“Rehana Kausar, 34, and Sobia Kamar, 29, took their vows at a registry office in Leeds”

“A significant proportion said that they were from Romania”

“At great expense, they shipped construction materials across the Atlantic”

As already mentioned in Module 3, it is important to learn as many collocations as possible, as it is possible

to express ourselves more naturally using them. Furthermore, it is easier for us to learn these combinations
or groups of words than isolated words. So whenever you’re reading a text or watching a movie, try to pay
attention to collocations like “quick meal”, “take vows” or “significant proportion”. The following exercise
will help you learn some of them.

Fill in the gaps with take, make, do, go, or get. Remember to use the correct verb tenses. After filling in
the gaps, complete the following table with the collocations you’ve learnt. Then,check your answers in the
appendix (Anexo do módulo 4):

1. In this exercise you will ______ the chance to learn some collocations in English.

2. He was offered a job in Saudi Arabia and ______ a chance on this opportunity to make money

172 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

abroad. Now he’s much better off.

3. Just try to pay more attention to what you’re doing – you have already ______ the same mistake

4. The Government are still unable to understand the reasons for the protests that _______ place all
over the country two weeks ago.

5. We’ve been working round the clock since yesterday morning. Why don’t we _____ a break?

6. On her 15th birthday she _______ a gold ring from her parents.

7. He was ________ me a favour when he offered to take my cat to the pet.

8. There’s no need to hurry, it’s still early. ______ your time.

9. Two new patients have just started therapy this week: one ______ blind as a consequence of
glaucoma, and the other ______ deaf because of a serious infection.

10. Thirty-six people were arrested by the police this morning for _______ part in the demonstrations
against the government.

11. Now that Module 4 is finishing, I feel that my English has ______ a lot of progress.

12. I _______ very well in the exams last week, but some of my colleagues ______ badly.

13. If the new shop doesn’t _____ a profit soon, they will go out of business.

14. Peter works from 9 to 5 in a bank and _____ freelance jobs in the evening.

15. Peter’s friends and family are proud of him and believe he will _______ far.

16. My boss said my project is good. He just asked me to _______ a few changes.

17. According to the doctor, drinking two litres of water everyday will _____ you good, but drinking
water in excess can ______ you harm.

18. Can I just _______ a suggestion? Why don’t you paint the ceiling a different colour?

19. In my family everyone helps in the house: my father _____ the cooking, I ______ the dishes and my
brother _______ the garden.

20. Now it all _______ sense! The thieves just set off the fireworks to distract the police.

21. The company _______ permissionfromthecounciltostartbuilding.

22. It seems as if my computer has ______ crazy – the on/off switch doesn’t stop glowing.

23. Don’t ______ me wrong, but I think you should look for another job. You don’t look satisfied with
your present job.

24. You should ______ care to turn off all the equipment next time – you left the computer on last

25. I don’t know if I can finish the job in one day, but I’ll _____ my best.

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 173


For more exercises on collocations, go to the following websites:

Tarefa 48: Production forum 3 - Fake news

For this Forum you’re going to attend a videoconference about ‘‘fake news’’. Use some of the ideas
mentioned in the videoconference to record and post a 4-6 minute podcast about ‘‘fake news’’ (in the
videoconference we will give you some suggestions about fake news related topics). Also, use at least two
of the collocations from Tarefa 46, as well as some passive voice sentences.

After posting your podcast, listen to at least TWO of your colleagues’ podcasts and record short comments
on them. Try to use some of the expressions for ‘‘Receiving good or surprising news’’ or ‘‘Receiving bad
news’’ from the previous task, with the appropriate intonation.

174 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

Tarefa 49: Discussion forum 3 - Tabloids x Serious

Our next (and last) Discussion Forum on Moodle is based on articles from three different newspapers: The
New York Times, The Independent and The Daily Mail. Two of them are considered serious, respected and
high quality newspapers, whereas one of them is a tabloid. In England and in the U.S., a tabloid is usually
full of sensational stories about crime, gossip and celebrities’ lives.

Here are the articles published in The New York Times, The Independent and The Daily Mail, respectively,
one day after a tornado hit the U.S recently and caused many families to lose everything they had:

Read the three articles and answer the following questions (remember to use an online dictionary to
help you with unknown vocabulary). Then, post your answers on the Discussion Forum. Don’t forget to
comment on your colleague’s answers.

a) Which of the newspapers, The New York Times, The Independent and The Daily Mail, do you think
is a tabloid? Which two newspapers are more serious and respected? Why?

b) What are the differences between the tabloid and the serious newspapers? Think in terms of:

• The use of images

• The amount of printed text
• The headlines
• The length of the articles
• The lay-out
• The level of formality oflanguage use
• The choice of words
• The use of Passive voice (can you find examples of Passive voice in all the three articles?)

Tarefa 50: Discussion forum 4 – End of course feedback

Now that you’ve come to the end, it’s time to post your opinions on the course. What do you think the most
relevant and/or the least relevant points of the course were? Is there anything that you found particularly
difficult, and would like to practice further? Do you have any suggestions for the next courses?

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 175




Image A (4), Image B(6), Image C(1), Image D (5) or (8),

Image E (2), Image F (8), Image G (2), (6) Image H(7)



Brazil prepares for World Cup as criticism mounts over cost ( D ) ( 8 )

Teenagers ‘burdened’ by Facebook are turning to Twitter says new study ( A ) ( 4 )

A degree too close to home? Call for price cut If students go local ( ) ( 1 )

Archaeologists uncover nearly 5,000 cave paintings in Burgos, Mexico ( B ) ( 6 )

Obama promises to have high-speed internet in most schools in 5 years ( C ) ( 1 ou 4 )

Mobile foreign prostitutes set up shop on streets of London ( E ) ( 2 )

Paul Wellens hopes to pull another win out of hat on Magic Weekend ( ) ( 5 )

Britons sink deeper into depression over debt ( ) ( 3 )

Britain fails to convince EU states to send arms to Syrian rebels ( F ) ( 8 )

Pakistani women Rehana Kausar and Sobia Kamar marry in Britain’s first Muslim
( G ) ( 2 )
lesbian partnership

Warming threatens safety on Mont Blanc ( H ) ( 7 )

Number of Indians killed in Brazil on the rise ( ) ( 8 )

176 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


a) Brazil prepares for World Cup as criticism mounts over cost (Present Simple)
b) Teenagers ‘burdened’ by Facebook are turning to Twitter says new study (Present Continuous,
Present Simple)
c) A degree too close to home? Call for price cut if students go local (Imperativo, Present Simple)
d) Archaeologists uncover nearly 5,000 cave paintings in Burgos, Mexico (Present Simple)
e) Obama promises to have high-speed Internet in most schools in 5 years (Present Simple)
f) ‘Mobile’ foreign prostitutes set up shop on streets of London (Present Simple)
g) Paul Wellens hopes to pull another win out of hat on Magic Weekend (Present Simple)
h) Britons sink deeper into depression over debt (Present Simple)
i) Britain fails to convince EU states to send arms to Syrian rebels (Present Simple, Infinitive)
j) Pakistani women Rehana Kausar and Sobia Kamar marry in Britain’s first Muslim lesbian
partnership (Present Simple)
k) Warming threatens safety on Mont Blanc (Present Simple)
l) Number of Indians killed in Brazil on the rise (“killed” is a Past Participle form; the main verb of
the headline, “is”, was omitted – “(is) on the rise” – Present Simple)


HEADLINESC (example), J, H, I, K, F, G, A, B, E, L, D



a) Several emails were written by the students.

b) The roof had been covered by snow.
c) A new type of vaccine is being developed.
d) Stricter laws must be enforced by the government.
e) We were given the keys by the bellboy.
f) The field trip is not going to be paid for by the students.
g) A fence has been built around the farm.
h) The victims were being rescued by the firemen during the storm.
i) The rights of the elderly are not respected in this country.
j) The suspect had been accused of blackmail twice before.
k) Visitors from all countries will be welcomed.
l) Pets are being allowed into some wards by hospitals.
m) Domestic waste is recycled to produce fertilizers.
n) People should not be judged by the color of their skin.
o) Many trees were uprooted by the storm last night.


a) Was discovered
b) Are being taken
c) Must be protected
d) Will be catered/ is going to be catered
e) Was stolen/has been stolen
f) Was, made

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 177

g) Has been grown
h) Had been cancelled
i) Will not be sent/ will not have been sent
j) Is, added
k) Were being fed
l) Should be given
m) Is, exported
n) Have been made
o) Are brought


a) The number of Indians who were killed in Brazil is on the rise.

b) In India, an army officer was killed in Kashmir
c) The men who were accused in a gang rape were sent to judicial custody
d) A leak was found in a steel tank for water at Fukushima
e) A circumcision device was approved by the World Health Organization



a) Vitamin C is believed to build up your immunological system.

b) The defendant was considered to have had the intention of maiming the victim.
c) Another tornado is expected to hit the Middle East of the U.S.
d) The mayor is felt to have taken effective measures against violence.
e) The first immigrants are known to have arrived in this country three hundred years ago.
f) The driver was alleged to have been drinking before crashing into another vehicle.
g) The company is known to have fired 450 employees to reduce costs.
h) 34 families were reported to be homeless after the floods.
i) Juvenile delinquents are alleged to come from dysfunctional families.
j) The prisoners were said to have built a secret tunnel out of jail.
k) The company is expected to make a lot of profit this year.
l) The thieves were believed to have entered the shop through a window in the roof.
m) Nirvana was thought to have inspired other bands from Seattle.
n) Brazil is felt to eradicate famine in the north-east in the next 5 years.
o) Elvis Presley was considered to have been the most successful white male singer in the U.S.


a) He is known to have spoken at least 29 European, African and Asian languages.

b) He is said to have lived in India for 7 years.
c) He is reported to have participated actively in the cultures and religions of India.
d) Richard’s criticism of the colonial policies of the British Empire is alleged to have cost him dear.
e) He is considered to have had many habits that set him apart from other soldiers.
f) Richard’s report of local sexual practices in India is felt to have caused him a lot of trouble.
g) He is said to have first met his future wife in Boulogne.
h) He is reported to have had mistresses while he lived in Africa.
i) He is thought to have earned the name “Ruffian Dick” for his bravery as a soldier.
j) Richard is believed to have been deeply familiar with Islamic traditions.

178 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano


( I ) Wow! That’s wonderful.

( U ) I can’t believe it!
( I ) No way!
( I ) Get out of town!
( U ) I’m so happy for you.
( I ) I wouldn’t have guessed that.
( U ) What a shock!
( I ) I’m very glad to hear that.
( I ) I’m so sorry to hear that.
( U ) I feel so bad for you.
( I ) What a tragedy!
( I ) That’s too bad.


1. get
2. took
3. made
4. took
5. take
6. got
7. doing
8. take
9. went, went
10. taking
11. made
12. did, did
13. make
14. does
15. go
16. make
17. do, do
18. make
19. does, do, does
20. makes
21. got
22. gone
23. get
24. take
25. do

Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano 179

care a profit one’s best
a chance progress a favour blind/ deaf the chance
someone good or
place changes crazy permission
something from
a break a suggestion well or badly far
the dishes, the
your time sense cooking, the someone wrong
part mistakes jobs

180 Práticas Discursivas do Cotidiano

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