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Book review / International Journal of Project Management 19 (2001) 189±193 191

Successful Project Management the measure for success. This doesn't go anywhere near
Milton Rosenau, John Wiley, 1998, 343 pp. ISBN: 0 471 discussing the various interpretations of success from
29304 0, £40.95 the di€erent stakeholder viewpoints. The chapters on
project planning spend much time on tools such as net-
My main comment when I receive a book of 350 work diagrams and bar charts. They provide nothing
pages purporting to tell the reader how to successfully new on planning a project which hasn't been covered
manage projects is that it probably covers only a fraction many times before.
of the requirements and skills of a successful project Part 3 entitled `Leading the people who work on the
manager. A look at the debate on the various bodies of project' is about how a project is organised Ð organi-
knowledge will show that there is no universal agreement sation structures, recruitment, support team
on the skills and these skills are very wide-ranging. structures Ð rather than leadership although there is a
There are many issues that such a book cannot possibly brief discussion on motivation, stimulating creativity and
cover in any great depth. Added to that, books tend to communication. The parts on monitoring and project
concentrate on the planning aspects of project manage- completion are factual with little analysis of the key issues.
ment and gloss over (and some may say more important) The book is aimed at people who are professionals in
aspects (such as success criteria, con®guration manage- a discipline (such as an engineer, a computer pro-
ment, quality). I feel that this book is no exception. grammer, oce administrator) who have no experience
The book has an introductory chapter on projects and in project management but need these skills to achieve
the project management process. The book is then an organisational goal. From that point of view it would
structured into ®ve main parts: be useful as a primer, although it would have bene®ted
greatly from a bibliography if the reader wished to
1. goal de®nition (3 chapters); investigate certain issues in more depth. It is written in a
2. project planning (7 chapters); very readable style with many illustrations and exam-
3. leadership (5 chapters); ples. However, I do not see the book appearing on the
4. project monitoring (5 chapters); library bookshelves of any academic institutions. I
5. project completion (2 chapters). wouldn't expect to see it appearing on a reading list for
a project management subject. It doesn't say anything
There is a sixth part of four chapters examining other new that would interest academics or students.
project management issues such as small projects, new At over £40 it is rather over-priced for the value it
product development and project management software. would give to the reader. It is written from the author's
Each chapter is a separate topic and includes a summary extensive industrial experience and is a useful initial
of typical problems, a case study (the Materials Study introduction into project management for those new to
Project) and a summary of highlights. the discipline. However, there are many other books
It is good that the book stresses the importance of that provide the same introduction.
strategy and success criteria when de®ning the project
goals. However, the Triple Constraint of time, cost and J. Wateridge
performance (similar to the Iron Triangle) is quoted as The Business School, Bournemouth University, UK

PII: S0263-7863(99)00054-X

Financial Protection in the UK Building Industry parent company guarantees; professional indemnity insur-
Will Hughes, Patricia Hillebrandt, John Murdoch. A & ance; collateral warranty; inherent defects insurance;
F N Spon, 1998, 189 pp. ISBN: 0 419 24290 2, £65 insurance of the contract works.
The over-riding message of the text is that this is a
This book is based on an academic research project, complex area, and one which merits careful study.
and accordingly has the structure that one expects for Moreover the implication is that the whole subject is
such a report. It is an impressive piece of work and tackles somewhat confused with many overlapping areas, with the
a problem area which has not been widely written about. potential for unnecessary duplication and/or omissions.
The subject of ®nancial protection is looked at from many There is clearly scope for lawyers to advise on the way
standpoints including the insolvency of any one of the to ensure protection, but this is something that should
parties to a contract; the failure to perform by any party; really be undertaken by quantity surveyors. However it
the problems of late, incomplete or total non-payment; is in the interest of clients and consultants to be fully
the failure of main contractors to pass on payment on aware of the pitfalls and the means of protecting against
time; retention money: performance bonds; demand bonds; them. The report concludes that overall, clients are

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