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Task Force Report, December 23, 2006

Jay Cooper
ACS Colorectal Cancer Screening CD Revision Project

The following is a list of revisions that have been made to each of the American Cancer
Society Colorectal Cancer CDs.

Lay Version of the Presentation

Old Slide New Slide Revisions

Number Number
2 2 - “In 2006, it is estimated that 2040 Iowans will develop
colorectal cancer. This represents 13% of all the cases
of cancer, which will develop in Iowa each year.
- This slide introduces the concept of average versus
high risk without explaining difference, wrote in Notes
that this will be explained later in the presentation
- Text for average risk was highlighted in yellow.
- Text for high risk was highlighted in red.
3 3 - “It was estimated that 660 Iowans will die from
colorectal cancer in 2006. This represents about 10%
of all cancer-related deaths.”
5 -- - Slide was deleted, as it duplicated Slide 2.
6 5 - In the notes, added, “How do you determine whether
your risk is average or high?”
- On slide, replaced “more than average” with “higher”
- In notes, added, “Even if you do not fit into the high
risk category, you should be screened. People can
develop colorectal cancer even without any
7 6 - On slide, replaced “more than average” with “higher”
8 7 - All capital letters sometimes makes things hard to
read. Changed the slide text to a more normal capital
and lower-case scheme.
9 8 - Did away with the legend and put the Before 50/After
50 labels with the percentages on the graph
- 93% after age 50, not 94%
- 7% before age 50, not 6%
10 9 - Changed white section of graph to blue.
- Changed “Listen Up” to “Attention”
11 10 - Fixed “years” text, so that it all is on one line in the
12 11 - Relative survival rate is 91%, adjusted for normal life
expectancy – changed from the 95% in the slide.
13 12 - Explained in the notes what the technical abbreviations
stand for.
- Changed “Center” to “Centers” for Disease Control
and Prevention
15 14 - Stage 0: 100%
- Stage 1: 96%
- Stage 2: 84%
- Stage 3: 65%
- Stage 4: 8%
- Early diagnosis percent is 60%
- Late diagnosis percent is 40%
- Dukes information was removed, to reduce clutter
- Information from SEER*Stat Version 6.2.4
16 15 - Added to cost segment that some people wait until 65
to be screened because Medicare will cover screening.
- BRFSS data suggests people do not seek screening due
to low education level, very low income, and because
around 5% believe that colorectal cancer is a high
problem. Added this to notes.
- Rephrased comments on slide so they appear more like
patient comments, so that this can be a more
interactive slide.
18 17 - Inserted into the first line of the second bullet in the
Notes: “given cards like these pictured in the slide”
- Inserted into the second sentence in the second bullet:
“The cards with the three small stool samples are
- Inserted into the second sentence in the second bullet:
“from blood and some foods which may be in the stool
19 18 - Inserted into the last line of the second bullet in the
Notes: “as far as the tube used for a colonoscopy
which is another screening test for colorectal cancer.”
21 20 - Added to notes, “When used in combination, flexible
sigmoidoscopy and fecal occult blood tests can catch
nearly 3 out of 4 of all polyps and cancerous cells.”
22 21 - Changed “The” to “This” at the beginning of the
second sentence in the Notes.
- Deleted “one” in parenthetical phrase in the fifth line
of the Notes.
- Inserted “which is” before the work linked in the sixth
line of the Notes.
- Deleted “their” and “self” in the last line of the first
bullet in the Notes.
- Changed picture of the “examines entire colon” from
picture of colonoscopy equipment to picture of the
23 22 - Added “as grey areas” after the phrase “on the film” in
the third line of the first bullet in the Notes.
- Changed “your” to “the patient’s” personal physician
in the fourth line of the first bullet on the Notes.
- Explained “barium stools” in the second to the last
sentence of the first bullet of the Notes.
- Changed the last sentence of the first bullet of the
Notes by changing “Following the exam” to “During
this time”.
24 23 - Added bullets to indicate different points in the Notes
section of the slide.
25 24 - Added information about availability and cost to the
Notes section.
- Defined CT and CAT in the Notes.
- Deleted “virtual colonoscopy” from the second line of
the second bullet
- Inserted “the” between while and patient in the fourth
line of the second bullet of the Notes.
- Defined 3D image in the Notes.
26 25 - Changed “This” to “The” in the third bullet of the
28 27 - In the notes section, added: “Note that the cost of these
tests ranges from $10 to $1500, depending on the test
and type and amount of insurance coverage. Consult
your insurance plan or provider to determine which
tests are covered.”
-- 29 - Made new slide stating that, “Insurance covers most, if
not all kinds of screening. Consults your insurance
plan or provider to determine which tests are covered.
Screening should begin at age 50, not at age 65 when
Medicare begins.”
31 31 - Highlighted Average Risk text in yellow.
- Highlighted High Risk text in red.
33 33 - In notes, added: “If you don’t see your physician
regularly, call and make an appointment today to
discuss your screening options.”
- Changed graphic from tissue to tumor.
35 35 - Added Dr. Wolfe and Dr. Thompson to the list of

Professional Version of the Presentation – Long Version

Slide Number Planned Revisions

1 - Changed graphic to picture of a tumor
- Inserted “screening” between “cancer” and “task in the last line
of the Notes.
2 - Changed graphic to picture of a tumor
- Deleted “through” in the first line of the third sentence in the
3 - Changed NSAID’s to NSAIDs
- Add to Notes that diet modification, vitamin E, and folic acid
have not been shown in analysis to prevent the formation of
colorectal cancer – in fact, folic acid might help in the
development of colorectal cancer!
- Changed “prevention” to “preventive” in the last line of the
5 - 148,610 (in 2006) new cases will be diagnosed in the U.S.
- Occurs in 6% of population (1 in 18)
- Second leading cause
- 55,170 deaths/year, 5-year mortality 33%
- Changed tense in the Notes.
6 - Changed 94% to 91%
- Changed wording to “relative survival rate (adjusted for normal
life expectancy)”
7 - Changed last sentence in the Notes: “examinations which lead to
the removal of polyps”
8 - Inserted acronyms after all technical terms in the Notes.
11 - Updated slide with most recent BRFSS data
12 - Updated slide with most recent BRFSS data
13 - Stage 0: 100%
- Stage 1: 96%
- Stage 2: 84%
- Stage 3: 65%
- Stage 4: 8%
- Early diagnosis percent is 60%
- Late diagnosis percent is 40%
- Title changed to “5-Year Relative Survival Rate* for Iowa
Patients Diagnosed with CRC Between 1995-2001” with
“*Adjusted for normal life expectancy” added to bottom
- Original statement in box (“Screening saves lives through early
diagnosis and treatment”) at bottom deleted
- Inserted “Stage 0” before “Stage I” in the Notes.
- Changed “that stage” to “these stages” in the Notes.
- Changed 50% to 65% in the Notes.
- Citation from “SEER*Stat Version 6.2.4” added to the slide.
14 - Included point that people are not screened until 65, because they
wait to be covered by Medicare before getting screened.
- Cited reference for information on the slide (BRFSS, 2004).
- Added that “about half of the respondents said their health care
professional ever talked with them about colorectal cancer
screening” and “of those who receive a recommendation for
colorectal cancer screening from their physician, 75% say they
get the test”.
- Deleted “and the procedure” after “cleansing” in the Notes.
- Inserted “which” after “cleansing” in the Notes.
15 - Deleted “the” and inserted “a” before the word “test” in the first
line of the Notes.
17 - Updated graph with information from Iowa Cancer Registry
from: http://www.public-
health.uiowa.edu/shri/images/charts/Age Color.gif
- Changed “colon cancer” to “colorectal cancer” in the Notes.
- Changed “diagnoses” to “diagnosed” in the Notes.
- Changed caption to the slide: “It shows that 94% of cases are
diagnosed after age 50 and 74% after age 65.”
18 - Deleted the second occurrence of “recommended” in the first
line of the Notes.
19 - Inserted: “Although Medicare covers colorectal cancer
screening, a person should not wait until age 65 (when Medicare
coverage begins) to seek screening. Most insurance providers
cover some, if not all costs of screening. Patients should consult
their insurance plan or provider for more information.
- Changed HMO’s to HMOs.
- Inserted “cancer” after colorectal in the first line of the Notes.
20 - Deleted reference to barium enema in the last line of the Notes.
21 - Inserted “showing that FOBT is an appropriate and” after
“mortality” in the Notes.
25 - “Pro’s” changed to Pros
- “Con’s” changed to Cons
26 - Defined the term “contrast”
29 - Changed the photo referencing the entire colon from the picture
of the colonoscopy equipment to a picture of the colon.
30 - Changed the photo referencing the entire colon from the picture
of the colonoscopy equipment to a picture of the colon.
33 - Inserted data from SECAP study
34 - Removed as many abbreviations as possible
- Updated graph from National Endoscopy Database
- Used “The” instead of “These” at the beginning of the second
sentence in the Notes.
- Changed “should be continues” to “should be continued” in the
37 - 300 pts. fixed to match other text on the slide
42 - Inserted “of” after “accumulation” in the Notes.
48 - Removed question mark after polyps
54 - Changed “colon” to “colorectal” cancer in the Notes.
56 - Added information about the perfect test: high sensitivity, high
specificity, low cost, and non-invasive.
58 - Added to Notes: “Costs are different for each insurance provider,
Medicare, and screening provider. Patients should consult their
insurance plan or provider to obtain full details on cost and
coverage of colorectal cancer screening tests.”
60 - Changed graphic to picture of a tumor
- Changed “preventative” to “preventive” in the Notes.
61 - Changed “Center” to “Centers” for Disease Control and

Professional Version of the Presentation – Short Version

Removed slides 9, 15, 16, 21, 24, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51

Material from slide 15 was moved to the Notes section of slide 14.

Slides 20 and 21 were combined.

Material from slide 24 was moved to the Notes section of slide 23.

Material from slide 31 was moved to the Notes section of slide 30.

Slide 34 was summarized briefly in the Notes section.

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