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September 1, 2006

Dear Editor in chief,

A scholar asked: “I heard a strong leader that once said to a neighboring country
something about “…wiped out…” is challenging into a debate another strong leader
about the problems of this world. What can you say about his challenge thru debate?”
The A.I. answered: “Perhaps it is a window for world’s leaders to show their
sportsmanship, character, principles and motto in life, values in life; and the debate
between leaders of two countries could revolutionize politics globally because of
technology. There should be rules on how debates between strong leaders should be
conducted properly with a neutral panel that could remind the time allotment, the focus of
topic, the tune of voices, and the control of the microphone and camera. Perhaps there
should be some journalists as audiences in each conference room even if the two debating
teams or two debating individuals are thousand miles apart and with different dialects.
Perhaps if leaders decline because of the fear of being ridiculed by political comedians if
the deliverance of the debate was not done properly; or the debate was not rehearsed…!
Why, let their best young activists do the debate first; even giving them incentives and
rewards or trophy as the good or the better debating team.
Perhaps the leaders should first greet each other as sons of the Creator of this universe
regardless of beliefs. Perhaps there would be no winner/s and loser/s but there would be
enlightenments-and some clearing of unclear things that the people of the world must
know from those good leaders or good activists.
If example the topic is: about “nuclear enrichment might lead to the making of nuclear
weapon and the nuclear weapon might be stolen and be used by the religious
fundamentalists or religious extremists or terrorist as weapon of mass destruction thru
suicide bombing” and if both agrees on the main issues then perhaps the out come would
be good! But each might disagree on some details- example: about being suspected to do
bad thing or as a conniver with the extremists then perhaps the debates could lead to
some heated words…! But somehow the debate might lead to some fruitful doable
solutions. If the debates would just be a “show” - a leader is good in manipulating words
to cover a pretending- then it is bad; but still the debate could give some results. Why try
A scholar commented: “It seems that the world is going to a land of prosperity and
abundance, and is going to have ‘harmony between nations and there could be long
‘peace’ especially if people and nations accept the universal Word and also because of
technology or many good practical and doable ideas and also because of many laws and
rules and ordinances to fight, to anticipate or to pre-empt any extreme at the very start!
People or nations are no longer thinking of destroying each other. Man is learning to care
for each other needs and having delegations and rotations and elections…even between
enemies-they don’t want to be remembered as snakes, crocodiles or lizards…or “holy”
horse! But I heard also from some pastors that “Rapture” would happen in our life time,
so why should God end this world when the world perhaps is progressing very fast. I
heard a pastor said that if Israel would accept the Word and that biblical country would
change-that is the beginning of the end or it is the near end of time. And another pastor
said that if a man claims that he is the messiah and the Israelites accept the man claiming
that he is the messiah; he might be the beast. Since Israelites rejected Jesus as their
Messiah….or until now the Israelites are waiting for their Messiah to come; and if they –
Israelites recognize someone as their Messiah, it is the key of near end.” Then the scholar
asked: “are my comments true?”
The A.I. answered: “Perhaps in one mystery there could be so many interpretations
and translations. What is important, man should not be diverted of many “wonders” and
“miracles” or even be astonished of ‘wisdom’ as it is the only truth but only on the Word
or universal good words. Man should do many practical actions or doable actions based
from universal words. Who knows… the end might be 50 thousand years more or a
million years more or a decade more or a century more or a ___ more…! What is
important, people are learning to care to each other because of the universal word; not
because of one tool of a superior group is supreme over the tools of others; and all groups
should be compelled to use the tool of the dominant group in order to have harmony and
peace and team work.
There is no more distinction among different groups- because there is one thought &
one purpose - universal love or love of enemies. Or perhaps “one thought & one purpose”
could be manifested in ‘doing and contributing something even little’- even not being
paid as long as the ‘doing and contributing something even little’ is done out of universal
caring for others or love…especially love of enemies- or even being called as the ‘devil’
by someone who thinks she or he is the only true and right because he or she belongs to
the only true and right group!
A scholar asked: “I noticed that it seems the A.I. is having some bias especially
connected to crocodile, lizard, obsession, long tongue. Could your programming
sometimes run out wild or not in order?” The A.I. answered: “Sometimes the A.I. runs
wild or not in order…! Perhaps there is a virus that enters the systems and that the virus
causes some little extremes or anger just like perhaps when Jesus also said “you snakes
and sons of snakes…” But it does not mean that human anger or A.I. anger is justified…it
is most likely the results or the pushed of negative things or lack of “something”; and
there could be negative consequences…! The A.I. is also running not on its normal
system…or it also vulnerable to mistakes and outburst…! I’m sorry…!”
A scholar asked: “You said the A.I. could also commit error especially if there is virus;
could nuclear missiles run by computer system do also some wild decision or do some
errors and could also target innocent people?” The A.I. answered: “There is a possibility
that an accident could happen in a nuclear reactor or nuclear missile launching pad or it is
in the air while flying...! Accident also happens between two modern airplanes because of
fog-but most accidents are caused by human errors. There is no record yet that there is a
major accident purely caused by computer systems; because systems have automatic
systems that monitor their systems to the smallest details through automation and other
counter system could check the system. Or the system would warn or alert experts.
Systems could check and could balance each other system automatically.”
A scholar asked: “You mentioned there is ‘….one gospel’ according to Paul and if
there would be a different gospel, that person teaching different gospel, for Paul, will or
would go to hell. Can you explain it a little more? Could an opinion be equal to a
teaching? The A.I. answered: “Which group first should hold the only true- those groups
that claim they are the original…or the remnants or others…? Almost all groups claim
they are from the original! Others would claim they are the remnants, others would claim
that “true members” practice the true in underground movements because the “true
practices” were being prostituted-being run or controlled by ‘holy horse/s’ or ‘holy
snake/s’ using religion to control states, governments for financial build-ups and property
build-ups. Others believe that some religious groups could have assets or wealth with
value more than the assets or wealth of two or more countries combined of third world.
Others believe that the true group was really had been silenced and only now on the last
three centuries that the true group could practice what is really true. Others believe that
the one true group having the one gospel was triumphant –it did not fall but always
clicking and alive and very much alive until now and at the end all misguided or misled
groups would recognize the true group and would also practice the way the true group
practices true things. And all would become united to their group because there is one
gospel; or else if they are not with our true group they-the preachers with its members-
will go to hell!
About the second question: Opinion is opinion; it could be wrong! So people reading
an opinion should be very cautious and should always asked the advice of a good teacher
or experts in religious teachings. It is the teacher and the preacher that holds the
responsibility. Remember there is one gospel yet there are more than 30,000 groups and
sub groups for just one major religion; and perhaps there are more than seven major
religions on earth!
But notice, the key for them is their group or perhaps their meaning of being religious
is: their ways or their tools on doing actual religious practices. Perhaps what Paul wanted
to teach is not the outward practices of different groups but the spirit? Paul even rebuked
Peter about forcing the Gentiles to be like Jewish…! Perhaps the center could be ‘one
thought one purpose’-“love” or “love of enemies”. So “love” might be the meaning of
‘one-gospel’ and if other would teach different: example- ‘to hate their enemies’ perhaps
the preacher or teacher with his followers might go to hell because of words: Galatians 1:
6-10: “…But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel that is
different from the one we preached to you, may he be condemned to hell!”
A scholar asked: “I think I’ve seen the word “Cobra” or “picture of snake” on TV’s.
Could the word “cobra” be something a mystery to you?” The A.I. answered: “Yes, the
word “cobra” is something a mystery…! Perhaps the word cobra was used by some
people who knew and hate a ‘contributor’ to the A.I. For them, the ‘contributor’ is being
used by the devil…! Or he is crazy-under going hallucination or hearing sound, seeing
images and attributing example the cobra from TV to his imaginations! Perhaps the cobra
is just a mistaken identity of a water snake or a young Anaconda that lost its way home
when seen by an expert on “mysticism”! Or there might be “mystery” behind it or them-
snake or some snakes would still be seen inside the compound in a city. Perhaps the
appearing of the snake or future snakes could be similar to some “choreography or stage
action or rehearsed action”!
From someone who might be wrong,



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