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ALUNO: _____________________________________________
TURMA: 3º ANO ( X ) A ( ) B TURNO: ( X ) MANHÃ DATA: _____/_____/_____


1 - Observe a frase abaixo.
If you __________ (want), I ________________ (go) with you.
Qual a alternativa que contém a forma verbal correta quanto ao uso da First
(A) want - will go
(D) will want - go
(C) want - go
(D) will want - will go
(E) wanted - gone

2 – Observe a frase abaixo.

We _____________ (not/go) to the movies if it ____________ (rain).
Qual a alternativa que contém a forma verbal correta quanto ao uso da First
(A) will not go - will rain
(B) didn’t go - rains
(C) will not go - rains
(D) will not go - rained
(E) don’t go - rains

3 – Observe a frase abaixo.

I will __________ (tell) her what you told me if I ___________ (see) her.
Qual a alternativa que contém a forma verbal correta quanto ao uso da First
(A) tell - will see
(B) tell - see
(C) will tell - see
(D) will tell - will see
(E) told - saw

4 - Observe a frase abaixo.

If you _____________ (not/help) us, we _______________ (tell) mom.
Qual a alternativa que contém a forma verbal correta quanto ao uso da First
(A) don’t help - tell
(B) don’t help - told
(C) will not help - tell
(D) don’t help - will tell
(E) won’t help - will tell

5 - Observe a frase abaixo.

If you __________________ (stay) here, we __________________ (be) late.
Qual a alternativa que contém a forma verbal correta quanto ao uso da First
(A) stay - are
(B) stay - be
(C) will stay - will be
(D) stay - will be
(E) will stay - be

Observe o texto a seguir para responder às questões de 6 à 10.

Last year
I visited my mother and studied French. I didn’t have many problems and I made a lot of
friends. I went to the USA and learned English a lot too. I saw different places and had time to
take pictures. I didn’t drink beer, I drank only soda. I ate barbecue and slept late on weekends.
I started a business and worked a lot. My business helped me learn and understand things. I
didn’t want to live in the USA because I love Brazil. My life changed and I had many things to
do every day. I also finished what I started in 2003: an English course. I didn’t lose anything, I
only won. This was the best year of my life. Everything went fine.
By Paolo Johnson
6 – Observe a frase abaixo.
I saw different places and had time to take pictures.
Podemos inferir que o significado da expressão destacada é:
(A) pessoas diferentes
(B) lugares diferentes
(C) trabalhos diferente
(D) culturas diferentes
(E) idiomas diferentes

7 – Marque (T) True ou (F) False, de acordo com o texto “Last year”.
( ) Paolo had a lot of problems.
( ) Paolo made many friends.
( ) Paolo didn’t worked a lot last year.
( ) Last year was the best year of Paolo's life.
Marque a sequência correta.
(A) F T T F
(B) F F TT
(C) F T F T
(D) T F T F
(E) T T F F

8 – Observe a frase abaixo retirada do texto “Last year”.

I made a lot of friends.
Podemos inferir que Paolo:
(A) mandou nos seus amigos
(B) fez muitos amigo
(C) perdeu muitos amigos
(D) se divertiu com os amigos
(E) trabalhou com seus amigos

9 - Segundo o texto acima, quem Paolo visitou no ano passado?

(A) a irmã
(B) a tia
(C) o irmão
(D) a mãe
(E) o pai

10 - Leia novamente o texto acima e responda a pergunta. Porque Paolo não quis morar nos
Estados Unidos?
(A) Ele não gostou dos Estados Unidos
(B) Ele ama o Brasil
(C) Ele não conseguiu emprego
(D) Seu negócio não deu certo
(E) Ele não conseguiu aprender inglês

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