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Venezuelas Hugo Chavez is a Sick Man (El Hugo Chvez de Venezuela es un enfermo)

Publicado el 2 octubre, 2011 By Jerry Brewer

por Todos Unidos por Venezuela

President Hugo Chavezs physical and mental health transcends a myriad of opinions and judgment. Chavezs ever-growing and strong political opposition stands firm in awaiting what many believe is the end of his socialist version of the Bolivarian Revolution, either by election defeat or he succumbing to his critical physical illness. Chavez pompously says he will be president through the year 2030. La salud mental y fsica de Hugo Chvez va ms all de millares de opinines y pareceres. La oposicin fuerte y creciente de Chvez est firme esperando por lo que muchos cren es el fn de su versin de socialismo, la Revolucin Bolivariana, ya sea por su derrota en las elecciones o por su perdida de la batalla contra su crtica enfermedad fsica. Chvez dice pomposamente que ser presidente hasta el 2030. To a man who adores his own one-way freedom with the media, he closely guards his medical condition; waffling from just needing one treatment of chemotherapy; and sequentially now reaching his fourth recently conducted again in Cuba. Bolivias leftist President Evo Morales went there to be at the side of his socialist mentor. Morales left Cuba to speak at the United Nations last week- assuming Chavezs usual anti-US and Israel diatribe. Trying to defend world accusations of his regimes complicity in drug trafficking and terrorism, he chose to blame the US for rumor-mongering. A pretty heady position by a rogue leftist leader who kicked the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) out of Bolivia; following the lead of Chavez who did the same.

Para un hombre quien ama tanto su libertad de una sola va con los medios de comunicacin, l protege con nfasis su condicin mdica; con su palabrero de que solo necesita una sesin de quimioterpia hasta la reciente de hace poco, la cuarta sesin que se hizo en Cuba. Morales, el presidente izquierdista de Bolivia estuvo con l en Cuba, al lado de su mentor socialista. Morales sali de Cuba a la reunin de la ONU la semana pasada asumiendo la posicin de Chvez contra USA e Israel con la misma stira mordz. Tratando de defender un mundo de acusaciones de la complicidad en el trfico de drogas y terrorismo del rgimen de Chvez de lo que culpa a USA por su lleva y trae de chismes. Una acusacin bastante temeraria para un izquierdista quien sac de su pas a la DEA siguiendo la direccin de Chvez. The regions drug activity for both nations is very well known to a free worlds acute focus on the truth. How can any savvy, sane and inquisitive, person believe Chavez and Morales pathological nonsense? Adjoining Latin American neighbors are not fooled. Morales is now having his own problems at home with the indigenous Bolivian people violently oppressed while trying to assemble peacefully in disagreement with the government. La actividad de ambos pases en cuanto a las drogas es bien conocida en el mundo libre que cuenta con un foco exacto en la verdad. Como puede una persona astta, sana e inquisitiva crer en la patolgica falta de sentido de Chvez y Morales? Los vecinos fronterizos de Amrica Latina no son tonots. Morales est afrontando ahora sus propios problemas con los indgenas bolivarianos presionados violentamente mientras tratan de reclamar pacficamente un desacuerdo con el gobierno. Lets face the fact that Hugo Chavez is Venezuelas master of lies and thus must keep his regime constantly censoring the media. His one-way media output constantly reflects his physical and mental fitness, as well as his frequent sound-byte attacks on the US (capitalism and imperialism). Tenemos que aceptar el hecho de que Chvez es el seor de las mentiras de Venezuela, y por eso su rgimen tiene que mantener la censura en todo momento en los medios de comunicacin. Su medio de noticias de una sola va refleja constantemente su salud fsica y mental as como sus ataques viciosos contra USA (capitalismo e imperialismo). This, much like the father of lies- Fidel Castros lengthy absence from the public eye for around four years. Fidel Castro later would emerge and truthfully state that he was near death. Chavez frequently goes to extreme measures to censor Venezuela media- especially after the Christian Science Monitor exposed and published the steady stream of wealthy Venezuelans abandoning their former beloved homeland for Panama. Too, it was reported that Chavezs top military leaders were involved in contingency plans on a move to Panama- this via one of Panamas top real estate developers. stas, al igual que las mentiras del papi Fidel Castro y su larga ausencia del ojo pblico por cuatro aos. Fidel despus aparecera aceptando que haba estado al borde de la muerte. Chvez siempre toma medidas extremas para censurar los medios de comunicacin en Venezuela especialmente despus que el Christian Science Monitor expuso y public la ida del pas de los ricachones venezolanos quienes abandonan su amada tierra para irse a vivir a Panam. Tambien

se report que los militares de altos cargos estaban haciendo planes para mudarse a Panam de la boca de uno de los ms importantes promotores de bienes races de Panam. The pathological nature of Chavezs words and tenure in office as Venezuelas rogue leftist leader, is graphically and factually demonstrated by the embarrassment of slim victory for majority rule in the 2010 parliamentary election in Venezuela on September 26, 2010. This sparked a tirade of Chavez anger that led to his usual non-stately and crude political demeanor of confrontation. He quickly embarked on travel to meet with his mentor and revolutionary partner Fidel Castro in Cuba, as well as to the embracing arms of Irans Ahmadinejad. Too, his stops did not forget his pals in Russia, Syria, and others. La naturaleza patlogica de las palabras de Chvez y su ocupacin como lder de izquierda en Venezuela est graficamente demostrada con hechos a travs de la vergonzosa victoria por regla mayoritaria en las elecciones parlamentarias del 26 de septiembre de 2010. sto encendi la ira vengativa de Chvez que lo llev a su usual poco majestuoso y crudo comportamiento poltico de confrontacin. Rapidamente se embarc y fue a visitar a su mentor y socio revolucionario Fidel Castro en Cuba as como a los brazos recibidores del Ahmadinejad de Irn. Adems, sus escalas no se olvidaron de Rusia, Siria y otros. Chavez recently continued to exhibit his flawed and ill propensities to embarrass a once proud and prosperous democratic populace in Venezuela, by solidarity wishes to Libyas on the run President Muammar Gaddafi and Syrias embattled President Bashar-al-Assad whose regime is hunting down and killing street protesters. Chvez recientemente continu exhibiendo su defectuosa y enfermiza tendencia a avergonzar a la que una vez fue una prspera poblacin democrtica venezolana, al mandar deseos solidarios al presidente fugitivo de Libia Muammar Gadafi y al presidente en combate Bashar al-Assad cuyo rgime esta asechando y asesinando a los protestantes en la calle. Chavez, as usual, blames this on Yankee aggression- allowing his flawed mental capacities to ignore a majority world support of those people of those actions wishing to be free of oppression and lies by their rogue leftist dictators. Chvez, como siempre, culpa a la agresin Yanqui permitiendo que su capacidad mental defectuosa ignore la mayora del apoyo mundial a esa gente que desea ser libre de la opresin y las mentiras de sus truhnes dictadores izquierdistas. Chavezs mental illness, whether temporary or not, also does not allow him to see that the people on the streets in protest against the murdering regimes of Libya and Syria are their own people in masses. What part of that does Chavez or his own supporters miss? All they have to do is use the free world media for the facts, and not his own personal blog (Twitter) that spews his tired rhetoric of falsehood and subterfuge. He goes by the name of Chavez Candanga (literally-the devil). La enfermedad mental de Chvez, ya sea temporal o no, tampoco lo deja ver que la gente en la calle que protesta contra los rgimes asesinos de Libia y Siria son su misma gente en masas.

Que es lo que Chvez y sus seguidores no entienden? Lo nico que ellos tienen que hacer es usar los medios de comunicacin libres para buscar los hechos y no sus blogs personales (Twitter) que solo vomitan su obstinada retrica de falsedad y evacin. Su nombre en Twitter es Chvez Candanga, literalmente el diablo. Now there is a curious mentor for him also. The squandering (and the simple disappearance) of billions of dollars in hard earned oil revenue forVenezuelas citizens, is Chavezs rationale to deceive a very savvy (but violently oppressed) Venezuelan people into believing Venezuela is to be invaded by the Yankees. This allows him to buy and hoard massive weapons and issue blank checks to leftist regimes throughout the world that care not one iota for the true welfare of the Venezuelan people. Only Chavez garners the accolades for his generosity and personal support of murdering world dictator-like regimes. Hay otro curioso mentor para l tambien. El despilfarro (y la simple desaparicin) de billones de dlares ganados por los venezolanos a travs del petrleo mientras Chvez quiere engaar a la gente venezolana tan violentamente oprimida diciendoles que a Venezuela la quieren invadir los Yaquis. sto le permite comprar y guardar cantidades masivas de armas y de dar a los rgimenes izquierdistas del mundo cheques en blanco a quienes no les imporata en lo absoluto el bienestar de los venezolanos. Chvez solo recoge elogios por su generosidad y apoyo personal de los rgimenes dictatoriales asesinos del mundo. The truth is that the world has previously seen leftist leaders and regimes telegraph their true intentions through their anger and arrogance while consolidating power. Those acts routinely weaken democratic institutions, and trample on the guarantees of human rights. La verdad es que el mundo ha visto antes como los lderes izquierdistas y los rgimenes transmiten sus verdaderas intensiones a travs de la ira y arrogancia mientras consolidan su poder. Esos actos rutinariamente debilitan las instituciones democrticas y pisotan las garantas de los derechos humanos. In the absence of a credible judicial control in Venezuela, the Chavez government has implemented systematically discriminatory policies that have limited the exercise of freedom of expression of journalists, the right to freedom of association for workers and the civil society capacity to promote human rights in Venezuela. En la ausencia de una justicia creble en Venezuela, el gobierno de Chvez ha implementado polizas descriminatorias sistemticas que limitan el ejercicio de la libertad de expresin de los periodistas, el derecho a la libertad de associaciones de trabajadores y la capacidad de la sociedad civil de promover los derechos humanos en Venezuela. The Chavez government has implemented discriminatory practices against its political opponents and critics. At times, the president himself has openly endorsed acts of discrimination. Chavez has further defined his sinister agenda through a manifest disregard of the principle of separation of powers and, especially, the idea of an independent judiciary that is indispensable for protecting fundamental rights in a democratic society.

El gobierno de Chvez ha implementado prcticas contra la oposicin y sus crticos. A menudo, el presidente mismo ha endosado abiertamente los actos de descriminacin. Chvez ha llegado a definir su siniestra agenda a travs del manifiesto de menospreciar el principio de la separacin de los poderes y especialmente la idea de un poder hudicial independiente lo que es indispensable para la proteccin de los derechos en una sociedad. What more proof is necessary? It came with the political takeover of the Supreme Court by Chvez and his regime. The people of Venezuela, both supporters and non-supporters of Hugo Chavez, urgently need to implement surgical -like fact finding- the search for the truth and facts from a world media. In this manner, they can be sure that they did their own homework; used their own God-given minds; and make the right decisions for their future and families. With a factual search for the truth- a free world believes they will say Nunca mas to Hugo Chavez, or any similar leader of destruction and misery. Que ms prueba se necesita? Todo sto a raz de la toma poltica de la Corte Suprema ahora en manos de Chvez y su rgimen. Los venezolanos, los que lo apoyan y los que no, urgentemente necesitan implementar de una manera quirrgica la busqueda de datos, la realidad de los hechos por medio de los medios de comunicacin mundiales. De esta manera se aseguran de que hicieron su tarea; usen sus mentes y tomen las decisiones necesarias por sus futuros y el de sus familias. A travs de una bsqueda de la verdad con hechos, el mundo piensa que dirn nunca ms a Hugo Chvez o a cualquier otro lder de la destruccin y la miseria. CRIMINAL JUSTICE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATES United States of America Jerry Brewer is C.E.O. of Criminal Justice International Associates (northern Virginia), a global risk mitigation firm.Website is located at www.cjiausa.org. jbrewer@cjiausa.org archivos: www.scribd.com/jbrewer31 www.scribd.com/jbrewer31 TWITTER: cjiausa

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