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NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________

You You
He He
She used to swim. She didn’t use to swim.
It It
We We
They They
Yes, No,
you you you
he he he
Did she use to swim? she did. she didn’t.
it it it
we we we
they they they

 Re-write the sentences below using “used to”.

1. Last month, I rode my bicycle to school. Now, I don’t ride my bicycle to school.
2. ____________________________________________________________________.
2. Ten years ago, I studied Japanese. Now, I don’t study Japanese.
4. ____________________________________________________________________.
3. Before, I didn’t do exercise. Now, I do exercise.
6. ____________________________________________________________________.
4. Last year, my classmate didn’t study hard. Now, he studies hard.
8. ____________________________________________________________________.
5. A long time ago, people didn’t have electricity. Now, people have electricity.
10. ____________________________________________________________________.
6. When I was young, I was lazy. Now, I’m not lazy.
12. ____________________________________________________________________.
7. A long time ago, people didn’t have TV. Now, people have TV.
14. ____________________________________________________________________.
8. When Sarah was younger, she was short. Now, Sarah is tall.
14. ____________________________________________________________________.
Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. © www.allthingsgrammar.com

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