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ELSEVIER Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24


Perceptual and structural barriers to investing in natural capital:

Economics from an ecological footprint perspective
Mathis Wackemagel a,*, William E. Rees b
a Universidad Andhuac de Xalapa, Priv. Antonio Chedraui Caram s / n, C.P. 91180 Xalapa, Mexico
b School of CommuniO, and Regional Planning, UnitJersity of British Columbia, 6333 Memorial Road, Vancouver, BC V6T IZ2, Canada

Received 4 August 1993; accepted 28 May 1996


This paper argues that perceptual distortions and prevailing economic rationality, far from encouraging investment in
natural capital, actually accelerate the depletion of natural capital stocks. Moreover, conventional monetary analyses cannot
detect the problem. This paper therefore makes the case for direct biophysical measurement of relevant stocks and flows, and
uses for this purpose the ecological footprint concept. To develop the argument, the paper elaborates the natural capital
concept and asserts the need of investing in natural capital to compensate for net losses. It shows how the ecological
footprint can be used as a biophysical measure for such capital, and applies this concept as an analytical tool for examining
the barriers to investing in natural capital. It picks four issues from a rough taxonomy of barriers and discusses them from an
ecological footprint perspective: it shows why marginal prices cannot reflect ecological necessities; how interregional risk
pooling encourages resource liquidation; how present terms of trade undermine both local and global ecological stability;
and how efficiency strategies may actually accelerate resource throughput. Affirming the necessity of biophysical approaches
for exploring the sustainability implications of basic ecological and thermodynamic principles, it draws lessons for current

Keywords: Perceptual barrier; Structural barrier; Investment; Natural capital

1. Introduction: natural capital as appropriated nomic rationality, far from encouraging investment
carrying capacity in natural capital, actually accelerate the depletion of
natural capital stocks. As conventional monetary
Let us take a closer look at this 'natural capital' analyses seem blind to natural capital depletion, the
(Schumacher, 1974, p. 12). paper therefore makes the case for direct physical
measurement of relevant stocks and flows, and uses
The purpose of this paper is to highlight some of
for this purpose the ecological footprint concept.
the present barriers to investing in natural capital. It
However, before embarking on this task, the
argues that perceptual distortions and prevailing eco-
meaning of the 'natural capital' concept needs to be
clarified. Ecological economists acknowledge that
* Corresponding author. Fax: (52-28) 142-343; e-mail: math- industrialized societies depend for survival not only
iswa@coacade.uv.mx on labor and human-made capital, but also on natural

0921-8009/97/$17.00 Copyright © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 9 2 1 - 8 0 0 9 ( 9 6 ) 0 0 0 7 7 - 8
4 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees/Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3 - 2 4

capital. However, natural capital has not yet been 1.1. The constant capital stocks criterion
developed into an operational concept, even within
ecological economics. Various interpretations of nat- Having formalized the concept of natural capital,
ural capital have been advanced. Narrow definitions ecological economists are debating various formula-
identify natural capital mainly with commercially tions of a 'constant capital stocks' condition for
available renewable and non-renewable resources sustainability (Costanza and Daly, 1992; Daly, 1989;
(Barbier, 1994, p. 292). However, this paper builds Pearce and Atkinson, 1993; Pearce et al., 1989,
on a more ecologically complete definition that would 1990; Pezzey, 1989; Rees, 1992a). In keeping with
include not only all the biophysical resources and our emphasis on ecologically significant forms of
waste sinks needed to support the human economy, natural capital, and given current indications of global
but also the relationship among those entities and ecological deterioration, we subscribe to the precau-
processes that provide life support to the ecosphere tionary principle that each generation should inherit
(Costanza and Daly, 1992). Natural capital refers to a stock of essential biophysical assets alone no less
a stock of natural assets that is capable of producing than the stock of such assets inherited by the previ-
a sustainable flow. For example, a forest or a fishery ous generation. 2 Adequate natural capital stocks are
is capable of producing a perpetual harvest, year needed to maintain sufficient ecological flows for the
after year. The forest or the fish stock is the natural human economy. And, growing populations would
capital, the sustainable harvest is natural income. need to translate in reducing economic inputs per
There is renewable natural capital, including self- capita. In fact, to secure material well-being in the
producing stocks like biomass or other biological future, one could even argue for the maintenance of
resources, or replenishable assets such as water, solar per capita stocks (Barbier, 1994, p. 295). For more
energy or atmospheric ozone. And there is non-re- people, we would need more forests, more farm land
newable natural capital like fossil fuel, minerals and and more wilderness areas~
ores whose income can be considered sustainable if This interpretation emphasizes ecological neces-
the capital losses are compensated (see below). Natu- sity, particularly the life-support functions of self-
ral capital is the totality of these assets, and this producing biophysical capital. It also reflects Daly's
paper uses a biophysical approach to aggregate its definition of 'strong sustainability' which recognizes
various forms. that manufactured (or human-made) capital and natu-
In short, natural capital is not just an inventory of ral capital remain non-substitutable complements in
resources; it includes all those components of the most production functions (Daly, 1989, p. 22).
ecosphere, and the structural relationships among We should acknowledge here that however radical
them, whose organizational integrity is essential for the constant stocks criterion might appear, it still
the continuous self-production of the system itself. J reflects prevailing anthropocentric and 'resourcist'
Indeed, it is this highly evolved structural and func- values. Emphasis is on the pragmatic minimal bio-
tional integration that makes of the ecosphere the
uniquely livable 'environment' it is for the very
organisms it comprises (Rees, 1990, 1992a). Geocli-
matic, hydrological, and ecological cycles do not 2 The major alternative interpretation of the 'constant capital
simply transport and distribute nutrients and energy, stocks' criterion argues for maintaining a constant aggregate
stock of human-made and natural capital (see Pearce et al., 1989;
but are among the self-regulatory, homeostatic mech-
Pezzey, 1989). However, this version assumes the substitutability
anisms that stabilize conditions on Earth for all of manufactured for natural capital. Or, one could argue that it is
contemporary life-forms, including humankind. the natural income that should be kept constant - - more efficient
technology might produce the same flow on a smaller capital.
However, as many ecological functions such as biodiversity,
ecological stability and integrity, or atmospheric ozone for UV
i 'Organization' signifies those properties and relationships that protection depend on stocks rather than flows, and as we may
must be present for a thing to exist. Maturana and Varela (1988, already be short of natural capital, it seems more reasonable to
pp. 4 2 - 4 3 ) refer to the unique self-producing and self-regulating focus the analysis on the stocks, and use the technological im-
properties that define living systems as 'autopoietic organization.' provements for living better on the same capital.
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 5

physical requirements for humane survival. On the leagues identify three possible approaches to the
other hand, the preservation of biophysical assets measurement issue based on constant physical inven-
essential to humankind does imply the direct protec- tory, constant present valuation of stocks, and con-
tion of whole ecosystems and thousands of keystone stant income flows. They finally settle on monetary
species, and thousands more will benefit indirectly measures on grounds that constant physical capital
from the maintenance of the same systems upon would " b e appealing for renewable resources, but,
which humans are dependent. In short, the most clearly, has little relevance to exhaustible resources
promising hope for maintaining significant biodiver- since any positive rate of use reduces the stock"
sity under our prevailing value system may well be (Pearce et al., 1990, p. 10).
the ecologically enlightened human self-interest im- We challenge this view. Using money values as a
plicit in stronger versions of the constant natural measure of natural capital constancy is misleading
capital stocks criterion. from an ecological perspective precisely because a
Of course, should humankind shift to more eco- constant (or increasing) dollar value of a resource
centric values, its own survival might be assured stock can result from the physical depletion of the
even more effectively. Respect for and the preserva- stock (and its functions). Similarly, a stable income
tion of other species and ecosystems for their intrin- may result from rising marginal prices for resource
sic value would automatically ensure human ecologi- commodities as corresponding stocks decline (this of
cal security. course assumes that market prices are accurate and
For the present, however, the next steps are to involatile, which they are not). Thus, monetary mea-
determine how best to measure constancy of natural sures can foster the illusion of constant stocks while
capital, or in other words, how the various forms of physical inventories actually shrink. More fundamen-
natural capital can be aggregated. Pearce and col- tally, prices can say nothing at all about non-market,

Fig. 1. The ecological footprint. The ecological footprints of individual regions are much larger than the areas they physically occupy. Since
industrial economies draw on resources from all over the world, we say that they are in effect appropriating carrying capacity from
elsewhere, including the global commons (Phil Testemale).
6 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees/Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24

but ecologically essential, stocks and processes (e.g., capital to provide all the resource flows and waste
the ozone layer and photosynthetic CO 2 uptake), nor sinks necessary to sustain a given material standard
about those ecosystems functions whose value to of living, while simultaneously maintaining the func-
humankind is not revealed until they are in jeopardy tional integrity and productivity of the stocks them-
or disappear (see Rees, 1992a). selves. It follows that rising material standards or
W e therefore submit that at least for renewable increasing population levels necessarily require cor-
natural capital, constancy can be assessed meaning- responding increases in natural capital stocks.
fully only in physical terms. The natural capital Monetary approaches are blind to these biophysi-
occupied by an economy must be understood as the cal realities. Therefore, Ecological Economics re-
physical stocks required to produce the biophysical quires other measuring rods to assess the natural
'goods and services' that this economy extracts from capital stocks and their change.
global flows (natural income) to sustain itself with-
out compromising future production. W e therefore 1.2. The ecological footprint and appropriated carry-
also concur with a biophysical interpretation of the ing capacity
monetary proposition of El Serafy (1989) which
states that non-renewable resource harvest is sustain- All economies need measurable quantities of nat-
able if the stock depletion is compensated with the ural capital to function. Such capital is an essential
build-up of equivalent financial capital. Similarly, factor of production. W e have developed a method
we argue that non-renewable energy resources can that represents critical natural capital requirements of
only be used sustainably if, in compensation, an a defined economy or population in terms of the
amount of biophysical capital with an equivalent corresponding ecologically productive areas. W e re-
content of available energy is being accumulated. fer to these requirements as this population's 'eco-
To summarize, an economy depends on natural logical footprint' on the Earth (Fig. 1) or its 'ap-

Fig. 2. Defining footprints. The ecological footprint or appropriated carrying capacity of an economy represents the ecological capacity
necessary to sustain this economy. As a first approximation, ecological footprints can be defined as the aggregate area of land and water in
various ecological categories that is claimed by participants in this economy to produce all the resources they consume, and to absorb all
their wastes they generate on a continuous basis, using prevailing technology. The ecological footprint therefore stands as a surrogate for the
'natural capital' of the economy, while the resource and waste flows represent 'natural income' (Phil Testemale).
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 7

propriated carrying capacity'. 3 As a first approxima- logical flows (natural income) and consumption pat-
tion, the ecological footprint can be represented as terns indefinitely.
the aggregate area of land and water in various Analyzing the relationship between an economy
ecological categories that is claimed by participants and its natural capital requirements in terms of ap-
in that economy to produce all the resources they propriated carrying capacity reveals both the mecha-
consume, and to absorb all their wastes they generate nisms that presently favor the liquidation of natural
on a continuous basis, using prevailing technology capital and the long-term ecological constraints on
(Fig. 2). the economy. The biophysical approach also makes
Evidently, the area of the footprint depends on the it possible to explore the implications of such eco-
population size, material living standards, technology logical principles as yon Liebig's Law of the Mini-
and ecological productivity. It also reflects the mum, and the First and Second Laws of Thermody-
amount of human carrying capacity 'appropriated' namics, all of which are ignored by conventional
from the global total by the given population. It is analyses. (For an historical overview of this perspec-
important to recognize, that ecological footprints do tive, see Martinez-Alier, 1987; for more contempo-
not overlap; the carrying capacity appropriated by rary studies see Odum, 1972; Georgescu-Roegen,
one economy is not available to another. 1975; Cleveland et al., 1984; Peet, 1992).
Productive land is a good proxy for many of the Finally, estimates of the ecological footprint and
resource flows and essential life support services that appropriated carrying capacity provide clear direc-
natural capital provides. Land area communicates the tion for action. They indicate whether current or
finite character of the world in readily understand- projected consumption levels can be sustained by
able terms; the area in each ecosystem category is available ecological productivity. By definition, the
roughly proportional to its photosynthetic potential difference between the size of a region (adjusted by
for low entropy biomass production; the quality of its ecological productivity) and the footprint of this
the land is an indicator of the functional integrity of region's population must be covered by imports of
related ecosystems and their potential long-term 4 ecological surpluses or the depletion of natural capi-
production. These characteristics of real wealth are tal stocks. Thereby, the ecological footprint becomes
rarely reflected in the money price of land-as-com- a useful yardstick for sustainability. As the ecologi-
modity. cal footprint of humanity needs to be smaller than
It is useful to think of the essential self-producing the available carrying capacity, it becomes an abso-
natural capital represented by an economy's ecologi- lute benchmark. It also points out how the ecological
cal footprint as 'Hicksian natural capital.' Hicksian footprint can be reduced: through lower population,
income is the level of consumption that can be lower consumption, more efficient technologies (as
sustained from one period to the next without reduc- long as gains are not re-spent - - see below), higher
ing wealth (productive capital) (Hicks, 1946, p. 171). ecological productivity, or a combination of these
In the present context this corresponds to 'natural four parameters.
income.' For a given economy, the Hicksian natural For example, our conservative estimates show
capital would therefore be the aggregate natural capi- that the average person living in an industrialized
tal stocks necessary to sustain this economy's eco- country presently needs the equivalent of 2 - 5
hectares of productive land to sustain his or her
material consumption, Japan being at the lower end,
Canada and the US at the upper (Wackemagel and
3 The term 'carrying capacity' is used slightly inaccurately Rees, 1995; Wada, 1995). This figure is derived
here. Carrying capacity is typically defined as the population that from the resource flows embodied in goods and
can be supported indefinitely by a given habitat. 'Appropriated services consumed. However, there are only 1.5
carrying capacity' is really the inverse (habitat required to support
hectares per capita of ecologically productive land
a given population), but seems to transmit meaning better than a
more accurate term such as 'appropriated bioproductive stock'.
on Earth (only about 0.3 hectare per capita in central
4Here, long-term means generations ( > 100 years) while European countries) (World Resources Institute,
short-term refers to" few decades ( > 10 years). 1994, p. 268, 284). Of these 1.5 hectares, less than
8 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24

Table 1
Toward a taxonomy of barriers to investing in natural capital
Characteristics and behavior of individuals or society a Effects on natural capital a
(i) people cannot perceive slow but steady changes; (i) long-term and aggregated capital deterioration is ignored; the
public underestimates the threat of slow exponential growth
('boiled frog syndrome');
(ii) uncertainty about the causes of ecological deterioration and about (ii) lacking 'hard evidence' allows avoidance and sanctions
future effects of current activities supports 'business-as-usual' strate- natural capital depletion;
(iii) the predominant paradigm in decision-making excludes ecologi- (iii) decision-making process becomes blind to the implications of
cal reality; natural capital depletion;

(iv) behaviors and beliefs which are shaped by culture, spiritual (iv) industrial society assumes possessing the right to delete
traditions and gender relations feed into the acceptance and rational- natural capital; myth of 'man subduing nature' perpetuates human
ization of the exploitative relationship between industrial society and and ecological exploitation; Earth perceived as a tool to society
nature; (e.g., natural capital concept) rather than as home and origin of
life (e.g., Mother Earth concept);
(v) belief that the ultimate policy goal is to maximize utility (i.e., (v) there is no political process to check economy's scale; the
'more is better'), rather than to minimize suffering and future regrets maximization principle inherently rejects any concept of 'enough-
(i.e., the precautionary principle) dictates current thinking; hess';
(vi) belief that industrialization is beneficial to all parts of society (vi) benefits from industrialization flow mainly to investors, while
characterizes dominant development ideology ('trickle-down effect'); many costs are externalized; resource extraction is accelerated,
leading to social and ecological stress;

(vii) body-mind and people-nature split helps people ignore human (vii) human-nature split gives false sense of independence from
dependence on nature (exemptionalism or mental apartheid); natural capital; feeling separate detracts from accepting responsi-
bilities and can lead to paralyzing finger-pointing;
(viii) ambiguity of scientific information allows decision-makers to (viii) lacking 'scientific evidence' undermines political support for
ignore ecological reality; public investment in natural capital;
(ix) social denial and faith in human ingenuity suppresses ecological (ix) public investment in natural capital is politically resisted as it
knowledge from the knowledge base that informs policy and would acknowledge the urgency of the situation;


(i) m o n e y . . . (i) blinds society from its obligate dependence on natural capital;
- has become the dominant measure of wealth; the amount of money wealth increases while that of ecological

wealth vanishes;
- makes all commodities commensurable; commensurability engenders the belief in total substitutability;

- is detached from the biophysical reality: e.g., does not perish, is money fakes continuity, long-term values and security; it is

easily dividable and transferable; quicker, more versatile, and easier to handle than biological
(ii) resource prices have become society's main indicator for resource (ii) prices only reflect the costs to the global economy for
scarcity; accessing resources, but not their biophysical abundance; i.e.,
economic scarcity does not gauge biophysical scarcity;
* (iii) marginal (and not total) value determines the market price; * (iii) market prices do not reflect ecological necessities of
business and public policy focus nearly exclusively on monetarized life-support functions; therefore natural capital is systematically
effects, while neglecting non-monetarized impacts; undervalued and does not attract investment;
(iv) the gap between what we need to know about the fast evolving (iv) science provides powerful analytical tools for clearly confined
global system and what we actually do know is growing; the social problems; but the scientific analysis is weak in understanding the
stigma of science cements the unsustainable status-quo; complexities of global systems; science is effective for developing
profitable technology benefiting those who have access to higher
education, while offering less to the development of sustainable
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 9

Table 1 (continued)
Characteristics and behavior of individuals or society a Effects on natural capital a
(v) technology amplifies individual effectiveness and efficiency; (v) human activities cumulative impact exceeds productive and
technological achievements give rise to the positivist belief that absorptive capacity of natural capital; technological fixes limp
technology can overcome any barriers and that sustained growth is behind the problems that industrialization causes; technological
possible; rationality on the individual scale becomes irrational at the global


(i) individuals and societies operate as open systems without size (i) as the ecosphere is a closed system with a limited bioproductiv-
constraints; also scientific successes encourage the predominant ity/carrying capacity, economic forces operating like open sys-
technical (open systems) worldview which is pertinent to small scale tems accelerate overshoot of local and global carrying capacity;
applications but which is incompatible with the large scale (closed this is not recognized as a danger;
system) reality;
(ii) emotional reality of decision-makers is individual rather than (ii) jet-set elites with access to abundance are blind to natural
societal; in current market buyers cannot distinguish sustainably from capital depletion; their salary's increasing purchasing power is
non-sustainably harvested resources; feeding into the illusion of expandable carrying capacity;
(iii) individuals prefer present to future values (discounting); these (iii) opposes the necessity of ecological continuity; this leads to
discount strategies are also adopted for public policy making; the depletion of long-term capital ('killing the goose that lays the
golden egg'); people living at the margins (e.g., poor in the South)
are forced into undermining their long-term livelihood (high
discount rates for natural capital);
(iv) similar to individual capital accumulation, maximizing national (iv) leads to faster resource depletion and an overshoot of the
economic (or monetarized) production is society's major preoccupa- available carrying capacity;
(v) to attract investment, profit accruing to private investors must (v) natural capital cannot compete economically with human-made
exceed bank rates; capital and does therefore not attract investment;
* (vi) efficiency improvements are society's main strategy for " (vi) efficiency improvements on the individual scale accelerate
resource conservation; resource throughput on the societal scale;


(i) industrial lifestyle disassociates society spatially, politically and (i) today, economic actions are largely exempt from ecological
psychologically from the bioproductivity that supports it; markets, and social responsibilities as actions are separated in time and
urbanization and trade removes consumers from human and ecologi- space from their wanted and unwanted effects (e.g., 'pervasive
cal production; externalities'); corrective feedback loops are disconnected and the
loss of political and economic control over local carrying capacity
is ignored;
(ii) 'TV mentality' determines how the majority of people perceive (ii) TV detracts from ecological constraints through the celebra-
their reality; TV view distorts issues by delivering simplistic rather tion of abundance and wants, 'innumeracy', disconnection, and
than holistic stories; its one-way communication discourages ques- artificiality; e.g., it promotes a superficial conservation ethics;
tioning and participation;
(iii) globalization of economies is encouraged; participation in the (iii) globalization of problems, complex and fast changing web of
global economy has become a 'moral obligation'. linkages lead to an unpredictable system dynamics;
- all currencies become convertible; economic reality drives individu- - a globally unified monetary and pricing system generates
als and corporate bodies into realizing highest profit rates; competitive pressures leading to uniform and upward-trending
expectations of returns to capital; local resources lose their
importance to the local economy destroying incentives to protect
them; economic surpluses which might otherwise be available for
maintenance of natural capital are dissipated;
- restrictions to capital movement are eliminated; - local investments decline as they have to compete with
international investments; while local investors are interested in
positive externalities of their investment, international investors
focus only on their realized profit;
* - interregional risk pooling is assisted; * - people become less risk-averse to depleting local natural
l0 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24

Table 1 (continued)
Characteristics and behavior of individuals or society a Effects on natural capital a
- increasing international competition in economic production is - global competition accelerates resource consumption and be-
accepted as a given; comes a negative-sum game
- trade is assumed to be mutually beneficial; * - importing resources that are locally limiting appear to
increase local carrying capacity while actually lowering it; hence,
prevailing trade undermines the local and ultimately the global
ecological stability;
(iv) individual property rights are sacrosanct; (iv) integrated life-support services cannot be subdivided into
individual property rights; exploitation and consumption rights
remain largely separated from conservation duties;
(v) super individuals (TNCs) are promoted while mini societies (v) commons for communities are privatized and fragmented,
(communities) are discouraged while enclosures by TNCs are encouraged.

a Read across corresponding numbers; barriers with * are discussed in the paper.

0.3 hectare is suitable for agricultural production these concepts apply to both commercially traded
(Corson, 1990, p. 75). commodities and non-market flows of common-pool
These numbers speak for themselves. The differ- ecological goods and services. For example, under
ence between the land-base needed to maintain high prevailing conditions, the affluent countries have
human consumption levels and actual land availabil- already appropriated more than twice the ecosphere's
ity represents a 'sustainability gap' and explains why entire capacity for anthropogenic CO 2 uptake).
the current human economy lives in part on natural
capital depletion rather than on sustainable flows
2. A taxonomy of barriers to investing in natural
(i.e., Hicksian natural income). They also imply that
the natural income (or ecological flow) requirements
of industrialized economies can be met only as long Even without an operational definition of 'natural
as these economies are able to buy or appropriate capital', most scholars would agree that many critical
through biogeochemical cycles the necessary re- stocks are being depleted rapidly. Few incentives or
source flows and waste sinks from distant policies operate to maintain our natural assets. Even
'elsewheres.' In fact, our rough calculations suggest though the conservation of natural capital stocks
that the ecological footprint of all industrialized na- would require investments to compensate for net
tions, representing less than 20% of the world popu- losses, the present economic environment discour-
lation, is larger than the available ecologically pro- ages investment in, or even maintenance of, natural
ductive land on Earth (Wackernagel and Rees, 1995). capital.
In other words, it would take one entire Earth to For economists, investment means capital forma-
sustain the ecological flows that industrialized coun- tion that will produce a stream of goods and services
tries currently require. for future consumption. Given the unquestioned
The use of these sources and sinks by industrial monetary value of many ecological goods and the
economies obviously pre-empts their use by develop- fact that certain ecological services are essential for
ing economies. The data indicate that it is simply not life, why does humankind not even maintain, let
possible, ecologically or thermodynamically, for ev- alone invest, in natural capital stocks? Table 1 pre-
erybody in the world to consume at current industrial sents our preliminary classification of barriers to
levels without risking irreversible resource depletion such investment. The left-hand column lists qualities
and ecospheric collapse (Rees and Wackemagel, and behaviors of individuals and society. The right-
1994). In the absence of new ecologically benign hand column provides the corresponding effects that
technologies that dramatically shrink their ecological mitigate against investment in nature. Four main
footprints, the populations of industrialized countries classes are identified:
will have to reduce their material standards of living (A) Ignorance, fundamental beliefs, and denial:
that others might live at all (Rees, 1990) (note that Much husbanding of natural capital is foregone be-
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 11

cause most people, from the general public to elected capital depletion. The physical separation between
and corporate decision-makers, understand neither consumption and production, further reliance on
the nature of the problem nor the crucial role of electronic media rather than direct experience, the
natural capital stocks. Others who do understand are fast-paced integration of the global economy, energy
in denial, or are unwilling or incapable of taking intensive settlements infrastructure and the loss of
necessary action. Still others are confident that hu- local political autonomy reduce corrective feedback
man ingenuity and technological progress will be for the maintenance of natural capital and amplify
able to substitute for ecological losses. Unfortu- the dilemma between economic expansion and eco-
nately, nature itself seems to give support to the logical integrity.
resultant inaction - systemic lag effects, ecosystems The reality today is that much deterioration of the
resilience, and large cumulative stocks let us get global 'commons' can be attributed to the unforeseen
away with natural capital depletion in the short run consequences of deliberate policies that extend self-
(and humans tend naturally to discount future costs). interested individualistic behavior and rights to gov-
(B) Economic abstraction, deviant operating ernment and intergovernment agencies, transnational
models and knowledge (the social construction of corporations, and various other multinational organi-
reality): People act out their lives guided by mental zations operating in the global arena. Many such
models, including a shared, culturally-induced per- policies reflect and facilitate the transition to a global
ception of the nature of reality and humankind's marketplace. 5 Examples include international agree-
place in the scheme of things. Our personal experi- ments for the division and exploitation of the sea-bed
ences are always interpreted through such socially and similar 'undeveloped' common-pool (open-
constructed 'world views.' As the nature of hu- access) resources, the extension of property rights
mankind-environment linkages evolves, the question including the privatization of public lands (along
is whether our dominant economic models are com- with their common-pool ecological functions), re-
patible with the biophysical reality out there. Table 1 gional and global trade agreements that favor corpo-
shows that some of our socioeconomic abstractions rate interests at the expense of local and even na-
are barriers to investment in natural capital because tional autonomy, and the creation of an increasingly
they bear little relation to ecological reality (see also uniform monetary and pricing system.
below). To argue that globalism and self-interested indi-
(C) The social mimicry of individual rationality: vidual behavior is a dominant factor in the depletion
An overriding consideration in the depletion of natu- of natural capital is to underscore a particularly
ral capital can be traced to a 'fallacy of composition.' pernicious form of market failure. While economists
A global economic regime is being created in which have long acknowledged market failures against so-
what has become accepted as 'rational' economic ciety's collective interest, development policy still
behavior by individuals is ever more being emulated reflects the conventional myth that net social benefits
at higher organizational scales at the expense of invariably flow from the workings of Adam Smith's
public goods and communal values. Ferdinand 'invisible hand.' In fact, the invisible hand, which is
T~innies recognized this trend over one hundred years said to lead "private interests and passions of men"
ago in his influential treatise Community and Soci- (sic) in the direction which is most beneficial to the
ety. He traced the growing alienation and exploita- interest of society as a whole, might well be the most
tion of people to the socio-historical transformation effective strategy for maximizing material well-being
from Gemeinschafi, traditional societies which are in an unlimited environment. However, in a finite,
community-based, to Gesellschaft, modern societies materially-closed system like the ecosphere, the
in which rational self-interest operates to weaken competitive forces guiding the invisible hand be-
traditional human bonds (Martindale, 1960, pp. 8 2 -
5 Global m o n e t a r y a n d trade a g r e e m e n t s can be interpreted, in
(D) Physical and structural manifestations of part, as instruments to extend the reach o f industrialism to the
modern society: Undoubtedly, structural features of w o r l d ' s r e m a i n i n g stocks of natural capital at the lowest possible
the modern economy have also accelerated natural cost.
12 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3 - 2 4

come positively destructive. Not all individuals, cor- must be complemented by other principles (see Daly
porations, and nations can simultaneously maximize and Cobb, 1989; Daly, 1989). Ecological economics,
their individual use of global sources and sinks for example, does recognize the economy as a sub-
without overexploiting or destroying the common- system of a finite and materially closed ecosphere.
pool life-support functions that are essential to their This perspective forces a shift from development
mutual survival (see Ophuls, 1992; Homer-Dixon et policies that emphasize material growth to strategies
al., 1993). that acknowledge both the role of natural capital in
Note that not all the classical market failures are maintaining planetary life support and the risks asso-
represented in Table i. In fact, apart from pervasive ciated with its (irreversible) loss. Many natural capi-
externalities 6, market failures may not increase the tal stocks and functions are ' c o m m o n pool' assets for
rate of natural capital depletion. Perfect markets which everyone is responsible and to which every-
allocate resources in a Pareto efficient manner and one should have more or less equitable access. Here
maximize aggregate consumption. 7 Thus, it is con- policy emphasis would be on mechanisms and incen-
ceivable that some market failures actually reduce tives both to attract more investment in essential
natural capital depletion by compromising an econ- natural capital and to reduce material consumption,
o m y ' s aggregate purchasing power and reducing ma- the real challenge being not to compromise per-
terial consumption - - even though this may not be ceived quality of life. Markets alone are unlikely to
the most useful way to reduce natural capital deple- achieve these ends - - the international community
tion. will have to negotiate some form of " m u t u a l coer-
To summarize, prevailing beliefs, resultant eco- cion, mutually agreed u p o n " . 8 This in turn may
nomic behavior, and mainstream development theory require a fundamental shift in prevailing economic
all mitigate against maintenance or investment in assumptions and social values.
natural capital. Current global development models
implicitly assume an infinite world. The correspond-
ing economic strategies are those of individual mate- 3. Exploring four issues in more detail
rially open systems at all organizational and spatial
scales as reflected in the expansionist rhetoric of Many barriers to investment in natural capital are
globalism. From this perspective, increasingly liberal discussed elsewhere in the literature. W e therefore
world markets and expanded international trade are concentrate only on the following four problems
seen as the keys to sustained global prosperity. In- marked with an asterisk ( * ) in Table 1, and discuss
vestment emphasis is on growth, both of the manu- them from an ecological footprint perspective:
factured capital necessary to exploit and transform marginal pricing (market valuation does not
the natural capital, and on individual consumption. reflect ecological necessity - - in Part B iii);
Unfortunately, the real world is finite and the invisi- interregional risk pooling (creates incentives
ble hand of the market has nothing to say about the for resource liquidation - - in Part D iii);
appropriate scale of an entropic economy operating
under such a constraint. The inevitable results are
global sinks filled to overflowing and depletion of
the w o r l d ' s ecological capital. s Note that Hardin (1968) misinterpreted the historic meaning
Clearly neoclassical market-based 'rationality' of 'commons' in his classic analysis of "The Tragedy of the
Commons." As Hardin himself later acknowledged, he was not in
fact describing a commons regime in which rights and authority
are vested in members of a community, but rather an open access
regime in which ownership and authority is vested nowhere (The
6 Pervasive externalities are externalities which are general in Ecologist, 1992, p. 127). In short, Hardin's essay should have
scope (i.e., not localized) and which cause non-monetarized losses been entitled, "The Tragedy of Open Access" (or the Tragedy of
(Daly and Cobb, 1989, p. 37, 55). Common-pool Resources). Ironically, Hardin (1968, p. 1247)
7 However, they neither encourage a more equitable distribu- advocated resolving the tragedy through 'mutual coercion, mutu-
tion, nor ensure that an economy remains within nature's carrying ally agreed upon' which is, in fact, a concise definition of a
capacity. 'common property" regime.
M. Wackernagel. W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 13

• inter-regional trade (can undermine both local prices is that they seem to make resources commen-
and global ecological resilience - - in Part Diii); and surate, enabling us to trade apples for oranges.
• efficiency improvements (may increase rather One danger is the fact that the market price for a
than reduce consumption-related throughputs - - in given commodity does not reflect its ultimate worth
Part C vi). when scarce, nor the 'total value' of the commodity
(Daly, 1968/1993, p. 254). It reveals only what
3.1. Marginal pricing and economic valuation people are willing to pay today for the next unit of
that commodity. This price is influenced by many
Marginal pricing is a core concept of conventional things including total income, available alternatives
economics. Economists refer to the open market (opportunity costs) and current fashion. Accordingly,
price for the next (or the last) unit of a given product market pricing can often equate the terminally
or commodity as its 'marginal price.' In theory, this frivolous to the absolutely essential. Certainly, to-
price is set by the (mostly unconscious) interplay of day's low food prices provide no hint of either the
buyers' and sellers' preferences and the diminishing biological necessity of food or the land necessary to
marginal utility (satisfaction) experienced by con- produce it. Neither do market prices indicate any-
sumers from purchases of successive increments of a thing about temporal lags, ecological thresholds, or
given commodity. Ideally, a knowledgeable con- the irreversibilities of natural processes, all of which
sumer should be able to maximize the total utility impinge on the future supply of natural goods and
extracted from a given income by adjusting his/her services.
expenditures so that there would be no gain in This enigma is called the Paradox of Values and
satisfaction from any alternative pattern of expendi- puzzled even Adam Smith (Samuelson and Nord-
ture. At this point, the marginal utility of all the haus, 1985, p. 416). It describes the situation in
goods and services in question would be identical. which diamonds, which are less essential to humans
The beauty - - as well as the danger - - of market than water, are generally more expensive at the


\ \
\ \
\ \\

"\.. es s.~?
.... --"- - - . - . ~ a L e r ~

Fig. 3. The "Contradiction of Values'. From an ecological perspective, the Paradox of Values is not a paradox, i.e., an apparent
contradiction, but a real contradiction between ecological constraints and human decision-making. A t the margin, expandable goods are
valued more highly than ecological necessities, while ecological prices do not indicate irreversibilities, threshold effects of life-support
functions (Iliana P,4manes).
14 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3 -24

margin. We are not willing to pay as much for our Commodity prices simply do not account for ecolog-
next liter of water as for the smallest cut diamond ical functions - - a thousand logs (or the equivalent
because the marginal utility of water (when we have in lumber or pulp) are not the ecological equivalent
plenty) is much lower than that of diamonds. Para- of a thousand trees as forest. For these reasons,
doxically, were we are stuck waterless in the middle marginal prices systematically undervalue natural
of a desert, we would perceive a single gulp of water capital and encourage its overexploitation. The in-
to be worth more than all the world's diamonds creasingly competitive global marketplace (and the
combined (see Fig. 3). lower prices it brings) is therefore itself a barrier to
If we value bioproductivity only by its dollar investment in natural capital and thus undermines
price at the margin, we are completely misled about ecological sustainability.
the magnitude of nature's contribution to human
welfare. For example, agriculture may account for 3.2. Interregional risk pooling
only 2 - 4 % of industrialized nations' GDP, while
their ('non-material') information industries can gen- Given the option, most people would prefer to
erate 50%. However, these figures reflect neither the reduce the uncertainty in their lives. Through risk-
necessity for agriculture nor its true relative worth sharing, individual uncertainty is lowered and prob-
compared to the information sector. Stephen Vieder- lems are more manageable when they occur. Modem
man comments: societies are characterized by institutionalized risk-
pooling, not only between individuals, but also be-
[Economics] is broke when a leading economist,
tween regions (Beck, 1986, 1988). Most risk-pooling
William Nordhaus, can argue that declines in agricul-
is facilitated by the market - - insurance (Samuelson
ture and forestry as a result of global warming would
and Nordhaus, 1985, pp. 498-500), bonds and stocks
be of little consequence because they represent only
(Lipsey et al., 1988, p. 654; Samuelson and Nord-
3% of the US economy. David Orr has suggested
haus, 1985, p. 657), and mobility of capital, labor
this is equivalent " t o believing that since the heart is
and commodities. Also, industrial safety standards
only about two percent of the body's weight, it can
are influenced by access to risk pools: when poten-
be removed without consequences for one's health"
tial damages do not endanger the whole enterprise
(Viederman, 1992, p. 2).
they may become acceptable to the often remote
In short, marginal prices for the products of natu- corporate headquarters (e.g., Union Carbide in
ral capital convey a sense that nature's total value is Bophal). Finally, the state provides some risk-shar-
finite, when, in fact, ecological necessity dictates ing mechanisms through its welfare institutions.
that the total social utility of many forms of natural When assessing risks, economists adopt an indi-
capital is infinite: without water, no life; without air, vidual perspective. Large scale risks are considered
no life; without photosynthesis, no life, etc. In con- equal to the aggregation of many small scale risks
trast, the total value of the information sector would (see Fritsch, 1991, pp. 156-167). Generally,
probably not be substantially higher than the sum economists argue that risk-pooling is beneficial to
suggested by marginal prices, and would certainly individuals and, therefore, also for society. If indi-
fall far short of infinity. viduals are too risk-averse, they miss opportunities,
To summarize: from an ecological perspective, misallocate resources, or under-consume. Economists
the Paradox of Values is not so much a paradox as a like to use the example of Robinson Crusoe who, in
real contradiction between human preference at the the absence of trade, has to overproduce food to even
margin and ecological necessity at the limit. In con- out good and bad harvests to survive the worst years.
trast to ecological footprint analyses, market prices However, pooling risks can have ecological draw-
for ecological resources are blind to the necessity of backs. For example, coastal communities whose sur-
maintaining the functional integrity of relevant vival is dependent on traditional fisheries generally
ecosystems. They do not reflect the size of remaining evolve harvest strategies that conserve fish stocks.
natural capital stocks nor whether a certain minimum Only when they acquire the option of pooling risks
stock must remain intact to ensure systems integrity. with the outside through accessing other regions'
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 15

carrying capacity and moving their capital elsewhere trade and that their national currencies are not freely
do they adopt more aggressive fishing strategies that exchangeable.
could lead to resource exhaustion. Having access to (b) Economic production is proportional to labor
others' resources effectively reduces the perceived input alone. Thus while an economy might be lim-
present value of local natural capital. Because extinc- ited by labour shortages, there is no consideration of
tion of the local stock no longer immediately endan- limits imposed by finite resources and sinks.
gers survival or the local economy, it may even In the modern world of convertible currencies,
make economic sense to exploit that stock unsustain- this model deflates with the violation of its first
ably and to invest the returns in a more profitable assumption. Investment flows are now governed by
venture elsewhere (this is the case even if the stocks comparing potential absolute profitability between
are privately owned (see Clark, 1973)). countries, not by the 'comparative advantage' of
Similarly, global risk-pooling may encourage en- particular industries within countries (Daly and Cobb,
tire nations to raise the short-term aggregate produc- 1989, p. 214). Some countries (and their workers)
tivity of their renewable resources (income flows) at lose out as capital leaves in search of absolute
the expense of capital stocks. In other words, with advantage. Moreover, it is apparent that natural capi-
international risk-pooling, the value of future ecolog- tal is once again more likely to impose limits on the
ical productivity at home is more rapidly discounted. scale of the economy than are labour shortages. This
The long-term effect, of course, is to reduce total makes the ecological 'Law of the Minimum' and the
productive potential, weaken ecospheric integrity, concept of appropriated carrying capacity essential to
and undermine prospects for global sustainability. any interpretation of the sustainability implications
In summary, risk-pooling shortcuts the important of international trade.
feedback function associated with risk aversion. Eco- In the middle of the last century, the German
logical risks that cannot be externalized or shared agro-chemist Justus von Liebig postulated the 'Law
with others make people cautious and are therefore (or Doctrine) of the Minimum' for plant growth. He
an incentive to conserve local resources. By contrast, observed that essential plant nutrients occur naturally
by giving comparative advantage to short-term profit in varying concentrations from sOperabundance to
over long-term sustainability, risk pooling becomes a insufficiency in cultivated fields. However, he found
barrier to the maintenance of, or investment in, that "it is by the minimum that the crops' [growth
natural capital. is] governed" (von Liebig, 1863, p. 207).
This insight, that systems and processes are gov-
3.3. Trade and limiting factors erned by that single necessary factor in least supply,
led to the use of more specific fertilizers in agricul-
While most of the trade and environment debate ture. For example, if plant growth is stunted by the
restricts its focus to the compatibility of international lack of phosphate, one need only fertilize with phos-
pollution standards (e.g., Kirton et al., 1992; Bengts- phate. The crop can now continue growing and
son et al., 1994), this section of the paper explores accessing more of its required nutritive substances
the role of trade in depleting natural capital. Other until some other factor becomes limiting; the next
social and ecological problems of trade liberalization limiting factor for this crop might be water, so still
have been discussed elsewhere (e.g., Sinclair, 1992; higher productivity will need irrigation, etc.
Coote, 1992; Daly and Goodland, 1992). For modern industrial farmers, supplying only the
David Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage limiting factors seems to make farming more effi-
provides a model of trade in which mutual benefit cient: farmers overcome ecological barriers to crop
accrues to individuals and firms who specialize in productivity by adding those few factors which are
those things they produce most efficiently (Daly and scarce in the natural environment. However, there
Cobb, 1989, p. 209-218; Samuelson and Nordhaus, are ecological drawbacks. In nature, limiting factors
1985, pp. 831-856). This model, which is often serve inadvertently to regulate production systems.
assumed to apply to nations, presumes that: The shortage of only one essential requirement pre-
(a) The trading partners are engaged only in barter vents plant growth from exhausting the entire re-
16 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24

source base. The effect of chemical fertilization, explicitly support unrestricted trade precisely be-
therefore, is to accelerate the depletion of successive cause it enables local economies to overcome any
components of the soil, a potentially renewable form material barriers to growth. This contributes to our
of natural capital, while creating dependencies on prevailing cultural mythology which assumes a world
non-renewable, manufactured capital. This amounts in w h i c h " c a r r y i n g capacity is infinitely
to the short-circuiting of natural biological fuses. expandable' '.
The Law of the Minimum can also be applied to Consider a model of two economies dependent on
economic growth: economies seem to expand until two resources. Economy ' B ' can produce surplus
they reach some limiting factor. Thus, an economy foodstuffs, but lacks adequate energy supplies; econ-
might be stunted by inadequate human capital (e.g., omy ' A ' has abundant hydrocarbon reserves, but
labour and education); cultural capital (e.g., social little agricultural potential. Obviously, it is to their
institutions and political stability); human-made capi- mutual advantage if B can import oil from A in
tal (e.g., plant, machinery, physical infrastructure); exchange for food (see Fig. 4). This commercial
or natural capital (e.g., resources and biodiversity) exchange allows both economies to expand further
(see Berkes and Folke, 1992; Ekins et al., 1992, pp. until some other factor becomes limiting. The growth
43-61). Conventional economics however, considers of these economies most likely entails higher popula-
only labour and human-made capital to be poten- tions, greater resource throughputs, accelerated stock
tially limiting: " . . . t h e tacit justification has been depletion, and intensified pollution. The question is,
that reproducible capital is a near-perfect substitution at what point do their people cease being better off
for land and other exhaustible resources" (Nordhaus than before? Each economy is still contained by a
and Tobin, 1972). Today, however, natural capital is (second) limiting factor, and in addition is now
emerging as a major bottleneck and more liberal dependent on an essential resource supplied by an-
trade is perceived as the best way to overcome other economy. To this extent the gains are only
related local limits (Catton, 1980, p. 158). transitional: a short period of economic growth dur-
Unfortunately, unregulated trade acts like exces- ing which distributional conflicts are eased.
sive fertilizer: it can short-circuit ecological fuses In the modern world, of course, both A and B can
which historically kept economic throughput in bal- find new trading partners to overcome the latest
ance with local bioproductivity. Most economists limiting factor, and so on. The result is, just as

Fig. 4. Ecological implications of trade in a two-resources economy: From self-sufficiency(left) to trade (right). Importing resources that are
locally limiting appears to increase local carrying capacity while actually lowering it. As a result, trade induced expansion undermines the
local and ultimately the global ecological stability (lliana P~imanes).
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 17

e c o n o m i s t s e x p e c t , e x p a n s i v e g r o w t h o f the v a r i o u s s u m p t i o n b y i m p o r t e r s a n d o v e r e x p l o i t a t i o n o f stocks
e c o n o m i e s as s u c c e s s i v e locally l i m i t i n g f a c t o r s are as e x p o r t e r s strive to m a i n t a i n r e v e n u e flows. In
eliminated. Both economies expand their economic e i t h e r case, the result is m o r e r a p i d n a t u r a l capital
f o o t p r i n t ( r e p r e s e n t e d in Fig. 4 b y i n c r e a s e d size o f d e p l e t i o n . T h i r d , trade acts as a special case o f
the e c o n o m i e s ) . H o w e v e r , o n c e a g a i n i m p o r t a n t e c o - r i s k - p o o l i n g . F o r e x a m p l e , a c c e s s to l o w - p r i c e d agri-
logical c o n s e q u e n c e s f l o w f r o m g l o b a l e c o n o m i c c u l t u r a l i m p o r t s m a k e s p e o p l e less a v e r s e to the
i n t e g r a t i o n . First, m a t e r i a l g r o w t h a n y w h e r e n e c e s - l o n g - t e r m risks a s s o c i a t e d w i t h the u r b a n i z a t i o n o f
sarily i n c r e a s e s the t h r o u g h p u t o f e n e r g y a n d m a t e - locally l i m i t e d a g r i c u l t u r a l land. In the a b s e n c e o f
rial r e s o u r c e s , i n c l u d i n g t h o s e w h i c h h a v e n o t histor- n e g a t i v e f e e d b a c k o n t h e i r e c o n o m y or lifestyles,
ically b e e n l i m i t i n g (see T a b l e 2). T h i s raises the t h e r e is n o d i r e c t i n c e n t i v e for local p e o p l e to resist
g e n e r a l level o f b o t h c o n s u m p t i o n a n d r e s i d u a l s out- c o n v e r s i o n o f s u c h l a n d to activities t h a t y i e l d h i g h e r
put. S e c o n d , g l o b a l i z a t i o n e x p o s e s all local r e s o u r c e s h o r t - t e r m e c o n o m i c returns.
stocks to the l a r g e s t p o s s i b l e m a r k e t . In the c a s e o f T h e n e t e f f e c t is b e c o m i n g s e l f - e v i d e n t in the
r e g i o n a l l y u n i q u e o r g e n e r a l l y s c a r c e r e s o u r c e s , this m o d e r n world. ' S u r p l u s ' n a t u r a l capital stocks e v e r y -
m a y i n c r e a s e d e m a n d , d r i v i n g u p p r i c e s a n d exploita- w h e r e are d r a w n d o w n a n d g l o b a l sinks are filled to
tion rates. C o n v e r s e l y , in a c o m p e t i t i v e m a r k e t , it o v e r - f l o w i n g . O u r g l o b a l safety n e t is b e i n g s h r e d d e d
m a y d r i v e d o w n prices, e n c o u r a g i n g b o t h o v e r c o n - as the ' T r a g e d y o f the C o m m o n s ' is p l a y e d o u t o n a

Table 2
The ecological trade deficit of industrialized countries
Countries Ecologically productive land Population (1995) Ecol. productive land per capita National ecological deficit per capita
(in ha) (in ha)
a b c = a/b d = Footpr.- c e = d/c
(in ha) (in % available)
Countries with 2 - 3 ha footprints assuming a 2 ha footprint
Japan 30 340 000 125 000 000 0.24 1.76 730%
Korea 8 669 000 45 000 000 0.19 1.81 950%
Countries with 3 - 4 ha footprints assuming a 3 ha footprint
Austria 6 740 000 7 900 000 0.85 2.15 250%
Belgium 1 987 000 10 000 000 0.20 2.80 1400%
Denmark 3 270 000 5 200 000 0.62 2.38 380%
France 45 385 000 57 800 000 0.78 2.22 280%
Germany 27 734 000 81 300 000 0.34 2.66 780%
Netherlands 2 300 000 15 500000 0.15 2.85 1900%
Switzerland 3 073 000 7 000 000 0.44 2.56 580%
assuming a 3.74 ha footprint
Australia 584000000 18 000000 32.4 (28.7); use of local capacity: 12%
Countries with 4 - 5 ha footprints assuming a 4.3 ha footprint
Canada 433 000 000 29000000 14.9 (10.6); use of local capacity: 30%
assuming a 5.1 ha footprint
United States 714000000 262 000 000 2.7 2.4 60%

This table shows that most industrialized countries run a significant ecological deficit. The last two columns represent low estimates of these
per capita deficits. Even if their land was twice as productive as the world average (stimulated by significant fossil fuel inputs), European
countries would still run a deficit more than three times larger than their natural capital income. Canada and Australia are among the few
industrial countries that consume less than their domestic natural capital income. However, their natural capital stocks are depleted by
exports of energy, forest and agricultural products, etc. In short, they accommodate ecological footprints of people in other high-consump-
tion countries.
The table is calculated from FAO, 1994, 1995) and World Resources Institute (1994) data. Footprint sizes are inferred from studies by Hall
et al. (1994), Infras (1995), Neumann (1994), Simpson et al. (1995), Wada (1995) and our own analyses, using mainly World Resources
Institute (1994) data. Adapted from Wackernagel and Rees, 1995, p. 97.
18 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24

global scale. All countries now face the same poten- IMPROVED ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF CARS AND
tially limiting factors simultaneously (e.g., ozone
depletion, exhausted fisheries, potential climate
change) in a geopolitically uncertain world. la

To summarize, for both individuals and entire

economies, trade maximizes economic output and
thereby accelerates natural capital depletion. Indeed, lo

in some circumstances the liquidation of local stocks

may seem advantageous, if not absolutely necessary, 6

to maintaining growth and competitiveness. Thus, 5


trade only appears to extend carrying capacity. In 3

fact, by encouraging all regions to exceed local 1 i

limits, by reducing the perceived risk attached to 1970 ~ 975 * ~8o 1 ~5

local natural capital depletion, and by simultaneously year

Total fuel use in million barrels per day
exposing local surpluses to global demand, uncon-
trolled trade eventually reduces global carrying ca- t Car efficiency in litres/100km
pacity, increasing the risk to everyone (Rees and
Fig. 5. A m e r i c a n cars as an efficiency example. Efficiency im-
Wackernagel, 1994). p r o v e m e n t s of the US A m e r i c a n c a r fleet has not been able to
reduce a g g r e g a t e fuel c o n s u m p t i o n . It is an e x a m p l e of the
3.4. Efficiency efficiency i m p r o v e m e n t s on the individual scale w h i c h accelerate
resource t h r o u g h p u t on the societal scale (data sources: M a c K e n -
Many economists and environmentalists believe zie, 1991, p. 7, E n e r g y Information Administration, 1992, p. 53).

that advances in technological efficiency is a poten-

tial panacea for the global crisis. This follows Buck-
minster Fuller's reasoning of 'doing more with less' al., 1992, pp. 179-185). Lester Brown et al. (1991,
and contains the hidden assumption that efficiency p. 83) states that "continuing growth in material
gains lead to resource savings and reduced consump- consumption - - the number of cars and air condi-
tion. For example, Schmidheiny lauds the 50% en- tioners, the amount of paper used, and the like - -
ergy efficiency gains by the chemical industry, for- will eventually overwhelm gains from efficiency,
getting that chemical production has doubled in the causing total resource use (and all the corresponding
same period (Schmidheiny, 1992, p. 38). Also many environmental damage) to rise." For example, U.S.
official reports on environment and development (in- data show that despite the improving fuel efficiency
cluding the 1987 Brundtland report) chant what Sachs of cars, aggregate fuel consumption is rising again
(1988, p. 33) has called "the gospel of global effi- (Fig. 5). Finally, The Ecologist observes that al-
ciency." though energy use per dollar Gross National Product
As effective as these strategies might seem on the decreased by 23% in OECD countries between 1973
micro scale, however, increasing the ratio between and 1987, total annual energy consumption by these
output and input does not necessarily lead to lower countries increased by 15% between 1975 and 1989
resource use. On the contrary, technological effi- (The Ecologist, 1992, p. 168).
ciency may actually lead to increased net consump- This should not come as a surprise. Economist
tion of resources. Stanley Jevons argued as early as 1865 in The Coal
Various authors have already recognized varia- Question that "it is a confusion of ideas to suppose
tions on this theme. The Limits to Growth team that the economical use of fuel is equivalent to
(Meadows et al., 1972) pointed out that a doubling diminished consumption. The very contrary is the
of agricultural productivity would extend limits by truth" (Jevons, 1865, p. 140). He states that ineffi-
only 20 years and leave future generations with a cient machinery consumes little, because the rate of
more intractable problem. Similar arguments are ad- consumption is too high and hence uneconomical
vanced in their 1992 follow-up study (Meadows et (Jevons, 1865, p. 143). By contrast, "the reduction
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 19

of the consumption of coal, per ton of iron, to less resource throughput per unit GDP declines. In fact,
than one-third of its former amount, was followed, in various studies reject the claim that GDP and energy
Scotland, by a tenfold increase in total consumption, consumption have ever been decoupled in industrial-
between the years 1830 and 1863, not to speak of the ized countries (Cleveland et al., 1984, pp. 892-894,
indirect effect of cheap iron in accelerating other Costanza, 1980, pp. 1221-1224, Hall et al., 1986,
coal-consuming branches of industry" (Jevons, 1865, pp. 51-59). Energy analyst Robert Kaufmann (1992,
p. 154). The expansion effect in the total throughput pp. 54-55) concludes that "substitution and techni-
of energy brought about by technical efficiency gains cal change have had relatively little effect on the
is probably valid for other resources too, as pointed amount of energy used to produce a unit of real GDP
out by the five following effects. in France, Germany, Japan, and the UK during the
post-war period. (..) [T]hese results imply that the
3.4.1. On the micro-leL'el link between economic activity and energy use is
• Improved energy or material efficiency may stronger than believed by most neoclassical
enable firms to raise wages, increase dividends, or economists."
lower prices, all of which may lead to higher net Technical innovations account for the other
consumption. Similarly, technology-induced savings 75% of GDP growth (Samuelson and Nordhaus,
by individuals are usually redirected to other forms 1985), again contributing to increased aggregate re-
of consumption, canceling some of the initial gain. source throughput. Sanders uses various neoclassical
As Harmon (1975, p. 99) points out, the environmen- growth models with energy and technology as sepa-
tally conscious "traveller who [switches] from urban rate factors of production to analyze the effect of
bus to bicycle would save energy (and dollars) at the efficiency gains, and comes to the conclusion that
rate of 51 000 Btu per dollar. If he were not careful "energy efficiency gains can increase energy con-
to spend his dollar savings on an item of personal sumption by two means: by making energy appear
consumption which had an energy intensity greater effectively cheaper than other inputs; and by increas-
than 51 000 Btu per dollar then his shift to bicycle ing economic growth, which pulls up energy use"
would have been in vain." Most energy analysts (Sanders, 1992, p. 143).
have focused on these income and price effects, Technical efficiency gains that can improve
summarized under the name of 'the rebound effect' returns to capital attract investment to the activity
(Jaccard, 1991, p. 2). involved. Moreover, as Jevons long ago pointed out,
"the progress of any branch of manufacture excites
3.4.2. On the meso (or regional) leL,el a new activity in most other branches and leads
Typically, industrialized countries import the bulk indirectly, if not directly, to increased inroads upon
of their energy, mostly in form of fossil energy. Such our seams of coal" (Jevons, 1865, p. 142). In other
imports weaken local economies through the loss of words, profitable efficiency gains contribute to up-
direct spending (leakage) and the loss of the spend- ward-trending expectations of returns to capital, ac-
ing's re-spending (multiplier effect) (Davis, 1990, p. celerated growth, and increased demand for re-
11). By contrast, the money for both the energy-sav- sources. 9 Overall, innovation stimulated by competi-
ing equipment as well as the amounts saved through tion generally accelerates global economic perfor-
improved energy efficiency will more likely be spent mance and with it, entropic throughput.
locally, thus stimulating the local economy. Ironically then, it is precisely the economic gains
from improved technical efficiency that increase the
3.4.3. On the macro-level rate of resource throughput. Micro-economic reality
• Some of the money saved through efficiency
gains is invested. Samuelson and Nordhaus (1985, p.
796) maintain that about 25% of the 2.3% annual
9 The profit rate defines the market value of capital. Investors
average per capita growth of the US since 1900 can are therefore not only interested in maximizing profits for direct
be attributed to capital growth. A higher GDP may gain, but also in securing capital from potential depreciation
result in higher net resource throughput even if the (Binswanger, 1991, p. 98).
20 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3 - 2 4

demands that these efficiency gains be used to needs are not only physical in nature, such as food,
short-term economic advantage. Far from conserving shelter, and health care, but also psychological, such
natural capital or decreasing ecological footprints, as dignity and self-esteem, love and social connect-
this leads to higher consumption. In a globally inter- edness, self-realization and control over o n e ' s life. In
linked economy, the question then becomes: Can we other words, decent human life presupposes some
afford cost-saving energy efficiency? The answer is basic securities.
' y e s ' only if efficiency gains are taxed away or This paper started out by explaining why main-
otherwise removed from further economic circula- taining natural capital becomes the ecological bot-
tion. Preferably they should be captured for reinvest- tom-line for securing decent human life. Mainte-
ment in natural capital rehabilitation. nance of natural capital and its productivity requires
investments. However, many forces detract today
from investing in natural capital. And its depletion
4. Implications for investing in natural capital continues. The paper showed why monetary analyses
are blind to this dilemma, and, by using various
The prime challenge for economic development is examples, argued for a biophysically based eco-
to meet present human needs " w i t h o u t compromis- nomics. For analyzing ecological constraints and their
ing the ability of future generations to meet their implications for human well-being, such an eco-
own n e e d s " (WCED, 1987, p. 8). Basic human nomics could be based on the ecological footprint

• }dealincentiveto re- RESULTS
ducepop growth • morepop growth
• resourceprotection • hal capital

1 •
• communitybuilding
~ investm Ne n t / ~
• weakcommunity
• investment

• globaldelinking
• equitabletrade seeleftsideof
tariffs Table 1
• tradeof ecolo-

• institutionsto o •
g a i n s (taxreform),

{! ::

e ~mize (your)wealth ]

• economyas closedsystem
• obligatedependenceon

Fig. 6. Implications. Either we continue on our current unsustainable path (circle on the right), or we recognize that we need to change it
(circle on the left). However, most policies which would lead to a sustainable future remain politically unacceptable if not heretical (Iliana
M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24 21

perspective. Only with economic theories that are tive, providing the biophysical and social security
grounded in an understanding of biophysical flows, necessary for human life requires development
and of stocks necessary to secure these flows, will strategies that preserve the Earth's bioproductive
we be able to accept the economic necessity to invest stock and the life-support services it delivers, and
in natural capital, and by that maintain its capacity. which reinforce a sense of human community. Our
The question then becomes how we will be able role models should be the socially committed and
to provide these basic securities for human survival. our heroes those who enrich the potential of human
We face a difficult choice (see Fig. 6): life on as little appropriated carrying capacity as
E i t h e r w e continue on o u r current p a t h . . . : The necessary. Corresponding strategies include a devel-
dominant world view assumes an open economy opment framework that emphasizes the need for
independent of nature, that human beings are selfish investment in natural capital and in new social insti-
atoms devoid of social relationships, and that all tutions for strengthening community life and related
values are commensurate on a unidimensional mone- mutual support mechanisms. In much of the world a
tary scale. From this perspective, the appropriate necessary corollary would be to devolve significant
strategy to meet human needs is to maximize indi- control over local resources to resident populations.
vidual wealth and strive for Pareto efficiency at the Indeed, any significant change of direction would
societal level. Our contemporary role models are the likely be accompanied by some degree of global
competitively and materially successful, our heroes de-linking.
those people who contribute most to the country's While there are today no practical examples of
GDP. Appropriate economic policies and strategies formal comprehensive development programs incor-
for maximizing individual wealth can be found in porating these qualities, it is certainly possible to
any standard economics textbook (e.g., Lipsey et al., speculate on the form they might take (Daly and
1988; Samuelson and Nordhaus, 1985). Cobb, 1989; Milbrath, 1989). Rees (1992c) outlines
Unfortunately, as this paper with its ecological some basic elements of a strategy to restore ecologi-
footprint approach shows, prevailing economic logic cal balance and social equity to global development.
and development strategies discourage investment in The emphasis is on reducing humanity's ecological
natural capital. Indeed, economic globalization deep- footprint and industrial countries' appropriation of
ens the alienation between humankind and nature the global commons (see also Goodland and Daly,
and, through the destruction of community, among 1993). The following components are particularly
human beings themselves. Current development pat- relevant to the theme of this paper:
terns reinforce the primacy of human-made capital • A reassertion of community and social values
over natural capital because the former 'reproduces' and responsibilities to restore balance with the pre-
faster than the latter. Investment has become the sent emphasis on individual rights. This would be
opposite of conservation and ultimately threatens accompanied by greater appreciation of cooperative
human welfare. People everywhere are faced with a activity to balance industrial society's current wor-
complex paradox: the dominant strategy promises to ship of competitive behavior.
enhance human welfare, but increasingly seems re- A shift from the present emphasis on global
sponsible for eroding it. economic integration and inter-regional dependence
. . . O r w e recognize the n e e d to change direction: toward greater regional autonomy and self-reliance
By contrast, the ecological world view recognizes (if all regions were in ecological steady-state the
that the human economy operates within the eco- aggregate effect would be global stability). The
sphere, a thermodynamically closed system powered well-developed models of bioregionalism provide a
(nearly) exclusively by 175000 TW of low entropy useful conceptual starting point.
solar energy, that human beings live in obligate Negotiation of a General Agreement on the
dependency on nature as well as on each other, and Integrity of (Ecological) Assets (a G A I A agreement)
that market prices cannot be the sole criterion for to regulate economic activities affecting the global
value or necessity (and are particularly unreliable as life support system, including patterns of commercial
the signal of ecological scarcity). From this perspec- trade in ecologically significant commodities. Such
22 M. Wackernagel, W.E. Rees / Ecological Economics 20 (1997) 3-24

an agreement would set the ecological 'bottom line' Acknowledgements

for such instruments as the G A T T / W T O and might
include... We wish to thank the Task Force on Healthy and
• An international framework of regulatory and Sustainable Communities of the University of British
economic incentives to ensure that commodity trade Columbia, and Charles A. Hall for their encourage-
flows are based on sustainable ecological surpluses ment and comments. We also greatly appreciate Phil
and a policy of no net loss of natural capital stocks Testemale and Iliana Pfimanes' preparation of the
(i.e., sustainable rates of supply) rather than on graphics.
global market demand.
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agreements to ensure fair trade in carrying capacity References
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