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CleroTempest20 Folks hero Yvvaz

Foo Fighter Tiefling Asmodeus leal bom pica

I'm confident in my own abilities

19 +6
26 +1 30 and do what I can to instill
confidence in others.
Freedom. Tyrants must not be

13 +9 220 allowed to oppress the people.


My tools are symbols of my past
life, and I carry them so that I will
never forget my roots.

17 I'm convinced of the significance of

+3 my destiny, and blind to my
shortcomings and the risk of failure.

10 ataque spell +13 - Canalizar divindade.

0 - Canalizar poder divino.
efeito 23 - Destruir Undead CR 4
espada +10 5d8+4 - Intervenção divina 100%
24 +13

- Irá da tempestade. ( reação
ao levar dano, 2d8 em teste de
+7 resistência )
- Golpe trovejante.( Afasta 15
fts com dano de raio )
- Golpe divino(+2d8 trovão em
20 melee )
+5 +13 - Nascido na tempestade ( vôo
igual caminhada )
- Licantropia urso ( Imunidade
a danos de armas não
15 armor +3, Shield +3, mágicas, 19 em força )
Amulet+3, sword of - Resistência a dano de fogo,
zariel radiante, necrótico, elétrico,
idioma: Common, infernal,
celestial ácido e gelo
armas: Simples e marciais - Truesight 60 pés
armaduras: todas - Vantagem em intuição
ferramentas: Airship, Smithing
36 anos 1,80 100 kg

Darwin Lestrange Amarelos amarelo Preto

Casa Lestrange Líder ), Corellon

( Seu Deus ), Os grandes três
( sua equipe antiga )

talento "Resilience", "war caster" e "Lucky"

O Tiefling nascido Lycantropo propriedades mágicas maiores do livro ( +2 em sabedoria,
que transcendeu sua regeneração de 1d6 por turno. ) propriedades menores ( imune
mortalidade após destruir o a enfeitiçado, assustado/ e resistência a dano elétrico ) espada
demônio Strahd von zarovich. de zariel ( resistência ácido e gelo )

Book of The exalted deeds ( Sintonizado ), Shield +3, Amulet of The devout
+3 ( Sintonizado ), +3 Armor, manual of iron golem, sword of zariel
( Sintonizado )

You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain
your concentration on a spell when you take damage.
You can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have
weapons or a shield in one or both hands.
When a hostile creature's movement provokes an opportunity attack from you,
you can use your reaction to cast a spell at the creature, rather than making
an opportunity attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 action and must
target only that creature.
clérigo wis 23 +16

3 3 2 1
Guidance Heal, Harm,
Mending Gust of Wind, Shatter, Dispel magic
Thaumaturgy revivify
Sacred flame
Minor illusion

4 4 2 2
Control weather, Ice storm
flog cloud, thunderwave, disguise self temple of The gods, resurrection, regenerate

Guiding Bolt, Cure wounds, Shield of faith

bless, Command
3 3
Guardian of faith, death ward

1 1
earthquake, Holy aura, antimagic field

3 3

invisibility,Spirit weapon, Prayer of healing

3 2
1 1
call lightning, sleet storm
summon celestial, hallow Destructive wave, Insect plague
planar binding mass heal, gate, astral projection

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