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jEdit 4.4 version history (changes since jEdit 4.3) :encoding=UTF-8: {{{ Version 4.4.

1 Thanks to Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler, Kazutoshi Satoda, Alan Ezust, and Matthieu Casanova for contributing to this release. {{{ Bug Fixes - Collapsing all folds will move the caret outside any fold if necessary (Matthieu Casanova) - Fixed an exception that occurs when opening jEdit from command line with some files to open as argument if a jEdit server is running (#3173669 - Matthieu Casanova) - jEdit now force drops from external applications to be COPY and not MOVE drops. It prevents ftp explorer from deleting dropped files (#1208598 - Matthieu Casanova) - Changing bufferset scopes now saved to properties as default scope. (#3316329 - Matthieu Casanova) - Buffersets no longer populated with open files when creating new view. (#2990965 - Matthieu Casanova and Alan Ezust) - BufferSet contents of new Plain View #3317405 fixed (Matthieu Casanova) - When the cursor was at a start (or end) of non-top (non-bottom) line, Find Next (Previous) for a non-empty regex starting with "^" (ending with "$") wrongly skipped the occurrence at the cursor. (SF.net bug #2953604 - Kazutoshi Satoda) - Corrected a wrong specifications (javadoc comments) of SearchMatcher#nextMatch(). (SF.net bug #2953604 - Kazutoshi Satoda) - Fixed an exception that prevent from opening properties dialog of non local files in the VFS Browser (#3199876 - Matthieu Casanova) - Remove sending to background from the Linux start script, otherwise it cannot be used properly as commit editor with the -wait option or to get the -usage output on the commandline properly (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - Improve integration with Unity Launcher. Without this change if you pin jEdit to the Launcher and then run it, a separate icon for the running instance is shown. With this change this is correctly merged with the pinned starter. (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) }}} }}} {{{ Version 4.4pre1 Thanks to Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler, Alan Ezust, Eric Berry, Shlomy Reinstein, Damien Radtke, Dale Anson, Matthieu Casanova, Eric Le Lay, Bernhard Walle, Joerg Spieler, Kevin Hunter, Franois Rey, Dion Whitehead, Marcelo Vanzin, Jesse Pavel, Jakub Roztoil,

Kazutoshi Satoda, Anshal Shukla, Milutin Jovanovi, Vadim Voituk, goebbe, James Nicholl, Uwe donovaly, Sergey Mezentsev, Jim Lawton, Suraj Kurapati, Paulo Moura, curtis_call, Rowan Collins, Stephen Blackheath, asitdepends, Michael Schlotter, Robin Neatherway, strank, and Hisateru Tanaka for contributing to this release. {{{ Bug fixes - Fixed an exception when trying to add new menu items to the context menu if some ActionSets have been unloaded (plugin deactivation) (Matthieu Casanova #3071355) - Windows installer tries to quit existing jEdit instance before trying to install (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - Closes menus when toggling dockables. (#3022084 - Anshal Shukla) - VFSBrowser escape handling fixed when used as a dialog (#3101808 - Alan Ezust) - Context menu sorted when adding toolbar buttons (#3074164 - Alan Ezust) - Fixed an exception when clicking ok while adding new action to the context menu if no action has been selected (Matthieu Casanova #3072546) - Fixed TextArea.selectBlock() when the block is at offset 0 (Jesse Pavel #3062072) - Fixed a memory leak in the beanshell snippet replacement (Matthieu Casanova #3043132) - The "buffer" variable is always the current buffer and not the buffer where the replacement occurs when using beanshell snippet replacement (Matthieu Casanova #3043118) - Removed workaround in drag & drop code of TextArea that doesn't seem useful anymore on Ubuntu and cause exceptions when dropping a Transferable that is not a String but has a java.io.InputStream as representation class (Matthieu Casanova) - Fixed caret going to the wrong position when adding explicit folds in a buffer that uses an edit mode that has no line comment (Matthieu Casanova #2138160) - Fixed caret going after the explicit folds when adding explicit folds to the wrong position when adding explicit folds while having no selection, in any edit mode (Matthieu Casanova) - When saving a buffer the autoreload option of the buffer was overridden by global settings (Matthieu Casanova #2999966) - Improve indentation settings of the shellscript edit mode. (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler #3005463) - Removed the duplicated "Architecture" line from the Debian control file. (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler #2999456) - In the manage panel, when selecting a library, the description panel do not contains "null" for every fields and the title is set to the jar name instead of "null" (Matthieu Casanova)

- Update of textarea scrollbars and bufferSwitcher are now done in EventQueue thread (Matthieu Casanova #2946031) - Removed unnecessary popup warnings from InstallPanel when loading a pluginset. (Alan Ezust) - fix #1439605 - remove installer.VariableGridLayout (r16596). - Fixed bug in "selection-length" status bar widget: The widget was not added to the edit bus, so it wasn't updated when the edit pane changed. (Shlomy Reinstein) - Removed write capability to the UrlVFS. Now http:// files are marked read-only. (Eric Le Lay #2805986) - When having two monitors the About dialog was appearing between them, one half on each monitor. Now it's position is relative to the active View (Matthieu Casanova) - Selection foreground color broken when soft wrap. (Shlomy Reinstein #2946203) - Using regex style encoding auto detectors, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException could happen when loading a file. (Kazutoshi Satoda) - The encoding could be less accurate when opening a file from File System Browser. (SF.net bug #1524181,1721796 - Kazutoshi Satoda) - ALT key typing with Windows Look&Feel (for menu bar interaction) now behaves a bit closer to native Windows applications. NOTE: It's still incomplete due to some problems in JVM. http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6923687 http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6458497 ALT key typing is disabled on TextArea for now to prevent the latter problem. (SF.net bug #2795635 - Kazutoshi Satoda) - HelpViewer loads pages asynchronously (SF.net bug #1231914 - Eric Le Lay) - Don't replace colons by slashes in canonPath() on Mac OS X (SF.net bug #1488911 - Eric Le Lay - r17754) - Fix Angle brackets showing up in plugin descriptions in plugin manager (SF.net bug #1963667 - Eric Le Lay) - Fix SOCKS proxy accessing wrong property. Therefore, SOCKS proxy was never getting enabled. (SF.net patch #2820969 - Milutin Jovanovi) - CopyFileWorker now throws a FileNotFoundException instead of a NPE if the target path is not a directory and it's parent doesn't exists. (Matthieu Casanova) - CopyFileWorker do not accept that the source and target are the same (Matthieu Casanova) - Changed GUIUtilities.confirm() to work also from worker threads, by deferring the confirmation dialog to the EDT. This fixes threading issues with HyperSearchRequest, if the number of results exceeds the "max results" option. (Shlomy Reinstein)

- Fix "-reuseview" not bringing the view to the front. (Sf.net bug #1510651 - Shlomy Reinstein) - Show search bar in full screen mode. (Sf.net bug #2944752 - Shlomy Reinstein) - Got rid of extra Component created as parent of every JToolBar in GuiUtilities.loadToolBar() (#2114751 - Alan Ezust) - After using save-as action on a read-only buffer the new buffer is no longer read-only (#3148102 - Matthieu Casanova) }}} {{{ API changes - API made public: org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSFileNameField (Marcelo Vanzin) - Added methods to manage the cursor if the TextArea : In the TextAreaPainter class, added resetCursor() setCursor(Cursor) The cursor behavior is the following : when the cursor is the default one : TEXT_CURSOR, when typing text it is hidden, after moving the mouse it reappears. If a plugin calls setCursor() to replace it for whatever reason, the cursor will not disappear anymore when typing or be changed to TEXT_CURSOR until resetCursor() is called (Matthieu Casanova) - Introduction of a new ThreadUtilities class implementing a threadpool using Java 1.6 Concurrent API. Use this instead of VFSManager's WorkThreadPool, which is now deprecated. Related: A new Task Monitor dockable which will eventually replace the I/O progress monitor, for showing progress of tasks. Still TODO: rewrite VFSManager + all plugins to use ThreadUtilities instead of WorkThreadPool. (Matthieu Casanova) - Made method TextUtilities.getCharType() public (Matthieu Casanova) - Method MiscUtilities.formatFileSize() moved to StandardUtilities (Matthieu Casanova) - New method E ServiceManager.getService(Class<E> clazz, String name) to get service instance (Matthieu Casanova) - Register api changed, it now contains Transferable (Matthieu Casanova) - Added ThreadUtilities utility class (Matthieu Casanova) - Removed deprecated objectfactory xml parser. - File System Browser dynamic menu support (#2938170 - Franois Rey) - Added a method for unregistering macro handlers: Macros.unregisterHandler(). - bufferSet api rewritten. Now each editPane have its own bufferSet, does not share it with other editPanes. The bufferset scope is the same for all EditPanes. (Matthieu Casanova) - Status bar widget : it is now possible to use labels starting with letters

in status bar. (Matthieu Casanova) - Removed long deprecated TextArea#isDragInProgress() and TextArea#setDragInProgress(). (SF.net patch #2809776,2936146 - Kevin Hunter) - EditBus.send() will now always deliver messages on the AWT thread, although it can be called from any thread. (Marcelo Vanzin) - Added EditBus.sendAsync(): this just enqueues messages to be send over the EditBus as soon as the AWT thread is not busy, and returns immediately. (Marcelo Vanzin) - Added ability to tag classes with EditBus.EBHandler. This is only useful when tagging an EditPlugin class, and makes the plugin instance behave as if it implemented EBComponent (it's added to the bus when the plugin is activated). (Marcelo Vanzin) - RFC edit mode was misplaced in catalog and was never matching anything because text edit mode glob was more global and checked first (Matthieu Casanova) - New ping-pong list component org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.PingPongList (Matthieu Casanova) - PluginUpdate bus message now have a method getPluginVersion() that returns the plugin version if there is one (Matthieu Casanova #2953163) - Added StyleEditor.invokeForCaret(textArea) which does same as buffer.editSyntaxStyle(textArea) did, but can be invoked without specifying the buffer object carefully. (Kazutoshi Satoda) - HistoryModel's max size is no more defined globally : replaced the static max variable by a per-instance max variable and a static defaultMax variable (Eric Le Lay) - The JeditBuffer class now have thread-safe getText() params-less convenience method (Vadim Voituk) - Patch 3008954 to Mode and ModeProvider to allow an exact filename match when selecting the mode for a file. (Patch provided by Bernhard Walle) - Patch 3022084 added View.closeAllMenus(). (Anshal Shukla) }}} {{{ Editing - Update for Stata-edit mode (goebbe, # 3019042) - Added "using" keyword to haXe edit mode (patch #3081482 from Bad Sector, Matthieu Casanova) - Added visualbasic.xml edit mode (Anonymous submitter, #3031412) - Added haxe.xml and hxml mode files to support haXe language (Dion Whitehead, Franois Rey, # 2922986) - Added plaintex.xml mode file, for plain tex files. (# 2787012 - James Nicholl) - nsis2.xml update (#2653404 Uwe donovaly) - sas.xml update (#2926121, 3015899 - goebbe)

- html.erb added to rhtml mode catalog entry. (# 2734062 Sergey Mezentsev) - Added Go edit mode (#2898646 - Jim Lawton) - When pasting text copied from the textarea, if the target textarea has no edit mode, the edit mode from the source is copied (Matthieu Casanova) - Added the missing doxygen commands for doxygen v1.6.1 (bug #2895272 - report and patch from Bernhard Walle). doxygen now highlights quoted strings in comments. - Ruby mode - keyword highlighting bug fix ( # 2868654 - Suraj Kurapati) - Updated logtalk.xml file (# 2937909 - Paulo Moura) - Slax Edit Mode ( # 2883030 - curtis_call ) - Json edit mode ( # 2979745 - Dale Anson ) - PHP Smarty Templates Mode ( # 2969956 - Rowan Collins) - Haskell edit mode rewrite ( # 2993269 - Stephen Blackheath) - Pure edit mode updates ( # 2988741 - asitdepends) - url.xml mode (# 1991306 - Kevin Hunter) - LaTeX mode - code indentation (2872638 - Michael Schlotter) - 'dot.xml' mode file indent{Open,Close}Brackets wrong (#3008614 - Robin Neatherway) - Added logtalk.xml mode file (#1945284 - Paulo Moura) - Added regex.xml mode file (#2782258 - Kevin Hunter) - Added sip.xml mode file to read sip messages (Matthieu Casanova) - New paste special action accessible from menu Edit->More clipboard->Paste Special that will suggest different mode to paste data from clipboard, currently plain text, rich jEdit text (plain text + edit mode) and mime type html are supported (Matthieu Casanova) - Added Ant mode file for Ant build files. (#3016053 - Dale Anson) - Added TLD mode file for JSP Tag Definition Library files. (#3016054 - Dale Ans on) - Added Maven mode file for Maven pom.xml files. (#3016057 - Dale Anson) - Updated javacc mode to better highlight keywords and regular expressions. (Dal e Anson) - Updated Django temlate mode to Django 1.2, added missing keywords and better integration with HTML, CSS and JS (Jakub Roztoil) }}} {{{ Miscellaneous

- Made the Windows installer buildable completely via wine on non-Windows systems (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - Included the Windows launcher in the Java installer (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - Made the Windows installer correctly show special characters like german umlauts (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - Made the filter tasks use UTF-8 encoding as all our files are UTF-8 encoded (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - build files and properties cleanup (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - Wrap mode tooltip in status bar now indicates the current wrap mode (Matthieu Casanova) - Made the Deb Ant task compatible to Ant 1.8+ (Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - It is now possible to copy several files in the VFS Browser at the same time, and copy from/to the OS explorer (Matthieu Casanova) - Removed LatestVersion plugin. - HelpViewer font can be configured via Appearance Option Pane. (#3002186 - Alan Ezust) - Added actions for eating whitespace at word ends in both directions for findWordStart. (#1953341 - strank) - Added a configurable selection foreground color. If set, this color will be used for the selection foreground instead of the syntax highlighting color. The new option can be set from Global Options -> Text Area. (Shlomy Reinstein) - Implemented feature request #2919875: Namable views. You can now specify a name for each view using View -> Set view title. The name is persistent in the perspective.xml file. - In Hypersearch results panel, the query string length is now limited to 100 chars by default for display (Matthieu Casanova) - Applied patch #2887520: Allow filtering the recent file list using file globs, e.g. "*.java" or "{*.c,*.h}". (Patch provided by Joerg Spieler) - New status bar widget design (Matthieu Casanova #1540560) - New Encodings option pane using drag & drop (Matthieu Casanova) - Parsing buffer local properties is limited to the first 10000 characters of the first and last 10 lines. This is a performance enhancement when loading buffers containing very long lines (Matthieu Casanova) - Added a new option to perform font substitution in the text area when the current configured font can't display characters in the buffer. It's disabled by default, and can be enabled in the text area option pane, along with the option to choose preferred fonts for substitution. This makes reading files which contain text in multiple scripts more bearable. (Marcelo Vanzin) - Fixed ModeCatalogHandler so if an edit mode in the user-specific catalog has the same name as an edit mode in the system catalog, the version in the

user-specific catalog will override the system default. This is what the documentation for writing an edit mode has stated is true for some time, now it is. (Dale Anson) - Gave better priorities within modes which matches with a file at the same time, as the following order: - exact filename match - both the filename glob and the first line glob - only the filename glob - the first line glob (Dale Anson) - In status bar option pane, when adding a widget only widgets that are not already in the bar will be proposed (Matthieu Casanova feature #2937286) - Added jedit.exe in the Windows installer, so that users can invoke jEdit more like a native application. (Feature Request #2661227, Patch #2984552 - Hisateru Tanaka, and Bjrn "Vampire" Kautler) - Added some more encoding detectors as default. (Kazutoshi Satoda) - Added settings to Activity Log to adjust colors and filter by message type. (Dale Anson) - Updated 'Make Get and Set' macro. (Dale Anson) - Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N work from completion popups now (#3080463 - Damien Radtke) - Added "Replace" button to Search and Replace dialog. This allows a 'replace once' as opposed to 'replace and find'. (#3084224 - Dale Anson) }}} }}} jEdit buffer local properties: :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=2:

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