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Atmosphere The envelope of gases around the Earth which enables Life to exist on its surface.

Billion 1000 million. Biodiversity The range of plant and animal life. Biofuels Fuels made from organic materials such as wood and Straw, or gas generated by the breakdown of manure by Bacteria. Carbon credits The currency used in carbon trading which allows one Country or organization to buy a set amount of carbon Dioxide production from another. One credit permits Emission of one tone of carbon dioxide. Carbon emissions Specifically the emissions of carbon dioxide produced When fossil fuels are burned, but in popular usage it Refers to greenhouse gas emissions in general. Carbon footprint The amount of carbon dioxide and, usually, other Greenhouse gases produced as a result of an activity. Carbon offsetting Doing something to cancel out the carbon dioxide Produced as a result of an activity. Carbon trading The popular term for the system in which countries or Organizations buy and sell allowances of greenhouse Gas emissions to meet government-set limits. Climate The seasonal pattern of expected weather on the basis of records of at least 30 years. Climate change Long-term changes in weather patterns on a global Scale. Deforestation Cutting down forests. Emissions Gases released into the atmosphere. Fossil fuels Coal, oil and natural gas. Fuels produced from the Remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years Ago. Gigatonne One billion tones. Global warming The overall temperature of the Earth increasing. Greenhouse effect Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trapping Infra-red radiation in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas (GHG) Any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect. Examples are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous Oxide.

Gulf Stream A warm, swift, relatively narrow ocean current flowing Along the coast of the Eastern United States to Ireland, Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries. Industrial Revolution The period in history when machines started to be used On a large scale. Kyoto Protocol An agreement reached in Japan in 1997 under the UNFCCC whereby developed countries have agreed to Meet specific greenhouse gas emission reductions by Specified dates (targets amended 2001). Photosynthesis When green plants take in carbon dioxide and give out Oxygen in order to grow. Recycle Take an unwanted material, process it, then produce a Useful product again. Reforestation Replanting forests. Renewable energy source A fuel that can be replaced in our lifetime, such as Wood, or is unlimited, such as wind. Respiration The process by which an organism such as a plant Uses oxygen for its life processes and gives off carbon Dioxide. Weather The state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, Including temperature, moisture and wind speed.

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