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Rene Benzaim

All Rights Reserved. You may give away this report as long as it is not altered in any way, falsely misrepresented or distributed in any illegal or immoral manner.

General Disclaimer
The information presented in this report represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update her opinion based on the new conditions. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, the author does not assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions.

Medical Disclaimer
This report was written to be helpful and educational. It is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem, you should consult your doctor.

Copyright !"" #enee Ben$aim Do Men Get Yeast Infections? 2

Copyright............................................................................................................2 General Disclaimer ............................................................................................2 Medical Disclaimer............................................................................................2 Introduction........................................................................................................5 Do Men Get Yeast Infections?...........................................................................7 What are the Different ypes of Yeast Infections a Man Can Get?...................! "nal hrush ..................................................................................................! "thlete#s $oot.................................................................................................! %oc& Itch.........................................................................................................! 'ral hrush....................................................................................................! (enile Yeast Infection....................................................................................! )o* Do Men Get Yeast Infections?................................................................+, ransmission of Yeast Infections ..............................................................+, Yeast Intolerance.........................................................................................+, Dia-etes.......................................................................................................++ "nti-iotics...................................................................................................++ .ono/ynol01................................................................................................++ What are the 2ymptoms of a Male Yeast Infection?........................................+2 "nal hrush.................................................................................................+2 "thlete#s $oot...............................................................................................+3 %oc& Itch.......................................................................................................+3 'ral hrush..................................................................................................+3 (enile Yeast Infection..................................................................................+3 What Methods are 4sed to reat a Male Yeast Infection?..............................+5 General .otes..............................................................................................+5 "nal hrush............................................................................................+5 "thlete#s $oot..........................................................................................+5 %oc& Itch..................................................................................................+5 'ral hrush.............................................................................................+5 (enile Yeast Infection.............................................................................+5 .atural 6emedies ........................................................................................+5 "cidophilus.............................................................................................+5 7er-erine ................................................................................................+8 7lac& Walnut .........................................................................................+8 Cayenne (epper......................................................................................+8 Cinnamon................................................................................................+7 Clo9es ....................................................................................................+7 Coconut 'il ............................................................................................+! :chinacea ...............................................................................................+! $la/seed 'il............................................................................................+! Garlic.......................................................................................................+! Gentian ;iolet 'il .................................................................................+1 Grapefruit 2eed :/tract ....................................................................+1 3 http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

<actoferrin ..........................................................................................2, .eem ree <ea9es ............................................................................2, 'regano 'il .......................................................................................2+ 2har& <i9er 'il ..............................................................................2+ ea ree 'il ...........................................................................................22 Witch )a=el............................................................................................22 Yogurt.....................................................................................................23 'ther .atural reatments ...........................................................................23 7entonite Clay .......................................................................................23 Digesti9e :n=ymes..................................................................................23 Inside of a 7anana (eel ........................................................................23 "ntio/idants.................................................................................................23 2upplements.................................................................................................25 ' C and (rescription reatments ..............................................................25 2ome General .otes on reatment>........................................................25 )o* to 4se (roducts <a-eled for Women.............................................25 "lpha-etical <ist of 2ome "ntifungal Drugs .............................................28 "mphotericin 7 ?polyene antimycotic@..................................................28 $ungilin <o=enges...................................................................................28 Clotrima=ole ?a=ole antifungal@..............................................................27 $lucona=ole ?tria=ole0-ased a=ole antifungal@........................................27 Itracona=ole ?tria=ole0-ased a=ole antifungal@.......................................2! Aetocona=ole ?a=ole synthetic antifungal anti-iotic@..............................2! <amisil ?ter-inafine hydrochloride B synthetic allylamine antifungal@ . 21 Micona=ole ?imida=ole0-ased a=ole antifungal@.....................................3, .ystatin ?polyene antifungal@.................................................................3, (osacona=ole ?tria=ole0-ased a=ole antifungal@......................................3+ ercona=ole ?antifungal@.........................................................................32 ;oricona=ole ?tria=ole0-ased a=ole antifungal@......................................32 )o* Can a Male Yeast Infection -e (6:;:. :D?......................................33 Diet..............................................................................................................33 What $oods Cause a Yeast Infection?....................................................35 What Can I :at?.....................................................................................35 )o* <ong Must I :at <i&e his?...........................................................35 (ro-iotics.....................................................................................................38 )ygiene........................................................................................................38 6aising p) <e9el in the -ody 0 )e/agonal Water.......................................37 otal Wellness Cleanse................................................................................37 2afe 2e/.......................................................................................................3! Conclusion........................................................................................................31 "-out the "uthor..............................................................................................52

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?

%ello, and welcome to my report about men and yeast infections. &ost people, when they thin' about yeast infections, thin' about how they affect women, but few consider the impact on men. %owever, men, children, and pets are also prey to aggressive yeast over(growths, but sometimes their symptoms are misread or overloo'ed. In this report I will answer the following )uestions* +o &en ,et Yeast InfectionsWhat are the +ifferent Types of Yeast Infections a &an Can ,et%ow +o &en ,et Yeast InfectionsWhat are the .ymptoms of a &ale Yeast InfectionWhat &ethods are /sed to Treat a &ale Yeast Infection%ow Can a &ale Yeast Infection be 0reventedThis is 1ust the first of several special reports I am preparing for you. &y proposed list of reports include* +o &en ,et Yeast InfectionsYeast Infections in Babies 2 Children Treatments for Yeast Infections 3in depth4 Types and Characteristics of the +ifferent Types of Yeast Infections and %ow They &anifest in 5 http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

&en, Women, and Children Yeast Infections in 0ets 3Yes5 They get them too54 How Can Yeast Infections Impair !unctions" #important$ rain

%ow a Wea'ened Immune .ystem Can 6ead to a Yeast Infection Y7/# ./,8# 9I:5 Yeast Infections 2 .ugar 8 +iet to Control or ;liminate a Yeast Infection

9or more information on yeast infections in general, please visit my blog at* Y;8.T 9#;; +I;T ./CC;..5 You can also sign up for my free mini(eCourse that is full of good information.

%&'() If you have friends or family members who would li'e a copy of this free report, please send them to the lin' below. They will find a sign up form in the right( hand sidebar where they can immediately access their copy of this report and receive each new report as it is published. http*<<yeastfreedietsuccess.com

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?

Do Men Get Yeast Infections"

Yep, you sure do5 But, fortunately, you have them less often than women. /nfortunately, the symptoms of a yeast infection may not be recogni$ed. Instead, they may be mista'en for another condition that has similar symptoms. In some cases, you can have a yeast infection with =7 symptoms. When this happens, you are considered carriers, and you may not even be aware you have a yeast infection.

%ote) The term "yeast infection" is common in the US and "thrush" is common in the UK. The medical term for a yeast infection is Candidiasis. These three terms are used interchangeably in this Report. Don't confuse thrust !ith the specific condition" #ral Thrush.


*hat are the Different 'ypes of Yeast Infections a Man Can Get"
%ere are the five most common yeast infections for guys*

Anal 'hrush
You can pretty much guess that you have anal thrush 3pruritus ani > more commonly 'nown as ?itchy bottom@4 when you have eAtreme itching in the anal area. 8nal thrush spreads easily from the genital area to the anus.

Athlete+s !oot
8thleteBs foot 3tinea pedis4 is a common fungal infection of the s'in that can appear between your toes and on the soles and sides of your feet.

,oc- Itch
Coc' itch 3tinea cruris4 is an itchy groin rash that can appear in the groin area and on the thighs. .ince warm, damp places are prime areas for a yeast infection, if you wear a 1oc' strap, or even tight 1eans, you may be sub1ect to 1oc' itch.

&ral 'hrush
7ral thrush 3candidiasis oral4 occurs in your mouth as white patches on your tongue, lips, and the insides of your chee's and isnBt pretty. /nli'e 1oc' itch and athleteBs foot, which can usually be treated with natural methods or over(the(counter medications 37TC4, oral thrush will usually re)uire a prescription.

.enile Yeast Infection

8 penile yeast infection 3candidal balanitis4 is recogni$ed by a dry, red, scaly, rash, and itchy spots and patches on the penis and the thighs. The main cause is usually unprotected seA. Do Men Get Yeast Infections? !

=7T;* It is possible to have a penile yeast infection and not have any symptoms. 8s a rule, this form of Candidiasis is passed bac' and forth between you and your seAual partner. 7ne of you might clear up their yeast infection, only to be infected again during the neAt seAual encounter. This can go on for months until both of you get rid of the problem.



How Do Men Get Yeast Infections"

WeBre dealing with two different situations here* You can get a yeast infection from someone else, or from situations li'e a communal swimming pool or loc'er room. 7r, you can get a yeast infection as the result of a yeast intolerance caused by an overgrowth of yeast in your system.

'ransmission of Yeast Infections

ItBs very important for you to understand, as we discussed above, that yeast infections can be transmitted from one person to another and are classified as a seAually transmitted infection 3.TI4. They can also be transmitted from clothes or towels, for eAample, and at places where you tend to wal' around bare footed, such as loc'er rooms or communal showers.

Yeast Intolerance
The yeast in and on your body, which is necessary and beneficial, is called Candida albicans. 8n intolerance to the Candida albicans yeast occurs when there is an abnormal growth of this yeast, creating much more than you need. This condition is called Candidiasis, Thrush, yeast overgrowth, or Yeast Infection. There are many reasons why yeast infections occur. .tress, poor diet, diabetes, antibiotics, and a wea'ening of the immune system are 1ust a few of the causes. Your body contains many different 'inds of bacteria, most of it beneficial. There is bacteria that is used to 'eep the Candida albicans under control. 8ny of the above causes that Do Men Get Yeast Infections? #$

destroy this good bacteria, especially antibiotics, allows the Candida yeast to flourish and cause a yeast overgrowth. The yeast in your body cannot build up a resistance to the good bacteria and, for this reason, the correct balance of beneficial bacteria to Candida must be maintained. Those of you who are most at ris' to develop a yeast infection are those with wea'ened immune systems. Wea'ened immune systems can result from the use of antibiotics or steroids, cancer, 8I+.<%ID, or ta'ing a course of chemotherapy. 8lso,if you have auto immune disorders such as fibromyalgia or lupus, you are at ris'. %ere are some situations that may ma'e you at ris' for developing a yeast infection* /se of steroids Certain vitamin deficiencies +rin'ing a lot of alcohol, especially beer and wine .tress and anAiety ToAicity in the bloodstream %ormonal shifts and imbalances 0oor diet

If you have diabetes , you are more susceptible to yeast infections. The elevated sugar in your urine is the culprit and can especially cause problems in the genital area.

8nother main cause of a yeast infection is prolonged or repeated antibiotic use. Your body has a normal supply of beneficial bacteria, and antibiotics can 'ill them off, allowing the normally(occurring Candida yeast to ta'e over.

IBve read reports that condoms with =onoAynol(E added to the lubricant can contribute to anal yeast infections. The solution is to use a condom that doesnBt have a spermicidal lubricant.



*hat are the 3ymptoms of a Male Yeast Infection"

Your symptoms arenBt any different than the symptoms that women and children eAperience. %owever, they can vary from male to male and even be different from one day to the neAt. Your general health and genetic ma'eup also contribute to how your symptoms change, and why there are so many different symptoms. %ere are some general symptoms* 8 burning sensation Itching that doesnBt ease up #ed rash around the head and tip of the penis +ischarge that can be smelly .ometimes, small spots, blistering 0ainful .eA or dysfunctional .eA Impossible or difficult to retract the fores'in 0ain on urination #ed bumps similar to genital herpes #ectal itching 8rthritis +epression Chronic rashes Tiredness or fatigue 0oor memory

.ome more specific symptoms include*

Anal 'hrush
In its earliest stage, anal thrush begins as a mild itching annoyance, which is worse when in bed. It can become so severe you can thin' of nothing else. .ince you tend to sweat in the anus area and itBs warm and airless, the itching becomes even more intense.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


Athlete+s !oot
The most irritating symptom of athleteBs foot is itchy feet. %owever, if you donBt treat it, the s'in may start to fla'e or become crac'ed and painful. When this happens, you are sub1ect to a bacterial infection, which can give off an unpleasant smell.

,oc- Itch
The symptoms you may eAperience with 1oc' itch are similar to anal thrush and any of the conditions on the general list. 8gain, the culprit is a warm, moist environment.

=7T;* 8nal thrush, athleteBs foot, and 1oc' itch all thrive in warm, moist environments. .ince you tend to sweat more than women, you are more susceptible to these forms of yeast infection.

&ral 'hrush
The symptoms of oral thrush include white patches on your tongue, the sides of the mouth, and the lips.

.enile Yeast Infection

In the case of penile yeast infection, you may not have any symptoms at all. The most usual symptoms include soreness and irritation of your penisF head, which can cause intense itchiness. You may notice a reddish rash and small blisters on the head of your penis and, in some cases, a white discharge may appear.



*hat Methods are 4sed to 'reat a Male Yeast Infection" General %otes
9irst, some specific notes on the different treatments for the five most common yeast infections you can have* Anal 'hrush Witch %a$el, an old(fashioned remedy available from pharmacies, is helpful. 0at some onto the affected area a couple of times a day with a cotton pad but, if the problem gets worse instead of better, stop the treatment. When you scratch to relieve the itching, you can easily damage the delicate s'in which ma'es the yeast, with their little hoo's, better able to ?latch on@ and ma'e the situation worse. 8n alternative to scratching is to pinch the s'in near your anus between your thumb and forefinger > through your clothes. This wonBt cause as much damage as scratching.

=7T;* Creams are usually recommended to treat anal thrush but may compound the problem because they 'eep the area damp. The best course of action is to 'eep your genital area as dry as possible.

Athlete+s !oot You can easily treat 1oc' itch and athleteBs foot with anti( fungal sprays or creams found at your pharmacy or chemist. Treated effectively, it wonBt last too long.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


,oc- Itch Coc' itch can usually be controlled by using anti(fungal creams and sprays that you can buy 7TC 3over the counter4 without a prescription. &ral 'hrush 8s a rule, oral thrush re)uires a li)uid prescription drug, such as =ystatin, that you swish around in your mouth several times a day. See also $eem Tree #il .enile Yeast Infection Tea tree oil 3melaleuca alternifolia4 has natural anti(fungal activity and wor's by helping to restore the natural balance of your bacteria and fungi. You can add several drops of Tea tree oil to your bath. You can also dilute it and apply it to the affected area.

General advice) If you are prone to scratch at night when you are asleep, you may have to resort to wearing cotton gloves. You can also as' your health care provider for a prescription of antihistamine for temporary relief .

%atural Remedies
You will find additional solutions to the five yeast infections list above throughout this section and in the 7TC<0rescription drug section. Acidophilus 8cidophilus dietary supplements , or foods with active bacterial cultures li'e yogurt or buttermil', can be eaten and often will cure a mild yeast infection. 8 natural cure that also wor's well is !ashing your genitals with yogurt diluted in water and leaving the yogurt on the #5 http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

s'in overnight. This should be applied with clean hands or sterile gau$e and clean white underwear should be worn to prevent linen stains. This treatment wor's because the good bacteria in the yogurt fights the Candida albicans yeast . er/erine Berberine is a plant al'aloid isolated from the roots and bar' of plants such as 7regon ,rape 3%erberis a&uifolium4, Barbarry 3%erberis 'ulgaris4, ,oldenseal 3(ydrastis canadensis4 and Yerba mansa 3)nemopsis californica4, among others. It functions as an antimicrobial against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, and is especially effective for treating yeast infections. ItBs available in pills, tablets, or capsules and the recommended dosage for a yeast infection is G! to G!! mg of the herbal eAtract. lac- *alnut 9or centuries, Blac' Walnut has been a favorite treatment for yeast infections due to itBs ability to oAygenate the blood, as well as its anti(fungal, anti(parasitic, and antiseptic properties. It speeds up the removal of toAins in your system and, at the same time, helps *eep your blood glucose le'el balanced. You can find Blac' Walnut in pill, tablet, or capsule form. Cayenne .epper The use of cayenne pepper 3Capsicum4 dates bac' to ancient times. The fruit, or pepper, is the same pepper that gives chili its 'ic'. Cayenne pepper treatments wor' topically as creams or internally as tinctures. The cream is especially effective when used for anal thrush or a penile yeast infection.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


Cayenne5 6emon ,uice5 7 Maple 3yrup Cleansing DrinThis good(tasting drin' will cleanse the toAins from your body " cup boiling hot water teaspoons of freshly s)uee$ed lemon 1uice 3not canned or bottled .mall pinch of cayenne pepper ( powdered "!!H 0ure &aple .yrup to taste 8lways use fresh lemon 1uice and pure maple syrup. .tir the lemon 1uice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup into the cup of hot water. When itBs cool enough to drin', ta'e small sips. You will begin sweating right away. This efficient cleansing tonic helps re(balance your digestive system which is where most of the Candida albicans lives.

Cinnamon Cinnamon is a common treatment for yeast infections. It contains some important terpenoids, which are potent anti( fungal compounds. You can drin' it as a tea by putting a half(teaspoon of cinnamon into a cup of boiling water. If you prefer to use the essential oil, only use a few drops at a time. You can also find Cinnamon in capsules. If you buy powdered Cinnamon, try to find the Dietnamese ;Atra 9ancy Cinnamon. It is the most potent. Cloves Cloves have powerful anti(fungal properties and are used to treat fungal infections. They also have antibacterial, # http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

antiviral, and antiseptic properties. You can buy clove eAtract, dilute it with water, and drin' it a few times a day to help fight a yeast overgrowth. Coconut &il Coconut oil isnBt an herb, but is it used to control a Candida overgrowth. The oil contains caprylic acid which is 'nown to effectively inhibit a Candida overgrowth. The caprylic acid is available in enterically coated tablets that are slow release and should be ta'en with meals. (chinacea 9resh 1uice from ;chinacea purpurea can also treat Candidiasis by boosting your immune system. The recommended dosage when you have a yeast infection is to ta'e to I ml of the eAtract daily. %owever, if you are insulin sensiti'e, you should not ta'e ;chinacea. !la0seed &il 9laAseed oil is an eAcellent source of essential fatty acids, which optimi$e the functioning of your immune system. It is common for the treatment of Candidiasis and is a natural anti(fungal agent. 8ny home treatment program you implement should include foods and natural foods that are high in 7mega(J 9atty 8cids. See Shar* +i'er #il also. Garlic ,arlic is one of the strongest foods you can ta'e to 'ill off the Candida albicans yeast. It is eAtremely powerful. The reason- It can reduce inflammation and it has strong anti(fungal properties ;at > J fresh cloves of garlic each day, if you can. ;ven if you coo' it, it will still help you immensely. Do Men Get Yeast Infections? #!

,arlic pills are another way to get garlic into your system each day and you can get them odor free and time(released. %ereBs a great drin' that combines garlic and lemon* Garlic16emon Drin0ut ( J large garlic cloves in a blender with the 1uice of two lemons, and a little honey. 8dd a pint of water. Blend together and drin'. Tastes li'e spicy lemonade and is really )uite good. The garlic is a powerful blood cleanser and natural antibiotic and the lemon is a 'idney flush.

Gentian 8iolet &il If you dab ,entian Diolet 7il ( which is both anti(fungal and antiseptic ( on an infected eAternal area, it can )uic'ly relieve your yeast infection symptoms . This is an in'y oil that will stain your s'in temporarily, but washes off in (J days. If you get it on your clothes, it will wash out with a little bleach added to the wash water. Grapefruit 3eed (0tract ,rapefruit .eed ;Atract helps eliminate the eAcess yeast in your system and inhibits its continued growth in your gastrointestinal tract. It also raises the p% level of your body, ma'ing a more al'aline environment which is better for your health. .tudies also show that the constituents of the seed eAtract #" http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

and pulp are bioflavonoids, ascorbic acid, tocopherols, citric acid, sterols, and minerals. &a'e sure you buy the pure ,.;, not the 'ind that is processed with solvents5 6actoferrin 6actoferrin is part of your immune system and has anti( microbial and anti(fungal properties. Candida albicans was found to be inhibited because of uni)ue ability of lactoferrin to stimulate phagocytes that eat Candida yeast .

=7T;* The prescription drug flucona,ole is a widely used drug in the fight against yeast infections and, as such, a strain of the Candida albicans yeast has developed that is resistant to flucona,ole. %owever, when you combine lactoferrin and flucona,ole, the combination can fight against even the resistant strains of Candida albicans. 6actoferrin can be found as a health food supplement in the form of tablets, capsules, and powders. %eem 'ree 6eaves 8nother remedy to fight your yeast infection is the leaves of the =eem tree, which can help cleanse your system of toAins while normali$ing intestinal bacteria. The seeds, bar' and leaves contain compounds with proven antiseptic, antiviral, antipyretic, anti(inflammatory, anti(ulcer and anti(fungal uses. =eem leaves are also reported to remove toAins, purify blood and prevent damage caused by free radicals in the body by neutrali$ing them. ;ssential oil from fresh leaves has a mild fungicidal action.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


%ereBs one personFs eAperience using neem leaf tea for oral thrush*

I tried it when I had a bad bout of oral thrush, and it wor'ed wonders. I made a cup of strong tea from fresh leaves 3"! big leaves in half liter water4. I rinsed my mouth with it all day. %eld it in the mouth for a few minutes before swallowing, and I did it every "! minutes or so until the cup was empty. Cleaned it up in "L hours. I was very impressed.

&regano &il The volatile oil from oregano has shown anti(fungal activities which can help regulate the growth of the fungus, Candida albicans. The oregano oil contains oleic acid, carvacrol, and thymol all of which are anti(fungal. The oregano oil is normally ta'en orally as an enterically coated tablet or can also be applied directly, using the essential oil diluted, to the affected area. You have to be careful with good oregano oil because it can be eAtremely potent, so ma'e sure you dilute it well. You can also buy oregano leaves and ma'e a tea. 3har- 6iver &il 7ne of the most popular choices in dealing with Candidiasis is the addition of shar' liver oil to your diet. It strengthens and re1uvenates the health of your immune system, which is your best ally in the fight against yeast infection. #aw shar' liver oil that is minimally processed contains life( enhancing compounds including 8l'ylglycerol 3or 8l'oAyglycerol, 8K,, ,lycerol ;ther 6ipid4, .)ualene, and natural trace elements. #esearch suggests that the 2# http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

al'ylglyerols in shar' liver oil may prime the immune system 'ea 'ree &il Tea tree oil is another herbal remedy that has shown good anti(fungal properties, as well as anti(candida properties. Tea tree oil wor's best when rubbed into the s'in in areas where the Candidiasis infection is present, li'e the feet or anywhere where a Candida(caused outbrea' of psoriasis has occurred. .tudies showed that the tea tree oil wea'ened the cell walls of the yeast, ma'ing it easier for the bodyBs immune system to 'ill off. *itch Ha9el Witch ha$el is a bush or small tree. The leaves and bar' have antiseptic properties that are helpful in treating your yeast infection. It contains tannic acid, which helps 'eep your s'in dry, as well as carvacol and eugenol > oils that have strong antimicrobial properties. It is able to 'ill both the yeast and bacteria on your s'in, such as with athleteBs foot, ma'ing it a good treatment. Witch ha$el can be distilled and made into oils, ointments and eAtracts. Witch ha$el eAtract can be added to distilled water to ma'e an astringent solution you can use as a rinse for oral thrush. %owever, swallowing it may cause stomach or intestinal irritation. Witch ha$el oils can be added to bath water, which is great if you have a s'in infection, such as anal thrush, penile yeast infection, 1oc' itch, or athleteBs foot. 9or )uic' relief of itchiness, witch ha$el ointment can be added to compress and dabbed eAternally on your affected area.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


Yogurt 8 very popular treatment for yeast infections is to spread some unsweetened plain yogurt, with active cultures, around the irritated areas. The good bacteria found in the yogurt will help counter the bad bacteria causing your yest infection.

&ther %atural 'reatments

entonite Clay Bentonite Clay is often used with psyllim to absorb toAins and any other harmful substances in the body. 7ur bodies cannot absorb bentonite clay, but it does absorb toAins from your body. Bentonite should be in powder form and when you ta'e it, you should drin' it instantly after miAing, otherwise it can be hard to get down5 Digestive (n9ymes Candida albicans has a shell called Mchitin.M When this shell is penetrated, the Candida albicans dies. .ometimes, even strong anti(fungals have trouble getting through this shell. +igestive en$ymes, however, contain cellulose and protease which are able to get brea' through and destroy the yeast cells. Inside of a anana .eel

+r. Cames 6e 9anu has a column in the Daily Telegraph that acts as a forum for readersF solutions to health problems. #eaders have reported that the inside of a banana peel can relieve itchy s'in, including anal itching.

8ntioAidants are also effective in treating Candidiasis. &ore and more research is being conducted on how antioAidants are beneficial in treating a wide variety of illnesses. 8ntioAidants destroy free radicals that roam in your body and are helpful in the elimination of toAins. 23 http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

%ere is a list of the top seven foods that are high in antioAidants* 9ruits and Berries ( cherry, blac'berry, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, bilberry<wild blueberry, blac' currant4, pomegranate, grape, orange, plum, pineapple, 'iwi fruit, grapefruit Degetables ( Kale, chili pepper, red cabbage, peppers, parsley, articho'e, Brussels sprouts, spinach, lemon, ginger, red beets +ried 9ruit ( 8pricots, prunes, dates 6egumes ( Broad beans, pinto beans, soybeans =uts and seeds ( 0ecans, walnuts, ha$elnuts, ground nut or peanuts, sunflower seeds Cereals ( Barley, millet, oats, corn .pices ( cloves, cinnamon, oregano

/sing supplements, maintaining proper vitamin levels, 'eeping to a healthy diet, and getting rid of fungi are ways in which you can treat your Candidiasis. %ere are some of the vitamins that should be ta'en as part of a regimen for treating your yeast infection 3and preventing another one from returning4* Ditamins 8, C, ; Ninc Iron ,lutamine .elenium +aily multi(vitamins ::;:: There are other natural anti(fungal agents that can be effective in battling Candidiasis. These remedies are often sold over(the(counter 37TC4 or through a variety of holistic health providers.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


&'C and .rescription 'reatments

3ome General %otes on 'reatment) Treatment is as simple, usually, as an 7TC anti(fungal cream. 8fter about G to O days of treatment, your yeast infection should be gone. 7nce you have symptoms, they need to be treated. This means that the root cause of the disease has to be found and eliminated. If not, the conditions will still be present and will flare up once again. &ost anti(fungal medications are available in creams, sprays, powders, solutions, or capsules. If 7TC medications or natural treatments donBt wor', or the symptoms are severe, you must consult your health care provider and get a prescription. How to 4se .roducts 6a/eled for *omen You can visit your pharmacy or chemist and loo' for 7TC medications for yeast infections or thrush, but you will probably not find any products labeled for male yeast infections. %owever, there are many products used for relieving the symptoms of 'aginal yeast infections > such as creams, ointments, vaginal suppositories, medication filled capsules for inserting into the vagina, etc. The creams and ointments available 7TC for female itching of the vulva and labia can be used 1ust as effectively by you and other men. Cust apply the product to the affected areas as fre)uently as recommended by the pac'age. These products can be very effective for relieving the itching and burning of surface tissue associated with a male yeast infection. If you buy one of the cream(based products that comes with an applicator for inserting the cream into the vagina, simply apply the cream freely to the penis and, if there are signs that 25 http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

yeast is affecting the scrotum and other genital areas, apply the cream there as well. These products are best used at bedtime and clean underwear should be worn to prevent the cream from getting onto the bed linens . ::;::

Alpha/etical 6ist of 3ome Antifungal Drugs

%ereBs an alphabetical list of some of the compounds used to treat Candidiasis. .ome are available over(the(counter and some are available both 7TC and by prescription, based on the strength needed. In the %rand $ame section under each drug, I am including some medications used for vaginal yeast infections. 8s eAplained above, you can use these creams topically. Amphotericin #polyene antimycotic$

7ral preparations of amphotericin % are used to treat oral thrush and can also be used intravenously for systemic fungal infections. !ungilin 6o9enges 8mphotericin B lo$enges are used to treat oral thrush. .uc'ing the lo$enge allows the amphotericin B to act directly in the area of infection. The amphotericin B is not absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of mouth or when swallowed. =ote* These were discontinued in the /K in 8pril !"!.

RA%D %AM(3* 9ungilin 9ungi$one 8belcet 8mBisone 26

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?

9ungisome 8mphocil 8mphotec ::;::

Clotrima9ole #a9ole antifungal$ This medication is used for &ral 'hrush5 Athlete+s !oot5 and ,oc- Itch. It is available over(the(counter in various dosages, and can be found as creams, solutions, lotions, powder, and lo$enges. RA%D %AM(3* CrueA 8ntifungal +eseneA Cream 9emCare 9ungiCure 9ungold .olution ,yne(6otrimin &yceleA &yceleA Trouches &yceleA(O &yceleA(, Canesten ::;:: !lucona9ole #tria9ole1/ased a9ole antifungal$ -lucona,ole is used to treat superficial and systemic yeast infections. It is available both as a prescription and over(the(counter. -lucona,ole, is a broad spectrum drug, which means it will 'ill other species of Candida and some other fungi as well as Candida albicans. 7ne problem is that allergies to flucona,ole are common. -lucona,ole is usually ta'en orally, but some situations may respond better by intravenous administration. -lucona,ole wor's by preventing the fungus from reproducing, but it does not 'ill the fungus.


It ta'es a while to wor', but has the advantage of not 'illing of the beneficial bacteria in your body. RA%D %AM(3* +iflucan Trican 8lfumet 3&eAico4 8fungal 3&eAico4 +ofil 3&eAico4 Candivast 30ersian ,ulf4

$#T./ See the information about +actoferrin. ::;:: Itracona9ole #tria9ole1/ased a9ole antifungal$ 0tracona,ole wor's by slowing down the growth of the fungi that causes infection. 8lthough it is available orally or intravenously for severe infections, it is usually ta'en orally for a period of about three months. It tends to be somewhat eApensive, also. It has a broader spectrum of activity than flucona,ole, but not as broad as 'oricona,ole or posacona,ole. C8/TI7=* +onBt ta'e if you are ta'ing 0ropulsidP Ti'osynP .ulaiP 7rapP Quinaglute, QuinideA, or Quin(#eleaseP 8ltocar , 8ltoprev or &evacor(NocorP Dersed 3mida$olam4 or %alcion.

RA%D %AM(* .poranoA ::;:: <etocona9ole #a9ole synthetic antifungal anti/iotic$ Ketocona,ole is used to prevent and treat fungal s'in infections such as ,oc- Itch and Athlete+s !oot.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


7ne formulation is an over(the(counter shampoo which ma'es a good body wash for those with yeast(related s'in problems, such as people with AID3 or those who have undergone chemotherapy. There is also an oral formulation that can be used to treat &ral 'hrush. It prevents the growth of the fungi by prohibiting the production of membranes that surround the fungal cells. Ketocona,ole has largely been replaced by flucona,ole and intracona,ole, which are less toAic, more effective, and can be used in lower doses with the same results.

C8/TI7=* +onBt ta'e with alcohol. If you ta'e antacids or stomach acid reducers, wait for two hours after ta'ing *etocona,ole. Tell your doctor if you are ta'ing any medications for 8I+. or %ID. RA%D %AM(3* =i$oral 37ral tablet ( /., 8/., Canada4 .ebi$one 38/., =ew Nealand4 Ketomed 36atin 8merica4 Ketoisdin ,el H 3.pain4 9ungarest Topical Cream 3.pain4 =i$oral H 8nti(+andruff .hampoo ::;:: 6amisil #ter/inafine hydrochloride = synthetic allylamine antifungal$ 6amisil is available in cream or powder and is mainly used to treat ,oc- Itch and 8thleteBs 9oot. RA%D %AM(3* 6amisil 38/., Belgium, Bra$il, Canada, Chile, 9inalnd, 9rance, ,ermany, %ungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, &eAico, =ew Naeland, #omania, #ussia, .lovenia, .outh 8frica, .weden, /., /.4



Corbinal 3Tur'ey4 Terbisil 3Tur'ey4 Nabel 38/. > generic4 Terbhydro 3India4 .ebifin 3India4 Nimig 3India4 mycoCea$e 3India4 ::;::

Micona9ole #imida9ole1/ased a9ole antifungal$ 1icona,ole is applied topically on mucus membranes and eAternally to treat 8thlete+s !oot and Coc- Itch. RA%D %AM(3) 7ral* +a'tarin 7ravig

;Aternal .'in Treatments, H cream* +eseneA 3/. and Canada4 &icatin &onistat(+erm +a'tarin 3/K, 8/., Belgium and 0hillippines4 +ecocort 3&alaysia4 +a'todor 3,reece > combined with "H hydrocortisone4 ::;:: %ystatin #polyene antifungal$ $ystatin is a very strong drug that can be applied topically or ta'en orally. There are no intravenous formulations in the /. mar'et due to toAicity issues. ;sophageal, vaginal, cutaneous, and mucosal Candida infections respond well to nystatin. It is sometimes used to help prevent yeast infections in high( ris' patients, such as those with AID3 or those who are receiving chemotherapy.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


RA%D %AM(3* =ystan Infestat =ystalocal =ystamont =ystop 3topical powder4 =ysteA &y'inac =ystaform 3topical cream4 =ilstat 3oral drops4 &ycostatin 3topical powder4 &ycolog(II 3topical ointment4 &ytreA 3topical ointment4 &y'acet 3topical ointment4 &y'o(Triacet II 3topical ointment4 9lagystatin II 3cream4 =ystatina 3oral tablet4 .tamicin 3oral tablet4 6ystin ::;:: .osacona9ole #tria9ole1/ased a9ole antifungal$ 2osacona,ole is used to prevent serious fungal infections in people with a wea'ened ability to fight infection, and is especially helpful for treating patients with severely wea'ened immune systems. 2osacona,ole is also used to treat yeast infections of the mouth and throat, including yeast infections that could not be treated successfully with other medications. Two studies published in the Canuary G, !!O issue of The $e! .ngland 3ournal of 1edicine suggest that posacona,ole may be superior to both flucona,ole and itracona,ole in the treatment of systemic<invasive yeast infections, but the side effects might be more serious. rand %ames)

=oAafil 3/., ;/ and other countries4 0osanol 3Canada4



::;:: 'ercona9ole #antifungal$ Tercona$ole is mainly used to treat vaginal fungal infections through the use of creams, suppositories, and pessaries. &en can use the creams topically as described elsewhere in this report. BRAND NAME* Tera$ol J Na$ole ::;:: 8oricona9ole #tria9ole1/ased a9ole antifungal$ 4oricona,ole is most commonly used in the treatment of serious, invasive fungal infections such as those in patients who have severely wea'ened immune systems. Invasive Candidiasis is one of these conditions. 4oricona,ole can be as effective as a regimen of 04 amphotericin %, which is followed by flocona,ole 3oral4, in patients who have culture(proven Candidemia. 4oricona,ole has also shown, when used in the treatment of esophageal Candidiasis, to offer similar, near(complete efficacy. rand %ame) D9end ::;:: ;ach of these medications has benefits as well as side effects. You should always research the use of any medications before ta'ing them. In more severe cases, a doctor may prescribe an anti(fungal pill, intravenous treatment, or li)uid treatment.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


How Can a Male Yeast Infection /e .R(8(%'(D"

This is a good )uestions. While the above treatments mainly ta'e care of the .Y&0T7&. you might have with a yeast infection, they donBt necessarily address the underlying cause of your yeast infection. You could have been eAposed to someone, even 1ust their clothing, who has a yeast infection, and this would be the root of the yeast infection that got passed on to you. When this happens, you can have a case of >contact? yeast infection without having a yeast overgrowth yourself. 7r, it could have been transmitted to you during a se0ual encounter. 7f course, due to many of the causes presented elsewhere in this report, you could be the victim of a yeast overgrowth yourself due to a yeast intolerance, which is a complete topic in itself. If you want more information on this sub1ect, please visit my blog at http*<<yeastfreedietsuccess.com The best thing to do, to prevent future flare(ups, is to follow the prevention methods outlined below, which includes following a yeast free diet for at least three wee's.

If you want to rid your body of a Candida albicans overgrowth, you will need to adopt a very specific diet for a few short wee's. 8n elimination diet is the natural treatment when your body has produced too much yeast. This diet will eliminate all foods that feed the Myeastie beastiesM and cause them to multiply. Instead, they will be starved out.



*hat !oods Cause a Yeast Infection" %ere are some of the foods and food groups you must stop eating as part of your diet for candida* ". .ugar is the favorite MfuelM for yeast. Candida albicans feed off of sugar, no matter which 'ind ( high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, white sugar, brown sugar, honey, molasses ( all are favorites of Candida albicans. When you put these products into your body, a feeding fren$y begins and the yeast multiply )uic'ly. #ead labels and donBt eat anything that contains any of these products. . White refined flour and any food high in simple carbohydrates turn into sugar )uic'ly and feed the yeast. These products include all bread products, rolls, coo'ies, pastries, pret$els, etc. J. 8lcohol Yeast R sugar S alcohol When the Candida albicans yeast flourish, your body increases itBs production of alcohol. 8s a result, there is a toAic by(product of alcohol, called acetaldehyde, that can be produced by the body. Your liver, already overloaded in itBs efforts to detoAify all the toAins the Candida albicans yeast releases each day, becomes over(stressed by the alcohol. I. 9oods that are made with vinegar, such as mayonnaise, salad dressing, BBQ .auce, mustard, pic'led foods. G. 9ermented foods such as sauer'raut and cider. T. M&oldyM foods such as cheese, dried<smo'ed<pic'led meats, cured meats such as bacon, mushrooms, 0;8=/T., 0istachios, soy sauce, &iso, Tamari, tempeh, pre(pac'aged herbs, prepac'aged teas, and canned tomatoes. Do Men Get Yeast Infections? 34

O. 8void soft drin's li'e the plague, as well as high sugar drin' miAes, fruit 1uices and the following fruits which contain concentrated sugar* dates, prunes, figs, citrus fruit, grapes and raisins, and especially dried fruit. *hat Can I (at" ,ood )uestion5 %ere are some suggestions* &ost vegetables, especially the dar', leafy green type 8ny 'ind of beans Beef, poultry, fresh<uncured por' 9ish and shellfish ;ggs Whole grains ( barley, millet, couscous, buc'wheat, brown rice Whole grain oatmeal and pastas /nprocessed seeds and nuts /nrefined vegetable oils 3the 'ind that you have to refrigerate4 How 6ong Must I (at 6i-e 'his" Well, some people can start reintroducing the MforbiddenM foods bac' into their diet in as short as three wee's, but an average of three to siA months is probably more accurate. When you do feel that most of the eAcess Candida albicans has been MstarvedM and left your system, introduce the foods you love the most slowly, one at a time, and pay attention to how they ma'e you feel. If your symptoms begin to return, drop the offending food and return, briefly, to your diet plan. YouBll find some simple recipes at http*<<yeastfreedietsuccess.com<yeast(free(recipes<recipes< to start you on the path to getting rid of Y7/# yeast infection, as well as instructions on how easy it is to ma'e 35 http://yeastfreedietsuccess.com

your recipes yeast free.

=7T;* 9or Anal 'hrush itBs also wise to avoid foods that cause eAcessive gas, or flatulence.

0robiotics help manage your bodyBs bacteria levels. 0robiotics are found in yogurt made with live cultures, and also sold as supplements in many health and specialty food stores. 8cidophilus and Bifidus are two of the most common varieties of probiotics available. This is an effective natural remedy because probiotics supply your body with healthy, beneficial bacteria. /sing probiotics with a proper diet and anti(fungal agents can help the body maintain the proper balance of good bacteria.

,ood hygiene ( fre)uent baths as well a routine change of underwear, especially during the summer heat , after strenuous eAerce, or physical activities. If you are active, participate in sports, or wor' in a warm, damp environment, you are more susceptible to such yeast infections as athleteBs foot. It is important to chec' your feet regularly because athleteBs foot is actually )uite common. It can be pic'ed up easily, for instance, by wal'ing through a communal shower or changing room at the swimming pool, gym, or sports hall.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


In fact, any place where people wal' barefoot can be a source of infection. Wearing sweaty soc's and snea'ers can also contribute to the problem. +onBt ma'e the mista'e of leaving your athleteBs foot untreated because, without proper treatment, it is not li'ely to go away. 9or conditions such as )nal Thrush, or 2enile 5east 0nfection, wear loose cotton underwear. 8void tights and elastic UshapewearF underwear, because they encourage sweating and moistness in the anal area. 8void anything that 'eeps the buttoc's close together.

Raising pH 6evel in the /ody 1 He0agonal *ater

%eAagonal water 3al'aline water4 is so much better for your overall health ( your body needs to be al'aline instead of acidic. When you have thrush or a yeast infection, your al'aline<acid balance can be over acidic. This is not good when your health is ?normal@ but when you are having a yeast intolerance problem, itFs especially bad. When your body is in an al'aline state, it sets up hostile conditions for such things as cancer cells, molds, bacterias, viruses, and Candida albicans. ItFs very important to 'eep your body al'ali$ed. If you want more information about heAagonal water and how it can improve your health, I wrote a blog post about it and you can read it here* Can +rin'ing %eAagonal Water %elp Y7/# Yeast Infection-

'otal *ellness Cleanse

This is a program I ran across some time ago and it is so beneficial for your whole body.


ItBs a two(phase program with full support and guidance. The first 0hase is the detoA phase, and the second phase helps you with the transition to the L(wee' post(cleanse meal plan. I canBt stress enough how much you will benefit by this cleanse. But, I donBt want to go into too much detail in this #eport, so clic' here and you can read my review of this product* T%; T7T86 W;66=;.. C6;8=.;

3afe 3e0
If you have seA with someone who has a yeast infection, the odds are good that you will contract it also, as itBs highly contagious. The problems begin if you donBt both get treated at the same time and refrain from seA until the yeast infection is cleared up. If you donBt, you can pass the infection bac' and forth for months and never understand why it doesnBt go away. The type of yeast infection you will get is a penile yeast infection and they arenBt fun if the symptoms show up. %owever, sometimes you wonBt even get symptoms with a penile yeast infection even though you are 1ust as contagious as some of the poor guys who do eAhibit the terrible symptoms. +o a ,oogle search for images, ?penile yeast infection@ and you will see what IBm tal'ing about. I guess what I mean here by ?safe seA@ is to use a condom if you suspect that your partner has a yeast infection, but donBt use one that has a lubricant that contains =onoAynol(E as this can cause vaginal and anal yeast infections as well.

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


7ne of the most popular home remedies is to cleanse your body of eAcessive yeast by following a Yeast 9ree +iet. 8lthough over the counter or prescription drugs may offer a )uic' ?cure@ for your yeast infection symptoms, they donBt address the factors that contributed to the problem. 0oor eating habits, overuse of antibiotics, and unhealthy habits li'e eAcessive drin'ing and smo'ing can all contribute to Candida albicans infections. &edication intended for one(time use canBt provide a long( term solution to this recurrent condition. Combine the natural treatment you used for getting rid of Candidiasis with a proper diet, good hygienic practices, safe seA, and carefully choosing what you wear, and you will soon find that yeast infections will be nothing more than a bad memory. 8ll of these tips, if done properly, can help control yeast infections and Candidiasis. %owever, unless you want to chronically suffer from a yeast infection for the rest of your life, you have to learn how to tac'le this bacteria and eliminate it from the source. .everal articles on yeast infections can be found at my blog* http*<<yeastfreedietsuccess.com< Than' you for reading this far. I hope this information clears up some of the mystery about yeast infections in men.



Alphabetical Index
" "-elcet............................................28 acetaldehyde...................................35 "cidophilus.....................................+5 "fungal ?Me/ico@...........................2! "lfumet ?Me/ico@...........................2! "lpha-etical <ist of 2ome "ntifungal Drugs ..............................................28 "m7isone.......................................28 "mphocil........................................27 "mphotec........................................27 "mphotericin 7..............................28 "nal hrush..............................+2C +5 "nal hrush .....................................! "nti-iotics.......................................++ "ntio/idants....................................23 "thlete#s $oot...........................!C +3p. 7 7anana (eel....................................23 7entonite Clay................................23 7er-erine.........................................+8 7lac& Walnut..................................+8 C Candidiasis........................................7 Candi9ast ?(ersian Gulf@.................2! Canesten..........................................27 Cayenne (epper..............................+8 CayenneC <emon %uiceC D Maple 2yrup Cleansing Drin&...................+7 Cinnamon........................................+7 Clotrima=ole...................................27 Clo9es.............................................+7 Coconut 'il.....................................+! Cor-inal ? ur&ey@...........................3, Crue/ "ntifungal............................27 D Daily elegraph..............................23 Da&tarin .........................................3, Da&tarin ?4AC "42C 7elgium and (hillippines@....................................3, Da&todor ?Greece B com-ined *ith +E hydrocortisone@.........................3, Decocort ?Malaysia@.......................3, Desene/ ?42 and Canada@..............3, Do Men Get Yeast Infections? Desene/ Cream ..............................27 Dia-etes..........................................++ Diet.................................................33 Diflucan..........................................2! Digesti9e :n=ymes.........................23 Dofil ?Me/ico@................................2! Dr. %ames <e $anu..........................23 : :chinacea........................................+! $ $emCare .........................................27 $lagystatin II ?cream@.....................3+ $la/seed 'il....................................+! $lucona=ole.....................................27 $ungarest opical Cream ?2pain@...21 $ungiCure.......................................27 $ungilin...........................................28 $ungilin <o=enges..........................28 $ungisome.......................................27 $ungi=one.......................................28 $ungold 2olution............................27 G Garlic..............................................+! Garlic0<emon Drin&.......................+1 Gentian ;iolet 'il...........................+1 Grapefruit 2eed :/tract..................+1 Gyne0<otrimin................................27 ) )e/agonal Water............................37 )o* <ong Must I Diet?..................35 )o* to 4se (roducts <a-eled for Women............................................25 )ygiene...........................................38 I Infestat............................................3+ Itracona=ole.....................................2! % %oc& Itch................................!C +3C +5 A Aetocona=ole..................................2! Aetoisdin Gel 2E ?2pain@...............21 Aetomed ?<atin "merica@...............21 < <actoferrin......................................2, 4$

<amisil............................................21 <amisil ...........................................21 <ystin..............................................3+ M Micatin............................................3, Micona=ole.....................................3, Monistat0Derm................................3, Mycele/..........................................27 Mycele/ rouches..........................27 Mycele/07.......................................27 Mycele/0G......................................27 mycoCea=e ?India@..........................3, Mycolog0II ?topical ointment@........3+ Mycostatin ?topical po*der@...........3+ My&acet ?topical ointment@.............3+ My&inac..........................................3+ My&o0 riacet II ?topical ointment@.3+ Mytre/ ?topical ointment@...............3+ . .atural 6emedies............................+5 .eem ree <ea9es..........................2, .ilstat ?oral drops@..........................3+ .i=oral ?'ral ta-let 0 42C "42C Canada@...........................................21 .i=oral 2E "nti0Dandruff 2hampoo ........................................................21 .ono/ynol01...................................++ .o/afil............................................3+ .ystaform ?topical cream@..............3+ .ystalocal.......................................3+ .ystamont.......................................3+ .ystan.............................................3+ .ystatin ..........................................3, .ystatin ?polyene antifungal@.........3, .ystatina ?oral ta-let@.....................3+ .yste/.............................................3+ .ystop ?topical po*der@.................3+ ' 'ral hrush...........................!C +3C +5 'ra9ig.............................................3, 'regano 'il ...................................2+ 'ther .atural reatments...............23 '9er the Counter reatment...........25 ( (enile Yeast Infection...........!C +3C +5

(osacona=ole ?tria=ole0-ased a=ole antifungal@.......................................3+ (osanol............................................3+ (re9ention.......................................33 (ro-iotics........................................38 6 6aising p) <e9el............................37 2 2afe 2e/..........................................3! 2e-ifin ?India@.................................3, 2e-i=one ?"42C .e* Fealand@.......21 2har& <i9er 'il...............................2+ 2porano/.........................................2! 2tamicin ?oral ta-let@......................3+ 2upplements....................................25 2ymptoms.......................................+2 ea ree 'il....................................22 era=ol 3.........................................32 er-hydro ?India@............................3, er-isil ? ur&ey@.............................3, ercona=ole.....................................32 thrush................................................7 otal Wellness Cleanse...................37 ransmission of Yeast Infections. . .+, rican..............................................2! 4 4A.....................................................7 ; ;$end.............................................32 ;oricona=ole...................................32 W What Can I :at?..............................35 What $oods Cause a Yeast Infection? ........................................................35 Witch )a=el....................................22 Y Yeast $ree Diet...............................31 yeast infection...................................7 Yeast Intolerance............................+, Yogurt.............................................23 F Fa-el ?"42 B generic@....................3, Fa=ole.............................................32 Fimig ?India@...................................3,



A/out the Author

%ello, IBm glad you made it this far and hope you en1oyed the #eport. IBm a writer and researcher and have been studying the different aspects of yeast infections for as long as IBve been doing research for articles on yeast intolerance and gluten intolerance ( the two intolerances IBve been blessed with5 I hope youBll visit my website, Yeast 9ree +iet .uccess5 8nd also ta'e a loo' at the information contained in my free mini( eCourse, 10 Secrets to Yeast Free Living. ItBs pac'ed full of information that you may find useful in your struggle with your yeast related problems.

%&'() 0lease feel free to share this report with your friends and family or send them to http*<<yeastfreedietsuccess.com where they will find a form in the right(hand sidebar so they can get their own copy and also receive copies of my future special reports.

To Y&4R %ealth5 #enVe

Do Men Get Yeast Infections?


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