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1957 Kailua Advanced Class

Individual Identity And Responsibility

Good Morning:
There are parts of the Infinite Way work, facets, of which I very seldom speak. When I
do it is never in public it is always either with those few students who are much around
me or to small groups like this who have over a period of years indicated their interest in
the message and well, I probably have every right to believe have a love of God as the
foundation of their interest in spiritual study.
The world at large has no such love of God because to begin with, it has no God to
love. The God to which most people pray is a God of giving and withholding, a God of
revenge and vengeance, a God of punishment more than a God of reward or probably
some would say that God does all the punishing of us in this world and saves the reward
for when we die and go to heaven.
But at any rate, very few in the world look upon God as love. Very few have any
evidence that God is love. They are reminded always of terribleness of God and the
quickness with which God punishes wrongdoings so forth and so on, so it is an
impossibility under ordinary circumstances to generate a love of God in the heart of
mankind. If a fear of God yes—love of God no.
So that regardless of where you travel in this world you will find that the only people
who have a love of God are those who through some act of grace have received an inner
assurance that God is not a withholding God and God is not a punishing God and that in
all above the history of the world God has never punished anyone for anything or any
people or any race of people.
Now of course, the belief that God punishes not only individuals but whole nations,
comes out of the Old Testament, which to begin with should not have been accepted
literally and for the most part should not have been included in the New Testament in the
Bible when the New Testament was given for the simple reason that the teaching of the
Master Christ Jesus differs almost 100 percent from the Old Testament except in the few
rare cases where there were some inspired Hebrew prophets and even they unfortunately
have been misinterpreted or mistranslated.
In the teaching of the Master, you do not find God punishing anyone for their sins but
rather forgiving them their sins even unto seventy times seven which means an infinity or
completeness, time without number, ages untold, a complete, an eternal and a continuous
forgiveness—and over and over again. It is doubtful if anyone can sin as many times as
God could forgive—according to the teaching of the Master Christ Jesus. Nowhere does
he indicate that a person is to die for their sins since on every occasion in which he meets
death he raises them from the death regardless of what caused that death—whether it was
a young child or an old lady.
At no point does he say there is a reason or an excuse for sickness in so far as God is
concerned. Since it is through the gospel given him of God—the doctrine which he says
was given me of my father that he heals the sick and it makes no difference to him
whether that sickness came through venereal disease, an indication of sin, or whether it
came through heredity or whether it came through natural causes—in every event the

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Master heals the sick and never once gives as an excuse for failure to heal that you are
being punished for something.
Now, in the entire ministry of the Master there is found no criticism, no judgment, no
condemnation except for spiritual wickedness in high places. That of course is the using
of religion for personal gain, or power, or profit. And he certainly rebuked his own
church for its practices of that nature. But when it came to individuals he had no criticism
for them for their sins recognizing—they know not what they do. Sin is a product of
ignorance. Everyone who sins does so only through an ignorance of the joys and benefits
and profits of spiritual living.
Now, unless we properly understand the nature of God there is no way in which we
can feel a love of God. If we do not attain a love of God we have no way of attaining a
love of or fellow man because basically we are offspring of God in our inner being—in
that part of us which is Reality, in that part of us in which we recognize our true selves
we are the manifestation, the emanation, the offspring of that which is God. We are of the
same substance, the same fiber, the same caliber, the same character as God. God
constitutes our being—but remember that this is true of our friends and of our enemies.
This is true of the saints and of the sinners. This is true of individual being. It is not a
demonstrated fact in the lives of mankind because they are living in ignorance of their
relationship to God and of that which is the creative, maintaining, and sustaining
principle of their being. And therefore, like the prodigal, mankind is trying to live on the
little substance that it has in its pockets or stored up in its body—living by bread rather
than by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Without an understanding of God there is no love of God. Without a love of God there
is no love for each other and for our people of the world and without that love religion
becomes a shamble. Because it becomes a marketplace in which everyone is struggling
for some benefit for themselves. Only instead of getting it now, from a doctor or a stock
market or a business—now we’re going to see if we cannot get it from God. In that case
we have just as much commercialized God as we have many forms of a business.
Now then, it is true that even in going to God, long before we have found him, that we
begin to receive the benefits of better health, a better sense of supply, a better sense of
human relationships—more harmonious living in our everyday affairs. But the sad thing
is that so many who turn to a spiritual path get stuck at that level and believe that now
they have found the way. The way to what? To get healthy, wealthy, and wise for me,
and myself, and my children, and my parents and maybe even my next door neighbor.
And you see, that’s not religion, that’s not religion. That again is making a merchandise
mart out of God—out of the spirit—out the soul and that is not the function of true
The function of true religion is that God be revealed in us individually in order that
our lives and may be the light to shine in the darkness of the world of humanity and
awaken it to its true identity.
When the world is awakened they’ll be no need for religious teachings—everyone will
be living in their conscious union with their source. They’ll have no need to books, or
teachers or teachings, for each one will himself be the Book of Life. But you are only the
Book of Life when you open yourselves to God that God may fill you full and then
permit that realized splendor to escape for the benefit of this world.

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Now, the Infinite Way has such a mission and it is for this reason that the Infinite Way
doesn’t advertise and doesn’t seek the masses because it has to operate in a narrow circle
of God lovers. So that these may—by the example that their lives attest, be the light that
will interest and attract others from out in the world. There can be no mass salvation. If
men like Gautama, or Lot Tzu, or Jesus of Nazareth couldn’t mass save the world neither
will you or I for they obtained heights which we have not attained. But by their example
we know that they lit the light, they shot the spark into human consciousness that has
gone down through various teachings and touched individuals here and there along the
way until we have arrived at this present age.
But in this present age we are entering a new era and religion will take a different
phase and will spread more rapidly not because we will go further in realization or
demonstration than these great Masters but because the sum total of their work is now
reaching human consciousness through mathematical progression and the world is more
receptive and responsive to a spiritual message.
If you ask why that is, and the main reason is it’s the same reason why we are so
receptive to it—everything else has failed us and we have nowhere else to go except to
the spirit for our individual regeneration and salvation. Where else can we go what else
haven’t we tried? And so it is, that in our desperation, in our greatness of our need we
have found ourselves at this point of unfoldment but the world is in that self-same
condition in the days when it shot bows and arrows it was only necessary for someone to
come along and invent spears And it was a perfectly possible to obtain success now
because the man with the spear had more than the man with a bow and arrow. And of
course in due time it was only necessary for a man to come along and find a shotgun and
of course all the people with bows and arrows and spears were helpless. And so we have
gone from step to step, in the might of material force until we have arrived at the day of
nuclear fission and now no one can invent anything greater. Because anything greater
would not only destroy the enemy but the friend as well. Now, there is no hope left to the
world in material force and it is reaching desperately for a spiritual realization.
Now, it was prophesized some years ago, that the Infinite Way would travel across the
Atlantic to England and that it would catch on there, that it would be accepted, that it
would spread like wildfire and then when it was established in there, it would flow back
across the ocean to the United States where it began and where it was not being received
in any wildfire manner. Some of that prophecy has come to fruition. It went to England
and much faster than we realized, it did catch on, it did spread and to such an extent that
two years ago the books were selling four times more in England then in the United
States and they had been in the United States then eight years and they had only been two
years in England. And in addition to that spread not only through England but down
through its other lands Africa, Australia, India the spread took place but the great miracle
was that probably the greatest publishing house in England took over the publication of
the Infinite Way and then gradually other writings, and then another publisher took them
until virtually all of our writings are now being published in British additions and going
madly through the British commonwealth and flown back across the United States and
interesting American large publishers in the writings and so forth and so on.
Now, part of this prophetic work of the Infinite Way came to fruition in New York in
March, where we formed our first a group of 25 students who undertook a spiritual prayer

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activity, secretly sacredly—not for themselves, not for their patients and not for their
students but for the world. And then I made a trip to England, Holland, Sweden,
Germany, Switzerland, Africa, and Australia. And in every one of those places left
groups like the one that started in New York. That one in New York incidentally is not a
New York group but those 25 students have spread across the entire United States and
Canada—and now they are spread around the globe—and their work is in this wise.
They devote three periods of meditation every day to the realization of the Christ. Not
for themselves, nor their families, nor their communities, nor their patients, nor for their
students merely for a realization of the activity of the Christ in human consciousness
dispelling the mesmerism of human sense and revealing the activity of spiritual power.
You see, there is no limit, no confine, no personal gain, no selfishness in those three
periods of meditation that are being conducted by these groups. Not one of them is
seeking a thing for themselves or even for their communities or nations but a complete
realization of the Christ in its function of dispelling these mesmeric influences of hate,
envy, greed, jealousy, malice, sin, disease, death, lack—and revealing the activity of the
spirit in human consciousness and its harmonies.
Now it would be presumptuous at this time to tell you that this program has had a
measure of success because you might have the right to ask for proof. And the proofs that
I could offer you might well be just circumstantial and not proof at all. But I would like
to say this is to you, that to when one of these students was in this activity of prayer at
three o’clock one afternoon, impersonal, universal Christ realization, that the next day the
newspapers reported that a man who had been blind ten years, totally blind for ten years,
was walking from his office to his home and in that hour he saw something red and
opened his eyes and had his perfect vision and still has perfect vision and complete vision
and he can’t account for it and he has no way of knowing why because he wasn’t under
any treatment for it. There he was.
And in another city where this activity was taking place, a five year old child was
dying with leukemia and one hour later the doctor found the child completely restored to
health with its complete blood count and has asked the newspapers in that vicinity to
please state that he did not cure that child that otherwise people would be under the
impression that he had found a cure and he would receiving demands from all over the
country and he has no cure. He was treating the child the same as he had been treating all
other children that had come to him with the same claim and all of them had died under
the treatment.
Now, I say to you frankly you might call these coincidences except that there are other
instances not quite as dramatic but just as clearly evident as a direct response to that
activity. Only this morning I have a letter from the mother, no last night it came, I found
it in my mail, with a very liberal check in it from a city saying that her child on visiting
the hospital where it is confined as a mongoloid baby, she found it awake and wanting to
know about the twenty third psalm. More coincidence probably except that that mother
had contacted us for that child and the work that had been done was not specific
treatment work but that very impersonal realization and it has only been done once. There
were no continued treatments or anything of that kind.
Now, I bring you through a long, long story to lead you up to this basic, and I might say
foundation principle of the Infinite Way, which is that God is individual consciousness.

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God is the mind of you—the consciousness of you and of every individual and wherever
that truth is realized God is on the scene to perform its healing ministry, it’s reforming and
rejuvenating ministry.
You see, when you went to Jesus you had a healing, now this was because the mind
that was in Christ Jesus was the mind of God. Is there any way of taking that mind of
God and putting it in one individual or separating it from Itself, or dividing it up into
pieces? The answer must be that God is indivisible, indivisible mind, indivisible soul,
indivisible spirit, and therefore it must be the mind, the soul, and the spirit of you and of
me. Why hasn’t it functioned that way? The Master says, “ye shall know the truth and the
truth shall make you free” and so first of all until you know this truth it cannot function
and then secondly he says you must not pray for yourselves or it cannot function and the
whole world is violating that for themselves. They pray for their daily bread, they pray
for supply, they pray for happiness, they pray for marriage, they pray for divorce, they
pray to have children, they pray not to have children, every form of selfish and personal
prayer is indulged in, in spite of the Masters statement that ye must not pray for what ye
shall eat or what usual drink or wherewithal you shall be clothed for your heavenly father
knoweth that you have need of these things and it is his good pleasure to give you the
kingdom. And where is this heavenly father? The Father is within you.
The father isn’t your life blood, or your brain or your heart—the father is your
consciousness, your awareness your soul your being, and as our poet has said, “closer
than breathing nearer than hands and feet.”
God is individual being. Now watch this: God is individual mind, your mind and
mine. But, when you or I or the world, when we fill ourselves with ignorance and
superstition and selfishness that mind produces its own image and likeness which are the
sins and diseases of the world. When that mind is purified so that it becomes an
instrument for the pure soul then the mind produces its own image and likeness which is
the pattern shown thee on the mount or spiritual perfection. In other words, in every case
it was the mind of Jesus Christ that appeared outwardly has health and harmony and an
infinity of loaves and fishes. So everyone who has done any healing work knows, that it
is their own mind, their own soul, their own consciousness that appears outwardly as the
harmony of their patients and students. It isn’t something out here, it isn’t something up
there it is the very mind of the practitioner or teacher you turn to, but it isn’t the mind of
that individual when they were just out seeking for themselves or when they were living a
life of animality, greed, lust, and hate, envy, jealousy, and malice—it is their mind after
they opened it to the activity of the Christ and thereby lost their own sense of self and no
longer live for themselves or even for their families but live only that this light of Christ
might find outlet into the world, that they might let the imprisoned splendor escape.
Now, if you understand this you will make progress, first of all in bringing into your
own experience a purified sense of life. There is no guarantee in the message of the
Infinite Way that overnight you’ll find yourself without problems or that you’ll
instantaneously be the healthiest person in town or the wealthiest. For the Infinite Way
isn’t based on any premise of guaranteeing anything of a material or mortal nature to
anyone. Its assurance is that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and if you will
permit yourself to entertain the Spirit of the Lord within your own consciousness you will
find your freedom from the inharmonies and discords of this world as fast as you can

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open yourself to it—but more than that, long before you have achieved your complete
freedom you will be bestowing a measure of freedom on all those within range of your
consciousness. Why?
Because God is your individual consciousness and everyone who enters your
household, your spiritual household partakes of the nature of your consciousness—
which is God or Christliness.
Now, here we are … mind forms its own conditions of matter, body, form. Mind forms
and governs itself as matter—as your very body. Mind free of theories, superstitions,
beliefs, and false concepts, governs matter—material form, harmoniously, and eternally.
No man will ever see me and die so says scripture. No man will ever realize truth and die.
Therefore, mind free of theories, superstitions, beliefs, and false concepts, governs
matter—material form harmoniously, and eternally. Mind is the essence of matter and
governs all its forms. Forms change to fit minds functions.
And you’ll find that if there were any occasion for you to live under water you would
develop a capacity to live under water by developing gills. And if it becomes necessary
for us to live 25,000 miles in the air we will develop a condition of the lungs to enable us
to imbibe the atmosphere that is there for—mind does change the forms and the functions
to suit the situation. Just as it forms black skins in dark climates to protect itself from the
Clouded by theory, superstition, false concepts—matter or form appears distorted,
painful, ugly. When the mind receives the light of knowledge, the appearances conform
more nearly to mind’s pure form. As soul governs its spiritual activity and form, so mind,
clear of hypnotism, the belief in good and evil receives the full light of soul. Mind then
becomes a pure instrument of soul and the body—matter—form expresses the harmonies
of mind and soul or rather the harmonies of soul through mind. My mind, yours, imbued
with truth is the law of resurrection, renewal, regeneration, and restoration. My mind,
yours, imbued with truth is the mind of those who come to me and to those embraced in
my consciousness. My imbued with truth is the mind of individual being.
Now witness this: that there is a soul which is the basic substance of life that which in
the first chapter of genesis created a spiritual universe in its own image and likeness,
Created the crops before the seeds were in the ground, created man before there was any
human conception or birth. Soul is the original, and basic creative principle and substance
of life but mind is the instrument through which that activity takes place. Mind is an
instrument of the soul. Therefore when the mind is open to receive the divine impulses,
out comes harmonious form, healthy form, wealthy form, perfect form, infinite form,
eternal form—but mark this, in the second chapter of genesis, this mind of Adam
accepted a belief of good and evil and from that moment on mind it began of forming
itself in forms of good and evil.
It is almost as if mind were a…one of those things you stick in the oven with muffins,
what ever shape it is that is the shape the muffins come out. So it is with us, the mind
produces its own image and likeness and if you, who stand behind the mind, let your
mind be filled with superstition, ignorance, fear and all of this belief of good and evil that
is what your mind produces in your experience and that is the cosmic law taught in
scripture as a man thinketh in his heart so is he. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.

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And so you must remember this, this is what I give you this morning—there is
something called I. I. That I is me, it constitutes me and that is my God being the part of
me which is in and of, and from and of and through God. God constitutes it. God forms it.
God is Its essence—its life, and I am that. I and my father are one. I am infinite, and
eternal, and immortal. “I” am about my father’s business. All that the father hath is mine.
The place whereon I stand is a holy ground because I in my true identity am God Itself in
individual form and a manifestation. As my mind is permeated with that truth so does my
life appear outwardly harmonious, joyous, peaceful, and free—service and serving.
You see, I have permitted no belief of good and evil to enter that, let’s call it self-
treatment or prayer or realization—communion. I stood completely on spiritual identity,
spiritual truth, spiritual power, spiritual oneness claiming for myself only the activities
and ideals and ideas and creations and formations of the soul which constitutes me.
And by acknowledging that this is the truth about you and about saints and
sinners and about the good and the bad and about the white and the black and the
Jew and the Gentile, I am accepting into my mind or consciousness no trace of
either good or evil but only the realization of spiritual perfection. Not dividing it
into good or evil, holding always to it’s infinite spiritual nature.
Now if I live in this consciousness throughout the day and throughout the night I
am a blessing and a benediction unto myself, my life, my career and unto all who are
embraced in that consciousness of truth.
Now remember this… if I so far forget this, so far forget my true identity as the
offspring of God, that I permit myself to believe in good and evil, that I permit
myself to believe that there is a power of destruction on earth or on heaven or in
hell, if I permit myself to accept a belief that that there are conditions not under
God’s control, not subject to the rule of God, then I am accepting into my mind
ignorance, fear, superstition, and the image and likeness must come out as ugly
matter, or sinful matter, or sickly matter or impoverished matter. There is no other
As ye sow so shall ye reap. The whole Masters teaching is one of sowing. If you sow
in fertile soil you will reap the spiritual image, if you sow in barren soil you get nothing.
If you sow in rocky soil you get a few sprigs but then it withers. So the whole question
is— there is a you and this you in its true identity and true being is God expressed—God
manifest—God being Itself.
And that is the pattern shown thee on the mount. That is what your pouring into your
mind that your mind may show forth as manifestation on earth. Now, if you sow to the
flesh you will reap corruption. If you sow to the form of good and evil you will reap
because as ye sow, so shall ye reap whatever you plant that’s what you’ll get, and as ye
do unto others so it will be done unto you. It is a cosmic law and you make yourself the
victim of a cosmic law the very moment that you allow your mind to be filled with the
filth of human belief. The garbage of good and evil.
It is a marvelous thing to know that were as the world in its ignorance hasn’t the
power to sow to the spirit because the truth has been hidden from it for so long. But you
have come to a place where you are having revealed to you that you are the arbiter of
your own fate. That you stand behind yourself and determine the nature of what goes into

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your mind and that in its turn is going to determine the nature of what comes out in form
and manifestation.
Your soul is the creative principle. Your mind is the instrument through which the soul
takes form so that even your material body is spiritual form if so be you sow to the spirit.
But the very moment that you stand behind yourself and admit limitation, personal sense,
and all of the qualities of personal sense I, me, mine business, that is the minute that you
are forming a mold in the mind which tomorrow must produce itself in the forms of
matter and then we wonder why God is punishing us.
No God doesn’t punish. God is too pure to behold inequity and God is not even aware
of our needing punishment, our punishment is all determined by cosmic law, by a law
that we sow and reap. Cosmic law is that which we do, we will, before we are through,
come to that in the sermon on the mount whereby we learn that ye have heard it said of
old but I say unto you. And then you will quickly see why it is that if you abide by what
they said of old you will be sowing to the human scene and reaping the human discords
of life. It’s true, you can reap some of the human harmonies, it is possible without God,
without truth to get a healthy body and a wealthy purse but there is no satisfaction in
them and no permanence in them and there is no assurance of their continuity. The only
assurance we can ever have of harmony in our experience is a God derived harmony.
Once we live in move and have are being in truth, from that time on our days and
nights and weeks and months and years are a continuous flow of peace. We will have
problems but we will have problems because the urge in us will send us out to teach these
things to others some of whom will throw them right back in our face and some will
trample on us and the pearls that we offer to the world because this truth deprives the
world of much that it would cling to. Don’t forget that the world is seeking good—
material good—sensual good—pleasurable good in its way of life. But the world is not
yet prepared to exchange those for the joys of spiritual good because it has no awareness
of what the nature of spiritual good is. How can a person who has never had spirit know
what it’s like and what it will do.
Do you see now why, over and over and over it is repeated in the writings—those of
you, and there are quite a few of you here who were in that first Honolulu closed class
will remember that the very essence of that class was—God as individual being. It is
because, except in ignorance there are no laws to operate on you for your good or your
evil, you become the law of the good unto yourself and you permit laws of evil to operate
by not asserting that there is an I, a me who stands behind my live and governs it. There
is an I and a me, who has God given dominion over everything in the skies, in the air on
the earth and in the seas beneath the earth. We have a God given dominion and there is a
part of us which is called man, man with a capital M, or Christhood or Selfhood. There is
a part of us whose name is “I”. A new name give I unto you… I am. There is a part of us
which is I, and that part of us is God being and it is that God being which derives from
the infinite source an absolute dominion over my body, over my business, over my home,
over my activities. True, the moment we permit others to come into our lives that
dominion is not absolute because we yield some of it in consideration to husband or wife
or child or something else.

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But to start lead us realize this, there is an I. There is an I that governs me. There is an
I that governs mine. That I is called Joel. I Joel, am man and an individual expression of
God’s own being and I stand here behind myself, and, permitting those things to enter my
mind which come from God. Not those things which come from man, from superstition,
from books which come from God. That is why throughout the message of the Infinite
Way you will find that prayer raised to its highest level is without words or thoughts. It is
a state of receptivity in which you are open like this—“I and my father are one, yet the
father is greater than I”, “speak lord thy servant heareth” and then I receive God’s
grace—God’s wisdom—God’s life—God’s power—God’s judgment and it flows out.
Remember, it won’t do that if there is a trace of selfishness in the motive. If there is a
trace of self seeking for personal gain whether its money, power, influence, dominion or
even the control of a patient or student’s life the power is lost. Because, the power of God
is freedom. Where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom.
I can so open my self that the spirit of God flows through me to you either in words or
in silence but when you walk out of this door you are free in that Christ and I hold no
government or jurisdiction or control over you not even to the.. not even to the point of a
membership. You are released, you are free you are your own being in Christ. You can
return at your will for guidance, for help with this—but it is you who determines that.
You govern your own life and in no wise would I even seek jurisdiction over my own
child’s life, it is set free in its Christhood and I share with it whatever is given to me of
the father. So must your attitude the toward life towards life.
I have told the story of the salesman who had come to the place where he realized that
he had to acknowledge God in all his ways and as he went around and had good business
of course it was easy for him to thank God for this wonderful good business that he was
getting but this day he went into the store and the merchant said I don’t need anything—
I’m not buying anything and for a moment he wondered how he was going to thank God
and what for and then remembered—well, thank God the man had judgment enough not
to buy if he didn’t need anything.
So it is, unless our whole being is so freed of personal gain, personal profit, personal
powers we are not liberating our students into their Christ Freedom nor would you in turn
be liberating your family or your customers or the world at large into their freedom.
And so I say this to you, don’t try to sit in judgment as to right or wrong but learn that
this I, Joel, or I, you, can open itself to spiritual influence, spiritual guidance, spiritual
direction, spiritual protection and let it flow. And then as the temptation comes for these
thoughts of selfishness or judgment, criticism, condemnation as these come in try to
remember that as you sow, so shall ye reap and let not these ideas with thoughts of
mortality find lodgment. That will not in any wise take your judgment from you in the
sense of believing that every crook is honest—not that at all. It’s only that at least you’ll
have an understanding of what makes them crooked and you won’t hold them in quite the
condemnation that you otherwise would.
There is only reason to be of little bit strong in our attitude towards those that the
Master termed spiritual wickedness in high places. Those who are entrusted either with a
ministry of the spirit or the ministry of a people, a race, a nation—those we have right to
hold strictly accountable for their conduct and make short work of those who it may be
revealed that they are not fulfilling the integrity of their office. And that not remember in

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a sense of condemnation of their person for the simple reason that we know why all men
sin, whether they do it in the religious world or whether they do it in government world
or the banking world or ordinary street corner grocery stores we know why—they have
not learned that the “I” of their being is God and they are afraid that the little I which they
think they are will become a victim of circumstances and conditions and depressions and
lack and limitation and one thing and another. They can be forgiven seventy times seven
for those things.
When you are called upon for help from this minute on, quickly remember that your
mind imbued with true is the law of healing unto to any person or any situation that is
presented to you. Because the mind that is filled with ignorance, sin, disease isn’t really
power it’s an arm of flesh. Don’t treat it as if it had to be treated, as if it had to be got
rid of, as if it had to be reformed or overcome, don’t try to tell anyone how perfect they
should be or are—all healing work is done silently within your own consciousness
without speaking to the one to be healed beyond giving them the assurance that you are
helping them.
But the inner realization must be, whatever the nature of this mind or body that is
being presented to me it is the arm of flesh and my mind and my soul imbued with this
truth of God’s Allness, Omnipotence, Omnipresence is the law of resurrection, of healing
unto this situation, unto this person, unto this condition. Never forget that it isn’t a far off
God that does this work, it is your mind when your mind is imbued with truth. That is
why it is possible for us to have thousands of practitioners all over the world some of
whom were sinners, some of whom were ordinary humans, some of whom were very fine
women, some of whom were housewives with no thought ever of spiritual healing power,
some are businessmen, some are… well I know one doing fine healing work in a prison
who himself was one of the world’s great criminals, now doing healing work in New
York City prison. Yes, a mind filled with that can’t heal—a mind purified of that can.
Judas Iscariot may be on earth today doing healing work. Who knows? He had enough
of spiritual inspiration at his time so that any temporary sense of sin must have quickly
left him and he should have been a ripe subject for someone to get hold of and bring back
to his father’s house. And so it is, there is no man and no woman so deep dyed in sin that
they cannot ultimately be the healing influence in this world, in a small community,
nationally or internationally. Certainly one of our truly great mystics, Frances Thompson
was about as degraded in sin as any human who ever walked the earth and he left some of
the most beautiful works of Godliness that any man has left on earth.
And so you see it is the same mind, your mind, but your mind imbued with truth
becomes a healing agency and it has to be a spiritual one. It becomes up prospering
agency, it becomes a forgiving agency to sin and sinners, to those in lack and limitation
that’s sin too, to those in disease, that’s sin too.
Accept the responsibility that is being placed upon your shoulders. Ye are the
light of the world if you have accepted Christ Jesus as a teacher, as a revelator, as a
leader as an inspiration then you must accept the demand—go even out into the
world and heal the sick and raise the dead. How can do that? With your mind
imbued with truth. With your mind recognizing your true identity. I and the father
are one and by the grace of God all the power of God has been given to me in the
form of dominion over all things. Thank you.

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