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A Sad Day in the Garden

When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adams sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned. Romans 5:12 Welcome and music Review the 4 Cs Review last weeks topic and memory verse: The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Psalm 19:1 Briefly review the days of creation following media. Emphasize that at the end of each day God saw that it was good. Review discussion questions: o Hat did God use to create the world on days 1-5? He spoke it into existence o How were people created? People were created by God from dust and he breathed them into life o Who were the first people? Adam and Eve Tell the story of the Garden and the fall using the PowerPoint presentation and diorama illustrating the garden before and after the fall. Discussion questions: o What did God use to create Eve? A rib from Adam o Where did Adam and Eve live? Garden of Eden o Describe the garden o Would you like to live in a place like the Garden of Eden? Why? o What did God tell Adam about their food? They could eat everything except for the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil o What is good? What is evil? Another name for evil is sin o Emphasize that Adam and Eve had a choice. Explain that God gives us a free will to make wise choices. God gave Adam and Eve everything yet they chose to disobey and sin. Satan deceived Eve and Adam sinned willfully. What were the consequences of their bad choice? Sin entered the world o Does Adam and Eves choice affect us today? Yes, we are all sinners Memory verse: For all have sinned; we all fall short of Gods glorious standard. Romans 3:23 Small group activity: 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th Old Enough to Know o Supplies: activity sheets, watches/timer o Start with activity page 1. Have kids pair up to time one another to see how quickly they can name the colors. o Repeat the activity with activity page 2 having the kids name the colors. o Discussion: How did reading complicate the activity? Sin works the same way by getting in the middle of our relationship with God. When we were young, we could not read, but we could name the different colors. It was easy to tell our mom or dad something was red, green, or yellow. We even had fun naming the different colors. When we were young, we also did not know too much about sin. We knew when we did something wrong. However, we did not know the full consequences of our sin.

It is sort of like learning to read. After we learn to read, words take on meaning. They become important. With the second page, it was more difficult to say the color because our ability to read the words interfered with our ability to focus only on the color. That is the way sin is. Now that we are older, we can feel sin as a real presence in our lives and not merely doing something wrong. We begin to see sin for what it really is: disobedience to God. We begin to see how sin affects our relationship with God. Small group activity: Pre-K, K God Says Obey o Play the game like Simon Says substituting with God Says. When the kids repeat the directions say Way to obey! If they do the action when you havent said God Says first they can sit down where they are. The last person standing up wins. For preschoolers you make just have them copy the actions rather than listen for God Says. o Optional commands to use: Hop on one foot Pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time Take three hops backward/forward Make a funny face Hug your neighbor Do 3 jumping jacks Say Jesus loves me Close one eye Sit down and jump back up Small group activity: Everyone Garden of Eden Before & After o Supplies: Paper plates, brass fasteners, picture pages, scissors, glue, markers o Optional: For pre-K and kindergartners you may cut out their pictures ahead of time to simplify the craft o Glue the tree in the center of the paper plate. Decorate one side pretty to illustrate the garden before the fall. Decorate the other side with the ugly things to show sin entering the world. Cut a second plate in half attach it to the front of the other plate with the brass fastener. This should allow the front plate to spin revealing one side of the picture at a time. Optional: Have kids write the verse on the front plate.

Old Enough to Know

Activity Page 1 Name___________________ Time____________________ See how long it takes you to name the colors

Old Enough to Know

Activity Page 1 Name___________________ Time____________________ See how long it takes you to name the colors (Not read the words!)

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