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co EAI OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE® LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION We declare for all due purposes that Mr. LUCAS DE OLIVEIRA MACHADO, holder of CPF 154.279.917-19 and IDENTITY 23.340.790-7 RJ, was our employee, performing the role of waiter, from 03/18/2019 to 04/04/2023, with nothing in our records that discredits it. Rio de Janeiro, November 2, 2023. It7.261 vibe mone ol UTBACK oSnanraeS Lee OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE RESTAURANTES BRASIL S/A SARAH SALES A. DA SILVA ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT es EE OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE® CARTA DE REFERENCIA Declaramos para os devidos fins que o Sr. LUCAS DE OLIVEIRA MACHADO, portador do CPF 154.279.917-19 e IDENTIDADE 23.340.790-7 Ru, foi nosso funcionario, exercendo a fungao de atendente de restaurante, no periodo de 18/03/2019 & 04/04/2023, nao tendo em nossos registros nada que o desabone. Rio de Janeiro, 02 de novembro de 2023. W7.261, ‘ao. e0uonge UTBA‘ RESTAURANTES Shao a ‘ haracan 97 eae "isc st Sea OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE RESTAURANTES BRASIL S/A SARAH SALES A. DA SILVA ASSISTENTE ADMINISTRATIVO

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