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Principles of Management Nicky Howell 10/15/2011

Chapter 8 Self Learning Questions Rate two organizations for Innovation Measures. Rate 1-5 1=dont agree at all to 5 =- agree completely. My answers Column A, Interviewers answers Column B, ideal answers Column C Innovation Measures Item of Measure Creativity is encouraged here. People are allowed to solve the same problems in different ways. I get free time to pursue creative ideas. The organization publicly recognizes and also rewards those who are innovative. Our organization is flexible and always open to change. Column A Your Organization 2 2 Column B Other Organization 3 4 Column C Your Ideal 5 5

1 4

3 4

4 5

Below, score items on the opposite scale: 1 = agree completely all the way through 5 = dont agree at all. Innovation Measures Item of Measure The primary job of people here is to follow orders that come from the top. The best way to get along here is to think and act like the others. This place seems to be more concerned with the status quo than Column A Your Organization 4 Column B Other Organization 4 Column C Your Ideal 3

with change. People are rewarded more if they dont rock the boat. New ideas are great, but we dont have enough people or money to carry them out.


What comparisons about innovative climates can you make from these two organizations? They are relative the same, but her organization is more open to change whereas my organization (being oil and gas) is less room for creativity and more room for effectiveness. My company tends to appreciate those who are innovative and creative, but it is not encouraged. Her company leans the other way.

2. How might productivity differ when there is either a climate that supports innovation versus a climate that does not support innovation? Productivity would differ greatly if it was supported because more ideas and solutions may present themselves if creativity is allowed. A climate that does not support innovation cuts off its nose to spite its face in so many words. It is difficult to come up with new ways to better the organization if the environment for freedom of creativity is not encouraged. There are many ways to brainstorm and come up with more efficient ways to encourage productivity for those employees that thrive in a creative environment. 3. In which type of place would you rather work? Why? I would much rather work in an environment that encourages creativity and productivity because that is the environment in which I thrive. I like the freedom to brainstorm and create for new ideas concerning productivity, efficiency and worker satisfaction. New ideas can be formed, strategies can be put in to practice and there are many different things that can come from a positive environment.

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