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Almost all of the above 1. Uneven-some portions of the paper achieve the standards of A paper, but the writer is unable to sustain the effect throughout the paper. 2. Some elements of the A paper present throughout the document , but other significantly missing. 3. Consistently good writing-a matter of degree. The writing is clearly the product of an insider; speaks to the context, transaction or event between reader and writer; exhibits control and vigor in its thought , development , and

expression. However, the writing lacks the characteristically fresh, original, even imaginative treatment of an A paper. C = Typically, the C paper elicits a variety responses of that mean the same thing: so, so okay competent not bad pretty good acceptable. Usually, the C paper requires radical revision and extensive editing (but not much proofing). The organization is logical but often mechanical; the development fairly concrete but not vivid; the idea relevant but frequently trite, predictable and sometimes not sharply focus. The C paper speaks to context but not directly to the audience. The C paper differs from E and F writing in that it does achieve its purpose usually at the expense of a willing, symphathetic reader a reader who must supply some of support, be inclined to go along with the author , cand plod through some wordy and awkward expressions. D and F = Most reader are unwilling to make the distinction. Three comments cover the situation :it fails to communicate, its incompetent, or I neither wish nor am able to read on.

Evaluation Criterian-Sample #2 A = FOCUS Genuine and deep insight, skillfully maintained and developed DEVELOPMENT Material developing the focus indicates the writer has an acute ability to observe and extract from what he or she sees or read. Wise selection of details and effectively present them. The writer establishes an authentic

and controlled voice which comes close to mastering its effect on the audience.

STYLE Sentences are generally grammatically correct and vocabulary correctly used. However, diction tends to be generic and vague, sentences a repetition of subject-verb patterns without punctuated modifiers that improve flow. Cliches may be present. CONVENTIONS Some distracting errors in punctuation, grammar and spelling.

D and F

Both grades usually result from one or more of the following: gross underdevelopment, excessive conventions error, inappropriate treatment of topic.

Preparing to grade subjective instruments and Processes 1. Review grading criteria sheets, probably several times. 2. Further turn your piano by reading models of A though F papers from the past 3. Write your own exam answer or papers. If the evaluation calls for a pro or con positive, write both. If the evaluation requires a certain type of documentation, include example of each. If the evaluation provides choices of treatment, write models of each. Not only will this activity further tune your grading perspective, it may help you identify problems with the evaluation instrument or process (assessment!).

Grading Advice 1. Grade exam and papers in random order. Frequently, teachers begin with students who already have As or high Bs, looking for the candidates for the models they are hoping for. Bias can result, so can grading on a curve-both to be avoided. 2. Critical commentary should be balanced, providing insight to weak and strong elements for each student.

3. Void the tendency to spent more time giving feedback to weaker responses and less for strong. The A student deserve to know how and why their effort succeed, even if you feel you are commenting on the obvious. 4.

Academic Dishonesty ITEM : A public school teacher in Kansas failed several students for plagiarizing papers. When they school board failed to support her decision, the event became a national news story. Newspaper interviewed several hundred senior from several high school in the area concerning their attitude toward plagiarism with suprising result. Among their comments: Whats the big deal ? everybody does it. What do you expect? They give us this impossible papers and expect a perfection! who cares? Whats the purpose of a 20-page paper using 20 sources? Just busywork. Apparently, a culture of cheating is not only common; its accepted,. Rationalized. ITEM : A newspaper report of widespread cheating in Canadian college class receive considerable attention because, believe it or not, the student cheated on an ethics exam. Of course, the irony is obvious, but not the problem. ITEM : At a Massachusetts community college several years ago, the class president was dismissed from the school for submitting an obscure poem as his own. The assignment-simply Write a poem on any subject and in any form. Grading merely pas/fail. The teacher made clear he was willing to accept any honest attempt (irony). So the student, overwhelmed by the relatively minor and simple assignment, went to library and found a short poem by the metaphysical poet George Herbert. What the student thought was obscure turn out to be part of the professor doctoral dissertation!. ITEM : A college teacher in Midwest announced to his class, One of you has plagiarized your paper. If you come to see me, Ill discuss reding it. Within two days, seven students arrived at his office door to accept his invitation!.

Each of this stories had a newsworthy twist, but what goes unreported show common academic dishonesty is. Most teacher have run one or more form of academics dishonesty during their teaching career. Few emerge from the experience without at least some lingering discomfort. The offences may range from something as simple as a student looking sideways at another students answer (easy to do and hard prevent in todays overcrowded classrooms) to full-scale case of plagiarism of a major assignment. At many colleges, course outlines carry a warning. For example, plagiarism occurs when a student presents, as his or her own work, material which is, in whole or in substantial part, in someones else word. The penalty of plagiarized assignment is a grade of zero on that assignment. You should note the only words is mentioned. What about art, graphics, a flow chart, an equation or solution? Also note that student only fails assignment. In some school, plagiarism can result in an F in the course or even academic dismissal from the institution.

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