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2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong


Fuzzy Logic based Static Synchronous Series

Compensator(SSSC) for Transient Stability
V.K.Chandrakar and A.G.Kothari

Abstract: A fuzzy logic approach is applied to coordinate This paper investigates the static synchronous series
two control inputs: in phase voltage and quadrature voltage compensator (SSSC) FACTS controller performance in
control of static synchronous series compensator(SSSC) to terms of transient stability improvements. The two control
improve the transient stability of a SMIB system. The main variables: magnitude of injected voltage(Vpq) and phase
aim of the paper is to analyze the effect of coordinated fuzzy
angle of Vpq are available for power flow control of the
logic based SSSC on real power flow, damping of first swing
and to improve transient stability margin of a single power system. The injected voltage phasor can be
machine infinite bus system. The two different controllers decomposed into in-phase and quadrature components with
namely;[i] Conventional power oscillation damping respect to sending end voltage VS. The, in-phase voltage
controller of SSSC(NFLC) ,[ii] Fuzzy logic based components affects the magnitude of the resultant voltage
coordinated controller of SSSC (CFLC) are considered for Vse and the quadrature voltage component cause a shift in
their comparative studies . Fuzzy rules for the controller are the phase angle. Thus, in- phase and quadrature
based on measurable components of the transmission line. components are more readily related to the reactive and real
Simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy logic based power flows in the transmission system[6] .
controller provides satisfactory performance in terms of
The coordination of the two control signals through an
increase in power transfer capability ,improved damping of
transients and transient stability margin of the test system. analytical technique is very difficult because of their
The performance of the controller is validated using interaction through internal DC power flow and the
advance software MATLAB. nonlinear nature of SSSC.
Key words: SSSC, Fuzzy logic Controller, Coordination,
Transient stability

The need for flexible and fast power flow control in
the transmission system is anticipated to increase in the
future in view of utility deregulation and power wheeling srrie.5 cJ+
requirement . The utilities need to operate their power
transmission system much more effectively , increasing
their utilization degree. Reducing the effective reactance
of lines by series compensation is a direct approach to Fig.( 1): Schematic diagram of SSSC
increase transmission capability. However, power transfer
capability of long transmission lines is limited by stability The fuzzy logic approach has an advantage over the
conventional control approach in that it does not require
precise numerical values of the control inputs and the
The advent of fast acting FACTS devices[l] allows
system parameters . Fuzzy logic control is an ideal and
for fast and vernier control of series compensation using
suitable approach for controlling a SSSC.
Thyristor controlled series capacitor(TCSC) and static
synchronous series compensator (SSSC)[ 1 I],[ 12],[ 141.
The block diagram in Fig.(2) represents the basic
TCSC is variable impedance device based on thyristor
configuration of the generic fuzzy logic decision making
,while SSSC is based on voltage source converter(VSC) .
logic (DMS) system[2],[4]. The fuzzy DMS system receives
Schematic diagram of SSSC is shown in Fig.( 1).
the input from the plant via sensors. The inputs are fuzzified
In recent years, Voltage sourced converter (VSC)
during the fuzzification interface(F1) consisting of the
based series connected FACTS controller known as the
membership functions that assigns a crisp input to a
new FACTS generation, can inject a voltage with
linguistic group. The decision making logic(DML) then
controllable magnitude and phase angle at the line
evaluates the rules stored as knowledge base (KB)for the
frequency and found to be more capable of handling
received fuzzy inputs. The combinations of the input
power flow control, improvement of transient stability
linguistic values result in several system conditions
margin and improve damping of transient.
simultaneously, with different degrees of membership. An
V.K.Chandrakar Department of Electrical Engineering, G.H.R.C.E, appropriate linguistic control output is assigned to each
Nagpur - 16, India (vkchandrakar~satvam.nst.in),(91-07 104-236383) condition of this system. The assignment is based on priori
knowledge of the system and in the form of a look-up table
A.G.Kothari, Department of Electrical Engineering, V.N.LT, Nagpur, of fuzzy rules.
India ( 91-0712-2231475)

2004 E E E International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

The resulting linguistic output values are combined by ( ii) Phase angle shifter Emulation mode: the reference input
a defuzzifier (DFI) using suitable defuzzification method is displacement between the sending end voltage and
[2],[4]. In this paper,the centroid calculation approach is receiving end voltage.
chosen for defuzzification. Fuzzy logic controllers do not ( iii) Line impedance Emulation mode: the reference input is
require a mathematical model of the system and it covers an impedance value to insert in series with the line
a wider range of operating conditions. impedance.
( iv) Automatic power flow control mode: the reference
inputs are values of P and Q to maintain on transmission
line despite system changes.
CT In this paper automatic power flow mode is used for
real power control. The mathematical model of SSSC for
dynamic simulation is shown in fig.(4).
Fig.(2) : A generic Fuzzy DMS

In this paper , SSSC performance in terms of real

power flow, transient stability and enhancement of
stability margin of the SMIB system are considered for
their comparative analysis with two different controllers
of SSSC namely: [i] conventional power oscillation
damping controller[NFLC]; [ii] Fuzzy logic based Fig.(4) : SSSC model
coordinated controller of SSSC[CPZC]. The local
measurable components of the transmission line are used The injected voltage Vpq is perpendicular to the line current
for design of NFLC and CFLC controllers[8]. Iline and the phase angle of IIine is ahead of Vpq. By the
control of the magnitude of Vpq as shown in fig.(S),the
I1 SYSTEM MODEL series compensation damping control can be achieved.

The power system used in the study is single

machine infinite bus 345kv system(SM1B) as shown in
Fig(3). In this study ,a 34.5 Kv single circuit transmission
line of the length 4SOKm is considered .It is assumed that
each phase of the line has a bundle of two conductors and
the conductors are fully transposed . The series
impedance and shunt admittance of the line are found to
be 2=0.02986+ j0.2849 ohmkm and Y=j3.989*10(-6)
mhokm at system frequency. The results of the line are Fig.(5): Vector diagram
presented in pu on a IOOMVA ,345kv base . The other
data is given in appendix- I . I11 SSSC MODEL
Generaor Pansf”m Jmfit.de bus To achieve real and reactive power flow
control[6],[12] , we need to inject series voltage of the
appropriate magnitude and angle. The injected voltage can
be split into two components which are in-phase and in-
quadrature with the line current. The real power is
controlled using the reactive voltage and the reactive power
is controlled using the real voltage. The real and reactive
power reference is obtained from the steady state load flow
Fig.(3):Test system with SSSC at sending end of Line requirements. The real power reference can also be
modulated to improve damping and transient stability. The
The SSSC consists of a single series connected voltage at bus B (as shown in fig.(4) ) can be controlled
VSC in a transmission system as shown in Fig.(3). The readily by directly calculating the required real voltage to
series connected VSC can inject a voltage with be injected .In this paper reactive power control is applied
controllable magnitude and phase angle at the line indirectly by changing the voltage reference of bus B.
frequency. Thus ,a certain amount of real power is Further the mathematical modeling of proposed controllers
exchanged between the transmission system and the I and I1 are as:
series connected VSC. By the control of injected series
voltage, SSSC can be operated in four different Controller-I : Conventional power oscillation damping
ways[31,[51,[ 121J 14 1. controller of SSSC[NFLC]: The mathematical relations for
power flow control and voltage of bus B control are
( i ) Direct Voltage injection mode: The reference input developed with the help of simplified system shown in
are directly the magnitude and phase angle of the series fig.(6).

24 I
2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

“P1 t‘ R Since all quantities are locally available , we can easily
calculate real voltage eP(pq) to be injected to obtain the
desired voltage at bus B. The SSSC does not exchange any
real power with the system. However some power is

drawn to compensate for the losses. The DC side capacitor
is described by the dynamical equation:

dVdc/dt = (-gc wb/bc)* Vdc - idc*( Wb/bc) (13)

Fig.(6): Simplified test system where gc and bc are the conductance and susceptance
of the DC capacitor respectively. By using “1” to “13” the
(A) Power flow control: The real power control can be conventional power flow controller block diagram is
achieved by control of reactive voltage of injected voltage developed as shown in fig.(7). The rating of booster
Vpq. The differential equation for the current at bus B in transformer are chosen by trial and error method. The
the D-Q frame of reference are given by[6] : performance of controller-I for the control of SSSC are
tested and it is found effective as compare to with out SSSC
d iD/dt = (-R w b / x ) iD - WOiQ + wo/x ( VD(b) - VD(c)) in test system.
diQ/dt = (-R wb/x) iQ + WOiD + WO/x ( vQ(b) -vQ(c))

Vse I I
Wb is the base frequency and WO is system frequency .
The subscripts ‘D’ and ‘ Q’ denote the variable in D-Q
frame. [eD(pq , eQ(pq)] : are the components of injected
voltage Vpq. [ VD(a), VQ(a)l, tVD(b), VQ(b)] and [VD(c),
VQ(c) ] are the components of voltage at bus A, bus B and Fig.(7): Injected series voltage controller
bus C respectively. For the simplification ,it is assumed
that the sending end voltage VS is constant and power at Further investigation are made with optimization of
receiving end or at bus C is approximately equal to that at SSSC parameters by using the Fuzzy logic controller
bus B of the test system with SSSC therefore control of in controller-I.
power at bus B is applied. The feedback signal is readily
available. Real power at bus B in D-Q frame of reference Controller-11: Fuzzy logic based coordinated controller of
is: SSSC(CFLC): Fuzzy logic controller is one of the most
P(b) = vQ(b)* iD + vQ(b) * iQ (5) practically successful approaches for utilizing the qualitative
knowledge of a system to design a controller. Fuzzy logic has
Injected reactive and real voltage are written in terms of successfully been applied for feedback signal based
injected voltage in D-Q frame: coordination[2],[4]. The coordination of magnitude of
injected voltage Vpq and phase angle, based on fuzzy logic is
eR = eD(pq) * cos( 01) - eQ(pq) *sin(@) (6) developed . The proposed control strategy is as shown in
eP = eD(pq) * sin (0’)+ eQ(pq)*cos(@’) (7) fig.(@.

where (3l = tan- ( iD/iQ) (8)

(B) Bus B voltage control :

The voltage at bus B of test system as shown in fig.(5)

Fig.@): Fuzzy coordinated controller
is algebraically related to that at bus A and the reactive
voltage injected for power flow control . The voltage The real power at bus B (Pse) and voltage at bus B (Vse)
measurement is required to generate its switching control
relation is given by:
signals. Two derived inputs , namely, change in real
power (A Pse) at bus B and change in voltage at bus B (AVse)
V(b)= d{ (vD(b))**2 + (VQ(b))**2} (9) are applied to the fuzzy logic control design ,where the output
is the modulation index Ms. Normally, Ms should be grater
than zero. Ms is operated in the range (-1,l) in order to make
safe operation of the system. The gate signals are generated
VR(a) = VD(a) * cos (0’) - VQ(a)* Sin(@’) (1 1) using PWM converters. Fuzzy coordination controller
involves: (1) fuzzification ( 2 ) inference and (3)
VP(a) = VD(a) * Sin(@) + VQ(a) * COS(@’) (12) defuzzification unit.

2004 IEEE International Conference o n Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

(1): Fuzzification: Tablel: Inference system for coordinated series injected voltage
It is a process whereby the input variables are
mapped onto fuzzy linquistic variables . Each fuzzified
variable has a certain membership function. The
membership functions ,for both input and output are
chosen as triangular with 50% overlap , as shown in Fig(9)
& Fig.(lO).

have to be controlled so as to achieve maximum sending

end real power (Psen is at bus A) and receiving end real
power (Prec is at bus C). However, SSSC rating is limited.
The system transmission characteristics (sending end real
Fig.(9): Input membership functions power vs. transmission angle(6) ) were plotted with SSSC
controller-I and controller-I1 and their comparative power-
angle curve are shown in Fig.( 1 1).

a 4

% 3
Fig.(lO):Output membership functions

There are seven linguistic variables for each input variables

and output variables ,namely, 'Negative Big'(NB), I3
'Negative medium'(NM), 'Negative small'(NS), 'Zero'(Z),
'Positive small'(PS), 'Positive medium'(PM), 'Positive
f I

Big'(PB). The input linguistic variables to the fuzzy logic
for SSSC control are [k] =[Apse , AVse ] n
Tra"san Puqb n degree
(2) Inference:
Control decisions are made on the bases of fuzzified
fh.) :%en YS. q k CtFt'B tor !he
linguistic variables. Inference involves rules for
determining output decisions. The inputs variables having
Fig.(l I): Sending end real power vs. power angle of the test
seven fuzzified variables, the fuzzy coordination controller system with and without SSSC
has 49 rules for series voltage control . The min-max
inference is applied to determine the degree of Fig.(ll) indicates that, the Sending end real
memberships for output variables. Table1 shows the power(Psen) is maximum( Psen=3.6 p.u) at delta(6) =90" and
inference system for coordinated series injected power reaches to zero at delta(6)=180" in the absence of
voltage(CFLC). SSSC. Whereas with controller-I controlled SSSC in the test
system , Sending end power reaches to maximum ( Psen=
(3) Defuzzification 4.42 p.u) at delta(6)=90" and power reaches to zero at
The output variables of the inference system are delta@)= 180" . Power delta curve for controller-I1 controlled
linguistic variables. They must be converted to numerical SSSC in the test system, power reaches to maximum( Psen=
output. The fuzzy controller uses centroid method. The 4.55 p.u) at delta(6)=90" and power attends to zero at 180"
output of the fuzzy-coordination controller is .> 6 e 190" . Further more result indicates that the power
handling capacity and stability margin is increased. Hence the
14 equal area stability criteria leads to improvement in the
stability margin. Further investigations are made to test
effectiveness of proposed fuzzy based controller in terms
of damping of oscillations.
Where Ui corresponds to the value of control output for
which the membership values in the output sets are equal V: SIMULATON RESULT
to unity.
Digital simulation is carried out by the advance
1V: POWER-ANGLE CURVE A N D STABILITY MATLAB software. For the simulation, three phase fault is
considered at bus C( receiving end) for the fault duration of
In order to achieve the maximal SSSC effect on the 100 milliseconds( ms).
test system, during the critical period , SSSC parameters

2004 IEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 Hong Kong

The results of the digital simulation are shown in The simplicity of the design is the most attractive feature of
Fig.(l2) and Fig(l3). In the Fig.(l2:Al,Bl,Cl), the fuzzy based control scheme.
oscillograms of the quantities Sending end real power
(Psen), Sending end reactive power(Qsen) and Sending
end voltage(Vsen) is shown for the case of the test system
without SSSC. Result indicates that during pre fault
duration ,sending end real power is 3.60 p.u , where as
voltage of bus A is Vs= 1.02 p.u. During post fault
condition, the first swing is considerably large. It is one of
the objective to damp out the first swing. In
Fig.( 12:A2,B2,C2), the oscillograms of the quantities
sending end real power ( Psen) , reactive power(Qsen) and
bus A voltage ( Vsen) is shown for the case of the test
system with controller-I controlled SSSC. Result indicates
that during pre fault condition the real power (Psen) is 4.42
p.u , which is larger than without SSSC system . During
post fault condition the first swing is suppressed and
maintain the pre fault condition power flow and voltage of
bus A( Vsen = 1.02 p.u). It indicates that the controller-I
effectively working. The rating of booster transformer(
2900MVA) is chosen on the basis of trial and error
method. During fault condition voltage drop of bus A is
considerably arrested in case of test system with SSSC.

The digital simulation of coordinated fuzzy

based(control1er-11) controlled SSSC is shown in Fig.( 13).
Fig( 13:A2),indicates that, the pre fault real power flow
(Psen=4.56 p.u) is considerably increased as compared to
Fig.( 12:A2) under the same rating and condition of the test Fig(l2): Oscillograms for fault duration 100 ms of the test
system with and without SSSC(NFLC)
system. Controller-I1 is very effective to arrest voltage
drop as compared to without SSSC test system. During the
post fault condition the first swing is completely
suppressed and maintain the power flow & voltage profile
(Vsen) equal to pre fault condition. Fig.( 13:A2,B2,C2)
indicates the performance of proposed controller-I1 is
fulfills the main objective of this paper.
The comparative study of Fig.(l2) and Fig(l3)
justified that CFLC controlled SSSC is more effective
under the same system conditions. Fig.( 14) indicates that
the injected voltage is lags the line current wave form by
90" in case of test system with NFLC controlled SSSC. In
Fig.(l5), the injected voltage lags the line current wave
from by 90" in case of test system with CFLC controller.
The wave form of sending end voltage (Vs), injected
voltage (Vpq) and line current( Iline) follows the Fig.(S):
vector diagram.

A fuzzy logic based controller-II(CFLC) for SSSC has
been proposed to improve transient stability . The fuzzy
rules has been designed to maximize power flow and
minimize the first swings. The rules have also been
designed to maximize the transient stability margin of
the SMIB system. Simulation results show that the
fuzzy logic controller provides a system performance
that meets the designed objective . The results at different
operating conditions demonstrate the robustness of the
controller. Comparative study of proposed controllers of Fig.(l3): Oscillograms for fault duration 100 ms of the test
system with and with out SSSC(CF'LC)
SSSC proved that controller-II(CFLC) performance is
better than the controller -I (NFLC).

2004 TEEE International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation, Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT2004) April 2004 H o n g K o n g

VI: APPENDIX- 1 [ 131 The Math Works Inc. Simulink Users Guide, The Math
Power system model: Works Press, Natick , Mass, 1992
Base voltage = 345kv, MVA(Base) = IOOMVA
System frequency = 60 Hz [14] K. Sen. “SSSC- Static Synchronous Series Compensator : Theory
modeling and application.”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 13( 1):
Generator: 250 MVA, 13.8 KV 241-246, January 1998.
Transient data is referred from [5,6]
Transmission line: n, i

R1= 0.01273 omhkm, RO = 0.3864 omh/km

L1= 0.9337e-3 H/km , LO = 4.1264e-3 H/km
C1= 12.74e-9 F k m , CO = 7.751e-9 F k m
Length of line: 450 km
Booster transformer:
2900MVA, 1Oe613.6e6 Vrms, frequency= 60cls
R(pu) = 0.002 , X(pu) = 0.05
Rm(pu) = 20 ,Xm(pu) = 200
Low pass filters:
Tl=lOe-3sec., T2=0.le-3sec., T3= 0.3 e-3sec.

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